Agile Career Development

Lessons and Approaches from IBM

Mary Ann Bopp
Diana A. Bing
Sheila Forte-Trammell


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Bopp, Mary Ann.
   Agile career development : lessons and approaches from IBM / Mary Ann Bopp, Diana A.
Bing, Sheila Forte-Trammell. — 1st ed.
        p. cm.
   ISBN 978-0-13-715364-0
  1. Career development. I. Bing, Diana A. II. Forte-Trammell, Sheila. III. International
Business Machines Corporation. IV. Title.
   HF5381.B635166 2009

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ISBN-13: 978-0-13-715364-0
ISBN-10: 0-13-715364-3

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First printing August 2009

The authors would like to give special thanks to the people at IBM® that have developed the many programs mentioned in this book. Without you, this book would not have been possible as you have made IBM’s career development processes and programs what they are today and will be tomorrow.

Mary Ann Bopp would like to thank the following people: My mother, Constance MacGiffert, who always inspired me to be me; my step-father, Wilfred “Bud” MacGiffert, who has inspired me through his life stories; and many other family members who are part of my life including my four brothers, Joe and John Barca and Paul and Robert MacGiffert, and their families; two stepsons, Bryan and Gary Bopp and their families; and many other extended family members and friends. Tremendous thanks to my husband, Christopher H. Bopp, who encouraged me to write this book and gave me the gift of time to dedicate to working on this project.

Diana A. Bing would like to extend special thanks to my husband Jerold Lawson and my son Tyler Bing-Lawson for their love and support. A special thanks to Dan Grandstaff and Tobie Kranitz Walters for their friendship and encouragement. Also, many thanks to my incredibly patient friends and family, all of whom are undoubtedly tired of hearing me say, “I can do it as soon as the book is done!”

Sheila Forte-Trammell would like to thank the many people who have encouraged and inspired me over the years. Foremost, to my parents whose mantra is “As you receive, so must you give.” This has guided me through my life and career at IBM, and my hope is that in some small way I am able to impact others, especially the generations of IBMers behind me. I am forever grateful to my daughters Jamila and Aisha who have always told me “Go for it,” and to my husband Gus Trammell who is the “wind beneath my wings.” To my siblings, Carl Miller, Doreen Miller-Diagne, and Sandra Miller-Hall: I thank you for your love, your friendship, and for being my role models.

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