
Acceptance criteria, 201, 220, 376

Acceptance test

development-test relationship in, 286

strategies, 200

user (UAT), 211, 253, 359–360

“Accidental automation,” 17

Acquisition of test tool, 11, 12, 14

ActiveX controls, 35

Actor, 436–437

Adaptability, successful test group and, 157

Add-on products, compatibility issues with, 129–130

“Advanced automation,” 18

Advocates, automated test, 547

After-hours testing, 48–49

Alexander, Christopher, 406

Alpha testing, 254

Analysis, as verification method, 202, 203

Analysis and design, 11. See also Test process analysis; Test program design

Analysis and design, 13, 14, 233

automated tools supporting, 43, 418, 437–442

evaluation and selection of, 77, 82–83

structure charts, flowcharts, and sequence diagrams, 123, 440–441

test procedure generators, 441–442

visual modeling tools, 437–440

automated vs. manual, 257, 262–266, 545

baseline, 308

defect detection and, 132

documentation of, 128, 275–277

walkthroughs and inspections of, 124

test activities during, 123

WBS for, 161

API calls, 309, 335–336

Application execution, synchronization with test procedure execution, 323

Application partitioning, 129


designing testability into, 128–130

mission-critical, 171–172

navigation in, 312–313

tool-incompatible features, 136

Application-under-test (AUT), 464

overview of, 134, 136, 137

program logic of, 263

requirements of, 50

Architecture, test development, 288–306, 308

automation reuse analysis, 291–292

building blocks of, 289

compatibility work-around solutions, 302–303

documentation of, 196

environment readiness checks, 291

manual execution of test procedures, 304

modularity-relationship analysis, 293, 295–301

peer reviews, 304–305

technical environment, 288–291

test procedure configuration management, 305–306

test procedure development/execution schedule, 287, 292–295, 296–297

test tool calibration, 302

Assessment. See Test program review and assessment

ATLM, 7–22. See also Analysis and design; Business analysis, automated tools supporting; Programming, automated tools supporting; Requirements definition; Testing

ATLM, 110, 480

decision to automate test, 10, 14

execution and management phase, 11, 14–15

introduction of automated testing, 11, 12–13

process hierarchy, 11, 192

review and assessment, 11, 14

system development life cycle and, 14–15

test automation development and, 19–21

test development, 11, 13, 14

test effort and, 21–22

Test Maturity Model (TMM) and, 15–19

test planning, 11, 13, 14, 192, 193

test tool acquisition, 11, 12, 14

AUT. See Application-under-test (AUT)

Automated testing, 3–27


background on, 5–7

careers in, 22–26

universal application of, 35–36

unrealistic expectations of, 30, 32–37

Automated test life-cycle methodology. See ATLM

Automation framework. See Infrastructure, automation

AutoScriptor Inferno, 464–465

Back-end processing, 137

Backup and recoverability testing, 252

Baselined system setup and configuration, 543

Behavioral approach (system-level) to test requirements analysis, 204, 226, 228–232

matrix for, 231–232

Beizer, Boris, 130

Benefits analysis (of automated testing), 37–54

case study of, 52–54

improved test effort quality, 43–49

production of reliable system, 38–43

reduction of test effort and schedule minimization, 49–51

Best practices, 539–549

automated test advocates and experts, 547

automated vs. manual test analysis, 545

baselined system setup and configuration, 543

beta testing, 548

customer involvement, 546–547

defect documentation and reporting, 547

documenting process, 539–541

managing expectations, 541

overall test program objectives, 543–544

reuse analysis, 545

schedule compatibility, 546

simple automation, 544

software installations in test environment baseline, 543

specialty tools expertise, 548–549

test procedure design and development standards, 544–545

test team assignments, 547–548

test team, communication with other teams, 545–546

test tool

compatibility checks, 541–542

improvement suggestions, 548

upgrades, 542–543

user group participation, 548

using pilot project, 541

Beta testing, 254, 548

Bitmap image recording, 310, 313–315

Black-box testing, 118, 234, 244–254, 372–377

applications of, 244

automated tools supporting, 254

boundary value analysis, 246

cause/effect graphing, 246

coverage metric, 372–374

equivalence partitioning, 245–246

overview of, 238

progress metric, 374–375

quality metric, 375–376

system testing, 247–254

alpha/beta, 254

backup and recoverability, 252

configuration, 252–253

conversion, 252

data integrity, 252

functional, 247–248

operational readiness, 253

performance, 250

random, 250–252

regression, 248

security, 248

stress, 248–250

usability, 250, 251

user acceptance, 253

test automation, 376–377

test data definition for, 279–282

user participation in, 245

Boundary, test program, 201

Boundary-interior path testing, 243

Boundary value analysis, 246

Branch coverage, 243

Branching constructs, 329–331

Breadth of test data values, 279

Budget, tool evaluation and selection and, 74. See also Cost(s)

