Chapter 6. Users


User accounts are some of the most frequently used objects in Active Directory; they create the means of authenticating and authorizing someone to access resources on your network. Because Windows server systems authenticate and authorize users primarily through Active Directory, many key issues that system administrators deal with are covered in this chapter. In particular, Active Directory manages information regarding user passwords; group membership; enabling, disabling, or expiring user accounts; and keeping track of when users have logged on to the network.

The Anatomy of a User

The default location for user objects in a domain is the cn=Users container directly off the domain root. You can, of course, create user objects in other containers and organizational units in a domain, or move them to these containers after they’ve been created. Table 6-1 contains a list of some of the interesting attributes that are available on user objects. This is by no means a complete list. There are many other informational attributes that we haven’t included.

Table 6-1. Attributes of user objects




Large integer representing when the user’s account is going to expire. See Setting a User’s Account Options (userAccountControl) for more information.


Relative distinguished name of user objects. This is commonly the username or the display name of the user.


Typically the full name of a user. This attribute is used in administrative tools to display a user’s descriptive name.


First name of the user.


Local or UNC path of user’s home directory. See Setting a User’s Account Options (userAccountControl) for more information.


Defines the drive letter to map the user’s home directory to. See Setting a User’s Account Options (userAccountControl) for more information.


The last time that a user logged on to a particular DC. This information is not replicated among domain controllers.


Approximate last logon timestamp, which is replicated among domain controllers. See Creating a UPN Suffix for a Forest for more information.


Multivalued, linked attribute (with managedBy) that contains a list of DNs of objects the user manages.


Large integer representation of the timestamp for when a user was locked out. See Finding Locked-Out Users for more information.


Backlink listing of DNs of the groups the user is a member of. See Viewing a User’s Group Membership for more information.


Octet string representing the SID of the user.


ID of the primary group for the user. See Changing a User’s Primary Group for more information.


UNC path to profile directory. See Setting a User’s Account Options (userAccountControl) for more information.


Large integer denoting the last time the user’s password was set. See Requiring a User to Change a Password at Next Logon for more information.


NetBIOS-style name of the user; limited to 20 characters to support legacy applications.


Multivalued attribute that contains a list of SIDs that are associated with the user.


Path and filename of logon script. See Determining a User’s Last Logon Time for more information.


Last name of user.


List of SIDs for the groups in the domain the user is a member of (both directly and via nesting).


Octet string that contains a hash of a user’s password. This attribute cannot be directly queried.


Account flags that define such things as account status and password change status.


Internet-style account name for a user, which the user can use to log on to a computer. In most cases this should map to the user’s email address, but this does not always need to be the case.


List of computers a user can log on to, stored as a Unicode string.


New since Windows Server 2008. A backlink that lists the Password Settings Objects that are applied to a user object.


New since Windows Server 2008. A constructed attribute that indicates which PSO is in effect for a user object.


New since Windows Server 2008. A constructed attribute that indicates when a user’s password is going to expire.


New since Windows Server 2008. Indicates the number of failed interactive logons for a user account since the Interactive Logon Count feature was enabled.


New since Windows Server 2008. Indicates the number of failed interactive logons for a user account since the last time the user successfully logged on interactively.


New since Windows Server 2008. Indicates the last time and date that the user performed an unsuccessful interactive logon.


New since Windows Server 2008. Indicates the last time and date that the user performed a successful interactive logon.


New since Windows Server 2008. A multivalued attribute listing the RODCs through which a user has successfully authenticated to a full DC.


New since Windows Server 2008. Backlink indicating which RODCs have cached a user’s password secrets.


New since Windows Server 2012. Contains password information for group-managed service accounts.

Modifying the Default Display Name Used When Creating Users in ADUC or ADAC


You want to modify how the default display name gets generated when you create a new user through the ADUC snap-in or through the Active Directory Administrative Center.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open ADSI Edit.

  2. In the Configuration Naming Context, browse to DisplaySpecifiers→<Locale> where <Locale> is the locale for your language (e.g., the U.S. English locale is 409).

  3. Double-click on cn=user-Display.

  4. Edit the createDialog attribute with the value you want the new default to be (e.g., %<sn>, %<givenName>).

  5. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

> admod -config -rb cn=user-Display,cn=409,cn=DisplaySpecifiers createDialog::"%<sn>, %<givenName>"

Using PowerShell

To modify display specifiers using PowerShell, run the following command:

Set-ADObject -Identity "cn=user-Display,cn=409,cn=DisplaySpecifiers,cn=configuration,dc=adatum,dc=com"; -Add @{createDialog="%<sn>, %<givenname>"}


When you create a new user object in ADUC or ADAC, it will automatically fill in the Full Name field as you type in the First Name, Initials, and Last Name fields. As a convenience, you may want to alter that behavior so that it automatically fills in a different value. To do that, you need to modify the User-Display display specifier, which has the following distinguished name:


<Locale> should be replaced with your language-specific locale, and <ForestRootDN> should contain the distinguished name for your forest root domain. You need to modify the createDialog attribute, which by default has no value. Replacement variables are presented by %<attribute>, where attribute is an attribute name. For example, if you wanted the default to be “LastName, FirstName”, you would use the following value:

%<sn>, %<givenName>

See Also

MS KB 250455 (XADM: How to Change Display Names of Active Directory Users)

Creating a User


You want to create a user object.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the Active Directory Administrative Center.

  2. In the left pane, click to highlight the domain.

  3. In the right pane, click New and then click User.

  4. The two required fields are Full Name and sAMAccountName. The Full Name field will automatically be populated if you enter at least a first or a last name. Fill out any of the remaining fields and then click OK to complete the new-user creation.

Using a command-line interface

You can create a user with the built-in DSAdd utility or by using AdMod. Use the following DSAdd syntax:

> dsadd user "<UserDN>" -upn <UserUPN> -fn "<UserFirstName>"↵
-ln "<UserLastName>" -display "<UserDisplayName>" -pwd <UserPasswd>

To create a user account with AdMod, use the following syntax:

> admod -b "<UserDN>" -add objectClass::user sAMAccountName::<SAMAccount>

Using PowerShell

To create a new Active Directory user with PowerShell, use the following syntax:

New-ADUser -Name "<User CN>" -Path "<Parent DN>" -GivenName "<User First Name>" -Surname "<User Last name>" -sAMAccountName "<User sAMAccountName>"


To make a user account immediately available for a user, you’ll need to make sure the account is enabled, which is accomplished by setting userAccountControl to 512 after you’ve set a password that follows any password complexity rules in place for the user (order is important in this case). If you set only the attributes shown in the command-line and PowerShell examples, then the user accounts will be disabled by default.

You can also create user accounts using the inetOrgPerson class, which is described in Creating an inetOrgPerson User. inetOrgPerson objects can be used for user authentication and restricting access to resources in much the same way as user objects.

Using a graphical user interface

To set additional attributes, double-click on the user account after it has been created. There are several tabs to choose from that contain attributes that are grouped together based on function (e.g., Profile).

Using a command-line interface

Several additional attributes can be set with the dsadd user command. Run dsadd user /? for the complete list. When creating a user with AdMod, you must specify the objectClass and sAMAccount attributes at a minimum. You can add additional attributes with the admod command by using the <attributename>::<value> syntax.

Using PowerShell

When using the New-ADUser cmdlet, there are about 50 common switches that can be used. In addition, you can specify the –OtherAttributes switch to set less common attributes. Here is a list of some of the common switches:

  • -Name

  • -AccountPassword

  • -City

  • -Company

  • -Department

  • -Description

  • -DisplayName

  • -GivenName

  • -HomeDirectory

  • -HomeDrive

  • -Manager

  • -OfficePhone

  • -PostalCode

  • -SamAccountName

  • -State

  • -StreetAddress

  • -Surname

  • -Title

See Also

Creating a Large Number of Users for creating users in bulk; Creating an inetOrgPerson User for creating an inetOrgPerson user; Setting a User’s Account Options (userAccountControl); MSDN: ADS_USER_FLAG_ENUM

Creating a Large Number of Users


You want to create a large number of user objects, either for testing purposes or to initially populate Active Directory with your employee, customer, or student user accounts.


Using a command-line interface

The following example uses a for do loop in combination with dsadd to create 1,000 users under the bulk OU in the domain with usernames following the naming convention of User1, User2, User3, etc. The password is set, but other attributes are not configured. However, you can modify the dsadd command to populate additional attributes, as well.

> for /L %i in (1,1,1000) do dsadd user "cn=User%i,ou=bulk,dc=adatum,dc=com" -samid User%i -pwd N78ie.%i

You can also use the ldifde utility to perform a bulk import of unique usernames. Create an .ldf file using the following syntax (separate multiple entries with a blank line in between):

dn: cn=Joe Richards, ou=Engineering, dc=adatum, dc=com
changetype: add
cn: Joe Richards
objectClass: user
samAccountName: jrichards

Once you’ve created the LDIF file containing your user records, import the file using the following command:

> ldifde -i -f <filename.ldf> -s <servername>

You may notice that the LDIF file does not specify the user’s password; this attribute must be modified after the user object has been created.

