
Page numbers in italics indicate an exhibit on the corresponding page and page numbers in bold indicate a table on the corresponding page.

AACSB (American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business) 186

absolutism 24

Academy of Business in Society (ABIS) 4, 186

accountability frameworks 98101

accuracy, defined 11

Adler, Nancy J. 117

advantage-based ethics 37

Advertising Directives (EU) 150

advertising morality 150151

Affirmative Action Initiative 141

African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries 97

African Development Bank 70

African Peace Facility 2015 Annual Report 97

African Union (AU) 130

agreement, defined 11

agreement of the community 131

Aguado, Ricardo M. 114

Ahn, Mark J. 180

Albee, Ernest 27

Allison, John A. 41

Alexander the Great 7

ALTER-EU alliance (Alliance for Lobby Transparency and Ethics Regulation) 105

altruism 168

AMBA (the Association of MBAs) 186

ambidextrous learning 84

American pragmatism 910

American values 110112

Angst, defined 111

Anti-Bribery Statute 130

anti-corporate sentiment 162

Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies 16

Appiah, Kwame A. 29

April, Kurt 45

Aquinas, Thomas 23, 24

Argyris, Chris 167

Aristotle 7, 24

associateship 6869

Audi, Robert 148

auditor-client relationship 160161

Aurelius, Marcus 22

authentic leadership 49

autonomy 135136

Baby Boomers 112

Bakan, Joel 36

Ban Ki-moon 69

base of the pyramid (BOP) regions 71

Bass, Bernard M. 178

Basu, Kaushik 71

Bauman, Zygmunt 116

Becker, Gary S. 39

Behrman, Jack N. 107

Benedict XVI, Pope 30, 183

Benhabib, Seyla 10, 73

Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, Inc. 108

Between Enterpris and Ethics (Hendry) 188

bilateral agreements 16

Blood, David 43

Boatright, John R. 121

Bowie, Norman E. ix, xiii, 2, 131, 136, 139

brain interactions 117

Bribery Act (2010) 155

Brown, Michael E. xiv, 14, 181

Brundtland Commission 165

Buckley, Peter J. 75, 90

Buddhism 32, 94

Burns, James McGregor 49

Bush, George W. 28

Business as a Calling (Novak) 46

business enterprise values 112117

business ethics: corporate social responsibility vs. 6263; economic perspective 8089, 86, 88; as ethics of conditions 38; moral behavior 8285; teaching human centered management 112117

Business in Society LLC 4, 171

Business Principles for Countering Bribery 129130

Callahan, Daniel 173

CalPERS (California Public Employees’ Retirement System) 6869

Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, The (Deigh) 21

Camenisch, Paul 171

Canals, Jordi 187

Canons of Ethics for Engineers and Rules of Professional Conduct 121122

capabilities approach 8182

capacity building 178180, 179

capitalism 4, 25, 3944

Carr, Albert 28

Carroll, Archie B. 8, 58, 177

Catholic Church 67

Catholic Social Thought 3031, 91

cause-effect relationships 181182

Caux Round Table 4, 47, 174

caveat emptor 150


Centesimus Annus 115

Charter of the United Nations 17

Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) 154

Chinese free market system 94

Chomsky, Noam 36

Chorafas, Dimitris N. 119

Christianity 3031, 94

citizenship 6869

civil society organization (CSO) 99100, 107, 138, 162163

Ciulla, Joanne B. xiv, 23

co-determination 121

collective learning 3

collective level of stakeholder relations 139141

collectivist decision-making 76

Collins, Jim C. 170

Combined Code on Corporate Governance 146

commerciality 6869

common good 183184

communication effectiveness 8

communicative action in societal relationships 1012

communities and stakeholder relations 161164

community support 63

company-sponsored voluntary work 61

compensation structures 43

Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) 150, 151

competition/competitors 37, 157158

Competitive Advantage Through People (Pfeffer) 136137

compliance concerns 173

concern mechanism 29

Conference Board of Canada 86

conflict-of-interest situations 160, 173

conformity with a group 45

congruency, defined 11

Connect: How Companies Succeed by Engaging Radically With Society (Browne, Nuttall, Stadlen) 170

