


get, 442

let, 442

set, 442

Activated event, 625

Activator.CreateInstance method (COM Interoperability), 91


Assembly, 712

containers, hosting Windows Forms controls in, 471–477

controls, 120–121

converting, 196–198

referencing in Visual Studio .NET, 121–122

referencing with .NET Framework SDK, 122–123

Web browser example, 123, 126

events, 240–245

importer transformations, 235–240

ActiveX Control. See AXIMP.EXE

ActiveX Data Objects, 92–94

adapter objects

CCWs, 904–905

custom marshalers, 901–909

alternative to, 910–913

ICustomAdapter interface implementation, 909

RCWs, 904–906

Add method, 347, 596

Add Reference command (Project menu), 25

addImport parameter

C# definition, 994

VB .NET definition, 994

AddMessage method, 625

AddNotificationType method, 285

AddRef method (Marshal class), 1294

AddressLists dispinterface

IDL representation, 982

.NET Definition in Visual C++, 982–984

AddrOfPinnedObject method (GCHandle value type), 1275

addRule parameter

C# definition, 994

VB .NET definition, 994

add_EventName method, 592

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), 92–94

Advise method, 216

Alias keyword, customizing PInvoke function names, 796

Alloc method (GCHandle value type), 1275

AllocCoTaskMem method (Marshal class), 1295

AllocHGlobal method (Marshal class), 1295

AllowMultiple property, 30

AllowPartiallyTrusted-CallersAttribute, 305–307, 419, 473

AnimatedEnvelopePicture class, 1133, 1143, 1146

AnimatedEnvelopePicture method, 1144

AnimatedPicture class, 1133, 1139

fields, 1140

methods, 1140–1143

properties, 1140

AnimatedPicture method, 1140

AnnoyingMessage method, 206

Ansi setting, string behavior, 797–798

Ansi value, CharSet enumeration, 1256

Apartment string value, 276

apartment-threaded components, 277–278

apartments, 275–277, 733

COM, 276

callbacks from COM objects to .NET objects, 282–289

choosing states, 277–282

defined, 276

incompatibility, 291–292

MTAs (Multi-Threaded Apartments), 276–278

NAs (Neutral Apartments), 276–277

STAs (Single-Threaded Apartments), 276–277

ApartmentState property, 280–281

C#, 280–281

starting new threads, 282

Visaul Basic .NET, 281


ClrCreateManagedInstance, 468–471

CoCreateGuid, 60

GetPrivateProfileSectionNames, 789–791

Interactive Interop Tool, 1062–1064

COM+ tab, 1097–1100

compared to SDK, 1062–1063

Exporter tab, 1083–1092

Importer tab, 1069–1083

MainForm class, 1100–1101

MiscTypes.cs, 1064–1068

Register tab, 1092–1097

structure, 1063

Interop, 52

names, 499–502

.NET Visualization API, 1224

ColorfulVisualization, 1231–1235

Dancing Cat Visualization, 1235–1243

SimpleVisualization, 1224–1226

WizardVisualization, 1227–1230

SafeArrayGetVartype, 946

System.Runtime.InteropServices, versus unsafe C# code, 250–258

Visualization, 1197, 1201

BookExamples.WindowsMediaPlayer assembly, 1201

IWMPEffects interface, 1199–1223

registry keys, 1197–1198

Visualization Wizard, 1198


converting data types into .NET types to define PInvoke signatures, 778–781

CopyFileEx, 810–815

customizing string behaviors, 796–799

error handling, 800–807

GetWindowsDirectory function, 784–788

MessageBeep, 810

PInvoke, 772

PlaySound, 810

ReadConsoleInput, 865–868

RegCloseKey, 856

RegDeleteKey, 860

RegEnumKey, 856

RegOpenKey, 856

SetVolumeLabel function, 783–784

AppDomain interface, exported methods, 488–489

Application object, 646

ApplicationAccessControlAttribute, 584

ApplicationActivation-Attribute, 584

ApplicationCrmEnabled-Attribute, 584

ApplicationEvents_SinkHelper class, constructor, 332

ApplicationIDAttribute, 584

ApplicationNameAttribute, 584

ApplicationQueuing-Attribute, 584

applications, .NET framework sound, 810

/appname (REGSVCS.EXE), 1394–1395

arcade games. See E-mail Attack

architecture, custom marshaling, 895–896

adapter objects, 901–909

ICustomMarshaler interface, 896–898

MarshalAsAttribute, 898–901

marshaling by value versus reference, 910–913

arrays, 154, 792–794. See also parameters

associative, 1242

conformant, 160–161

conformant varying, 161–162

custom marshaling, 943–947

customizing, MarshalAsAttribute, 549–550

exposing, 524–527

fixed-length, 157–158

frequency, 1199

nested, 518–519


method conversions, 169–171

SAFEARRAYs, 717–719

single-dimensional, 719–720

zero-bounded, 719

SAFEARRAYs, 154–156, 348–351

adding size to C-style arrays, 349–351

UnmanagedType enumeration, 550–552

type library transformations, 440–441

varying, 158–159

waveform, 1199

ArraySubType parameters, 337, 1343

ArrayWithOffset value type (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1252–1254

AskYesNoQuestion method, 1068


setting to string, 1043

parameter (ConvertTypeLibToAssembly method), 1357

asmNamespace parameter, 1046, 1357

/asmversion (TLBIMP.EXE), 1377

asmVersion parameter (ConvertTypeLibToAssembly method), 1357

ASP Compatibility Mode, 279


aspcompat=true directive, 280

COM components, 90–94

System.STAThreadAttribute, 279–280

aspcompat=true directive, 280

assemblies, 22. See also components; Interop Assembly

ActiveX controls, 712

adding methods to modules, 372–373

BookExamples.Windows-MediaPlayer, 1201, 1217, 1223–1224

content modifications,


changing data types, 340–342

custom attributes, 351–366, 370–372

custom marshalers, 248, 364–366

errors, 328

exposing success HRESULTs, 342–348

key option, 327

malicious edits, 327

managed resources, 326

output file names, 328

SAFEARRAYs, 348–351

unmanaged resources, 326

converting, 426

exported type library, 428

helpstrings, 427

LCID, 427

library names, 427–428

type library identification, 426–427

version numbers, 427

ConvertTypeLibTo-Assembly, 1048

creating from type libraries, 1040

dynamic assemblies, 1042–1046

GetPrimaryInteropAssembly method, 1047–1048

saving, 1048–1050

TypeLibConverter class, 1040–1042

creating type libraries, 1050

dynamic libraries, 1050–1055

saving dynamic libraries, 1055

custom attributes. See custom attributes

deployment, 532–535

disassembling/reassembling, managed resources, 326–327


creating, 1042–1046

saving, 1048–1050

global assembly cache. See GAC

installing GAC, 392

installing in GAC, 649–650

Interop Assembly, 84–86

ActiveX control conversions, 196–198

class conversions, 179–186

creating, 85

data type conversions, 143–162

DISPIDs conversions, 173–176

enumeration conversions, 193–194

GetPrimaryInterop-Assembly method, 1047–1048


interface conversions, 177–179

method conversions, 162–171

module conversions, 187–188

Primary, 86, 88–90

property conversions, 171–173

registering, 297

signatures, 344

structure conversions, 189–191

type library conversion, 141–143

typedef conversions, 194–196

union conversions, 191–192

KeywordAttributes, 30

ManagedForm, 923

meta data, reflection, 26–28

Microsoft.VisualBasic, 38, 356–358

mscorlib, 23, 34–35, 38, 71, 463, 522

exceptions to HRESULT transformations, 1416–1417, 1423, 1429

HRESULT, 1400, 1406–1407, 1413

Interop API, 52

MyCustomMarshalers, 365

names, 23–24, 502–503, 533

namespaces, 23

parameter, 1060

partial binding, 91


ActiveX controls, 712

constants, 709–710

constructs, 710

creating, 686

customizing metadata, 693–694

defining classes in IDL files, 702–707

deployment, 694–696

IDL type libraries, 697–702

names, 686–687

naming enums, 707–709

naming output assembly, 690–693

opening, 695

reasons for creating, 684–685

registering type libraries, 711

registration, 694–696

type library references, 687–689

Primary Interop, 1003

referencing, 25


registering, 390–392, 1056


REGASM.EXE, 391–394

RegistrationServices class, 391, 1056–1058

TypeLoadException, 392

VB6.EXE, 392


signing, 24

spoofing public key token, 61

StringValidator, 381, 392

System, 23, 508

System.Drawing, 28, 34, 365

System.Web, 510

System.Windows.Forms, 50, 427, 1221

System.Xml, 34


type libraries. See type libraries

versioning, 527–529

Windows Registry, 80

Assembly class, 512

Assembly Registration Utility. See REGASM.EXE

Assembly to Type Library Converter. See TLBEXP.EXE

Assembly.GetExported-Types method, 1052

Assembly.Load method, 1050

Assembly.LoadFrom method, 1050

AssemblyBuilder.Save method, 1048

AssemblyKeyFileAttribute, 381

AssemblyName.tlb, 426

AssemblyQualifiedName property, 61

AssemblyRegistration-Flags enumeration (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1056–1057, 1096, 1254

AssemblyVersionAttribute, 530

associative arrays, 1242

ATL COM Wizard (C++), 725

ATL Simple Object Wizard (C++), 726


custom, 28, 30

ApplicationAccess-ControlAttribute, 584

ApplicationActivation-Attribute, 584

ApplicationCrmEnabledAttribute, 584

ApplicationIDAttribute, 584

ApplicationName-Attribute, 584

ApplicationQueuing-Attribute, 584

AssemblyKeyFile-Attribute, 381

AssemblyVersion-Attribute, 530

AttributeUsageAttribute, 1223

AutoCompleteAttribute, 585

AutomationProxyAttribute, 581–582, 1254

C#, 36–38

C++, 43–45

ClassInterface(Class-InterfaceType.Auto-Dual), 435

ClassInterfaceAttribute, 556–560, 1256–1257

CoClassAttribute, 1258

COM interfaces, 963–964

ComAliasNameAttribute, 1258

ComClassAttribute, 560–565, 605–608, 613

ComConversionLoss-Attribute, 1258

ComEventInterface-Attribute, 1258–1259

ComponentAccess-ControlAttribute, 585

ComRegisterFunction-Attribute, 568, 1261

ComSourceInterfaces-Attribute, 598–605, 611, 631, 1261

COMTIIntrinsics-Attribute, 585

ComUnregisterFunction-Attribute, 568, 1262

ComVisibleAttribute, 562–565, 1262–1263

ConstructionEnabled-Attribute, 585

controlling apartments that .NET components reside on, 278–280

creating, 29–30

custom marshalers. See custom marshaling

customizing structures, 829–839

DescriptionAttribute, 359, 585

DispIdAttribute, 574–578, 601, 651, 1265–1266

DISPIDs, 366, 370

EventClassAttribute, 585

EventTrackingEnabledAttribute, 585

ExampleAttribute, 354

ExceptionClassAttribute, 585

exported type libraries, 428

GetCustomAttributes, 1220

GuidAttribute, 331, 427, 574, 1278

helpstring, 358–363

IDispatchImplAttribute, 660–661, 1282

IDL, 371–372

IISIntrinsicsAttribute, 585

ILASM.EXE, 351–356

ImportedFromTypeLib-Attribute, 331, 1284

InterfaceQueuing-Attribute, 585

InterfaceTypeAttribute, 578–579, 601, 1285

JustInTimeActivation-Attribute, 585

KeywordAttribute, 509

LCIDConversion, 583

LCIDConversionAttribute, 582, 1290–1291

LoadBalancingSupportedAttribute, 585

Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.StandardModule-Attribute, 356

