Galahad Std

Alan Blackman, Adobe Systems

ITC Galliard Std

Matthew Carter, ITC

Linotype Game Pi Std

Linotype Staff

Garamond Premier Pro

Robert Slimbach, Adobe Systems

To download a complete glyph complement PDF, please visit www.adobe.com/type.

Garamond Premier Pro Opticals

Robert Slimbach, Adobe Systems

To download a complete glyph complement PDF, please visit www.adobe.com/type.

Adobe Garamond Pro

Robert Slimbach, Adobe Systems

To download a complete glyph complement PDF, please visit www.adobe.com/type.

Garamond 3 Std

Morris Fuller Benton and Thomas M. Cleland, Linotype Library GmbH

ITC Garamond Std

Tony Stan, ITC

ITC Garamond Std Condensed

Tony Stan, ITC

ITC Garamond Std Narrow

Tony Stan, ITC

ITC Garamond Handtooled Std

Ed Benguiat, ITC

Simoncini Garamond Std

Francesco Simoncini and W. Bilz, Bauer Types, S.A.

Stempel Garamond Std

Stempel Staff, Linotype Library GmbH

Garth Graphic Std

Constance Blanchard, Renee Le Winter, and John Matt, Agfa Division, Bayer Corp.

Gazette Std

Unknown, Linotype Library GmbH

Giddyup Std

Laurie Szujewska, Adobe Systems

Gill Floriated Capitals Std

Eric Gill, Monotype Corp.

Gill Sans Std

Eric Gill, Monotype Corp.

Gill Sans Std Condensed

Eric Gill, Monotype Corp.

Gill Sans Std Display

Eric Gill, Monotype Corp.

ITC Giovanni Std

Robert Slimbach, ITC

Glypha Std

Adrian Frutiger, Linotype Library GmbH

Gothic 13 Std


Goudy Std

Frederic W. Goudy

ITC Goudy Sans Std

Frederic W. Goudy, ITC

Goudy Text Std

Frederic W. Goudy, Monotype Corp.

Monotype Goudy Modern Std

Frederic W. Goudy, Monotype Typography Ltd.

Granjon Std

George W. Jones, Linotype Library GmbH

Graphite Std

David Siegel, David Siegel

MVB Greymantle Std

Kanna Aoki and Mark van Bronkhorst, MVB Fonts

Monotype Grotesque Std

Unknown, Monotype Typography Ltd.

Monotype Grotesque Std Condensed and Extended

Unknown, Monotype Typography, Ltd.

Guardi Std

Reinhard Haus, Linotype Library GmbH

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