connectivity and communication 84

conscientious stakeholder management 87

conscious capitalism 42

consequentialism 27

content, defined 51

context-related factors 168169

contextualism 108

control-autonomy duality 137

coordinated international policies 4546

corporate accountability 151

corporate citizenship 73

corporate ethics codes 122127, 125

corporate performance 87

corporate psychopaths 36

corporate social responsibility (CSR): business case for 5862; business ethics vs. 6263; human centered paradigm 6365; introduction to 6; rights of businesses over 19; small and medium enterprises and 92; social perspective 5665; stakeholder relations with 53

Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative at Harvard Business School 185

corruption and free-riding 129132

Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 129

Cory, Jacques 159160

Coutts, Louis 185

Covey, Stephen R. 21

Crane, Andrew 12, 44, 138, 168, 175

creative capitalism 42

cultural identity 111

Cumberland, Richard 27

customers/consumers and stakeholder relations 147151

cyber-deviance 145

Daboub. Anthony J. 10, 13

D’Amato, Alessia 62

Danone experiment in Mexico 143

Darwin, Charles 168

Data Protection Directive (EU) 145

decision-making process 4849, 121

Defense Criminal Investigative Service 146

de Montaigne, Michel 36

deontism 2324

dependent stakeholders 14

Descartes, René 36

d’Estaing, Olivier Giscard 47

d’Estaing, Valéry Giscard 47

Dewey, John 10

Deus Caritas Est 30

dharma, defined 3233

dialogue, defined 15

d’Iribarne, Philippe 143

discourse ethics 10

discretionary activities 60

diversity in corporate social responsibility 63

Dodd-Frank Act (2010) 146

Donaldson, Thomas 85, 97, 158

Doris, John M. 44

Drucker, Peter F. 3, 99, 126

dualism 117

du Gay, Paul 35, 169

duty-based reasoning 2324

ecological inclusiveness 72

economic inclusiveness 6970

economic perspective: ethics-led corporate performance 8589, 86, 88; human centered paradigm 78; impact on markets and society 8993, 93; introduction to 46, 80; market based approaches to business ethics 8089, 86, 88; multi-stakeholder dialogues 9, 18, 19

economic responsibility 5859

eco-preneurship 75

eco-social business 75

Effective Altruism movement 168

effective communication 8

efficiency 117120

egalitarian reciprocity 11

Emiliani, M.L. 182

employee support 63

employer-employee relationship 135147

Employment Court of Wuppertal 146

enablers of human centered management 4448, 47

engagement mechanisms 12

English Civil War 26

enlightened self-interest 56

Enron 37, 48, 96, 128, 146, 160

Enterprise Development Fund 42

environmental damages 161

environmental support 64

Equal Employment Opportunity Act (1972) 141

EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System for Universities) 186

equitability 6569

Ernst & Young 126

esprit de corps 112

ethical decision-making 27

Ethical Leadership Questionnaire 50, 50

ethical perspective: Buddhism 32; capitalistic society 3944; Christian tradition 3031; effects of 4855; enablers of human centered management 4448, 47; Hinduism 3233; human centered paradigm 78; introduction to 3, 2123; Islam 3132; Judaism 31; moral theory in economic thought 3739; multi-stakeholder dialogues 9, 18, 19; philosophical agenda of 2325; rationales 2937; societal context 2529

Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) 162

ethics: corporate ethics codes 122127, 125; corporate performance and 8589, 86, 88; of discourse 110; in government and public office 101106; of institution 6; institutional perspective 120127; instrumental ethics 8081; Living Code 125; moral market framework 9698; in negotiations 151, 153155, 154; obligations and law 127129; professional ethics codes 121122; situational ethics 107; see also business ethics; morality

