Client-side representation of UpdatePanel controls and ScriptManager

Update panels don't really have a client-side JavaScript representation and will just be available as a DIV or SPAN element in the document. ScriptManager, on the other hand, as a global manager object for all things related to partial updates, finds an interesting client-side alter-ego in PageRequestManager. PageRequestManager is the object that is responsible client-side for managing the lifecycle and events related to UpdatePanel controls. The current instance of PageRequestManager for the page can be obtained like this:

var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();

It is this object for example that will enable your client-side code to determine if a partial update is currently pending, by looking at its isInAsyncPostBack property:

if (prm.get_isInAsyncPostBack()) { //...

PageRequestManager also enables you to cancel a partial update:


Calling this method unfortunately can't stop the information that is already on its way to the server, it can just instruct the client to ignore the results when they come back. This means that any side effects like database updates won't be cancelled.

The most interesting aspect of PageRequestManger is certainly all the events it exposes that enable client-side code to modify the default behavior of UpdatePanel and that we'll detail in the following section.

PageRequestManager events

All events on PageRequestManager are built using the ASP.NET Ajax pattern for component events. In other words, you can add a handler for one of the events, for example "beginRequest", by calling the add accessor it exposes:


An event handler is a function that has the typical .NET signature (sender, args).

Here's the list of events on PageRequestManager, in the chronological order they would happen during a partial update:


The initializeRequest event is raised at the very beginning of the partial update lifecycle. The arguments for this event inherit CancelEventArgs, which means that a partial update can easily be cancelled by just setting the cancel property to true (args.set_cancel(true);). The arguments also provide a reference to the DOM element that triggered the partial update through the postBackElement property. Finally, the request property gives a reference to the WebRequest object that will be used to perform the update, which can be used to add headers to the request for example.


This event is raised every time a new partial update request is about to be sent to the server. The arguments for this event have two properties, postBackElement which is a reference to the element that triggered the postback, and request, which is the WebRequest object that will be used for this update. This event can be used to start a progress animation.


pageLoading is raised when the data from a partial update came back from the server but before the page has been updated with that data. For example, this is one of the events to handle if you want to implement a transition between the old contents and the new contents. The event exposes properties on its arguments give references to all deleting panels (panelsDeleting) and all updating panels (panelsUpdating). Using those properties, the handler can clone the DOMs of each of the panels and hold on to those copies to use them in the pageLoaded event and do the actual transition.


This event is raised just after the page has been updated with the new contents. In the same way that pageLoading exposed collections of previous versions of panels before their modification, pageLoaded exposes collections of new versions of existing panels (panelsUpdated) and also of newly created panels (panelsCreated). This is the first time in the lifecycle when you have all the data to transition between the old and the new version of the page.

A full implementation of this can be found on Nikhil Kothari's blog:

The ASP.NET Ajax documentation also contains an example of that:


This is raised at the end of the partial update lifecycle and is used primarily to add feedback, typically about server exceptions. The arguments for this event have four properties (they are properties, not fields, so remember to use get_ and set_ accessors):

  • dataItems is a data structure that the server can optionally send down to the client during a partial update, in addition to the HTML. This is detailed in the next section, Sending structured data to the client.

  • error will contain an Error object if an unhandled exception was thrown from the server-side during the partial update request.

  • errorHandled is true only if there was an error and it hasn't been handled yet. If the endRequest handler handles that error and wants to suppress any further treatment of it, it should set this property to true.

  • Response is the raw response object from the server and will not commonly be used.

Sending structured data to the client

While the most common use of UpdatePanel will be to send new HTML down to the client, partial updates can also be used to send raw data along with the update. That data can then be used by JavaScript code in the pageLoaded event for example to perform direct modifications on the client-side. There are two reasons why one would want to use that feature despite the need to write JavaScript. First, HTML is not the most compact way to transport data, and second it is sometimes useful to have the raw data to be able to present the same thing under different forms. For example, the same data could be used to create a summary view and a detailed view.

This feature should probably be used to complement HTML updates though: if you're ready to write JavaScript code and handle data on the client-side, you may want to directly use WebRequest objects and use only pure data. The traffic with the server will be minimized this way.

See for more details.

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