MustRunInClient-ContextAttribute, 585

ObjectPooling-Attribute, 585

PresetEnumAttribute, 1220–1223

PrimaryInterop-AssemblyAttribute, 1348

PrivateComponent-Attribute, 585

ProgIdAttribute, 566, 1349

pseudo, 33

reflection, 31–33

RestrictedAttribute, 508–509

SecureMethodAttribute, 585

SecurityPermission-Attribute, 305

SecurityRoleAttribute, 585

STAThreadAttribute, 1100

SuppressUnmanaged-CodeSecurityAttribute, 308

Synchronization-Attribute, 276, 586

System.EnterpriseServices, 584–586

System.FlagsAttribute, 1022

System.MTAThread-Attribute, 278

System.Reflection.-AssemblyDescriptionAttribute, 1067

System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplAttribute, 276

System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace, 1250

System.Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute, 308

System.STAThread-Attribute, 278–280

TransactionAttribute, 586

TypeLibFuncAttribute, 1358

TypeLibTypeAttribute, 1359

TypeLibVarAttribute, 1359

usage guidelines, 508–510

VB .NET modules, 356–358

Visual Basic .NET, 40–42


ComImportAttribute, 298, 1260

DllImportAttribute, 772, 776–777, 795, 863, 865, 1266–1267

FieldOffsetAttribute, 832–833, 1271–1272

InAttribute, 438, 553–554, 792–794, 1284–1285

MarshalAsAttribute, 334–340, 541–553, 651, 834–839, 898–901, 1222, 1342–1344

OptionalAttribute, 583–584, 1345–1346

OutAttribute, 438, 553–554, 786, 792–794, 1346–1347

PreserveSigAttribute, 436, 579, 1347–1348

StructLayoutAttribute, 270, 554–556, 829–832, 839–844, 1354

AttributeUsageAttribute, 1223

AttributeUsageAttribute class, 30

audioTitle field, 1217

Auto setting, string behavior, 797–798

Auto value

CharSet enumeration, 1256

LayoutKind enumeration, 1290

auto-dispatch class interface, 398

auto-dual class interface, 398

AutoCompleteAttribute, 585

AutoDispatch value, ClassInterfaceType enumeration, 1257

AutoDual value, ClassInterfaceType enumeration, 1257

AutomationProxyAttribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 581–582, 1254

AxCoClassName class, 236

AxCoClassNameEvent-Multicaster class, 236

AXIMP.EXE, 324, 712, 1252, 1390–1391

/?, 1393

/delaysign, 1391

/help, 1393

/keycontainer, 1391

/keyfile, 1392

/nologo, 1393

/out, 1392

/publickey, 1392

/silent, 1393

/source, 1393

/verbose, 1393

syntax, 1390

AxImporter class, 1252

AxWebBrowser class, 239

AxWebBrowserEvent-Multicaster class, 240


back buffer surfaces, 1118

background field, 1150

balloon effect, manually defining COM types, 1033–1036

basic string. See BSTR

bi-directional communication, 202

binary compatibility

Visual Basic 6, 294–295

components, 628–633

instancing, 633–634


late, 91

COM components, 119–120

.NET members, 119

unmanaged C++, 404–407

partial, 91

BINDPTR value type (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1255

BindToMoniker method (Marshal class), 1296

BIND_OPTS value type (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1255

BitConverter.ToString method, 946

blittable data types, 98

blittable value types, 792

BonusPicture field, 1120

BookExamples.WindowsMediaPlayer assembly, 1201,1217, 1223–1224

Boolean parameters, MarshalAsAttribute, 1343

Both string value, 276

Both threading model, 733

BSTR (basic string), 149–150, 249

by-reference null value types (IntPtr type), manipulating, 264–265

by-reference parameters, 119–120, 518


method conversions, 164–167

.NET method transformations, 436–438

by-value parameters

method conversions, 164–167

.NET method transformations, 436–438


UnamangedType enumeration values, 549

value, 834

ByValTStr value, 834


/c (REGSVCS.EXE), 1395

C#, 34

ApartmentState property, 280–281

callback functionality

using delegates, 205–206

using events, 210–211

calling GetObjectAttribute method, 260

clients, assembly modifications, 345–348

coclass IDL representation of .NET classes, 450–452

COM View and .NET View

of an event, 446

of fields exported as properties, 444

of methods with parameter arrays, 441

of properties, 442

ComImport-marked class, 1026

compiler, 1006

custom attributes, 29–30, 36–38

custom marshalers, converting Stream to IStream, 901–905

defining IWMPEffects Interface, 971, 973

definition of IMarshal, 672–673

definition of IRunningAppCollection, 976–979


addImport and addRule parameters, 994

C# IHTMLStyleSheet interface, 1035–1036

IHTMLStyleSheet interface, 996–998

IPersist and IPersistStream Interfaces, 985–987, 1000–1001

NetMeeting Coclass interface, 1009, 1016–1018

enumerations and parameters, and the IDL representation of exported types, 454, 457

explicit interface implementation, 656

exposing .NET events as COM connection points, 592–593

Form1.cs. Using Microsoft Word Spell Checking listing, 128–130, 133–137

fully qualified names, 61–62

Hello, World, 36

ICustomMarshaler interface, 896

IDictionary interface, 746

ITypeLibImporterNotifySink interface methods, 1044, 1051

keywords corresponding to System namespace, 35

manual SAFEARRAY marshaling, 273–275

manual variant marshaling, 267, 270–272

marking array parameters with InAttribute and OutAttribute, 792–794

MyWebBrowser.cs. Using the WebBrowser ActiveX Control in C# listing, 123, 126

Non-Static Extern Members feature, 1029–1031

PInvoke, 50, 776–777

raw connections points, 219–222

reflection, 26–28

Register for COM Interop option, 534

RegistrationHelper class methods, 1059

signatures, MarshalAsAttribute, 899–901

StringValidator class, 380–381

syntax for imported C-style array fields, 262

System.Runtime.Interop-Services.UCOMIConnection Point syntax, 676–676, 684

System.STAThreadAttribute, 279

translation of IWMPEffects, 965–966, 1002

TypeLibConverter class, 1040, 1050

unsafe code, 849–852

unsafe code versus System.Runtime.Interop-Services APIs, 250–254

obtaining value type addresses, 254–255

obtaining value type sizes, 255–258

using construct, 1218–1220

using statement, 35

writing COM-creatable classes and non-COM-creatable classes, 514


definition of ISupportErrorInfo, 674

ItypeLibImporterNotifySink interface methods, 1044, 1052

late binding, 404–407

RegistrationHelper class methods, 1059

RegistrationServices class methods, 1056

StringValidator class, 385–388

TypeLibConverter class, 1041, 1050

C-style array fields (IntPtr type), manipulating, 262

imported C# syntax, 262

imported Visual Basic .NET syntax, 262–264

C-style arrays, adding size to, 349–351

caches, GAC (global assembly cache), 24–25


COM, 214–217, 226

exceptions, 286

to .NET objects, 282–289

.NET, 202

delegates, 204–208

events, 208–214

interfaces, 202–204

Win32 functions, 810–811

delegates as function pointers, 811–817

invoking unmanaged pointers in managed code, 818–821

CALLCONV enumeration, 1255


event, 592–593

method, 596

CallerIdEventArgs class, 610

CallerIdEventHandler class, 596


GetObjectAttribute method, 260

members, .NET objects, 400–403

methods, COM objects, 101–109

properties, COM objects, 101–109

CallingConvention (PInvoke), 799–800

enumeration, 1255–1256

parameter, DllImportAttribute, 1266

camel casing, 503

Capabilities property, 1220

casing, type libraries, 489–492


QueryInterface, 110–112

to RCW types, 295–297

categories, COM components, 569

CCWs (COM-Callable Wrapper), 69, 71, 394

class interfaces, 397–399

custom marshaling, 880–882

adapter objects, 904–905

deterministic release of resources, 947–952

exposing Stream as IStream, 932–943

Cdecl value, CallingConvention enumeration, 1255

CFileWriter class, 750–759

ChangeFontButton_Click method, 923

ChangeWrapperHandle-Strength method (Marshal class), 1296–1297

channelCount field, 1217

Character class, 1133

fields, 1157

methods, 1158, 1161–1162

private fields, 1158

Character method, 1158

CharSet enumeration, 1256

CharSet parameter

DllImportAttribute, 1266

StructLayoutAttribute, 830

ChatRoomDisplay interface, 204

ChatRoomServer class, 215

CheckForDeath method, 1121, 1133

class interfaces, 741–743

ClassInterfaceAttribute, 556–560

classes. See also coclasses

AnimatedEnvelopePicture, 1133, 1143–1146

AnimatedPicture, 1133, 1139

fields, 1140

methods, 1140–1143

properties, 1140

ApplicationEvents_SinkHelper, 332

Assembly, 512

AttributeUsageAttribute, 30

AxCoClassName, 236

AxCoClassNameEvent-Multicaster, 236

AxImporter, 1252

AxWebBrowser, 239

AxWebBrowserEvent-Multicaster, 240

CallerIdEventArgs, 610

CallerIdEventHandler, 596

CFileWriter, 750–759

Character, 1133

fields, 1157

methods, 1158, 1161–1162

private fields, 1158

ChatRoomServer, 215

ClassVisibleToAll, 479

Client, 853

COM, 54

converting, 179–186

manually defining, 1022–1036

COM-creatable, writing in C#, 514

ComFriendlyForm, 611, 621

ComPlusInstaller, 1097–1100

ComVisibleForm, 479

ConsoleDisplay, 204

CorRuntimeHost, 468

creating instances

CreateObject method, 99–101

error detection, 101

new operator, 99


exposing Stream as IStream, 932–943

MarshalManagedTo-Native, 948–952

CustomRCW, exposing IStream and Stream, 923–932

defining in IDL files, 702–703

default interfaces, 704–707

source interfaces, 703–704

DevTagAction, 635, 643, 645

DevTagRecognizer, 635, 643–644


Display, 206

EmailAttack, 1178, 1182

EmailAttackForm, 1166–1171

Envelope, 1162

methods, 1162, 1165–1166

public fields, 1162

Environment, 1171

EventNameEventArgs, 609

Exporter, 1083–1084, 1086–1092

FontMarshaler, 365, 914–923

Form, 611–612, 1171

formatted, customizing classes, 839–844

FrontLayer methods, 1154

Game, 1111, 1119–1121, 1131–1133, 1154, 1166

private fields, 1121

properties, 1121

public fields, 1120

GCHandle, 250, 270, 306

GroundLayer methods, 1153

IDL coclass representation, 450–453

Importer, 1069–1083

INetMeetingEventsEventProvider, 1017

inheritance, COM, 311–315

IntroScreen, 1156–1157

Kernel32, 1167

Layer, 1133, 1150

fields, 1150

methods, 1150–1152

LoadTypeLibEx, 1066

MainForm, 1100–1101

ManagedIStream, 889–895

Marshal, 250, 263, 270, 306, 1067

MarshalGetObjectFor-NativeVariant method, 272

members, private, 653

Microsoft.Win32.Registry, 644

Monitor, 275

MustInherit, 506

Mutex, 275

NumberPicture, 1133, 1146

methods, 1147–1150

private fields, 1147

Object, interface, 439–440

OwnerWindow, 1221

Phone, 592, 596–597

event handlers, 597

exposing .NET events to COM with CLR, 602–605

exposing .NET events to COM without CLR, 594, 596–597

Picture, 1133–1134

methods, 1136–1139

properties, 1136

RCW, converting, 182

Register, 1093–1097

Registrar, 1096

registration, REGASM.EXE, 568

RegistrationHelper, 1059, 1252

InstallationFlags enumeration, 1060–1061

methods, 1060

C#, 1059

C++, 1059

Visual Basic .NET, 1059

RegistrationServices, 391, 1097, 1056–1058

RegistryKey, 853, 856, 859–860

RegistryKeyEnumerator, 853, 856

RingEventHandler, 596

Screen, 1133, 1155–1156

Sound, 1133–1136

SourceInterfaceName_MethodNameEvent, 236

Stack, late binding, 404

Stream, 889–895

StringValidator, 381

C#, 380–381

C++, 385, 387–388

JScript, 388–390

Visual Basic 6, 382–384

StructLayoutAttribute, 433

System.Activator, 99

System.Collections.Stack, InvalidOperation-Exception, 403

System.ComponentModel, 620

System.Console, 868

System.Drawing.Font, custom marshaling, 910, 912

System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent, 283, 507

System.EventArgs, 608

System.IDisposable, 69

System.IO.Stream, methods, 883–889

System.MarshalByRef-Object, 295, 507

System.Object, 295, 741–743

System.Runtime.Interop-Services, 620

System.Runtime.Interop-Services namespace

CurrencyWrapper, 1263–1264

DispatchWrapper, 1264–1265

ErrorWrapper, 1267–1268

ExtensibleClassFactory, 1269–1271

Marshal, 1292–1342

RegistrationServices, 1349–1351

RuntimeEnvironment, 1351–1352

TypeLibConverter, 1356–1357

UnknownWrapper, 1366–1367

System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomMarshalers namespace

