

abbreviations, defining, 123

absolute paths, 165

absolute positioning of AP elements, 246

accessibility, 451

adding accessibility, 467

HTML Reports options, 468

preferences, setting, 466

Remote Info options, 478–481

access keys

for form objects, 305

for links, 169

acronyms, defining, 123

actions. See behaviors; events; snippets

ActionScript files, 79

activating Dreamweaver, 15

active link colors, 83

Active Server Pages, 79

showing/hiding tags, 89

Active Server Plus Pages files, 79

ActiveX controls, using, 292–293

Add Behavior button, 351

addpro Web site, 8

Adobe. See also Flash; Illustrator; Photoshop

activating Dreamweaver, 15

downloading applications, 13

help resources, 37

manuals, 340

Adobe Acrobat Connect, 298

starting meetings with, 298

Adobe Bridge, 30–31

Adobe Contribute, 475

Adobe CSS Advisor Web site, 234

advanced find and replace. See finding/replacing

Advanced Site Definition Web site, 473

setting definitions, 474–475

advertising banners, 134

AIF files, linking or embedding, 288

Ajax framework help, 37

albums. See photo albums

alert dialog box

text, displaying, 362

alias of application, creating, 14

alignment. See also tables

for ActiveX objects, 293

AP elements, 253

CSS properties, setting, 224


anchor points, showing/hiding, 89

AP elements, 253

for Flash/Shockwave movies, 283

forms, image buttons in, 311

with grids and guides, 56

of horizontal rules, 109

images, aligning, 146–147

for Java applets, 291

options for, 146–147

of paragraph text, 106

alpha masks, 149

alternate content

ActiveX objects, images for, 293

for Java applets, 291

text, using, 467

<alt> tags, 469

anchors. See named anchors

AP elements

aligning, 253

borders, showing/hiding, 244

dragging, 368–369

for image map hotspots, 178

introduction to, 242

manually changing CSS-P positioning, 246

manually creating, 243

moving, 253

naming, 248

nesting, 244

outlines, 87

overlapping, preventing, 252

preferences, setting, 245

previewing positioning, 251

properties, modifying, 250–251

resizing, 253

rollovers with, 254–255

Show/Hide Elements action, 348

showing/hiding anchor points for, 89

stacking order

changing, 252

modifying, 253

styles, creating, 247

tables, converting to, 256–257

working with, 252–253

z-index, applying, 249

appearance page properties, setting, 82

appear/fade, 358

spry effects, adding, 396

Apply Source Formatting option, 342

arrow keys in Code view, 513

ASP file tags, inserting, 337

ASP.NET file tags, inserting, 337

ASPX format, 29

assembling site, 7

assets, 408. See also color assets; libraries; templates; URL assets

favorite assets, working with, 414–415

Favorites folder, grouping assets in, 415

inserting, 410

modifying assets, 411

multiple assets, selecting, 411

previewing, 410

sorting, 414

Assets panel

documents from templates, creating, 24

images, inserting, 134

opening templates from, 430

resizing, 414

working with, 409

attachments. See also templates

external style sheet, attaching, 218

attributes. See also CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

legal characters in values, 345


demographic studies, 7

planning for, 3

audio files, linking or embedding, 288–289

autoplay. See Flash

autostretch. See tables

AVI files, linking or embedding, 288


Background File Activity dialog box, 495

backgrounds. See also CSS (Cascading Style Sheets); Flash; tables

of AP elements, 245

properties, setting, 82

balanced code, checking for, 460–461

bandwidth, 472

base tag, 330

Basic Site Definition Wizard, 473

behaviors, 347–348. See also events

changing event for behavior, 355

deleting, 357

downloading third-party behaviors, 352

editing, 364–355

effects, adding, 358–359

entire page, applying to, 352–353

introduction to, 347–349

multiple behavior order, changing, 356

page elements, applying to, 350–351

parameters, editing, 354

Behaviors panel, 350–351

Benguiat font, 91

blank Web page, creating, 21

blinds, 358

spry effects, adding, 396

block snippets. See snippets

<body> tag, 352–353


characters in text, 104

with Copy and Paste Special, 101

copying/pasting, setting for, 102

for headings, 84

for links, 83

table text, 195

BOM (Byte Order Mark), selecting, 63

Box model, 251

borders. See also CSS (Cascading Style Sheets); Flash; frames and framesets; tables