Bugs, show-stopper, 44


incremental model of, 200

new process, 360–366

test effort sizing estimates and, 171

Build verification testing (smoke test), 43–45, 342–343

Business analysis, automated tools supporting, 418, 421–433

business modeling tools, 76, 79, 421–424

configuration management tools, 424–426

defect tracking tools, 426–432

documentation generators, 433

evaluation and selection of, 76, 79–80

technical review management tools, 432–433

Business analyst, roles and responsibilities of, 186

Business expertise, test effort improvement and, 48

Business function, black-box test grouping and, 247

Business knowledge

successful test group and, 157

test effort sizing estimates and, 171

Business modeling tools, 76, 79, 421–424

Business process reengineering (BPR), 230

Business/product management stage of career, 487

Calibration of test tools, 302

Calls to procedure, 336

Capability Maturity Model (CMM), 111

Test Maturity Model and, 16–19

Capture/playback (GUI testing) tools, 6–7, 77

bitmap testing using, 314–315

reusable, 310, 316–317

test development activities using, 307

Careers in software testing, 22–26, 475

development program for test engineers, 476–487

business/product management stage, 487

team effort stage, 483–484

technical skills stage, 478–480

technical stewardship stage, 484–485

test process stage, 480–483

test/project management stage, 485–487

case statements, 330

Case (test procedure) generators, 77, 82–83, 282, 441–442

Cause/effect graphing, 246

Census (defect tracking tool), 430–432

Centralized test team, 150, 151–153, 155–156, 178

Certification method, 202, 203

Chief user liaison, roles and responsibilities of, 186

ClearCase, 425–426

Client-server environment, 5–7, 21

automated testing in, 4


analysis of, 371–372

inspection of, 126–127

preambles or comments in front of, 129

spaghetti, 330

testing, 130

walkthrough, 126

Code checkers, 77, 84–85, 88–89, 444–445

CodeCheck (software), 85, 444–445

Code profiling, 353, 371

Code (test) coverage analyzers and code instrumentors, 77, 85, 450–456

EZCover, 451–452

Hindsight, 85, 451

PureCoverage, 455–456

STW/C, 452–455

TCAT, 372–373, 450–451

Coding standard, 123–124, 129

cosmetic, 317–319


in code, 129

in test scripts, 319–320

Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) tool, 4

test objectives for, 117–118


skills in, 483

between test team and other teams, 545–546

Comparator, 87


with application features, 136

with custom controls, widgets, or third-party add-on products, 129–130

multiplatform, 46

with operating environment, 136

schedule, 546

work-around solutions for, 302–303

Compatibility checks, 134–135, 136, 139–140, 541–542

for GUI test tools, 35

Complexity analysis, 73

Compliance of test process, 114

Computer Select, 92

Concurrency tests, 249

Concurrent users, license agreement for, 101

Condition coverage, 243

Configuration, baselined, 543

Configuration management

in testbed management, 306

of test procedure, 305–306

Configuration management (CM) tools, 76, 79, 115, 305–306

for business analysis, 424–426

Configuration testing, 46, 252–253

with PerformanceStudio, 468–469

Conscious requirements, 410

Consideration. See Test tool consideration

Constants, in test procedures, 333

Constraints, examination of, 122

Context independence, 287, 331

Continuous improvement in test process, 114–115

Continuous loop, 328

Controls, Windows, 35

Conversion, data, 120

Conversion testing, 252

Correction monitoring, 51

Corrective actions, 381–392

for environment-related problems, 391

for schedule-related problems, 384–385

for test program/process-related problems, 386–388

for tool-related problems, 388–390

Cosmetic coding standards, 317–319


of correcting defects, 7–8

as limiting factor, 36

of tool, estimate of, 60–61

of tool introduction, 55

training, 62–63

Counted loop, 328

Coverage, 372

data flow, 243

one hundred percent, 36–37

Coverage analysis, 242, 371

decision, 47

Coverage metric, 372–374

Covey, Steve, 147

Critical/high-risk functions, 195, 199, 204

review of, 230, 231

.csv file, 342

Current quality ratio metric, 373

Custom controls, compatibility issues with, 129–130

Customer involvement, 546–547

in test plan, 215

Cyclomatic complexity, 47


test tool, 269

version upgrade for, 120

Database activity, test tool consideration and, 136

Database reset script, 328

Data conversion, 120

Data diagrams, 422

Data-driven tasks, automation of, 265

Data flow coverage, 243

Data integrity

during test execution, 280

testing, 120, 252

Data requirements, 196

Data values, hard-coded, 310–311

Data verification, 71

Deadlines, missed, 3

Debuggers, 77, 84, 353, 442

Decision coverage, 47, 227, 242–243

Decision to automate, 10, 14, 29–66

benefits analysis, 37–54

case study of, 52–54

improved test effort quality, 43–49

production of reliable system, 38–43

reduction of test effort and schedule minimization, 49–51

false expectations and, 32–37

management support acquisition in, 54–64

test tool proposal, 56–64

process in, 30, 31

WBS for, 158

Defect(s). See also Software Problem Report

classification of, 360

cost of correcting, 7–8

detection of, 121, 126–133

adherence to test process, 131

automated test tools for, 130, 132

designing testability into application, 128–130

inspections and walkthroughs, 126–127

risk assessment, 131

strategic manual and automated test design, 132

testing product deliverables, 127–128

test verification, 132

traditional testing phases, 130–131

user involvement in, 132–133

documentation and reporting of, 361, 547

life-cycle model of, 365–366, 430–431

number detected and undetected, 220

prevention of, 120–126

examination of constraints, 122

inspections and walkthroughs, 124–125

with quality gates, 125–126

test team involvement in, 122–123

in TMM, 19

use of standards in, 123–124

report on, 350

reproduction of, 48

Defect aging metric, 373, 374–375

Defect density metric, 373, 375

Defect fix retest metric, 373, 375

Defect tracking, 126, 360–366

Defect tracking tools, 76, 79–86, 361–366

for business analysis, 426–432

Census, 430–432

PVCS Tracker, 426–428

TestTrack, 428–430

identification of, 197

Defect trend analysis metric, 373, 375, 376

DelayFor method, 323, 333

Deliverables, testing, 127–128

Deming, W. Edwards, 379


of test tool, 64

to project team, 134, 140–141

as verification method, 202, 203


event or activity, 200

test procedure, 293

Depth of test data database, 279

Depth of testing, 371

Description, task, 148

Design. See Analysis and design; Test program design

Design-based test architecture, 234–236

Design-based test requirements analysis, 227

Design complexity metrics, 372

Design documentation, 128, 275–277

walkthroughs and inspections of, 124

Design Editor, 422–423

Designer/2000 (Oracle), 421–424

Design-to-development transition, 308–309

Development. See System development life cycle; Test development

Developmental-level (structural approach) test requirements analysis, 204. See also White-box testing

Developmental-level (structural approach) test requirements analysis, 226–228, 229

matrix for, 228, 229

Development ratio method, 165–166

Development team, relationship with, 42–43

successful test group and, 157

Dictionary, test, 324

Discipline for Software Engineering, A (Humphrey), 483–484

Discover (analyzer), 446–447

DiscoverY2K, 471–472

Discrete Mathematics and Its Application (Rosen), 36

.dll files, 309, 335–336

DO-178B, 227

Documentation, 539–541. See also Report(s)

of defects, 361, 547

of design, 128, 275–277

walkthroughs and inspections of, 124

project, review of, 212–213

of requirements specifications, 128

of test development architecture, 196

of test procedure definition, 196

of test process analysis, 111, 112, 113, 118

of test program design, 255–256

of test requirements, 205–206

of tests, 195, 196, 213

of test scripts, 320–321

of unit testing, 353

Documentation generation tools, 76, 80, 433

DOORS (Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System), 206–207, 305, 435–436

dxl language, 207

Dynamic analyzers. See Static and dynamic analyzers

Dynamic testing, 223–224

Early test involvement, 7–9

Earned value management system (EVMS), 366–370

Effort. See Test effort

Electronic test program library, 339

Employee referral programs, 179

End-users. See also Users

buy-in to test plan, 215

input on tool evaluation and selection, 71–72

Engineers. See Test engineer(s)

