Index to Alphabetical Listing

327Ryo®Display Std
328Ryo Gothic PlusN
329Ryo Text PlusN
330HY Gothic Std
330HY GungSo Std
330HY Kak Headline Std
330HY Rounded Gothic Std
331SMGothic Std
331SMMyungjo Std
332Adobe Thai

Adobe, the Adobe logo, Adobe Caslon, Adobe Garamond, Adobe Jenson, the Adobe Originals logo, Adobe Type Manager, ATM, Adobe Wood Type, Alexa, Andreas, Arno, Balzano, Banshee, Bickham Script, Birch, Blackoak, Blue Island, Brioso, Caflisch Script, Calcite, Caliban, Carta, Chaparral, Charlemagne, Cheq, Conga Brava, Copal, Coriander, Cottonwood, Critter, Cronos, Cutout, Ex Ponto, Flood, Font Folio, Fusaka, Galahad, Giddyup, Hypatia, InDesign, Immi 505, Ironwood, Jimbo, Juniper, Kazuraki, Kepler, Kinesis, Kozuka Gothic, Kozuka Mincho, Lithos, Madrone, Mesquite, Mezz, Minion, Mojo, Montara, Moonglow, Myriad, Mythos, Nueva, Nyx, Ouch!, Penumbra, Pepperwood, Poetica, Ponderosa, Poplar, Postino, PostScript, Quake, Rad, Reliq, Rosewood, Ryo, Sanvito, Sava, Silentium, Shuriken Boy, Sonata, Strumpf, Studz, Tekton, Toolbox, Trajan, Utopia, Viva, Voluta, Warnock, Waters Titling, Willow, and Zebrawood are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Mercurius is a trademark of Adrian Williams Design. Khaki is a trademark of Aerotype. Agfa is a registered trademark and Hadriano is a trademark of Agfa Division, Bayer Corporation. Zipty Do is a trademark of Robert Alonso. Russell is a trademark of Karen Ackoff. Amigo, Hiroshige, Marigold, Oxford, Pelican, and Visigoth are trademarks of AlphaOmega Typography. Kigali and Sassafras are trademarks of Arthur Baker Design. Charme, Folio, Futura, Impressum, Serifa, Simoncini Garamond, Stempel Schneidler, and Weiss are registered trademarks and Bauer Bodoni and Candida are trademarks of Bauer Types, S.A. Bruno is a trademark of Jill Bell Design. Lucida is a registered trademark of Bigelow & Holmes. Impact is a trademark of Stephenson & Blake Ltd. Briem is a registered trademark of Gunnlaugur S.E. Briem. Legault is a trademark of Communicative Arts Group. Origami is a trademark of Carl Crossgrove. American Typewriter and Berkeley Old Style are trademarks of International Typeface Corporation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. ITC, Anna, Avant Garde, ITC Bauhaus, Beesknees, ITC Benguiat, ITC Bookman, ITC Century, Cerigo, ITC Cheltenham, ITC Clearface, Cushing, Eras, ITC Esprit, Fenice, ITC Flora, ITC Franklin Gothic, Galliard, Giovanni, ITC Highlander, Isadora, ITC Korinna, ITC Leawood, Legacy, Lubalin Graph, Machine, ITC Mendoza Roman, Mona Lisa, Motter Corpus, New Baskerville, Novarese, Officina, Ozwald, ITC Quorum, ITC Serif Gothic, ITC Slimbach, ITC Souvenir, ITC Stone, ITC Symbol, ITC Tiepolo, Tiffany, ITC Usherwood, ITC Veljovic, Weidemann, Zapf Chancery, and Zapf Dingbats are trademarks of International Typeface Corporation registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions. Americana, Kaufmann, and Park Avenue are registered trademarks of Kingsley/ATF Type Corporation. Aachen, Belwe, Caxton, Freestyle, Italia, Revue, Romic, and University are trademarks of Esselte Pendaflex Corporation in the U.S.A., of Letraset Canada Ltd. in Canada, and of Esselte Letraset Ltd. elsewhere. Bermuda, Florens, Hardwood, Kolo, Manito, Old Claude, Spring, Spumoni, and Wendy are trademarks of Letter Perfect Design. *Aldus, Cascade, Caledonia, Cochin, Corona, Diotima, Electra, Excelsior, Fairfield, Frutiger, Gazette, Glypha, Guardi, Helvetica, Janson, Maximus, Melior, Memphis, Meridien, Olympian, Optima, Palatino, Peignot, Sabon, Shelley, Snell Roundhand, Spartan, Syntax, Times, Trade Gothic, and Trump Mediäval are trademarks of Linotype Corp. registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions in the name of Linotype Corp. or its licensee Linotype GmbH.