AP element borders, showing/hiding, 244

Change Property behavior for, 366

braces < >, 322

balance, checking for, 460–461

Coding toolbar options, 332

brightness of images, 152

broken links, finding and fixing, 452–454

browser compatibility, 458–459

CSS browser compatibility, checking for, 234–235

testing, 351

Browser Compatibility Check (BCC), 234–235, 458–459


Check Browser action, 348

Code view

compatibility, checking for, 458–459

scripts, inserting browser-safe, 345

colors, browser-safe, 64

editing list of, 35

events, support for, 349

independence, testing for, 451

no frame support, information for browser with, 265

previewing in, 34–35

relative path for new links, previewing, 166–167

<b> tag, 115, 322

buffers for Flash video, 285

bulleted lists. See ordered/unordered lists


cache files

for file/asset information, 477

for link information, 182–183

Call JavaScript behavior, 373

captions. See also Flash elements

table captions, entering, 191

cascading Document window, 39

case sensitivity

of file names, 27

finding/replacing with, 121, 519, 521

of links, 477

for tag find and replace, 521

for text find and replace, 519

cells. See tables


AP elements, centering tables with, 256

paragraph text, 106

selecting options for, 61

CFML files, 29

help, 37

tags, inserting, 337

Change Link Sitewide command, 184

Change Property behavior, 366–367

with text, 361

Change Property Restore behavior, 366

with text, 361

characters, 345. See also case sensitivity

CSS character style, applying, 217

formatting, 104–105

forms, options for, 306

other characters, inserting, 96–97

special characters, inserting, 96

checkboxes. See forms

Check Browser action, 348

checking in/checking out site files, 498–499

Check Plug-in behavior, 296–297, 348

Web page, applying to, 353

class ID for ActiveX objects, 293

cleaning up. See HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

click and drag for text, 98

click release shift click for text, 98

client-side image maps. See image maps

cloaking/uncloaking, 474, 504

defining site cloaking, 484


panels, 46

Web pages, 39

closing tags, 322

extra closing tags, deleting, 344

code. See also HTML (Hypertext Markup Language); libraries; snippets

for Java applets, 291

for spry effects, 397

Code Coloring section, Preferences dialog box, 346

Code Hints popup menu, 328–329

Code Inspector, 325

Code Navigator, 332–333, 338

coder-oriented workspace (Windows), 325

Code view, 30, 31. See also browsers; Tag inspector

accessing, 324

arrow keys in, 513

assets, dragging, 410

attribute values, legal characters in, 345

balanced tags, checking for, 330

with Code Inspector, 325

Code Navigator, 332–333, 338

Code View Live, 32, 326

Coding toolbar, 332–333

color preferences, setting, 346


deleting, 333

inserting, 331

copying/pasting in, 331

entering HTML in, 328

fonts, selecting, 128

format preferences, setting, 342, 343

head tags, working with, 330

hint preferences, setting, 343

options, setting, 327

Reference panel, accessing in, 341

rewriting preferences, setting, 344

syntax of code, 334

Tag Chooser, using, 337

Code View Live, 32, 326

Coding toolbar, 44, 332–333

ColdFusion. See also CFML files

file formats, 79

help, 37

showing/hiding tags, 89

collapsing. See expanding/collapsing

color assets

displaying, 409

new color asset, adding, 412

text, applying color to, 413

Color Cubes palette, 64

Color dialog box, 64

color picker, 64–65

colors. See also backgrounds; color assets; Flash; highlighting; tables; text

of AP elements, 245

code color preference, setting, 346

frame border colors, modifying, 274

for headings, 84

for image placeholders, 160–161

images, optimizing colors for, 148–149

for links, 83

palettes, selecting, 64

table colors, setting, 203

unused colors, removing, 149

Web-safe colors, 64

working with, 64–65

Color Sliders, 65

Color Wheel button, 64

columns and rows. See also CSS (Cascading Style Sheets); tables

File View Columns options, 485

photo albums, designating columns for, 287

commands, 43

managing History commands, 515

recording commands, 516

running History commands, 514

saving History panel steps as, 512–513

temporary use, recording/playing commands for, 516

Commands menu, Apply Source Formatting option, 342

comments. See also Code view; HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

Coding toolbar, removing comments in, 333

showing/hiding, 88

compatibility. See also browser compatibility

AP element compatibility, setting, 245

Contribute feature and, 475

complete storyboards, 9

completion of site, 2–3

Component Inspector panel, 49

connection speed, setting, 53

containers, displaying text in, 362

Continuous Tone palette, 64

contrast of images, 152

Contribute feature, 475

Copy File As dialog box, 135

copying/pasting, 100–101

code, 331

Fireworks images, 140–141

History panel steps between documents, copying, 511

image map hotspots, 178

Photoshop images, 136–137

preferences, setting, 102

snippets, 405


images, 150, 154

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 29, 67, 209. See also AP elements; forms

advanced styles, 211, 231

attaching external style sheet, 218

attribute style, 210

creating, 214


setting, 224

styles, changing settings for, 250


properties, setting, 225

styles, changing settings for, 251

breakdown of, 210

browser compatibility, checking for, 234, 458–459

character (inline) style, applying, 217

classes, 211

for tables, 203

code formatting preferences, 236–237

Coding toolbar options, 333

colors for ID selector, 232

with Copy and Paste Special, 101

copying/pasting, setting for, 102

creating Web page with CSS layout, 212–213

CSS rules, 216–217

modifying existing rule, 226

moving, 228–229

Relevant CSS tab, using, 230

custom CSS layouts, 213

default properties, 81


CSS rule, 227

design-time style sheets, 239

internal style, 220

design-time style sheets, using, 239

embedded CSS code, formatting, 237

entire style sheet, modifying, 227

external styles, 211

attaching external style sheet, 218

creating, 215

modifying external style sheet, 219

file formats, 79


for ID selector, 232

setting, 224

formatting code preferences, setting, 236–237

hidden content, displaying, 89

hover class, 231

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) compared, 210

ID selectors

applying, 233

creating, 232

working with, 231

introduction to, 242

manually formatting CSS code, 237

paragraph style, applying, 216

with photo album index page, 287


code formatting preferences, setting, 236–237

styles preferences, setting, 238

properties, setting, 224–225

Properties panel, 222–223

pseudo-classes, 231

Relevant CSS tab, using, 230

sample pages with, 25

sample style sheet, using, 219

selecting, 61

selector declaration, 226

name, changing, 227

shorthand preferences, setting, 238

showing/hiding style sheets, 239

spry widgets, editing, 378


creating, 214–215

paragraph style, applying, 216

Styles panel, using, 221

tag style method, 210–211

text style, creating and applying, 116–117

types of styles, 211

visual aids, using, 87

CSS-P (Cascading Style Sheets-Positioning), 245. See also AP elements

applying styles, 248

creating styles, 247

manually changing, 246

properties, modifying, 250–251

CSS Rule Definition dialog box, 224

CSS rules. See CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)


data files for ActiveX objects, 293

dates and times, adding, 97

decorative fonts, 96

Default Color button, 64

default images folder, 477

definition lists

creating, 112

modifying, 113

deleting. See also CSS (Cascading Style Sheets); tables; templates

behaviors, 357

closing tags, 344

columns in site, 485

commands, 515

favorites, 414

Flash Video component, 285

font combinations, 103

frames, 271

guides, 57

HTML comments, 333

library items, 421

links, 181

menu bar items, 385

properties, 367

remote files, 502

shortcuts/shortcut sets, 58–59

site files or folders, 74

snippets, 405

spry effects, 396–397

demographic studies, 7

description tag, 330

Design Notes, 474

columns, associating, 485

enabling, 486

erasing, 486

linking with files, 487

viewing, 488

design-time style sheets, using, 239

Design view, 30, 31, 324

assets, dragging, 410

comments in, 331

Reference panel, accessing in, 341

visual aids in, 87

Device Central. See Adobe Device Central

dictionaries, selecting, 61

diff tool, 496–497

digital cameras. See Adobe Bridge

disabled options, 43

discovery sites, 7

dither for images, 148

docking/undocking panels, 48


History panel steps between documents, copying, 511

importing/exporting document data, 94–95

links to Microsoft documents, 95

new document preferences, setting, 62–63

paths, document-relative, 165

size, displaying, 52

from templates, 24

untitled documents, list of, 469

viewing multiple documents, 31

Document toolbar, 44

Document window

cascading and tiling, 39

examining, 42–43

resizing, 52

double-byte inline input, allowing, 61

double-clicking on text, 98

downloading. See also Flash

Adobe applications, 13

behaviors, 352

estimated download time, displaying, 52

image download size, displaying, 53

images affecting time, 143

snippets, 401

statistics preferences, 472

templates, 428


assets, 410

CSS rules, 229

external JavaScript library items, dragging, 423

Drag AP Element behavior, 368–369

Draw AP Div tool, 243

Dreamweaver API reference, 37

Dreamweaver Exchange Web site, 469

DTD (document type), 62

selecting, 85

dynamic form elements, 300

dynamic images, 134

dynamic pages, 69

dynamic text, showing/hiding, 89


editable regions. See templates

editing, 404–405. See also Flash; images

Browser list, 35

external JavaScript scripts, 425

Fireworks images, 141

jump menus, 317

library items, 418–419

Photoshop images, 138–139

properties, 367

spry widgets, 378

Edit NoFrames Content command, 265

Edit Snippet button, 404

Edit Tag mode, Quick Tag Editor in, 335

EDML files, 79


behavior effects, adding, 358–359

spry effects, adding and removing, 396–397

8-second rule, 143

elastic CSS layout, 212

elements. See also AP elements; assets; behaviors; Flash elements; forms; frames and framesets; invisible elements; Show/Hide Elements behavior; spry widgets

