
Book Description

In Winning Strategies for Power Presentations, Weissman identifies the elements of a great presentation, distilling 75 best practices from the world's best persuaders into bite-sized chapters designed to be easy-to-read -- and equally easy to apply. Following on the heels of Weissman's best-selling Presentations in Action, this book presents powerful new insights into the four key areas of delivering winning presentations: contents, graphics, delivery, and Q-and-A sessions.

In this fully updated Second Edition of Presenting to Win, the world's #1 presentation consultant shows how to connect with even the toughest, most high-level audiences...and move them to action! Jerry Weissman shows presenters of all kinds how to dump those PowerPoint templates once and for all -- and tell compelling stories that focus on what's in it for the audience. Drawing on dozens of real case studies, Weissman shows how to identify your primary goals and messages before you even open PowerPoint; stay focused on what your listeners really care about; and capture your audience in the first crucial 90 seconds. Weissman covers all the practical mechanics of effective presentation: finding your flow...communicating visually...writing better slide text...making your numbers... using graphics...practicing aloud...customizing for different audiences...presenting online...and much more.

Table of Contents

  1. About This eBook
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents
  5. Winning Strategies for Power Presentations: Jerry Weissman Delivers Lessons from the World’s Best Presenters
    1. Copyright Page
    2. Dedication Page
    3. The Masters
    4. Introduction
      1. Natural and Universal
    5. Section I: Content: The Art of Telling Your Story
      1. 1. Mark Twain’s Fingernails
        1. How to Remember What to Say
      2. 2. Kill Your Darlings
        1. A Lesson from Professional Writers
      3. 3. How Long Should a Presentation Last?
        1. Be Brief and Concise
      4. 4. Follow the Money
        1. “So...?”
      5. 5. Fellini on Creativity
        1. Consider All the Possibilities—Before You Present
      6. 6. How Woody Allen Creates
        1. First Things First, Last Things Last
      7. 7. What’s Your Point?
        1. Leave Pointlessness to Woody Allen
      8. 8. Spoiler Alert
        1. What’s Your Point?
      9. 9. The Cyrano Parable
        1. The Story You Tell Versus the Slides You Show
      10. 10. “Does that make sense?”
        1. ...And Other Meaningless Words
      11. 11. Meaningful Words
        1. Words That Inspire Confidence
      12. 12. Writer’s Block
        1. How to Break Through
      13. 13. Writer’s Block II
        1. Easier Said Than Done
      14. 14. Never Say “Never”
        1. Well, Almost Never
      15. 15. From Bogart to Gingrich
        1. Who Did It?
      16. 16. Rupert Murdoch’s 90% Apology
        1. Who Did It?
      17. 17. Winning and Losing the World Cup
        1. He’s Just Not That into FIFA
      18. 18. John Doerr’s “Chalk” Talks
        1. Three Best Practices from a Top Venture Capitalist
      19. 19. Vinod Khosla’s Cardinal Rule
        1. “Message Sent Is Not the Same as Message Received”
      20. 20. The Outline Trap
        1. Britannica and Brainstorming
      21. 21. Having a ’versation
        1. “I” Versus “You”
      22. 22. “It’s all about you!”
        1. “...But they’re just not that into you.”
      23. 23. When Not to Tell ’em
        1. “Get on with it!”
      24. 24. Bookends
        1. Establish Your First and Last Sentences
      25. 25. The Sound of Ka-Ching!
        1. Scale the “You”
      26. 26. David Letterman’s Top Ten
        1. Pick a Number
      27. 27. Illusion of the First Time
        1. Road (Show) Warriors
      28. 28. In Praise of Analogies and Examples
        1. Add Value and Dimension
      29. 29. Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama
        1. Masters of the Game
      30. 30. Aristotle: The First Salesman
        1. The Original Source
    6. Section II: Graphics: How to Design PowerPoint Slides Effectively
      1. 31. Vinod Khosla’s Five-Second Rule
        1. A Sanity Check for Every Presentation
      2. 32. Don’t Raise the Bridge, Lower the Water
        1. Better Box Thinking
      3. 33. Jon Stewart’s Right
        1. Positioned on Purpose?
      4. 34. Misdirection
        1. Magicians and Graphics
      5. 35. Obama Makes a PowerPoint Point
        1. The State of the Union and Presentations
      6. 36. Go in the Right Direction
        1. A Presentation Lesson from Akira Kurosawa
      7. 37. PowerPoint and Movie Stunts
        1. Use Graphics to Create Continuity
      8. 38. The Anti-PowerPoint Party
        1. Another Precinct Heard From
      9. 39. Signage Versus Documents
        1. Drive Your PowerPoint Home
      10. 40. The Graphics Spectrum
        1. Lives of Quiet Desperation
      11. 41. How Audiences See
        1. Follow the Action
      12. 42. Why Use PowerPoint at All?