You can also use admod to automate this task. The following code will create 4,000 users named "TestUser_1", "TestUser_2", "TestUser_3", etc.:

> admod -sc adau:4000;MyPassword1!;cn=testuser,ou=testou,dc=adatum,dc=com

Using PowerShell

The following PowerShell example will create 1,000 users with the Name1, Name2, Name3 naming convention.

do {New-ADUser -Name User$i
} while ($i -le 1000)


Using ADSI, PowerShell, and the command-line utilities, you can create hundreds and even thousands of users far more easily and quickly than you would be able to do through a graphical user interface. You can also modify the examples to pull real data from a data source, such as an employee database.

Using a command-line interface

The AdMod syntax makes use of the -adau shortcut, which will add X number of users with Y as their starting password, so that "-adau:4000;MyPassword1" will create 4,000 users with a starting password of "MyPassword1". If the starting password is not specified, a unique random complex password will be generated for each user.

Using PowerShell

The PowerShell example contains multiple lines. After the do command, PowerShell will drop down to a >> prompt, which indicates that the command is not complete. After entering the final line of the script, you need to press the Enter key twice to execute the script. Once complete, the configured PowerShell prompt will return.

See Also

Creating a User for creating a user; MS KB 263911 (How to Set a User’s Password using LDIFDE)

Creating an inetOrgPerson User


You want to create an inetOrgPerson object, which is the standard LDAP object class to represent users.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. If you need to change domains, right-click on Active Directory Users and Computers in the left pane, select Change Domain, enter the domain name, and click OK.

  3. In the left pane, browse to the parent container of the new user, right-click on it, and select New→InetOrgPerson.

  4. Enter text in the First Name, Last Name, and User Logon Name fields as appropriate and click Next.

  5. Enter and confirm the password, set any of the password flags, and click Next.

  6. Click Finish.

Using a command-line interface

DSAdd does not support creating inetOrgPerson objects, so use ldifde or AdMod instead. First, you need to create an LDIF file called create_inetorgperson.ldf with the following contents:

dn: <UserDN>
changetype: add
objectclass: inetorgperson
sAMAccountName: <UserName>

dn: <UserDN>
changetype: modify
add: userAccountControl
userAccountControl: 512

Be sure to replace <UserDN> with the distinguished name of the user you want to add and <UserName> with the user’s username. Then run the following command:

> ldifde -i -f create_inetorgperson.ldf

You can also use the admod utility to create an inetOrgPerson object, as follows:

> admod -b "cn=inetOrgPerson,cn=Users,dc=adatum,dc=com" objectclass::inetOrgPerson sAMAccountName::inetOrgPerson -add

Using PowerShell

To create an inetOrgPerson object by using PowerShell, use the following syntax:

New-ADObject -Type inetOrgPerson -Name "<UserName>" -Path "ou=users,dc=adatum,dc=com" -OtherAttributes @{SamAccountName="<UserName>";UserPrincipalName="<UserUPN>"}


The inetOrgPerson object class was defined in RFC 2798. It is the closest thing in the LDAP world to a standard representation of a user, and most LDAP vendors support the inetOrgPerson class. Unfortunately, Microsoft did not support inetOrgPerson with the initial release of Active Directory. Even though it provided an add-on later to extend the schema to support it, the damage had been done. Most Active Directory implementations were already using the user object class and were unlikely to convert, which required vendors to build in support for the user class.

You can create inetOrgPerson objects for your users, who can use them to authenticate just like accounts of the user object class. If you haven’t deployed Active Directory yet and you plan to integrate a lot of third-party LDAP-based applications that rely on inetOrgPerson, you may want to consider using it instead of the user class. You won’t be losing any information or functionality because the inetOrgPerson class inherits directly from the user class. For this reason, the inetOrgPerson class has even more attributes than the Microsoft user class.

The one potential downside is that some of the Microsoft tools, such as the DS utilities, do not support modifying inetOrgPerson objects. (You can, however, use AdMod to perform these modifications.)

See Also

Creating a User for creating a user; MS KB 314649; RFC 2798 (Definition of the InetOrgPerson LDAP Object Class)

Converting a user Object to an inetOrgPerson Object (or Vice Versa)


You want to convert one or more user objects to inetOrgPerson objects to improve interoperability in a heterogeneous environment.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open ADSI Edit.

  2. If an entry for the naming context you want to browse is not already displayed, do the following:

    1. Right-click on ADSI Edit in the right pane and click “Connect to.”

    2. Fill in the information for the domain naming context, container, or OU that contains the object you want to modify. Click the Advanced button if you need to enter alternate credentials.

  3. In the left pane, browse to the naming context, container, or OU containing the user object that you want to view. Once you’ve found the object, right-click on it and select Properties.

  4. Scroll to objectClass and select Edit.

  5. Under “Value to add,” enter inetOrgPerson and click Add.

  6. Click OK twice to save your changes.

Using a command-line interface

To convert a user object to an inetOrgPerson object, use the following syntax:

> admod -b "<UserDN>" objectClass:+:inetOrgPerson


To revert the object back to a regular user, replace + with - in the previous syntax.

Using PowerShell

To convert a user object to an inetOrgPerson object, use the following syntax:

Set-ADObject -Identity "<UserDN>" -Add @{objectClass="inetOrgPerson"}


In a heterogeneous environment, you may wish to convert one or more Active Directory user objects to inetOrgPerson objects. Since the inetOrgPerson class inherits from the user class, making this modification is a simple matter of adding the "inetOrgPerson" value to an object’s objectClass attribute. It’s important to note that this is the only instance in which you can modify structural classes in this manner; you can’t simply modify a user object with whatever class you wish, even if that class inherits from the user class.

You can easily modify the command-line and PowerShell solutions to convert all user accounts in your domain (or just in a particular OU) to inetOrgPerson objects. For example, the following combination of adfind and admod will search for all user accounts in the Marketing OU and convert each one to an inetOrgPerson object (the -unsafe switch is necessary if you need to modify more than 10 objects at a time; you can also use the -safety X switch and specify the actual number of objects that you expect to modify for X):

adfind -default -rb "ou=Marketing" -f↵
"(&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=User))" | admod↵
objectcategory:+:inetOrgPerson -unsafe

See Also

MS KB 307998 (Changing the Naming Attribute of the inetOrgPerson Class)

Modifying an Attribute for Several Users at Once


You want to modify an attribute for several users at once.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. If you need to change domains, right-click on Active Directory Users and Computers in the left pane, select Change Domain, enter the domain name, and click OK.

  3. In the left pane, browse to the parent container of the objects you want to modify.

  4. In the right pane, highlight each object you want to modify, right-click, and select Properties.

  5. Check the box beside the attribute(s) you want to modify and edit the fields for the attributes.

  6. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

The following command sets the home directory of all users under a parent container (<ParentDN>) to be on a particular fileserver (<FileServer>). The folder name is automatically replaced with the sAMAccountName for the user by using the $username$ syntax:

> dsquery user "<ParentDN>" -limit 0 -scope onelevel | dsmod user -hmdir↵

Using PowerShell

Get-ADuser -SearchBase "<ParentDN>" -Filter * | Set-ADUser -HomeDirectory "\<FileServerName>\%username%"


It is often necessary to update several users at once due to an organizational, geographic, or fileserver change. In each solution, we showed how to modify all users within a parent container, but you may need to use different criteria for locating the users.

Within ADUC, it may appear that you are limited to modifying multiple users that reside in the same container. However, you can create a saved query that returns users based on any criteria you specify. You can then highlight those users and modify them as described in the GUI solution.

With the CLI solution, you can modify the dsquery user command to search on whatever criteria you want. The same applies in the PowerShell solution by using a filter or an LDAP filter.

See Also

Searching for Objects in a Domain for more information on searching AD

Deleting a User


You want to delete a user object.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the Active Directory Administrative Center.

  2. In the right pane, enter the name of the user in the Global Search box, select the desired domain in the scope, and then click the search icon.

  3. In the search results, right-click the name of the user and then click Delete.

  4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion, which will complete the deletion process.

Using a command-line interface

You can delete a user using the built-in dsrm utility, as well as AdMod. For dsrm, use the following syntax:

> dsrm "<UserDN>"

For AdMod, enter the following:

> admod -b "<UserDN>" -del

Using PowerShell

To delete an object using PowerShell, use the following syntax:

Remove-ADUser -Identity "<UserDN>" -Confirm:$False


This recipe covers deleting individual users. If you want to delete a container or OU and all the objects in it, take a look at Deleting a Container That Has Child Objects.

Using PowerShell

Using the –Confirm:$False parameter allows the deletion to occur without a confirmation message from PowerShell.

