Chapter 0

3. Suppose A is the given matrix with first row 1 2 and second row 2 4; if V = (v1, v2), then the first element of AV is v1 + 2v2 and the second element is 2v1 + 4v2 = 2(v1 + 2v2). Note that if v1 + 2v2 = 0, then AV = 0; and so bapp02ie001V, Vbapp02ie002 = VT AV = 0. This shows that bapp02ie001, bapp02ie002 is not an inner product since any nonzero vector V with v1 + 2v2 = 0 satisfies bapp02ie001V, Vbapp02ie002 = 0 (thus violating the positivity axiom).

4. (2nd part) Part a: We wish to show that the L2 inner product on the interval [a, b] satisfies the positivity axiom; this means we must show that if bapp02ie003 dt, then f(t) = 0 is zero for all a < t < b. Part b: Suppose by contradiction that there is a t0 with f(t0) ≠ 0. Let = |f(t0|/2 > 0 in the definition of continuity; which states that there is a δ > 0 such that if |tt0| < δ, then |f(t0) < = |f (t0)|/2 > = |f(t0)|/2 > 0. This implies |f (t)|>|f (t0)|/2 for |t –l t0| < δ. Part c: Assuming δ is chosen small enough so that the interval [t0δ, t0 + δ] is contained in [a, b], then


This shows that if f (t0) ≠ 0, then bapp02ie004 > 0. Therefore, we conclude that if bapp02ie004 = 0, then f(t0) = 0 for all a < t0 < b. By taking limits as t0 bapp02ie005 a or t0 bapp02ie005 b, we conclude that f (a) = f(b) = 0, as well.

6. bapp02ie006. However, fn(t) does not converge to zero uniformly since the rate of convergence depends on how close t is to the origin.

8. No. Consider the sequence bapp02ie007 and define fn(t) = 0 otherwise; then bapp02ie008 which does not converge to zero as nδ; however, bapp02ie009 for all t; and so fn → 0 uniformly.

10. The orthogonal complement of the given function f (t) = 1 is the set of all functions g that satisfy bapp02ie010 = average(g).

12. The orthonormal basis is bapp02ie011bapp02ie012.

13. Set bj = bapp02ie001cos x, ejbapp02ie002 for 1 ≤ j ≤ 4, where e7 is the orthonormal basis given in the solution to exercise 12; then the projection is bapp02ie013, where


15. Note that the given functions ϕ(x), ψ(x), ψ(2x), and ψ(2x – 1) are orthogonal. The first two functions have unit L2 length; the latter two have L2 length equal to bapp02ie014 and bapp02ie015. Then {e1, e2, e3, e4} is an orthonormal set. The projection of f (x) = x is


17. If bapp02ie001u0, vbapp02ie002 = bapp02ie001u1, vbapp02ie002, then bapp02ie001u0u1,vbapp02ie002 = 0; for all v V. Set v = u0u1 and this equation says ||u0u1||2 = 0; this implies u0u0 = 0 or u0 = u1.

20. Suppose w belongs to Ker (A*); then A*w =0, which means that 0 = bapp02ie001A*w, vbapp02ie002 = bapp02ie001w, Avbapp02ie002 for all v V. This implies that w is orthogonal to the range of A. Conversely, if w is orthogonal to the range of A, then 0 = bapp02ie001w, Avbapp02ie002 = bapp02ie001A*w, vbapp02ie002 for all v V. This means that A*w = 0 and hence w Ker(A*).

22. If v0 V0 and w bapp02ie016, then (vo,w) =0, thus showing that any vector in V0 belongs to the orthogonal complement of bapp02ie017, i.e. V0bapp02ie018 . Now suppose w belongs to the orthogonal complement of bapp02ie017; then bapp02ie001w,vbapp02ie002 = 0 for all v1 bapp02ie017. By Theorem 0.25, we have w = v0 + v1, where v0 v1 and v1 bapp02ie017. Since bapp02ie001w, vbapp02ie002 = 0, we have


Therefore v1 = 0 and so w = v0, which belongs to V0. Thus, bapp02ie018V0.

27. Best-fit line is y = 4x + 1.

Chapter 1

1. The partial Fourier series of f (x) = x2 with N = 1 is


The plot of both f(x) = x2 and F(x) over the interval – 2πx ≤ 2π is given in Figure B.1.