*Arcadia, Ariadne, Auriol, Avenir, PMN Caecilia, Clarendon, Diskus, Eurostile, Linotype, Granjon, Herculanum, Industria, Insignia, Koch Antiqua, Kuenstler Script, Linoscript, Linotext, Linotype, Linotype Centennial, Mistral, Neuland, Neuzeit, New Century Schoolbook, Reporter and Vectora are trademarks of Linotype GmbH registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions.

* Arnold Boecklin, BorderPi, Bundesbahn Pi, Caravan, Carolina, Clairvaux, Clearface Gothic, DIN Schriften Mittelschrift, DIN Schriften Engschrift, Doric, Duc De Berry, Egyptienne F, European Pi, Fette Fraktur, Flyer, Kompakt, LinoLetter, Centennial, Linotype Didot, Didot, Medici Script, Minister, Neue Hammer Unziale, Notre Dame, Nuptial Script, Omnia, Ondine, Pompeijana, Reporter, Rotation, Ruling Script, Rusticana, Ruzicka Freehand, San Marco, Serlio, Sho, Smaragd, Stempel Garamond, Tempo, Umbra, Universal Mathematical Pi, Wiesbaden Swing, and Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch are trademarks of Linotype GmbH and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. * Delphin, Kabel, Raleigh, Versailles, and Wilke are trademarks of Linotype Corp. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions in the name of Linotype Corp. or its licensee Linotype GmbH. Impact is a trademark of Stephenson & Blake Ltd. * Present is a trademark of Linotype GmbH registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and certain other jurisdictions. * Univers is a trademark of Linotype Corp registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions in the name of Linotype Corp. or its licensee Linotype GmbH. Arcana and Orgánica are trademarks of Gabriel Martínez Meave. Apollo, Biffo, Brush Script, Calvert, Century, Cloister, Dom Casual, Dorchester, Falstaff, Forte, Fournier, Goudy Text, Inflex, Italian Old Style, Mercurius Script, Monoline Script, Octavian, Palace Script, Runic, Scotch Roman, Spectrum, and Wittenberger Fraktur are trademarks of The Monotype Corporation. Albertus, Ashley, Bembo, Bulmer, Cantoria, Castellar, Centaur, Coronet, Dante, Ehrhardt, Ellington, Grotesque, Horley Old Style, Joanna, Kino, Klang, Matura, New Berolina, Ocean Sans, Onyx, Pepita, Perpetua, Photina, Plantin, Rockwell, Strayhorn, and Times New Roman are trademarks of The Monotype Corporation registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and which may be registered in certain other jurisdictions. Monotype Goudy is a trademark of Monotype Typography Ltd., and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Berling is a trademark of Verbum AB Corporation registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and which may be registered in certain other jurisdictions. Monotype is a trademark of Monotype Imaging Inc. registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and which may be registered in certain other jurisdictions. MVB Fonts and Bossa Nova are trademarks of Markanna Studios Inc., d.b.a MVB Fonts. Else is a trademark of NPLTM, Norton Photosetting, Ltd. Antique Olive and Banco are registered trademarks of Marcel Olive. Graphite is a registered trademark of David Siegel. Life is a registered trademark and New Aster is a trademark of Simoncini S.A. Verve is a trademark of Brian Sooy. Pompeia is a trademark of Unitype. Berling is a trademark of Verbum A.B. Corporation, registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and which may be registered in certain other jurisdictions. Shannon is a trademark of Monotype Imaging Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Coronet, Garth Graphic, Gill Sans, and Rotis are trademarks of Monotype Imaging Inc. registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions. LogoArl, LogoCut, and LogoLine are trademarks of Kamono Design Laboratory/Minoru Kamono. Apple, Macintosh, and TrueType are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Microsoft, OpenType, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Heisei Kaku Gothic, Heisei Maru Gothic, and Heisei Mincho are used under license from the Japan Standards Association. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

©2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated.

All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.

Adobe Arabic U.S. Patent d529,537. Banshee U.S. Patent d407,431. Bickham Script U.S. Patents d407,108; d426,570. Blue Island U.S. Patent d419,590. Brioso U.S. Patent d477,630. Calcite U.S. Patent d429,274. Cronos U.S. Patents d400,913; d407,106; d407,105. Flood U.S. Patent d399,248. Fusaka U.S. Patent d405,106. Adobe Garamond U.S. Patents d318,290; d327,902; d327,903. Adobe Hebrew U.S. Patent d527,411. Immi 505 U.S. Patent d412,152. Kinesis U.S. Patent d400,569. Kazuraki Patent Pending. Lucida licensed under U.S. Patents d289,421; d289,422; d289,773. Lucida Math licensed under U.S. Patent d289,773. Lucida Sans licensed under U.S. Patent d289,420. Minion U.S. Patents d337,604; d371,799; d338,907; d497,630; d497,175; d508,943. Moonglow U.S. Patents d446,240. Montara U.S. Patents d473,586; d483,397. Myriad U.S. Patent d454,582. Ouch! Patent d407,107. Postino U.S. Patent Design 415,518. Reliq U.S. Patent Design 419,589. Shuriken Boy U.S. Patent Des. 410,025. Silentium U.S. Patents d407,104; d420,041; d466,550, d477,356; d486,177. Adobe Thai U.S. Patent d528,588. Utopia U.S. Patents d324,063; d317,323. Voluta Script U.S. Patents d413,620; d424,607. Warnock U.S. Patent d454,152. Waters Titling U.S. Patent d402,685.

