Accessing the camera

To access the camera when it is supported by the hardware and Qt Multimedia, use the Camera type and its associated types to control the camera's capture behavior, exposure, flash, focus, and image processing settings. A simple use of the camera to show a viewfinder looks like the following code:

import QtQuick 2.3
import QtMultimedia 5.0

Item {
    width: 640
    height: 480

    Camera {
        id: camera

    VideoOutput {
        source: camera
        anchors.fill: parent

In short, the Camera type acts like a source for the video just as a MediaPlayer instance does.

The Camera type provides a few properties to control its behavior. They are:

  • imageCapture: This is an instance of CameraCapture, which defines how the camera should capture an image
  • videoRecording: This is an instance of CameraRecorder, which defines how the camera should capture a video
  • exposure: This is an instance of CameraExposure, which controls the various options for the exposure mode of the camera
  • focus: This is an instance of CameraFocus, which controls the auto- and manual-focusing behaviors
  • flash: This is an instance of CameraFlash, which controls the camera flash
  • imageProcessing: This is an instance of CameraImageProcessing, which controls the real-time image processing pipeline options such as white balance, saturation, and sharpening

The types associated with these fields can't be instantiated directly.

To have the camera take a picture, specify the imageCapture property and invoke its capture method, as follows:

import QtQuick 2.3
import QtMultimedia 5.0

Item {
    width: 640
    height: 360

    Camera {
        id: camera

        imageCapture {
            onImageCaptured: {
                // Show the preview in an Image
                photoPreview.source = preview

    VideoOutput {
        source: camera
        focus : visible // to receive focus and capture key events when visible
        width: 320
  height: 180
  anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

        MouseArea {
            anchors.fill: parent;
            onClicked: camera.imageCapture.capture();

    Image {
        id: photoPreview
        width: 320
        height: 180
        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

Here, the camera displays its viewfinder in the top VideoOutput item and has an Image item at the bottom to display the captured image. When you touch the viewfinder, the QML invokes the capture method of imageCapture, which is part of Camera, capturing the image and updating the bottom image.

The imageCapture property of the Camera item also has a capturedImagePath property, which is a string to the path where the last captured image is stored.

Recording works in a similar manner; you specify the attributes of the recording, such as the desired codec in the videoRecording property, and then invoke its record and stop methods to start and stop recording. The resulting video will be stored at the location indicated by the property's actualLocation field.


For more information on the actual attributes available to applications using the Camera type, see the Qt Multimedia documentation for the Camera type at

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