        1. A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
      13. 43. “But, I’m not an artist!”
        1. Rx: Infographics
      14. 44. The Kindness of Strangers
        1. Stand and Deliver
      15. 45. No More Mind-Numbing Number Slides
        1. Five Easy Steps to Bring Your Presentation to Life
    7. Section III: Delivery Skills: Actions Speak Louder than Words
      1. 46. Eight Presentations a Day
        1. Cause and Effect
      2. 47. Sounds of Silence
        1. Presentation Advice from Composers and Musicians
      3. 48. Stage Fright
        1. A Close Cousin of Writer’s Block
      4. 49. Swimming Lessons and Presentations
        1. Deconstruct and Reconstruct
      5. 50. Valley Girl Talk
        1. Invisible Question Marks
      6. 51. “What do I do with my hands?”
        1. A Simple Approach to Gesturing
      7. 52. “Look, Ma, no hands!”
        1. Anchorperson or Weatherperson
      8. 53. Foreign Films
        1. The Pause That Refreshes
      9. 54. Rx: CrackBerry Addiction
        1. Control Yourself!
      10. 55. The Eyes Have It
        1. Relax!
      11. 56. Why Sinatra Stood
        1. The Voice of “The Voice”
      12. 57. Presentation Counts
        1. The Rise and Fall of Rick Perry
    8. Section IV: How to Handle Tough Questions
      1. 58. Listening and Laughing with Johnny Carson
        1. Late Night Lessons for Presenters
      2. 59. Ready, Fire, Aim!
        1. Old Habits Die Hard
      3. 60. How to Deal with a Direct Attack
        1. “That was certainly a downer!”
      4. 61. No Such Thing as a Stupid Question
        1. A Lesson in Q&A from Dilbert
      5. 62. The Patronizing Paraphrase
        1. Trying to Channel Bill Clinton
      6. 63. Tricky Questions
        1. Be Transparent or Be Trapped
      7. 64. Robert McNamara Was Wrong
        1. You Must Respond to All Questions
      8. 65. Breaking into Jail
        1. The Elephant IS in the Room
    9. Section V: Special Presentations
      1. 66. Speak Crisply and Eliminate Mumbling
        1. Be Your Own Henry Higgins
        2. Athletic Articulation
        3. Primer
        4. Be Your Own Henry Higgins
      2. 67. How to Develop a Richer Voice
        1. Be Your Own Echo Chamber
        2. Resonance
        3. Be Your Own Echo Chamber
        4. The Pause Bonus
      3. 68. How to Deliver a Scripted Speech
        1. When the Words Count
        2. Teleprompter
        3. Vertical Text
      4. 69. Speaking to an Audience of a Thousand
        1. The Big Tent
        2. Image Magnification
        3. Actions, Speaking, and Words
      5. 70. How to Beat the Demo Demons
        1. Plan B and More
      6. 71. Bring Your Panel Discussion to Life
        1. How to Herd Cats
      7. 72. Mark Your Accent
        1. Eliza Doolittle Is a Myth
        2. Spanish Lessons
        3. Ears Versus Eyes
      8. 73. How to Interview Like a Television Anchorperson
        1. Seven Easy Steps
      9. 74. Ten Best Practices for the IPO Road Show
      10. 75. Cicero: Peroration
        1. Timeless and Borderless
    10. Endnotes
      1. Introduction
      2. Chapter 1
      3. Chapter 2
      4. Chapter 3
      5. Chapter 5
      6. Chapter 6
      7. Chapter 7
      8. Chapter 8
      9. Chapter 9
      10. Chapter 12
      11. Chapter 13
      12. Chapter 14
      13. Chapter 15
      14. Chapter 16
      15. Chapter 17
      16. Chapter 18
      17. Chapter 19
      18. Chapter 20
      19. Chapter 21
      20. Chapter 22
      21. Chapter 23
      22. Chapter 24
      23. Chapter 25
      24. Chapter 26
      25. Chapter 27
      26. Chapter 28
      27. Chapter 29
      28. Chapter 30
      29. Chapter 31
      30. Chapter 32
      31. Chapter 34
      32. Chapter 35
      33. Chapter 36
      34. Chapter 37
      35. Chapter 38
      36. Chapter 39
      37. Chapter 40
      38. Chapter 41
      39. Chapter 42
      40. Chapter 43
      41. Chapter 44
      42. Chapter 46
      43. Chapter 47
      44. Chapter 48
      45. Chapter 50
      46. Chapter 51
      47. Chapter 52
      48. Chapter 54
      49. Chapter 55
      50. Chapter 56
      51. Chapter 57
      52. Chapter 58
      53. Chapter 59
      54. Chapter 60
      55. Chapter 61
      56. Chapter 63
      57. Chapter 64
      58. Chapter 65
      59. Chapter 66
      60. Chapter 73
      61. Chapter 74
      62. Chapter 75
    11. Acknowledgements
    12. Index
    13. About the Author
    14. FT Press
  6. Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story, Updated and Expanded Edition