9008 0205 12/07

Frogs exhibition and logo/banner shown on page 9 copyright John G. Shedd Aquarium; designed by Laurie Szujewska.

Sample text on pages 57–331 is from The Elements of Typographic Style, second edition, copyright 1992, 1996 by Robert Bringhurst; published by Hartley & Marks Publishers.

Type designer names on pages 57–331 were originally researched by typographer E.M. Ginger with assistance from Robert Bringhurst.

Current sources of information include:

Carter, Sebastian. Twentieth Century Type Designers. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1995.

Cleary, Ed, Jurgen Siebert, and Erik Spiekermann. The FontBook. Berlin: Fontshop International, 1993.

Cleary, Ed, Jurgen Siebert, and Erik Spiekermann. The FontBook, vol 2. Berlin: Fontshop International, 1995.

Jaspert, Berry and Johnson. Encyclopedia of Type Faces. Poole, UK: Blandford Press, 1986.

Level, Jeff, Bruce Newman, and Brenda Newman. Precision Type Font Reference Guide: The Complete Font Software Resource for Electronic Publishing, sixth edition, Hartley & Marks, Inc., 2000.

McGrew, Mac. American Metal Typefaces of the Twentieth Century. Newcastle: Oak Knoll Books, 1993.

Frogs exhibition et logo/bannière page 9 copyright John G. Shedd Aquarium ; conçu par Laurie Szujewska.

Les exemples de texte pages 57–331 sont extraits de l’ouvrage The Elements of Typographic Style, deuxième édition, copyright 1992, 1996 de Robert Bringhurst ; publié par Hartley & Marks Publishers.

Les noms des créateurs de polices de caractères cités pages 57–331 ont été à l’origine recherchés par les typographes E.M. Ginger avec l’assistance de Robert Bringhurst.

Sources d’information:

Carter, Sebastian. Twentieth Century Type Designers. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1995.

Cleary, Ed, Jurgen Siebert et Erik Spiekermann. The FontBook. Berlin : Fontshop International, 1993.

Cleary, Ed, Jurgen Siebert et Erik Spiekermann. The FontBook, vol 2. Berlin : Fontshop International, 1995.

Jaspert, Berry et Johnson. Encyclopedia of Type Faces. Poole, RU : Blandford Press, 1986.

Level, Je, Bruce Newman et Brenda Newman. Precision Type Font Reference Guide : The Complete Font Software Resource for Electronic Publishing, sixième édition, Hartley & Marks, Inc., 2000.

McGrew, Mac. American Metal Typefaces of the Twentieth Century. Newcastle : Oak Knoll Books, 1993.

Froschbilder und Logo/Banner auf Seite 9: Copyright John G. Shedd Aquarium; Gestaltung von Laurie Szujewska.

Der Beispieltext auf den Seiten 57–331 ist dem folgenden Buch entnommen: The Elements of Typographic Style, second edition, copyright 1992, 1996 von Robert Bringhurst; Hartley & Marks Publishers.

Die Namen der Schriftarten-Designer auf den Seiten 57–331 wurde ursprünglich von dem Schriftsetzer E.M. Ginger mit Unterstützung von Robert Bringhurst zusammengestellt.

Aktuelle Informationsquellen sind u. a.:

Carter, Sebastian. Twentieth Century Type Designers. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1995.

Cleary, Ed, Jurgen Siebert, and Erik Spiekermann. The FontBook. Berlin: Fontshop International, 1993.

Cleary, Ed, Jurgen Siebert, and Erik Spiekermann. The FontBook, vol 2. Berlin: Fontshop International, 1995.

Jaspert, Berry and Johnson. Encyclopedia of Type Faces. Poole, UK: Blandford Press, 1986.

Level, Jeff, Bruce Newman, and Brenda Newman. Precision Type Font Reference Guide: The Complete Font Software Resource for Electronic Publishing, sixth edition, Hartley & Marks, Inc., 2000.

McGrew, Mac. American Metal Typefaces of the Twentieth Century. Newcastle: Oak Knoll Books, 1993.

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