The Index page of the book.


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Note: Page numbers followed by f or t indicate material in figures or tables respectively


acceptable use policy (AUP), 187, 188, 311

access control lists (ACLs), 215, 224, 321

access controls, 96, 213220, 246248, 272274, 300301, 320321, 322, 345, 348350

access rights, 214216, 272274, 300301, 320321, 348349

accountabilities, 195196

accounting management, 272

accreditation, 366374

ACLs. See access control lists

activity objects, 152

acts of congress, 22

administration, 155156

administration management, 69

administrative safeguards, HIPAA, 32, 32t

Administrative Simplification, 31

AICPA. See American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

alternative controls, 186, 186f

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 49, 87, 257, 303, 371

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 369

annex A, 94

annual employee performance reviews, 197198

annual security compliance audit, 6768

anonymous users, 263, 273

ANSI. See American National Standards Institute

antivirus software, 109

application controls, 107

application encryption, 352t

Application Layer firewall, 78

application performance monitoring software, 348

applications, 107, 119, 148t, 150, 342, 343t

application server, 239

application software, 333, 344

application software patch management, 221, 352353

application software vs. system software, 332333

“Applying a Single Integrated Framework,” 83t

ARPA. See American Recover and Reinvestment Act

Arthur Andersen firm, 27

assessments, 8

asset management, 95

assurance, 7

ASV. See Approved Scanning Vendor

attack execution, 279

attack planning, 279

attacks, 271

attack vect, 235

audit department Web site, 123, 162

audit finding, 166

audit frequency, 106

auditing, 5766, 222

Auditing Standard No. 2, 28, 125

Auditing Standard No. 5, 28

Auditing Standards Board of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 87, 303

