
Page numbers in italics indicate figures and tables.

absolute identification mode 44, 95

acoustical noise 9, 98, 100; see also noise

acoustic sources, sound analysis from 1468

acoustic spaces, reverberation and 63

active listening 2

ADC see Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

ADSR (attack, decay, sustain, and release) 83, 83 all-pass filter 301, 31

amplitude envelope: amplitude modulation and 87; attack, decay, sustain, and release (ADSR) and 83, 83; digital audio editing and 11719; drums and 901; dynamic range control and 78; and perceptual encoder distortion 108, 109; in timbre 3

amplitude modulation, compression and 78, 878

amplitude quantization 106

analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 1012

analysis see sound analysis

angular location, of sound source 601

asymmetrical boost and cut 37, 378, 38 “Attaboy” (Yo-Yo Ma, Stuart Duncan, Edgar Meyer, Chris Thile) 136

attack, decay, sustain, and release (ADSR) 83, 83 attack time: in compression 83, 83, 84, 8990; of expander 92

audio attributes, perception of 68

audio ear training 201

audio editing see digital audio editing

audio watermarking 1423

auditory image, in sound analysis 1245

awareness, in technical ear training 89

balance: in audio ear training 21; and awareness of details 8; musical expression and 77; in sound analysis 1278; of sound sources 2; see also spectral balance; tonal balance

bandwidth 356, 36, 389, 1223

“Be My Baby” (The Ronettes) 59

bias, in listening 1435

bit-crushing 82

Blumlein stereo microphone technique 62, 62 boomy 24

boost and cut responses 37, 378

bright 6, 7, 24

Bristow-Johnson, Robert 36

buzz, ground 98, 99100

CanOpener 17

cardioid polar patterns 412

center image 17

change, in sensation 67

“Church” (Lyle Lovett) 1312

circumaural 17

clarity, distortion artifacts and 109

clicks 989

clipping: in audio ear training 21; hard 102, 104, 1045; soft 102, 105, 105

cognitive bias 143

coherence: dynamic range and 78; between stereo channels 64

comb filtering 2

compression: amplitude modulation and 78, 878; attack time in 83, 83, 84, 8990; automated level control in 868, 87, 88; drums and 901; gain function and 84, 86, 88; knee in 84; level detection timing in 845; overuse of 78; ratio 84; release time in 83, 84, 90; signal detection and 79; sound levels and 7980; threshold in 84; timbral effects of 8992; visualization of 85, 856, 86; vocals and 912

concert halls 12

consistency, in technical ear training 1012

contrast, in dynamic range 78

control room acoustics, spectral balance and 323

conversation 213

convolution 68

Cowboy Junkies 1289

crest factor 79, 80, 81

critical listening: challenge of 1; development of 12; see also listening

cross-fade, and source-destination technique 11215, 113, 114

crossover distortion 103, 103 crosstalk 16, 16

Crow, Sheryl 12930

custom earplugs 22

dark 7

decay, in compression 83, 83

decay time, in reverberation 689, 74

decibels see sound level

decorrelated channels 5860

delay, in reverberation 65, 656, 66

delay time, in reverberation 69, 74

“Demons” (Imagine Dragons) 131

depth 63

descriptors, in tonal balance 245

detail, in headphones 17

detection, in dynamics processors 7982, 80, 81 detection speed, in technical ear training 910

difference component 76

digital audio editing: amplitude envelope and 11719; software exercise 11519, 116, 117; sound analysis and 127; source-destination technique in 11215, 113, 114

distance: reverberation and 59, 61; of sound sources 61

distortion 1017, 1035, 107; in audio ear training 21; crossover 103, 103; in electric guitar 101; fuzz 101; hard clipping 102, 104, 1045; inherent 103; loudspeakers and 1034; overdrive 101, 102; overload 102, 104, 1045; peak hold and 102; perceptual encoder 103, 10710; quantization error 102, 106, 107; soft clipping 102, 105, 105; software module exercises 107; in sound analysis 127; total harmonic 5; unintentional 1012

drums, compression and 901

Duncan, Stuart 136

dynamic range: and awareness of details 8; cohesion and 78; compression in 78, 7980, 829, 83, 858; contrast in 78; crest factor and 79, 80, 81; defined 77; expanders and 92, 93; gates and 92, 93; limiting in 78, 829, 83, 858; manual control of 889; practice 946, 95; RMS level and 79, 80, 81; signal detection and 7982, 80, 81; singing and 778; in sound analysis 1267; sound level and 79; vocal 778

