
accountability, 8788

active listening, 130, 234235

adversity, 183195

Allen, D., 37

Allen, S., 244

American Psychological Association (APA), 9, 218

anchoring bias, 147

Anderson, N., 263

appreciation, 114

Aristotle, 250

ask for specifics, 8

authenticity, 172

Axtell, P., 42, 231

balance, 3146

vs. management, 3435

Baratelli, L., 8990, 223224

Barglof, M., 2526

Baumeister, R., 186

Beardsley, K., 41

be grateful, 8

Being a Good Team Member, 130131

Bezos, J., 59

Bible, C., 243

Bjorland, K., 61

Bjorland, R., 252

Blanchard, K., 111

Book, M., 253

Bowen, J., 89

Brantley, J. P. H., 25

Buffet, W., 51

Burleson, S., 265

business and workplace culture, 145146

business communications (Business Communication Essentials 2016), 101

Cameron, K., 187

capacity, 39

Cappellino, M., 7778

Carroll, L., 69

Carter, T., 8889

catastrophizing, 188

Chandlee, C., 137

changes over time, 40, 250

Chechi, L., 190191, 222

Christensen, C., 254

citizenship, 243254

clarity, 95106

Clarity, Truth, and Integrity: Being Honest with Yourself, 103104

coaching, 114

Collinson, T., 62

commitment, 162163

Communication Models and Media, 98100

communication types, 114

confirmation bias, 146

Connor, K., 219

counting contributions, 188

Covey, S., 37

COVID-19, 73

Crean, T., 162

crucible moments, 73

Culture of Clarity and Six Hats, 100103

Davidson, J., 219

de Bono, E., 102

decisions, 141152

common biases, 146147

models, 144146

types of, 144

Deere, J., 83, 85, 106, 208, 215

Delagardelle, D., 178

Denson, R., 164

Desiderata, 251252

detasseling, 158

Dhokte, A., 236

Diagnosing Team Dysfunction, 132

diligence, 189190

discipline, 162

diversity, 172173

Doerr, J., 87

don’t wait, ask now, 8

dysfunctional teams, 133

Dyson, B., 31

effective communication, 130

Ehrmann, M., 251252

Einstein, A., 95, 257

emotional intelligence (EQ), 56

emotional wellness, 5657

energy, 163

environmental wellness, 57

E+R=O formula, 185, 269

essentialism, 40

ethics, 159160

evaluation, 114

feedback, 111120

approach, 114116

four-step model, 116117

types of, 114

Ferrazzi, K., 169

finances/financial, 257265

literacy, 57

wellness, 57

Find. Live. Tell. model, 7374

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Lencioni), 132

flexibility, 130

Flores, A., 77

focus, 190

follow through, 8

Forster, R., 179

Franklin, C. Jr., 106

Freud, S., 187

fundamental attribution error, 115

Galindo, A., 134

Garza, A. V., 191

Garzon, R., 2627

genogram, 910

Al Ghazali, 202

goals, 8391

Golden Circle framework, 74

Golwitzer, J., 177

Grainger, C., 165

Granatier, K., 207

Grant, A., 188

Greenwood, T., 117118

growth, 39

Gupta, G., 265

Gustafson, M., 90

Hall, S., 99100

halo effect, 147

Halupnik, M., 132, 134

Halverson, M., 192

hard work, 157166

Hartsock, T., 207

Hausman, D., 148

Heen, S., 114

Heraclitis, 201

high performance teams, 133

Hogrefe, T., 83

Holtberg-Benge, J., 148149, 222

Horsager, D., 162

Huffington, A., 59

Hughes, T., 210211

Ikangaa, J., 163

Illinois Tool Works (ITW), 70

inside-out perspective, 67

intellectual wellness, 56

intention, 189

Israel, J., 43, 151

Jackman, C., 165

Jackson, P., 127

Jaeger, N., 221

Jerkins, F., 119120

Jia, M., 215

Jobs, S., 19

Johanning, M., 9091

Johnson, N., 209

Junge, R., 206

Kay, K., 26

Kearney, K., 43

