
Book Description

Need to learn Unix fast? Try a Visual QuickStart!

This best-selling reference’s visual format and step-by-step, task-based instructions will have you up and running with Unix software in no time. In this completely updated edition of our best-selling guide to Unix, Second Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide, leading software application experts Deborah S. Ray and Eric J. Ray use crystal-clear instructions and friendly prose to introduce you to Unix. Filled with step-by-step, task-based instructions and loads of visual aids, this book explains how to the most common Unix commands.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. Introduction
    1. How Do You Use This Book?
  4. Getting Started with Unix
    1. Getting Unix or Access to a Unix System
    2. Connecting to The Unix System
    3. Logging In
    4. Changing Your Password with passwd
    5. Listing Directories and Files with ls
    6. Changing Directories with cd
    7. Finding Yourself with pwd
    8. Piping Input and Output
    9. Redirecting Output
    10. Using Wildcards
    11. Viewing File Contents with more
    12. Displaying File Contents with cat
    13. Exploring the System
    14. Getting Help with man
    15. Logging Out
  5. Using Directories and Files
    1. Creating Directories with mkdir
    2. Creating Files with touch
    3. Copying Directories and Files with cp
    4. Listing Directories and Files with ls (More Goodies)
    5. Moving Files with mv
    6. Removing Files with rm
    7. Removing Directories with rmdir
    8. Finding Forgotten Files with find
    9. Locating Lost Files with locate
    10. Linking with ln (Hard Links)
    11. Linking with ln -s(Soft Links)
  6. Working with Your Shell
    1. Discovering What Shell You’re Using
    2. Understanding Shells and Options
    3. Changing Your Shell with chsh
    4. Changing Your Shell Temporarily
    5. Using Completion in the bash Shell
    6. Viewing Session History in the bash Shell
    7. Using Completion in the zsh Shell
    8. Viewing Session History in the zsh Shell
    9. Using Completion in the ksh Shell
    10. Viewing Session History in the ksh Shell
    11. Viewing Session History in the csh Shell
    12. Changing Your Identity with su
    13. Fixing Terminal Settings with stty
    14. Exiting the Shell
  7. Creating and Editing Files
    1. Choosing an Editor
    2. Starting pico and Dabbling with It
    3. Saving in pico
    4. Cutting and Pasting Text Blocks in pico
    5. Checking Spelling in pico
    6. Getting Help in pico
    7. Exiting pico
    8. Starting vi and Dabbling with It
    9. Saving in vi
    10. Adding and Deleting Text in vi
    11. Importing Files into vi
    12. Searching and Replacing in vi
    13. Exiting vi
    14. Starting emacs and Dabbling with It
    15. Using emacs Menus to Spell-Check
    16. Saving in emacs
    17. Exiting emacs
  8. Controlling Ownership & Permissions
    1. Understanding File Ownership and Permissions
    2. Finding Out Who Owns What
    3. Finding Out Which Group You’re In
    4. Changing the Group Association of Files and Directories with chgrp
    5. Changing Ownership of Files and Directories with chown
    6. Changing Permissions with chmod
    7. Translating Mnemonic Permissions to Numeric Permissions
    8. Changing Permission Defaults with umask
  9. Manipulating Files
    1. Counting Files and Their Contents with wc
    2. Viewing File Beginnings with head
    3. Viewing File Endings with tail
    4. Finding Text with grep
    5. Using Regular Expressions with grep
    6. Using Other Examples of Regular Expressions
    7. Making Global Changes with sed
    8. Changing Files with awk
    9. Comparing Files with cmp
    10. Finding Differences in Files with diff
    11. Finding Differences in Files with sdiff
    12. Sorting Files with sort
    13. Eliminating Duplicates with uniq
    14. Redirecting to Multiple Locations with tee
    15. Changing with tr
    16. Formatting with fmt
    17. Preparing to Print with pr
    18. Splitting Files with split
  10. Getting Information about the System
    1. Getting System Information with uname
    2. Viewing File Systems with df
    3. Determining Disk Usage with du
    4. Finding Out File Types with file
    5. Finding Out About Users with finger
    6. Learning Who Else is Logged in With who
    7. Learning Who Else is Logged in with w
    8. Getting Information about Your Userid with id