EnumerableToDispatchMarshaler, 1370

EnumeratorToEnum-VariantMarshaler, 1371

ExpandoToDispatchExMarshaler, 1371–1372

TypeToTypeInfo-Marshaler, 1372

System.Runtime.Interop-Services.Marshal, 307, 501, 845

System.Text.Regular-Expressions.Regex, 396

System.Threading.ManualResetEvent, 286

System.Type, 26, 99

System.Web.Services.WebService, 507

System.Web.UI.Page, 507

System.Windows.Forms.Form, 479, 507, 1221

System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu, 507

TAPI, methods, 227–229

type library transformations, 449–451

TypeLibConverter, 85, 1052

creating assemblies from type libraries, 1040–1048

creating type libraries from assemblies, 1050–1055

generating type libraries, 395

ResolveRef method, 1045

UnicodeEncoding, 946

UnmanagedType.LPArray, 337

UnmanagedType.Safe-Array, 337

usage guidelines, versus interfaces, 506–508

Util, 1112, 1138–1139

methods, 1112, 1118–1119

public fields, 1112

VB .NET modules, 356–358

Visualization, 1208–1223, 1229

_INetMeetingEvents_EventProvider, 1008

_INetMeetingEvents_SinkHelper, 1008

ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual), 435

ClassInterfaceAttribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1256–1257

ClassInterfaceType enumeration, 556–560

ClassInterfaceType enumeration, 556–560, 1257

ClassVisibleToAll class, 479

CleanUpManagedData method (ICustomMarshaler interface), 897, 1282

CleanUpNativeData method (ICustomMarshaler interface), 897, 1281

Client class, 853


defining exception types, COM, 520–522

names, 499–502, 505

.NET Framework

designing COM components for, 716–728

designing COM members for, 729–731

designing COM objects for, 731–738

COM, 53, 403–407


COM, 528–529

.NET, 527–529

ClippedRectangle method, 1136, 1139

Closing event, 622–623

CLR (Common Language Runtime), 15

COM Interoperability. See COM Interoperability

core services, 52

exception object properties, 722

exposing COM connection points with, 598

ComClassAttribute, 605–608

ComSourceInterfaces-Attribute, 598–600

defining source interfaces, 600–605

design guidelines, 608–611

Phone class, 602–605

Windows Forms, 611–614, 620–625

hosting, 460–468

IDispatch implementation, 659–660

compatible, 660–665

internal, 660–665

IManagedObject, 658

IUnknown implementation, 657

JIT (just-in-time compiler), 21

managed code, 48

releasing COM objects, 109–110

unmanaged code, 48

versioning, 19

ClrCreateManagedInstance API, 468–471

CLS (Common Language Specification), 16, 868–870


creating COM components in ASP.NET pages, 91

versioning, 530–531

COAUTHINFO structure, 873

CoClassAttribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1258

coclasses. See also classes

converting, 180–182

CorRuntimeHost, 460–461

HTMLDocument, 234

HTMLStyleSheet, 1023

interfaces, manually defining, 1003–1009, 1016- 1019

InternetExplorer, 218–222, 231

MultiPurposeObject, 705

NetMeeting, 1007

type library transformations of classes, 449–451

CoCreateGuid API, 60

CoCreateInstanceEx, activating remote COM objects, 871–874


luring attacks, 306

managed, 48

adapter objects, 905–909

connection points, 218–235

debugging COM Interoperability calls to unmanaged code, 315–319

interaction with unmanaged code, 49–53, 69–71

invoking unmanaged pointers in, 818–821

Registry, adding, 567–569

unmanaged, 48, 72

adapter objects, 905–909

debugging COM Interoperability calls from managed code, 315–319

goals for interaction, 48–49

interaction with managed code, 49–53, 69–71

late binding, 404–407

reflection, 482–488

security, 49, 304–308

unmanaged StringValidator class

C++, 385, 387–388

JScript, 388–390

unsafe (C#), 849–852

code-access security, 21

/codebase (REGASM.EXE), 393–394, 1386

CoEEShutDownCOM, 492


COM enumerations, 114

exposing, 524–527


callbacks, 214–217, 226

classes, 54

converting, 179–186

creating instances, 99–101

inheritance, 311–315

manually defining, 1022–1036

writing in C#, 514

clients, 53

defining exception types, 520–522

names, 499–502, 505

returned error codes/messages, 403–407

collections, enumerations, 114

compared to .NET Framework, 55–57

component locations, 62–64

component names, 59–62

error handling, 66–68

object lifetimes, 68–69

programming model, 57–58

type compatibility, 64

type information, 58–59

type safety, 66

versioning, 64–66


apartment-threaded, 277–278

ASP.NET, 90–94

Both threading model, 733

categories, 569

connection points, 202, 214–235

debugging into, 315–319

designing for .NET clients, 716–728

free-threaded, 277

late binding, 119–120

library names, 142

locations, 62–64

migration to .NET, 684–685

neutral, 277

referencing in Visual Studio .NET, 78–84

referencing with SDK, 81–84

registration, 460–471

sliced interfaces, 743–747

Windows Registry, 62

core interoperability tools. See TLBIMP.EXE; TLBEXP.EXE; REGASM.EXE

data types

BSTR, 149–150

converting, 143–162

converting .NET data types into, 429, 432–433

CURRENCY, 148–149

DECIMAL, 148–149

HRESULT, 150–151

LPSTR, 149–150

LPWSTR, 149–150

SCODE, 150–151

Variant, 146–147


definitions, manually defining, 958–959

deploying .NET applications, 126–137

enumerations, converting, 193–194

enums, manually defining, 1022

event sinks, 623–625

exposing enumerators to, 524–527

exposing events as connection points

Windows Forms, 611–614, 620–625

with CLR, 598–611

without CLR, 592–597

extended interoperability tools. See AXIMP.EXE; REGSVCS.EXE

fonts, custom marshaling, 914–923

interfaces, 57–58, 506–508, 628

converting .NET interfaces to, 447–449

custom attributes, 963–964

customizations, 998–1003

default implementations, 657–677

definitions, 628–629

dispinterface, 608, 982–984

dual, 58

dual interfaces, 975–981

error handling, 112–114

explicit interface members, 655–656


IAmVisibleToAll, 479

IAssemblyCache, 1040

IConnectionPointContainer, 675–676

ICorRuntimeHost, 460

ICreateErrorInfo, 727–728

IDebuggerInfo, 461

IDispatch, 54–55, 58, 146–147, 654, 659–672

IDispatchEx, 152–153

IEnumVARIANT, 152–153

IGCHost, 460

IMarshal, 672–673

Implement Interface, option, 651–652

implementation, 112–114

inheritance, 654–655, 984–987

IObjectSafety, 676–677

IPersist, 654–656

IPersistStream, 654–656

IPhoneEventHookup, 596

IPhoneEvents, 596–597

IProvideClassInfo, 296, 673–674, 705–706, 734

IRecordInfo, 271

ISmartTagAction, 635–636, 643–646, 654

ISmartTagRecognizer, 635–636, 643–646, 654

IStream, 881, 883, 888

ISupportErrorInfo, 674, 725–726

ITypeInfo, 152–153, 730

IUnknown, 54, 57, 68, 70, 146–147, 654, 657–659

IUnknown-Only interfaces, 964–974

IValidator, 461

language limitations, 988–995, 998

manually defining, 962–963

method signatures, 652

MultiPurposeObject, 705

names, 500

non-public, 967

Office XP smart tags, 634–636, 643–650, 653–656

parameterized properties, 653–654

private members, 653

QueryInterface, 110–112, 706

selecting members, 651

SetErrorInfo, 728

versioning, 65–66

Visual Studio .NET shortcuts, 650–653

invisibility, 477–482, 562–565


converting for .NET object models, 434–447

designing for .NET clients, 729–731

modules, converting, 187–188

names, 59–62

.NET types, 678–679

objects, 53

activating with CoCreateInstanceEx, 871–874

calling methods, 101–109

calling properties, 101–109

designing for .NET clients, 731–738

IProvideClassInfo interface, 734

Marshal.ReleaseCom-Object, 299–304

passing, 115–118

releasing, 109–110

visualizations, 572

objects created in source code, Activator.CreateInstance method, 91

optional parameters, 104–105

overview, 53–55


converting, 189–191

manually defining, 1019–1022

testing components from, 535–536

threading, 275

apartment states, 277–282

apartment types, 276–277

callbacks to .NET objects, 282–289

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID{CLSID}InProcServer32 string values, 276–277

incompatible apartments, 291–292

type libraries, 58–59, 64

type systems, 64

typedefs, converting, 194–196

unions, converting, 191–192

utilities, 55–56

visibility, 477–482, 562–565

Visual Basic 6, 57

visualizations, 1196–1197

COM Interoperability, 51–53, 69–71

debugging calls from managed code into unmanaged code, 315–319

goals, 53

GUIDs, 529

performance monitoring, 320–321

versioning, 528–529


components, 96

objects, 309–311

exposing .NET objects as, 584–586

installing in Component Services explorer, 309

COM+ Catalog, installation, 1059–1061

COM+ tab (Interactive Interop Tool), 1097–1100

COM-Callable Wrapper. See CCW

COM-compatible components. See binary-compatible components

ComAliasNameAttribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1258

ComClassAttribute, 560–562, 613

ComConversionLoss-Attribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1258

ComEventInterface-Attribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1258–1259

COMException, 728 (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1259–1260

ComFriendlyForm class, 611, 621, 623

ComImport-marked class, C#, 1026

ComImportAttribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 298, 1260

COM interface implementations, 658

custom attribute, 963

ComInterfaceType enumeration, 578–579, 1260


CLS (clearing Console screen), 868–870

Project menu, Add Reference, 25

ComMemberType enumeration, 1261

Common Language Runtime. See CLR

Common Language Specification. See CLS

communication, bi-directional, 202

_ComObject, 71, 104, 229–232, 295–298, 422, 696, 734–735

compatibility, Visual Basic .NET, 38

compatible IDispatch CLR implementation, 660–665

compiler, C#, 1006

compilers, managed, 15

ComPlusInstaller class, 1097–1100

Component parameter, 508

Component Services explorer, installing COM+ objects, 309

ComponentAccessControlAttribute, 585

components. See also assemblies

binary-compatible, 628–634


apartment-threaded, 277–278

ASP.NET, 90–94

Both threading model, 733

categories, 569

connection points, 202, 214–235

debugging into, 315–319

free-threaded, 277

library names, 142

migration to .NET, 684–685

neutral, 277

referencing in Visual Studio .NET, 78–84

referencing with SDK, 81–84

registration, 460–471

sliced interfaces, 743–747

Windows Registry, 62

COM+, 96

designing for .NET clients, 716–717

array parameters, 718, 720

array parmeters, 717–719

error reporting, 720–728

VARIANT parameters, 720


.NET Framework, 62–64

COM, 62–64

names, COM compared to .NET Framework, 59–62

.NET Framework, 380

C# StringValidator class, 380–381

C++ StringValidator class, 385–388

DirectX, 1106

JScript StringValidator class, 388–390

Visual Basic 6 StringValidator class, 382–384

side-by-side, 18–19

testing from COM, 535–536

version policies, 19

versioning, 527–529

/componly (REGSVCS.EXE), 1395

ComptibleImpl value, IDispatchImplType enumeration, 1283

ComRegisterFunction--Attribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 568, 1261

ComSourceInterfaces-Attribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 598–600, 611, 631, 1261

defining source interfaces, 600–605

COMTIIntrinsicsAttribute, 585

ComUnregisterFunction-Attribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 568, 1262

ComVisibleAttribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 562–565, 1262–1263

ComVisibleForm class, 479

concurrency, .NET Framework, 275

Configure value, 1061

ConfigureComponents-Only value, 1061

conformant arrays, 160–161

conformant varying arrays, 161–162

ConformantArray1D method, 161

connectable objects, 229–235

CONNECTDATA value type (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1263

connection points, COM components, 202, 214–217

connectable objects, 229–235

event handling, 219–222

lazy connection point initialization, 227–229

managed code, 218–222

type library importer transformations, 222–227, 235–240


clearing screen, 868–870

input, responding to immediately, 865–868

ConsoleDisplay class, 204

ConsoleMessage method, 206

constants, 709–710

ConstructionEnabled-Attribute, 585


adding to RCW class, 182

usage guidelines, 513–514

constructs, 710

containers, ActiveX hosting Windows Forms controls in, 471–477

Control property, 621


ActiveX, 120–121

converting, 196–198

referencing in Visual Studio .NET, 121–122

referencing with .NET Framework SDK, 122–123

Web browser example, 123, 126

TreeView, 624

WebBrowser, 236

events, 241–242, 244–245

referencing ActiveX controls, 123, 126

Windows Forms, hosting in ActiveX containers, 471–477

ConvertAssemblyToType-Lib method (TypeLibConverter class), 1356

C#, 1050

C++, 1050


assemblies, 426

exported type library, 428

helpstrings, 427

LCID, 427

library names, 427–428

type library identification, 426–427

version numbers, 427

classes, 449–451

COM members for .NET object models, 434

.NET events, 446–447

.NET fields, 444–446

.NET methods, 434–441

.NET properties, 441–444

enumerations, 453–454, 457

.NET data types, 429, 432–433

.NET interfaces to COM interfaces, 447–449

value types, 452–453

ConvertTypeLibToAssembly assembly, 1048

ConvertTypeLibToAssembly method (TypeLibConverter class), 1041–1042, 1356–1357

creating assemblies from type libraries 1042-1044

parameters, 1357

Copy method, Marshal class, 1297–1298

CopyFileEx API, callbacks, 810–815

CorExitProcess, 492–493

CorRuntimeHost class, 468

CorRuntimeHost coclass, 460–461

Counter field, 1112

CreateInstance method, 468

CreateObject method, creating instances, 60, 99–101

CreateRemoteInstance method, 874

CreateSink method, 239

CreateSoundBufferFromFile method, 1112

CreateSurfaceFromFile method, 1112, 1118

CreateTargetApplication value, 1061

CreateTypeInfo method, 1068

CreateWrapperOfType, 298–299, 1298–1299

creating. See writing

CURRENCY data type, 148–149

CurrencyWrapper, 115, 119, 1263–1264

CurrentAudioTitle property, 1220

CurrentChannelCount property, 1220

CurrentPreset property, 1217, 1229

CurrentSampleRate property, 1220

custom attributes, 28, 30

ApplicationAccessControlAttribute, 584

ApplicationActivation-Attribute, 584

ApplicationCrmEnabled-Attribute, 584

ApplicationIDAttribute, 584

ApplicationNameAttribute, 584

ApplicationQueuing-Attribute, 584

AssemblyKeyFileAttribute, 381

AssemblyVersionAttribute, 530

AttributeUsageAttribute, 1223

AutoCompleteAttribute, 585

AutomationProxyAttribute, 581–582

C#, 36–38

C++, 43–45

ClassInterface(Class-InterfaceType.AutoDual), 435

ClassInterfaceAttribute, 556–560

COM interfaces, 963–964

ComImportAttribute, 963

GuidAttribute, 963

InterfaceTypeAttribute, 964

ComClassAttribute, 560–562, 605–608, 613

ComImportAttribute, 298, 658

ComponentAccessControlAttribute, 585

ComRegisterFunction-Attribute, 568

ComSourceInterfaces-Attribute, 598–605, 611, 631

COMTIIntrinsicsAttribute, 585

ComUnregisterFunction-Attribute, 568

ComVisibleAttribute, 562–565

ConstructionEnabled-Attribute, 585

controlling apartments that .NET components reside on, 278–280

creating, 29–30

custom marshalers, 364–366

customizing structures, 829

FieldOffsetAttribute, 832–833

MarshalAsAttribute, 834–839

StructLayoutAttribute, 829–832, 839–844

DescriptionAttribute, 359, 585

DispIdAttribute, 574–578, 601, 651

DISPIDs, 366, 370

DllImportAttribute, 772, 795

EventClassAttribute, 585

EventTrackingEnabled-Attribute, 585

ExampleAttribute, 354

ExceptionClassAttribute, 585

exported type libraries, 428

FieldOffsetAttribute, customizing structures, 832–833

GetCustomAttributes, 1220

GuidAttribute, 331, 427, 574

helpstring, 358–363

IDispatchImplAttribute, IDispatch implementation, 660–661

IDL, 371–372

IISIntrinsicsAttribute, 585

ILASM.EXE, 351–356

ImportedFromTypeLib-Attribute, 331


customizing data flow, 553–554

export behavior, 438

marking array paraetmers, 792–794

InterfaceQueuingAttribute, 585

InterfaceTypeAttribute, 578–579, 601

JustInTimeActivation-Attribute, 585

KeywordAttribute, 509

LayoutKind enumeration, 829–830

LCIDConversion, 582–583

LoadBalancingSupported-Attribute, 585

MarshalAsAttribute, 895, 898, 1222

C# signatures, 899–901

COM interface shortcuts, 651

customizing arrays, 549–550

customizing data types, 541–549, 552–553

customizing structures, 834–839

detecting errors in, 552–553

Inherited property, 546

parameters, 898–900

syntax, 334–340

UnmanagedType enumeration, 542–545, 549–552

UnmanageType values, 834

Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.StandardModuleAttribute, 356

MustRunInClientContext-Attribute, 585

ObjectPoolingAttribute, 585

OptionalAttribute, 583–584

OutAttribute, 786

customizing data flow, 553–554

export behavior, 438

marking array parameters, 792–794

parameters, 830

PreserveSigAttribute, 436, 579

PresetEnumAttribute, 1220–1223

PrivateComponentAttribute, 585

ProgIdAttribute, customizing registration, 566

pseudo, 33

reflection, 31–33

RestrictedAttribute, 508–509

SecureMethodAttribute, 585

SecurityPermissionAttribute, 305

SecurityRoleAttribute, 585

STAThreadAttribute, 1100

StructLayoutAttribute, 270

customizing structure layout, 554–556

customizing structures, 829–832

LayoutKind enumeration, 554

SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute, 308

SynchronizationAttribute, 276, 586

System.EnterpriseServices namespace, 584–586

System.FlagsAttribute, 1022

System.MTAThread-Attribute, 278

System.Reflection.|AssemblyDescription-Attribute, 1067

System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl-Attribute, 276

System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace, 1250

AutomationProxy-Attribute, 1254

ClassInterfaceAttribute, 1256–1257

CoClassAttribute, 1258

ComAliasNameAttribute, 1258

ComConversionLoss-Attribute, 1258

ComEventInterface-Attribute, 1258–1259

ComRegisterFunction-Attribute, 1261

ComSourceInterfaces-Attribute, 1261

ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute, 1262

ComVisibleAttribute, 1262–1263

DispIdAttribute, 1265–1266

GuidAttribute, 1278

IDispatchImplAttribute, 1282

ImportedFromTypeLib-Attribute, 1284

InterfaceTypeAttribute, 1285

LCIDConversion-Attribute, 1290–1291

PrimaryInterop-AssemblyAttribute, 1348

ProgIdAttribute, 1349

TypeLibFuncAttribute, 1358

TypeLibTypeAttribute, 1359

TypeLibVarAttribute, 1359

System.Security.Suppress-UnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute, 308

System.STAThreadAttribute, 278

in ASP.NET, 279–280

in C#, 279

TransactionAttribute, 586

usage guidelines versus interfaces, 508–510

VB .NET modules, 356–358

Visual Basic .NET, 40–42

custom marshalers, 248, 364–366, 880, 895–896

adapter objects, 901–903, 905–909

ICustomAdapter interface implementation, 909

marshaling by value versus reference, 910–913

arrays, 943–947

by value, 914

FontMarshaler class, 914–918

.NET Windows Form consumer, 918–920

Visual Basic 6 .NET form, 921–923

CCWs, 880–882

adapter objects, 904–905

deterministic release of resources, 947–952

exposing Stream as IStream, 932–943

data type transformations without, 882–883

ComStream adapter class exposing IStream implementation as .NET streams, 883–889

ManagedIStream class exposing Stream objects through IStream implementation, 889–895

.NET definition of UCOMIStream in C#, 883, 888

deterministic release of resources, 947–952

FontMarshaler class, 365

ICustomMarshaler interface, 896–898

Interop Marshaler without marshaling, 880

limitations, 952–953

MarshalAsAttribute, 895, 898–901

marshaling between .NET and COM fonts, 914

FontMarshaler class, 914–918

.NET Windows Form consumer, 918–920

Visual Basic 6 .NET form, 921–923

marshaling between System.IO.Stream and IStream, 923–943

.NET class implementation, 909

RCWs, 880–882

adapter objects, 904–906

exposing IStream and Stream, 923–932

System.Runtime.Interop-Services, 1252

CustomCCW class

exposing Stream as IStream, 932–943

MarshalManagedToNative, 948–952


arrays, MarshalAsAttribute, 549–550

C# definitions of IPersist and IPersistStream Interfaces, 986–987

COM interfaces, 998–1003

data flow, 553

InAttribute, 553–554

OutAttribute, 553–554

data types, 540–549, 552–553

PIAs, 693–694

registration, 566

adding arbitrary registration code, 567–569

custom registration functions, 570–574

ProgIdAttribute, 566

System.Guid.ToString, 570

unregistration functions, 569–570

structure layout, 554–556

structures, 829

FieldOffsetAttribute, 832–833

formatted classes, 839–844

MarshalAsAttribute, 834–839

StructLayoutAttribute, 829–832

structure inspection, 844–847

translation of IWMPEffects to C#, 967

CustomRCW class, exposing IStream and Stream, 923–932


Dancing Cat visualization, 1235–1243

data flow, customizing, 553

InAttribute, 553–554

OutAttribute, 553–554

data types. See also types

blittable, 98


BSTR, 149–150

converting, 143–162

converting into .NET, 429, 432–433

CURRENCY, 148–149

DECIMAL, 148–149

HRESULT, 150–151

LPSTR, 149–150

LPWSTR, 149–150

SCODE, 150–151

converting, 143–144, 429, 432–433

arrays, 433

combining types, 145–151

complex types, 152–162

custom marshaling, 895–896

adapter objects, 901–909

arrays, 943–947

deterministic release of resources, 947- 952

ICustomMarshaler interface, 896–898

limitations, 952–953

MarshalAsAttribute, 895, 898–901

marshaling between .NET and COM fonts, 914–923

marshaling between System.IO.Stream and IStream, 923–943

marshaling by value versus reference, 910–913

.NET class implementations, 909

by value, 914–923

customizing, 540–549, 552–553

ILASM.EXE, 332–333, 340–342

.NET, 429, 432–433, 516–517

System.IntPtr, 248–250

transformations without custom marshaling, 882–883

ComStream adapter class, 883–889

ManagedIStream class, 889–895

NET definition of UCOMIStream in C#, 883, 888

usage guidelines, 516

nested arrays, 518–519

OLE Automation, 516–518

pointers, 518

user-defined value types, 519

Variant, 146–147

Win32, 778–781

DCOM (distributed COM) objects, 54, 309–311

creating remote objects, 309–310

.NET remoting, 310

Type.GetTypeFromCLSID method, 309

Type.GetTypeFromProgID method, 309

debugging, into COM components, 315–319

DECIMAL data type, 148–149

Declare statement

customizing, 795

PInvoke, 773–775

Declare statement (PInvoke)

