
Let’s examine why algorithms such as binary search are described as O(log N). What is a log, anyway?

Log is shorthand for logarithm. The first thing to note is that logarithms have nothing to do with algorithms, even though the two words look and sound so similar.

Logarithms are the inverse of exponents. Here’s a quick refresher on what exponents are:

23 is the equivalent of:

2 * 2 * 2

which just happens to be 8.

Now, log2 8 is the converse of the above. It means: how many times do you have to multiply 2 by itself to get a result of 8?

Since you have to multiply 2 by itself 3 times to get 8, log2 8 = 3.

Here’s another example:

26 translates to:

2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 64

Since, we had to multiply 2 by itself 6 times to get 64,

log2 64 = 6.

While the preceding explanation is the official “textbook” definition of logarithms, I like to use an alternative way of describing the same concept because many people find that they can wrap their heads around it more easily, especially when it comes to Big O Notation.

Another way of explaining log2 8 is: if we kept dividing 8 by 2 until we ended up with 1, how many 2s would we have in our equation?

8 / 2 / 2 / 2 = 1

In other words, how many times do we need to divide 8 by 2 until we end up with 1? In this example, it takes us 3 times. Therefore,

log2 8 = 3.

Similarly, we could explain log2 64 as: how many times do we need to halve 64 until we end up with 1?

64 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 = 1

Since there are 6 2s, log2 64 = 6.

Now that you understand what logarithms are, the meaning behind O(log N) will become clear.

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