Environment. See also Test environment

corrective actions for problems related to, 391

systems engineering, 70–76

technical, 288–291

Environment readiness checks, 291

Environment testing tools, 77, 88

Equivalence partitioning, 245–246

ERB, 361

ErgoLight, 456–457

Erroneous input testing, 239–240

Error discovery rate metric, 373, 374

Error handling, 240

in test procedures, 324–325

Error-logging routine, 343

Error status/correction monitoring, 51

Evaluation and selection, 67–103

domain of, 63–64

definition of, 96–98

hands-on evaluation, 98–102

license agreement, 101–102

report, 99–100

process of, 67–70

systems engineering environment and, 70–76

budget constraints, 74

help desk problem reports, 74

long-term investment considerations, 75

shortcut avoidance, 75–76

software quality expected, 73–74

test tool process, 75

test types, 74–75

third-party input from management, staff, and end users, 71–72

tool criteria reflecting, 72–73

test planning and, 194

test tool research, 89–95

GUI testing (record/playback) tool, 90–95

of tools supporting testing life cycle, 76–89

analysis and design phase, 77, 82–83

business analysis phase, 76, 79–80

metric tools, 77, 85–86

programming phase, 77, 83–85

testing phase, 77, 86

Year 2000 (Y2K) testing tools, 77, 88

WBS for, 158–159

Evaluation copy of test tool, 98

Event-driven environment, 6

Events, test program, 211–212

Event/use case. See Use cases

EXDIFF, 458–459

Execution and management phase, 11. See also Test execution

Execution and management phase, 14–15

Exit function, 341


decision to automate and, 32–37

evaluation and selection of tools and, 72, 73–74

managing, 541

unrealistic, 30, 32–37

Experts, automated test, 547

Exposure, test requirements prioritization and, 209

EZCover, 451–452

False expectations, 32-37

False negatives, 356-357

False positives, 357-358

Fault density, 372

Fault insertion, 239-240


checking for existence of, 330

global, 332-333

input, 311-312, 337

File comparison tools, 77, 86, 458-459

Flexibility/adaptability, successful test group and, 157

Flowcharts, 440-441

FOR loop, 328-329

Framework, automation. See Infrastructure, automation

Functional test coverage metric, 374

Functional testing, 247-248

Functional threads, 230

Gartner Group, 92

Global files, 332–333


of test, 199, 200

decision to automate and, 263

of test process analysis, 116–120

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 347

GOTO statements, 330

Graphical user interface. See GUI

Graphing, cause/effect, 246

Grouping tests, 294

GUI, 5, 6–7

GUI applications

inspection of screens, 202

iterative development of, 291

testing, 137

testing tools (record/playback), 77, 87, 462–465

AutoScriptor Inferno, 464–465

compatibility tests for, 35

Rational Suite Test Studio, 462–464

research on, 89–95

selection for pilot project, 97

GUI checks, 344

GUI map, 338–339

GUI standards, verification of, 342

Hands-on tool evaluation, 98–102

license agreement, 101–102

report, 99–100

Hard-coded data values, 310–311

Hardware configuration, supporting test environment, 290

Headers, test procedure, 321–322

Help desk problem reports, 74

Help function verification script, 343–344

High-risk functions, 195, 199, 204

review of, 230, 231

Hindsight (code analyzer), 85, 451

Historical percentage factor, 168, 169

Hotkeys (accelerator keys), 312

Humphrey, Watts, 29, 483

Hungarian Notation, 326

Hybrid test architecture, 234

if..then..else statements, 330


for environment-related problems, 391

process, 382

continuous, 114–115

successful test group and, 157

for schedule-related problems, 384–385

for test program/process-related problems, 386–388

tool proposal and opportunities for, 57–58, 59

for tool-related problems, 388–390

Improvement table, 58, 59

“Incidental automation,” 17

Incremental build model, 200


context, 287, 331

of test procedure, 268

Independent verification and validation (IV&V) test team, 150–151, 153–154, 156


test procedure, 324

test success, 375

I-NET interface, 426–427

Information Model, 446

Infrastructure, automation, 287–288, 336–344

advanced math functions, 344

automated recording options, 340–341

error-logging routine, 343

exit function, 341

help function verification script, 343–344

login function, 341

navigation, 341

PC environment automated setup script, 339–340

smoke test, 342–343

table-driven test automation, 337–339

timed message boxes function, 344

verifying GUI standards, 342

Input files, 311–312, 337


defect detection through, 126–127

defect prevention through, 124–125