accessibility, adding, 467

navigation bar elements, 174

selecting, 90

email links

adding, 170

modifying, 169–170


for ActiveX objects, 293

showing/hiding embedded styles, 88

sound files, 289

empty tags, removing, 469

<em> tag

allowing, 61

using, 115

enabled options, 43


frame encoding, changing, 272

selecting, 62

specifying encoding type, 85

errors on previewing Web pages, 34

events. See also specific events

associated events, 349

changing event for behavior, 355

specific browser, showing events for, 351

existing Web page, opening, 28

exiting Dreamweaver, 40

Expanded table mode, 189

expander arrow, 46


Coding toolbar options, 332

Files panel, 71

panels, 46–47

exporting. See importing/exporting

extending Dreamweaver, help with, 37

extensions. See also Adobe Extension Manager

CSS styles, changing settings for, 250

selecting, 62

external editors. See images

external JavaScript libraries

creating Javascript files, 422–423

dragging JavaScript library items, 423

editing scripts, 425

inserting, 424

external style. See CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

eyedroppers for images, 149


fade. See appear/fade

favorite assets

adding or deleting, 414

Favorites folder, grouping assets in, 415

nicknames, creating, 415

file formats

different formats, saving files in, 78

list of, 79

files and folders, 67. See also dependent files; extensions; Files panel; local root folder; remote folders; testing servers

closing, 39

default images folder, 477

deleting, 74

Design Notes, linking, 487

different formats, saving files in, 78

existing file, opening, 28

Flash file types, 280

HTML files, 322

image folder, defining, 132

levels of folders, displaying, 70

local root folders, 476

setting up site folders, 69

site preferences, setting, 490–491

snippet folder, creating, 406

SpryAssets folder, 376–377

Subversion, using, 500–501

templates, storing, 23

transferring files to and from remote site, 494–495

types of files

changing, 67

list of, 29

updating links when moving files, 60

working with, 68

Files panel

creating files in, 73

customizing appearance of, 474

in expanded view, 71

finding files in, 76–77

managing files and folders in, 74–75

moving files or folders in, 75

new site folder, creating, 75

opening files in, 72

recently modified files, finding, 77

refreshing, 72

Subversion, using, 500–501

viewing files in, 70

working with, 492–493

File Synchronization, 502–503

File View Columns options, 485

filters for CSS properties, 225

finding/replacing, 120–121, 505. See also tags

advanced find and replace

for tags, 520–521

for text, 518–519

Files panel, files in, 76–77

last search, repeating, 519

queries, creating and using, 522

recently modified files, 77

Results panel, using, 122

templates, editable regions in, 448

Find Next command, 119

Find Selection command, 119

firewalls, 479

settings for, 490–491

Fireworks, 2. See also photo albums

copying/pasting images, 140–141

editing images in, 155

GIF images with, 130

optimizing images with, 142

PNG format, 131

Script files, 79

fixed CSS layout, 212

fixed fonts, selecting, 128

fixing broken links, 454

Flash, 2.

autoplay, 285


for movies, 283


for movies, 283


video, 284–285


files, 282

Flash Video component, 285

movies, 282

file types, 280


for movies, 282

for video settings, 284

inserting movies, 281


for movies, 282

PNG format, 131

properties of movie, changing, 282–283


for video, 284

video, inserting, 284–285

widths in movies/videos, 284

Flash Player code, 285

Flash Video files, 280

flexibility of site, 451

flow chart for site, 6

FLV format, 284–285

folders. See files and folders

fonts, 91. See also CSS (Cascading Style Sheets); Flash; styles

Change Property behavior for, 366

changing text font, 104

for headings, 84

link font, setting, 83

modifying combinations, 103

nested font tags, combining, 463

preferences, setting, 128

setting font properties, 82

size, modifying, 105

special characters and, 96

table text, 195

formatting. See also tables

characters, 104–105

Coding toolbar options, 333

copying/pasting, setting for, 102

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) code preferences, setting, 236–237