audit logs, 223

audit objective, 105

auditor certifications, 361

auditors, 87

audit report anatomy, 162165

audit report opinion, 166

audit report ratings, 165166

audits, 4, 104107, 109, 147

audit scope, 105, 107

audit validating compliance process, 144146

AUP. See acceptable use policy

authentication, 215

authentication servers, 315

authorization, 215, 315

automated audit reporting tools and methodologies, 147149

automated/computer-based tool, 146

availability, 216218, 246, 247248, 274

awareness, 156


background check, 194

backup encryption, 352t

backup image, 276

backups, 218, 248, 276, 351

baseline, 116, 223

baseline configuration management, 149

baseline controls, 136, 136138

baseline standards, 243244

BCPs. See business continuity plans

best practice documents, 150

blacklist, 268

BMIS. See Business Model for Information Security

breadth, 78

broadband, 314

business continuity management, 96, 174

business continuity plans (BCPs), 276, 340

business drivers, 185

business liability insurance, 135136

business logic, 343, 343t

business requirement analysis phase, 335

business view, 48


C&A. See certification and accreditation

CAATT. See computer assisted audit tools and techniques

CAG. See Consensus Audit Guidelines

California Consumer Privacy Act, 3637

cancer, 258

CAP. See Certification and Accreditation Professional

card verification value (CVV) number, 208

CASP. See CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner

CBK. See Common Body of Knowledge

CCB. See configuration control board

CCFP. See Certified Cyber Forensics Professional

CCSA. See Certification in Control Self-Assessment

cell relay WAN, 294t

certification and accreditation (C&A), 366374

certification and accreditation for auditors, 369374

Certification for Information Security, 366369

Certification in Control Self-Assessment (CCSA), 371

Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA), 372

Certified Financial Services Auditor (CFSA), 372

Certified Government Auditing Professional(CGAP), 371

Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), 374

Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), 361t, 370t, 373

Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), 361t

Certified in Risk and Information Systems and Control (CRISC), 374

Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), 370371

Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT), 374

Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), 257, 371

Cetera and Cambridge, 13

CEUs. See continuing education units

CFSA. See Certified Financial Services Auditor

CGAP. See Certified Government Auditing Professional

CGEIT. See Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT

change management, 68, 151, 223224, 244246, 270, 295296, 319320

changing technology, 155

chief information officer (CIO), 80f

chief information security officers (CISOs), 46, 153

chief privacy officer (CPO), 110

Child Online Protection Act, 34

Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), 34

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), 3940, 53

CIA certification. See Certified Internal Auditor certification

C-I-A triad. See confidentiality, integrity, and availability triad

CICA. See Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants

CIO. See chief information officer

CIPA. See Children’s Internet Protection Act

ciphertext, 246

circuit switching WAN, 294t

circumstance, 167

CISA. See Certified Information Systems Auditor

Cisco VPN Monitor, 318t

CISM. See Certified Information Security Manager

CISOs. See chief information security officers

CISSP. See Certified Information Systems Security Professional

cleartext, 246

client based architecture, 343t

client/server architecture, 343t

client/server protocol, 315

cloud computing, 290

cloud services, 266267

CMDB. See configuration management database

CMOS configuration. See complementary metal-oxide semiconductor configuration

coaxial cable, 237t

COBIT. See Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

COBIT 5, 80f, 372

code of conduct, 364366

code of ethics, 364

CodePlex Remote Access Monitor, 318t

cold site, 339

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO), 28, 82, 111, 133, 222

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) of the Treadway Commission, 28, 111

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), 115

communication protocol, 238

Communications Decency Act, 368

communication skills, 368

communications security, 96

compensating controls, 52, 136

competency, 363

complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) configuration, 220

complexity, 321

compliance, 3, 1012, 4657, 6670, 96, 175176, 181199, 203225, 229251, 255282, 324t

compliance auditing, 7887

components, 210f, 235241, 236f, 261269, 293297, 311317, 312f, 337346, 337f

comprehensive security assessments, 67, 141142

CompTIA. See Computing Technology Industry Association

CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP), 368

CompTIA Project+certification, 368

CompTIA Security+certification, 367

computer assisted audit tools and techniques (CAATT), 146

computer performance, 148t

computer room, 337338

Computer Security Division (CSD) of NIST, 121

Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), 366367

confidentiality, 30, 216, 219220, 246247, 259

confidentiality agreement, 193194

confidentiality, integrity, and availability (C-I-A) triad, 910, 29, 29f, 200205, 201f, 215, 226–228, 250253, 274276, 323326, 326t

configuration, 270271

configuration and change management, 6970

configuration change control board, 149

configuration control board (CCB), 270

configuration management, 149, 150, 242245, 271, 280281, 346347

configuration management database (CMDB), 150

configuration monitoring and auditing, 149, 150

configuration validation, 321323

connection media, 236238

content analysis, 268

content keyword filtering, 268

continuing education units (CEUs), 368

continuous improvement, 153

continuous monitoring, 23, 52

contractors, 187, 193

control analysis process, 113

control objectives, 76, 78

Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT), 11, 47, 55, 8287, 117, 131, 222

