

A&R, definition, 263

accountant, 155

advance, 169

definition, 263

AFM, 75


all-in, 114

definition, 263, xiv, 148

American Federation of Musicians, 98

American Music Awards, 18

Anderson, Chris, 11

Angelil, Rene, 3132

Dion, Celine, 3132

Animals, vi, 3335, 4344, 200

Anselmo, Mick, 30

AOL, 118, 175176

arbitration, 53

definition, 263

Arbitron, 121122, 126, 153

definition, 263

Arden, Don, 34

artist, 23

advances, 169

as a business, 6984

branding and image, 7172

target markets, 6970

basic elements of an artist’s website, 81

capturing information, 82

business form

corporation, 77

limited liability company or partnership (LLC), 77

partnership, 77

proprietorship, 76

career plan, 141162

collaboration, 142

outline, 143144


live performance, 85100

recording, 107126

songwriting, 101106

preparing to be managed, 2328

be professional, 26

build a network, 25

demo recording, 25

electronic communication, 26

get experience, 25

know who you are artistically, 24

live performance, 25

questions to expect from potential manager, 27

selling out, 2324

songwriting, 25

support team, 73

attorney, 74

booking agent, 7374

business advisors, 75

publicist, 74

responsible agent, 73

artist management contract form sample, 179194

artist website

capturing information, 82

ASCAP, 18, 38, 102, 105, 238, 244, 265

Atlantic Records, 34

attorney, 74, 155


Backstreet Boys, 40, 41, 97, 99, 138

Ballen, Carolyn, 124

banker, 155

Beatles, 39

Beck, Jeff, 34

Berners-Lee, Tim, 78

Big Machine Records, 8

Billboard, xiv, 6, 19, 4344, 46, 54, 118, 122123, 126, 130, 148, 173

definition, 263, xiv, 43

Billboard Hip Hop conference, 6

BillboardTop 200, 19, 122123

Blackout Period, 50

BMI, 105

Bob Doyle & Associates, 38

booking agent

responsible agent, 73

booking agent, 4, 19, 38, 4748, 73, 88, 92

Borchetta, Scott, 8

bottom line, definition, 263

brand, 71, 118

brand image, 72

brand manager, 118

service mark, 72

trademark, 72

brand image, 72

branding and image, 71

Breslin, Herbert, 3536

Pavarotti, Luciano, 3536

Brian Epstein, 39

Brooks, Garth, 19, 3839

Buddy Lee Attractions, 38

business manager, 4, 76, 8788, 94, 145, 155, 182, 185


cable music channel programmer, 19

California Talent Agency Act, 4748

Canadian Mechanical Rights Reproduction Agency, 103

Capitol Records, 38

career plan, artist, 141162

collaboration, 142

outline, 143144

about the artist, 144146

business framework, 155156

development of a marketing plan, 152154

establishment of goals and timelines, 149152

evaluation of the artist, 146147

evaluation of the manager, 147149

exit strategy, 157158

financial plan, 156157

carnet, 97

cartage, definition, 263

CBS Records, 125

Chandler, Chas, 3233

Hendrix, Jimi, 32

Clapton, Eric, 34

Clear Channel, 30

CMJ, 130

definition, 263, 148

CMJ conference, 6

coaching, 163166

Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others, 166

conversations, 165

foundation of, 165

objectives of coaching, 164

opportunities, 165

college radio, 6, 124, 263

college tours, 98

middle agent, 98

National Association for Campus Activities, 98

commission, definition, 263

compulsory license, definition, 263

computer wallpaper, 117

conflicts of interest, vi, ix, 32, 143, 148

definition, 264

Consumer Credit Counseling Service of San Francisco (CCCS), 58

controlled composition, definition, 264

Copyright Solutions, 104

corporation, 77

counterfeit merchandise, 9596

Country Radio Seminar, 6

Creative Artists Agency, 73, 125

cross collateralization, definition, 264


Davis, Clive, 14

Decca Records, 39

demographics, definition, 264

demo recording, 25

Dill, Stuart, 55

Dion, Celine, 31, 32

domain name, 79

Doyle, Bob, 19, 3839

Brooks, Garth, 3839

Lewis, Pam, 38


earnings of an artist, 12, 49

earnings of an artist manager, 12

electronic communication, 26

Elvis, Inc., 30, 43

endorsements, 124125

entertainment law, 108

entertainment lawyers, 31, 54, 74

EPK, definition, 264

estate, definition, 264

ethics, 137138

event plan, 61

a sample budget, 6465

food and beverage, 63

invitations, 62

promotion, 64

the performance, 63

when and where, 61

exclusivity, 48

exit strategy, 157158


financial plan, 156157

firewall, definition, 264

Flaherty, James, 164

Form 1099, 59

Foster, David, 2


gatekeeper, definition, 150, 264

gates, definition, 264

generational attributes, definition, 264

goals, setting and achieving, 5657

Google, 118

Grant, Peter, 3334

as tour manager, 34

Led Zeppelin, 3334

Most, Mickie, 34

Yardbirds, 34

Groban, Josh, 2


Hannah Montana, 125

Harris, Joe, 38

Harry Fox Agency, 103

Hendrix, Jimi, 3233

HiFi Fusion, 66

High School Musical, 125

house sound and lights, definition, 264

hub, definition, 264


Iacocca, Lee, 14

illegal file sharing, 11

image consultant, 155


live performance, 85100

recording, 107126

endorsements, 124

motion pictures, 124125

radio, role of, 121124

sponsorships, 124

television, 124125

songwriting, 101106

publishing royalties, 102

royalties, 101

song publishing, 101

Indie Music Forum, 124

insurance, 27, 52, 75, 78, 95, 97, 155, 190191, 257

insurance agent, 155

Internal Revenue Service, 59, 98, 184

international touring, 97

American Federation of Musicians, 98

carnet, 97

income tax regulations, 98

US Department of State, 98

websites of embassies, 98

Internet, vii, 12, 19, 26, 42, 66, 72, 74, 78, 79, 80, 82, 91, 101, 105, 115, 118, 119, 124, 130, 148, 151, 235, 237, 250252, 256