dynamics, in audio ear training 20

dynamics processing, and awareness of details 8

ear defenders 22

earmuffs 22

earplugs 22

ear training see audio ear training; exercises; solfège; technical ear training

editing see digital audio editing

Eicher, Manfred 59

electric guitar: as amplified acoustic sound 13; attack time and 90; distortion in 101

electronic music 13

electronic noise 9; see also noise

“Eminence Front” (The Who) 135

endorsement heuristic 144

Eno, Brian 8, 59, 78

environment, behavior of sound in 1

EQ practice module 4850

equalization: analog vs. digital 38; bandwidth and 356, 36, 389; boost and cut responses in 37, 378; curve 25; graphic 345; microphone choice and 40; power of 25; real-time spectral analyzers and 27; spectral balance and 345; tonal balance and 24, 34; see also parametric equalizer

equalizer selection, in software 47

everyday listening 12; see also listening

everyday sounds exercise 1112

exercises: audio ear training 201; comparing linear PCM to encoded audio 10910; comparing loudspeakers and headphones 1456; comparing original and remastered versions 136; comparing stereo to surround 141; decorrelated channels 5860; editing 11519, 116, 117; everyday sounds 1112; graphical sound analysis 1379, 138; hearing reverb 605, 62; listening to encoded audio through mid-side processing 110; listening to mid-side processing 76; negatively correlated channels 578; recorded music 12; sound enhancers on media players 146; speech 12; subtraction 110

expectation bias 1434

exposure levels 21

extraneous acoustic sounds 98, 100

fast Fourier transform (FFT) 26, 104

feedback 97

FFT see fast Fourier transform (FFT)

file control, in software 47

filter(s): all-pass 301, 31; high-pass 34, 35; low-pass 34, 34, 61; reverberation and 61; shelving 39, 39; in sound analysis 122; spectral balance and 34, 34, 35, 39, 39

Fleet Foxes 59

frequency range, in software 46

frequency resolution, in software 445, 45 frequency response 5; in headphones 17; in microphones 3941; off-axis 401, 42; parametric equalizers and 356, 36; spectral balance and 2930, 30, 32

fuzz distortion 101

Gabriel, Peter 1301

gain combination, in software 456

gain function 84, 86, 88, 93

gates 92, 93

Geddes, Earl 5

Gibson, Eleanor 3

goniometer 547, 55, 56, 57

graphic equalizers, spectral balance and 345

ground buzz 98, 99100

ground hum 98, 99100

guitar, electric: as amplified acoustic sound 13; attack time and 90; distortion in 101

Gustavsen, Tord 1345

hard clipping 102, 104, 1045

headphones: loudspeakers vs. 1456; open 18; recommendations 1718; sound analysis from 1218; as sound reproduction system 1517

head-related transfer function (HRTF) 16

hearing conservation 213

hearing impairment 213

hearing protection 213

high-fidelity earplugs 22

high-frequency extension 17

high-pass filters: in sound analysis 122; spectral balance and 34, 35

hiss 98

“Ho Hey” (The Lumineers) 1323

HRTF see head-related transfer function (HRTF)

hum 98, 99100

hyperacusis 21

Imagine Dragons 131

in-head localization 16

interaural crosstalk 16, 16

interference, radio frequency 98, 1001

“In the Country” (Jon Randall) 134

“In Your Eyes” (Peter Gabriel) 1301

isomorphic mapping, in technical ear training 68

Joshua Tree, The (U2) 59

keyboard shortcuts 48

knee 84

Lanois, Daniel 59, 130

Lee, Lidia 5

left/right channel correlation 54

limiting 78, 829, 83, 858

Lissajous pattern 54

listening: active 2; bias in 1435; challenge of 1; development of 12; everyday 12; see also critical listening

listening exercises see exercises

listening room acoustics, spectral balance and 323

localization, in-head 16

location, angular, of sound source 601

“Lost” (Sarah McLachlan) 133

loudness see sound level

loudspeaker(s): distortion and 1034; headphones vs. 1456; recommendations 1819; sound analysis from 1218; in spectral balance 2932, 302 Lovett, Lyle 1312

low-frequency extension 17

low-pass filters: reverberation and 61; in sound analysis in 122; spectral balance and 34, 34 Lumineers, The 1323