3. Cosine series for x2 on bapp02ie019.

5. Cosine series for x3 on bapp02ie020 I cos(nx).

Figure B.1. Figure for exercise 1.


7. Since | sin(x)| is an even function, only cosine terms appear in its Fourier expansion on [–π, π],which is


9. The Fourier sine series for cos x on the interval 0 ≤ xπ is


12. Let


then, the Fourier series is bapp02ie021. The plot of the partial Fourier series with N = 10 is given in Figure B.2.

16. Proof of Lemma 1.16, part 4. eit eis = ei(t+s; the right side is cos(t + s) + i sin(t + s), which by the addition formula for cosine and sine is (cos t cos s – sin t sin s) + i (cos t sin s + cos s sin t). This agrees with the left side by expanding out eit eis = (cos t + i sin t)(cos s + i sin s) into its real and imaginary parts. Proof of Lemma 1.16, part 6. d/dt{eit} = ieit; the left side is d/dt{cos t + i sin t} which equals – sin t + i cos t; this is the same as the right side: ieit = i(cos t + i sin t). Proof of Theorem 1.20. To show that the functions bapp02ie022 is orthonormal, we compute using Lemma 1.16, parts 4 and 6:

Figure B.2. Figure for exercise 12.



If nm, then the above integral is bapp02ie023, then the above integral becomes bapp02ie024. The formula for the αn given in Theorem 1.20 now follows from Theorem 0.18.

19. First, extend f so that it is periodic with period 2; and note that its periodic extension is discontinuous at ±1/2, ±1, ±3/2,... and continuous everywhere else. Using Theorem 1.22, the Fourier series, F(x), of f converges to f(x) at each point, x, where f is continuous. At the points of discontinuity, F(x) is the average of the left and right limits of f by Theorem 1.28. Therefore, the value of F(x) at x = ±1/2, ±1, ±3/2,... is equal to 1/2.

21. Since the function, ƒ, in the sawtooth graph of Example 1.10 is everywhere continuous and piecewise differentiable, its Fourier series converges to f (in fact, the convergence is uniform by Theorem 1.30). Thus, from Example 1.10


Setting x = 0, we obtain


which after rearrangement becomes bapp02ie025.

23a. Convergence is pointwise, but not uniform, to the graph in Figure B.3 (three periods drawn).

23d: Convergence is uniform to the graph in Figure B.4, which is the periodic extension of f (three periods drawn):

25. Using the change of variables x = t – 2π, we have


Figure B.3. Figure for exercise 23, part a.


Figure B.4. Figure for exercise 23, part d.


where the last equality uses the fact that F is periodic: F(t – 2π) = F(t). Now relabel the variable t back to x in the integral on the right. To prove Lemma 1.3, we have


Using the first part of this problem, the first integral on the right is bapp02ie026 Reversing the order of the summands gives


29. Let bapp02ie027 sin nx; let F(x) be the same expression where the upper limit on the sum is ∞; we want to show that FN converges to F uniformly; that is, we want to show that for every there is an N0, independent of x, such that bapp02ie028 for all NN0, and all x. We have


Since bapp02ie029 converges, there is an N0 with bapp02ie030 N0. From the above inequality, we conclude that bapp02ie031 for NN0 and all x.

33. Answer = π4/90.



Chapter 2

2. We have


Since f (t) = sin 3t cos λt is an odd function, the integral of this part is zero; so


Subtracting the identities


with u = 3t and v = λt and then integrating gives




4. We have


If f is even, then f (t) sin λt is odd and so its integral over the entire real line is zero. Therefore bapp02ie032, which is real-valued if f is real-valued. Similarly, if f is odd, then f(t)cos λt is odd and so its integral over the entire real line is zero. In this case, bapp02ie033bapp02ie034 sin λt, which is purely imaginary if f is real-valued.

6. We have


where the last equality follows by completing the square in t of the exponent. We then have


where the last equality follows from a complex translation u = t + iλ/(2s) [this translation requires some complex variable theory (i.e., Cauchy’s Theorem, etc.) to justify rigorously]. Therefore


We now let bapp02ie035 to obtain


The value of the integral on the right is bapp02ie036.

