Table of Contents


1. Preparing and Planning a Web Site


Beginning with a Plan

Creating a Visual Mind Map

Generating a Timeline

Assembling the Site

Creating a Marketing Plan

Creating a Storyboard

Creating a Site Local Root Folder

2. Getting Started with Dreamweaver CS4


Understanding System Requirements

Installing Dreamweaver

Getting Started

Viewing the Dreamweaver Window

Creating a Web Site

Opening a Web Site

Creating a Blank Web Page

Creating a Web Page from a Blank Template

Creating a Web Page from a Template

Creating a Web Page from a Sample

Saving a Web Page

Opening an Existing Web Page or File

Working with Views

Switching Between Pages and Views

Previewing Pages in Live View

Previewing Pages in Browser

Getting Help While You Work

Getting Dreamweaver Updates on the Web

Closing a Web Page or File

Finishing Up

3. Working Within the Dreamweaver Environment


Examining the Dreamweaver Window

Working with Toolbars

Resizing Panels

Working with Panels

Docking and Undocking Panels

Grouping and Ungrouping Panels

Creating a Workspace

Using the Status Bar

Changing the View with the Zoom Tool

Working with Rulers

Working with the Grid and Guides

Creating Keyboard Shortcuts

Setting General Preferences

Setting New Document Preferences

Working with Colors

Setting Highlighting Color Preferences

4. Managing Web Site Files


Exploring Web Site Files and Folders

Setting Up Site Folders

Viewing the Files Panel

Opening and Creating Files in the Files Panel

Managing Files and Folders in the Files Panel

Finding Files in the Files Panel

Saving a File with Different Formats

Identifying Dreamweaver File Formats

Setting the Home Page

Preparing to Set Page Properties

Setting Appearance Page Properties

Setting Link Page Properties

Setting Heading Page Properties

Changing Title and Encoding Page Properties

Changing Page Properties for a Tracing Image

Using Visual Aids

Working with Invisible Elements

Selecting Elements

5. Working with Web Page Text


Adding Text to Web Pages

Importing Tabular Data

Importing Content from Microsoft Documents

Inserting Special Characters and the Date

Selecting Text

Copying and Pasting Text

Setting Copy/Paste Preferences

Modifying Font Combinations

Formatting Characters

Formatting Paragraph Text

Controlling Line Spacing

Inserting Horizontal Rules

Creating Ordered and Unordered Lists

Creating Definition Lists

Modifying Lists

Applying Text Styles

Creating Text Styles

Renaming Styles

Finding Text

Finding and Replacing Text or Code

Using the Results Panel

Defining Acronyms and Abbreviations

Checking Spelling

Using Undo and Redo

Setting Font Preferences

6. Working with Web Page Images


Using Web Friendly Graphics

Defining an Image Folder

Inserting Images

Inserting Images from Photoshop

Updating Images from Photoshop

Inserting Images from Fireworks

Optimizing Images Using Fireworks

Using Low Source Images

Modifying Images

Aligning Images

Editing Images

Changing Image Brightness and Contrast

Changing Image Sharpness

Cropping an Image

Using an External Editor

Setting File Types/Editors Preferences

Creating Rollover Images

Inserting an Image Placeholder

7. Linking Web Pages


Understanding Link Types

Understanding Paths

Setting the Relative Path

Adding a Link

Adding an Email Link

Linking within a Web Page

Inserting a Navigation Bar

Creating Image Map Hotspots

Modifying Image Map Hotspots

Creating a Null or Script Link

Modifying a Link

Removing a Link

Updating Links

Changing Links Sitewide

Testing a Link

8. Working with Web Page Tables


Working with Tables

Switching Between Table Modes

Inserting a Table in Standard Mode

Modifying a Table

Adding Content into a Table

Importing and Exporting Table Data

Adding Columns or Rows to Tables

Resizing Columns and Rows

Splitting and Merging Cells

Sorting Table Data

Changing Table Properties

Changing Cell, Row, or Column Properties

Using a Tracing Image

Creating a Nested Table

9. Working with Cascading Style Sheets


Introducing Cascading Style Sheets

Creating a Web Page with a CSS Layout

Creating CSS Styles

Applying Internal CSS Styles

Applying and Modifying External CSS Styles

Removing Internal Styles

Using the CSS Styles Panel

Editing CSS in the Properties Panel

Setting CSS Properties

Working with CSS Rules

Moving CSS Rules

Using the Relevant CSS Tab

Working with ID Selectors

Creating and Applying an ID Selector

Checking for CSS Browser Compatibility

Formatting CSS Code

Setting CSS Styles Preferences

Using Design-Time Style Sheets

Optimizing Web Pages

10. Creating Page Layouts Using CSS-P


Introducing CSS Layouts and AP Elements

Creating AP Elements

Nesting AP Elements

Setting AP Element Preferences

Using CSS Positioning

Applying a CSS-P Style

Modifying CSS-P Properties

Working with AP Elements

Creating a Rollover Using AP Elements

Converting AP Elements to Tables

11. Creating Frames


Introducing Frames

Creating a New Frame

Opening a Web Page in a Frame

Providing Information for No Frame Support