Ethics & Compliance Officer Association (ECOA) 125, 126

Ethics in Finance (Boatright) 121

Ethics of Lobbying, The report 103

Etzioni, Amitai, 38

European Commission 97, 104

European Economic Community (EEC) 148149

European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) 186

European Parliament 105

European School of Management and Technology, Berlin 176

European Transparency Initiative (2006) 105

European Union (EU) 97, 105106, 145, 149, 150 Everybody Matters. The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family (Chapman, Sisodia) 170

evil actions 128

exemplary business ethics curricula 174176

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) 162

extrinsic motivation 38

failure attitudes 119120

fairness in leadership 2

fair trade 156157

Fair Trade Labelling International 156

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) 149

feminine studies 76

Ferrell, O.C. 37, 85

Financial Management Standard (1997) 102

Fiorina, Carly 81

FLO (Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International) 156

follow-up, defined 15

Ford, Henry 74

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) 130

foreign operations 64

Fortune Global 500 leading companies 32

Forum for Sustainable Development of German Business 120

Francis, Pope 30

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management 176

Freeman, R.E. 5

free market 188

free-riding 129132

French Revolution 26

Friedman, Milton 40, 5657

Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) 162163

Fuelling the Fire: New Coal Technologies Spell Disaster for Climate (Walker) 163

functionings 46

Gandhism 94

Gates, Bill 42

General Electric 180

General Motors 152

GenX 112

German Code of Corporate Governance 120, 146

German co-habitation system 174175

German Development Bank 70

Ghana Grains Partnership with Yara International ASA 70

Gibson, Kevin 5

giving back 161

Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development 7071

Global Code for Ethics in Tourism Industry 78

Global Compact 57

global constitutionalism 73

Global Ethics University 109

globalization 162

Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GLRI) 186

Golden Rule 2728

Good Company: Business Success in the Worthiness Era (Bassi) 170

goodness itself 5

Goodpaster, Kenneth E. 65

Good Samaritan 45

Google 149

Gore, Al 43

government ethics 101106

Government Owned Corporations Act (1993) 102

Greenpeace 100, 162

green spirituality 34

gross domestic product (GDP) 51, 99

Groundwork for Moral and Responsible Leadership 169

Habermas, J. 10, 12

Hamidullah 32

Harvard Business Review 134 healthcare partnerships 18

Hendry, John 150, 188

Hinduism 3233

HIV/AIDS reduction in Angola 91

Hobbes, Thomas 23, 26, 28, 110

Hofstede, Geert 76

holistic training programs 174

Hollander, Edwin P. 50

Holy Bible 28

Homann, Karl 4, 12, 29, 3738, 80, 116117

homogeneity 108

human capital 84

human centered management: code of ethics 8589, 86, 88; corporate social responsibility 6365; corruption and free-riding 129132; effect on corporate performance 82; enablers of 4448, 47; ethical obligations and law 127129; ethics codes 120127; guiding patterns for 22; impact on business environment 5255, 52; inclusiveness in 72; introduction 1, 12, 107109; perspectives on 28; reciprocities 4851, 50; as transformational 49; value consensus 109120

human centered management education: capacity building 178180, 179; exemplary business ethics curricula 174176; introduction to 173; moral markets 180181; people-oriented 176177; principles-based education 173175, 175; process perspective 182183; role model perspective 183184; stakeholder relation perspective 184187; systems thinking and cause-effect 181182; teaching blocks 177187

human freedom 45, 46

Human Rights Council 99

Human Side of Enterprise, The (McGregor) 7778

Hume, David 28

hurry factor 45

hypernorms 97

illegal actions 128

immediate core stakeholders 14

immorality 23, 29, 152153

Impact of Budgets on People, The (Argyris) 167

implicate order 9

incentive-based ethics 37

inclusiveness: ecological inclusiveness 72; economic inclusiveness 6970; introduction to 69; in leadership 50; political inclusiveness 7374; social inclusiveness 7072