as promotional strategy, 78

definition, 79

domain name, 79

history, 78

social networking websites, 82

Web hosting services, 80, 81


basic elements of an artist’s website, 81

capturing information, 82

content, 81

social networking websites, 82

World Wide Web, 79

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), 79

Internet service provider (ISP), 79

IRS. See Internal Revenue Service

iTunes, 125, 175176


Jagger, Mick, 39

Jeffreys, Michael, 3233

Chandler, Chas, 3233

Hendrix, Jimi, 3233


Kennedy, Jerry, 38

key man clause, 52

Knowles, Beyoncé, 125

Kragen, Ken, xiv, 57

Kraski, Mike, 24

KZLA, 122


Landau, Jon, 3738

Springsteen, Bruce, 37


Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience, 167

leadership, 166169

characteristics, 167

leadership skills, 167

Lebrecht, Norman, 35

Lewis, Pam, 38, 39

licensing royalties, 95

life insurance, 52

Life Is A Contact Sport, xiv, 21, 57

limited liability company, 77

limited liability partnership, 78

Little Richard, vi, 3335, 4344, 200

live performance, 25

booking, 8687

commissions to booking agencies, 87

business management of, 8789

cancellation, 94

college tours, 98

middle agent, 98

National Association for Campus Activities, 98

income from, 85

international touring, 97

carnet, 97

income tax regulations, 98

merchandise sales, 9495

counterfeit merchandise, 9596

licensing royalties, 95

performance contract, 9394

rider, 93

promoting the performance, 91

split point, 92

the promoter, 9293

tour management, 89

settlement meeting, 90

tour support, 88

LLC. See limited liability company

LLP. See limited liability partnership

Logan, Lee, 121

Long Tail, The, 11

Ludacris, 125


Major Bob Music, 38

major label, definition, 264

management, artist

artist as a business, 6984

branding and image, 7172

target markets, 6970

building a career in artist management, 9

business type of artist

corporation, 77

limited liability company or partnership (LLC), 77

partnership, 77

proprietorship, 76

coaching, 163166

conversations, 165

foundation of, 165

objectives of coaching, 164

opportunities, 165

contract, 45

arbitration, 53

blackout period, 50

changes in personnel, 53

contracting with a minor, 53

exclusivity, 48

job description of manager, 47

key man clause, 52

length of the contract, 46

life insurance, 52

manager’s expenses, 5152

manager’s payment for services, 49

negotiating the contract, 4546

power of attorney, 49

royalties, 51

sunset clause, 5051

end of the business relationship, 120

ethics, 137138

event plan

a sample budget, 6465

food and beverage, 63

invitations, 62

promotion, 64

the performance, 63

when and where, 61

exit strategy, 157158

functions of, 24

controlling, 4

leading and directing, 34

organizing, 3

planning, 23

going for the record deal, 128

artist attendance, 136

budget the time, 133134

ending the meeting, 136137

know the purpose of the meeting, 129130

planning for results, 131132

practice the meeting, 134

prepping for the meeting, 130131

the meeting, 134135

Internet as promotional strategy, 78

leadership, 166169

characteristics, 167

skills, 167

lessons in, 2944

real world experiences, 2944

live performance, 8789

cancellation, 94

college tours, 98

international touring, 97

merchandise sales, 9495

performance contract, 9394

promoting the performance, 9192

tour management, 8990

tour support, 88

making decisions, 14

manager as an entrepreneur, 2021

managers are inconspicuous, 17

managing pressure, 14

payola, 138139

planning, 5568

and budgeting an event, 59

a personal budget for the artist, 57

setting and achieving goals, 5657

showcase, 60