See Also

Deleting a Container That Has Child Objects for deleting a container; MSDN: IADsContainer::Delete; MSDN: IADsDeleteOps:: DeletesObject

Setting a User’s Profile Attributes


You want to set one or more of the user profile attributes.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  3. Select the appropriate domain beside In.

  4. Beside Name, type the name of the user and click Find Now.

  5. In the Search Results window, double-click on the user.

  6. Click the Profile tab.

  7. Modify the various profile settings as necessary.

  8. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

You can update a user’s profile attributes using either DSMod or AdMod. DSMod uses the following syntax:

> dsmod user "<UserDN>" -loscr <ScriptPath> -profile <ProfilePath> -hmdir <HomeDir> -hmdrv <DriveLetter>

AdMod uses the following syntax:

> admod -b "<UserDN>" <attribute>::<NewValue>

Using PowerShell

To modify user profile attributes using PowerShell, use the following syntax:

Set-ADUser -Identity "<User DN>" -HomeDirectory "<HomeDir>" -HomeDrive "<DriveLetter>" -ProfilePath "<ProfilePath>" -ScriptPath "<ScriptPatch>"


The four attributes that make up a user’s profile settings are:


UNC path to home directory


Drive letter (e.g., Z:) to map home directory


UNC path to profile directory


Path to logon script

When you set the homeDirectory attribute, the folder being referenced needs to already exist. For an example on creating shares for users, see MS KB 234746.

See Also

Modifying an Attribute for Several Users at Once for methods to modify the attributes for multiple users

Moving a User


You want to move a user object to a different container or OU.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. If you need to change domains, right-click on Active Directory Users and Computers in the left pane, select Change Domain, enter the domain name, and click OK.

  3. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  4. Type the name of the user and click Find Now.

  5. In the Search Results window, right-click on the user and select Move.

  6. Browse to and select the new parent container or OU.

  7. Click OK.


You can also drag and drop objects from one container or OU into another.

Using a command-line interface

You can move an object using either the built-in DSMove utility or AdMod. DSMove takes the following syntax:

> dsmove "<UserDN>" -newparent "<NewParentDN>"

To move an object using AdMod, do the following:

> admod -b "<CurrentUserDN>" -move "<NewParentDN>"

Using PowerShell

To move a user with PowerShell, use the following syntax:

Move-ADObject -Identity "<UserDN>" -TargetPath "<NewParentDN>"


Moving a user object between OUs in the same domain has no direct impact on the actual user in terms of any security or distribution groups that the user is a member of. The things to be cautious of when moving the user to a new OU are different security settings, different GPOs, and the possibility of breaking applications that have the user’s DN hardcoded into them.

See Also

Moving an Object to a Different OU or Container for moving objects between OUs

Redirecting Users to an Alternative OU


You want to redirect all new users from the default location (cn=Users) into a different location that you specify.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open LDP.

  2. From the menu, select Connection→Connect.

  3. For Server, enter the name of a domain controller (or leave it blank to do a serverless bind).

  4. For Port, enter 389.

  5. Click OK.

  6. From the menu, select Connection→Bind.

  7. Accepted the default and bind as the currently logged on user or select the option to bind with credentials and then enter the credentials.

  8. Click OK.

  9. From the menu, select Browse→Modify.

  10. For DN, enter the distinguished name of the domainDNS object of the domain you want to modify.

  11. For Attribute, type wellKnownObjects.

  12. For Values, enter the following:


    where <DomainDN> is the same as the DN you enter for the DN field.

  13. Select Delete for the Operation and click the Enter button.

  14. Go back to the Values field and enter the following:


    where <NewUsersParent> is the new parent container for new computer objects (e.g., "ou=Adatum Users").

  15. Select Add for the Operation and click the Enter button.

  16. Click the Run button.

  17. The result of the operations will be displayed in the right pane of the main LDP window.

Using the command-line interface

To redirect the default OU that new users will be created into, use the following syntax:

> redirusr "<DestinationDN>"


Most modern methods for creating user accounts, including the Active Directory Administrative Center, ADUC MMC snap-in, AdFind, and DSAdd, allow you to specify which OU a new user should be created in. However, some utilities, such as net user or the WinNT ADSI provider, still rely on a legacy API that will create a user only in its default location until an administrator manually moves it to another OU. The default location is the cn=Users container; this can create issues applying Group Policy to new user objects since the Users container cannot have a GPO linked to it. To ensure that all newly created users receive the necessary Group Policy settings as soon as they are created, use the redirusr.exe utility to redirect all new users that are not otherwise placed into a designated OU into the destination OU that you specify. You need to run this utility only once per domain, and the destination OU needs to exist before you run the utility.

Renaming a User


You want to rename a user.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  3. Type the name of the user and click Find Now.

  4. In the Search Results window, right-click on the user and select Rename.

  5. You can modify the Full Name, First Name, Last Name, Display Name, User Logon Name, and User Logon Name (pre-Windows 2000) fields.

  6. Click OK after you are done.

Using a command-line interface

The following command will rename the RDN of the user:

> dsmove "<UserDN>" -newname "<NewUserName>"

You can modify the UPN (-upn), first name (-fn), last name (-ln), and display name (-display) using the dsmod user command. For example, the following command will change the user’s UPN and last name:

> dsmod user "<UserDN>" -upn "<NewUserUPN>" -ln "<NewUserLastName>"

You can also rename a user by using AdMod with the following syntax:

> admod -b "<UserDN>" -rename "<NewUserName>"

Using PowerShell

To rename a user object using PowerShell, use the following syntax:

Rename-ADObject -Identity "<UserDN>" -NewName "<NewCN>"


Renaming a user object can have a couple of different meanings in Active Directory. In the generic object sense, renaming an object consists of changing the RDN for the object to something else, as when cn=jsmith becomes cn=joe. Typically, though, you need to rename more than that with users. For example, let’s say you had a username naming convention of FirstInitialLastName, so Joe Smith’s username would be jsmith. Let’s pretend that Joe decides one day that Smith is way too common and he wants to be unique by changing his last name to Einstein. Now his username should be jeinstein. The following attributes would need to change to complete a rename of his object:

  • His RDN should change from cn=jsmith to cn=jeinstein.

  • His sAMAccountName should change to jeinstein.

  • His userPrincipalName (UPN) should change to [email protected].

  • His mail (email address) attribute should change to [email protected].

  • His sn (last name) attribute should change to Einstein.

While this example may be contrived, it shows that renaming Joe Smith to Joe Einstein can take up to five attribute changes in Active Directory, or more if you include updates to proxy addresses and other attributes that are typically tied to the user’s name. It is also important to note that if you change any of the first three in the bulleted list (RDN, SAM Account Name, or UPN), you should have the user log off and log back on after the changes have replicated. Since most applications and services rely on user GUID or SID, which doesn’t change during a user rename, the person should not be affected, but you want to have him log off and back on anyway, just in case.

See Also

Renaming an Object for renaming objects

Copying a User


You want to copy an existing user account, which may be serving as a template, to create a new account.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, browse to the parent container of the template user object.

  3. In the right pane, right-click on the user and select Copy.

  4. Enter the name information for the new user and click Next.

  5. Enter a password, check any options you want enabled, and click Next.

  6. Click Finish.

Using PowerShell

To create a new user from a template with PowerShell, use the following syntax:

$user = Get-ADUser -Identity <TemplateUserDN> -Properties department, co, title, l, c, st, countrycode
New-ADUser -Instance $user -Name "<NewUserName>" -DisplayName "<NewDisplayName>" -GivenName "<NewGivenname>" -Surname "<NewSuname>" -UserPrincipalName "<NewUPN>" -SamAccountName "<NewSamAccountName>" -PasswordNotRequired $true -Enable $true


Copying a user consists of copying the attributes that are common among a certain user base, which can include department, address, and perhaps even organizational information. ADUC actually uses attributes that are marked in the schema as “Copied when duplicating a user” to determine which attributes to copy. If you are interested in finding the attributes that are configured in the schema to get copied, see Modifying the Attributes That Are Copied When Duplicating a User.

Using a graphical user interface

To copy a user in ADUC, you have to browse to the user object. If you locate the user by using Find instead, the Copy option is not available when right-clicking a user in the Search Results window.

See Also

Modifying the Attributes That Are Copied When Duplicating a User for finding the attributes that should be copied when duplicating a user

Finding Locked-Out Users


You want to find users whose accounts are locked out.


Using a command-line interface

The following command finds all locked-out users in the domain of the specified domain controller:

> unlock <DomainControllerName> * -view

Using PowerShell

The following command finds all locked-out users in the current domain:

Search-ADAccount -LockedOut -UsersOnly | FT Name,LockedOut -AutoSize


Despite the deceptively simple commands just shown, finding the accounts that are currently locked out is a surprisingly complicated task. You would imagine that you could run a query using DSQuery or AdFind (similar to the one to find disabled users in Finding Disabled Users), but unfortunately, it is not that easy.

