
1G (First-Generation), 57, 118, 697, see Cellular system

1-persistent CSMA, 49, see Carrier Sense Multiple Access

1xEvolution-Data Only-High Data Rate (1xEVDO-HDR), 715, see Unified Cellular and Ad hoc Network

2G (Second-Generation), 57, 119, 697, see Cellular system

2.5G, 57, 123

3G (Third-Generation), 57, 125, 697, see Cellular system

4G (Fourth-Generation), 58, 127, see Cellular system

10Base2, 52

10Base5, 52

10Base-F, 52

10Base-T, 52

100Base-F, 52

100Base-T4, 52

100Base-TX, 52

1000Base-CX, 52

1000Base-LX, 52

1000Base-SX, 52

1000Base-T, 52

802.1 (internetworking), 46

802.2 (logical link control), 46

802.3 (Ethernet or CSMA/CD), 46, 51

802.4 (token bus LAN), 46

802.5 (token ring LAN), 46, 47

802.6 (MAN), 46

802.7 (broadband LAN), 46

802.8 (fiber optic LAN and MAN), 46

802.9 (integrated voice/data services LAN and MAN), 46

802.10 (security in LAN and MAN), 46

802.11 (wireless LAN), 46, 55

802.11a/b/g, 56, 515, 805, see Multimode 802.11

802.11a-j, n, 56, 79

802.11e, 56, 515, 805, see QoS MAC protocols

802.11phone, 811, see Meghadoot architecture

802.12 (demand priority access LAN), 46

802.15 (wireless PAN), 46

802.16 (broadband wireless MAN), 46, 141


Access Point (AP), 66, 515

Acknowledgment (ACK, Ack), 73, 234, 236, 455, 516, see Signaling packets

Adaptive data rate control, 231

Adaptive equalization, 10

Adaptive frame alignment, 120

Adaptive modulation, 9

Adaptive shared-tree multicast routing protocol, 410, see Multicast routing protocols

Adaptive Transmission Rate Control (ARC), 668

Addressing, 214

Address mobility, 156, see Mobile IP

Ad hoc GSM (A-GSM), 698, 711

Ad hoc local area network, 66, see Wireless Local Area Network

Ad hoc Multicast Routing (AMRoute), 406, see Multicast routing protocols

Ad hoc Multicast Routing Protocol Utilizing Increasing Id-numbers (AMRIS), 403, see Multicast routing protocols

Ad hoc Network Design Algorithm (ANDA), 626, 640, see Transmission power management

Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV), 320, 535, see Routing protocols

Ad hoc Relaying Station (ARS), 703

Ad hoc routing zone, 810, see Meghadoot architecture

Ad hoc TCP (ATCP), 466, see Transport layer protocols for ad hoc wireless networks

Ad hoc Transport Protocol (ATP), 473, see Transport layer protocols for ad hoc wireless networks

Ad hoc wireless Internet, 220

Ad hoc wireless network, 58, 193, 196

Adjacent channel interference, 9, 111

Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), 629, 640, see Transmission power management

Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS), 118, see Cellular system

Advanced Research Project Agency Network (ARPANET), 39

ALOHA, 48, 191, 239

Amplitude Modulation (AM), 12, see Modulation

Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), 14, see Modulation

Antenna, 112, 231

directional, 231, 275

omnidirectional, 112, 246, 275

sectorized, 112

Antenna gain, 7

Application Controlled Transport Protocol (ACTP), 471, see Transport layer protocols for ad hoc wireless networks

Applications of sensor networks, 648

Arbitration IFS (AIFS), 518, see Inter-Frame Spacing

Association, 67

Associativity-Based Ad hoc Multicast Routing (ABAM), 386, see Multicast routing protocols

Associativity-Based Routing (ABR), 328, 464, 466, see Routing protocols

Asymmetric key, 485

private key, 485

public key, 485

Asymmetric key algorithm, 483, 485

Asynchronous MAC protocol, 233, 267

Asynchronous QoS Routing (AQR), 548, see QoS routing protocols

Asynchronous slot allocation strategies, 546

EFR, 549

k-HHR, 551

MBR, 549

PHR, 550

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), 41, 80, 133, see Computer network model

Atomic multi-lateration, 669

Attacks on sensor networks, 683

hello flood attack, 684

selective forwarding, 683

spoofing, 683

sybil attack, 683

wormhole attack, 683

Attenuation, 6

Authenticated Routing for Ad hoc Networks (ARAN), 494, see Secure routing protocols

Authentication, 69, 483


Back-off, 234, 456, 515, 601, 633, see Binary Exponential Back-off

Bandwidth-Conscious MNs, 789, see Interoperability of Wi-Fi systems and WWANs

Bandwidth Efficient Multicast Routing Protocol (BEMRP), 376, see Multicast routing protocols

Bandwidth Routing protocol (BR), 537, see QoS routing protocols

Base-Assisted Ad hoc Routing (BAAR), 723, see Routing protocols for hybrid wireless networks

Base-driven Multi-hop Bridging Protocol (BMBP), 726, see Routing protocols for hybrid wireless networks

messages, 727

procedures, 728

Base Station (BS), 109, 650, 698, 787

Base Station Supported Reconfiguration (BSR), 762, 763, see Load balancing in hybrid wireless networks