Ma, Yo-Yo 136

McLachlan, Sarah 133

manual dynamic range control 889

masking, spatial 59

Massenburg, George 35, 85, 131-2, 134, 152

Matching Memory mode 44, 95

matching practice 44, 945

media players, sound enhancers on 146

Meyer, Edgar 136

microphones: and awareness of details 8; Blumlein technique with 62, 62; distance of, from sound sources 61; polar patterns and 412; proximity to sound source 41; spectral balance and, choice and placement of 3942, 42; stereo microphone techniques 60-63, 124, 152

mid component 75

mid-side matrixing 746, 75

mid-side processing listening exercise 76, 110

mix level, in reverb training module 74

monaural system 14, 15

monitors, in spectral balance 2932, 302 Moorefield, Virgil 13

MP3s 3, 14, 104; see also perceptual encoder distortion

multichannel sound reproduction 1921, 20; reverberation in 70; in sound analysis 13941

negatively correlated channels 578

noise 98100; acoustical 9, 98, 100; in audio ear training 21; and awareness of details 9; clicks 989; electronic 9; extraneous acoustic 98; grounding and 98, 99100; hiss 98; pink 27; pops 98, 99; radio frequency interference 98, 1001; in sound analysis 127

Nousaine, Tom 143

octave frequency practice 51

off-axis frequency response 4041, 42 Olive, Sean 14, 144

overdrive 101, 102

overload distortion 102, 104, 1045

panning: in audio ear training 21; in multichannel sound reproduction 1920; sound analysis and 125

parametric equalizer 6; analog vs. digital 38; spectral balance and 349, 368; see also equalization

peak hold 102

perception: isomorphic mapping and 68; of spatial attributes 5860

perceptual encoder distortion 103, 10710

pink noise 27

Polarity, between stereo channels 64

Polar patterns 412

pops 98, 99

practice: dynamic range control 946, 95; reverb training 734; technical ear training 4252, 43, 45, 47

preamplifier, and awareness of details 8

predelay time, in reverberation 69, 74

processing: and awareness of details 8; in technical ear training 5

Producer as Composer, The: Shaping the Sounds of

Popular Music (Moorefield) 13

protection 213

Q: in equalization 34, 356, 36, 37, 389; in software 46

quantization error distortion 102, 106, 107 Quesnel, René 14

radio frequency interference (RFI) 98, 1001

Randall, Jon 134

real-time spectral analyzers (RTAs) 26, 267, 27 recorded music exercise 12

recording, effects of 5

recordings: live music vs. 120; for practice 50, 96

relative polarity, between stereo channels 64

release, of note 83

release time: of compressor 83, 84, 90; of expander 92

remastered, original vs. 136

reproduction system configurations 1421, 15, 16, 20

Return to Flat mode 44

reverberation: acoustic spaces and 63; Blumlein microphone technique and 62, 62; building blocks of 65, 6570, 66, 67; coherence and 64; convolution in 68; decay time 689, 74; delay time in 69, 74; difference component in 76; distance and 59, 61; distortion artifacts and 109; effects of 12, 53; exercise 605, 62; hearing 605, 62; importance of 589; level 61; low-pass filters and 61; mid component in 75; mid-side matrixing and 746, 75; in multichannel audio 70; parameter settings, choice of 5960; predelay time in 69, 74; presets, digital 6970; relative polarity and 64; reverberation in digital 668, 67; role of 589; side component in 76; software training module 71, 714, 73; in sound analysis 1256; sound sources and 53, 601, 612; sound stages and 63; spaciousness and 63; spatial continuity and 645; spatial extent and 612, 62; stereo image characteristics and 64; sum component in 75; time delay in 65, 656, 66; width and 62; see also spatial characteristics

RFI see radio frequency interference (RFI)

richness 101

RMS level 79, 80, 81

Ronettes, The 59

RTAs see real-time spectral analyzers (RTAs)

sampling rate 46, 87, 95, 99, 1412

sensation, change in 67

sensory bias 143

shaping sounds 1214

shaping tonal balance 28, 2842, 302, 349, 42 sharpness, distortion artifacts and 109

shelving filters, spectral balance and 39, 39

side component 76

signal detection, in dynamics processors 7982, 80, 81

signal levels, and awareness of details 8

Sigur Rós 59

single-channel sound reproduction 14, 15

smearing, time 109

social bias 144

soft clipping 102, 105, 105

software: distortion training module 107; editing training module 11519, 116, 117; practicing with 4252, 43, 45, 47; reverb training module 71, 714, 73