The lockoutTime attribute is populated with a timestamp when a user is locked. One way to find locked-out users would be to find all users that have something populated in lockoutTime (i.e., lockoutTime=*). That query would definitely find all the currently locked users, but it would also find all the users that subsequently became unlocked and have yet to log in since being unlocked; the lockoutTime attribute doesn’t get reset until the next time the user logs on successfully. This is where the complexity comes into play.

To determine the users that are currently locked out, you have to query the attribute lockoutDuration stored on the domain object (e.g., dc=adatum,dc=com). This attribute defines the number of minutes that an account will stay locked before becoming automatically unlocked. You need to take this value and subtract it from the current time to derive a timestamp that would be the outer marker for which users could still be locked. You can then compare this timestamp with the lockoutTime attribute of the user object. The search filter to find all locked users once you’ve determined the locked timestamp would look something like this:


For any users that have a lockoutTime that is less than the derived timestamp, their account has already been automatically unlocked per the lockoutDuration setting.

None of the current standard GUI or CLI tools incorporates this kind of logic, but fortunately joe Richards wrote the unlock.exe utility, which does. And as its name implies, you can also unlock locked accounts with it. Thanks, joe!

Unlocking a User


You want to unlock a locked-out user.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  3. Select the appropriate domain.

  4. Type the name of the user and click Find Now.

  5. In the Search Results window, right-click on the user and select Properties.

  6. Click the Account tab and then click Unlock account.

  7. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

To unlock all locked user accounts in your domain, use unlock.exe with the following syntax:

> unlock . *

To unlock a specific user object, replace * with the user’s sAMAccountName or distinguished name, as follows:

> unlock . joe.smith

Using PowerShell

Unlock-ADAccount -Identity <UserDN>

To unlock all locked user accounts in your domain, use the following syntax:

Search-ADAccount -LockedOut -UsersOnly | Unlock-ADAccount


If you’ve enabled account lockouts for an Active Directory domain (see Finding Locked-Out Users), some users may eventually get locked out. A user can get locked out for a number of reasons, but generally it is because a user mistypes her password a number of times, changes her password and does not log off and log on again, or has services or scheduled tasks running under the security context of her individual user account rather than a service account.

You can use ADSI’s IADsUser::IsAccountLocked method to determine whether a user is locked out. You can set IsAccountLocked to FALSE to unlock a user. You can also query the msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed attribute of an object.

See Also

Finding Locked-Out Users for finding locked-out users; Troubleshooting Account Lockout Problems for viewing the account lockout policy; MSDN: Account Lockout

Troubleshooting Account Lockout Problems


A user is having account lockout problems and you need to determine from where and how the account is getting locked out.


Using a graphical user interface

LockoutStatus is a program available for Windows that can help identify the domain controller that handled the lockout. It works by querying the lockout status of a user against all domain controllers in the user’s domain.

To determine the lockout status of a user:

  1. Launch LockoutStatus and select File→Select Target from the menu.

  2. Enter the target username and the domain of the user.

  3. Click OK.

At this point, each domain controller in the domain will be queried and the results will be displayed. To dive deeper and figure out which computer the lockout occurred on, you need to use the EventCombMT utility and point it at the domain controller that handled the lockout. EventCombMT can query the domain controller with the specific lockout event IDs that will allow you to find the computer.


The lockoutstatus.exe utility is just one of many that is available in the Account Lockout and Management tool set provided by Microsoft. These lockout tools are intended to help administrators with account lockout problems that were very difficult to troubleshoot in the past. Along with the tool mentioned in , here are a few others that are included in the set:


A script that uses this DLL, called EnableKerbLog.vbs (included with the tool set), can be used to enable logging of application authentication. This can help identify applications that are using bad credentials and causing account lockouts.


This displays services and shares that are using a particular account name. It can also print all the users and their password ages.


This is a filter tool for the netlogon.log files. You can use it to extract just the lines that relate to account lockout information.


This utility parses event logs from multiple servers, either to collect all entries together or to search for individual events across multiple computers. This is extremely useful when troubleshooting user account lockouts, for example, by determining which computer is causing the account lockout.

All the Account Lockout tools are available for download from the Microsoft Download Center.

Viewing the Domain-Wide Account Lockout and Password Policies


You want to view the domain-wide account lockout and password policies for a domain.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the Group Policy Management snap-in (gpmc.msc).

  2. In the left pane, expand the forest, expand Domains, expand the desired domain, expand Group Policy Objects, and then click the Default Domain Policy.

  3. In the right pane, click the Settings tab to generate a report of all of the GPO settings.

  4. Click “show” to the right of Security Settings and then click “show” to the right of Accounts Policies/Password Policy to view the password policy.

  5. Click “show” to the right of Account Policies/Account Lockout Policy to view the account lockout policy.

Using PowerShell

To retrieve the minimum password length, number of passwords remembered, password properties, and lockout threshold of the domain-wide password policy for the domain using PowerShell, run the following command:

Get-ADObject "dc=adatum,dc=com" -Properties * | FL minPwdLength,pwdHistoryLength,pwdProperties,lockoutThreshold

To retrieve the maximum password age, minimum password age, lockout duration, and lockout observation of the domain-wide password policy for the domain using PowerShell, use the following script:

$DOMAIN = Get-ADObject "dc=adatum,dc=com" -Properties *
$MAXPWDAGE = [System.TimeSpan]::FromTicks([System.Math]::ABS($DOMAIN.maxPwdAge)).Days
$MINPWDAGE = [System.TimeSpan]::FromTicks([System.Math]::ABS($DOMAIN.minPwdAge)).Days
$LOCKOUTDURATION =; [System.TimeSpan]::FromTicks([System.Math]::ABS($DOMAIN.lockoutDuration)).Days
$LOCKOUTOBSERVATION =; [System.TimeSpan]::FromTicks([System.Math]::;ABS($DOMAIN.lockoutObservationWindow)).Days
Write-Host "Maximum password age:",;$MAXPWDAGE;Write-Host "Minimum password age:",;$MINPWDAGE;Write-Host "Lockout duration:",;$LOCKOUTDURATION;Write-Host "Lockout observation:",$LOCKOUTOBSERVATION


Several parameters controlling account lockout and password complexity can be set on a domain-linked Group Policy Object such as the Default Domain Policy. The properties that can be set for the password and account lockout policies include:

Account lockout duration

Number of minutes an account will be locked before being automatically unlocked. A value of 0 indicates accounts will be locked out indefinitely—that is, until an administrator manually unlocks them.

Account lockout threshold

Number of failed logon attempts after which an account will be locked.

Reset account lockout counter after

Number of minutes after a failed logon attempt that the failed logon counter for an account will be reset to 0.

The properties that can be set for the Password Policy include:

Enforce password history

Number of passwords to remember before a user can reuse a previous password.

Maximum password age

Maximum number of days a password can be used before a user must change it.

Minimum password age

Minimum number of days a password must be used before it can be changed.

Minimum password length

Minimum number of characters a password must be.

Password must meet complexity requirements

If enabled, passwords must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Not contain all or part of the user’s account name

  • Be at least six characters in length

  • Contain characters from three of the following four categories:

    1. English uppercase characters (A–Z)

    2. English lowercase characters (a–z)

    3. Base 10 digits (0–9)

    4. Nonalphanumeric characters (e.g., !, $, #, %)

Store passwords using reversible encryption

If enabled, passwords are stored in such a way that they can be retrieved and decrypted. This is essentially the same as storing passwords in plain text, and should be avoided unless it is absolutely necessary.

In Windows Server 2003 and legacy versions of Windows, administrators can configure only one password and account lockout policy for domain users, per domain. If a group of users requires a different policy, a separate domain (and all of the hardware requirements and administrative overhead associated with managing that separate domain) is needed. Windows Server 2008 and later versions of Windows allow for the creation of Fine-Grained Password Policies (FGPPs), which allow you to configure multiple password policies within a single domain.

Using a graphical user interface

On a domain controller or any computer that has the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) installed, the Group Policy Management snap-in is available from the Start menu under Administrative Tools.

Using PowerShell

In the first example, the pwdProperties attribute returns a value that indicates some of the general settings of the password policy. For example, a 1 indicates that password complexity is enabled. A 0 indicates that password complexity is disabled. The number 16 indicates that passwords are stored using reversible encryption.

In the second example, we have to deal with conversion from 100-nanosecond intervals, which is how the values are stored.

Applying a Fine-Grained Password Policy to a User Object


You want to apply a Fine-Grained Password Policy (FGPP) to a user object.