Base Transceiver Station (BTS), 128

BASIC, 287, see Power control MAC

Basic Service Area (BSA), 67

Basic Service Set (BSS), 6

Battery, 585

heterogeneous, 598

Battery-Aware MAC (BAMAC), 599, 600, 639, see Battery management

BAMAC(k), 602

Battery-aware task schedule, 592

Battery capacity, 589, 590

actual, 590, 596

nominal, 590

rated, 596

standard, 590

theoretical, 590

Battery-driven system, 587

Battery Energy-Efficient routing (BEE), 604, 640, see Battery management

Battery management, 585, 587, see Energy management

BAMAC(k) protocol, 602

BAMAC protocol, 599, 639

battery scheduling techniques, 596, 638

BEE routing protocol, 604, 640

energy conserving routing based on battery status, 605

lazy packet scheduling, 599

modeling and shaping of battery discharge pattern, 593, 638

traffic shaping schemes, 603, 640

Battery models, 592

analytical, 592

electric circuit, 592

electrochemical, 592

stochastic, 592

Battery power, 585

Battery scheduling, 593, 638, see Battery management

joint technique, 597, 638

random technique, 597, 638

round robin technique, 597, 601, 638

Battery technologies, 589

Baud rate, 11, 14

Beacon, 77

Beauty contest, 5, see Comparative bidding

Biconnected Augmentation Min-max Power (BAMP), 613

Billing Agency (BA), 791

associated, 792

billing free service model, 792

independent, 792

integrated, 792

models, 792

revenue-sharing-based, 792

Billing agency models, 792, see Billing Agency

Billing schemes for Wi-Fi system, 786

billing agency, 786

flat-rate based pricing, 786, 791, 794

volume-based pricing, 786, 791, 794

Binary Exponential Back-off (BEB), 54, 234, 633

Binary Frequency Shift Keying (BFSK), 16, see Modulation

Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), 17, see Modulation

Binary scheme, 664

Bit Error Rate (BER), 29, 457

Bit rate, 520

CBR, 520

VBR, 520

Black hole, 166, 167

Bluetooth, 88, 103

802.15.1, 89

communication, 92

L2CAP, 97

master-slave, 90, 91, 95

middleware, 97

operational states, 91

physical layer, 90

piconet, 91

power management, 96

profiles, 98

protocol stack, 90

scatternet, 95

security, 96

specifications, 89

Breach path, 672

Broadband, 80

Broadband Radio Access Network (BRAN), 80

Broadband wireless access, 133

LMDS, 133

MMDS, 133

Broadcast Incremental Power (BIP) algorithm, 429

Broadcast Least Unicast (BLU) algorithm, 429

Broadcast Link-Based Minimum Spanning Tree (BLIMST) algorithm, 429

Broadcast-multicast scheme, 376

Busy tone, 240, 278

directional, 278

Busy Tone Multiple Access (BTMA), 240, see Medium access control protocols

Byzantine failure, 478


Cache poison, 496

Care of Address (COA), 160

Carrier-sense, 234, see Carrier Sense Multiple Access

Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA), 49, 234, 286

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA), 71, 515

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD), 50

cdma2000, 125, see Cellular system

cdmaOne, 124, see Cellular system

cdmaTwo, 125, see Cellular system

Cell (battery), 589, see Electrochemical cell

capacity, 590, see Battery capacity

voltages, 589, see Voltages

Cell (network), 109, see Cellular architecture

Cellular architecture, 116

cell, 109

cell-splitting, 111

channel allocation, 113

cluster, 109

frequency reuse, 109

handoff, 114

HLR, 117

location management, 117

macro-cell, 111

micro-cell, 111

near-far problem, 113

pico-cell, 111

power control, 113

reuse distance, 110

sectorization, 112

user profile, 117

VLR, 117

Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD), 124

CellularIP, 168

Cellular network, 109, 193, 196, see Cellular architecture

capacity, 111

Cellular system, 118

first-generation (1G), 118, 119

AMPS, 118

fourth-generation (4G), 127

second-generation (2G), 119

cdmaOne, 124

cdmaTwo, 125

DAMPS, 119, 124

DAMPS+, 124

GSM, 119

IS-54, 124

IS-95, 124

IS-95a, 124

IS-95b, 125

IS-136, 124

PDC, 119

third-generation (3G), 125

cdma2000, 125

IMT-2000, 126

UMTS, 126

UWC-136, 125

W-CDMA, 125, 126

Certificate graph, 489

Certifying Authority (CA), 48

Chain-based three-level scheme, 664

Channel allocation algorithm, 113, see Cellular architecture

Channel capture effect, 468

Channel coding, 29

Channel locking, 114

Chipping code, 24

Cipher, 484

block, 484

ciphertext, 483

stream, 484

transposition, 484

Vernam, 485

Clash, 574

Clear Channel Assessment (CCA), 70

Clear-To-Send (CTS), 74, 234, 236, 516, see Signaling packets

Cluster, 109, 110, see Cellular architecture

Clustered architecture, 653

LEACH, 654, 655

Cluster-head Gateway Switch Routing (CGSR), 314

CLUSTERPOW, 618, see Transmission power management

Cluster TDMA, 513, see Time Division Multiple Access

Co-channel interference, 9, 110

Codec (coder/decoder), 25, 27

Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), 22, 127, 286, 514, see Multiple access

Collaborative multi-lateration, 669

Collision, 228, see Hidden terminal

Collision Avoidance Time Allocation (CATA), 250, see Medium access control protocols

Common Power Protocol (COMPOW), 615, 640, see Transmission power management

Compact Hypertext Markup Language (cHTML), 182, see i-mode

Comparative bidding, 5

Comparison of sensor and ad hoc wireless networks, 648

Complementary Code Keying (CCK), 24

Computer network model (architecture), 36

ATM, 41

OSI, 36

TCP/IP, 39

Computer networks, 1, 34

broadcast, 34

client/server, 34, 179

LAN, 34

MAN, 34

PAN, 63

peer-to-peer, 34

point-to-point, 34

WAN, 35

Conditional Min-Max Battery Cost Routing (CMMBCR), see Globalized power-aware routing

Congestion, 238, see Transmission Control Protocol

avoidance, 455, 457

control, 158, 172, 452, 453, 455, 469, 629

window, 173, 455, 457, 458

Congestion control and transmission policies, 628, 640, see Transmission power management

Connected Min-max Power (CMP), 613

Connectionless protocol, 40, see User Datagram Protocol

Connection-oriented protocol, 40, see Transmission Control Protocol

Constant Bit Rate (CBR), 44, 520, see Bit rate

Constellation pattern, 18, see Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

Content-based multicast, 439

Contention-based MAC protocol, 231, 233, see Medium access control protocols

Contention-based reservation MAC protocols, 231, 233, 248, see Medium access control protocols

Contention-based scheduling MAC protocols, 231, 233, 267, see Medium access control protocols

Contention Window (CW), 72, 275, 515

Continuous Time Markovian Decision Process (CTMDP), 598

Convolutional code, 31

Core Assisted Mesh Protocol (CAMP), 424, see Multicast routing protocols

Core Extraction Distributed Ad hoc Routing (CEDAR), 336, see Routing protocols

Core resolution algorithm, 407

Core-to-group Address Mapping (CAM), 425

Cost-conscious MNs, 790, see Interoperability of Wi-Fi systems and WWANs

Cost field approach, 661

Coverage of sensor network, 671

best-case coverage, 671

worst-case coverage, 671

CPU power consumption, 636, see Device power management

Critical transmission range, 626, see Transmission power management

Crossover-time, 571

crossover-time-in, 571

crossover-time-out, 571

Cryptography, 483

encryption, 483

decryption, 483

CSMA-based MAC protocols for sensor networks, 66

Cycle-Based 802.11phone (CB8) charger, 812

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC), 31


DATA (Data), 75, 234, 236, 516, 600, see Signaling packets

Data-centric routing, 660

Data delivery, 69

Data dissemination, 655

cost field approach, 661

directed diffusion, 659

flooding, 656

GHT, 662

gossiping, 656

rumor routing, 656

sequential assignment routing, 657

SMECN, 663

SPIN, 660

Data encryption, 476

Data fusion, 675

Data gathering, 663

binary scheme, 664

chain-based three-level scheme, 664

direct transmission, 664


Data Link Layer (DLL), 47

logical link control, 47

medium access control, 48

Data over voice, 122

DCF IFS (DIFS), 264, 515, see Inter-Frame Spacing

DCF Inter-Frame Spacing (DIFS), 71

Deauthentication, 69

Decryption, 483, see Cryptography

Delaunay triangulation, 672

Delay spread, 8

Denial of Service (DoS), 481

Destination Sequenced Distance Vector routing (DSDV), 264, 308, 492, see Routing protocols

DSDV-SQ, 493

Destination Sequenced Distance Vector-Sequence Numbers (DSDV-SQ), 493, see Destination Sequenced Distance Vector routing

Device power management, 587, see System power management

CPU power consumption, 636

HDD power consumption, 637

low-power design of hardware, 635

power-aware CPU scheduling, 637

Device tamper, 483

Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying (DBPSK), 17, see Modulation

Differential Destination Multicast Routing (DDM), see Multicast routing protocols

Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK), 17, see Modulation

Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (DQPSK), 17, see Modulation

Differentiated service, 45

Diffie-Hellman exchange, 487

Diffraction, 6

Diffusion, 591

Digital-AMPS (DAMPS), 119, 124, see Cellular system

Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT), 130

Digital signature, 476, 485

Digital Subscriber Loop (DSL), 128

Directed diffusion, 659

Directionality-based localization, 669

Directional MAC protocol, 275, 282, see Medium access control protocols

Directional Throughput-Enhanced Wireless in Local Loop (DWiLL), 698, 714

Direct neighbors, 627

direct neighbor graph, 628

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS), 24

Direct transmission, 664

Disassociation, 67

Discharge, 589, see Battery

pulsed, 593, 638

binary, 594, 638

generalized, 594, 638

Discharge current ratio, 596

Discrete-time Markov process, 593

Distance vector routing, 493

Distributed Bandwidth Allocation/Sharing/Extension (DBASE), 520, see QoS MAC protocols

Distributed Coordination Function (DCF), 71, 452, 512, 515

EDCF, 513, 515, 518

VDCF, 517

Distributed DoS (DDoS), 482

Distributed Hash Table (DHT), 662

Distributed Laxity-based Priority Scheduling (DLPS), 272, see Medium access control protocols

Distributed Packet Reservation Multiple Access (D-PRMA), 248, see Medium access control protocols

Distributed power adjustment, 608, see Transmission power management

Distributed power aware multicast routing protocol, 431

Distributed power control loop, 608, 610, see Transmission power management

Distributed Priority Scheduling (DPS), 267, see Medium access control protocols

Distributed TDMA receiver oriented channel assignment, 652

Distributed Wireless Ordering Protocol (DWOP), 270, see Medium access control protocols

Distribution, 68

Distribution System (DS), 67

Diversity mechanism, 9

Dominating set, 336, see Core Extraction Distributed Ad hoc Routing

Doppler shift, 10

Dual Busy Tone Multiple Access (DBTMA), 241, see Medium access control protocols

Dwell time, 116

DWiLL Routing Protocol (DRP), 733, see Routing protocols for hybrid wireless networks

forward simplex path, 734

MCG, 733

reverse simplex path, 734

SCG, 733

Dynamic Core-based Multicast Routing Protocol (DCMP), 417, see Multicast routing protocols

Dynamic Power Management (DPM), 676

Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), 317, 463, 494, 810, see Routing protocols

optimizations, 318

Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS), 677


Early Fit Reservation (EFR), 549, see Asynchronous slot allocation strategies

Eavesdrop And Register (EAR), 667

Electrochemical cell, 589

Electromagnetic spectrum, 2

allocation, 5

Elimination Yield Non-Preemptive Multiple Access (EY-NPMA), 82, see High-Performance Radio LAN/1

Encapsulation, 160

Encryption, 483, see Cryptography

End-to-End and Retransmit Attempts Scheme of Reimbursement (ERSR), 748

End-to-End Successful Transmission Reimbursement Scheme (EESR), 747

Energy conserving routing based on battery status, 605, see Battery management

Energy density, 589

Energy efficiency, 585, 587, 596

Energy-efficient cluster adaptation, 432

Energy-efficient design of sensor networks, 676

Energy-efficient multicasting, 429

Energy-Efficient Multicast Routing Protocol (E2MRP), 431, see Multicast routing protocols

Energy-efficient reliable broadcast and multicast protocols, 429

Energy management, 585, 587

battery management, 585, 587

system power management, 585, 587

transmission power management, 585, 587

Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE), 124

Ethernet, 51, see 802.3

European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), 80

Event-to-Sink Reliable Transport (ESRT), 682, see Transport protocols for sensor networks

Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN), 466, 467

Explicit Loss Notification (ELN), 176

Exposed terminal, 205, 228, 291

Exposure, 673

MEP, 674

target detection, 675

Extended DCF (EDCF), 513, see Distributed Coordination Function

Extended IFS (EIFS), 515, see Inter-Frame Spacing

Extended Inter-Frame Spacing (EIFS), 71

Extended NAV (E-NAV), 292

Extended Service Set (ESS), 67

Extendible Authentication Protocol (EAP), 785, see Wi-Fi systems


Fading, 8

fast (small-scale) fading, 8

shadow fading, 9

slow (large-scale) fading, 8

FAMA-Non-persistent Transmit Request (FAMA-NTR), 240, see Medium access control protocols

Fast retransmit scheme, 45

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), 34

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 39, 455

Firewall, 477

First-available channel allocation policy, 701

First-In-First-Out (FIFO), 270

Fisheye State Routing (FSR), 355, see Routing protocols

Five-Phase Reservation Protocol (FPRP), 257, see Medium access control protocols

Fixed Subscriber Unit (FSU), 128, 709

Fixed Wireless Access (FWA), 128, see Wireless in Local Loop

Flooding, 656

Floor Acquisition Multiple Access (FAMA), 239, see Medium access control protocols

Flow control, 172, see Transmission Control Protocol

Flow Oriented Routing Protocol (FORP), 333, see Routing protocols

Foreign Agent (FA), 159

Foreign network, 159

Forward Error Correction (FEC), 121, 173

Forwarding Group Multicast Protocol (FGMP), 420, see Multicast routing protocols

Forwarding Group Multicast Protocol-Receiver Advertising (FGMP-RA), 420

Fragmentation, 76

Frame, 120

Frequency Division Duplex (FDD), 21, 249, see Multiple access

Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), 20, 286, see Multiple access

Frequency hopping, 23

Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS), 23, 252

Frequency Modulation (FM), 12, see Modulation

Frequency reuse, 109, see Cellular architecture

Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), 15, see Modulation


Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (GFSK), 16, see Modulation

Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK), 16, see Modulation

General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), 123

Geographic Hash Table (GHT), 662

Glitch-conscious MNs, 791, see Interoperability of Wi-Fi systems and WWANs

Globalized power-aware routing, 618, see Transmission power management

CMMBCR, 621, 640

MBCR, 620, 640

minimum energy disjoint path, 622

minimum variance in node power levels, 619, 640

MPCR, 618, 640

Global Positioning System (GPS), 132, 280, 532, 622

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), 119, see Cellular system

Gossiping, 656

Gradient, 659

Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR), 662

Ground wave, 4

Guard band, 10, 20, see Frequency Division Multiple Access

Guard interval, 22, see Time Division Multiple Access


Hamming code, 30

Hamming distance, 30

Handoff, 114

hard, 115

soft, 116

Handoff Aware Wireless Access Internet Infrastructure (HAWAII), 168

Handover, 114, see Handoff

Hard handoff, 115

Hash function, 493

one-way hash function, 493

HDD power consumption, 637, see Device power management

optimal-optimal, 637

predictive-predictive, 638

spin-up/spin-down, 637

threshold-demand, 638

Head-of-line packet, 257, 268, 272

Hello flood attack, 684, see Attacks on sensor networks

Hidden terminal, 74, 205, 228, 263, 516

Hierarchical State Routing (HSR), 352, see Routing protocols

High-Performance Radio LAN (HIPERLAN), 80


HIPERLAN/1, 80, 81

HIPERLAN/2, 80, 85, 103


High-Performance Radio LAN/1 (HIPERLAN/1), 80, 81

channel access control, 81, 82

data link layer, 81


medium access control, 81, 82

physical layer, 82

power conservation, 84

High-Performance Radio LAN/2 (HIPERLAN/2), 80, 85, 103, 134

convergence layer, 86, 87

data link control, 86, 87

dynamic frequency selection, 88

error control, 88

handoff, 88

link adaptation, 86

medium access control, 88

physical layer, 86

power saving, 88

QoS, 85, 88

security, 88

High-Speed Circuit-Switched Data (HSCSD), 123


convergence layer, 146

data link layer, 146

physical layer, 145

Home Agent (HA), 160

Home Location Register (HLR), 117, see Cellular architecture

Home network, 159

HomeRF, 99, 103

medium access control, 100

network, 100

security, 101

version 2.0, 101

Hop-by-Hop and Retransmit Attempts Scheme for Reimbursement (HRSR), 749

Hop-by-Hop Successful Delivery Reimbursement (HHSR), 748

Hop Reservation Multiple Access Protocol (HRMA), 252, see Medium access control protocols