images, 148

multiple changes, making, 105

paragraph text, 106

with Paste Special, 100–101

forms, 299

aligning image buttons, 311

buttons, 304

image buttons, inserting, 311

objects, inserting, 304

working with, 310


inserting, 305

modifying, 308

creating forms, 302–303

CSS rules

for buttons, 310

for image buttons, 311

for lists/menus, 309

for radio buttons/checkboxes, 308

for text fields/text areas, 307

dynamic elements, 300

creating, 312

elements, 300

dynamic form elements, 300, 312

example code for, 318

example code for, 318–319

explanation of, 300–301

GET method, 303

image buttons, inserting, 311

Input Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog box options, 305

inserting form objects, 304–305

jump menus, 316–317


for buttons, 310

for objects, 305

layout for, 303


inserting, 305

jump menus, 316–317

working with, 309

naming, 303

password files, creating, 307

POST method, 303

radio buttons

inserting, 305

modifying, 308


delimiters, 89

fields, 88

tables for controlling, 313

text fields/text areas

inserting, 304

modifying, 306–307

type designations for, 307

Validate Form action, 348

validating, 300

example code for, 318–319

HTML form data, validating, 314–315

Validate Form action, 348

frames and framesets, 259

accessibility values, editing, 270


frames, 271

frameset information, 267

borders, 87, 266

modifying, 273

properties, changing, 274–275

click and drag, creating frameset with, 263

colors of borders, modifying, 274

deleting frames, 271

down and dirty links, creating, 278


frame elements, 261

frameset element, 260

information for browser with no frame support, 265

inserting framesets, 263

introduction to, 260–261


changing, 273

link names, changing, 278

navigation bar, inserting, 277

new file, saving frames and framesets as, 268–269

opening Web page in, 264


border properties, changing, 274–275

frame properties, changing, 272–273

size properties, modifying, 275

quick frame links, creating, 278

resizing frames, 270

sample, creating frameset from, 262

saving framesets, 268–269

selecting framesets and, 266


frames, 270

frameset size properties, modifying, 275

targeted links, creating, 276–277

text, displaying, 362

title for frameset page, setting, 275

free association concept, 4

Freedom Scientific, JAWS for Windows, 466

Freemind Web site, 5

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

connection options, setting, 490–491

links, 164

Remote Info categories, 478–479

Site FTP log, displaying, 495


gamma of image, adjusting, 131

Garamond font, 91

general fonts, 103

general preferences, setting, 60–61

GET method for forms, 303

GIF files, 29

images, 130

tracing images in, 86, 206

transparent GIFs, 256

goals of site, 2

Go To URL behavior, 348

working with, 360

graphics. See images

grids and guides. See also rulers

frame document, laying out, 262

working with, 56–57

grouping/ungrouping panels, 49

grow/shrink, 358

spry effect, adding, 396

guides. See grids and guides

GUI (graphic user interface), 16

GW Micro, Window-Eyes, 466


Hand tool, 52

headers and footers, snippets for, 400


frame headings, changing, 272

page properties, setting, 84

head tags, working with, 330

height. See also Flash; tables

for ActiveX objects, 293

of AP elements, 245, 247

of horizontal rules, 109

image height, changing, 144, 150

for Java applets, 291

help, 36–37

hexadecimal codes, 105

hiding. See showing/hiding

hierarchical storyboards, 9

highlighting, 358

library item highlight color, 66, 420

preferences, setting, 66

spry effects, adding, 396

History panel, 505. See also commands

clearing, 507

closing, 507

copying steps between documents, 511

defining History steps, 517

description of, 506

managing commands, 515

number of steps, changing, 61, 127, 517

opening, 506, 507

replaying steps from, 510

running History commands, 514

saving steps as commands, 512–513

undoing/redoing, 127

multiple History steps, 508–509

Undo/Redo slider, 506

workarounds for steps not recorded, 513

home page

setting page as, 80

horizontal rules

inserting, 108

modifying, 108–109

Host Directory for FTP, 478

hotspots. See image maps

HSB sliders, 65

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 29, 67, 321. See also Code view; Code View Live; events; forms; frames and framesets; named anchors; Quick Tag Editor; spry widgets; Tag inspector

balanced code, checking for, 460–461

Browser Compatibility Check (BCC), 458–459

browser-safe scripts, inserting, 345

cleaning up, 462–463

Microsoft Word HTML, 464–465


deleting, 333

inserting, 331

with Copy and Paste Special, 101

copying/pasting, setting for, 102

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) compared, 210

description of, 322–323

explanation of, 322–323

file formats, 79

head tags, working with, 330

opening Web pages with, 28

properties, changing, 81

reports on attributes, 468

selecting, 61

shortcuts as HTML, exporting, 59

spry HTML data set, displaying, 388–389

syntax of code, 334

Tag Chooser, using, 337

HTTP address for site, 477

HTTP links, 164

adding, 168–169

hue, 64–65

hybrid CSS layout, 212



Design Notes icons, 488

ideas, 4

IDs. See also CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

for form objects, 305

Illustrator, 2

shortcuts, 58

image buttons in forms, 311

image maps

creating client-side image map, 176

modifying hotspots, 178

server-side image maps, 176

showing/hiding, 88

Image Preview dialog box, 141

ImageReady, 155

images, 129. See also Adobe Bridge; Adobe Stock Photos; backgrounds; Fireworks; frames and framesets; Photoshop; preloading images; rollover images; tables

accessibility options, editing, 145

aligning, 146–147

assets, displaying, 409

brightness, changing, 152

contrast, changing, 152

cropping, 150, 154

default images folder, 477

download size, displaying, 53

external editors, 155

file type, setting, 156–157

file type preferences, setting, 156–157

Fireworks images, inserting, 140–141

folder, defining, 132

inserting, 134–135

low source images, 143

navigation bar, changing images to, 370–371

optimizing, 143, 148–151

placeholder, inserting, 160–161

previewing, 150–151

Properties panel

aligning images with, 146–147

modifying with, 145

resizing, 144–145

rollover images, creating, 158–159

Set Nav Bar Image behavior, 370–371

sharpness, changing, 153

Swap Image behavior, 348, 364–365

Swap Image Restore behavior, 348, 364–365

tracing image, inserting, 86

URL to image, applying, 413

Web-friendly graphics, 130–131

zooming on, 151

<i> tag, 115

<img> tag, 144


Microsoft document data, 94–95

shortcuts as HTML, exporting, 59

tabular data, importing, 93

table data, 196–197

templates, XML data to, 449–450

Inconsistent Region Names dialog box, 443

InContext Editing

adding CSS formatting, 441

creating editable region, 440–441

creating repeating region, 438–439

deleting, 439


code, 342

CSS source code options, 236

for HTML code, 327

for lists, 110

paragraph text, 106

InDesign. See Adobe Bridge

index.htm, 80

index page for photo albums, 287

information-gathering, 7

inheritance, 230

Input Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog box, 305

Insert HTML mode, Quick Tag Editor in, 335

Insert toolbar, 43, 44

objects, prompt on inserting, 60

Inspiration Web site, 4


Dreamweaver, 13

Intel-based Macintosh systems, 11

interlaced browser display, 149

Internet. See browsers; remote site; Web pages; Web sites

Internet Explorer, 34

ActiveX controls in, 292

events, support for, 349, 350

Web-safe colors, 64

invalid code, Coding toolbar options, 333

invisible elements, 87

selecting, 90

working with, 88–89

invisible maps, 87

IPv6 transfer mode, 479

ISP (Internet service provider), 490


characters in text, 104

with Copy and Paste Special, 101

copying/pasting, setting for, 102

for headings, 84

for links, 83

table text, 195


Japanese characters, enabling inline input for, 61

Java applets, 279

inserting, 290

preferences, modifying, 291

Java files, 79

JavaScript. See also AP elements; behaviors; external JavaScript libraries; spry widgets

