Adding HoloLensCamera to the Scene

To configure Vuforia to use the HoloLens camera, there are a few things to do. First, we will add a HoloLens camera to the scene, then we'll bind it to the AR Camera as shown ahead. Refer to the Camera in Unity documentation from Microsoft at

  1. Select GameObject | Camera.
  2. In Inspector, rename it to HoloLensCamera.


  1. Set Clear Flags to Solid Color.
  2. Set Background to black (0,0,0,0).
  3. The HoloLens docs recommend setting Clipping Planes | Near to 0.85 and that may be a best practice for comfort, but I find it constraining working in my small office.
  4. Reset its Transform Position to (0,0,0).

The resulting camera settings are shown in the following image:

For HoloLens, it will be easier to lay out your app if you imagine the starting position of the user as (X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0). You'll want to adjust your target and virtual objects' positions accordingly, say, 2 meters in front of you, (0, 0, 2).
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