Hotspot, 111

Hybrid Approach Gateway (HAG), 760

Hybrid Coordination Function (HCF), 515, 518, 519

Hybrid routing protocol, 306, 336, see Routing protocols

Hybrid TDMA/FDMA, 667, see MAC protocols for sensor networks

Hybrid Wireless Network (HWN), 698, 705, see Next generation hybrid wireless networks

Hybrid wireless network, 202

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 180

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 39, 158, 180, 183, 455


IEEE 802.11, 67, 69, 103, 141

ad hoc mode, 69

BSA, 67

BSS, 67

DS, 67

ESS, 67

IBSS, 67

infrastructure mode, 69

medium access control, 70

network, 67

physical layer, 69

portal, 67

services, 67

standard, 69

IEEE 802.11a, 69, 103

IEEE 802.11a/b/g, 805, see Multimode 802.11

IEEE 802.11b, 69, 103

IEEE 802.11g, 103

IEEE 802.16, 141, 148

data link layer, 143

physical layer, 142

IEEE 802 standard, 46, see 802.1-802.16

i-mode, 125, 182

Impersonation, 482

Implosion, 656

Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS), 67, see Ad hoc local area network

Indirect TCP (ITCP), 175, see Transmission Control Protocol over wireless

Indoor localization, 668

Industrial, Scientific, Medical (ISM), 5, 65

Infrared communication, 800

diffusion-based transmission, 800

directed transmission, 800

Infrared Data Association (IrDA) 64, 101

Infrared technology, 101

Infrared wave, 4

Infrastructure-Based Ad hoc Routing (IBAR), 810, see Meghadoot architecture

Infrastructureless network, 193, see Ad hoc wireless network

Infrastructure network, 66, see Wireless Local Area Network

INORA, 562, see QoS frameworks

INSIGNIA, 557, see QoS frameworks

Integrated Cellular Ad hoc Relaying System (iCAR), 698, 703

ARS, 703

cascaded relaying, 705

primary relaying, 703

secondary relaying, 703

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), 128

Integration, 68

Interest propagation, 659

Interface Data Unit (IDU), 35

Interference, 9

adjacent channel, 9

co-channel, 9

inter-symbol, 10

multiuser, 10

narrow-band, 10

Inter-Frame Spacing (IFS)

AIFS, 518

DIFS, 264, 515, 601

EIFS, 515

LIFS, 286

PIFS, 515

SIFS, 515, 601

Interim Standard (IS)-54, 124, see Cellular system

Interim Standard (IS)-95, 124, see Cellular system

Interim Standard (IS)-136, 124, see Cellular system

Interleaved Carrier-Sense Multiple Access (ICSMA), 291, see Medium access control protocols

International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT)-2000, 126, see Cellular system

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 36

International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 2

Internet, 39, 155, 454

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 463

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 192

Internet Protocol (IP), 40, 156, 466

Internet Protocol (IP) for wireless domain, 167

CellularIP, 168


TIMIP, 169

Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4), 167

Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), 156, 167

Internet Service Provider (ISP), 490

Internetwork, 35

Interoperability of Wi-Fi systems and WWANs, 787

network selection, 788

user-profile, 788

bandwidth-conscious, 788

cost-conscious, 788

glitch-conscious, 789

Intruder, 476

Intrusion Tolerant Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks (INSENS), 685

Iterative multi-lateration, 669


Jamming, 482


Kerberos authentication method, 785, see Wi-Fi systems

Key agreement, 487

Key arbitration, 486

Key management, 482, 485

Key predistribution, 486

Key transport, 486

k-hop control zone, 810, see Meghadoot architecture

k-Hopcount Hybrid Reservation (k-HHR), 551, see Asynchronous slot allocation strategies

k-hop neighborhood, 810, see Meghadoot architecture


Laser, 4

Laxity, 257

Layer, 37

application, 38

data link, 38

network, 38

physical, 37

presentation, 38

session, 38

transport, 38

Layered architecture, 650

UNPF, 650

Lazy packet scheduling, 599, see Battery management

Leaky bucket traffic policy, 565

Least Cluster Change (LCC), 513

Least Loaded Gateway (LLG), 759

Light-weight browser, 179, see Wireless Application Protocol

Limiting current, 591

Line-of-sight, 4

Link adaptation, 86

Load adaptive routing schemes, 761

fairness index, 762

LBAR, 762

traffic fairness, 761

Load Balanced Ad hoc Routing (LBAR), 762

degree of nodal activity, 762

Load balancing in hybrid wireless networks, 753

BSR, 762, 763

HAG, 760

LLG, 759

load adaptive routing schemes, 761

MPD, 762, 764

MSPR, 762, 764

NRG, 760

PDRS, 756, 758

PHRS, 762, 763

PIRS, 756, 757

PORS, 756, 757

preferred ring-based routing schemes, 755

PSRS, 756, 758

Local Area Network (LAN), 34, 63, see Computer networks

Localized Encryption and Authentication Protocol (LEAP), 684

Localized power-aware routing, 622, 640, see Transmission power management

cost-saving, 624

power-cost-saving, 625

power-saving, 624

Local loop, 128

Local Multipoint Distribution Service (LMDS), 133, see Broadband wireless access

Local rejoin scheme, 377

Location Addressed Protocol (LAP), 688

Location-Aided Routing (LAR), 325, see Routing protocols

Location-based multicast, 440

Location discovery, 668

indoor localization, 668

ML, 669

multi-dimensional scaling, 670

sensor network localization, 668

Logical Link Control (LLC), 47, see Data Link Layer

Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP), 97, see Bluetooth

Long Inter-Frame Spacing (LIFS), 286, see Inter-Frame Spacing

Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH), 654, 655

Low-power design of hardware, 635, see Device power management

Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Network (LR-WPAN), 676


MACA-By Invitation (MACA/BI), 244, see Medium access control protocols

MACA with Piggy-backed Reservation (MACA/PR), 261, see Medium access control protocols

MAC Protocol Data Unit (MPDU), 516

MAC protocols for sensor networks, 666

CSMA-based MAC protocols, 667

EAR, 667

hybrid TDMA/FDMA, 667

SMACS, 667

MAC Session Data Unit (MSDU), 516

Malicious node, 476

Markov chain, 594, see Discrete-time Markov process

Media Access with Reduced Handshake (MARCH), 246, see Medium access control protocols