attaching behaviors to links, 179

Call JavaScript behavior, 373

executing, 373

files, 79

null/script links, creating, 179

rollover image name, 158, 159

showing/hiding, 88

Java Server pages, 79

JAWS for Windows, 466

JPEG/JPG files, 29

images, 130–131

tracing images in, 86, 206

JRun custom library tags, inserting, 337

JSP files tags, inserting, 337

jump menus, 179, 316–317

editing, 317

text in, 316

justifying paragraph text, 106


keyboard shortcuts. See shortcuts

keywords, 4

tags, 330


labels. See forms

languages for spell-checking, 125

Lasso files, 79

last saved version of document, reverting to, 27

launching Dreamweaver, 14–15

layers. See AP elements

layouts for forms, 303

Layout table mode. See tables

left alignment of paragraph text, 106

libraries. See also external JavaScript libraries; library items; tag libraries

disconnecting library item from, 417

files, 79

introduction to, 399, 408

library items, 408. See also external JavaScript libraries

creating, 416

deleting, 421

disconnecting item from library, 417

editing, 418–419

filename and location, displaying, 419

highlighting color preferences, setting, 66, 420

list, displaying, 409

planning for, 408

recreating missing or deleted items, 421

renaming, 421

updating on page or site, 420

using, 417

linear storyboards, 9

line breaks

for code, 342

controlling, 107

with Copy and Paste Special, 101

copying/pasting, setting for, 102

showing/hiding, 88

line numbers

Coding toolbar options, 332

for HTML code, 327

line spacing. See spacing

links, 163. See also email links; Flash; paths

automatically updating, 182

broken links, finding and fixing, 452–454

cache files, creating, 182–183

case-sensitive links, checking, 477

deleting, 181

frame links, changing, 272

for image placeholders, 160–161

menu links, adding, 385

to Microsoft documents, 95

modifying, 180

named anchor, adding, 172–173

navigation bar, inserting, 174

null links, creating, 179

opening linked pages, 185

orphan links, 184, 453

properties, setting, 83

relative path for new links, setting, 166–167

relative to documents, 477

script links, creating, 179

sitewide changes to, 184, 454–455

to sound files, 288

targeted links, creating, 276–277

testing, 185, 452–454

text links, adding, 168–169

types of, 164

updating, 182–183

when moving files, 60

link tag, 330

liquid CSS layout, 212

List Properties dialog box, 113

lists. See also definition lists; forms; ordered/unordered lists

CSS styles, changing settings for, 251

modifying, 113

LiveDocs data base, 37

Live View, 32–33

local files, 496–497

Local Info, 474

defining, 476–477

Local/Network options, 479–480

local root folder, 67, 476

creating, 11, 19

elements of site in, 18

for relative path for new links, 166

setting up, 69

working with, 68

Locate in Site command, 76–77

locked regions, color preferences for, 66

Lock Guides, clearing, 57

logical styles, 114

login for WebDAV server, 480

logos, snippets for, 400

Long Description input box, 135

long descriptions, using, 467


Flash/Shockwave movies, 283

low source images, 143

luminosity, 64–65


Macintosh systems, 11

browsers on, 34

case sensitivity of file names, 27

color palette, 64

launching Dreamweaver in, 14–15

requirements for, 12

macros. See snippets

magnification, setting, 52

mailto links, 164

Manage Sites dialog box, 20

managing sites. See also remote site

advanced site definitions, setting, 474–475

maps. See also image maps; site maps

mind maps, creating, 4–5


frame margins, changing, 273

setting page margins, 82

marketing plans, creating, 8

maximizing. See minimizing/maximizing

meetings. See Adobe Acrobat Connect

menu bars, 43

spry menu bar widgets, 384–385

menus, 43. See also forms

spry menu bar widgets, working with, 385

merged cells. See tables

message for Flash video, 285

meta tags, 330

Microsoft Excel

importing content from, 94

links to document, creating, 95

Microsoft Word

cleaning up HTML, 464–465

importing content from, 94

links to document, creating, 95

working with, 101

MIDI files, linking or embedding, 288

MindGenius Web site, 4

mind maps, creating, 4–5

Mindmap Web site, 4

Mind tools Web site, 4

minimizing/maximizing, 43. See also zooming; Zoom tool

panels, 45

monitors, rulers with, 55

motivation for site, 3

Mouse-Over region colors, 66

MOV files, linking or embedding, 288

movies. See also Flash; QuickTime; Shockwave

assets, displaying, 409


AP elements, 253

Coding toolbar options, 333

CSS rules, 228–229

Files panel, files or folders in, 75

MPEG files, linking or embedding, 288

MP3 files, linking or embedding, 288

multimedia. See Flash; Shockwave

multiple documents, viewing, 31


named anchors

adding, 172–173

links, adding, 173

showing/hiding, 88

naming/renaming. See also Flash

ActiveX objects, names for, 293

AP elements, 248

case sensitivity of file names, 27

class names, 211

columns in site, 485

commands, 515


CSS selector declaration, 227

favorite assets, creating nickname for, 415

forms, 303

Java applets, names for, 291

library items, 421

Local Info, site name in, 476

local root folder, 68

panel sets, 50–51

pasting, renaming form items when, 344

photo albums, names for, 286, 287

rollover images, 158

shortcut sets, 58

snippets or snippet folders, 406

styles, renaming, 118

templates, 431

Web pages, 26

workspaces, 50–51

navigation bars

for frameset documents, 277

inserting, 174

modifying, 175, 370–371

multiple images, setting, 371

Set Nav Bar Image behavior, 179

navigation panes for photo albums, 287

nesting. See also tags; templates

AP elements, 244

lists, 110

tables, 208

Netfirms Web site, 7

Netscape Navigator. See also plug-ins

AP element compatibility, setting, 245

events, support for, 349, 350

Web-safe colors, 64

New Document dialog box

sample file designs in, 25

selecting to show, 63

template designs, selecting, 24

New Library Item button, 416

news links, 164

new Web site, creating, 18–19

nicknames for favorites assets, 415

noframe element, 261

information for browser with no frame support, 265

Non-Breaking Space command, 96

null links, creating, 179

numbered lists. See ordered/unordered lists


objective of site, 3

OLE controls, 292

Omniture Web site, 7

onBlur event, 349

onClick event, 349

onDblClick event, 349

onError event, 349

onFocus event, 349

onKeyDown event, 349

onKeyPress event, 349

onKeyUp event, 349

onLoad event, 349

onMouseDown event, 349

onMouseMove event, 349

onMouseOut event, 349

onMouseOver event, 158, 348–349

onMouseUp event, 349

onUnload event, 349

Open Browser behavior, 179

working with, 361

Open dialog box for templates, 431


documents with tabs, 60

Files panel, files in, 72

linked pages, 185

panels, 46

predefined sites, 20

Related Files toolbar, 339

opening tags, 322

Optimize to Size button, 149

optimizing images, 143, 148–151

ordered/unordered lists

creating, 110–111

CSS properties, setting, 225

modifying, 113

paragraph text, converting, 106

text, creating lists with, 111

O’Reilly reference manuals, 340

orphan links, 184, 453

outdenting Coding toolbar options, 333

overlapping of AP elements, preventing, 252

Override Case of option, 342


page breaks, setting, 225

page positions, setting, 225

Page Properties dialog box, 69, 81

Appearance category, 82

Headings category, 84

Links category, 83

Title/Encoding category, 85

panel gripper, 46

Panel Options menu, 46–47

panels, 41, 42. See also Files panel; History panel

docking/undocking, 48

expanding/collapsing, 46–47

grouping/ungrouping, 49

header bars, 43

information area, expanding and collapsing, 47

opening/closing, 46

showing/hiding, 51

panel sets, 50–51

paragraphs. See also styles

formatting text in, 106

line spacing, controlling, 107

plain paragraph after reading, switching to, 61


for ActiveX objects, 293

for Flash/Shockwave movies, 283

for Java applets, 291

parentheses balance, checking for, 460–461

passive FTP, 479


forms, creating field for, 307

for FTP access, 478–479

for WebDAV server, 480

Paste Special command, 100–101

pasting. See copying/pasting

paths, 165

relative path for new links, setting, 166–167

Pewinternet Web site, 7

photo albums

creating, 286–287

index page for, 287

Photoshop, 2. See also Adobe Bridge

copying/pasting images, 137–138

editing images in, 138–139

inserting images from, 140–141

shortcuts, 58

Smart Objects, 136–139

tracing images in, 206

PHP files, 29, 79

tags, inserting, 337

physical tags, 114

placeholders for images, inserting, 160–161

planning, 1–3

mind maps, creating, 4–5

for search engine submission, 8

Play Sound action, 348

plug-ins. See also Check Plug-in behavior; QuickTime

checking for, 296–297

inserting content, 294

playing, 295

troubleshooting, 295

PNG files

images, 131

tracing images, 86, 206

Point/Pica size, choosing, 55

Point To File icon, 173

Popup Message behavior, 348

working with, 362–363

positioning form objects, 305

POST method for forms, 303

Postscript Point/Pica size, 55

predefined sites, opening, 20

preferences. See also Code view; CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