as verification method, 202, 203


development-test relationship in, 286

in execution and evaluation phases, 354–356

in TMM, 18

Integration and test phase, 15

Integration testing, 4, 131, 241

execution and evaluation of, 354–356

Integrity of automated test process, safeguarding, 115–116

Integrity testing, data, 120, 252

“Intentional automation,” 17

Interactive development environments (IDE), 83

Interviews, test engineer, 179–181

Introduction of automated testing, 11, 12–13, 107–145

cost of, 55

management support of, 75

process of, 107–110

test process analysis, 12, 110–133

documentation of, 111, 112, 113, 118

goals and objectives of, 116–120

organization’s quality and process improvement standards and, 110–111

process review, 112–116

purpose of, 111

strategies, 120–133

test planning and, 194

test tool consideration, 12–13, 133–143

application-under-test overview, 134, 136, 137

compatibility check, 134–135, 136, 139–140

demonstration to project team, 134, 140–141

project schedule review, 134, 138–139

support profile, 141–143

system requirements review, 133–134, 135–137

training requirements, 134, 135, 143

time required for, 61

WBS for, 159

Investment considerations, tool evaluation and selection and, 75

Iterative development approach, 291, 294

Job requisition, 176–177

Jones, Effie, 191

Junior test engineer, 25

Kuhn, Thomas, 105

LDRA Testbed, 85, 445–446

Leadership skills, 484–485

Lessons learned. See Corrective actions

Lessons learned review activities, 81


electronic test program, 339

reuse, 341

advanced math functions, 344

error-logging routine, 343

help function verification script, 343–344

smoke test, 342–343

timed message boxes function, 344

verifying GUI standards, 342

License agreement, 101–102

Life cycle. See also ATLM

defect, 365–366, 430–431

system development, 14–15

early involvement by test team in, 157

LINT, 84

Load/performance/stress testing tools, 77, 87

Load/performance testing tools, 77, 465–469

Load testing

with PerformanceStudio, 467

of server, 137

Load-testing tools, 39

Logic Editor, 422

Logic flow, 295

Login function, 341

Long-term investment, tool evaluation and selection and, 75

Looping constructs, 20, 328–329


of test procedures, 268, 309, 317–333

branching constructs, 329–331

constants, 333

context independence, 331–332

cosmetic coding standards, 317–319

error handling, 324–325

global files, 332–333

headers, 321–322

index, 324

looping constructs, 328–329

modularity of scripts, 327–328

naming standards for scripts, 325–327

synchronization, 323

test script comments, 319–320

test script documentation, 320–321

of test scripts, 20–21

Maintenance agreements, 101

Management. See also Test manager; Test team management

decision to automate and, 54–64

test tool proposal, 56–64

introduction of tool and, 75

tool evaluation and selection and input from, 71–72

Man-hours estimation, 168, 169

Manual test engineer, roles and responsibilities of, 185

Manual testing, 24, 30

automated testing vs., 49, 50

automated test tools as enhancements of, 33

defect detection and, 132

issues not amenable to, 47–48

Maslow, Abraham, 67

Math functions, advanced, 344

Maturity levels, test effort sizing and, 163–164

Memory leak testing, 73, 240–241

tools for, 77, 84, 442–444

Mentoring, 42

Message boxes function, timed, 344

Metric(s), 197, 350

acceptance criteria, 201, 220, 376

collection and analysis of, 370–371

evaluation of, 380

successful test group and, 157

Metric reporter, 77, 85

Metrics tools, 77, 419, 450–457

code (test) coverage analyzers and code instrumentors, 77, 85, 450–456

EZCover, 451–452

Hindsight, 85, 451

PureCoverage, 455–456

STW/C, 452–455

TCAT, 372–373, 450–451

evaluation and selection of, 77, 85–86

usability measurement tools, 456–457

Micrografx FlowCharter 7, 440

Mission-critical applications, 171–172

Mission statements, product or project, 128

Modeling tools

business, 421–424

visual, 437–440

Moderator, in code inspection, 127

Modified condition decision coverage (MC/DC), 227


script, 20–21, 327–328

of test procedure, 268

Modularity-relationship analysis, 196, 293, 295–301

matrix for, 298–301

Module diagrams, 422

Module stress testing, 249

Module Test Environment, 451

Module testing (string testing), 241–242

Module (unit) development, development-test relationship in, 286

Monkey (random) testing, 250–252, 332

Mouse clicks, navigation using, 312, 313

MTE product, 449

Multiplatform compatibility, 46

Multiuser testing, with PerformanceStudio, 467–468

Named users, license agreement for, 101

Naming convention(s)

