
Aerotech Components Co., 65

All-equity beta, 37

American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), 1014

Anderson-Wheeler, 3839

Asset’s rate of return

in different currencies, 45, 3031

Baidu (China), 11

Bank of New York Mellon, 10


FX operating exposure and, 98103

proxy approach and, 3739

unlevering formula, 38

BHP Billiton Ltd (Australia), 12

BHP Billiton Plc (United Kingdom), 12

Business value, 37. See also Unlevered value

intrinsic, 84

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), 1

global, 58

global vs. local, 810

review of, 24

CAPM. See Capital Asset Pricing Model

Cash flow


expected operating, 6568

FX exposures and currency directions, 68, 74

incremental, 9596

multiperiod, 8385

CDS. See Credit default swap

Cohrs, Dan, 35


cost of capital, 5859, 63

expected cash flow, 6468

hurdle rate, 5864

Cost of capital

conversion, 5859, 63

ICAPM and, 2427

international, 113118

operation-specific risk and, 3637

weighted vs. direct, 37

Country beta, 40

Cost of equity estimates, 13, 30, 36

Credit default swap (CDS), 44

Credit Suisse Research Institute Global Wealth Databook, 20

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A), 9495

Cross-border valuation

foreign versus home currency, 8687

framework for, 7375

intrinsic FX rates and, 7578

misvalued future FX rates, 8183

misvalued time-0 spot FX rate, 7980

multiperiod cash flow and, 8385

Cross-listed stocks, 10


beta estimates, 100

risk premium, 5964

volatility estimates (vs. US Dollar), 75

Daimler AG (Germany), 11

Damodaran, Aswath, 47

Denton Machine Co., 102

Diageo (British company), 1112

Dual-listed shares, 12

Enfield Electric, 80, 8283

Enterprise value. See Levered value

Equilibrium expected rate of return, 1


country beta and FX exposure, 41

currency beta, 100

currency volatility, 75

global and local beta, 9

ICAPM currency risk premium, 61

ICAPM risk premium, 24

ICAPM statistical parameter, 23

ICAPM vs. GCAPM local market risk premium, 28

sovereign credit default swap yields and political risk premium, 45

U.S. market risk premium (MRP), 3

Expected rate of return. See Rate of return

Exxon, 9

Factor risk premiums, 21

FDI. See Foreign direct investment

Foreign asset, rate of return on, 45

Foreign currency approach, 57 vs. home currency, 8687

Foreign currency index, 21, 23, 24, 107

global beta, 22


risk premium for US dollar perspective, 22

Foreign direct investment (FDI), 93

FX equity exposure estimate, 10, 39, 42, 52

FX exposure

cash flow, 64, 69

country beta and, 41, 99

different currency directions, 68

foreign asset’s, 19, 66

to ICAPM FX Index, 107

method, 42

FX misvaluation, 86

FX operating (business) exposure. See FX operating exposure

FX operating exposure

operational hedging and beta, 98103

project NPV and, 103106

FX rate

intrinsic, 7578

spot, 74

misvalued future, 8183

misvalued time-0, 7980

windfall cash-flow, 8285

GCPAM. See Global CAPM

General Electric (GE), 7, 10

GlaxoSmithKline, 12

Global CAPM (GCAPM), 1, 58

versus ICAPM, 2730

versus local CAPM, 810

Global equity beta, 6, 7

Global equity capitalization, 6

Global market index, 5

Global risk premium, 7

Grand Valley Resources Co., 39

Greenfield investment, 93

GTE Corporation, 35

Home bias, 6

Home currency approach, 57

foreign currency vs., 8687

Houston Marine Electronics (HME) (sonar equipment), 68, 113

Australian production option, 115117

United States production option, 117118

Hurdle rate, 35

conversion to overseas currency, 5864

operation-specific, 3536

IBM, 9, 10

ICAPM. See International CAPM

International CAPM (ICAPM), 1, 14

cost of capital and, 2427

factor risk premiums, 21

foreign currency index, 20

introduction to, 1924

operational hedging and, 107108

risk premium estimates, 24

risk-return expression, 26

standard risk coefficient form, 2627

statistical parameter estimates, 23

traditional factor risk premium form, 2425

versus GCPAM, 2730

Incremental cash flow, 9596

Investec (South Africa), 13

Investment’s cost of capital, 1

JP Morgan, 10

Lessard country beta method, 40

FX exposure estimates and, 41

Levered value, 37

Local betas, 9

Local market risk premium estimates, 28

London Tools Ltd., 108

Luna Instruments, 9597

Market operations, emerging

political risk and, 4449

Market price of risk, 3

Market risk premium, 23

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), cross-border, 9495

Mondi (South Africa/UK), 13

Multivariate regression, 25


New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 1011

Novartis (Switzerland), 11

Net present value (NPV), 57

FX operating exposure and, 103106

New Zealand multinational company, 4849

Norton Controls Co., 101

NPV. See Net present value

Offshoring, 98

Olympic Machine Tools, 9597

Omberg Components Co., 100101, 104

Operating cash flow conversion, expected, 6568

Operational hedging

FX operating (business) exposure and, 98103

ICPAM and, 107108

Operation-specific risk and cost of capital, 3637

Opportunity cost of capital, 1

Ordinary shares, 11

Overseas currency

hurdle rate conversion to, 5864

Partial risk coefficients, 25

Political risk, 4449

change in, 9698

exposure, 46

premium, 44

Proxy firm approach

business beta and, 3739

home country, 4043

Rate of return

actual, 1

asset’s, 3031

in British pounds, 4

expected, 1, 7, 36

on foreign asset, 45

NASDAQ stock’s, 4

required, 1, 7, 8183, 117, 119, 122

Reed Elsevier (UK/Netherlands), 13

Reshoring, 98

Rio Tinto Group (Australia/UK), 13, 26

Royal Dutch Shell (U.K.), 11

Sanders Appliance Co., 66

Siegel’s paradox, 74

Siemens, 11

Sony, 13

Sovereign risk, 45

Sovereign yield spread, 45

Spot, FX rate

for time, expected, 74

misvalued future, 8183

misvalued time-0, 7980

Standard risk coefficients, 2526

Stanwick Chemical Co., 66

Telefonos de Mexico, 11

Thompson Appliance Co., 104106

Toronto-Dominion Bank, 7980

Traditional factor risk premium form, 2223

Unilever (UK/Netherlands), 13

Unlevered value, 37

US dollar

intrinsic business value in, 84

overvalued versus home currency, 80

versus currency C, 61

versus euro, 64

versus Mexican peso, 62

versus Swiss franc, 60, 62, 74

U.S. multinational power company, 48

Vienna Gear Plc., 65, 7577

Vodaphone (U.K.), 11

WACC. See Weighted average cost of capital

Weighted average cost of capital (WACC), 3637

vs. direct cost of capital, 37

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