control recommendations process, 113

controls, 6, 7, 78, 97, 323, 324t

control self-assessments (CSAs), 371

control standards, 47

cooperative agreement, 339

coordinated attacks, 271

COPPA. See Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

Corporate Accountability and Responsibility Act, 26

Corporate Fraud Accountability Act of 2002, 27

corrective controls, 109, 136, 250t, 324t, 340

corrective security control, 132

COSO. See Committee of Sponsoring Organizations

cost, 116

countermeasure gap analysis, 173175

countermeasures, 151153, 170171

coverage, 152

“Covering the Enterprise End to End,” 83t

COVID-19 pandemic, 3, 198, 264, 265, 307

CPAs. See Certified Public Accountants

CPO. See chief privacy officer

credit card industry, 11

creditor, 24

CRISC. See Certified in Risk and Information Systems and Control

criteria, 167

Critical Security Controls, 52, 55t, 124125

Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defense, 124

CRMA. See Certification in Risk Management Assurance

cryptographic controls, 175

cryptography, 96

CSAs. See control self-assessments

CSD of NIST. See Computer Security Division of NIST

CSSLP. See Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional

CVE. See Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures

CVV number. See card verification value number

cybersecurity, 6, 9, 25, 174

Cybersecurity and Data Protection Program (CDPP), 108t

Cybersecurity Framework, 9899

Cybersecurity Information Sharing (CISA) Act, 2526


DAC. See discretionary access control

data access, 334, 342, 343t

database and drive encryption, 350351, 352t

database encryption, 352t

databases, 150, 344345

database servers host data, 65

data centers, 337338, 342

Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS), 302t

data isolation, 334

data leakage protection, 231233

data leak security appliances, 268

data loss protection (DLP), 353

data loss security appliances, 268

data privacy, 344345

data privacy protection, 207208, 259f, 289290, 290f, 310, 333

data-protection methods, 351

data storage, 342, 343t

data storage devices, 342

decommission phase, 337

dedicated line/leased line WAN, 294t

dedicated lines, 294295

demilitarized zone (DMZ), 63, 245, 260, 264f

Deming cycle, 94

denial of service (DoS) attack, 231, 243

deployment phase, 336

depth, 78, 152

descriptive control framework, 78

desktop computers, 210211

detective controls, 5, 56, 109, 132, 192, 241, 248

detective security control, 132

developer testing phase, 336

devices, 209214, 210f, 235241, 261269, 293297, 311317, 312f, 337346, 337f

diesel generators, 340

disaster recovery plans (DRPs), 276, 338, 339, 339f

discretionary access control (DAC), 215, 224

distributed applications, 288, 289, 331, 344

distributed architectures, 288, 343t

DLP inventory, 233, 353

DLP perimeter, 233234, 353

DMZ. See demilitarized zone

DNS. See Domain Name System

documentation, 117118

documented IT security policies, 221224, 249, 323, 324t, 354

document review, 142t, 143

DoD requirements. See U.S. Department of Defense requirements

Domain Name System (DNS), 65

Domains in the IT infrastructure, 5960, 122123, 134137

DoS attack. See denial of service attack

DRPs. See disaster recovery plans

DTLS. See Datagram Transport Layer Security

dual-homed ISP connections, 274275, 274f

dual routers/dual circuits, 301t

due care, 66

due diligence, 207

dynamic governance system, 85


effective risk-assessment process, 116

E-Government Act of 2002, 22

Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 2000, 50, 258

electronic PHI (ePHI), 31

electronic work papers, 125

employee background checks, 194195

employee handbook, 365366

employees, 187, 194195, 196197, 365

employer-driven codes of conduct, 364365

employment policies, 365366

enabler goals, 84

“Enabling a Holistic Approach,” 83t

encryption, 216, 220, 234, 246, 260, 302, 322, 350351, 352t

end-to-end governance system, 8687

Enforcement Rule, 31

Enron Corporation, 26

enterprise risk management (ERM), 111, 133, 372

enumeration, 278

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 22

environmental security, 96

environment control, 338

EPA. See Environmental Protection Agency

ePHI. See electronic PHI

E-Rate discounts, 34

ERM. See enterprise risk management

Ethernet, 295

Ethernet MAN, 295

ethical behavior principles, 366

ethical independence, 363364

event correlation, 147148

examination method, 8

external compliance, 11

external media, 247

external to internal penetration test, 278281


Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 50, 194, 258

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 36

fault management, 272

FCAPS, 272, 280, 281

FCC. See Federal Communications Commission

FCRA. See Fair Credit Reporting Act

FDA. See Food and Drug Administration

feasibility, 116

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 22

Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), 121

Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA), 2224