for program library, 339

for scripts, 325–327

for test procedures, 261, 269–271, 272

for variables, 326

Navigation, application, 312–313, 341

NETClarity, 460–462

Network Checker+, 461–462

Network test engineer, roles and responsibilities of, 185

Network testing tools, 77, 86–87, 460–462

North Seattle Community College, 26


overall, 543–544

test, 199, 200

of test process analysis, 116–120

Object mode, 318

Object Navigator, 422, 423

OCXs, 35

Office politics, 486–487

Operating environment, tool-incompatible, 136

Operational characteristics, test requirements prioritization and, 209

Operational readiness testing, 253

OPNET, 459–460


of regression test, 41–42

in TMM, 19

Organization(s). See also Management

quality and process improvement standards of, 110–111

standards of, 149

test effort sizing estimates and, 170

of test team. See under Test team

training, 62

Output formats, 309, 334

Parsing program, 337


application, 129

equivalence, 245–246

Password, verification of user, 36–37

Path coverage, 243

PC environment automated setup script, 339–340

Peer reviews, 304–305

code inspection, 127

Percentage method, 166–167

Performance monitoring tools, 137

Performance requirements, 71

Performance testing, 39, 120, 250

tools for, 77, 87, 465–469

Personal software process (PSP), 483–484

Person-hours estimation, 168, 169

Phase definition in TMM, 17

Pilot projects, 58, 541

selection guidelines, 97

Planning. See Test plan

Politics, office, 486–487

Preliminary test schedule, 197

Presentations, test tool, 64

Printout, verifying, 35


in test procedure development/execution schedule, 294

of tests, 208–209

Problem reports metric, 373

Process analysis. See Test process analysis

Process brief program, 480–481

Process definition, test effort sizing estimates and, 171

Process evaluation phase, 14

Process hierarchy, 11, 192

Process improvement, 382

successful test group and, 157

Product assurance (PA) team, 166

Product-based test procedure generators, 88–89

Product management stage of career development, 487

Program manager, 25

Programmer, in code inspection, 127

Programmer analyst, 25

Programming phase, automated test tools supporting, 43, 77, 419, 442–449

evaluation and selection of, 77, 83–85

memory leak and runtime error detection tools, 442–444

source code testing tools, 444–445

static and dynamic analyzers, 445–449

syntax checkers/debuggers, 442

unit testing tools, 449

Progress metric, 374–375

Project documentation, review of, 212–213

Project management stage of career development, 485–487

Project mission statements, 128

Project plans, 214

Project team, demonstration of tools to, 134, 140–141

Proposal for test tool, 56–64

components of, 56–57

cost estimate, 60–61

estimated improvement opportunities and, 57–58, 59

evaluation domain, 63–64

rollout process, 64

selection criteria, 58–60

time required for introduction, 61

tool expertise, 61–62

training cost, 62–63

Prototype, 58

Prototyping tools, 77

Purchase list, test equipment, 215, 216

PureCoverage, 455–456

Purify (development test tool), 353

PVCS Tracker, 426–428

Qualification methods, 202–203

Quality assurance (QA) department, 381

Quality control in TMM, 19

Quality gateways, 125–126, 406

Quality guidelines, 220

Quality measurements/metrics, 41–42, 375–376

Quality of fixes metric, 373

Quantify (development test tool), 353

Random (monkey) testing, 250–252, 332

Rational Performance Studio, 137, 465–469

Rational Purify, 442–444

Rational Robot, 87, 340–341, 462–463

Rational Rose, 424, 436, 438–440

Rational Suite Test Studio, 269, 334, 462–464

Rational TeamTest, 137, 321, 323

Rational TeamTest SQA Manager, 86


automated, 340–341

bitmap image, 310, 313–315

Record/playback (GUI testing) tools, 77, 87, 462–465

AutoScriptor Inferno, 464–465

compatibility tests for, 35

Rational Suite Test Studio, 462–464

research on, 89–95

selection for pilot project, 97

Recruitment of test engineers, 172–182

activities for, 178

distinguishing best candidate, 181–182

interviews, 179–181

job requisition, 176–177

locating candidates, 178–179

qualities and skills desired, 172–174

target composition of team and, 174–176

Regression testing, 4, 120, 248

optimization of, 41–42

scripts during, 45–46

test effort improvement through, 45–46

test results analysis of, 358–359

Reliability of system, decision to automate and, 38–43

Repeatability of test process, 113–114

Repetitive tasks, automation of, 264–265

Report(s). See also Documentation

creation of, 51

on defects, 547

evaluation, 99–100

help desk problem, 74

software problem (SPR), 350, 360

categories of, 364

priority of, 376

status, 350, 366–377

black-box testing metrics, 372–377

case study, 367–370

earned value management system (EVMS), 366–370

test metric collection and analysis, 370–371

white-box testing metrics, 371–372

Representative sample, 246

Requirement management tools, 305

Requirements, 405–416

analysis of, 23–32

developmental-level (structural approach), 226–228, 229

process of, 224–225

system-level (behavioral approach), 204, 226, 228–232