Medium Access Control (MAC), 48, see Data link layer

Medium access control protocols, 227, 228, 231, 452

BTMA, 240

CATA, 250

classification, 231

contention-based, 231, 233

contention-based with reservation, 231, 233, 248

contention-based with scheduling, 231, 233, 267

other MAC protocols, 282

using directional antennas, 275

DBTMA, 241

design goals, 230

directional busy tone-based MAC protocol, 278

DLPS, 272

D-MAC, 280

D-PRMA, 248

DPS, 267

DWOP, 270

FAMA, 239


FPRP, 257

HRMA, 252

ICSMA, 291

issues, 227

MACA, 234

MACA-BI, 244

MACA/PR, 261

MACAW, 234

MARCH, 246

MCSMA, 286

MMAC, 282

power control MAC, 287

RBAR, 289

RI-BTMA, 242

RTMAC, 264, 568

SRMA/PA, 255

Meghadoot architecture, 810

801.11phone, 811

CB8 charger, 812

IBAR, 810

Mesh-based multicast routing protocols, 373, 413

Mesh networks, 755

Meta-data, 660

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), 34, see Computer networks

Micro-browser, 179, see Wireless Application Protocol

Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 647

Micro-version Timed, Efficient, Streaming, Loss-Tolerant Authentication Protocol (μTESLA), 686

Microwave, 4

Millimeter wave, 4

Minimum Bandwidth-based Reservation (MBR), 549, see Asynchronous slot allocation strategies

Minimum Battery Cost Routing (MBCR), 620, see Globalized power-aware routing

Minimum Energy Consumed Per Packet (MECP), 431

Minimum Maximum Node Cost (MMNC), 431

Minimum Path Loss (MPL), 707

Minimum Path Loss with Forward Progress (MFP), 707

Minimum Power Consumption Routing (MPCR), 618, see Globalized power-aware routing

Minimum Shift Keying (MSK), 16, see Modulation

Minimum Spanning Tree (MST), 628

Min-Max Battery Cost Routing (MMBCR), 620, see Globalized power-aware routing

Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), 192

Mobile Assisted Data Forwarding (MADF), 698, 701

forwarding agent, 701

forwarding channel, 701

Mobile Host (MH), 698

MobileIP, 157, 160

Mobile IP, 157

4 × 4 approach, 162

COA, 160

encapsulation, 160

FA, 159

foreign network, 159

HA, 160

handoff, 165

home network, 159

IPv6, 167

MN, 159

MobileIP, 157, 160

MRSVP, 170

registration, 160

reverse tunneling, 160

route optimization, 161

routing, 159

security, 169

simultaneous binding, 161

triangular routing, 161

tunneling, 160

Mobile Node (MN), 159

Mobile Station (MS), 117, see Mobile Terminal

Mobile Switching Center (MSC), 116

Mobile TCP (M-TCP), 176, see Transmission Control Protocol over wireless

Mobile Terminal (MT), 64

Mobility, 228

Modeling and shaping of battery discharge pattern, 593, 638, see Battery management

Modulation, 11

amplitude, 12

analog, 11

angle, 12

digital, 14

Π/4-DQPSK, 17

Π/4-PSK, 18

Π/4-QPSK, 17

ASK, 14

BFSK, 16

BPSK, 17


DPSK, 17


FSK, 15

GFSK, 16

GMSK, 16

MSK, 16

PSK, 16

QAM, 18, 19

QPSK, 17

discrete multi-tone, 21, see OFDM

frequency, 12

index, 12, 14

phase, 14

Multicast Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing (MAODV), 400, see Multicast routing protocols

Multicast Core Extraction Distributed Ad hoc Routing (MCEDAR), 384, see Multicast routing protocols

Multicast Priority Scheduling Protocol (MPSP), 434, see Multicast routing protocols

Multicast routing, 365

application dependent, 439

content-based, 439

issues, 366

location-based, 440

operation, 367

QoS guarantees, 432

role-based, 439

Multicast routing protocols, 375

ABAM, 386

Adaptive shared-tree multicast routing protocol, 410

AMRIS, 403

AMRoute, 406

architecture reference model, 370

BEMRP, 376

CAMP, 424

classification, 373

based on initialization of multicast session, 373,

based on topology, 373

based on topology maintenance mechanism, 375

hard-, soft-state, 375

mesh-, tree-based, 373

receiver-, source-initiated, 375

DCMP, 417

DDM, 389

FGMP, 420

MAODV, 400


MPSP, 434

MZRP, 380

NSMP, 422

ODMRP, 414

PLBM, 394

PLBU, 398

WARM, 432

WBM, 391

Multicast Routing Table (MRT), 426

Multicast Zone Routing Protocol (MZRP), 380, see Multicast routing protocols

Multichannel CSMA (MCSMA), 286, see Medium access control protocols

Multichannel MAC (MMAC), 282, see Medium access control protocols

Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service (MMDS), 133, see Broadband wireless access

Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS), 670

Multi-hop Cellular Network (MCN), 698, 699

first-available channel allocation policy, 701

route cache, 701

Multi-hop Connectivity Graph (MCG), 733

Multi-hop radio relay, 193

Multi-hop Wi-Fi systems, 795, see Wi-Fi systems

Multi-Lateration (ML), 669

atomic-ML, 669

collaborative-ML, 669

directionality-based localization, 669

iterative-ML, 669

Multimode 802.11, 805

IEEE 802.11a/b/g, 805

k-mode operation, 806

software radio, 807

Multipath Dispersion Heuristic (MPD), 762, 764

Multipath propagation, 6, see Radio propagation

Multipath routing, 460

Multiple access, 19

CDMA, 22

FDD, 21


FDMA, 20

SDMA, 24


TDMA, 21

Multiple Access Collision Avoidance (MACA), 234, see Medium access control protocols

Multiple Exclusive Shortest Path Routing (MSPR), 762, 764

Multi-Power Architecture for Cellular Networks (MuPAC), 698, 708

Multiuser detection, 10


Nearest Ring Gateway (NRG), 760

Neighbor Feedback Loop (NFL), 687

Neighbor Supporting Ad hoc Multicast Routing Protocol (NSMP), 422, see Multicast routing protocols

Network Allocation Vector (NAV), 74, 264, 292

Network partitioning, 460

Network remerging, 460

Next generation hybrid wireless networks, 698

A-GSM, 698, 711

classification, 698

comparison table, 720

DWiLL, 698, 714

HWN, 698, 705

iCAR, 698, 703

load balancing, 753

MADF, 698, 701

MCN, 698, 699

MuPAC, 698, 708

open issues, 719

power control schemes, 750

qualitative comparison, 718

routing, 723

SOPRANO, 698, 706

TWiLL, 698, 709

UCAN, 698, 715

Not-To-Send (NTS), 251

Nyquist’s theorem, 11


On-demand Link-state Multipath QoS Routing (OLMQR), 542, see QoS routing protocols

On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP), 414, see Multicast routing protocols

On-demand QoS Routing (OQR), 540, see QoS routing protocols

On-demand routing protocol 306, 317, see Routing protocols

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), 36, see Computer network model