Using a graphical user interface (steps specific to Windows Server 2012)

  1. Open Active Directory Administrative Center.

  2. In the top-left pane, click the tree view icon.

  3. Expand the System container.

  4. Scroll down and right-click Password Settings Container, expand the New menu, and then click Password Settings.

  5. Fill in the desired password settings in the top pane. Note that the fields with a red asterisk are required fields.

  6. In the Directly Applies To section, click the Add button to add a user object that will be the target of the FGPP.

  7. Click OK to create the FGPP.

Using a command-line interface

The following will add the 'cn=joer' user to the list of groups that a PSO will apply to:

psomgr -applyto cn=joer,cn=Users,dc=ADATUM,dc=COM -pso TestPSO -forreal

Using PowerShell

To ensure that a user will be a target of an FGPP, use the following syntax:

Add-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicySubject -Identity "<Name of FGPP>" -Subjects "<User Object sAMAccountName>"


Once an FGPP has been created, you can modify the password and account lockout settings controlled by the object, as well as the users and groups that it should apply to. Since the PasswordSettingsObject is an Active Directory object class, these modifications can be made using any interface that can modify objects. When working from the command line, the psomgr tool from joeware allows you to modify one or multiple PSOs at a time, and can also create “starter” PSOs using the -quickstart command-line switch. The full syntax for psomgr.exe can be obtained by typing psomgr.exe /? at a command prompt, or by visiting the joeware website.

See Also

Chapter 9

Viewing the Fine-Grained Password Policy That Is in Effect for a User Account


You want to determine which FGPP is in effect for a particular user.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers. Click View and confirm that there is a checkmark next to Advanced Features.

  2. Browse to the user or group in question; right-click on the object and click Properties.

  3. Click on the Attribute Editor tab. Click Filter and confirm that there is a checkmark next to “Show read-only attributes: Constructed and Backlinks.”

  4. Scroll to the msDS-PSOApplied attribute. If an FGPP is applied directly to the user, it will be shown in the value.

  5. Scroll to the msDS-ResultantPSO attribute. If an FGPP is applied to a group that the user is a member of, it will be shown in the value.

  6. Click OK.

Using a command prompt

psomgr.exe -effective <User DN>

Using PowerShell

Get-ADObject -Identity "<UserDN>" -Properties "msDS-PSOApplied","msDS-ResultantPSO" | FL Name,msDS-PSOApplied,msDS-ResultantPSO


Within a domain, each user object contains a constructed backlink attribute called msDS-ResultantPSO that indicates which PasswordSettingsObject is in effect for that user. The precedence rules for PasswordSettingsObjects are as follows:

  1. If a PSO has been applied directly to the user object, this PSO will take precedence. If multiple PSOs have been applied to a single user, the following tiebreakers will be used:

    • A PSO with a lower-numbered Precedence attribute (e.g., 5) will be applied over a higher-numbered one (e.g., 50).

    • If multiple PSOs have been configured with the same Precedence attribute, the PSO with the lowest GUID will take final precedence.

  2. If no PSOs have been applied directly to the user, any PSO that has been applied to a group that the user is a member of, whether directly or indirectly, will be applied. The same tiebreakers will be used here as in rule 1.

  3. If no PSOs have been applied to the user or any groups that the user is a member of, the default domain PSO will be applied.

Enabling and Disabling a User


You want to enable or disable a user account.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  3. Select the appropriate domain.

  4. Type the name of the user beside Name and click Find Now.

  5. In the Search Results window, right-click on the user and select Enable Account to enable, or Disable Account to disable.

  6. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

To enable a user, use the following command:

> dsmod user "<UserDN>" -disabled no

To disable a user, use the following command:

> dsmod user "<UserDN>" -disabled yes

Using PowerShell

To use PowerShell to enable or disable a user account, use the following syntax:

Set-ADUser "<User DN>" -Enabled $False
Set-ADUser "<User DN>" -Enabled $True


Account status is used to control whether a user is allowed to log on or not. When an account is disabled, the user is not allowed to log on to his workstation with the account or to access AD controlled resources. Much like the lockout status, the account status is stored as a flag in the userAccountControl attribute (see Setting a User’s Account Options (userAccountControl)).

There is an IADsUser::AccountDisabled property that allows you to determine and change the status. Set the method to FALSE to enable the account or to TRUE to disable it.

See Also

Finding Disabled Users for finding disabled users; Setting a User’s Account Options (userAccountControl) for more on the attribute userAccountControl

Finding Disabled Users


You want to find disabled users in a domain.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, connect to the domain you want to query.

  3. Right-click on the domain and select Find.

  4. In the Find dropdown box, select Common Queries.

  5. Click the “Disabled accounts” option box.

  6. Click the Find Now button.

Using a command-line interface

You can enumerate all disabled user objects in your domain by using the built-in DSQuery utility, as follows:

> dsquery user <DomainDN> -disabled

You can also use a bitwise query in AdFind to produce the same output, using the following syntax:

> adfind -bit -b <DomainDN> -f↵


You can replace <DomainDN> with the DN of a specific organizational unit if you wish to restrict the results of your AdFind query.

Using PowerShell

To locate all disabled users in a domain by using PowerShell, run the following command:

Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq "False"} | FL Name


Users in Active Directory can be either enabled or disabled. A disabled user cannot log in to the domain. Unlike account lockout, which is an automatic process that is based on the number of times a user incorrectly enters a password, an account has to be manually enabled or disabled.

All disabled user accounts have the bit that represents 2 (0010 base 2) set in their userAccountControl attribute. This doesn’t mean that the attribute will be equal to 2, it just means that the bit that equals 2 will be enabled—other bits may also be set. See Searching with a Bitwise Filter and Modifying a Bit-Flag Attribute for a more detailed explanation of bit flags.

Viewing a User’s Group Membership


You want to view the group membership of a user.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  3. Select the appropriate domain.

  4. Type the name of the user beside Name and click Find Now.

  5. In the Search Results window, double-click on the user.

  6. Click the Member Of tab.

  7. To view all indirect group membership (from nested groups), you’ll need to double-click on each group.

Using a command-line interface

The following command displays the groups that <UserDN> is a member of. Use the -expand switch to list nested group membership as well:

> dsget user <UserDN> -memberof [-expand]

You can also use the GetUserInfo tool with the following syntax:

> getuserinfo \<Domain><Username>

A third option would be to use the whoami tool, as follows:

> whoami /groups

To round out the command-line options for viewing group memberships, you can use the MemberOf joeware utility with the following syntax:

> memberof -u <Domain><User>


To query group membership from a specific domain controller using MemberOf, use the -s switch followed by the name of the DC.

Using PowerShell

Get-ADUser "<User DN>" -Properties MemberOf | select -ExpandProperty MemberOf


The memberOf attribute on user objects is multivalued and contains the list of distinguished names for groups of which the user is a member. memberOf is actually linked with the member attribute on group objects, which holds the distinguished names of its members. For this reason, you cannot directly modify the memberOf attribute; you must instead modify the member attribute on the group.

The primary group of a user, which the user is technically a member of, will not be shown in the CLI or solutions except in the case of the MemberOf utility. This is due to the fact that the primary group is not stored in the memberOf attribute like the rest of the groups. See Recipes and for more on finding the primary group of a user.

Using PowerShell

The example command will display only the direct members of a group.

See Also

Changing a User’s Primary Group; Viewing the Nested Members of a Group for more on viewing the nested members of a group; Resolving a Primary Group ID; Finding the Linked Attributes for more information on linked attributes

Removing All Group Memberships from a User


You want to remove all group membership information from a user object.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  3. Select the appropriate domain.

  4. Type the name of the user beside Name and click Find Now.

  5. In the Search Results window, double-click on the user.

  6. Click the Member Of tab.

  7. Highlight all groups listed in the Member Of tab and select Remove. Click Yes to confirm.

  8. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

You can accomplish this task at the command line using a combination of AdFind and AdMod:

> adfind -b <DomainDN> -f  member=<UserDN> -dsq | admod member:-:<UserDN> -unsafe

Using PowerShell

To remove group memberships using PowerShell, use the following syntax:

Get-ADGroup -Filter {Name -ne "Domain Users"} | ForEach-Object {Remove-ADGroupMember $_ -Members "<User DN>" -Confirm:$False}


Using PowerShell

The example command filters out the Domain Users group. By default, the Domain Users group is the primary group for user objects. You can’t remove a user from her primary group. In some cases, a different group may be the primary group and, in such situations, should be substituted for Domain Users in the command.

See Also

MSDN: Adding Members to Groups in a Domain [Active Directory]; MSDN: Group Objects [Active Directory]

Changing a User’s Primary Group


You want to change the primary group of a user.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  3. Select the appropriate domain.

  4. Type the name of the user beside Name and click Find Now.

  5. In the Search Results window, double-click on the user.

  6. Click the Member Of tab.

  7. Click on the name of the group you want to set as the primary group.

  8. Click the Set Primary Group button.

  9. Click OK.

Using PowerShell

First, obtain the primarygroupToken of the desired primary group by using the following syntax:

Get-ADGroup -Identity "<GroupDN>" -Properties primarygroupToken | FL primarygroupToken

Next, use the following syntax to replace the primaryGroupID attribute on a user back to the Domain Users group (change the ID to the desired group ID based on the first PowerShell command if the goal is to change the primary group to something else):

Set-ADObject "<UserDN>" -Replace @{PrimaryGroupID="513"}


The primary group is a holdover from Windows NT that was used to support Macintosh and POSIX clients. That being said, you might have some legacy applications that depend on the primary group, and therefore you may have to change some users’ primary groups.