of application-under-test (AUT), 50

based on risk, 265–266

coherency and consistency of, 408–409

completeness of, 409–410

conscious, 410

documentation of, 128

grouping, 414–415

management of, 194, 195–196, 205–211

prioritization, 208–209

requirements traceability matrix, 195, 202, 204–205, 209–211, 224

risk assessment, 208

tools for, 77, 80–81, 206–208, 434–436

measurability of, 406

nonquantifiable, 407–408

performance, 71

quality gateway for, 406

quantifiable, 406–407

relevance of, 411–412

solution vs., 412

stakeholder value placed on, 413

test data, 257, 277–282

test effort sizing estimates and, 170

traceability of, 413–414

tracking knowledge about, 407–408

training, 134, 135, 143

unconscious, 410

undreamed-of, 410

walkthroughs and inspections of, 124

Requirements definition, 195, 203–205

automated tools supporting, 43, 77, 418, 434–437

evaluation and selection of, 77, 80–82

requirements management tools, 77, 80–81, 206–208, 434–436

requirements verifiers, 77, 81–82, 436

use case generators, 436–437

improved, 38–39

Requirements phase, 14

test team involvement in, 122–123

RequisitePro, 434

Research on test tools, 89–95

GUI testing (record/playback) tool, 90–95

Reset script, database, 328

Resource availability, test requirements prioritization and, 209

Resource management, successful test group and, 157

Responsibilities and roles of test team, 182–186, 195

Résumés, soliciting, 179

Return on investment of automated tools, 58, 392–401


analysis of, 291–292

of automated modules, 264

of test scripts, 113

Reusable test procedures, 287, 301, 309, 310–317

application navigation, 312–313

automation wildcards, 315–316

bitmap image recording, 310, 313–315

capture/playback, 310, 316–317

data, 310–312

Reuse analysis, 291–292, 545

Reuse library, 341

advanced math functions, 344

error-logging routine, 343

help function verification script, 343–344

smoke test, 342–343

timed message boxes function, 344

verifying GUI standards, 342

Review. See Test program review and assessment

ReviewPro, 432–433

Revision Labs, 472


assessment of

defect detection through, 131

of test requirements, 208

mitigation strategy, 201–202

requirements based on, 265–266

in test procedure development/execution schedule, 294

in test program, 201–202

test requirements prioritization and, 209

Roles and responsibilities of test team, 182–186, 195

Rollout, tool, 64

Root-cause analysis, 115

Rosen, Kenneth H., 36

Runtime error detection tools, 77, 84, 442–444

Sample, representative, 246

.sbh extensions, 332

.sbl (Visual Basic) files, 332

Schedule (Test)

corrective actions to problems related to, 384–385

preliminary test, 197

pressures of, 130

reduction in, 34

error status/correction monitoring and, 51

report creation and, 51

test effort reduction and, 49

test execution and, 50–51

test result analysis and, 51

review of, 134, 138–139

test effort sizing estimates and, 172

test procedure development/execution, 196, 287, 292–295, 296–297

tool introduction and, 61

tool selection and, 75–76

Schedule compatibility, 546


of program, 194, 195, 197–205

critical/high-risk functions, 195, 199, 204, 230, 231

system description, 195, 198–199

test effort sizing estimates and, 171

test goals, objectives, and strategies, 199, 200

test program parameters, 200–202

test requirements definition, 195, 203–205

test tools, 199–200

verification/qualification methods, 202–203

of test data values, 279–280

Screen capture and playback. See Capture/playback (GUI testing) tools

Screen shot recordings, See Bitmap image recording

Script(s), automated, 141

baselining, 196–197

comments in, 319–320

database reset, 328

development of, 164

documentation of, 320–321

help function verification, 343–344

in integration testing, 241

login, 341

modularity of, 20–21, 327–328

naming conventions for, 325–327

PC environment automated setup, 339–340

during regression testing, 45–46

reusable, 113

test environment setup, 340

test procedure, 305–306

test utilities, 137

WinRunner, 343–344

Scripting language, 268–269

Security testing, 248

Selection. See Evaluation and selection

Senior test engineer, 25

Sensitivity analysis, 246

Sequence, test procedure, 293

Sequence diagrams, 440–441

Server load test tool, 137

Shell procedures, 299–301

Shortcut avoidance, tool evaluation and selection and, 75–76

Show-stopper bug, 44

Sight verify function, 299

Silk Tools, 470–471

Simulation tools, 77, 86, 459–460

Sizing test program, 483

Smoke test (build verification testing), 43–45, 342–343

SoDA (Software Documentation Automation), 433

Software configuration testing, 46

Software developer, 20

Software development folder (SDF), 353

Software development skills, test team members with, 183

Software engineers, career opportunities for, 475

Software problem report (SPR), 350, 360

categories of, 364

priority of, 376

Software Quality Engineering, 472

Software releases, incremental, 3

Software System Testing and Quality Assurance (Beizer), 130

Software test engineer. See Test engineer(s)

