
Book Description

This book is a hands-on guide to customizing and adapting Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 to best meet the needs of individuals and organizations.

Table of Contents

  1. Working with Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005
  2. Dedication
  3. A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. Introduction
    1. Who Is This Book For?
    2. System Requirements
    3. Prerelease Software
    4. Technology Updates
    5. Code Samples
    6. Support for This Book
      1. Questions and Comments
  6. 1. Introducing Visual Studio 2005
    1. What Is Visual Studio 2005?
      1. Developing for .NET
      2. Building Native Applications
    2. Visual Studio 2005 Features
      1. Editors, Designers, and Tool Windows
        1. The Start Page
        2. The Editor
        3. Designers
        4. Tool Windows
      2. Visual Studio 2005 File Paths
    3. Visual Studio 2005 Extensibility
      1. Macros
      2. Add-Ins
      3. Wizards
      4. Starter Kits
      5. The Visual Studio SDK
    4. Looking Ahead
  7. 2. Project Management in Visual Studio 2005
    1. Overview of Solutions and Projects
    2. Understanding Solutions
      1. Solution Items and Miscellaneous Files
      2. Solution Properties
        1. Common Properties
        2. Configuration Properties
      3. Solution and Solution User Options Files
    3. Projects
      1. Project Items
      2. Project Properties
        1. Saving a Custom Configuration
        2. Configuration Properties
        3. Visual C++ Projects
      3. Project Source Files
      4. Project Dependencies
    4. Building Projects and Solutions
    5. Looking Ahead
  8. 3. The Visual Studio Editor
    1. Documents in the IDE
      1. It's All About Text
      2. Typing and Shortcuts
        1. Common Editing Shortcuts
        2. Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
      3. Other Keyboard Schemes
      4. Understanding Tabs and Code Formatting
    2. Other Editing Features in Visual Studio 2005
      1. Code Snippets
      2. Refactoring
      3. Code Definition Window
      4. Call Browser
    3. Line Numbering and Outlining
      1. Line Numbering
      2. Outlining
    4. Programming Help
      1. IntelliSense
        1. Brace Matching
    5. Using the Command Window
    6. Search, Replace, and Regular Expressions
      1. Incremental Searching
    7. Looking Ahead
  9. 4. Community Content and VSTemplates
    1. Community Content
    2. Installing Content
      1. Security
    3. Creating Downloadable Content
      1. The VSContent File Format
        1. Installing Templates and Starter Kits
        2. Installing Controls to the Toolbox
        3. Installing Code Snippets
        4. Installing Add-ins and Macros
      2. Zipping
      3. Signing Your Content
    4. Implementing Your Own Downloadable Types
      1. Creating the Project
      2. Interface Implementation
      3. The Site Interface
      4. Registration
      5. An Example—Samples Installer
      6. Security Attributes
    5. Creating VSTemplates
      1. Using the Export Template Wizard
      2. Creating Templates by Hand
      3. The VSTemplate Schema
        1. The TemplateData Section
        2. The TemplateContent Section
      4. Wizard Data
      5. Storing the Template on Disk
      6. Wizard Extensions
      7. Security Attributes
    6. Looking Ahead
  10. 5. Using Visual Studio Macros
    1. Macros: The Duct Tape of Visual Studio
      1. Recording Visual Studio Macros
      2. Macro Commands
      3. Editing Macros in the Macros IDE
      4. A Simple Macro
    2. Working with Macros
      1. Manipulating Documents and Text
      2. Moving Windows
      3. Macro Events
    3. Sharing Macros with Others
      1. Exporting Modules and Projects
    4. Looking Ahead
  11. 6. Extending the IDE with Add-Ins
    1. Running the Add-In Wizard
    2. The Add-In Project
    3. Loading the Add-In
    4. Debugging the Add-In
    5. Add-In Architecture
      1. Writing an Add-In from Scratch
        1. Compiling the Basic Add-In
        2. Registering the Basic Add-In with Visual Studio
      2. Add-In Events
        1. The Add-In Event Sequence
      3. The IDTExtensibility2 Interface
        1. The EnvDTE and EnvDTE80 Namespaces
        2. OnConnection
        3. OnStartupComplete
        4. OnAddInsUpdate
        5. OnBeginShutdown
        6. OnDisconnection
      4. The .Addin File