accessibility preferences, setting, 466

AP element preferences, setting, 245

for copying/pasting, 102

font preferences, setting, 128

general preferences, setting, 60–61

highlighting color preferences, setting, 66

History panel preferences, setting, 517

Java applet preferences, modifying, 291

new document preferences, setting, 62–63

Preferences dialog box

AP Element section, 245

Code Coloring section, 346

Code Format section, 342

Code Hint section, 343

Copy/Paste section, 102

File Types/Editors section, 156–157

invisible elements, selecting, 88–89

links, updating, 182

preloading images, 348

for navigation bars, 175

rollover images, 159

working with, 364

Preview In Browser feature, 34


assets, 410

Flash movie content, 283

images, 150–151

pages in Live view, 32–33

relative path for new links, 166–167

synchronized files, 503

Web pages, 34–35

Preview Using Temporary File option, 166

Primary Browser, 35

primary fonts, 103

printing code, 327

prioritysubmit Web site, 8

Program window, 43

Progressive Download Video, 284

properties. See also frames and framesets

adding, 367

AP element properties, modifying, 250–251

Change Property behavior, 366–367

CSS properties, setting, 224–225

CSS properties, in Properties panel, 222–223

CSS-P (Cascading Style Sheets-Positioning) properties, modifying, 250

deleting, 367

editing, 367

Flash movie properties, changing, 282–283

for image placeholder, 160–161

Shockwave movie properties, changing, 282–283

table properties, changing, 202–203

Properties panel. See also images

Crop button, 154

with spry validation widgets, 382–383

Property Inspector, 42, 43

Flash movie controls, access to, 281

proportional fonts, selecting, 128

proportions of images, resizing, 144

pseudo-classes in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 231


queries, creating and using, 522

quick frame links, creating, 278

Quick Tag Editor

Code Hints with, 328–329

in Edit Tag mode, 335

in Insert HTML mode, 335

opening, 334

syntax of code, 334

in Wrap Tag mode, 335

QuickTime, 279

content, inserting, 294

linking or embedding MOV files, 288

quitting Dreamweaver, 40


radio buttons. See forms

RA files, linking or embedding, 288

RDS (Remote Data Services) options, 481

read-only file warnings, setting, 60

RealPlayer, 288

content, inserting, 294

recently modified files, finding, 77

recently opened Web page, opening, 29

reference help, 37

Reference panel, 340–341

specific information, accessing, 341

Refresh button, Files panel, 492

refreshing Files panel, 72

refresh tag, 330

regions. See templates

regular expressions

for tag find and replace, 521

for text find and replace, 519

Related Files toolbar, 339

relative positioning of AP elements, 246

Relevant CSS tab, using, 230

remote folders, 67

setting up, 69

working with, 68

Remote Info, 474

defining, 478–481

remote site

checking in/checking out site files, 498–499

comparing local and remote files, 496–497

file preferences, setting, 490–491

Files panel, managing files with, 492–493

transferring files to and from, 494–495

Remove Event button, 357

renaming. See naming/renaming

Rendering toolbar, 44

reopening documents on startup, 60

repeating background, setting, 82

replacing. See finding/replacing

replaying History panel steps, 510


accessibility reports, creating, 467

saving, 470–471

testing sites, running reports for, 468–469

viewing, 470

Report Settings button, 468

resizing. See sizing/resizing

resizing table columns and rows, 199

Results panel, 122

rewinding Flash video, 285

RGB color mode, 64–65

Rich Internet Applications, 280

help, 37

right alignment of paragraph text, 106

rollover images

with AP elements, 254–255

creating, 158–159

customizing, 159

link colors, 83

preloading, 159

showing/hiding, 254–255

root folders, creating, 10


working with, 55


Safari, 34


creating Web page from, 25

page sketches, 5

saturation, 64–65

Save As dialog box

different formats, saving files in, 78

file type, changing, 67

saving. See also templates

finding/replacing query, 120

framesets, 268–269

last saved version of document, reverting to, 27

reports, 470–471

searches, 341

Web pages, 26–27

scaling for Flash/Shockwave movies, 283

scripts. See also external JavaScript libraries

assets, displaying, 409

showing/hiding, 88

snippets for, 400

scrolling display, changing, 273

search engines, 8

searchenginewatch Web site, 8

searching. See finding/replacing

Secondary Browser, 35

secondary fonts, 103

secure FTP (SFTP), 479

Select All command, 99

Selection submenu, 331

selector declaration. See CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

Select tool, 52

servers. See also FTP (File Transfer Protocol); testing servers

technologies, 11

URI for Flash video, 284

server-side files, 79

showing/hiding, 89

server-side image maps, 176

Set Nav Bar Image behavior, 179, 370–371

Set Text behavior, 362

Set Text Of Status Bar behavior, 179

shading of horizontal rules, 109

shakes, 358

spry effects, adding, 396


columns in site, 485

snippets, 405

sharpness of images, changing, 153


assets, displaying, 409

inserting movies, 281

properties of movie, changing, 282–283

shortcuts, 3, 41

creating shortcut set, 58

deleting, 58–59

guides, working with, 57

HTML, exporting as, 59

on Macintosh systems, 15

for previewing pages, 35

for snippets, 403

shorthand CSS preferences, setting, 238

Show/Hide Elements behavior, 348

working with, 372

showing/hiding. See also forms

AP element borders, 244

columns in site, 485

CSS style sheets, 239

HTML code, hidden characters for, 327

library item highlighting, 420

panels, 51

rollovers, 254–255

table column widths, 192

toolbars, 44

visual aids, 87

