How it works...

In C++11, the standards committee added the ability to automatically deduce a template function's type information based on the arguments that were passed to the function.

Check out this example:

template<typename T>
void foo(T t)

The preceding function creates a standard template function that executes a function called show_type() designed to output the type information that it is provided with.

Before C++11, we would use this function as follows:

int main(void)
int i = 42;


The compiler already knows that the template should define the T type as an integer as that is what the function was provided for. C++11 removes this redundancy, allowing the following:

int main(void)
int i = 42;


This results in the following output when executed:

Like auto, however, this type deduction gets interesting when r-value references are used, as follows:

template<typename T>
void foo(T &&t)

The preceding example defines t as a forwarding reference (also known as a universal reference). The universal reference takes on whatever reference type it is passed. For example, we call this function as follows:

int main(void)
int i = 42;

We get the following output:

The preceding output shows that the template function was given an l-value reference to an integer. This is because i, in our main function, is an l-value, even though the function appears to be requesting an r-value reference. To get an r-value reference, we must provide an r-value, as follows:

int main(void)
int i = 42;

This results in the following output when executed:

As shown in the preceding screenshot, now that we have given the universal reference an r-value, we get an r-value. It should be noted that a universal reference only has the following signature:

template<typename T>
void foo(T &&t)

For example, the following is not a universal reference:

template<typename T>
void foo(const T &&t)

Neither is the following a universal reference:

void foo(int &&t)

Both of the preceding examples are r-value references, and hence require that an r-value be provided (in other words, both of these functions define move operations). A universal reference will accept both an l-value and an r-value reference. Although this seems like an advantage, it has the downside that it is sometimes difficult to know whether your template function has received an l-value or an r-value. Currently, the best way to ensure your template function acts like an r-value reference and not a universal reference is to use SFINAE:


Finally, it is also possible to perform type deduction on less common types such as C-style arrays, as in this example:

template<typename T, size_t N>
void foo(T (&&t)[N])

The preceding function states that we wish to have a C-style array of type T and size N passed to the function and then outputs its type when executed. We can use this function as follows:

int main(void)
foo({4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42});

This automatically deduces to an r-value reference of a C-style array of type int and size 6. As shown in this recipe, C++ provides several mechanisms for allowing the compiler to determine what types are leveraged in template functions.

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