Keith, K., 135

Kennedy, J. F., 243

Kesterson, R. K., 149

Kimball, J., 44, 194

Koch, B., 13

Kouzes, J., 134

Krueger, M., 12

Lanwehr, R., 151152, 194

Larson, B., 208

The Leader Lab (Luna and Renninger), 117

leadership, 41, 56, 97, 187, 195, 232, 236

Leal, R., 136, 194

learning, 201211

and development strategy, 205

mindset, 204

Lencioni, P., 132

listening, 229238

Lomas, C., 195

Lombardi, V., 127

McNulty, M., 179

Meegan, R., 105

Mehta, S., 106

Mickelson, J., 164

Miller, K., 191192, 208

money and happiness, 262263

monitor your mood, 8

motivation, 160161

Musk, E., 59

Nass, C., 38

Neary, B., 165166

negative emotions, 115

networking, 173176

Noble, S. A., 11

Nurse, N., 157

occupational wellness, 57

oceanic self, 7

Ohnysty, C., 118119, 237238

OKR framework, 87

opportunities, 204205

organization, 189

outside-in perspective, 8

overconfidence bias, 147

Page, L., 87

Pankratz, D., 10

Pascal, B., 104

Penning, K. K., 178, 253

personal brand, 1926

personal development, 111, 113, 230, 272

Petrosino, B., 178179

physical self, 6

physical wellness, 58

Pickrel, J., 193

Pink, D., 85

platinum rule, 172

Porter Novelli, 7374

positive visualization, 188189

positivity, 130, 186189

power of data, 87

presence, 3839

Pretorius, C., 105

prioritization, 3738

problem-solving, 130, 145

psychology, 58, 100

purpose, 6978

reflective self, 6

regular self-assessment, 5456

relationships, 169179

resilience, 56, 215224

responsibility, 244

Rich, J., 253254

Ripoli, M., 150

Ritter, W., 183

Rogers, W., 229

role model, 8

Roosevelt, T., 141

Sackett, C., 135

sacrifice, 161162, 250

Salkic-Shutte, J., 76

Salmen, R. C., 192193, 264

Sandberg, S., 188

Sands, A., 209210

Satturu, S., 60

Schaffter, B., 143

Schildroth, R., 165

Schlueter, P., 61

Schmidt, J., 13

Scholten, G., 44, 263264

self-awareness, 6, 8, 10, 54, 184, 187, 216

self-help, 105

self-image, 310, 115, 176

Seligman, M., 187188

Senneff, A., 221

Sheehy, M., 135136

Simon, H., 145

Sinek, S., 74

“The Six Thinking Hats®”, 102103

Siyavora, T., 11

sleep, 5859

Smallwood, N., 23

SMART goals, 8687

Smith, B., 264

Smith, P. L., 236

social media, 5, 22, 172, 176, 232, 248, 272

social self, 6

social wellness, 58

Society for Human Resource Management, 131

Speer, D., 70, 72

spiritual wellness, 57

Spurlock, V., 4344

Sriram, V., 206207

Start | Stop | Continue, 3738

Start with WHY (Sinek), 74

Stomp, H., 12

Stone, D., 114

Strauss, E., 76

Taylor, J., 160

team contract, 131

teamwork, 127137

Thelen, T., 3, 41

360-degree reviews, 8

three Ps of failure, 187188

time, 189

measurement/management, 7475

Timmons, B., 207

Twenty Statements Test, 67

Ulrich, D., 23

Understanding Highly Effective Teams, 131132

van Dam, N., 204

Vardell, S., 252

vision board, 5960

W.A.I.T. decision-tree chart, 232233

Walker, R., 77

Wang, C., 42

Warne, L., 7576

Warren, R., 194195

Webster, M., 247

Weld, J., 148

well-being, 5162

wellness, 220

Wellness Wheel, 5458

Wells, C., 4445

West, B., 136137

Winger, J., 237

Wiskus, M. B., 149150

working from home (WFH), 39

work–life balance, 33, 34, 4346

Worner, D., 42

wu-wei, 3536

Wyngarden, S. V., 14

Yeager, A., 7677

Zelmanski, S., 177

Zick, D., 222223

Zimmerman, A., 71, 72

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