single-clicking on text, 98

Site Files View, 70

site reports. See reports

site root

option, 166

relative paths, 165

sitewide link changes, making, 184, 454–455

sizing/resizing. See also Flash; frames and framesets

AP elements, 253

Assets panel, 414

document size, displaying, 52

Flash/Shockwave movies, 282

font sizes, changing, 105

image map hotspots, 178

images, 144–145

Point/Pica size, choosing, 55

Split view, panes in, 324

Status bar, setting window size from, 53

of table text, 195

sketches of sample page, 5

skin for Flash video, 284

slides, 359

spry effects, adding, 396

Smart Objects, Photoshop, 136–139

Snap to Grid/Snap to Guide, 56


block snippets, 401

creating, 407

editing, 405

creating, 407

deleting, 405

downloading, 401

editing, 404–405

example of, 400

folder for snippets, creating, 406

inserting, 402

introduction to, 399–401

keyboard shortcuts for, 403

recent snippet, inserting, 403

renaming, 406

sharing, 405

wrap snippets, 401

adding, 403

creating, 407

editing, 405

Snippets panel, 399

sorting assets, 414

sorting table data, 201


files, linking or embedding, 288–289

Play Sound action, 348

spacer images. See tables


characters, spaces between, 96

controlling line spacing, 107

with Copy and Paste Special, 101

copying/pasting, setting for, 102

CSS properties, setting, 224, 236

multiple consecutive spacing, allowing, 61

spam blockers, 168

special characters. See characters


file transfer speed, 472

of site, 451

spell-checking, 124–125

dictionaries for, 61

languages for, 125

splash screens, 281

split cells. See tables

Split view, 30, 31, 324

Coding toolbar, 332–333

resizing panes in, 324

visual aids in, 87

Split Code view, 30, 31

SpryAssets folder, 376

defaults, changing, 377

Spry framework help, 37

spry regions

creating, 392–393

repeat list, creating, 394

repeat regions, creating, 392–393

spry tabbed panels, 380

spry widgets

accordion panels, 380

advanced site definitions for, 475

appearance, changing, 379

collapsible panels, 380

customizing, 395

data sets, HTML or XML, 398–391

editing, 378

effects, adding and removing, 396–397

inserting, 376–377

introduction to, 375

menu bar widgets, 384–385

regions, creating, 392–393

repeating list, 394

selecting, 378

tables, creating, 389, 391

tooltip, 386–387

validation widgets, 382–383

working with, 380–381

XML data set, identifying, 390

squishes, 359

spry effects, adding, 396

stacking order. See AP elements

Standard table mode. See tables

Standard toolbar, 44

Start menu, 29

startup, reopening documents on, 60

static pages, 69

statistics of download, gathering, 472

Status bar, 43. See also text

connection speed, setting, 53

Set Text Of Status Bar behavior, 179

using, 52

window size, setting, 53

Stock Photos. See Adobe Stock Photos

storyboards, creating, 9

streaming Flash video, 284–285

<strong> tag

allowing, 61

using, 115

Style popup, 118

styles. See also CSS (Cascading Style Sheets); CSS-P (Cascading Style Sheets-Positioning)

built-in text style, applying, 114–115

for characters, 104

CSS text style, creating and applying, 116–117

for form objects, 305

logical styles, 114

renaming styles, 118

size and font style, applying, 115

for table text, 195

turning off/on, 385

Style toolbar, 44

submission of site, 8


enabling, 483

using, 500–501

Swap Image Restore behavior, 348

working with, 364–365

Swap Images behavior, 348

working with, 364–365

SWF format, 280


between table modes, 189

between Web pages, 31

Symbols font, 96


comparing files while, 497

displaying information on, 503

Local/Network options, 479–480

for RDS, 481

site files, 502–503

for WebDAV server, 480

syntax coloring for HTML code, 327

syntax error alerts in Info Bar, 333

system requirements, 12


tab index

for form objects, 305

for links, 169

tables, 187

adding columns or rows, 198

alignment, 203, 203

captions, aligning, 191

Layout mode, changing in, 203

of nested tables, 208

of text, 195

of tracing images, 207

AP elements to tables, converting, 256–257


cell backgrounds, formatting, 205

setting, 203, 203

borders, 87, 203, 203

cell border colors, 205

captions, entering, 191

cell padding

formatting, 202

values, 191

cell spacing

formatting, 202

values, 191

classes, 203

colors, 203

of text, 195

content to table, adding, 194–195


columns and rows, 198

empty layout cells, 191

Expanded mode for, 189

exporting table data, 196–197

formatting, 202–203

cells, 204–205

text, 195

forms, controlling, 313

header positions, 191


clearing, 203, 203

modifying, 193


adding, 194

cells, formatting for, 205

tracing images, 206–207

importing table data, 196–197

merged cells, 200

formatting, 205

nested table, creating, 208

pixels, converting widths and heights to, 203, 203

placement of cells, modifying, 204

process for creating, 188

properties of table, changing, 202–203

repeating tables, creating, 435

resizing columns and rows, 199

showing/hiding column widths, 192

sorting table data, 201

split cells, 200

formatting, 205

spry tables, creating, 389, 391

Standard mode, 189

inserting table in, 190–191

nesting table in, 208

properties, changing, 202

summary, creating, 191

switching between modes, 189

Table ID, entering, 202


adding, 194–195

importing tabular data as, 93

wrapping text options, 205

tracing images, using, 206–207


clearing, 203

fixed width, setting column to, 192

modifying, 193

working with, 188

tab size for code, 342

Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog box, 382–383

alternate text, using, 467

Tag Inspector

using, 336

tag libraries, 337

descriptor files, 79

tags. See also CSS (Cascading Style Sheets); HTML (Hypertext Markup Language); Quick Tag Editor; tag libraries

