List of figures and tables


1.1 The four phases of the ‘modern journal’, based on an idea from Mari Pijnenborg. From Campbell and Wates (2009) 4
1.2 The rise, fall and rise in circulation of a research journal. From Campbell and Wates (2008) 5
1.3 The journal publishing industry – From Access to Research Outputs: a UK Success Story. The Publishers Association, STM and ALPSP 7
1.4 What do publishers do? From Access to Research Outputs: a UK Success Story. The Publishers Association, STM and ALPSP 8
5.1 Kondratiev waves in history 100
5.2 5th Great Surge based on ICT 101
5.3 The scale of journal publishers’ technological and content investment since 2000 103
5.4 Journals in the new research and learning landscape 111
5.5 The online journal article workflow in the 21st century (Taylor & Francis example) 113
5.6 From products to services, and from journals to digital research networks. Inspired by and adapted from a presentation by Stephen Rhind-Tutt, Alexander Street Press: 114
5.7 Igor Ansoff’s Product/Market matrix 125
8.1 Example of XML-encoded journal metadata 199
8.2 Layout-independent XML data and its use 200
8.3 Example of semantic linking of terms and definitions 201
8.4 Example of a journal article production workflow representation 203
8.5 Reference linking and DOI metadata storage 204
8.6 Example of a book object model and associated business processes 209
8.7 Example of an Enterprise Content Management model 210
10.1 Illustration of an author’s H-index calculation 262
11.1 Composite of information activity in research life cycle 273
11.2 Information extraction: from free text to structured template 279
16.1 Possible allocation of obligations and responsibilities in a contract between publisher and journal editor 388
16.2 Sample template for issues log 399
16.3 Sample template for promises log 400
16.4 Sample template for a communication tracking spreadsheet 401
16.5 Sample meeting checklist 402
16.6 Satisfaction is achieved when perception exceeds expectations 404
17.1 Eight most important factors for authors in 2009 419
17.2 Report of Newton’s prism experiments 419
17.3 Discovery of Buckministerfullerene 420
17.4 A recent paper from the online edition of Tetrahedron Letters 420
17.5 Comparison of publishing vehicles 422
17.6 Growth in co-authorship levels 424
17.7 Results of the Core Trends study 426
17.8 Proportion of downloads at 6, 12 and 18 months 434


2.1 The common forms of pre-publication peer review 27
6.1 Illustrative profit & loss (P&L) sheet ($, thousands) for a hybrid journal’s position at the end of July 164
7.1 Recommended retail price scale for books (based on a sample from half a dozen large publishers), largely hardbacks (except textbooks) of around 300 pages 182
7.2 Experiments in open content book programmes 183
7.3 Cost sheet for a monograph retailing at £50 (per unit, assuming 400 copies sold, and digital printing) 184
14.1 Ethical policies and resources of some publishers 345
17.1 Communication dimensions 429
17.2 An example of an oral lecture 429
17.3 Open access (OA) types 433
19.1 Most common areas (per cent) of learning or development undertaken in the past 12 months 462
19.2 Future skills gaps in publishing 468
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