    1. Title Page
    2. Copyright Page
    3. Dedication
    4. Praise for the First Edition of Presenting to Win
    5. Foreword to the Updated and Expanded Edition
    6. Preface
      1. What’s Past Is Prologue
    7. Introduction
      1. The Wizard of Aaahs
      2. The Mission-Critical Presentation
      3. The Art of Telling Your Story
      4. A New Approach to Presentations
      5. The Psychological Sell
    8. One. You and Your Audience
      1. The Problem with Presentations
      2. The Power Presentation
      3. Persuasion: Getting from Point A to Point B
      4. Audience Advocacy
      5. Getting Aha!s
    9. Two. The Power of the WIIFY
      1. What’s In It For You?
      2. WIIFY Triggers
      3. The Danger of the Incorrect “You”
    10. Three. Getting Creative: The Expansive Art of Brainstorming
      1. The Data Dump
      2. Managing the Brainstorm: The Framework Form
      3. Brainstorming: Doing the Data Dump Productively
      4. Focus Before Flow
    11. Four. Finding Your Flow
      1. The 16 Flow Structures
      2. Which Flow Structure Should You Choose?
      3. Guidelines for Selecting a Flow Structure
      4. The Value of Flow Structures
      5. The Four Critical Questions
    12. Five. Capturing Your Audience Immediately
      1. Seven Classic Opening Gambits
      2. Compound Opening Gambits
      3. Linking to Point B
      4. Tell ’em What You’re Gonna Tell ’em
      5. 90 Seconds to Launch
      6. Winning Over the Toughest Crowd
    13. Six. Communicating Visually
      1. The Proper Role of Graphics
      2. Presenter Focus
      3. Less Is More
      4. Perception Psychology
      5. Graphic Design Elements
    14. Seven. Making the Text Talk
      1. Bullets Versus Sentences
      2. Wordwrap
      3. Crafting the Effective Bullet Slide
      4. Minimize Eye Sweeps with Parallelism
      5. Using the Build
      6. Bullet Levels
      7. Verbal Style
      8. Visual Style
      9. Text Guidelines
    15. Eight. Making the Numbers Sing
      1. The Power of Numeric Graphics
      2. Bar Charts
      3. Pie Charts
      4. Typography in Numeric Graphics
      5. The Hockey Stick
      6. Subtle? Yes, But . . .
    16. Nine. Using Graphics to Help Your Story Flow
      1. The 35,000-Foot Overview
      2. Graphic Continuity Techniques
      3. Presenter Focus Revisited
      4. Graphics and the 35,000-Foot View
    17. Ten. Bringing Your Story to Life
      1. Verbalization: The Special Technique
      2. Spaced Learning
      3. Internal Linkages
      4. Internal Linkages in Action
      5. Verbiage
      6. Summary
    18. Eleven. Customizing Your Presentation
      1. The Power of Customization
      2. The Illusion of the First Time
      3. External Linkages
      4. Gathering Material for Customization
      5. External Linkages in Action
    19. Twelve. Animating Your Graphics
      1. How Versus Why and Wherefore
      2. Perception Psychology
      3. Cinematic Techniques
      4. Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 and 2007
      5. Animation Options
      6. Animation and the Presenter
    20. Thirteen. The Virtual Presentation
      1. Anytime, Anyplace, Anyone
      2. How the Virtual Presentation Works
      3. Preparing for Your Virtual Presentation
      4. Connecting with Your Invisible Audience
      5. Creating a Winning Virtual Presentation
      6. The Future of the Virtual Presentation
    21. Fourteen. Pitching in the Majors
      1. End with the Beginning in Mind
      2. It All Starts with Your Story
      3. Practice, Practice, Practice
      4. Every Audience, Every Time
    22. Appendix A. Tools of the Trade
      1. The Presentation Environment
    23. Appendix B. Presentation Checklists
      1. The Four Critical Questions
      2. WIIFY Triggers
      3. Seven Classic Opening Gambits
      4. Sixteen Flow Structures
      5. Twelve Internal Linkages
      6. Seven External Linkages
      7. Five Graphic Continuity Techniques
    24. Acknowledgments
    25. About the Author
    26. Financial Times Press
    27. Index