advanced find and replace for, 520–521

balanced tags, checking for, 460

combining nested font tags, 463


advanced find and replace, 520–521

code, tags in, 341

saving tag searches, 341

nested tags

combining nested font tags, 463

fixing, 344

redundant nested tags, 469

reports testing, 468–469

physical tags, 114

selecting, 90

third-party tags color preferences, 66

Tag selector, 52, 99, 337

target audience. See audience

targets, 385. See also Flash

links, targeted, 276–277

TD tags, 342

telnet links, 164

templates. See also Assets panel

advanced site definitions for, 475

all pages, updating, 446


detaching templates, 448

opening attached templates, 431

working with attached templates, 448

blank template, creating, 22

creating, 429

custom templates, creating Web page from, 445

deleting, 431

editable regions, 432

repeating region entries, 434

detaching templates, 448

downloading, 428

editable attributes, defining, 433

editable regions, 428

creating, 23, 438–441

defining, 432

finding, 447

highlighting color preferences, setting, 66

nested editable regions, colors for, 66

optional regions, creating, 436–437

existing template, creating Web page from, 24

exporting template data as XML, 449–450

file formats, 79

finding editable regions, 447

Flash template files, 280

importing XML data, 449

inconsistent region names, 443

InContext Editing

adding CSS formatting, 441

creating editable region, 440–441

creating repeating region, 438–439

deleting, 439

introduction to, 427–428

list of templates, displaying, 409

manually updating pages based on, 447

nested templates

creating, 442–443

highlighting color preferences, setting, 66

Web page from, 444

non-editable optional regions, creating, 436

Open dialog box, opening with, 431

opening, 430–431

optional regions, creating, 436–437

relocking editable regions, 432

renaming, 431

repeating regions, creating, 392–393, 434–435

repeating tables, creating, 435

saving, 429

Web pages as templates, 27

storing templates, 23

time-saving tips for, 447

updating, 446–447

XML data, importing and exporting, 449–450

testing. See also accessibility; validation

broken links, finding and fixing, 452–454

browser compatibility, 351

introduction to, 451

links, 185, 452–454

reports testing site, 468–469

servers, 474

testing servers, 67, 474

defining, 482

setting up, 69

working with, 68

text, 91. See also characters; copying/pasting; finding/replacing; Flash; fonts; styles; tables

adding text to page, 92

advanced text find/replace, 518–519


applying, 413

changing, 105

dynamic text, 89

for image placeholders, 160–161

in jump menus, 316

links, adding, 168–169

lists with existing text, creating, 111

for navigation bars, 175

Open Browser behavior with, 361

paragraph text, formatting, 106

Paste Special for, 100–101

for rollover images, 159

selecting, 98–99

selection, finding text by, 119

Set Text behavior, 362

setting properties, 82

Status bar

displaying text wotj, 362–363

selecting with, 99

URL to text, applying, 413

text fields/text areas. See also forms

displaying text in, 362

spry validation widgets, 382

text files, 79

text messages, displaying, 362–363

themes, 4

sample pages with, 25

third-party file comparison tool, 496–497

thumbnails for photo albums, 287

tiling Document window, 39

times, adding, 97

Times New Roman font, 91


frameset page title, setting, 275

for photo albums, 286

for text links, 169

Web page titles, changing, 85

toolbars, 41, 43

Coding toolbar, 332–333

showing/hiding, 44

working with, 44

tooltips, adding, 385

spry tooltip, 386–387

tracing images, 86

frame tracing image, changing, 272

in tables, 206–207

Traditional Point/Pica size, 55

transparency for images, 149

transparent GIFs, 256

triple-clicking on text, 98

troubleshooting plug-ins, 295

type editing, 124


underline style popups, 83

undoing/redoing, 126–127. See also History panel

Undo/Redo slider, History panel, 506

Unicode normalization form, selecting, 63, 85

Unicode signature (BOM), selecting, 63

untitled documents, list of, 469

unused colors, removing, 149

Update Current Page method, 420

Update Pages command, 420

updating. See also links

Fireworks images, 141

library items, 420

Photoshop images, 138–139

templates, 446–447

Web updates, obtaining, 38

URL assets

displaying, 409

image, applying URL to, 413

new URL asset, adding, 412

text, applying URL to, 413

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). See also Flash; Go To URL behavior; links

absolute paths and, 165

in jump menus, 317

navigation bars and, 175

opening Web page with, 28

rollover images linked to, 159

for WebDAV server, 480

UseableNet Accessibility Reference, 340

Use Dynamic Font Mapping check box, 128


validation, 455. See also forms

preferences, setting, 456

spry validation widgets, 382

Web pages, validating, 456–457

World Wide Web Consortium standards, 457

Validator, 456–457

VBScript files, 79

showing/hiding, 88

version control

Subversion, enabling, 483

views and viewing

Browser Compatibility Check (BCC) report, 235

Design Notes, 488

download statistics, 472

Dreamweaver window, viewing, 16

Files panel, viewing files in, 70

multiple documents, viewing, 31

reports, 470

switching between views, 31

Tag Inspector views, 336

working with views, 30

Zoom tool, changing view with, 54

visibility of AP elements, 245

visitor link colors, 83

visual aids, using, 87

visually impaired persons, alternate text for, 467

visual server markup tags, showing and hiding, 89

VTML files, 79



read-only file warnings, 60

tags, fixing or removing, 344

WAV files, linking or embedding, 288

WebDAV options, 480

Web pages. See also home page; templates; testing

blank page, creating, 21

closing, 39

custom template, creating from, 445

dynamic pages, 69

existing page, opening, 28

naming, 26

nested templates, creating from, 444

previewing, 34–35

properties, setting, 81

recently opened page, opening, 29

sample, creating from, 25

saving, 26–27

static pages, 69

switching between, 31

validating, 457

Web photo albums. See photo albums

Web-safe colors, 64

Web sites. See also testing; Web pages

for snippets, 401

for templates, 428

welcome screen, showing, 60

wheel storyboards, 9


for ActiveX objects, 293

finding/replacing ignoring, 121

Flash/Shockwave movies, setting for, 283

for Java applets, 291

for tag find and replace, 521

for text find and replace, 519

whole word match

for tag find and replace, 521

for text find and replace, 519

widgets. See spry widgets

widths. See also tables

for ActiveX objects, 293

of AP elements, 245, 247

Flash video settings, 284

of horizontal rules, 109

image width, changing, 144, 150

for Java applets, 291

Window-Eyes, 466

Windows Media Player, 288

Windows systems, 11

browsers on, 34

case sensitivity of file names, 27

color palette, 64

launching Dreamweaver in, 14–15

requirements for, 12

WML files, 79

tags, inserting, 337

word wrap

for form text, 306

for HTML code, 327

workflow reports, 468

workspace. See panel sets.

World Wide Web Consortium, 130

validation standards, 457

Web site, 7

wpromote Web site, 8

wrapping code, 342

wrap snippets. See snippets

Wrap Tag mode, Quick Tag Editor in, 335

WYSIWYG view, 30


XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language)

cleaning up, 462–463

definitions, selecting, 62

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 29

file format, 79

spry XML data set, displaying, 390

templates, importing and exporting XML data into, 449–450

XSL format, 29


Yahoo submission options, 8


Zapf Dingbats, 96

z-index to AP element, applying, 249


on images, 151

Zoom tool, 52

changing view with, 54

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