Changing the primary group is not difficult, but it is not straightforward, either. The primary group is stored on user objects in the primaryGroupID attribute, which contains the RID of the primary group. You can obtain this value by querying the primaryGroupToken attribute on the target group object. Before you can set the primaryGroupID on the user object, you have to first make sure the user is a member of the group. If you try to set the primaryGroupID for a group in which the user is not a member, you will get an error.

The default primaryGroupID is set to 513 (Domain Users) for all users.

See Also

Resolving a Primary Group ID for determining the group name given a group ID; MS KB 297951 (How to Use the PrimaryGroupID Attribute to Find the Primary Group for a User)

Copying a User’s Group Membership to Another User


You want to copy one user’s group membership to another user.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  3. Select the appropriate domain.

  4. Beside Name, type the name of the user you want to transfer groups from and click Find Now.

  5. In the Search Results window, double-click on the user.

  6. Click the Member Of tab.

  7. For each group you want to add another user in, do the following:

    1. Double-click on the group.

    2. Click the Members tab.

    3. Click the Add button.

    4. Find the user you want to add in the object picker and click OK.

    5. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

The following command line will add <NewUserDN> to all of the groups that <CurrentUserDN> is a member of:

> for /F "usebackq delims=""" %i in ('dsget user"<CurrentUserDN>" -memberof') do dsmod group %i -addmbr "<NewUserDN>"

If you want to get fancy and remove <CurrentUserDN> from each of the groups in the same operation, simply add an -rmmbr option on the end:

> for /F "usebackq delims=""" %i in ('dsget user"<CurrentUserDN>" -memberof') do dsmod group %i -addmbr "<NewUserDN>"-rmmbr "<CurrentUserDN>"

You can also add <NewUserDN> to all of the groups that <CurrentUserDN> is a member of by using a combination of AdFind and AdMod, as follows:

> adfind -b <DomainDN> -f member=<Source User DN> -dsq | admod member:+:<Dest. UserDN> -unsafe

Using PowerShell

To copy group memberships using PowerShell, use the following syntax:

$SOURCE=Get-ADUser -Identity "<SourceUserDN>" -Properties *
foreach ($group in $SOURCE.MemberOf)
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Members $destination


Employees come and go; people take on new responsibilities and move on to new jobs. It is common to have movement within an organization. When this happens, typically someone is replacing the person who is moving on. The administrator needs to get the new person up to speed as quickly as possible, including setting up accounts and granting access to any necessary resources. A big part of this process includes adding the new user to the correct groups. You can help facilitate this by using one of the processes outlined in the “Solution” section to help the user gain access to the exact same groups that the former employee was a member of.

One important issue to point out is that the memberOf attribute, which was used in the command-line solutions to determine a user’s group membership, contains only the groups that are visible to the DC that’s being queried; this can vary depending on whether the DC in question is a global catalog and whether the user belongs to any universal groups. Any groups the user is a member of outside of the user’s domain will not be transferred. To transfer universal group membership outside of a domain, you will need to perform a query against the global catalog for all group objects that have a member attribute that contains the DN of the user. You can also search the global catalog for the memberOf attribute for a given user to determine a user’s universal group memberships.

See Also

Adding and Removing Members of a Group for adding and removing members of a group

Setting a User’s Password


You want to set the password for a user.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  3. Select the appropriate domain.

  4. Type the name of the user beside Name and click Find Now.

  5. In the Search Results window, right-click on the user and select Reset Password.

  6. Enter and confirm the new password.

  7. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

This command changes the password for the user specified by <UserDN>. Using * after the -pwd option prompts you for the new password. You can replace * with the password you want to set, but it is not a good security practice since other users that are logged in to the machine may be able to see it:

> dsmod user <UserDN> -pwd *

You can modify the unicodepwd attribute directly by encrypting the admod connection using the -kerbenc switch:

> admod -b "<UserDN>" unicodepwd::<Password> -kerbenc

You can also use admod with the #setpwd# switch:

> admod -b "<UserDN>" #setpwd#::<NewPassword>

Using PowerShell

To set a user’s password with PowerShell, use the following syntax:

$newPassword = (Read-Host -Prompt "Provide New Password" -AsSecureString)
Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity <UserDN> -NewPassword $newPassword -Reset


The PowerShell solution follows the command-line solution model, which prompts for the password instead of entering the password in plain text in the command. PowerShell supports converting a plain text string as part of the command, but that method isn’t considered as secure. You can use a plain text password in the password reset by using the ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "<NewPassword>" option in place of the password prompt. The following example shows the full command:

Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity "<UserDN>" -Reset -NewPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "<NewPassword>" -Force)

See Also

MS KB 225511 (New Password Change and Conflict Resolution Functionality in Windows); MSDN: IADsUser::SetPassword; MSDN: IADsUser::Change-Password

Preventing a User from Changing a Password


You want to disable a user’s ability to change his password.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  3. Select the appropriate domain.

  4. Beside Name, type the name of the user you want to modify and click Find Now.

  5. In the Search Results window, double-click on the user.

  6. Click the Account tab.

  7. Under Account options, check the box beside “User cannot change password.”

  8. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

> dsmod user <UserDN> -canchpwd no

Using PowerShell

> Set-ADAccountControl -Identity "<UserDN>" -CannotChangePassword $True


Using a graphical user interface

Even though in the GUI solution you check and uncheck the “User cannot change password” setting, actually making the change in Active Directory is a little more complicated. Not allowing a user to change his password consists of setting two deny Change Password ACEs on the target user object. One deny ACE is for the Everyone account and the other is for Self.

To perform this change across multiple users, you can multiselect users in Active Directory Users and Computers and then perform the remaining steps in the GUI solution.

Requiring a User to Change a Password at Next Logon


You want to require a user to change her password the next time she logs on to the domain.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  3. Select the appropriate domain.

  4. Beside Name, type the name of the user you want to modify and click Find Now.

  5. In the Search Results window, double-click on the user.

  6. Click the Account tab.

  7. Under Account options, check the box beside “User must change password at next logon.”

  8. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

You can configure the “User must change password” setting using either DSMod or AdMod. To modify this setting using DSMod, use the following syntax:

> dsmod user "<UserDN>" -mustchpwd yes

For AdMod, do the following:

> admod -b "<UserDN>" pwdLastSet::0

Using PowerShell

To flag a user’s password to change on next logon with PowerShell, use the following syntax:

Set-ADUser -Identity <UserDN> -ChangePasswordAtLogon $True


Be careful when forcing users to change their password at next logon by using the PowerShell solution. Active Directory Users and Computers will not allow you to force a user to change her password at next logon if the user is already configured not to be able to change her password. However, you can set both of those options by using PowerShell. In such a situation, the user would not be able to log on.

Preventing a User’s Password from Expiring


You want to prevent a user’s password from expiring.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  3. Select the appropriate domain.

  4. Beside Name, type the name of the user you want to modify and click Find Now.

  5. In the Search Results window, double-click on the user.

  6. Click the Account tab.

  7. Under Account options, check the box beside “Password never expires.”

  8. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

> dsmod user "<UserDN>" -pwdneverexpires yes

Using PowerShell

To prevent a user’s password from expiring with PowerShell, use the following syntax:

Set-ADUser -Identity "<UserDN>" -PasswordNeverExpires $True


Setting a user’s password to never expire overrides any password-aging policy you’ve defined in the domain. To disable password expiration, you need to set the bit equivalent of 65,536 (i.e., 10000000000000000) in the userAccountControl attribute of the target user.

See Also

Modifying a Bit-Flag Attribute for more on modifying a bit flag attribute; Setting a User’s Account Options (userAccountControl) for more on setting the userAccountControl attribute

Finding Users Whose Passwords Are About to Expire


You want to find the users whose passwords are about to expire.


Using a command-line interface

> dsquery user -stalepwd <NumDaysSinceLastPwdChange>

You can also use the FindExpAcc joeware tool with the following syntax:

> findexpacc -pwd -days <NumDaysUntilExpiration>

Using PowerShell

The following script finds users whose passwords will expire within seven days:

$Policy = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy).MaxPasswordAge.days
$DaysUntil = 7
Get-ADUser -Filter {(Enabled -eq "True") -and (PasswordNeverExpires -eq "False")} -Properties * | Select Name,@{Name="Expires";Expression={$Policy - ((Get-Date) -  ($_.PasswordLastSet)).days}} | Where-Object {$_.Expires -gt 0 -AND $_.Expires -le $DaysUntil}


When a Windows-based client logs on to Active Directory, a check is done against the effective password policy and the user’s pwdLastSet attribute to determine whether the user’s password has expired. If it has, the user is prompted to change it. In a pure Windows-based environment, this notification process may be adequate, but if you have a lot of non-Windows-based computers that are joined to an Active Directory domain (e.g., Kerberos-enabled Unix clients), or you have a lot of application and service accounts, you’ll need to develop your own user password expiration notification process. Even in a pure Windows environment, cached logins present a problem because when a user logs in to the domain with cached credentials (i.e., when the client is not able to reach a domain controller), this password expiration notification check is not done.