changing string behavior, 797–799

function names, 796

DeclaredOnly flag, 1220

default COM interface implementations, 657

IDispatch, 659–665

IUnknown, 657–659

default interfaces, defining classes in IDL files, 704–707

default values, 1061

language limitations of COM interfaces, 994–995, 998

definitions (.NET), 628


addImport and addRule parameters, 994

C# IHTMLStyleSheet interface, 1035–1036

IHTMLStyleSheet interface, 996–998

IPersist and IPersistStream Interfaces, 985–987, 1000–1001

IRunningAppCollection, 976–979

NetMeeting Coclass interface, 1009, 1016–1018


interfaces, 628–629

manually defining, 958–959

HTML Object Library, 1003


IHTMLStyleSheet interface, 988–989

INetMeetingEvents dispinterface and INetMeeting interface, 1007–1008

IPersist and IPersistStream Interfaces, 985

IRunningAppCollection, 975–976

IWMPEffects interface, 964

.NET Framework, 1021


addImport and addRule parameters, 994

DispHTMLStyleSheet interface and the HTMLStyleSheet coclass interface, 1004–1006

IHTMLStyleSheet interface, 991

IRunningAppCollection, 980–981

/delaysign (AXIMP.EXE), 1391

/delaysign (TLBIMP.EXE), 1377


as function pointers, 811–812

CopyFileEx, 812–815

SetConsoleCtrlHandler, 815–817

.NET callbacks, 204–208

SourceInterfaceName_MethodNameEvent-Handler, 235

System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace, 1345

DeleteSubKey method, 860

deployment, 19–20

assemblies, 532–535

.NET applications, 126–130, 133–137

PIAs, 694–696


zero-impact, 20

Desc property, 644–645

DESCKIND enumeration, 1264

Description property, 1216–1217, 1233

DescriptionAttribute, 359, 585

DESCUNION value type (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1264


COM components for .NET clients, 716–717

array parameters, 717–720

error reporting, 720–728

VARIANT parameters, 720

COM members for .NET clients, 729

passing error information, 731

passing interface pointers to anything, 729

passing type information, 730–731

COM objects for .NET clients

IProvideClassInfo, 734

naming guidelines, 734–735

performance, 735–738

resource management, 731–733

threading, 733

guidelines for exposing .NET events as COM connection points, 608–611

DestroyStructure method (Marshal class), 1299

DetachSink method, 239

device software, 14

DevTagAction class, 635, 643–645

DevTagRecognizer class, 635, 643–644

diagnotics, PInvoke signatures, 778

dialog boxes, Implement Interface, 748

digital signing. See signing

digitSpacing field, 1147

DigitWidths field, 1131, 1147



DirectMusicPerformance interface, 283–285

directories, System32, 25

DirectX, 1106

Advanced Version of E-mail Attack, 1171–1172

compiling, 1172

DirectX namespace, 1183, 1193–1194

EmailAttack class, 1178, 1182

Win32.cs file, 1172, 1178

E-mail Attack. See E-mail Attack


heartland.sty, 284

heartland2.sgt, 284

Layer class. See Layer class

.NET components, 1106

Screen class. See Screen class

type library errors, 294

Visual Basic .NET code

COM callbacks running on threads, 287–289

callbacks on separate threads, 283–286

Web site, 1106

DirectX 7 for Visual Basic Type Library, 284

DirectX for VB, 1106

DirectX namespace, 1111, 1118, 1135, 1138, 1143, 1146, 1183, 1193–1194

dispatch identifiers. See DISPIDs

DispatchWrapper class (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1264–1265

DispatchWrapper wrapper, 115

DispHTMLStyleSheet interface, 1004–1006

DispIdAttribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 574–578, 601, 651, 1265–1266

DISPIDs (dispatch identifiers), 173, 366, 370

converting, 173–174

DISPID NEWENUM -4, 175–176

DISPID Value 0, 174–175

DispIdAttribute, 574–578

dispinterfaces (COM interfaces), 982–984

Display class, 206

DisplayPropertyPage method, 1201, 1220–1221

Dispose method, 69, 1121, 1131, 1134–1136, 1151–1152, 1155–1156, 1167, 1171

DISPPARAMS value type (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1266

distributed COM. See DCOM

“DLL Hell”, 16

defined, 17

.NET Framework solution to, 17–18

side-by-side components, 18–19

version policies, 19

DLL/COM redirection, 17

dlldatax.c file, 292

DllGetClassObject method, 392

DllImportAttribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 772, 1266–1267

choosing DLL locations dynamically, 863–865

choosing DLL names dynamically, 863–865

customizing, 795

DllImportAttribute (PInvoke)

ExactSpelling, 799

functio names, 796

GetLastError parameter, 800–801

PreserveSig parameter, 803–807

SetLastError parameter, 800–801

string behavior, 797–799

DllImportAttribute pseudo-custom attribute, 776–777


assembly names, 502

choosing locations dynamically, 863–865

choosing names dynamically, 863–865

MSCOREE.DLL, 460, 468

Office.dll, 301

PInvoke signatures, 1432–1433

GDI32.DLL, 1433, 1442

KERNEL32.DLL, 1442, 1461

OLE32.DLL, 1461, 1470

SHELL32.DLL, 1470–1471

USER32.DLL, 1472, 1486

PowerPoint.dll, 301

static entry points, 772


Platform Invocation Services. See PInvoke

do-it-yourself marshaling, 248

BSTR types, 249

C# unsafe code versus System.Runtime.Interop-Services APIs, 250–254

obtaining value type addresses, 254–255

obtaining value type sizes, 255–258

manipulating IntPtr types, 258

by-reference null value types, 264–265

C-style array fields, 262–264

null pointers, 259

SAFEARRAYs, 273–275

struct, 258–262

variants, 266–267, 270–272

metadata signatures, 249

System.IntPtr data type, 248–250

DownloadBegin interface, 239

Draw method, 1147–1149

DrawAt method, 1136, 1139–1140, 1143–1144, 1146

DrawSurface method, 1112, 1139

dual interfaces (COM interfaces), 58, 975–979, 981

DUMPBIN.EXE, static entry points, 772

DWebBrowserEvents interface, 226

DWebBrowserEvents2 interface, 226

DX7VB.DLL, 284

DXCallback method, 285, 289

dxSurface method, 1136

dynamic assemblies


ConvertTypeLibTo-Assembly method, 1042–1044

ImporterEventKind enumeration, 1044

ITypeLibImporterNotifySink interface, 1044

ResolveRef method, 1045–1046

setting asmFileName to string, 1043

TypeLibImporterFlags enumeration, 1043–1044

saving, 1048–1050

dynamic type libraries

creating, 1050–1055

saving, 1055


E-mail Attack (DirectX application), 1106

Advanced Version, 1171–1172

compiling, 1172

DirectX namespace, 1183, 1193–1194

EmailAttack class, 1178, 1182

Win32.cs file, 1172, 1178

AnimatedEnvelopePicture class, 1143–1146

AnimatedPicture class, 1139

fields, 1140

methods, 1140–1143

properties, 1140

Character class

fields, 1157

methods, 1158, 1161–1162

private fields, 1158

EmailAttackForm class, 1166–1168, 1171

enumerations, 1120

Envelope class, 1162

methods, 1162, 1165–1166

public fields, 1162

FrontLayer class, 1154

Game class, 1111, 1119–1121, 1131–1133, 1166

private fields, 1121

properties, 1121

public fields, 1120

GroundLayer class, 1153

IntroScreen class, 1156–1157

Layer class, 1150

fields, 1150

methods, 1150–1152

NumberPicture class, 1146

methods, 1147, 1149–1150

private fields, 1147

Picture class, 1133–1134

methods, 1136, 1138–1139

properties, 1136

programmer’s perspective, 1108–1109

compiling, 1111

picture management, 1111

source files, 1109–1111

Screen class, 1155–1156

Sound class, 1133–1136

user’s perspective, 1107

Util class, 1112

methods, 1112, 1118–1119

public fields, 1112

effects. See visualizations

ELEMDESC value type (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1267

E-mailAttack class, 1178, 1182

E-mailAttackForm class, 1166–1171

E-mailAttackForm method, 1167

encapsulation, 209

EnterFullScreen event, 1217

entry points

calling conventions, 799–800

exact spelling setting, 799

FunctionName, 796

FunctionNameW, 796

static, 772

callbacks, 810–821

choosing DLL locations dynamically, 863–865

choosing DLL names dynamically, 863–865

customizing structures, 829–847


passing structures, 821–829

Platform Invocation Services. See PInvoke

variable-length structures, 847–849

EntryPoint parameter, 1266

EntryPoint property, 36, 40, 43

EnumConnectionPoints method (IConnectionPoint-Container interface), 216

EnumerableToDispatch-Marshaler class, 1370


AssemblyRegistrationFlags, 1056–1057, 1096

ClassInterfaceType, 556–560

COM, 193–194, 1022

ComInterfaceType, 578–579

E-mail Attack, 1120

ExporterEventKind, 1052–1055, 1068

ImporterEventKind, 1044, 1068

InstallationFlags, 1099

InstallationFlags enumeration, 1060–1061

IWMPEffects interface, 1204–1208

LayoutKind, 554, 829–830

MessageTypes, 1068

names, 707–709


System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace

AssemblyRegistration-Flags, 1254


CallingConvention, 1255–1256

CharSet, 1256

ClassInterfaceType, 1257

ComInterfaceType, 1260

ComMemberType, 1261


ExporterEventKind, 1268–1269



GCHandleType, 1277

IDispatchImplType, 1283



ImporterEventKind, 1284


LayoutKind, 1290






TypeLibExporterFlags, 1357

TypeLibFuncFlags, 1358

TypeLibImporterFlags, 1358

TypeLibTypeFlags, 1359

TypeLibVarFlags, 1359

UnmanagedType, 1367–1368

VarEnum, 1369–1370


System.Threading.ApartmentState, 280

TagTypes, 643–644

type library, 453–454, 457

TypeLibExporterFlags, 1051

TypeLibImporterFlags, 1043–1044

UnmanagedType, 337–338, 542–545, 549–552

usage guidelines, 514–516

VarEnum, 337–338

Verbs, 643


COM collections, 114

exposing to COM, 524–527

EnumeratorToEnumVariantMarshaler class, 1371

Envelope class, 1162

methods, 1162, 1165–1166

public fields, 1162

Envelope method, 1162

EnvelopeGrid field, 1120

EnvelopePicture field, 1120

envelopes (E-mail Attack game). See Game class

EnvelopeUnderneath property, 1162

envelopeX field, 1158

envelopeY field, 1158

Environment class, 1171

Equals method, 743

ErrorCode, 722

errors. See also troubleshooting

assembly content modifications, 328

creating COM objects, 101


COM compared to .NET Framework, 66–68

interface implementation, 112–114

Win32 APIs, 800–807

MarshalAsAttribute, 552–553

reporting, 720–721

HRESULTs, 721–722

setting information, 722–723

setting information in Visual Basic 6, 723–724

setting information in Visual C++, 725–728

returned error codes/messages

unmanaged C++, 404–407

Visual Basic 6, 403–404

type libraries, 294

ErrorWrapper class (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1267–1268