8. We wish to show that if h (t0) ≠ 0 for some t0 < 0, then the filter L, defined by bapp02ie037, is not causal. Let’s assume that h (t0) > 0 (the case when h (t0) < 0 is similar). We must find a function f which is zero for x < 0, but where L(f) is nonzero on t < 0. If h (t0) > 0, then let = h (t0)/2 > 0. Since h is continuous, there is a δ > 0, such that h(t) > for t0δ < t < t0 + δ. Now let f(t) be the function that has the value 1 on the interval [0, δ] and zero everywhere else. We then have


So, we have found a function f, which is zero on {x < 0}, but L(f)(t) > 0 at t = t0 < 0. Therefore L is not causal.

10. We have


From part 8 of Theorem 2.6, we have bapp02ie038.

13. If bapp02ie039, then


If bapp02ie040 is nonzero only on the interval ω1 ≤ λ ≤ ω2, then bapp02ie041 is nonzero only on the interval


So we can apply Theorem 2.23 to g with the value bapp02ie042 and obtain


Inserting the formula for g and simplifying, we obtain


Chapter 3

2. Theorem 3.4, Part 1: Let zk = yk+1 and ω = e2πi/n; then


Let k′ = k + 1, then


Since y0 = yn, and bapp02ie043 term in the sum on the right is unchanged by letting k′ = 0; so


which establishes Part 1.

Theorem 3.4, Part 3: We have


We can now switch order of summation and factor to obtain


where the last equality holds with the change of index j′ = jl. The term on the right is bapp02ie044

4, 5. With the given values, ω = 6 is the vibrating frequency for the sinusoidal part of u(t). A plot of the fft of the values of u over 256 grid points on the interval [0,4] indicates that the largest frequency component is bapp02ie045; this corresponds to the vibrating frequencies 4(2π/4) = 2π which is close to the value ω = 6 as expected.

8. If the tolerance is set at 5 (so zero-out all the bapp02ie046 terms with absolute value less than 5), then approximately 213 of the 256 FFT coefficients will be set to zero (about 83% compression); the resulting relative error of the signal is approximately 13%.

12. Equation (3.11) states that bapp02ie047. We now wish to take the DFT of both sides. The first part of Theorem 3.4 states the following:


Using these two equations, the DFT of Eq. (3.11) is


Dividing both sides by bapp02ie048 (assuming this is nonzero) yields Eq. (3.12).

14a. If u is a sequence in Sn, then the sequence z (defined by Zk = Uk+1) and the sequence w (defined by wk = Zk–1) are both in Sn. Since L[u] = z + w – 2u, clearly L[u] belongs to Sn as well.

14b. Let et be the sequence with 1 in the kth slot and zeros elsewhere. The kth column of the matrix M4 is comprised of the coefficients of the sequence L[e]. Since L[e] = ek–1 – 2ek + ek+1, the kth column has the values 1, –2, and 1 in the k – 1, k, and k + 1 entries, respectively. When k = 1, then k – 1 = 0, which corresponds to the fourth entry (using mod 4 arithmetic), which is why the 1 appears in the (4,1) entry; similar considerations occur in the fourth column.

14c. The eigenvalues are 0, –2, –4, –2 with corresponding eigenvectors equal to the columns of F4.

15a. Aj,k = aj–k.

15b. Note that Aj,kxk = aj–kxk; The jth entry of AX is bapp02ie049 bapp02ie050. This is just the j’th entry of a * x.

Chapter 4

1. The decomposition of f into V2 elements is


The decomposition of f into V0, W0, and W1 components is


3. Suppose v1,... ,vn is an orthonormal basis for A and w1,..., wm is an orthonormal basis for B; then the collection v1,...,vn, w1,... ,wm is orthonormal since the v′s are orthogonal to the w′s. This collection also spans AB (since the v′s span A and the w′s span B). Therefore, the collection v1,..., vn, w1,..., wm is a basis for AB. The dimension of AB is the number of its basis elements so dim(AB) = n + m = dim A + dim B. If A and B are not orthogonal, then there could be some nonzero intersection AB. Then


(see any standard linear algebra text).

