Sample Script for ASMR Role-Play

Are you ready to create your own ASMR content but hate the thought of researching and writing that first script? If so, this sample script will help you film one of the most popular ASMR role-plays: a 15-minute cranial nerve examination. Remember that this is only a sample, and something you can add to or subtract from as necessary, or customize as you see fit.


  • Ball-point pen (preferably one that clicks)
  • Clipboard and paper (can be a copy of this script to help keep your video on track)
  • Computer and keyboard or laptop
  • Small flashlight (a penlight works best)
  • Color chart (can be one you print or one you make)
  • 2 small plastic or glass containers with screw-on lids
  • 2 spray bottles filled with water (can be different colors so that your viewer can distinguish them)
  • Cotton swab
  • Orange stick

[The scene opens with you, the ASMRTIST, typing on your keyboard with your attention fixed on the computer screen. After a brief moment, take note of the VIEWER with a slight double-take before speaking.]



Oh, hello, welcome to our clinic. What can I do for you today?

[Gaze gently at the screen and pause long enough for the VIEWER to say she has come for a cranial nerve examination. Nod.]



A cranial nerve exam? Of course. Do you have an appointment?

[Pause long enough for the VIEWER to confirm that she has an appointment for two o’clock.]



Two o’clock? Let me look that up for you.

[Turn your attention back to the computer screen in order to verify the VIEWER’S appointment.]

Your name?

[Pause before glancing back at the camera.]

Can I get you to spell that for me?

[Pause for a moment before nodding and typing the VIEWER’S name. (If you are unsure of what name to type, use your own.)]

Date of birth?


And is this your first visit to the clinic, or is this a follow-up appointment?

[Pause long enough to “hear” the VIEWER say that this is a follow-up visit and then tap any key as if checking a box.]

Have there been any changes to your condition since your last visit?

[Pause and tap a key again.]

And are you allergic to any medication?

[Pause and tap a key again.]



[Turn your attention back to the camera and smile gently.]

Okay, let’s begin. My name is (insert personal name or screen name) and I will be administering your cranial nerve examination today. As you know, the cranial nerve exam is part of an overall neurological examination and one that is designed to identify problems in the cranial nerves.

The examination is comprised of 12 tests with a few subtests contained within. When I complete this series of tests, I will be able to tell you if I have any concerns. Do you have any questions before I begin?

[Pause long enough for the VIEWER to ask if it will hurt.]



[Shake your head.]

No, it will not hurt, and you should not feel any pain or discomfort. It will be just like last time, okay?

[Pause for assent.]



Great, let’s begin. The first thing I am going to test is your olfactory nerve, which is your sense of smell. This will help me identify any problems in the nasal passages that could indicate a possible nerve lesion or a deviated septum.

I am going to ask you to close your right nostril while I place a sample scent under the left one for identification purposes.

[Begin preparing a sample off-camera by deliberately unscrewing the lid off of one of the jars and gently dragging the lid across the mouth or rim of the container. You may also gently tap on its side, if you wish, for an extra tingle trigger. Hold the jar out toward the camera.]



Okay, breathe in … can you tell me what it is?

[Gaze patiently and wait long enough for the VIEWER to say “cinnamon.”]

Um-hmmm, cinnamon is correct. Now let’s try this one. It’s a little different because it is in a spray bottle.

[Hold the spray bottle up and gently shake it so the VIEWER can hear the liquid. Off-camera, squeeze the trigger on the mister so the VIEWER can hear it. You can also tap it on the side as you did with the jar for an extra tingle trigger.]

Breathe in … can you identify the smell?

[Pause for a minute so the VIEWER can tell you it is “pine.”]

Very good. That is correct. Now let’s switch sides. Cover up your left nostril so I can test the right one.

[Demonstrate what it is the VIEWER is supposed to do, smile gently, and then prepare the third sample in the same way you did the first with the lidded jar.]

Okay, breathe in again … very good … can you tell me what you smell?