ErrorWrapper wrapper, 115



event handling


events, 240–245

importer transformations, 235–240

connectable objects, 229–235

hookup, 603–604

Internet Explorer

.NET events, 224–227

raw connection points, 219–222

lazy connection point initialization, 227–229

Phone class, 597

type library importer transformations, 222–227, 235–240

EventClassAttribute, 585

EventNameEventArgs class, 609

events, 592

Activated, 625

ActiveX, 240–245

adding for source interfaces, 186

CallerId, 592–593

Closing, 622–623


connectable objects, 229–235

handling in managed code, 218–222

lazy connection point initialization, 227–229

type library importer transformations, 222–227

EnterFullScreen, 1217

ExitFullScreen, 1217

exposing as COM connection points

Windows Forms, 611–614, 620–625

with CLR, 598–611

without CLR, 592–597

handling. See event handling

InputLanguageChanging, 622–623

manually defining, 1003–1009, 1016–1017, 1019

MediaChange, 1217, 1220

members, 229–232

.NET Framework

callbacks, 208–214

handling, 488–489


OnCallerId, 596

OnRing, 596

QueryAccessibilityHelp, 623

Ring, 592–593

sinks, 623–625

type library transformations, 446–447

Validating, 612, 622–623

WebBrowser control, 241–245

WindowResize, 226

EventTrackingEnabled-Attribute, 585

ExactSpelling (entry point name), 799, 1266

ExampleAttribute, 354

/exapp (REGSVCS.EXE), 1395

EXCEPINFO value type (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1268

ExceptionClassAttribute, 585


COMException, 728

defining new exceptions, 520–522


error information, 404

HRESULT to, 1400, 1406–1407, 1413

to HRESULT transformations, 1416–1417, 1423, 1429

InvalidCastException, 289–299

InvalidOperationException, 403

.NET methods called back from COM, 286

properties, 722

returned error codes/messages

unmanaged C++, 404–407

Visual Basic 6, 403–404

System.Runtime.Interop-Services namespace

COMException, 1259–1260

ExternalException, 1271

InvalidComObject-Exception, 1286

InvalidOleVariantTypeException, 1286–1287

MarshalDirective-Exception, 1344–1345

SafeArrayRank-Mismatch-Exception, 1352

SafeArrayTypeMismatchException, 1352–1353

SEHException, 1353

TypeLoadException, 313, 392, 403

user-defined, 521–523

Win32 errors, 803–807

ExitFullScreen event, 1217

ExpandoToDispatchEx-Marshaler class, 1371–1372

ExpectExistingTypeLib value, 1061

explicit members, 655–656

Explicit value, 1290

exported type libraries, 428

Exporter class, 1083–1084, 1086–1092

Exporter tab (Interactive Interop Tool), 1083–1084, 1086–1092

Exporter.cs, 1084, 1086–1092

ExporterEventKind enumeration (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1052–1055, 1068, 1268–1269

exporters (type library), 394–397

COM-Callable Wrappers. See CCWs

generating type libraries, 395


Register for COM Interop option, 395

TLBEXP.EXE, 395–396

TypeLibConverter class, 395

MarshalAsAttribute C# signatures, 900–901

exportOpenButton_Click method, 1100

ExtensibleClassFactory class (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1269–1271

ExtensibleClassFactory.RegisterObjectCreation-Callback method, 314

ExternalException (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1271

/extlb (REGSVCS.EXE), 1395

extraLifeSound field, 1121



FAILED method, 347

failure HRESULTs, 579–580, 721

ErrorCode, 722

setting error information, 722–723

setting error information in Visual Basic 6, 723

FastCall value, CallingConvention enumeration, 1255

/fc (REGSVCS.EXE), 1395

FieldOffsetAttribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 832–833, 1271–1272


AnimatedPicture class, 1140

audioTitle, 1217

channelCount, 1217

Character class, 1157–1158

Layer class, 1150


Character class, 1158

Game class, 1121

NumberPicture class, 1147


Envelope class, 1162

Game class, 1120

type library transformations, 444–446

usage guidelines, versus properties, 510–511

Util class, 1112

File Signing Tool. See SignCode.exe

filenames, DLLs, 690



heartland.sty, 284

heartland2.sgt, 284

dlldatax.c, 292

Win32.cs, 1172, 1178

FILETIME value type (System.Runtime.Interop-Services namespace), 1272

FillRect method, 271

Finalize method, 743

FindOrCreateTargetApplication value, 1061

fixed-length arrays, 157–158


DeclaredOnly, 1220

hasTransparentColor, 1138

ImporterEventKind enumeration, 1044

parameter, 1051, 1357

TypeLibImporterFlags enumeration, 1043

FontMarshaler class, custom marshaling, 365, 914–918

.NET Windows Form consumer, 918–920

Visual Basic 6 .NET form, 921–923

fonts, custom marshaling, 914

FontMarshaler class, 914–918

.NET Windows Form consumer, 918–920

Visual Basic 6 .NET form, 921–923

Form class, 611–612, 1171

format specifiers, GUIDs, 570

formatted classes, customizing structures, 839–844


ComFriendlyForm, 623

Visual Basic 6, FontMarshaler custom marshaler, 921–923

Windows Forms

exposing events to COM, 611–614, 620–625

FontMarshaler custom marshaler, 918–920

Interactive Interop Tool, 1100–1101

frameHeight field, 1140, 1146

frames field, 1140

framesInRow field, 1140

framesSinceDeath field, 1158

frameWidth field, 1140

Framework Services Installation Utility. See REGSVCS.EXE

Free method (GCHandle value type), 1275

Free string value, 276

free-threaded components, 277

free-threaded marshaler. FTM, 282

FreeBSTR method (Marshal class), 1299–1300

FreeCoTaskMem method (Marshal class), 1300

FreeHGlobal method (Marshal class), 1300

frequency, 1199

frequency field, 1140, 1150

FromGlobalAccessCache method (Runtime-Environment class), 1351

front buffer surfaces, 1118

FrontLayer class, 1154

FTM (free-threaded marshaler), 282

fully qualified names, C#, 61–62

FUNCDESC value type (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1272

FUNCFLAGS enumeration (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1272

FUNCKIND enumeration (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1273

FunctionName entry point, 796

FunctionNameW entry point, 796


GetLastError, 800

GetWindowsDirectory, 784–788

KERNEL32.DLL, 774–777, 797

Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left, 788


case-sensitivity, 774

names, 796

PInvoke signatures, 1432–1433

GDI32.DLL, 1433, 1442

KERNEL32.DLL, 1442, 1461

OLE32.DLL, 1461, 1470

SHELL32.DLL, 1470–1471

USER32.DLL, 1472, 1486

pointers, 810–811

delegates as, 811–817

invoking unmanaged pointers in managed code, 818–821

QueryPerformanceCounter, 774

QueryPerformance-Frequency, 774–777

registration, 570–574

SetConsoleCtrlHandler, delegates as, 815–817

SetVolumeLabel, 783–784

shutdown, MSCOREE.DLL, 492–493

unregistration, 569–570


GetConsoleScreen-BufferInfo, 821–829

GetLastError, 800


GAC (global assembly cache), 24–25, 63

compared to System32 directory, 25

compared to Windows Registry, 64

installing assemblies, 392, 649–650

gacutil.exe, 24, 1040

Game class, 1111, 1119–1121, 1131–1133, 1154, 1166

private fields, 1121

properties, 1121

public fields, 1120

Game method, 1121

Game.Render method, 1171

GameStates enumeration, E-mail Attack, 1120

garbage collection

GC.Collect, 301–302

Marshal.ReleaseComObject, 299–304

PowerPoint, 301–304

Garbage Collector, premature collecting, 852–853, 856, 859–862

GC.Collect, 301–302

GCHandle class, 250, 270, 306

GCHandle value type (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1273–1275

conversion operators, GCHandle/IntPtr, 1276–1277


AddrOfPinnedObject, 1275

Alloc, 1275

Free, 1275


IsAllocated, 1275

Target, 1276

GCHandle/IntPtr conversion operator, GCHandle value type, 1276–1277

GCHandleType enumeration (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1277

GDI32.DLL, PInvoke signatures, 1433, 1442

GenerateGuidForType method (Marshal class), 1301

GenerateProgIdForType method (Marshal class), 1301

get accessors, 442

GetActiveObject method (Marshal class), 1301

getBonusSound field, 1121

GetCapabilities method, 1200

GetClassID method, 654

GetComInterfaceForObject method (Marshal class), 1302

GetComObjectData method (Marshal class), 1303

GetComSlotForMethodInfo method (Marshal class), 1303

GetConsoleScreenBuffer-Info function, 821–829

GetCurrentPreset method, 1201

GetCustomAttributes, 1220

GetDisplayNameForAssembly method, 1067

GetEndComSlot method (Marshal class), 1303

GetEnumerator method, 440, 524–527

GetExceptionCode method (Marshal class), 1303–1304

GetExceptionPointers method (Marshal class), 1304

GetExportedTypes method, 1097

GetFrequency method, 1225

GetHashCode method, 743

GetHINSTANCE method (Marshal class), 1304

GetHRForException method (Marshal class), 1304–1305

GetHRForLastWin32Error method (Marshal class), 1305

GetIDispatchForObject method (Marshal class), 1305–1306

GetIDsOfNames method, 662

GetInstance method, 897–898

GetITypeInfoForType method (Marshal class), 1306

GetIUnknownForObject method (Marshal class), 1306–1307

GetLastError function, 800

GetLastWin32Error method (Marshal class), 1307

GetManagedCategoryGuid method, 1057, 1349

GetManagedThunkFor-UnmanagedMethodPtr method (Marshal class), 1307

GetMethodInfoForCom-Slot method (Marshal class), 1308

GetNativeDataSize method, 897, 1282

GetNativeVariantForObject method (Marshal class), 1308–1309

GetObjectAttribute method

calling, 260

.NET signature, 260

GetObjectForIUnknown method (Marshal class), 1309

GetObjectForNativeVariant method (Marshal class), 272, 1309

GetObjectsForNative-Variants method (Marshal class), 1310

GetPresetCount method, 1201

GetPresetTitle method, 1201, 1220, 1225

GetPrimaryInterop-Assembly method, 1047–1048, 1357

GetPrivateProfileSection-Names API, 789–791

GetProgIdForType method (RegistrationServices class), 1057, 1350

GetRecordInfoFromType-Info method, 271

GetRegistrableTypesIn-Assembly method, 1057, 1350

GetRuntimeDirectory method (RuntimeEnvironment class), 1351


method, 729

.NET signature, 729

GetStartComSlot method (Marshal class), 1310–1311

GetSystemVersion method (RuntimeEnvironment class), 1352

GetThreadFromFiberCookie method (Marshal class), 1311

GetTitle method, 1201

GetType method, 511–512

GetTypeCode method, 118

GetTypedObjectForI-Unknown method (Marshal class), 1311

GetTypeForITypeInfo method (Marshal class), 1311–1312

GetTypeInfo method, 663

GetTypeInfoName method (Marshal class), 1312

GetTypeLibGuid method, 1067, 1312

GetTypeLibGuidFor-Assembly method (Marshal class), 1312

GetTypeLibLcid method, 1067, 1313

GetTypeLibName method, 1067, 1313

GetUnderlyingObject method (ICustomAdapater interface), 909

GetUnmanagedThunkForManagedMethodPtr method (Marshal class), 1313–1314

GetWindowsDirectory function, 784–788

Global Assembly Cache Utility. See gacutil.exe

GlobalMultiUse setting (instancing), 634

GlobalSingleUse setting (instancing), 633

GoFullscreen method, 1201, 1222

Graphics property, 622

GroundLayer class, methods, 1153

GuidAttribute, 331, 427, 574, 1278

GuidAttribute custom attribute, 963


COM Interoperability, 529

format specifiers, 570

GuidAttribute, 574

names, 60–61

property, 568–570, 1216


Handle property, 1171, 1221

HandleRef instance, 862

HandleRef value type (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1278–1280

HasAttachment field, 1162

HashCode property, 502

Hashtable key

IComparer interface implementation, 764–766

IHashCodeProvider interface implementation, 764–766

HasPropertyPage method, 1232

hasTransparentColor flag, 1138

hasTransparentColor method, 1136

HDC parameter, 1218

heartland.sty file, 284

heartland2.sgt file, 284

Height property, 1136, 1139–1140, 1143

Hello, World program

C#, 36

C++, 43

Visual Basic .NET, 39–40

/help (AXIMP.EXE), 1393

/help (REGASM.EXE), 1390

/help (REGSVCS.EXE), 1396

/help (TLBEXP.EXE), 1384

/help (TLBIMP.EXE), 1381

HelpLink string, 723


assemblies, 427

attributes, 358–361, 363

type libraries, 382

hiding HRESULTs, 162–164

highScore field, 1121

HighScore property, 1121, 1132

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT registry key, 62

hosts, CLR, 460–468

HResult property, 520

HRESULTs, 67–68, 150–151

caused by .NET exceptions, error information, 404

COM interface implementation, 656

defining, 520

to exception transformations, 1400, 1406–1407, 1413

exceptions to transformations, 1416–1417, 1423, 1429

exposing success, 342–348


failure, 579–580, 721

ErrorCode, 722

setting error information, 722–723

hiding, 162–164

IDispatch implementations, 664–665

.NET interface implementation, 758

.NET method transformations, 434–436

registering assemblies, 393

success, 580, 721–722

HTML Object Library (Microsoft), 234, 1003

HTMLDocument coclass, 234

HTMLDocument interface, 235

HTMLStyleSheet class, 1003

HTMLStyleSheet coclass, 1004–1006, 1023


IAmVisibleToAll interface, 479

IAssemblyCache interface, 1040

IChatRoomDisplay interface, 215–216

ICollection interface, 746

IComparer interface, implementation to use COM objects as Hashtable key, 764–766

IConnectionPointContainer interface

implementation, 675–676

methods, 216

ICorRuntimeHost interface, 460

ICreateErrorInfo interface, 727–728

ICreateTypeInfo interface, 1068

ICreateTypeLib interface, 1068

ICustomAdapter interface (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1280–1281