5. Suppose bapp02ie051 is orthogonal (in L2) to each ϕ(xl). Then we will show that a2l+1 = –a2l, for each l. From the given information, we have Since ϕ(2xk) has value one on the interval [k/2, k/2 + 1/2] and is zero everywhere else, the only contributions to the sum on the right are the terms when k = 2l and k = 2l + 1. So the above equation becomes



Therefore a2i+i + a2¡ = 0, as desired.

7. We use the reconstruction algorithm: bapp02ie052 is even, and bapp02ie053 is odd. Since we are given bapp02ie057 and bapp02ie058, the reconstruction algorithm with j =2 gives


Now, we use this information and the given values for bapp02ie054 with the reconstruction algorithm with j = 3 to obtain


So, the reconstructed h is bapp02ie055 where bapp02ie059 given above.

10. With the tolerance = 0.1, we can achieve 80% compression (i.e., 80% of the wavelet coefficients set equal to zero); the resulting reconstruction is accurate to within a relative error of 2.7% (i.e., the compressed signal, yc, is accurate to within the original signal y to within a relative error bapp02ie056 0.027). With a tolerance of 0.5, we can achieve 94% compression with a relative error of 8%.

Chapter 5

2b. Support is {x ≥ –5}. Note that the support must be a closed set; so even though f = 0 at the isolated points x = 0 and x = 1, these points must be included in the support. This function is not compactly supported.

3. The proof of Parseval’ s equation here is analogous to the proof of Parseval’ s equation for Fourier series given in Theorem 1.40. We let bapp02ie060 and bapp02ie061. We have


where the last equality uses the orthonormality of the uj. We will be done once we show that we can let N bapp02ie005 ∞. This argument is the same as that given after Eq. (1.43).

4a. From the two-scale relationship, we have


where the last equation follows by a change of index j =2l + k. Since the collection {21/2ϕ(2xk), k = ... –2, –1, 0, 1,...} is an orthonormal set, Parseval’s Equation states that


Since the left side is δ0.l, the identity in Theorem 5.9, Part 1 now follows.

5. First note the scaling equation: bapp02ie062. Next note that the set of ϕ(2xk)21/2, where k is any integer, is an orthonormal collection of functions. So we have the following:


Therefore bapp02ie063. If the support of ϕ is compact, say contained in the set [–M, M], then for |j| > 3M the supports of ϕ(x) and ϕ(2xj) do not overlap (i.e., one or both of these functions is zero for any x). Therefore, pj is zero for |j| 3M, and the set of nonzero pj is finite.

6a. From Theorem 0.21, the orthogonal projection of u onto Vj) is


where ϕj,k(x) = 2j/2ϕ(2j xk). The inner product on the right is


For later use in 6b, note that


This inequality is established by letting y = 2jxk in the right side of the previous equation.

6b. Now suppose the support of ϕ is contained in the set [–M, M]. As x ranges over the interval [0, 1], then 2jx – k ranges over the interval 2j[0, 1] – k. If this set is disjoint from the interval [–M, M] or contains it, then bapp02ie064 bapp02ie065. Let Q be the set of indices, k, where this does not occur. The number of indices in Q is approximately 2M. Therefore, examining the equation for uj from 6a and using (B.1), we conclude that


since ||ϕj,k|| = 1. Note that the right side goes to zero as j bapp02ie005 ∞. Therefore ||uuj|| ≥ (1/2)||u|| = 1/2 for large enough j. Note: A simpler proof can be given using Schwarz’s inequality.

8a. The set Vj) is the collection of L2 functions whose Fourier transform has support in [–2jπ 2jπ]. Note that this set increases as j increases, thus establishing Property 1 of Definition 5.1. The closure of the union of the Vj over all j contains L2 functions without any restriction on the support of their Fourier transform; this includes all L2 functions, which is Property 2. The intersection of Vj) is the set of functions whose Fourier transform is supported only at the origin (i.e., when j = 0). An L2 function with support at only one point (the origin) is the zero function; thus the intersection of all the Vj is the zero function, establishing Property 3. For Property 4, note that we have


by Property 7 of Theorem 2.6. If f belongs to Vj), then the support of bapp02ie066 f(ξ) is contained in [–2jπ, 2jπ]. This implies that the support of bapp02ie066f(2jξ) is contained in [–20π, 20π]. By the above equation, this means that f(2–j) is contained in V0. Conversely, if f(2–jx) is contained in V0, then the above reasoning can be reversed to conclude that f is in Vj).