Indian Constitution 33

indifference 120

individualism 76, 150

individual level of stakeholder relations 141144

individual rationales 2937

informational privacy 144

information technology (IT) 137

in-group/out-group distinction 29

INSEAD business school 47

Institute for Social and Ethical AccountAbility 156

Institute of Business Ethics 126

institutional perspective: accountability frameworks 98101; government and public office ethics 101106; human centered paradigm 78; introduction to 67, 9495; moral market framework 9698; multi-stakeholder dialogues 9, 18, 19; policy agendas 95101

institutional void 94

instrumental association 68

instrumental ethics 8081

integral business 42

integrity 117120

intellectual capital performance 54

International Chamber of Commerce 6

International Commission of Jurists 17

International Federation of Social Workers 7071

International Index of Perceived Corruption 155

International Labour Organization (ILO) 99, 164

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 92

International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) 161162

intrinsic motivation 38

investment for mutual advantage 81

investor relations with stakeholders 158161

Isaacs, William 11

Islam 3132, 94

issue-related factors 168

Japanese Economic Planning Agency 147

Jews/Judaism 127

job insecurity 141

John Paul II, Pope 115 Johnson & Johnson 127

Joullié, Jean-Etienne 19

Journal of Corporate Law 126

Judaism 31

justified true belief 84

just market, defined 6667

Kant, Immanuel 56, 2629, 135136

Kaptein, Muel 12, 49, 53, 124125

Katz, Daniel 9

Kavaliauskas, Tomas 142

Keat, Russell 96

Kettle, Thomas M. 66

King, Mervyn 165

KLD (Kinder, Lydenberg, Domini) Socrates Database 52, 59, 6364

Kohlberg, Lawrence 44

Kramer, Mark 42

Kropotkin, Peter 28

Küng, Hans 33

Kyoto Protocol on Global Warming 72

Laffont, Jean-Jacques 6, 158

laissez-faire welfare system 65

leaders/leadership: fairness in 2; Machiavellian leader 23; management principles 2122; manager duties 53; morality of 167172; responsible leadership 91; social needs of employees 143144; toxic leaders 34

League of Nations 99

learning organization 84

legal obligations 127128

legal responsibility 59

legitimacy of stakeholders 14

level playing field 1314

Leviathan (Hobbes) 110

Levi Strauss workplace democracy 139

Lewis, C.S. 46

Lincoln, Abraham 22

Lin Hi, Nick 62, 81, 169

Living Code 125

Lobbying Disclosure Act (1995) 104

Locke, John 39, 41

Logic of Honor, The (d’Iribarne) 143

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 18

long-term core stakeholders 14

long-term profit maximization 159

López de Arriortúa, José Ignacio 152

Luhmann, Niklas 2

Maak, Thomas 51, 159, 185

Maastricht Principles on Extraterritorial Obligations of Nation States in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 17

Maastricht Treaty Social Chapter 139140

MacAskill, William 168

Machiavellian leader 23

MacIntyre, Alasdair 24

Madoff, Bernie 8, 37, 146

Malthus, Thomas Robert 164

management principles 2122

manager duties 53

man-made capital 165

Many Hands Dilemma 49

market based approaches to business ethics 8089, 86, 88

market economy 37, 8993, 93

market imperialism 40

market morality 180181, 188

masculine studies 76

Massaro, Maurizio 16

Matsumoto, David 76

Matten, Dirk 12, 44, 138, 168, 175

Maucher, Helmut 24

Mazal oubracha, defined 31

McGregor, Douglas Murray 7778, 167

McKinsey report 182

McMillon, Doug 171

Meditations (Aurelius) 22

Meltzer, Allan H. 5

Merck, George W. 5, 62

Mill, John Stuart 27

Millennials 112

Miller, David 68

mindfulness 34

Mitchell, Lawrence 3637

Moattama Gas Project 163164

Mohn, Reinhard 24

momentum, defined 51

monetary incentives 39

mood effects 45

Moore, Michael 36

moral autonomy 169

moral capitalism 41, 46

moral consciousness 126

moral desiderata 73

morality: advertising morality 150151; behavior and business 8285; competition/competitors 157158; defined 21; in economic thought 3739; immorality vs. 23, 29, 152153; in managers 180; market morality 180181, 188; overview of 167172; see also ethics

“moral manager-moral market” juxtaposition 120

moral market framework 9698

moral responsibility 5960

multi-stakeholder dialogues: building blocks of 1214; communicative action in societal relationships 1012; frameworks for preparing and conducting 1419, 18; introduction to 2, 810, 9; perspectives through 9, 18, 19