GetUnderlyingObject method, 909

implementation, 909

ICustomFactory interface (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1281

ICustomMarshaler interface (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 896–898,1281-1282

IDASite interface, 731

IDE (Integrated Development Environment), 25

IDebuggerInfo interface, 461

IDictionary interface, 746

IDispatch (COM interfaces), 54–55, 58,103, 146–147, 654, 659

CLR, 659–665

writing, 665–672

IDispatch.Invoke method, 608

IDispatchEx interface, 152–153, 678–679

IDispatchImplAttribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 660–661, 1282

IDispatchImplType enumeration (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1283

IDisposable interface, 732, 750–759, 1131

IDisposable.Dispose method, 493, 1135

IDL (Interface Definition Language), 54


IDL representation of .NET classes, 451–453

representation of .NET classes, 451

representation of .NET classes, 450–453

COM data type conversions, 143–144

combining types, 145–151

complex types, 152–162

COM View and .NET View

of an event, 447

of fields exported as properties, 445

of methods with parameter arrays, 441

of properties, 443

custom attributes, 371–372


IHTMLStyleSheet interface, 988–989

INetMeetingEvents dispinterface and INetMeeting interface, 1007–1008

IPersist and IPersistStream Interfaces, 985

IRunningAppCollection, 975–976

IWMPEffects interface, 964

IDispatch (COM interface), 54–55

IUnknown (COM interface), 54

.NET View and COM View

of the same methods, 435

of the same methods by-value and by-reference parameters, 437

of the same overloaded methods, 439

optional parameters, 104–105

representation of the AddressLists dispinterface, 982

type libraries, 697–698

ActiveX controls, 712

constants, 709–710

constructs, 710

defining classes, 702–707

naming enums, 707–709

referencingexternal types, 698–702

registering type libraries, 711

IDLDESC value type (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1283

IDLFLAG enumeration (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1283

IEnumerator interface, 524, 746

IEnumVARIANT interface, 152–153, 524–525, 678

IErrorInfo interface, 409–414, 723–725, 731

IFont interface, 910–912

IFormattable interface, 761–764

IFormEvents methods, 623

IGCHost interface, 460

IHashCodeProvider interface, 764–766

IHTMLStyleSheet interface

C# definition, 996–998, 1035–1036

IDL definition, 988–989

VB .NET definition, 991

IIDs, versioning, 531–532

IISIntrinsicsAttribute, 585

IL (Intermediate Language), 21

IL Assembler syntax

metadata listing, 967–971

structure definitions, 1020

IL Assembler. See ILASM; ILASM.EXE

IL Disassembler. See ILDASM; ILDASM.EXE

ILASM.EXE (IL Assembler), 45, 324

adding methods to modules, 372–373

assembly content modifications, 324–328

changing data types, 340–342

custom attributes, 351–366, 370–372

custom marshalers, 248, 364–366

errors, 328

exposing success HRESULTs, 342–348

key option, 327

malicious edits, 327

managed resources, 326

output file names, 328

SAFEARRAYs, 348–351

unmanaged resources, 326

syntax, 328–329, 331

ApplicationEventsSinkHelper class constructor, 332

changing data types, 340–342

custom attributes, 351–358

data types, 332–333

exposing HRESULTs, 342–348

input files, 331

MarshalAsAttribute, 334–340

nested types, 334

passing parameters, 334

SAFEARRAYs, 348–351

ILDASM.EXE (IL Disassembler), 45, 307, 324, 512, 653

assembly content modifications, 324–327

changing data types, 340–342

malicious edits, 327

managed resources, 326

unmanaged resources, 326

opening PIAs, 695

IMainMenu interface, 507

IManagedObject interface, 658

IMarshal interface, 672–673

Implement Interface dialog box, 651–652, 748

IMPLTYPEFLAGS enumeration (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1283

import directive, referencing external types, 698–702

ImportedFromTypeLib-Attribute, 331, 1284

Importer class, 1069–1083

Importer tab (Interactive Interop Tool), 1069–1083

importer transformations (type library)

exposing connection pointers, 222–227, 235–240

IntPtr types. See IntPtr types

Importer.cs, 1070–1083

ImporterEventKind enumeration (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1044, 1068, 1284

importers, type library, 84, 1049–1050

Interop Assembly. See Interop Assembly

transformations, 86

importlib directive, 698–702

Imports statement (Visual Basic .NET), 38

in, [out] parameter, method conversions, 167–169

InAttribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1284–1285

customizing data flow, 553–554

export behavor, 438

marking array parameters, 792–794

INetMeeting interface, 1007–1008

INetMeetingEvents dispinterface, 1007–1008

INetMeetingEvents_EventProvider class, 1017

infectSound field, 1121

infrastructure, 14



classes, 311–315

interface implementation, 654–656

.NET interfaces, 743–747, 984–985, 987

Inherited property, 30, 546

Initialize method, 227, 1112, 1118

InitializeComponent method, 239

inproc servers, 63

input files (ILASM.EXE), 331

InputLanguageChanging event, 622–623

InputLanguageChanging method, 622

Install method, 1099

Install value, 1061

InstallAssembly method, 1060, 1099



GAC, 392

in GAC, 649–650

COM+ objects, 309

serviced components, 1059–1061

InstallationFlags enumeration, 1060–1061, 1099

installFlags parameter, 1060



CreateObject method, 99–101

error detection, 101

new operator, 99

HandleRef, 862

ManualResetEvent, 289

RegistryKey, 856

System.Collections.Array-List, 463

System.Collections.SortedList, 461

System._ComObject, 232

VARIANTs, 117–118

instantiating objects, 229–235

Integrated Development Environment. See IDE

Interactive Interop Tool, 1062, 1064

COM+ tab, 1097–1100

compared to SDK, 1062–1063

Exporter tab, 1083–1092

Importer tab, 1069–1083

MainForm class, 1100–1101

MiscTypes.cs, 1064–1068

Register tab, 1092–1097

structure, 1063

Interface Definition Language. See IDL

Interface value, 834

InterfaceIsDual value (ComInterfaceType enumeration), 1260

InterfaceIsIDispatch value (ComInterfaceType enumeration), 1260

InterfaceIsIUnknown value (ComInterfaceType enumeration), 1260

InterfaceName_MemberName method, 663

InterfaceQueuing-Attribute, 585


Advise, methods, 216

AppDomain, 488–489

ChatRoomDisplay, 204

CLR-specific, 658

coclasses, 1003–1009, 1016–1019

COM, 57–58, 506–508, 628

converting .NET interfaces to, 447–449

custom attributes, 963–964

customizations, 998–1003

default implementations, 657–677

definitions, 628–629

Dispatch, 70

dispinterfaces, 608, 982–984

dual, 58, 975–981

error handling, 112–114

explicit interface members, 655–656


IAmVisibleToAll, 479

IAssemblyCache, 1040

IConnectionPointContainer, 675–676

ICorRuntimeHost, 460

ICreateErrorInfo, 727–728

IDebuggerInfo, 461

IDispatch, 54–55, 58, 146–147, 654, 659–672

IDispatchEx, 152–153

IEnumVARIANT, 152–153

IGCHost, 460

IMarshal, 672–673

Implement Interface option, 651–652

implementation, 112–114

inheritance, 654–655, 984–987

IObjectSafety, 676–677

IPersist, 654–656

IPersistStream, 654–656

IPhoneEventHookup, 596

IPhoneEvents, 596–597

IProvideClassInfo, 296, 673–674, 705–706, 734

IRecordInfo, 271

ISmartTagAction, 635–636, 643–646, 654

ISmartTagRecognizer, 635–636, 643–646, 654

IStream, 881, 883, 888

ISupportErrorInfo, 674, 725–726

ITypeInfo, 152–153, 730

IUnknown, 54, 57, 68–70, 146–147, 654, 657–659

IUnknown-Only interfaces, 964–974

IValidator, 461

language limitations, 988–995, 998

manually defining, 962–963

method signatures, 652

MultiPurposeObject, 705

names, 500

.NET types, 678–679

non-public, 967

Office XP smart tags, 634–636, 643–650, 653–656

parameterized properties, 653–654

private members, 653

QueryInterface, 110–112, 706

selecting members, 651

SetErrorInfo, 728

versioning, 65–66

Visual Studio .NET shortcuts, 650–652

COM callbacks, source, 215–216, 226

converting, 177–179

default, defining classes in IDL files, 704–707

DirectMusicPerformance, 283, 285

DownloadBegin, 239

DWebBrowserEvents, 226

HTMLDocument, 235

IChatRoomDisplay, 215–216

ICollection, 746

IComparer, 764–766

IConnectionPointContainer, methods, 216

ICreateTypeInfo, 1068

ICreateTypeLib, 1068


GetUnderlyingObject method, 909

implementation, 909

ICustomMarshaler, 896–898

IDictionary, 746

IDispatch, 103

IDispoable interface, 750–759, 1131

IEnumerable, 746

IEnumerator, 524

IEnumVARIANT, 524–525

IErrorInfo, 409–414, 723–725, 731

IFont, 910–912

IFormattable, 761–764

IHashCodeProvider, 764–766

IMainMenu, 507

ISearch, 360–361, 363

IServicedComponent, 507

ISuportErrorInfo, 726–727

IToolClient, 1068

ITypeLibConverter, 1042

IVSSDatabase, 102

IWin32Window, 1221

IWMPEffects, 1199, 1202–1204

enumerations, 1204–1208

methods, 1200–1201

Render method, 1199–1200

structs, 1204–1208

Vizualization class, 1208–1223

Microsoft Direct Animation, IDASite, 731

.NET Framework, 740

callbacks, 202–204

class interfaces, 741–743

COM, 678–679

converting to COM interfaces, 447–449

disabling marshaling, 580–582


IComparer implementation, 764–766

IDispatchEx, 678–679

IDisposable, 732


IErrorInfo, 731

IHashCodeProvider implementation, 764–766

inheritance, 743–747

InterfaceTypeAttribute, 578

IReflect, 665–672

ITypeInfo, 678

names, 503–504

System.IConvertible, 652

Visual Basic 6, 397–399, 759–764

Visual C++, 747–759

Object class, 439–440

PowerPoint.EApplication, 366

QueryInterface, failures, 290–295

source, defining classes in IDL files, 703–704

SourceInterfaceName_Event, 222

SourceInterfaceName_EventProvider, 222

SourceInterfaceName_MethodNameEvent-Handler, 222

SourceInterfaceName_SinkHelper, 222

System.Collections.IEnumerable, 740

System.Runtime.Interop-Services namespace

custom marshaling, 1252

ICustomAdapter, 1280–1281

ICustomFactory, 1281

ICustomMarshaler, 1281–1282

IRegistrationServices, 1287

ITypeLibConverter, 1287–1288

ITypeLibExporterNameProvider, 1288

ITypeLibExporterNotifySink, 1289

ITypeLibImporterNotifySink, 1289

UCOMIBindCtx, 1360

UCOMIConnectionPoint, 1360

UCOMIConnectionPointContainer, 1360

UCOMIEnum-ConnectionPoints, 1360

UCOMIEnum-Connections, 1361

UCOMIEnumMoniker, 1361

UCOMIEnumString, 1361

UCOMIEnumVARIANT, 1361–1362

UCOMIMoniker, 1362–1363

UCOMIPersistFile, 1363

UCOMIRunningObjectTable, 1363

UCOMIStream, 1364

UCOMITypeComp, 1364–1365

UCOMITypeInfo, 1365

UCOMITypeLib, 1366

System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibExporter-NameProvider, 1054–1055