solfège 3

sound analysis: from acoustic sources 1468; auditory image in 1245; balance in 1278; bandwidth in 1223; bias in 1435; center channel in 13940; distortion in 127; dynamic range in 1267; edits in 127; examples 12837; expectation bias and 1434; filters in 122; graphical 1379, 138; from headphones 1218; headphones vs. loudspeakers 1456; high-res audio in 1412; level changes in 1267; from loudspeakers 1218; loudspeakers vs. headphones 1456; multichannel audio in 13941; noise in 127; reverberation in 1256; sensory bias and 143; social bias and 144; spatial impression in 1256; spectral balance in 1234; spoken voice in 1367; stereo image in 1212, 124; surround channels in 1401; time-based effects in 1256; watermarking and 1423

sound enhancers, on media players 146

sound level: in compression 845, 868, 87, 88; compression and 7980; direct 61; dynamic range and 79; hearing conservation and 212; in sound analysis 1267; spectral balance and 334

sound source: acoustic, sound analysis from 1468; amplified acoustic 13; angular location of 601; balance of 2; distance of 61; dynamic range control practice and 95; microphone proximity to 41; modified and manipulated acoustic 13; purely acoustic 13; purely electronic 13; reverberation and 53, 601, 612; in reverb training module 72; in software 467; spatial attributes and 54; spatial extent of 612, 62; width of 54, 62

sound stages, reverberation and 63

source see sound source

source-destination technique 11215, 113, 114 space: in audio ear training 21; spatial attributes and 54

spaciousness 63

spatial characteristics: analysis of perceived 5860; and awareness of details 8; decorrelated channels and 5860; goniometer and 547, 55, 56, 57; left/right channel correlation and 54; negatively correlated channels and 578; perception of 5860; reverberation and 53; sound sources and 54; stereo image characteristics and 64

spatial continuity 645

spatial extent, of sound sources 612, 62

spatial impression, in sound analysis 1256

spatial masking 59

speakers see loudspeaker(s)

Spector, Phil 589

spectral balance: and awareness of details 8; control room acoustics and 323; equalization and 34; frequency response and 2930, 30, 32; high-pass filters and 34, 35; indirect factors in 28, 28; listening room acoustics and 323; loudspeakers in 2932, 302; low-pass filters and 34, 34; microphone choice and placement in 3942, 42; off-axis frequency response and 401; parametric equalization and 349, 368; polar patterns and 412; shelving filters and 39, 39; in sound analysis 1234; sound level and 334; studio monitors in 2932, 302; in timbre 3; see also tonal balance

spectral content, in timbre 3

speech: conversation 213; timbre in 34; see also spoken voice

speech exercise 12

speed of detection, in technical ear training 910

spoken voice, in sound analysis 1367; see also speech

step function, in compression visualization 85

stereo 15, 15

stereo image: characteristics 64; coherence in 64; relative polarity in 64; in sound analysis 1212, 124; spatial continuity in 645

stereo width 17

“Strong Enough” (Sheryl Crow) 12930

studio monitors, in spectral balance 2932, 302 “Suite” (Tord Gustavsen Quartet) 1345

sum component 75

supra-aural 17

surround 1921, 20, 1401

“Sweet Jane” (Cowboy Junkies) 1289

symmetrical boost and cut 37, 37

system configurations 1421, 15, 16, 20

technical ear training: awareness in 89; consistency in 1012; detection speed in 910; focuses of 4; goals of 56; isomorphic mapping in 68; practice with software 4252, 43, 45, 47; processing in 5; reverb training module 71, 714, 73; solfège vs. 3; timbre and 34; see also exercises

THD see total harmonic distortion (THD)

Thile, Chris 136

third-octave frequencies 52

timbral control 4

timbre 1; attack time and 8990; in audio ear training 20; and awareness of details 8; compression and 8992; defined 3; factors in 3; release time and 90; in speech 34

timbre solfeggio 3

time delay, in reverberation 65, 656, 66

time limit, in software 48

time smearing 109

tinnitus 21

tonal balance: and awareness of details 8; defined 24; descriptors in 245; real-time spectral analyzers in 26, 267, 27; shaping 28, 2842, 302, 349, 42; in sound analysis 1234; sound levels and 334; see also spectral balance

Toole, Floyd 144

Tord Gustavsen Quartet 1345

total harmonic distortion (THD) 5

two-channel sound reproduction 15, 15

U2 59

Unforgettable Fire, The (U2) 59

vectorscope 547, 55, 56, 57

vocals: compression and 912; dynamic range 778; and manual dynamic range control 89; pops in 98, 99; see also spoken voice

vowels, in timbre 34

vowel sounds, octave frequencies and 4950

Wall of Sound 589

warmth 101

watermarking 1423

Who, The 135

width 54, 62, 63

Woszczyk, Wieslaw 124

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