Creating your own continuous delivery pipeline

Getting started with CodePipeline is extremely easy provided you have all the necessary prerequisites met, which include setting up the CodeCommit repository with your latest piece of application code (in this case, the WordPress application), as well as configuring the application and the AppSpec file using CodeDeploy:

  1. To begin with, launch the CodePipeline Management dashboard by selecting URL
  2. Since this is our first setup, click on the Get Started option to get going. This will bring up the Getting started with AWS CodePipeline wizard, as shown in the following screenshot. Start off by providing a suitable Pipeline name and click Next step to continue:
  1. Next, in the Source page, we need to select and configure the source for our new pipeline. At the time of writing this book, CodePipeline supports three source code providers, namely Amazon S3, AWS CodeCommit, and GitHub. For the purpose of this use case, go ahead and select AWS CodeCommit from the Source drop-down list.
  2. This will automatically prompt you to enter the subsequent CodeCommit Repository name as well as its corresponding Branch name. Make sure you provide the same branch name that contains the latest WordPress code as well as the AppSpec file. Click on Next step to continue.
  3. The third stage of the Pipeline setup is the Build stage where you can specify the build provider. CodePipeline supports three build providers, namely AWS CodeBuild, Jenkins, and Solano CI. Since our WordPress installation doesn't require any compilations or build procedures, simply select the No Build option from the drop-down list and click on Next step to continue.
  1. The fourth state requires the Deployment configurations to be set up for the pipeline. Here too you are provided with various options that you can choose to leverage based on your needs. At present, CodePipeline supports AWS Opsworks, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CloudFormation, and AWS Elastic Beanstalk as the Deployment providers. Since we have already configured AWS CodeDeploy for our use case, select the same from the drop-down list.
  2. Next, fill in the correct Application name as well as the Deployment group that we configured during the setup of CodeDeploy. Click on Next step once done:
  1. The final step required is to configure the Service Role. The service role essentially grants CodePipeline permissions to use resources in your AWS account. Provide a suitable Role name and click on Next step to review the pipeline's configuration.
  2. On the Review your pipeline page, ensure that all the fields are correctly configured and click on Create pipeline when done.

Selecting this option first creates a unique S3 bucket within your environment that will contain and store all the necessary artifacts for this particular pipeline. Once the pipeline is created, you can view it on the AWS CodePipeline dashboard.

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