C# method, 1054

C++ method, 1054

Visual Basic .NET method, 1054

TypeInfo, 59

Unadvise, methods, 216

usage guidelines

versus classes, 506–508

versus custom attributes, 508–510

InterfaceTypeAttribute, 578–579, 601, 1285

InterfaceTypeAttribute custom attribute, 964

Intermediate Language. See IL

internal IDispatch CLR implementation, 660–665

InternalImpl value (IDispatchImplType enumeration), 1283

Internet Explorer, handling events

.NET events, 224–227

raw connection points, 219–222

InternetExplorer coclass, 218–222, 231

InternetExplorer.Document property, 234

Interop API, 52

Interop Assembly, 84–86. See also assemblies; Interop Marshaler

ActiveX control conversions, 196–198

adding methods to modules, 372–373

assembling/reassembling, 326–327

class conversions, 179

coclasses, 180–182

RCW class, 182–186

content modifications, 324–328

changing data types, 340–342

custom attributes, 351–366, 370–372

custom marshalers, 248, 364–366

errors, 328

exposing success HRESULTs, 342–348

key option, 327

malicious edits, 327

managed resources, 326

output file names, 328

SAFEARRAYs, 348–351

unmanaged resources, 326

creating, 85

data type conversions, 143–144

combining types, 145–151

complex types, 152–162

DISPIDs conversions, 173–174

DISPID NEWENUM -4, 175–176

DISPID Value 0, 174–175

enumeration conversions, 193–194

GetPrimaryInteropAssembly method, 1047–1048

helpstrings, 427


interface conversions, 177–179

method conversions, 162

by-value versus by-reference, 164–167

hiding HRESULTs, 162–164

in, [out] parameter, 167–169

[in] versus [out], 167–169

parameter arrays, 169–171

module conversions, 187–188

Primary, 86–90

property conversions, 171–173

registering, 297

signatures, 344

structure conversions, 189–191

type library conversion, 141–143

typedef conversions, 194–196

union conversions, 191–192

Interop Marshaler, 96–98. See also Interop Assembly

do-it-yourself marshaling, 248

BSTR types, 249

C# unsafe code versus System.Runtime.InteropServices APIs, 250–258

manipulating IntPtr types, 258–267, 270–275

metadata signatures, 249

System.IntPtr data type, 248–250

marshaling strings. See strings

without custom marshaling, 880



extended COM tools. See AXIMP.EXE; REGSVCS.EXE

IntPtr parameter, 340–341

IntPtr types

defining string parameters as, 789–791

initializing to null, 259

manipulating, 258

by-reference null value types, 264–265

C-style array fields, 262–264

SAFEARRAYs, 273–275

struct, 258–262

variants, 266–267, 270–272

IntroScreen class, 1156–1157

InvalidCastException exception, troubleshooting, 289–290

casting to RCW types, 295–299

QueryInterface failure, 290–295

InvalidComObject-Exception (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1286

invalidMoveSound field, 1121

InvalidOleVariantType-Exception (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1286–1287

InvalidOperationException, 403, 477–482, 562–565

Invoke method, 501, 663

INVOKEKIND enumeration (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1287

InvokeVerb method, 645–646

[in] parameter, method conversions, 167–169

IObjectSafety interface, implementation, 676–677

IPersist interface, C# definition, 985

customizations, 986–987

explicit interface members, 655–656

IDL definition, 985

inheritance, 654–655

IPersistStream interface

C# definition, 985–987

explicit interface members, 655–656

IDL definition, 985

inheritance, 654–655

IPhoneEventHookup interface, 596

IPhoneEvents interface, 596–597

IProvideClassInfo interface, 296, 673–674, 705–706, 734

IRecordInfo interface, 271

IReflect interface

IDispatch interface implementation, 665–672

members, 665–666

parameters, 671

IRegistrationServices interface (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1287

IRunningAppCollection dual COM interface, 975–976

definition in C#, 976–979

definition in VB .NET, 980–981

IsAllocated property (GCHandle value type), 1275

IsComObject method (Marshal class), 1314

IsDying field, 1158

ISearch interface, 360–361, 363

IServicedComponent interface, 507

IsInfected field, 1162

ISmartTagAction interface, 635–636, 643–646, 654

IsmartTagRecognizer interface, 635–636, 643–646, 654

ISmartTagRecognizer.get_Name method, 654

ISmartTagRecognizer.Recognize method, 635

IsPhoneNumber method, 381

IsTimeToMove method, 1112, 1118

IStream, 881

IStream interface,

by-reference null value types, 264–265

methods, 883, 888

IsTypeVisibleFromCom method (Marshal class), 1314

ISupportErrorInfo interface, 674, 725–727

IsVisible field, 1162

isVisible parameter, 504

IsVisible property, 504

IsZipCode method, 381, 388

IToolClient interface, 1068

ITreeNode.isVisible property, 504

ITypeInfo interface, 59, 152–153, 678, 730

ITypeInfo.Invoke method, 582

ITypeLibConverter interface (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace),1042, 1287–1288

ITypeLibExporterName-Provider interface (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1288

ITypeLibExporterNotifySink interface (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1289

ITypeLibExporterNotify-Sink.ReportEvent method, 1052

ITypeLibImporterNotify-Sink interface, 1044, 1051–1055, 1289

IUnknown (COM interfaces), 54, 57, 68, 70, 146–147, 654

IDL, 54

implementation, 657

non-reflexive implementation, 292–293

QueryInterface, 658–659

IUnknown-Only interfaces (COM interfaces), 964–974

IUnknown.AddRef method, 109

IUnknown.AddRef object, 68

IUnknown.Release method, 109

IValidator interface, 461

IVSSDatabase interface, 102

IWin32Window interface, 1221

IWMPEffects interface, 1199, 1202–1204

defining in C#, 971–973

defining in VB .NET, 974

enumerations, 1204–1208

IDL definition, 964

methods, 1200–1201

Render method, 1199–1200

structs, 1204–1208

translation to C#, 965–967, 1002

Visualization class, 1208–1223


jagged arrays, 518–519

JIT (just-in-time compiler), 21

JScript, StringValidator class, 388–390

JUMP to .NET, 51

just-in-time compiler. See JIT

JustInTimeActivation-Attribute, 585


Kernel32 class, 1167


functions, 774–797

PInvoke signatures, 1442, 1461

key option (ILASM.EXE), 327

/keycontainer (AXIMP.EXE), 1391

/keycontainer (TLBIMP.EXE), 1377–1378

/keyfile (AXIMP.EXE), 1392

/keyfile (TLBIMP.EXE), 1378

keyPair parameter (Con-vertTypeLibTo-Assembly method), 1046, 1357

KeywordAttribute, 509

KeywordAttributes assembly, 30


Alias, customizing PInvoke function names, 796

names, 500

WithEvents, 213–214, 603–604

Kill method, 1133, 1158, 1162

KillPlayer method, 1121, 1133


language limitations, COM interfaces, 988–995, 998

languages, 33–34

C#. See C#

C++. See C++

managed, 15

Visual Basic .NET. See Visual Basic .NET

late binding, 91

COM components, 119–120

.NET members, 119

unmanaged C++, 404–407

Layer class, 1133, 1150

fields, 1150

methods, 1150–1152

Layer method, 1150

layers field, 1121

LayoutKind enumeration (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1290

StructLayoutAttribute, 554, 829–830

LCIDConversion, 583

LCIDConversionAttribute (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 582, 1290–1291

LCIDs (Local Identifier), 529

assemblies, 427

methods, 582–583

LDIC (Locate Identifier), 426

leftAligned field, 1147

let accessors, 442

LIBFLAGS enumeration (System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace), 1291

LIBIDs (Library Identifier), 426–427, 529

library identifiers. See LIBIDs

lifetimes, 68–69

link demands, 306


AnimatedEnvelopePicture.cs., 1144, 1146

AnimatedPicture.cs., 26–28

C# definition of IHTMLStyleSheet interface, 1035–1036

C# definition of IMarshal, 672–673

C# definition of NetMeeting Coclass interface, 1009, 1016–1018

C# defintion of IHTMLStyleSheet interface, 996, 998

C# Non-Static Extern Members feature, 1029, 1031

C# representation of enumerations and enumeration parameters, 454, 457

C# representation of two interfaces related by inheritance, 448–449

C# source code demonstrating how to put ExampleAttribute on different elements, 36–38

C++ definition of ISupportErrorInfo, 674

C++ source code demonstrating how to put the ExampleAttribute on different elements, 44–45

Character.cs., 1158, 1161–1162

ChessBoard.cls., 765–766

ColorfulConsole Class Wraps Win32 APIs for Printing in Color, 822–829

ColorfulVisualization.cs, 1231–1235

COM Class Implementing Several Interfaces, 183–184

COM View and .NET View of an event, 446

COM View and .NET View of fields exported as properties, 444–446

COM View and the .NET View of a Method that Doesn’t Return an HRESULT, 163

COM View and the .NET View of a Method with a Parameter Array, 170

COM View and the .NET View of Methods with In-Only and Out-Only By-Reference Parameters, 168

COM View and .NET View of Methods with Parameter Arrays, 441

COM view and the .NET View of Parameters, 165

COM View and .NET View of Properties, 442–444

COM View and the .NET View of the Same Fixed-Length Arrays, 157

COM View and the .NET View of the Same Methods with a Variety of String Parameters, 149

COM View and the .NET View of the Same Methods with By-Value and By-Reference Parameters, 164

COM View and the .NET View of the Same Methods with DECIMAL and CURRENCY Parameters, 148

COM View and the .NET View of the Same Methods with SCODE and HRESULT Parameters, 151

COM View and the .NET View of the Same Methods with VARIANT, IUnknown*, and IDispatch* Parameters, 146

COM View and the .NET View of the Same Simple Methods, 162

ComPlusInstaller.cs., 1098–1100

CopyFileEx Function Calls Back into Managed Code, 812–815

ComStream.cs., 883–889

Custom attributes written in C#, 29–30

CustomCCW Adapter Class, 932–943

CustomRCW Adapter Class, 924–932

Custom Marshaler Written in C++, 907–909

Custom Registration Required for Plugging Components into Windows Media Player, 572–574

D3DCOLORAUX from Listing 7.9, 373

DancingCatVisualization.cs, 1238, 1243

defining IWMPEffects Interface in C#, 971, 973

defining IWMPEffects Interface in VB .NET, 974

defining source interface, 602–603

DirectX.cs., 1183, 1193–1194

DispHTMLStyleSheet interface, 1004–1006

DISPIDs for the EApplication Interface, 366, 370

Disposing an Object on its Last Release, 948–952

Dynamic PInvoke, 863–865

EmailAttack.cs., 1168, 1171, 1178, 1182

Ensuring that all PowerPoint RCWs are Collected, 303–304

Enums.cs., 1120

Envelope.cs., 1162, 1165–1166

Exported Methods for the Seven Events, 488–489

Exporter.cs, 1084, 1086–1092

Exporting an Assembly Containing a COM-Visible Type, 564–565

Exposing .NET events to COM without CLR, 594–597

Exposing Different Default Members than ToString to COM Clients, 575–578

Extracting Type Library Attributes, 1047–1048

FileWriter.cpp., 752–753, 755–759

FileWriter.h., 751–752, 754–755

Form1.cs., 128–137

FormattableClass.cls., 761, 763–764

FrontLayer.cs., 1154

Game.cs., 1121, 1131–1133

GroundLayer.cs., 1153

Handling Variable-Length Structures Using Multiple Definitions, 847–849

Hooking Up Event Handlers to Objects, 233–235

Hosting the CLR and Using .NET Objects in Visual Basic 6 COM Clients, 461–463

Hosting the CLR and Using .NET Objects in Unmanaged Visual C++ COM Clients, 463–468

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