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 22, 24

FERPA. See Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

FFIEC guidance, 311

fiber optic cable, 236t

file encryption, 352t

file integrity checking, 142t

file server, 239

file system, 148t

financial audits, 166

financial institution, 2830

Financial Modernization Act of 1999, 28

Financial Privacy Rule, 28, 29

finding, 166

fingerprinting, 221

FIPS. See Federal Information Processing Standards

fire-suppression equipment, 338

firewalls, 62, 78, 235, 262, 275276

FISMA. See Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002

fixed hard disk drives, 213

flowcharting software, 125

folder/directory encryption, 352t

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 22

footprinting, 278

frameworks, 7578, 118119

FTC. See Federal Trade Commission

FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt), 367


G2700. See GIAC Certified ISO-2700 Specialist

GAIT. See Guide to the Assessment of IT Risk

gap analysis, 48, 136138, 137f, 172, 173175, 174t, 222

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 21

Generally Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP), 110t, 172, 173t

generators, 340

GIAC. See Global Information Assurance Certification

GIAC Certified ISO-2700 Specialist (G2700), 353

Glass-Steagall Act, 28

GLBA. See Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

Global Technology Audit Guides (GTAGs), 370

governance, 1213

governance distinct from management, 8586

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), 2830, 2830, 46, 50

GRE. See Generic Routing Encapsulation

GSNA certification. See GIAC Systems and Network Auditor certification

GTAGs. See Global Technology Audit Guides

guests/third parties, 187

guidelines, 6869

guidelines for control standards, 244245

Guide to the Assessment of IT Risk (GAIT), 370

Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, A (PMBOK), 106


halon, 338

hard disk drives, 213

HCISPP. See Healthcare Information Security and Privacy Practitioner

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 22, 3033, 3033, 32t33t, 41, 50, 150, 196, 213, 258, 308, 330

heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) services, 338

HHS. See U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

high-impact system baseline control, 138

high-impact systems, 67

high-level security assessment, 67

high-speed internal LAN, 338

HIPAA. See Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

HITECH Act. See Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act

holistic approach, 85

host based architecture, 343t

hot site, 339

HR. See human resources

HTTP. See Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTTPS. See Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

hub, 62, 235, 236f

human error and mistakes, 183184

human resources (HR), 188, 313

human resource security, 95

HVAC services. See heating, ventilating, and air conditioning services

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 302t


IA. See information assurance

identification, 143, 214

identity theft, 2425, 49, 258

IDS. See intrusion detection system

IEC. See International Electrotechnical Commission

IEEE. See Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IFAC. See International Federation of Accountants

IIA. See Institute of Internal Auditors

immediate response, 154155

impact, 167, 169, 169t, 170

impact analysis process, 113

incident response management tools, WAN, 300

information assets, protection of, 373

information security (IS), 68, 173

information security incident management, 92t, 96

information security management system (ISMS), 90

information security policies, 95, 173

information security responsibilities, 173

Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), 82, 83, 109, 145, 173, 361, 362, 369, 370t, 371373

Information Systems Security Accountability, 197199

Information Systems Security Assessment Framework (ISSAF), 141

information systems types, 137

information system vs. information security compliance, 49

information technology (IT), 77

Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) Bulletins, 121

infrastructure controls, 107

insiders, 184

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 136

Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), 4, 5, 81, 120, 361, 369370, 369372

integrated audits, 107

integrity, 31, 66, 207, 219, 247

intellectual property rights (IPRs), 175

internal attack, 279280

Internal Auditor magazine, 369

internal auditors, 81, 369

internal compliance, 11, 12

internal penetration testing, 280

internal standards, 47

internal-to-external attack, 279280

internal to external penetration test, 279280

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 9096

International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2, 361, 362, 366367

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 8996, 272

International Organization for Standardization/ International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) 27002 standard, 139