[Pause long enough for the VIEWER to identify “cloves.”]

Um-hmm, cloves is correct. Now I have one more for you ….

[Take the second spray bottle and prepare it the same way you did the first one, shaking the bottle so the VIEWER can hear it. Then squeeze the trigger off-camera.]

And … breathe in ….


You need it one more time?

[Nod and mist the spray bottle once again.]

Can you tell me what you smell?

[Pause long enough for the VIEWER to identify “lemon.”]

Lemon, yes … very good.

[Click open your pen and make four check marks on your clipboard.]



For our next test, I will evaluate your optic nerve. This will help us identify any issues with your visual acuity and check for optic neuritis. Do you wear glasses or contacts?

[Pause long enough for the VIEWER to say “no.”]

Okay, let’s continue. What I am going to do is ask you to cover your right eye and keep your left eye focused on the tip of my nose.

[Cover your own eye to demonstrate this and tap the tip of your nose for effect.]

I am going to test your peripheral vision by wiggling my finger off to the side. I want you to tell me when you see it, okay?

[Randomly test the four quadrants of the VIEWER’S peripheral vision by wiggling your finger. Pause after every wiggle as if the VIEWER has spotted it and identified the movement. Offer an “um-hmm” after every wiggle. Do this 4 or 5 times.]

Okay, now let’s test the other side. Go ahead and uncover your right eye and cover your left. Remember to keep your right eye on the tip of my nose.

[Repeat the peripheral vision test on the other side using the same movements as before. Do this 4 or 5 times.]

Very good … let me make a few notes ….

[Pick up the clipboard and click the pen to jot some notes.]



Now I am going to show you some colors on this chart, and I want you to tell me if you can identify them.

[Hold up the color chart, or if mounted on a wall, use your pen to indicate which color you want identified. Plan to ask about 6 or 7 colors, offering an “um-hmm” after every correct response.]

Very good. Now I need to perform a fundoscopy, in which I will test how your pupils react to bright light. I need you to cover your right eye again while I shine this light into your left ….

[Hold up small flashlight for the VIEWER to see.]

No, you do not have to look at my nose this time. Just stare straight ahead … very good ….

[Turn on the flashlight and aim it directly at the camera while placing your hand above as if to simulate having your hand on the VIEWER’S head.]



All right, now we’ll look at the other eye. If I could have you open your right eye and cover your left … that’s it. Thank you.

[Aim the flashlight directly at the camera again and repeat placing your hand above the camera as if to have your hand on the patient’s head.]

Okay. Now you can open up both eyes. And if I could get you to follow the light with both eyes for me ….

[Slowly swing the flashlight back and forth.]

Okay, very good, you can relax now.

[Pick up the pen and clipboard to make a few notes.]



Okay, now I am just going to inspect your eyes for any abnormalities and asymmetry, so let me take a look here ….

[Place your hand above the camera or at the side to simulate spreading the VIEWER’S eye open for observation. Gaze gently at the camera, making sure to shift your own eyes as though you are actually looking into the VIEWER’S eyes. Repeat this test on each side.]

Okay, now I am going to move my finger in a pattern in front of you and I am going to ask you to follow it with just your eyes—not your head; just your eyes.

[Make an “H” shape with your fingers a few times and then smile gently when the VIEWER has successfully finished the test.]

And now I am going to bring my fingers close to your nose …


… and away ….


Okay, very good.

[Pick up the pen and make some more notes on the clipboard.]



This next test will evaluate your trigeminal nerve. This is known as the light-touch test, and I will start by taking this cotton swab …

[Hold up the cotton swab so the VIEWER can see it.]

… and moving it across your jawline. Then I will move on to your cheek, your forehead, and then test your corneal reflex.

[Start by moving the cotton swab just below the camera to simulate testing the jawline. When you are finished, move on to the cheek, announcing each facial feature as it is tested. (Some ASMRTISTS augment this test by lightly dragging the cotton swab across the microphone.)]

Now I’m going to do this once again, but this time with this orange stick ….