power in the music business, 18

preparing to manage, 1122

acquiring the knowledge, 13

earnings of an artist, 12

earnings of an artist manager, 12

royalties, 12

understanding the nature of artist management, 1314

principles of, 110


as a negotiating asset, 106

realities of, 1517


for large labels, 108

skills and personal traits, 47

coaching, 56

communication, 7

leadership, 5

networking, 6

social, 67

understanding human nature, 5

state of the industry, 152153

support team

attorney, 74

booking agent, 7374

business advisors, 75

publicist, 74

target market for the artist, 153154

time management, 127

presenting the artist for a recording contract, 127136

McGraw, Tim, 125

McNamara, Dr. Carter, 2

mechanical license, definition, 264

mechanical licensing, 103

Canadian Mechanical Rights Reproduction Agency, 103

Harry Fox Agency, 103

statutory rate, 103

MediaBase, 123

merchandise company, 9596

merchandise licensing agreement, 96

merchandise sales, 9495, 117

counterfeit merchandise, 9596

licensing royalties, 95

merchandise licensing agreement, 96

service marking, 95

trademarking, 95

Microsoft Outlook, 66

middle agent, 98

milestone, definition, 265

Milom, Mike, xiii, 118

minor, definition, 265

Most, Mickie, 34

Yardbirds, 34

motion pictures, 124125

music business

and power, 18

power of access, 19

power of money, 18

power of your body of work, 20

power of your latest success, 20

friendships, 18

source of income breakdown, 12

Music Manager’s Forum, 17, 21

MusicTank, 6

MySpace, 82, 118


Nash, Alanna, 30

National Association for Campus Activities, 98


as support, 25

news release, 75

New Yardbirds, 34

nontraditional revenue sharing, definition, 265


O’Neal, Sean, 30

Elvis, Inc., 30

OK Go, 19

Oldham, Andrew Loog, 39

Epstein, Brian, 39

Jagger, Mick, 39

Richards, Keith, 39

Rolling Stones, 39

online industry headline services, xiv, xiv, 148, xiv, 43

Opportunities and threats, ix, 143, 147148, 159

Osbourne, Ozzy, 42

Osbourne, Sharon, 42

Osbourne, Ozzy, 42

overage, definition, 265


Page, Jimmy, 34

Palmer, Chris, 119

Parker, Tom, 2931

Presley, Elvis, 2931

partnership, 77

partnership agreement for members of a band sample, 195218

payola, 138139

Spitzer, Eliot, 138

PDA, definition, 265

Pearlman, Lou, 40, 97

Backstreet Boys, 4041

N’Sync, 40

performance contract, 94

performing rights organization, 30, 105, 156, 265

ASCAP, 105

BMI, 105

SESAC, 105

personal budget templates, 58

photo shoot, 75

planning, 5568

and budgeting an event, 5965

a personal budget for the artist, 57

personal budget templates, 58

setting and achieving goals, 5657

showcase, 60

tools, 66

Microsoft Outlook, 66

paper planners, 66

Verberate, 66

Pollstar, xiv, 6, 96, 130, 148, 152

definition, 265

Pollstar convention, 6

pop culture, definition, 265

power of attorney, 41, 49

definition, 265

Presley, Elvis, 2931

price and positioning, definition, 265

PRO. See performing rights organization

definition, 265

promotion, 64, 91, 117

proprietorship, 76

publicist, 5, 7, 19, 35, 38, 62, 64, 7475, 91, 145146, 155

and news release, 75

and photo shoot, 75

publisher, 102

publishing, as a negotiating asset, 106

publishing contract, 102

definition, 265


Queen Latifah, 125


Radio & Records, 130

definition, 265

radio, role of, 121124

and the new artist, 122

college radio, 124

the charts

airplay chart, 123

Billboard Top 200, 123

Radio Disney, 125

radio programmer, 19

real world experiences, 2944


for large labels, 108

income, 107126

endorsements, 124

motion pictures, 124, 125

radio, role of, 121124

sponsorships, 124, 125

television, 124125