International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF), 369

International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), 272

Internet AUPs, 188

internet economy, 19

internet-facing components, 273, 348

Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, 62

Internet Protocol Security (IPSec), 302t

Internet service providers (ISPs), 265266, 266f, 315, 316317

Internet users, 263, 275

interview method, 8

interviews, 120121, 152

in the clear, 247

intrusion detection system (IDS), 244

intrusion prevention system (IPS), 244

intrusive testing, 280

IP addresses. See Internet Protocol addresses

IPPF. See International Professional Practices Framework

IPS. See intrusion prevention system

IPSec. See Internet Protocol Security

IRM. See information resource management

IRS. See U.S. Internal Revenue Service

IS. See information security

ISACA. See Information Systems Audit and Control Association

ISMS. See information security management system

ISO. See International Organization for Standardization

ISO 27002, 96

ISO/IEC 27000, 90, 91t92t, 93

ISO/IEC 27001, 91, 9395

ISO/IEC 27002, 9596, 118, 139


ISO/IEC standards, 8793

ISO technical committee, 90

ISPs. See Internet service providers

ISSA. See Information Systems Security Association

ISSAF. See Information Systems Security Assessment Framework

IT. See information technology

ITAF. See Information Technology Assurance Framework

IT asset AUP, 188

IT audit process, 196, 196t, 373

ITGI. See Information Technology Governance Institute

IT Governance Institute, 83

IT infrastructure, 119, 175176, 257f

IT infrastructure audit, 5766, 138139, 153155

IT infrastructure domains, 5960, 122123, 134135

ITL Bulletins. See Information Technology Laboratory Bulletins

IT security assessment, 67, 111117

IT security policy, 118

IT security policy framework, 6869, 69f, 118119, 122123

IT universe, 123

ITU-T. See International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector


Kerberos, 241


LAN. See local area network

LAN Domain, 6162, 229251, 232f

LAN Domain business drivers, 230235

LAN-to-WAN Domain, 57, 6263, 255282, 289f

laptop computers, 211, 313314

layered audit approach, 139

layered protocols, 296

layered security, 116

Layer 2 switches, 295

Layer 3 switches, 295

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), 302t

leadership, 94

least privilege, 156, 191193

L2F. See Layer 2 Forwarding

likelihood determination process, 113

local area network (LAN), 57, 213, 239240

local printer, 212

local resource, 209

logons, 350

log review, 142t

logs, 147

L2TP. See Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol


MAC. See mandatory access control; Media Access Control

mainframe computers, 341

maintenance phase, 336

maintenance procedures, 155

malware, 219

management controls, 107

management system, 208209

management tools and systems, 299

mandatory access control (MAC), 215

mandatory vacation, 156

MANs. See metropolitan area networks

mechanism objects, 152

Media Access Control (MAC), 224, 295

Media Access Control (MAC) address, 295

media storage plan, 218

“Meeting Stakeholder Needs,” 83f

metro Ethernet, 295

metropolitan area networks (MANs), 295

microcomputers, 341

minicomputers, 341

misconfigurations, 149

mission-critical data centers, 340

MITRE Corporation, 115

mixed WANs, 299

monitoring, 123124, 241242

motivations, 115t

MPLS. See Multiprotocol Label Switching

multifactor authentication, 138, 216

Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), 261, 295


NAC. See Network Access Control

NAT. See network address translation

National Checklist Program (NCP), 112

National Do Not Call Registry, 50

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 7, 11, 2224, 53, 63, 96, 98, 99, 107, 131, 137, 345