Opportunity-Driven Multiple Access (ODMA), 698

Optical wireless networks, 799

OWWDM, 800


point-to-multipoint LANs, 799

point-to-point optical links, 799

short-range infrared, 800

Optical Wireless WDM (OWWDM), 800

issues, 805


point-to-point links, 802

Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR), 349, see Routing protocols

Orthogonal, 19

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), 21

Overlap, 656

Over-The-Air (OTA), 808, see Software defined radio


Packet Reservation Multiple Access (PRMA), 248

Parity check, 29

Partial signature, 488

Passivation, 592, 593

Path loss, 7

Path loss model, 7

free space propagation, 7

two-ray (two-path), 8

Pay-for-it strategy, 604, see Traffic shaping schemes

PCF IFS (PIFS), 515, see Inter-Frame Spacing

PCF Inter-Frame Spacing (PIFS), 71

Personal Access Communication System (PACS), 130

Personal Area Network (PAN), 63, see Computer networks

Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), 63

Personal Digital Cellular (PDC), 119, see Cellular system

Personal Handyphone System (PHS), 130

Phase Modulation (PM), 14, see Modulation

Phase Shift Keying (PSK), 16, see Modulation

Piggy-back, 261, 267, 463

Ping-pong effect, 114

Point Coordination Function (PCF), 71, 77, 512, 515, 516

Point Coordinator (PC), 516

Portal, 67, see IEEE 802.11

Position-based Hybrid Reservation (PHR), 550, see Asynchronous slot allocation strategies

Position-Dependent Cost-Reimbursement, Position-Dependent Bill-Rate (PDCR-PDBR), 746

Position-Independent Cost-Reimbursement (PICR), 745

Position-Independent Cost-Reimbursement, Position-Dependent Bill-Rate (PICR-PDBR), 745

Power-aware, 628

Power-aware CPU scheduling, 637, see Device power management

FUTURE algorithm, 637

OPT algorithm, 637

PAST algorithm, 637

Power-Aware Multi-Access Signaling (PAMAS), 632, 639

Power control MAC, 287, see Medium access control protocols

Power control schemes in hybrid wireless networks, 750

issues in using variable power in 802.11, 750

mobility margin, 751, 752

power optimization schemes for hybrid wireless networks, 751

Power-Efficient Gathering for Sensor Information Systems (PEGASIS), 664

Power gain, 514

Power management, 78

Power management tools, 629, see Transmission power management

Power saving modes, 630, see Processor power management

Predictive Location-Based QoS Routing (PLBQR), 529, see QoS routing protocols

Preferred Destination-Ring Routing Scheme (PDRS), 756, 758

Preferred Hybrid Routing Scheme (PHRS), 762, 763

Preferred Inner-Ring Routing Scheme (PIRS), 757

Preferred Link-Based Algorithm (PLBA), 394

Preferred Link-Based Multicast (PLBM) protocol, 394, see Multicast routing protocols

Preferred Link-Based Routing (PLBR), 345, see Routing protocols

algorithms for preferred link computation, 347

Neighbor Degree-based Preferred Link (NDPL) algorithm, 347

Weight-Based Preferred Link (WBPL) algorithm, 348

Preferred Link-Based Unified Routing (PLBU) protocol, 398, see Multicast routing protocols

Preferred Outer-Ring Routing Scheme (PORS), 756, 757

Preferred Source-Ring Routing Scheme (PSRS), 756, 758

Pricing/billing issues in Wi-Fi systems, 791

BA, 791

fixed-fraction sharing model, 791

flat-rate pricing, 791, 794

variable-fraction sharing model, 791

volume-based pricing, 791, 794

Pricing/billing schemes for Wi-Fi systems, 792

differentiated multi-hop revenue-sharing scheme, 797

multi-hop Wi-Fi revenue-sharing scheme, 797

reimbursement factor, 797

simple revenue sharing scheme, 794

Pricing in ad hoc wireless networks, 738

buy-and-sell transfer model, 739

counter-based approach, 740

microeconomic framework, 741

packet purse model, 738, 739

packet trade model, 738, 739

pricing header, 739

Sprite, 742

Pricing in hybrid wireless networks, 743

micropayment scheme for MCNs, 743

pricing for data traffic, 747

EESR, 747

ERSR, 748

HHSR, 748

HRSR, 749

pricing for voice traffic, 745


PICR, 745


Pricing in multi-hop wireless networks, 736

issues, 736

open issues, 749

pricing in ad hoc wireless networks, 738

pricing in hybrid wireless networks, 743

pricing in military ad hoc wireless networks, 737

pricing in multi-hop wireless WANs, 738

Privacy, 69

Proactive RTMAC (PRTMAC), 568, see QoS frameworks

Processor power management, 587, see System power management

PAMAS, 632, 639

power saving modes, 630

Protocol Data Unit (PDU), 35

Protocol stack, 35

Proxy discovery protocol, 717

Public key certificate, 489

Public key cryptography, 483

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), 488

Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), 116, 122, 128

Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM), 27

Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), 26

Pulse Position Modulation (PPM), 26

Pump Slowly Fetch Quickly (PSFQ), 682, see Transport protocols for sensor networks


Quality of Service (QoS), 66, 77, 79, 133, 170, 228, 267, 505, 630

metrics, 526, see QoS metrics

models, 554, see QoS models

QAP, 518

routing, 460, 505, see QoS routing protocols

QoS Access Point (QAP), 518, see Quality of Service

QoS Basic Service Set (QBSS), 518

QoS-enabled AODV, 535, see QoS routing protocols

QoS feasible path, 337, see Core Extraction Distributed Ad hoc Routing

QoS frameworks, 553

INORA, 562



QoS models, 554

QoS resource reservation signaling, 556

SWAN, 564

QoS in multicast routing, 432

QoS MAC protocols, 512

802.11e, 56, 515, 805

Cluster TDMA, 513

DBASE, 520

MACA/PR, 261

RTMAC, 264, 568

QoS metrics, 526

additive, 526

concave, 526

multiplicative, 526

QoS models, 554, see QoS frameworks

DiffServ, 554

IntServ, 554

QoS resource reservation signaling, 556, see QoS frameworks

QoS routing protocols, 460, 505

AQR, 548

BR, 537

CEDAR, 336

OLMQR, 542

OQR, 540

PLBQR, 529

QoS-enabled AODV, 535

TDR, 532

ticket-based, 526

QoS solutions in ad hoc wireless networks, 505

802.11e, 805

AQR, 548

BR, 537

CEDAR, 336

classification, 510

based on interaction between network and MAC layers, 510

based on interaction between routing and QoS provisioning, 510

based on routing information update mechanism, 510

layer-wise, 512

Cluster TDMA, 513

DBASE, 520

INORA, 562


issues and challenges, 508

MACA/PR, 261

OLMQR, 542

OQR, 540

PLBQR, 529


QoS-enabled AODV, 535

RTMAC, 264, 568

SWAN, 564

TDR, 532

ticket-based, 526

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM), 18, see Modulation

Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), 17, see Modulation

Quality of a sensor network, 671

coverage, 671

exposure, 673

quantization, 27


Radiation pattern, 276

Radio in Local Loop (RLL), 128, see Wireless in Local Loop

Radio Port (RP), 128, see Base Transceiver Station

Radio propagation, 6

diffraction, 6

reflection, 6

scattering, 6

Radio Subscriber Unit (RSU), 128, see Fixed Subscriber Unit

Radio Transceiver Unit (RTU), 128, see Base Transceiver Station

Radio wave, 1, 3

Random access protocol, 231

Random strategy, 604, see Traffic shaping schemes

Rate adaptation, 289

Rate capacity effect, 592

Real-time, 507

hard, 507

soft, 507

Real-Time MAC Protocol (RTMAC), 264, 568, see Medium access control protocols

Real-time protocols for sensor networks, 686

RAP, 688

SPEED, 687

Reassociation, 67

Receiver-Based Autorate protocol (RBAR), 289, see Medium access control protocols