recording contract

current trends, 116117

album artwork, 117

artist website, 116

computer wallpaper, 117

electronic music, 117

merchandise sales, 117

packaging, 117

promotion costs, 117

ring tones, voice tones and ring backs, 117

touring income, 117

income and expenses for the artist, 109

all-in contract, 114

independent radio promotion, 114

live performances, 115

producer, 113114

publicists, 114

reduced royalty rates, 115

royalties, 110113

tour support, 115

video, 114

record label expenses

advertising, 115

marketing costs, 115

promotion costs, 115

sample, 219262

record labels, independent, 118

marketing, 119

recording for, 118119

record labels, large

recording contract

income and expenses for the artist, 109

record label expenses, 115

recording for, 108

the future, 118

recoup, definition, 266

responsible agent, 73

Richards, Keith, 39

right of publicity, 7273

ring back, 117

definition, 266

ring tone, 49, 113, 117

definition, 266

Ross, David, 118

Rowe, Dick, 39

Rolling Stones, 39

royalties, 1213, 33, 51, 85, 95, 101105, 107, 109114, 117, 169, 186, 188, 207209, 222, 225, 227229, 231234, 239, 243, 245247, 249250, 253, 256, 260262, 264265

publishing, 13

recording, 12


service mark, 72

SESAC, 105

settlement, definition, 266

settlement meeting, 90

showcase, 6, 38, 6065, 80, 98, 135, 171

show designer, 155

shrinking market shares, 11

signature song, 169

Simpson, Ashlee, 36

Simpson, Jessica, 3637

Simpson, Joe, 3637

Simpson, Ashlee, 36

Simpson, Jessica, 3637

social networking websites, 82

song performance, 105

income, 105

song publishing, 101

mechanical licensing, 103

publisher, 102

publishing contract, 102

publishing royalties, 102, 104

songwriter, 102

attributes, 102

songwriting, 25

income, 101106

publishing income, 102, 104

royalties, 101

song publishing, 101

SoundScan, 18, 123, 130, 152

definition, 266

Spitzer, Eliot, 138

split point, 92

definition, 266

sponsorship, 124125

definition, 266

Springsteen, Bruce, 37

stage plot, definition, 266

state income tax, 59

statutory rate, 103

Stroud, James, 170

subordinate goal, definition, 266

sunset clause, 50, 51

definition, 266

SWOT analysis, 27, 146148

definition, 266


tactics, ix, 8, 57, 82, 143, 149150, 154, 159160

Take 6, 119, 153

Take 6 Marketing Brief, 171178

target markets, 6972

defined, 70

market segments, 70

behavioristic segmentation, 71

definition of, 70

demographics, 70

geographic segmentation, 71

psychographics segmentation, 71

understanding, 69

television, 124125

The Colonel: The Extraordinary Story of Colonel Tom Parker and Elvis Presley, 30, 43

The Long Tail, 11

Timberlake, Justin, 125

timelines, 149

timeline software, 150

time management, 127

tour management, 8990

tour manager, 155

tour support, 88

definition, 266

trade magazines, 130

Billboard, 130

CMJ, 130

Pollstar, 130

Radio & Records, 130

trademark, 72

trust, definition, 266


universal resource locator, 80

URL. See universal resource locator

US Patent and Trademark Office, 72


venue, definition, 266

Verberate, 66

voice tone

definition, 266

voice tones, 117


Wald, Melissa, 104

wardrobe and makeup consultant, 155

Warner Bros. Records, 38

Web. See World Wide Web

Web hosting services, 8081

webmaster, 155

website content, 81

Welch, Jack and Suzy, 169

William Morris Agency, 73, 125

World Wide Web, 7879

definition, 79

Wright, Johnny, 40

Backstreet Boys, 40

Boyz II Men, 40

N’Sync, 40

New Kids on the Block, 40

P. Diddy, 40

Spears, Britney, 40

Timberlake, Justin, 40


Yahoo, 26, 79, 118, 175

Yardbirds, 34

YouTube, 19, 118

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