NCP. See National Checklist Program

NDA. See non-disclosure agreement

need to know basis, 38

Network Access Control (NAC), 273274, 349, 350

Network Address Translation (NAT), 265266

network configuration management process, 281, 323

network device, 150

network discovery, 143t

network documentation, 119

networking devices, 235

networking services software, 240241

Network Layer firewall, 78

network management tools, 272

network operating system (NOS), 240

network performance, 148t

network port and service identification, 143t

network scan, 140, 141

network server and service devices, 239240

network sniffing, 142t

network traffic monitoring device, 269

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 364

NIST. See National Institute of Standards and Technology

NIST 800-30, 113

NIST 800-53, 9697, 121, 138

NIST 800-115, 142

NIST 800-53A, 96

NIST Internal Reports (NISTIR), 121

NISTIR. See NIST Internal Reports

NIST Special Publication 800-18, 23

NIST Special Publication 800-30, 23

NIST Special Publication 800-37, 24

NIST Special Publication 800-39, 24

NIST Special Publication 800-53, 8, 24, 124

NIST Special Publication 800-59, 24

NIST Special Publication 800-53A, 24

NMPs. See network monitoring platforms

nodes, 247, 334

non-disclosure agreement (NDA), 193

nongovernmental organizations, 215

nonintrusive testing, 280

noninvasive techniques, 142

nonrepudiation, 315

normative references, ISO/IEC 27001, 93

NOS. See network operating system

NYSE. See New York Stock Exchange


objectives, 7

objectivity, 362

objects, 152, 214

Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 24

ongoing assessment process, 67

open issue tracking software, 125

Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM), 141

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model, 295, 296f, 315

operating system, 150

operating system patch management, 221, 351

operational controls, 108109

operational impact, 116, 155

operations security, 96

optimization tools, 299

organizational policies, 47

organizational records, 175

organizational security policy framework, 138

organization-driven codes of conduct, 364365

organization of information security, 95

organization-wide baseline, 133134

OSI reference model. See Open Systems Interconnection reference model

OSSTMM. See Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual

owner, 215


packet-filtering firewall, 262

packet sniffer, 241

packet switching WAN, 294t

PA-DSS. See Payment Application Data Security Standard

password cracking, 144t

patch management, 221, 351

Payment Card Industry (PCI), 309

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), 14, 39t, 175, 176t, 208, 268, 373

PCAOB. See Public Company Accounting Oversight Board

PCAOB Auditing Standard. See Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Auditing Standard

