Setting Up Your Test

Now to build out your SoundViewModel test. Your template starts out with a single method called setUp():

Listing 21.7  Your empty test class (

public class SoundViewModelTest {
    public void setUp() throws Exception {


(You can find this class under the source set labeled test inside your app module.)

A test needs to do the same work for most objects: Build an instance of the object to test and create any other objects that object depends on. Instead of writing this same code for every test, JUnit provides an annotation called @Before. Code written inside a method marked @Before will be run once before each test executes. By convention, most unit test classes have one method marked @Before named setUp().

Using mocked dependencies

Inside your setUp() method you will want to construct an instance of SoundViewModel to test. To do that, you will need an instance of BeatBox, because SoundViewModel takes in a BeatBox as a constructor argument.

In your app, you create an instance of BeatBox by… well, creating an instance of BeatBox:

SoundViewModel viewModel = new SoundViewModel(new BeatBox());

If you do that in a unit test, though, you create a problem: If BeatBox is broken, then tests you write in SoundViewModel that use BeatBox might break, too. That is not what you want. SoundViewModel’s unit tests should only fail when SoundViewModel is broken.

The solution is to use a mocked BeatBox. This mock object will be a subclass of BeatBox that has all the same methods as BeatBox – but none of those methods will do anything. That way, your test of SoundViewModel can verify that SoundViewModel itself is using BeatBox correctly, without depending at all on how BeatBox works.

To create a mock object with Mockito, you call the mock(Class) static method, passing in the class you want to mock. Create a mock of BeatBox and a field to store it in.

Listing 21.8  Creating mock BeatBox (

public class SoundViewModelTest {
    private BeatBox mBeatBox;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        mBeatBox = mock(BeatBox.class);

The mock(Class) method will need to be imported, the same as a class reference. This method will automatically create a mocked out version of BeatBox for you. Pretty slick.

Now that you have your mock dependency, you can finish creating SoundViewModel. Create your SoundViewModel and a Sound for it to use. (Sound is a simple data object with no behavior to break, so it is safe not to mock it.)

Listing 21.9  Creating a SoundViewModel test subject (

public class SoundViewModelTest {
    private BeatBox mBeatBox;
    private Sound mSound;
    private SoundViewModel mSubject;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        mBeatBox = mock(BeatBox.class);
        mSound = new Sound("assetPath");
        mSubject = new SoundViewModel(mBeatBox);

Anywhere else in this book, you would have named your SoundViewModel mSoundViewModel. Here, though, you have named it mSubject. This is a convention we like to use in our tests at Big Nerd Ranch for two reasons:

  • It makes it clear that mSubject is the object under test (and the other objects are not).

  • If any methods on SoundViewModel are ever moved to a different class (say, BeatBoxSoundViewModel), the test methods can be cut and pasted over without renaming mSoundViewModel to mBeatBoxSoundViewModel.

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