Receiver diversity, 276

Receiver-Initiated Busy Tone Multiple Access (RI-BTMA), see Medium access control protocols

Receiver-initiated MAC protocol, 242

Receiver-initiated multicast routing protocols, 375

Recharge, 589, see Battery

Recovery capacity effect, 592

Reflection, 6

Registration, 160

Reimbursement factor, 745, 747, 797

Relay traffic, 603

Remote Activated Switch (RAS), 630

Repudiation, 476, 481

Request-To-Send (RTS), 74, 234, 236, 516, see Signaling packets

Resource blindness, 656

Resource reservation mechanisms, 509

hard state, 509

soft state, 509

Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP), 170, 554

MRSVP, 557

Resynchronization in sensor networks, 679

Revenue sharing models for Wi-Fi systems, 786

fixed fraction revenue sharing model, 786, 791

variable-fraction volume-based sharing model, 786, 791

Reverse tunneling, 160

Roaming, 78

Role-based multicast, 439

Route Cache (RC), 318, 701

Routing protocols for hybrid wireless networks, 723

BAAR, 723

BMBP, 726

DRP, 733

SMRP, 730

Routing metrics

power aware, 357

cost per packet, 358

energy consumption per packet, 358

network connectivity, 358

node cost, 359

variance in node power levels, 358

Routing protocols, 299

ABR, 328

AODV, 320

CEDAR, 336

CGSR, 314

classification, 304

based on routing information update, 306

based on the routing topology, 307

based on the use of temporal information for routing, 307

based on the utilization of specific resources, 307

efficient flooding mechanisms, 345

hierarchical, 352

power-aware, 357

DSDV, 308

DSR, 317

FORP, 333

FSR, 355

HSR, 352

hybrid routing protocol, 306, 336

LAR, 325

OLSR, 349

on-demand, 306, 317

PLBR, 345

proactive, 306

reactive, 306

SSA, 330

STAR, 316

table-driven, 306, 308

TORA, 323

WRP, 311

ZHLS, 342

ZRP, 340

RSA system, 485

Rumor routing, 656


Sampling theorem, 27

Satellite system, 131

geostationary, 131

Globalstar, 132

Iridium, 132

LEO, 131

Scalability, 216

Scattering, 6

Secure Efficient Ad hoc Distance vector routing protocol (SEAD), 492, see Secure routing protocols

Secure routing protocols, 490

ARAN, 494

SAR, 491

SEAD, 492

security-aware AODV, 495

Security, 213, 451, 475

Security attack, 451, 475

active, 477

blackhole, 478, 497

byzantine, 478

external, 478

internal, 478

man-in-the-middle, 482

multiple uncoordinated, 494

passive, 477

resource consumption, 478

routing, 480

rushing, 480

sleep deprivation, 480

wormhole, 478

Security-aware Ad hoc Routing (SAR), 491, see Secure routing protocols

Security Protocols for Sensor Networks (SPINS), 686, see Security protocols for sensor networks

Security protocols for sensor networks, 683

μTESLA, 686

attacks on sensor networks, 683


LEAP, 684

SNEP, 686

SPINS, 686

Selective forwarding, 683, see Attacks on sensor networks

Self-organization, 212

Self-organizing MAC for Sensor (SMACS) Networks, 667, see MAC protocols for sensor networks

Self-Organizing Packet Radio Networks with Overlay (SOPRANO), 698, 706

minimum path loss routing, 707

minimum path loss with forward progress, 707

Sender-initiated MAC protocol, 231

Sensor network architecture, 650

clustered, 653

layered, 650

Sensor Network Encryption Protocol (SNEP), 686

Sensor network localization, 668

Sensor Protocols for Information via Negotiation (SPIN), 660

Sequential assignment routing, 657

Service Access Point (SAP), 35

Service class, 256

Service Data Unit (SDU), 35

Service discovery, 214

Session hijack, 481

Shadowing, 111

Shannon’s theorem, 11

Short IFS (SIFS), 515, see Inter-Frame Spacing

Short Inter-Frame Spacing (SIFS), 71

Short Messaging Service (SMS), 123

Signaling packets, 234

ACK, 234, 236, 455, 516, 600

CTS, 234, 236, 516, 600

DATA, 234, 236, 516, 600

RTS, 234, 236, 516, 600

Signaling System 7 (SS7), 117

Signaling Transfer Point (STP), 117

Signal Stability-based Adaptive (SSA) routing, 330, see Routing protocols

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), 4, 11, 291

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 39, 158, 455

Single-hop Connectivity Graph (SCG), 733

Sky wave, 4

Sliding window, 172, 461, see Transmission Control Protocol

Slotted-ALOHA, 514

Slow start, 173, 455, 457, see Transmission Control Protocol

Small Minimum Energy Communication Network (SMECN), 663

Smart Battery Standard (SBS), 593

SMCN Routing Protocol (SMRP), 730, see Routing protocols for hybrid wireless networks

issues, 730

operation, 730

Snoop-TCP, 174, see Transmission Control Protocol over wireless

Soft handoff, 116

Soft Reservation Multiple Access with Priority Assignment (SRMA/PA), 255, see Medium access control protocols

Software defined radio, 127, 807, 808, see Multimode 802.11

OTA interfaces, 808

software radio-based multimode systems, 808

speakeasy military radio system, 808

Source-Initiated Multicast Routing Protocols, 367

forwarding state, 367

hard state maintenance, 367

refresh period, 367

soft state maintenance, 367

Source-Tree Adaptive Routing (STAR), 316, see Routing protocols

Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA), 24, see Multiple access

Spatial reuse, 278

Specific energy, 590, 593

Specific power, 590

Split-TCP, 468, see Transport layer protocols for ad hoc wireless networks

Spoofing, 496, 683, see Attacks on sensor networks

Spread spectrum, 22, see Code Division Multiple Access

DSSS, 24

FHSS, 23

Stateless Non-Deterministic Geographic Forwarding (SNGF), 687

Stateless Wireless Ad hoc Networks (SWAN), 564, see QoS frameworks

State machine, 75

Station (STA), 64, 66, see Mobile Terminal

Statistical multiplexing, 43

Stochastic model, 593

Subscriber Identity Module (SIM), 122

Superframe, 264, 265

Supply voltage scaling, 592

Switching technologies, 41

cell, 42

circuit, 41

message, 42

packet, 42

Sybil attack, 683, see Attacks on sensor networks

Symmetric key algorithm, 483, 485

Synchronization, 77, 228

Synchronization in sensor networks, 677

global synchronization protocol, 678

long-lasting synchronization, 678

out-of-band synchronization, 680

piggy-backing, 681

post facto synchronization, 678

Synchronizing frequency, 252, 254

Synchronous MAC protocol, 233

SYN flooding, 482

System power management, 585, 587, see Energy management

device power management, 587

processor power management, 587


Table-driven routing protocol 306, 308, see Routing protocols

Tamper, 476

Task Group e (TGe), 513, 517

TCP-Explicit Link Failure Notification (TCP-ELFN), 463, see Transport layer protocols for ad hoc wireless networks