        1. Host Application Information
        2. Add-In Information
        3. Satellite DLLs
    6. Looking Ahead
  12. 7. Exploring Commands Programmatically
    1. What Is a Command?
      1. Locating Commands
      2. Command Names
      3. Executing Commands
      4. Creating Macro Commands
    2. Creating an Add-In Command
      1. Handling a Command Invocation
      2. Command State
        1. MRU Button Commands
        2. Drop-Down Combo Boxes and MRU Combo Boxes
        3. Programmatically Determining Command State
      3. How an Add-In Command Handler Is Found
    3. The Command User Interface
      1. The Command Bar Object Model
      2. The Primary Command Bar
      3. Adding New Command Bar Elements
      4. Using Custom Bitmaps
    4. Regenerating Commands and Their User Interface
    5. Looking Ahead
  13. 8. Managing Solutions and Projects Programmatically
    1. Working with Solutions
      1. Creating, Loading, and Unloading Solutions
      2. Enumerating Projects
      3. Adding Projects to a Solution
      4. Capturing Solution Events
    2. Working with Project Items
      1. Enumerating Project Items
      2. Adding and Removing Project Items
    3. Working with Language-Specific Project Objects
      1. VSProject Projects
        1. References
        2. Web References
        3. Imports
        4. ProjectProperties
    4. Using Visual Studio Utility Project Types
      1. Miscellaneous Files Project
      2. Solution Folders
      3. Unmodeled Projects
    5. Project and Project Item Events
    6. Managing Build Configurations
      1. Manipulating Solution Settings
        1. SolutionConfiguration and SolutionContext Objects
        2. StartupProjects
        3. Project Dependencies
      2. Manipulating Project Settings
        1. ConfigurationManager Object
        2. Project Configuration Properties
      3. Build Events
    7. Persisting Solution and Project Information Across IDE Sessions
    8. Looking Ahead
  14. 9. Programming the Visual Studio User Interface
    1. Window Basics
      1. The Windows Collection
      2. Using the Object Property
      3. Shortcuts to Common Tool Windows
      4. The Main Window
    2. Explorer Windows and the UIHierarchy Object
      1. The UIHierarchy Object Tree
      2. The UIHierarchy Object
      3. The UIHierarchyItems Object
      4. The UIHierarchyItem Object
    3. The Toolbox Window
      1. Tabs and Items
      2. Adding Items to the Toolbox
    4. The Task List Window
      1. Task List Items
      2. Adding New Tasks
        1. Category and SubCategory
        2. Description
        3. Priority
        4. Icon
        5. Checkable
        6. File and Line
        7. CanUserDelete
        8. FlushItem
      3. The TaskItem Object
      4. AutoNavigate
      5. Task List Events
      6. Comment Tokens
    5. The Error List Window
    6. The Output Window
      1. Output Window Panes
    7. The Forms Designer Window
      1. The IDesignerHost Interface
      2. Marshaling
      3. Adding Controls to a Form
      4. Finding Existing Controls
      5. A Form Layout Sample
    8. Creating Custom Tool Windows
      1. Setting the Tab Picture of a Custom Tool Window
      2. Setting the Selection Object
    9. The Options Dialog Box
      1. Changing Existing Settings
      2. Creating Custom Settings
        1. Declaring the XML for a Tools Options Page
        2. The IDTToolsOptionsPage Interface
        3. Exposing a Property Object
    10. Looking Ahead
  15. 10. Text-Editing Objects and Events
    1. Editor Windows
      1. The Window Object
      2. The TextWindow and HTMLWindow Objects
      3. The TextPane Object
        1. Finding TextPane Objects
    2. Documents
      1. The Document Object
        1. Creating and Finding Documents
        2. Managing Document Windows
        3. Managing Document Changes
        4. Saving and Closing Documents
      2. The TextDocument Object
    3. Point Objects
      1. The TextPoint Object
      2. The VirtualPoint Object
      3. The EditPoint Object
    4. The TextSelection Object
      1. A Comparison of the TextSelection and EditPoint Objects
    5. Undo Contexts
      1. Automatic Undo Contexts
      2. Creating Undo Contexts
      3. Stack Linkage
    6. Text Editor Events
      1. The BeforeKeyPress and AfterKeyPress Events
      2. The LineChanged Event
    7. Looking Ahead
  16. Index
  17. About the Authors
  18. Copyright