Source code testing tools, 77. See also Code

Source code testing tools, 84–85, 88–89, 444–445

Spaghetti code, 330

Specialty tools expertise, 548–549

SPR. See Software problem report (SPR)

SQA Basic, 287, 307

Staff input on tool evaluation and selection, 71–72

Standard Dictionary of Measures to Produce Reliable Software, 47


coding, 129

cosmetic coding, 317–319

defect prevention through, 123–124

design and development, for test procedure, 544–545

GUI, verification of, 342

organization-level, 149

project-specific, 148–149

test procedure, 287

for automated designs, 257, 266–271

for manual designs, 272–274

Start-up activities

centralized test team in, 152

SMT (System Methodology and Test) personnel in, 154

WBS for, 158

Statement coverage technique (C1), 227, 242

Static and dynamic analyzers, 77, 85, 445–447

Discover, 446–447

LDRA Testbed, 85, 445–446

during unit testing, 353

Static test strategies, 234

Status tracking, 350, 366–377

black-box testing metrics, 372–377

coverage, 372–374

progress, 374–375

quality, 375–376

test automation, 376–377

case study, 367–370

earned value management system (EVMS), 366–370

test metric collection and analysis, 370–371

white-box testing metrics, 371–372

Stovepipe test team, 150, 151, 155, 178

StP/T tool, 83

Strategies, test, 9, 199, 200

for introducing test tools, 120–133

static, 234

Stress testing, 39–41, 241–242, 248–250

test environment design and, 290

tools for, 77, 87

PerformanceStudio, 467

String testing (module testing), 241–242

Structural approach (developmental-level) to test requirements analysis, 204. See also White-box testing

Structural approach (developmental-level) to test requirements analysis, 226–228, 229

