Loading and saving data using the JSON format

JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript programming language. JSON's popularity is directly related to XML getting unpopular. XML was a great solution to provide a structure to the data in plain text format. With time, XML documents became heavier, and the overhead was not worth it.

JSON solved this problem by providing a structure with minimal overhead. Some people call JSON fat-free XML.

JSON's syntax follows these rules:

  • Data is in the form of key-value pairs:
        "firstName" : "Bill"
  • There are four datatypes in JSON:
    • String ("firstName" : "Barack")
    • Number ("age" : 56)
    • Boolean ("alive": true)
    • null ("manager" : null)
  • Data is delimited by commas
  • Curly braces {} represents an object:
        { "firstName" : "Bill", "lastName": "Clinton", "age": 70 }
  • Square brackets [] represent an array:
        [{ "firstName" : "Bill", "lastName": "Clinton", "age": 70 }
{"firstName": "Barack","lastName": "Obama", "age": 55}]

In this recipe, we will explore how to save and load data in the JSON format.

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