Selecting Frames and Framesets

Adding Frameset Information

Saving a Frameset

Modifying Frames

Changing Frame Properties

Changing Frameset Properties

Targeting Links

Creating Quick and Easy Frame Links

12. Working with Flash and Other Multimedia


Introducing Flash File Types

Inserting a Flash or Shockwave Movie

Changing Flash or Shockwave Movie Properties

Inserting a Flash Video

Creating a Web Photo Album

Linking or Embedding Sound

Using Java Applets

Using ActiveX Controls

Using Plug-ins

Checking for Plug-ins

Sharing My Screen

13. Creating Forms


Understanding Forms

Creating a Form

Inserting Form Objects

Modifying Text Fields and Text Areas

Modifying Radio Buttons and Check Boxes

Modifying Lists and Menus

Modifying Buttons

Inserting an Image Button

Making Form Objects Dynamic

Using Tables to Control Forms

Validating Forms

Creating and Editing a Jump Menu

Viewing Example Code for Forms

14. Viewing the HTML Behind the Page


Understanding HTML

Using Code View

Using Code Live View

Setting Code View Options

Entering HTML Code

Using Code Hints

Working with HTML Head Tags

Inserting HTML Comments

Using the Coding Toolbar

Using Quick Tag Editor

Using the Tag Inspector

Using the Tag Chooser

Navigating to Related Code

Opening Related Files

Using the Reference Panel

Setting Code Format Preferences

Setting Code Hint Preferences

Setting Code Rewriting Preferences

Setting Code Color Preferences

15. Working with Behaviors


Introducing Behaviors

Applying Behaviors to Page Elements

Applying Behaviors to Entire Page

Editing Behaviors

Working with Behaviors

Adding Behavior Effects

Going to Another Web Page

Opening Another Browser Window

Displaying Text Messages

Preloading and Swapping Images

Changing Element Properties

Dragging an AP Element

Modifying a Navigation Bar

Showing and Hiding Elements

Executing a JavaScript

16. Using Spry Widgets and Effects


Inserting Spry Widgets

Selecting and Editing Spry Widgets

Working with Spry Panel Widgets

Working with Spry Validation Widgets

Working with Spry Menu Bar Widgets

Creating Spry Tooltip

Displaying Spry Data Sets

Creating a Spry Region

Creating a Spry Repeat List

Customizing a Spry Widget

Adding and Removing Spry Effects

Checking Out Spry Samples

17. Using Code Snippets and Libraries


Introducing Snippets

Inserting a Snippet

Editing Existing Snippets

Creating Snippets

Introducing Assets and Libraries

Using the Assets Panel

Inserting an Asset

Working with Site Assets

Working with Color and URL Assets

Working with Favorite Assets

Creating and Inserting Library Items

Editing Library Items

Working with Library Items

Creating an External JavaScript Library

Inserting and Editing an External JavaScript

Using Server-Side Includes

18. Creating Templates


Introducing Templates

Creating a Template

Opening a Template

Defining Editable Regions

Defining Editable Attributes

Creating Repeating Regions

Creating Optional Regions

Creating InContext Editing Editable Regions

Creating InContext Editing Repeating Regions

Creating Nested Templates

Creating a Web Page from a Nested Template

Creating a Web Page from a Custom Template

Updating a Template

Attaching or Detaching a Template

Importing XML into a Template

Exporting Template Data as XML

19. Testing a Web Site


Finding Broken Links

Fixing Broken Links

Validating Web Pages

Checking for HTML Browser Compatibility

Checking for Balanced Code

Cleaning Up HTML

Cleaning Up Word HTML

Adding Accessibility

Running Reports to Test a Site

Viewing and Saving Reports

Gathering Download Statistics

20. Managing a Web Site


Setting Advanced Site Definitions

Defining Local Info for a Site

Defining Remote Info for a Site

Defining the Testing Server

Defining Version Control

Defining Site Cloaking

Setting File View Columns Options

Using Design Notes

Viewing Design Notes

21. Moving Your Site to the Internet


Setting Site File Preferences

Managing Site Files with the Files Panel

Transferring Files

Comparing Local and Remote Files

Checking Site Files In and Out

Managing Site Files Versions with Subversion

Synchronizing Site Files

Cloaking and Uncloaking Files

22. Automating Dreamweaver


Examining the History Panel

Using the History Panel

Undoing and Redoing History Steps

Replaying History Steps

Copying History Steps Between Documents

Saving History Steps as Commands

Using and Managing History Commands

Recording Commands for Temporary Use

Setting History Panel Preferences

Using Advanced Find and Replace for Text

Using Advanced Find and Replace for Tags

Creating and Using a Search Query

New! Features

Adobe Dreamweaver CS4

Adobe Certified Expert

About the Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) Program

What Is an ACE?

What Does This Logo Mean?

Choosing a Certification Level

Preparing for an Adobe Certified Expert Exam

Getting Recertified

Taking an Adobe Certified Expert Exam

Getting More Information

On Demand Online Workshop

FREE Online Edition


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