Murphy, Patrick E. 169

Nader, Ralph 146

Nash, Laura L. 134

national advisory committee 118

National Business Ethics Survey 125

National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) 121122

natural capital stock 166

need-based desires 147

Nef, John Ulric 177

negative duty 49

negotiation ethics 151, 153155, 154

Nestlé company 95, 150151, 163

Nicolson, Harold 76

Nobel Peace Prize laureate 74

Noll, Mark A. 30

non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 100

North, Douglass Cecil 94

Novak, Michael 46

Obama, Barack 104

obedience to authority 45

objectivism 40

OECD Anti-Bribery Recommendation 130

OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs 16

OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises 122123, 139

Office of Government Ethics 101, 102

open book management 84, 142143

Open Government Act (2007) 104

open-system model 89, 9

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 102

organizational deviance 48

organizational learning 13

organizational listening competency 12

Organization of American States (OAS) 130

Orthodox Christianity 31

osmosis in learning 13

Owen, Robert 43, 98

Paine, Thomas 65

Parsons, Talcott 2

Pascal, Blaise 116

personal development 46

Pfeffer, Jeffrey 136137

philanthropic activities 43, 60

philosophical agenda 2325, 4648, 47

Pies, Ingo 74

policy agendas 95101

political community 26

political inclusiveness 7374

politics (Alexander the Great) 7

Porter, Michael E. 42

power distance 76

power of stakeholders 14

Prahalad, C.K. 41, 63, 71, 8081

price-fixing 158

PricewaterhouseCoopers 86

prima facie duties 67

principal-agent issue 158159

principle-centered leadership 21

principle-driven culture 174

principles-based education 173175, 175

Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Initiative 4

Principles of Ethical Conduct for Government Officers and Employees 101

privacy in workplace 144147

private bribery 155

proactive social responsibility 93

process initiation 15

process perspective 182183

Procurement Integrity Act 146, 153

product morality 147148

product support 64

professional ethics codes 121122

profits with principles 185

Progressive Utilization Theory 33

Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The (Weber) 25, 30

provisional ethics 36

Public Interest Disclosure Act (1998) 146

Public Management (PUMA) 102

public office ethics 101106

public purpose capitalism 42

Public-Sector Ethics Act (1994) 102

purdah, defined 95

Pure Drinking Water Supply Project 94

Quality-of-Life Policy (Japan) 147

Quinn, Michael J. 106

Rand, Ayn 40

rationales for ethical perspective 2937

Rawls, John 65, 66, 68, 131

reason attribute 5

reciprocities in human centered management 4851, 50

recorded conversations 128

Regulating Conflicts of Interest for Holders of Public Office 105

responsible leadership 91

reversibility position 10

Roddick, Anita 33, 185

role model perspective 183184

Roman Empire 23, 25, 127

Rosensweig, Jeffrey 4546

Ross, William D. 67

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) 100

Rubens, Arthur xi

rule-finding discourses 37

rule-setting processes 37

Russian Orthodox Church 31

Sandel, Michael J. 65

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) (2002) 123, 128

Sayer, Andrew 96

Scandinavian welfare state 174

Scharmer, Otto 42

Schilit, Howard Mark 160Schminke, Marshall ix, 44, 128

Schreck, Philipp 61

Schrempp, Juergen 24, 25

Scott, William Richard 94

self-governance 135136

Sen, Amartya 46, 81

sense-making business 42

Shackle, George Lennox Sharman 66

shared sensing 10

shared value capitalism 42Sims, Ronald R. 173, 183

Sisodia, Rajendra S. 42, 48, 169170

Sismondi, Jean Jacques 65

situational ethics 107

situation-specific ethics 44

Six Hour MBA, The (Coutts) 185

small and medium enterprises (SMEs) 92

Smith, Adam 6, 38, 91, 159

Social Accountability International (SAI) 156

social business 7475, 75

social capital 51

social contract theory 26

social cooperation 81

Social Darwinism 167168

social development 46

social entrepreneurs 7475, 75

social inclusiveness 7072

socialization, externalization, combination and internalization (SECI) of knowledge 8182