  11. Configuring Your Unix Environment
    1. Understanding Your Unix Environment
    2. Discovering Your Current Environment
    3. Adding or Changing Variables
    4. Looking at Your zsh Configuration Files
    5. Adding to Your zsh Path
    6. Changing Your zsh Prompt
    7. Looking at Your bash Configuration Files
    8. Adding to Your bash Path
    9. Changing Your bash Prompt
    10. Looking at Your ksh Configuration Files
    11. Changing Your ksh Path
    12. Changing Your ksh Prompt
    13. Looking at Your csh Configuration Files
    14. Changing Your csh Path
    15. Changing Your csh Prompt
    16. Setting Aliases with alias
  12. Running Scripts and Programs
    1. Running a Command
    2. Scheduling One-Time Jobs with at
    3. Scheduling Regularly Occurring Jobs with cron
    4. Suspending Jobs
    5. Checking Job Status with jobs
    6. Running Jobs in the Background with bg
    7. Running Jobs in the Foreground with fg
    8. Controlling Job Priority with nice
    9. Timing Jobs with time
    10. Finding Out What Processes are Running with ps
    11. Deleting Processes with kill
  13. Writing Basic Scripts
    1. Creating a Shell Script
    2. Running a Shell Script
    3. Making a Script Executable
    4. Getting a Head Start on Scripts with history
    5. Embedding Commands
    6. Looping Your Scripts
    7. Creating If-Then Statements
    8. Accepting Command-Line Arguments in Your Scripts
    9. Accepting Input While a Script Is Running
    10. Debugging Scripts
  14. Sending and Reading Email
    1. Choosing an Email Program and Getting Started
    2. Reading Email with pine
    3. Sending Email with pine
    4. Customizing pine
    5. Reading Email with mutt
    6. Sending Email with mutt
    7. Reading Email with mail
    8. Sending Email with mail
    9. Creating a Signature File
    10. Automatically Forwarding Incoming Messages
    11. Announcing an Absence with vacation
    12. Configuring procmail
    13. Responding to Email with procmail
  15. Accessing the Internet
    1. Getting Familiar with Unix Internet Lingo
    2. Logging in to Remote Systems with ssh
    3. Logging in to Remote Systems with telnet
    4. Communicating with Other Users Using write
    5. Communicating with Other Users Using talk
    6. Getting Files from the Internet with ftp
    7. Sharing Files on the Internet with ftp
    8. Surfing the Web with links
    9. Surfing the Web with lynx
    10. Downloading Web Sites with wget
    11. Checking Connections with ping
    12. Tracing Connections with traceroute
    13. Matching Domain Names with IP Numbers
    14. Choosing a News Reader
    15. Reading News with pine
    16. Reading News with tin
  16. Working with Encoded &Compressed Files
    1. Encoding Files with uuencode
    2. Decoding Files with uudecode
    3. Archiving with tar
    4. Unarchiving Files with tar
    5. Compressing Files with compress
    6. Uncompressing Files with uncompress
    7. Zipping a File or Directory with gzip
    8. Unzipping a gzip File with gunzip
    9. Zipping Files and Directories with zip
    10. Unzipping Zipped Files with unzip
    11. Combining Commands
  17. Installing Your Own Software
    1. Understanding Unix Software Installation
    2. Finding Unix Software
    3. Downloading, Placing, and Uncompressing Software
    4. Configuring Software
    5. Compiling and Installing with make install
  18. Using Handy Utilities
    1. Calendaring with cal
    2. Calculating with bc
    3. Evaluating Expressions with expr
    4. Converting with units
    5. Checking Spelling with ispell
    6. Looking it Up with look
    7. Printing with lp
    8. Keeping a Record of Your Session with script
  19. Being Root
    1. Acting Like root with sudo
    2. Becoming root with su
    3. Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Daemons
    4. Changing the System Configuration
    5. Monitoring the System
    6. Keeping Up with watch
    7. Checking Boot Messages with dmesg
    8. Setting the Date and Time
  20. Sensational Unix Tricks
    1. Cleaning Up HTML Documents with tidy
    2. Searching and Replacing Throughout Multiple Documents with Sed
    3. Generating Reports with awk
    4. Using Input to Customize Your Environment
    5. Using ROT13 Encoding with sed
    6. Embedding ROT13 Encoding in A Shell Script
    7. Making Backups with rsync
    8. Using Advanced Redirection with stderr
  21. Unix Reference
  22. What’s What and What’s Where
  23. Commands and Flags