8b. By the Sampling Theorem (Theorem 2.23 with Ω = 2jπ), any f in Vj can be expressed as


By canceling the common factors of π, we conclude that


which shows that sinc(2jxk) is a basis for Vj). To show that sinc(xk) is orthogonal, we use Theorem 5.18. Note that an easy computation, analogous to that in Eq. (5.27), shows that if g is the function that is one on the interval (–π, π], then bapp02ie067. Therefore bapp02ie068. We therefore have


So, sine satisfies the orthogonality condition by Theorem 5.18.

9b. The scaling relation for the tent function is


12. Let aj = f (j/2n) and bapp02ie069. Since ϕ is the Haar scaling function, the value of ϕ(2nxj) is one on the interval Ij = [j2n, (j + 1)2n] and zero otherwise. So, on this interval, we have


The Mean Value Theorem implies that if |f′(x)| ≤ M for all |f (x) –1 f (y)| ≤ M|xy|. Therefore the right side is bounded above by M(length of Ij), or M2n. Thus we obtain


The right side is less than whenever 2n > M/, or equivalently n > log2(M/).

13. We have bapp02ie070; inserting this into the definition of Q, we obtain


If |z| = 1, then 1 = |z|2 = zbapp02ie071, and so z = z–1. Therefore


Now change index and let j = 1 – k; note that (–1)j = (–1)k+1; we obtain bapp02ie072, as claimed.

17. Suppose that there are a finite number of pk, say for |k| ≤ N, and let


We are asked to show that if ϕ0 is the Haar scaling function, then all the ϕn, and hence ϕ Theorem 5.23 has compact support. Suppose the support of ϕn–1 is contained in the set {|x| ≤ r}, where r is chosen larger than 1 (since the support of ϕ0 is contained in the unit interval). Let R be the maximum of r and N. Note that the right side of the above equation is zero unless


for |k| ≤ NR. Therefore ϕn(x) = 0 unless |2x| ≤ 2R; or equivalently, |x| ≤ R. So we ϕn–1 is contained in {|x| ≤ R}, and R is larger than N, then the support of ϕn–1 is also contained in {|x| ≤ R}. Since the support of ϕ0 is contained in the interval [–1, 1] and noting that R > 1, we conclude that the support of each ϕ0 is contained in the interval [–R, R]. Letting n bapp02ie005 ∞, we see that the support of ϕ is also contained in {|x| ≤ R}, as desired.

Chapter 6

2. We have bapp02ie073, where


We are to compute derivatives of bapp02ie074 and evaluate them at ξ = 0, which corresponds to the point bapp02ie075. Note that any derivative of (z + 1)N of order less than N evaluated at z = – 1 is zero. Therefore bapp02ie076 and equals to bapp02ie077. By the Chain Rule, we have


Using the product rule, any derivative of bapp02ie074(ξ) is a sum of products of derivatives of bapp02ie078. However, if the number of derivatives is at most N, then all the terms vanish when ξ = 0 except for the term when N derivatives fall on PN. Therefore, we obtain


Since bapp02ie079, Eq. (6.9) is established.

4. For exercise 9 in Chapter 4, we discretize f (t) = et2/10(sin(2t) + 2cos(4t) + 0.4 sin t sin 50t) over the interval 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 into 28 samples. Call the resulting vector y. Then we use the wavedec package in Matlab with “db2” (Daubechies wavelets with N = 2) on the vector y and find that 87% of the wavelet coefficients in the decomposition are less than 0.1 in absolute value. After setting these coefficients equal to zero and reconstructing (using Matlab’s waverec), we obtain a signal, yc, with a relative error of .0174 as compared with the original vector y (i.e., bapp02ie080.

6. The level 7 wavelet detail coefficients are zero at indices corresponding to t values less than zero or greater than 1. The largest wavelet detail occurs at t = 0 with a value of approximately –19 * 10–4. The next largest wavelet detail occurs at t = 1 with a value of approximately –5 * 10–4. The wavelet details between t = 0 and t = 1 are approximately 0.19 * 10–4. The largest wavelet details correspond to (delta-function) spikes in the second derivative at these points.

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