social justice 6569, 180

social license to operate 12

social needs of employees 143144

social perspective: beyond commerciality 6869; corporate social responsibility (CSR) 5665; cultural impacts 7679, 77; equitability and social justice 6569; human centered paradigm 78; inclusiveness 6974; introduction to 34, 56; just market, defined 6667; multi-stakeholder dialogues 9, 18, 19; social entrepreneurs 7475, 75

societal context of ethical perspective 2529

societal context of economic perspective 8993, 93

societal rationales 2937

societal values 110112

Society for Business Ethics 134

Society of European Affairs Professionals (SEPA) 104

sociological economics 39

solidarity 6869

Somalia 91

Sorell, Tom 150

Southern Africa Enterprise Development Fund 42

special purpose entities 159160

spiritual dimension 30

St. Augustine 25

stakeholder relations: collective level 139141; with communities 161164; conscientious stakeholder management 87; with customers/consumers 147151; employer-employee relationship 135147; fair trade 156157; individual level 141144; introduction to 133, 133135, 135; with investors 158161; level playing field 1314; moral behavior and relations 8285; negotiation ethics 151, 153155, 154; perspective on 184187; privacy in workplace 144147; suppliers and competitors 151158; see also multi-stakeholder dialogues

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 6263

Stanford prison experiment 45

statism 40

Stiglitz, Joseph E. 180

strategic action 10

structural capital 84

structure, defined 51

subsistence economy 72

Suchanek, Andreas 28

Sumner, William Charles 168

suppliers and stakeholder relations 151158

sustainable capitalism 42, 43

sustainable development 13

Swahili humanism 184

systematic feedback mechanism 46

systemic interrelation 1, 12

systems thinking 2, 181182

technical effectiveness 183

Templeton Foundation 180

Ten Commandments 30, 127

timeliness problem 107

Tirole, Jean 159

TotalFinaElf 164

toxic leaders 34

trade agreements (TAs) 16

transformational human centered management 49

Transparency International 129130, 155, 156

Treviño, Linda K. xiv, 35, 86, 181

trickle-down effect 142

Tschannen-Moran, Megan 183

uncertainty avoidance 76

UN Commission on Human Rights 98

underground coal gasification (UCG) 163

UN General Assembly 172

UN Global Compact 171, 186

United Nations (UN) 4

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 75

United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) 98, 99, 161

United Nations Millennium Declaration 108

United Nations World Summit on Social Development 47

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 17, 98

universalistic ethics 3

universal norms 97

UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) 172

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 72, 100, 164, 172

urgency of stakeholders 14

US Agency for International Development 18

US Catholic Bishops 30

US Constitution 26, 39

US Department of Justice 130

US National Defense University 109

US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 8, 130

utilitarianism 23, 2627

Vagelos, Roy 5

value added (VA) 54

Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC) 54

value consensus 109120

value-creating culture 174

van Tulder, Rob 12, 14, 18

victimization effect 142

virtue 24, 32, 91, 109

Volkswagen scandal 120121, 152

voluntariness 4, 127, 144

von Hayek, Friedrich August 2829, 66

Walesa, Lech 68

Walmart 146, 171

Walton, Clarence C. 171

Wankel, Charles viii, 177

Weber, Max 25, 30, 35, 91

Welch, Jack 24

welfare capitalism 4243

Werhane, Patrticia H. ix, xiii, 2

whistle-blowing 128, 145147

wholeheartedness 118

wider linkage phenomenon 75

Williamson, Oliver 51

Willis Towers Watson 141

Wissenschaftliche Hochschule für Unternehmensführung (WHU) 175

Wittenberg Center Code of Responsible Conduct for Business 120

Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics (WCGE) 175176

Woodstock Theological Center 103

workplace democracy 139

workplace privacy 144147

World Business Council for Sustainable Business (WBCSB) 186

World Development Report 67

World Economic Forum (WEF) 57

World Tourism Organization 78

World War I 99

World Wildlife Federation (WWF) 100

worthiness 170171

Young, Andrew 42

Young, Stephen B. 41, 47

Yukl, Gary A. xiii, 5, 25, 50

Yunus, Mohammad 74

Zimbardo, Philip G. 45

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