PCI. See Payment Card Industry

PCI DSS. See Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

PDCA approach. See plan-do-check-act approach

penetration tests, 9, 48, 141, 144t, 277, 279, 280, 282, 304, 324t

pentester, 278

performance management, 272

performance monitoring, 241242, 269270, 298, 318319

permissions, 215

personal identification number (PIN), 138

personal information, 175

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), 259

personally identifiable information (PII), 28, 92t, 108t, 109

PHI. See protected health information

physical access controls, 337

physical safeguards, HIPAA, 33, 33t

physical security, 138

PII. See personally identifiable information

PIN. See personal identification number

PIPEDA. See Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act

plan-do-check-act (PDCA) approach, 94

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), 302t

policies, 47, 68, 122, 206

power generator, 340

power outages, 217, 340

PPTP. See Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol

preproduction security assessment, 67

prescriptive control framework, 78

pretexting, 29

preventive controls, 241, 250t, 324t

preventive security control, 132

principle of least privilege, 68, 119, 193, 199, 271

printer, 212

print server, 240

Privacy Act of 1974, 258

privacy audits, 50, 109

privacy data protection, 4951, 109110, 172173, 186187, 207208

privacy management, 49

privacy obligation, 257

privacy officer, 49

Privacy Rule, 31

procedure, 69

professional associations and certifications, 360362

project management, 106

project management software, 207

project plan, 125

protected health information (PHI), 31, 331

protocols, 238

provide stakeholder value, 84

proxy server, 239, 262f

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), 26, 125

Public Company Account Reform and Investor Protection Act, 26


QA. See quality assurance

Qualified Security Assessor (QSA), 38, 373

quality assurance (QA), 347

quantitative risk analysis, 116


RACI matrix, 195, 196t

rack system, 338

RADIUS. See Remote Authentication Dial In User Service

RANCID, 280, 323

reconnaissance, 278

recovery plan, 247, 276

recovery strategy, 218

red flags rule (RFR), 2425

redundancy, 297, 334, 339340, 339f

redundant routers, 275276

regulatory acts of Congress, 22

regulatory agencies, 22

regulatory compliance, 12

remote access, 314315, 317320, 318t

remote access business drivers, 308310

Remote Access Domain, 58, 307325, 322f

Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS), 315

remote connection process, 314315

remote devices, 313314

remote resource, 256, 259

remote service, 259f

remote users, 322

remote workstations, 313314

removable media, 350

removable storage devices, 214

resistance, 154

resources, 154

responsibilities, 195196

responsibilities assignment, 155

restore plan, 218

results documentation process, 113

review techniques, 142, 142t

risk, 6

risk appetite, 133

risk assessment, 67, 107, 112, 114, 116117

risk-based approach, 6, 23, 135

risk determination process, 113

risk identification, 112

Risk IT, 372

risk management, 9, 55, 81, 107109, 125

risk management approach, 131

risk management strategies, 135f

risk mitigation, 112

risk-mitigation strategies, 136

risk monitoring, 112

risk response, 111

risk tolerance, 133

RMF. See risk management framework

rootkit, 219

rotation of duties, 156

round robin method, 275

router, 235

routers, 62, 229, 235, 261

ruleset review, 142t


Safeguards Rule, 28, 29

SAN. See storage area network

SAQ. See self-assessment questionnaire

Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2628

Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act, 22, 2628, 87, 196, 303, 344

SAS 70. See Statement on Auditing Standards 70: Service Organizations

SB1386, 258

scanning, 278

SCM. See security configuration management; software configuration management

scope creep, 105

screening, 156

SEC. See Securities and Exchange Commission

secure coding, 345346

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 302t

Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS), 302t

Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP), 302t

secure VPNs, 302

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 13, 22

security assessments, 67, 140144, 167170

security assessment techniques, 144

security awareness, 196197

security baseline, 116117, 131138

security compliance audit, 6768

security configuration management (SCM), 149

security controls, 6, 5153, 55t, 68, 107109, 117, 121, 124, 132133, 170171, 173175, 174f, 187, 208, 234235, 260261, 292, 310311, 333334

security guidelines, 221224, 249, 281, 303, 323, 354

security incident management, 174

security management, 272

security operation policies, 155

security operations, 69, 155156

security policies, 118119, 122123, 172, 221224, 249, 281

security policy framework, 118119

security procedures, 221224, 249, 281

security-related activities, 197

Security Rule, 31

security standards, 221224, 249, 281

security training, 197

segregation of duties (SOD), 156

self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ), 38

separation of duties, 189190, 189t, 190f

server computers, 235, 239

Server Message Block (SMB), 321

service account, 349

service audit reports, 8788, 89t

service identification, network port and, 143t

service level agreements (SLAs), 297, 301, 339

Service Organization Control (SOC) reports, 8788, 89t, 303

service organizations, 87

service providers, 136138

services devices, 235, 239

Shewhart cycle, 94

shielded twisted pair (STP) cable, 237t

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), 318, 318t

single points of failure, 274276, 304

single router, 301t

single router with backup, 301t

SLAs. See service level agreements

smartphones, 211212

SMB. See Server Message Block

SMSP. See Social Media Security Professional

SNMP. See Simple Network Management Protocol

SOC 1, 88, 89t

SOC 2, 88, 89t

SOC 3, 88, 89t

social engineering, 29, 50, 115t, 183

Social Security number (SSN), 49

SOC reports. See Service Organization Control reports

SoftSea Remote Access Monitor, 318t

software configuration management (SCM), 346347

software-defined WAN (SD-WAN), 291292

software design phase, 335

software development and maintenance, 346347

software development life cycle (SDLC), 334337

software development phase, 336

source code, 344

SOX Act. See Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Special Publications from NIST, 121, 122, 124