TCP Feedback (TCP-F), 461, see Transport layer protocols for ad hoc wireless networks

TCP Reno, 456, see Transmission Control Protocol

TCP Tahoe, 456, see Transmission Control Protocol

TCP with Buffering capability and Sequence information (TCP-BuS), 464, see Transport layer protocols for ad hoc wireless networks

Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA), 323, see Routing protocols

Tentative reservation, 290

Terminal Independent Mobility for IP (TIMIP), 169

Terminal Network (TELNET), 39, 158

Third-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), 698

Threshold cryptography, 488

Throughput Enhanced Wireless in Local Loop (TWiLL), 698, 709

multi-hop channel (MC), 709

single-hop channel (SC), 709

traffic locality, 710

Time Division Duplex (TDD), 21, 249, see Multiple access

Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), 21, 248, 257, 286, 514, see Multiple access

Cluster TDMA, 513

Topology control, 608, 611, 639, see Transmission power management

centralized, 611

distributed, 608, 609

TORA, 562

Traffic shaping schemes, 603, 640, see Battery management

Transaction-oriented Transmission Control Protocol (TTCP), 177, see Transmission Control Protocol over wireless

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 40, 157, 172, 451, 454, 471

congestion control, 172

congestion window, 173

fast retransmit and recovery, 173

flow control, 172

sliding window, 172

slow start, 173

TCP Reno, 456

TCP Tahoe, 456

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 39, 628, 629, see Computer network model

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) over wireless

ELN, 176

ITCP, 175

M-TCP, 176

Snoop-TCP, 174


TCP-unaware link layer, 175

TTCP, 177

WTCP, 176

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)-unaware link layer, 175, see Transmission Control Protocol over wireless

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) with Selective ACK (TCP SACK), 177, see Transmission Control Protocol over wireless

Transmission power management, 585, 587, see Energy management

ACPI, 629, 640

ANDA, 626, 640


COMPOW, 615, 640

congestion control and transmission policies, 628, 640

critical transmission range, 626

distributed power adjustment, 608

distributed power control loop, 608, 610

globalized power-aware routing, 618

localized power-aware routing, 622, 640

power management tools, 629

topology control, 608, 611, 639

Transport layer protocols for ad hoc wireless networks, 451, 454, 471

ACTP, 471

Ad hoc TCP, 466

ATP, 473

classification, 45

other transport protocols, 471

TCP over ad hoc wireless networks (end-to-end and split approaches), 454

design goals, 453

issues, 452

Split-TCP, 468

TCP-BuS, 464


TCP-F, 461

Transport protocols for sensor networks, 681, 682

ESRT, 682

issues, 681

PSFQ, 682

Tree-based multicast routing protocols, 373, 375

shared-tree-based, 375

source-tree-based, 375

Triangular routing, 161, see MobileIP

Trigger-based Distributed QoS routing (TDR), 532, see QoS routing protocols

Tromboning, 122

Trunking, 112, 119

Trusted Third Party (TTP), 485

Tunneling, 160, see MobileIP

Turbo code, 31


Ubiquity, 127

Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) communication, 773

comparison, 777

impulse-based approach, 774

major issues, 780

monocycles, 775

operation, 775

PPM, 775

Unified Cellular and Ad hoc Network (UCAN), 698, 715

proxy discovery protocol, 717

Unified network protocol framework, 650

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), 126, see Cellular system

Universal Wireless Communications (UWC), 136, 125, see Cellular system

User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 40, 157, 451, 471

User profile, 117


Variable Bit Rate (VBR), 44, 520, see Bit rate

Velocity Monotonic Scheduling (VMS), 688

Vertical handoff, 782, see Wi-Fi service provider models

Virtual carrier sensing, 75

Virtual circuit, 42

Virtual DCF (VDCF), 517, see Distributed Coordination Function

Virtual Private Network (VPN), 785

Visitor Location Register (VLR), 117, see Cellular architecture

Vocoder, 27

Voice coding, 25

Voice over IP (VoIP), 812, see Meghadoot architecture

Voltages, 589

cut-off, 589

open circuit, 589

operating, 589

Voronoi diagram, 671, 672


Weight-Based Multicast (WBM) protocol, 391, see Multicast routing protocols

Wide Area Network (WAN), 35, see Computer networks

Wideband CDMA (W-CDMA), 125, 126, see Cellular system

Wi-Fi alliance, 781

Wi-Fi service provider models, 782

aggregator model, 782

carrier model, 782

extended service provider model, 782

franchisee-franchisor model, 782

micro carrier model, 782

Wi-Fi systems, 781, see Wireless Fidelity systems

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), 79

Wireless Ad hoc Real-time Multicasting (WARM), 432, see Multicast routing protocols

Wireless Application Environment (WAE), 181, see Wireless Application Protocol

Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), 179

2.0, 182

bearer service, 182

client-server, 179

gateway, 180

light-weight browser, 179

micro-browser, 179

model, 179

protocol stack, 180

WAE, 181

WDP, 182

WML, 180

WSP, 181

WTLS, 182

WTP, 181

Wireless ATM (WATM), 133

handoff, 136

location management, 139

medium access control, 135

reference model, 134

Wireless cable, 133, see Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service

Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP), 182, see Wireless Application Protocol

Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi), 69, 79, see IEEE 802.11b

Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) systems, 781

authentication, 785

economics, 786

interoperability of Wi-Fi systems with WWANS, 787

issues, 784

pricing/billing issues, 791

pricing/billing schemes, 792

QoS, 786

security, 784

service provider models, 782

spectrum issues, 787

Wireless in Local Loop (WiLL), 709, 714, see Wireless in Local Loop (WLL)

Wireless in Local Loop (WLL), 128, see Wireless in Local Loop (WiLL)

architecture, 128

technology, 129

DECT, 130

PACS, 130

PHS, 130

Wireless Integrated Network Sensor (WINS), 647

Wireless Internet, 155

Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), 63, 65, 148, 515

ad hoc local area network, 66

infrastructure network, 66

Wireless Markup Language (WML), 180, see Wireless Application Protocol

Wireless mesh network, 198

Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (WMAN), 141, see Broadband wireless access, IEEE 802.16

Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN), 63, 64, 89

Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP), 311, see Routing protocols

Wireless sensor network, 201

Wireless Session Protocol (WSP), 181, see Wireless Application Protocol

Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP), 181, see Wireless Application Protocol

Wireless Transmission Control Protocol (WTCP), 176, see Transmission Control Protocol over wireless

Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS), 182, see Wireless Application Protocol

Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN), 109, 148, 787, see Cellular network

Wormhole attack, 683, see Attacks on sensor networks


X.25, 123


Zone-based Hierarchical Link State (ZHLS) routing, 342, see Routing protocols

Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP), 340, see Routing protocols

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