[Hold up the orange stick for the VIEWER to see.]

Yes, I know it has a point, but it will not hurt ….

[Repeat the test as before.]

Very good. Now I will test the corneal reflex on your left eye using this cotton swab …. Go ahead and close your right eye for me.

[Bring the cotton swab toward the camera, but do not touch it. (In a real corneal reflex test, the VIEWER would automatically blink as the object comes closer to her eye.)]

And now the other side. Close your left eye for me ….

[Repeat the movement.]

Very good.

[Pick up the pen and check off more imaginary boxes on the clipboard paper. Nod as you make notes.]



Oh yes, you are doing fine. See, I told you there was nothing to worry about. This is the easiest test you will ever take.

[Smile. Put down the clipboard and turn your attention back to the VIEWER.]

What I need you to do now is clench your teeth together so I can feel your muscles for any irregularities.

[Feel along the VIEWER’S jawline and forehead by moving your hands just below and just above the camera lens.]

Now I am going to put my hand under your chin, and I want you to try and open your mouth against the resistance.

[Place your hand directly under the camera lens; pause and smile.]

Very good. Now I will inspect your facial nerves, which will help me note any facial asymmetry and involuntary movements that could indicate the possibility of Bell’s palsy or Ramsay Hunt syndrome. Can I get you to raise your eyebrows for me?

[Demonstrate this action and pause so the VIEWER can do it as well. Pause briefly.]

Very good. Can you frown for me?

[Again, demonstrate this action so the VIEWER can see what you mean. Pause briefly.]

And … can you puff out your cheeks for me?

[Demonstrate this action so the VIEWER can see it; pause and smile.]

And now if I could see your teeth?

[Demonstrate and pause.]

Do it again, please?


Okay, very good.

[Pick up the pen and make notes on the clipboard.]



Now I am going to test your hearing by whispering a series of numbers in your ears and having you repeat them to me. I will start on your right side ….

[Lean toward the right side of the camera from the VIEWER’s perspective (which will be on your left side). You can also administer this test by standing up and moving behind the camera so the VIEWER does not know which ear you will be testing. (This is especially effective if you are using a binaural microphone or other specialized equipment.) Whisper five numbers between 1 and 50 randomly.]

And now the other side.

[Repeat the test on the other ear if you are not administering the test randomly in order to achieve anticipatory tingles. Make notes on the clipboard when finished.]



Very good. Now I need to have a look inside your mouth. This will help me assess your glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves …. What’s the matter …? Oh, you didn’t brush your teeth? Don’t worry about it. You aren’t the first … you won’t be the last. Open up your mouth please so that I can have a look ….

[Turn on the flashlight again and shine it directly under the camera but just enough to where the VIEWER can see a hint of the light.]

Um-hmm, that looks really good. Now stick out your tongue and move it from side to side ….

[Demonstrate and pause.]

Very good.

[Make more notes on the clipboard.]



Now the last thing I want to do is test the muscles in your neck and shoulder area. I am just going to place my hands on your shoulders in order to create some resistance ….

[Reach out toward the camera as if to place your hands on the VIEWER’S shoulders.]

Now can you try and shrug your shoulders?

[Pause and smile.]

Very good, and if I pull your shoulders forward, can you try and bring them back …?


Very good. Now I am just going to put my hands on either side of your face ….

[Place your hands on either side of the camera lens.]

And I want you to try and move your head to the right ….


Now to the left ….


Okay, great.



[Gather the clipboard one more time and make final notes on the VIEWER’S chart. These notes can be a bit more extensive than previous ones.]

Okay, so that concludes your cranial nerve examination. Do you have any questions?

[Pause long enough for the VIEWER to ask how long it will take to get the results.]

You will get your official results within a few days, but I can assure you that I did not see any abnormalities during the assessment. You really have nothing to worry about.


No, I don’t see any reason that you would need to come back … just stay healthy, let me know if you have any problems, and in the meantime, have a great night.



The End

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