The process of finding users whose passwords are about to expire is a little complicated. Fortunately, the dsquery user command helps by providing an option for searching for users that haven’t changed their password for a number of days (-stalepwd). The downside to the dsquery user command is that it will find users whose passwords are about to expire, users who are configured so that their passwords never expire, and users that must change their passwords at next logon (i.e., pwdLastSet = 0).

Using a command-line interface

You can use the FindExpAcc tool to query Active Directory for expired user or computer accounts, as well as active accounts with expired passwords. It also includes switches that are familiar from AdFind and AdMod, such as -b to specify the Base DN, -f to specify an LDAP filter, and so on.

The findexpacc utility can also be used to query for user accounts that are about to expire, in addition to accounts with expiring passwords.

See Also

Viewing the Domain-Wide Account Lockout and Password Policies for more on the password policy for a domain; Finding Disabled Users; Setting a User’s Password for how to set a user’s password; Preventing a User’s Password from Expiring for how to set a user’s password to never expire

Viewing the RODCs That Have Cached a User’s Password


You wish to view the RODCs that have cached a user account’s password secrets.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open ADSI Edit and connect to the default naming context.

  2. In the left pane, navigate to the container or the OU that contains the user object.

  3. In the right pane, right-click the user and click Properties.

  4. Scroll down the list of attributes until you find the msDS-RevealedDSAs attribute.

  5. View the value of msDS-RevealedDSAs to view the RODCs that have cached the user’s password.

  6. Click OK or Cancel to close the Properties window.

Using a command-line interface

> adfind -b <UserDN> msDS-RevealedDSAs

Using PowerShell

> Get-ADUser -Identity "<UserDN>" -Properties "msDS-RevealedDSAs" | FL msDS-RevealedDSAs


Read-Only Domain Controllers (RODCs) improve the security of branch offices and other remote environments. One of the security measures introduced by the RODC is the Password Replication Policy (PRP), which specifies a list of users and groups that can and cannot have their password secrets cached on one or more DCs. Each RODC maintains a forward-link attribute called msDS-RevealedUsers, which lists the user accounts for whom each RODC has cached password secrets. Each user account, in turn, maintains a backlink called msDS-RevealedDSAs. This backlink can be queried to determine which RODCs have stored password information for a particular user account; however, like all backlinks, this attribute cannot be modified directly.

Setting a User’s Account Options (userAccountControl)


You want to view or update the userAccountControl attribute for a user. This attribute controls various account options, such as whether the user must change her password at next logon and whether the account is disabled.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  3. Select the appropriate domain.

  4. Beside Name, type the name of the user and click Find Now.

  5. In the Search Results window, double-click on the user.

  6. Select the Account tab.

  7. Many of the userAccountControl flags can be set under Account options.

  8. Click OK when you’re done.

Using a command-line interface

The dsmod user command has several options for setting various userAccountControl flags, as shown in Table 6-2. Each switch accepts yes or no as a parameter to either enable or disable the setting.

Table 6-2. dsmod user options for setting userAccountControl

dsmod user switch



Sets whether the user must change his password at next logon.


Sets whether the user can change his password.


Sets account status to enabled or disabled.


Sets whether the user’s password is stored using reversible encryption.


Sets whether the user’s password never expires.

Using PowerShell

To modify user properties associated with the userAccountControl attribute, you have several switches available through the set-ADUser cmdlet, including the following:

Set-ADUser -Identity <UserDN> -PasswordNeverExpires
Set-ADUser -Identity <UserDN> -ChangePasswordAtLogon
Set-ADUser -Identity <UserDN> -Enabled

To see all of the available properties that can be modified, run the following command:

Get-Command Set-ADUser -Syntax


The userAccountControl attribute on user (and computer) objects could be considered the kitchen sink of miscellaneous and sometimes completely unrelated user account properties. If you have to work with creating and managing user objects very much, you’ll need to become intimately familiar with this attribute.

The userAccountControl attribute is a bit flag, which means you have to take a couple of extra steps to search against it or modify it. See Searching with a Bitwise Filter for more on searching with a bitwise filter and Modifying a Bit-Flag Attribute for modifying a bit flag attribute.

The dsmod user command can be used to modify a subset of userAccountControl properties, as shown in Table 6-2, and Table 6-3 contains the complete list of userAccountControl properties as defined in the ADS_USER_FLAG_ENUM enumeration.

Table 6-3. ADS_USER_FLAG_ENUM values






Logon script is executed.



Account is disabled.



View-only attribute. Indicates that Home Directory is required.



Account is locked out.



A password is not required.



Read-only flag that indicates if the user cannot change her password.



Store password using reversible encryption.



Enabled user account.



A permit to trust account for a system domain that trusts other domains.



Enabled computer account.



Computer account for backup domain controller.



Password will not expire.



MNS logon account.



Smart card is required for logon.



Allow Kerberos delegation.



Do not allow Kerberos delegation even if ADS_UF_TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION is enabled.



Requires DES encryption for keys.



Account does not require Kerberos preauthentication for logon.



Read-only flag indicating account’s password has expired. Only used with the WinNT provider.



Account is enabled for delegation.



Account is an RODC.

Setting a User’s Account to Expire


You want a user’s account to expire at some point in the future.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  3. Select the appropriate domain.

  4. Beside Name, type the name of the user you want to modify and click Find Now.

  5. In the Search Results window, double-click on the user.

  6. Click the Account tab.

  7. Under “Account expires,” select the radio button beside “End of.”

  8. Select the date the account should expire.

  9. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

Valid values for the -acctexpires flag include a positive number of days in the future when the account should expire—for instance, at the end of the day, or to never expire the account:

> dsmod user "<UserDN>" -acctexpires <NumDays>

Using PowerShell

Set-ADUser -Identity "<UserDN>" -AccountExpirationDate 12/31/2014


User accounts can be configured to expire on a certain date. Account expiration is stored in the accountExpires attribute on a user object. This attribute contains a large integer representation of the date on which the account expires, expressed in 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601. If you set this attribute to 0, it disables account expiration for the user (i.e., the account will never expire). Note that this is different from the dsmod user command, where a value of 0 with -acctexpires will cause the account to expire at the end of the day.

See Also

MSDN: Account Expiration

Determining a User’s Last Logon Time


You want to determine the last time a user logged in to a domain.


Using a graphical user interface

To view the last logon timestamp in ADUC, do the following:

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. Click View and confirm that Advanced Features has a checkmark next to it.

  3. Right-click on the domain and select Find.

  4. Select the appropriate domain.

  5. Beside Name, type the name of the user you want to locate and click Find Now.

  6. In the Search Results window, double-click on the user.

  7. Click the Attribute Editor tab.

  8. View the value for the lastLogonTimestamp attribute.

Using a command-line interface

> adfind -b <UserDN> lastLogonTimestamp -tdc


The -tdc and -tdcs switches will display attributes such as lastLogonTimestamp in a human-readable format.


Trying to determine when a user last logged on has always been a challenge in the Microsoft NOS environment. In Windows NT, you could retrieve a user’s last logon timestamp from a PDC or BDC, but this timestamp was the last time the user logged on to the individual PDC or BDC itself. That means to determine the actual last logon, you’d have to query every domain controller in the domain. In large environments, this wasn’t practical. With Windows 2000 Active Directory, things did not improve. A lastLogon attribute is used to store the last logon timestamp, but unfortunately, this attribute isn’t replicated. So again, to get an accurate picture, you’d have to query every domain controller in the domain for the user’s last logon attribute and keep track of the most recent one.

Since the Windows Server 2003 forest functional level became available, we have had a viable solution. A new attribute called lastLogonTimestamp was added to the schema for user objects. This attribute is similar to the lastLogon attribute that was available previously, with two distinct differences. First, and most importantly, this attribute is replicated. That means when a user logs in, the lastLogonTimestamp attribute will get populated and then replicate to all domain controllers in the domain.

The second difference is that since lastLogonTimestamp is replicated, special safeguards needed to be put in place so that users who logged in repeatedly over a short period of time did not cause unnecessary replication traffic. So, the lastLogonTimestamp is updated only if the last update occurred between 9 and 14 days ago by default. (This window is configurable by modifying the msDS-LogonTimeSyncInterval on the domain NC.) This means that the lastLogonTimestamp attribute could be more than a week off in terms of accuracy with a user’s actual last logon. Ultimately, this shouldn’t be a problem for most situations because lastLogonTimestamp is intended to address the common problem where administrators want to run a query and determine which users have not logged in over the past month or more.