specification object, 152

spyware, 219

SSCP. See Systems Security Certified Practitioner

SSL. See Secure Sockets Layer

SSL/TLS. See Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security

SSN. See Social Security number

SSTP. See Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol

standard control framework, 80

standards, 47, 68, 7887, 80f

standards vs. frameworks, 7677, 77t

Statement on Auditing Standards 70: Service Organizations (SAS 70), 88, 303

Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 16 (SSAE 16), 85

statutes, 22, 46

storage area network (SAN), 342

STP cable. See shielded twisted pair cable

subject, 215

subnets, 334

summary of finding, 166167

surge protection, 210

switch, 235

switches, 25, 62

SysAdmin, Auditing, Network, Security (SANS) Institute, 52

system account, 348349

system administrators, 191193

System/Application Domain, 58, 6566, 329355, 332f

system characterization process, 113

system security plan, 23

system software, 332


tablet devices, 211

tablets, 211212

TACACS?. See Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus

tailored to enterprise needs, 86

target vulnerability validation techniques, 144t

TCP/IP. See Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

TCP/IP reference model, 295

TDE. See Transparent Data Encryption

technical controls, 108

technical safeguards, HIPAA, 33, 33t

temporary behavior, 154

Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS?), 315

testing and quality assurance (QA), 347

testing security controls, 277

test method, 8

threat, 113, 115t

threat actions, 114, 115t

threat identification, 114

threat likelihood, 157, 158t, 159

threat statement, 168

threat vs. vulnerability vs. risk, 113114

three lines of defense, 133, 134

time, 154

TLS. See Transport Layer Security

TLS VPN Remote Access, 322323

tokenization, 350351, 352t

traffic monitoring, 269270

traffic-monitoring devices, 269

training, 156

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 315

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 141, 295, 315

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) reference model, 295, 296f, 315

transmission encryption, 247

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), 352t

Transport Layer Security (TLS), 322

triple constraint, 106

Trojan horse, 219, 271

TTR. See time to recover

tunneling, 302t, 316

two-factor authentication, 64, 216

Type I authentication (what you know), 215

Type II authentication (what you have), 215

Type III authentication (what you are), 215

Type 1 report, 88

Type 2 report, 88


UDP. See User Datagram Protocol

unauthorized systems and software, 149

uninterruptible power supply (UPS), 209210, 217, 340

universal serial bus (USB) drive, 214

unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable, 237t

UPS. See uninterruptible power supply

URL filter, 268

USB drive. See universal serial bus drive

U.S. compliance laws, 1940

User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 315

User Domain, 5960, 112, 181200

User Domain anatomy, 184186

User Domain best practices, 199

User Domain business drivers, 182

user entities, 87

user interface, 343, 343t

users, 148t

UTP cable. See unshielded twisted pair cable


vendor-neutral certifications, 367

virtual machines, 341

virtual private networks (VPNs), 64, 240, 264265, 294t, 295, 302, 302t, 316, 318t, 320321

virus, 219

volume/drive encryption, 352t

VPNs. See virtual private networks

vulnerabilities, 114, 149, 167170

vulnerability analysis, 114116, 144146

vulnerability identification process, 113, 278

vulnerability management, 174, 220221, 351

vulnerability scan, 140141, 143t


WAN. See wide area network

WAN access device, 298

WAN account, 299

WAN Domain, 57, 63, 287304, 289f

WAN optimization device, 299

WAN optimizers, 298

WAN service providers, 293294, 294t, 303

warm site, 339

web application, 15

web content filtering device, 268269

Web server, 349, 350

WEP. See Wired Equivalent Privacy

wide area network (WAN), 57

wide area network (WAN) service provider, 255, 316317

wired LAN connections, 236

wireless LAN connections, 236239

wireless local area network (WLAN), 213

wireless scanning, 143t

WLAN. See wireless local area network

Workstation Domain, 57, 6061, 203225, 205f

workstation image, 206

workstation security, 208, 209

workstation vulnerability management, 220221

WorldCom, 26

worm, 219

WPA. See Wi-Fi Protected Access


zero-day vulnerability, 220

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