Finding Users Who Have Not Logged On Recently


You want to determine which users have not logged on recently.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click on the domain and select Find.

  3. Beside Find, select Common Queries.

  4. Select the number of days beside “Days since last logon.”

  5. Click the Find Now button.

Using a command-line interface

You can locate users who have not logged on for a certain amount of time using either the built-in DSQuery tool or the OldCmp utility from joeware:

> dsquery user -inactive <NumWeeks>

OldCmp can create a report of all user objects based on several criteria. To create a report of all users in the domain who haven’t logged on in more than 90 days, for example, use the following syntax:

> oldcmp -report -users -b dc=adatum,dc=com -llts -age 90 -sh

Using PowerShell

You can also locate users who have not logged on for a certain amount of time using PowerShell, as shown in the following command that finds users that have not logged on in 60 days:

$DaysSince = (Get-Date).AddDays(-60)
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties LastLogonDate | Where-Object {($_.LastLogonDate -le $DaysSince)  -and ($_.Enabled -eq $True) -and ($_.LastLogonDate -ne $NULL)} | Select Name,LastLogonDate


An attribute on user objects called lastLogonTimestamp contains the approximate last time the user logged on. However, the lastLogonTimestamp attribute has a certain amount of latency associated with it to cut down on replication traffic; the date contained in this attribute can be anywhere from nine to 14 days off in a default domain. This latency can be made longer or shorter by modifying the attribute msDS-LogonTimeSyncInterval of the Domain NC.

Using PowerShell

PowerShell has a property named LastLogonDate that is a human-friendly conversion of the lastLogonTimestamp attribute. This allows for easy PowerShell queries involving finding inactive users.

See Also

Finding Users Whose Passwords Are About to Expire for more on computing large integer timestamps; Determining a User’s Last Logon Time for more on finding a user’s last logon timestamp

Viewing and Modifying a User’s Permitted Logon Hours


You want to see the hours that a user is permitted to log on to the network.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the ADUC snap-in (dsa.msc).

  2. If you need to change domains, right-click on Active Directory Users and Computers in the left pane, select Connect to Domain, enter the domain name, and click OK.

  3. Right-click on the user and select Properties. From the Account tab, click on Logon Hours.

  4. Select the hours that you want to allow or disallow, and click Logon Permitted or Logon Denied. Click OK.

  5. Click OK.

Using PowerShell

## user DN
$userDN = "LDAP://<UserDN>"

## powers of two in a single byte
## can use [System.Math]::Pow(), but this is faster
$pow2 = @(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128)

## bit-state - a bit is either off (0) or on (1)
$onoff = @("0", "1")

function dump($byte)
    $result = ""
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt 8; $i++)
        $result += $onoff[($byte -band $pow2[$i]) -ne 0]
    return $result

# days of the week, zero based
$days = @("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",↵
"Friday", "Saturday")
$day = 0

# main
$obj  = [ADSI]$userDN
$arr = $obj.logonHours.Value

for ($i = 0; $i -lt $arr.Length; $i += 3)
    (dump $arr[$i]) + " " + (dump $arr[$i+1]) + " " + (dump $arr[$i+2])
    $day += 1


Using PowerShell

The logonHours attribute of a user object is represented as an octet string, rather than a simple string like most of the other attributes we’ve discussed. As a result, manipulating it directly is a bit trickier than simply inserting a new string in place of an old one. An octet string is just another name for an array of bytes containing arbitrary binary data. For the logonHours attribute, each hour of a day is represented as a single bit within a byte. Each byte contains eight (8) bits, so it takes three bytes to represent all of the hours in a day. It goes from low-order to high-order (i.e., the low-order bit in the lowest byte for a given day is midnight to 1:00 a.m.). The information is stored in the logonHours attribute in UTC and translated by the user interface into local time. Finally, since there are seven days in a week, and each day takes three bytes of information, the attribute will have 21 elements.

In the PowerShell example, we pregenerate an array containing the powers-of-2 contained with a byte and process each day as a subarray of the entire attribute. Using the bitwise and function in PowerShell allows us to map binary values directly into array subscripts, which reduces the complexity of the routine.

See Also

MS KB 816666 (How to Limit User Logon Time in a Domain in Windows Server 2003); MSDN: Logon-Hours attribute [AD Schema]

Viewing a User’s Managed Objects


You want to view the objects that are managed by a user.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open ADSI Edit.

  2. If an entry for the naming context you want to browse is not already displayed, do the following:

    1. Right-click on ADSI Edit in the right pane and click “Connect to.”

    2. Fill in the information for the naming context, container, or OU you want to add an object to. Click on the Advanced button if you need to enter alternate credentials.

  3. In the left pane, browse to the naming context, container, or OU of the object you want to view. Once you’ve found the object, right-click on it and select Properties.

  4. View the managedObjects attribute.

Using a command-line interface

> adfind -b "<UserDN>" managedObjects

Using PowerShell

To retrieve a user’s managedObjects property with PowerShell, use the following syntax:

Get-ADUser -Identity "<UserDN>" -Properties managedObjects | Select -ExpandProperty managedObjects


The managedObjects attribute is linked to the managedBy attribute that can be set on certain objects in Active Directory, such as computers, OUs, and groups. Setting the managedBy attribute provides a quick way to define who owns an object. If you do use it, you can use the managedObjects attribute on user, contact, or group objects to get the list of objects for which the user has been configured in the managedBy attribute.

Creating a UPN Suffix for a Forest


You want users to have a different UPN suffix from the default provided by your forest.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the Active Directory Domains and Trusts snap-in (domain.msc).

  2. In the left pane, right-click Active Directory Domains and Trusts and select Properties.

  3. Under Alternative UPN suffixes, type the name of the suffix you want to add.

  4. Click Add and then click OK.

Using a command-line interface

> admod -config -rb cn=Partitions


The attributeName:+:attributeValue syntax will add an additional value to an existing list of values in a multivalued attribute. Using attributeName::attributeValue would overwrite the existing values with the value you specify.

Using PowerShell

Set-ADForest -Identity <ForestRootDomainName> -UPNSuffixes @{Add="<NewSuffix>"}


The UPN allows users to log on with a friendly name that may even correspond to their email address. UPN logons also do not require the domain to be known so that it can be abstracted away from the user. You may need to create an additional UPN suffix (e.g., if you want UPNs to map to email addresses, but your AD forest is rooted at a different domain name (e.g., from the domain name used in email addresses (e.g.,

See Also

MS KB 243280 (Users Can Log On Using User Name or User Principal Name); “Add User Principal Name Suffixes”; MS KB 269441 (How to Use ADSI to List the UPN Suffixes that Are Defined in Active Directory)

Restoring a Deleted User


You want to restore a user object that has been inadvertently deleted.


This recipe assumes that the Active Directory Recycle Bin was enabled prior to the deletion. If you have not enabled the AD Recycle Bin, you can do so from the Tasks pane in the Active Directory Administrative Center.


Using a graphical user interface (steps specific to Windows Server 2012)

  1. Launch the AD Administrative Center.

  2. Select the domain and navigate to the Deleted Objects container.

  3. Locate the deleted object in the container.

  4. Right-click the object and select Restore.


In most cases, it is sufficient when restoring a deleted object within Active Directory to simply perform an authoritative restore of the individual object. Performing this authoritative restore will allow the restored user object to be replicated to other DCs within the domain along with all attributes that were present at the time that the System State backup was taken.

See Also

MS KB 216993 (Useful Shelf Life of a System-State Backup of Active Directory); MS KB 840001 (How to Restore Deleted User Accounts and Their Group Memberships in Active Directory); Chapter 16 for more on recovering and restoring Active Directory

Protecting a User Against Accidental Deletion


You want to prevent a user object from being accidentally deleted by an administrator who selects the incorrect option in Active Directory Users and Computers.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers. Click on View and confirm that Advanced Features is selected.

  2. Drill down to the current domain. To connect to a different domain, right-click on the top-level node and click “Change domain”; select the appropriate domain and then drill down to it.

  3. Right-click on the object that you want to modify and click Properties.

  4. Click on the Object tab.

  5. Place a checkmark next to “Protect object from accidental deletion.”

  6. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface (all versions)

dsacls <User DN> /d EVERYONE:SDDT

Using PowerShell

Set-ADObject -Identity "<User DN>" -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $True


By default, all new OUs that are created in Windows Server 2008 and later will have this protection enabled; however, no other object types are configured with this default protection. If you attempt to delete a group that is protected using this option, even when signed on as a Domain Admin or other similarly elevated account, you will receive an “Access Denied” message until you manually remove the checkbox or manually remove the deny ACE associated with it.

By using the command-line or PowerShell method, you can apply this protection to group objects in all versions of Windows Server, even though the GUI checkbox is available only in Windows Server 2008 and later.

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