matrix for, 228, 229

Structure charts, 123, 440–441

Stub routine generation tools, 77

STW/C, 452–455

Support, WBS for project, 158, 162

Support profile for test tool, 141–143

Surveys to collect test program benefits, 398–401

Synchronization, 323

Syntax checkers/debuggers, 77, 84, 353, 442

System coverage analysis, 372–374

System description, 195, 198–199

System design and development phase, 14

testability in, 129

System development life cycle, 14–15

automated testing late in, 138

early involvement by test team in, 157

improved, 43

System-level (behavioral approach) test requirements analysis, 204, 226, 228–232

matrix for, 231–232

System requirements. See Requirements

Systems engineering environment, tool evaluation and selection and, 70–76

budget constraints, 74

help desk problem reports, 74

long-term investment considerations, 75

shortcut avoidance, 75–76

software quality expected, 73–74

test tool process, 75

test types, 74–75

third-party input from management, staff, and end users, 71–72

tool criteria reflecting, 72–73

Systems engineering support (SES) center, 153

System setup

baselined, 543

Systems methodology and test (SMT) test team, 150, 151, 154–155, 156, 178

System stress testing, 249

System testing, 131, 247–254

alpha/beta, 254

automated tools supporting, 420, 460–472

evaluation and selection of, 77, 86

GUI application testing tools, 462–465

load/performance testing tools, 465–469

network testing tools, 460–462

test management tools, 460

Web testing tools, 470–471

Y2K testing tools, 421, 471–472

backup and recoverability, 252

configuration, 252–253

conversion, 252

data integrity, 252

development-test relationship in, 286

execution and evaluation, 356–358

false negatives, 356–357

false positives, 357–358

functional, 247–248

operational readiness, 253

performance, 250

random, 250–252

regression, 248

security, 248

stress, 248–250

support tools for, 419–420, 457–460

file comparison tools, 77, 86, 458–459

simulation tools, 77, 86, 459–460

test data generators, 77, 86, 281–282, 457–458

usability, 250, 251

user acceptance, 253

System test level, 226

System under test (SUT), 464

Table-driven test automation, 337–339

Tabs, navigation using, 312, 313

Task description, 148

Task planning method, 168–170, 194

Task separation, successful test group and, 157

TCAT, 372–373, 450–451

Team, test. See Test team

Team effort stage of career development, 483–484

Team lead/leader, 25, 142

Team manager, 142

Technical environment, 288–291

Technical knowledge, successful test group and, 157

Technical review management tools, 76, 80, 432–433

Technical skills stage of career development, 478–480

Technical stewardship stage of career development, 484–485

Technical training courses, 478, 479

Technique-based test architecture, 236

Telephone system, test of, 37

Template, test procedure, 269, 275, 321

Termination of license agreement, 101

Test analysis. See Analysis and design

Test and integration work group (TIWG), 212

Test architecture, review of, 257, 258

Test automation development, 19–21

Test automation metric, 376–377

Testbeds, 305, 306

TestBytes, 457–458

Test completion/acceptance criteria, 201, 220, 376

Test coverage, 372

one hundred percent, 36–37

Test data, test environment design and, 290

Test data definition

for black-box testing, 279–282

for white-box testing, 277–278

Test data generators, 77, 86, 281–282, 457–458

Test data requirements, 257, 277–282

Test design. See Analysis and design

Test development, 11, 13, 14, 285–346

architecture, 288–306, 308

automation reuse analysis, 291–292

building blocks of, 289

compatibility work-around solutions, 302–303

documentation of, 196

environment readiness checks, 291

manual execution of test procedures, 304

modularity-relationship analysis, 293, 295–301

peer reviews, 304–305

technical environment, 288–291

test procedure configuration management, 305–306

test procedure development/execution schedule, 287, 292–295, 296–297

test tool calibration, 302

automation infrastructure, 287–288, 336–344

advanced math functions, 344

automated recording options, 340–341

error-logging routine, 343

exit function, 341

help function verification script, 343–344

login function, 341

navigation, 341

PC environment automated setup script, 339–340

smoke test, 342–343

table-driven test automation, 337–339

timed message boxes function, 344

verifying GUI standards, 342

guidelines, 306–336

API calls and .dll files, 309, 335–336

design-to-development transition, 308–309

maintainable test procedure, 309, 317–333

output formats, 309, 334

reusable test procedures, 287, 301, 309, 310–317

test procedures/verification points, 309, 334

user-defined verification methods, 309, 334–335

preparation activities for, 286–287

test process and, 285–287

WBS for, 161–162

Test dictionary, 324

Test drivers, non-GUI, 77

Test effectiveness, 373

Test effectiveness metric, 376

Test effort

ATLM and, 21–22

improving quality of, 43–49

after-hours testing, 48–49

build verification testing (smoke test), 43–45, 342–343

business expertise, 48

execution of mundane tests, 46–47

focus on advanced test issues, 47

multiplatform compatibility testing, 46

regression testing, 45–46

software configuration testing, 46

software defect reproduction, 48

reduction of, 33–34, 49–51

scope of, 198–199, 201

sizing, 163–172

development ratio method, 165–166

factors in, 170–172

maturity levels and, 163–164

percentage method, 166–167

task planning method, 168–170, 194

test procedure method, 167–168

start of, 171

TMM and, 163–164

Test engineer(s), 142

career development program for, 476–487

business/product management stage, 487

team effort stage, 483–484

technical skills stage, 478–480

technical stewardship stage, 484–485

test process stage, 480–483

test/project management stage, 485–487

career path for, 476

mission of, 20

recruitment of, 172–182

activities for, 178

distinguishing best candidate, 181–182

interviews, 179–181

job requisition, 176–177

locating candidates, 178–179

qualities and skills desired, 172–174

target composition of team and, 174–176

requirements for, 23

roles and responsibilities of, 185

test effort sizing estimates and skill level of, 170

test program status tracking and, 366

Test environment, 13, 194, 214–217

integration and setup of, 216–217

preparations for, 214–216

software installations in, 543

Test environment setup script, 340

Test environment specialist, roles and responsibilities of, 186

Test equipment purchase list, 215, 216

Test execution, 11, 14–15, 50–51, 197, 349–378

data integrity during, 280

defect tracking and new build process, 360–366

multiple iterations of, 294

phases of execution and evaluation, 351–360

integration, 354–356

system, 356–358

test results analysis of regression tests, 358–359

unit, 351–354

user acceptance, 359–360

playback problems, 339

playback speed of tool, 302

status measurement, 374

status tracking, 350, 366–377

black-box testing metrics, 372–377

case study, 367–370

earned value management system (EVMS), 366–370

test metric collection and analysis, 370–371

white-box testing metrics, 371–372

WBS for, 162

Test goals, decision to automate and, 263

Testing. See System testing

Testing Maturity Model (TMM), 122

Test lab, 96

Test lead

in code inspection, 127

roles and responsibilities of, 184

Test library and configuration specialist, roles and responsibilities of, 186

Test management and support, WBS for, 162

Test management tools, 77, 86, 460

Test manager, 485–487

lessons learned records and, 381

primary concern for, 486

roles and responsibilities of, 183

test program status tracking and, 366

TestManager, 462

Test Maturity Model (TMM), 15–19

Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and, 16–19

test effort and, 163–164

Test methodology, successful test group and, 157

Test metrics. See Metric(s); Metrics tools

Test optimization, 41–42

Test plan, 11, 13, 14, 191–222

activities in, 192–197, 212–213

ATLM in, 11, 13, 14, 192, 193

automatic generation of, 32–33

baselining test scripts in, 196–197

data requirement, 196

development of, 49–50

documentation of tests, 195, 196, 213

end-user or customer buy-in to, 215

environment, 194, 214–217

integration of setup of, 216–217

preparations for, 214–216

evaluation of, 96

events, 211–212

IV&V group responsibility regarding, 153

modularity relationship analysis in, 196

outline of, 218–220

program scope, 194, 195, 197–205

critical/high-risk functions, 195, 199, 204, 230, 231

system description, 195, 198–199

test effort sizing estimates and, 171

test goals, objectives, and strategies, 199, 200

test program parameters, 200–202

test requirements definition, 195, 203–205

test tools, 199–200

verification/qualification methods, 202–203

project plan, 214

purpose of, 217–218

qualities and skills required, 194–195

requirements management, 194, 195–196, 205–211

prioritization of tests, 208–209

requirements traceability matrix, 195, 202, 204–205, 209–211, 224

risk assessment, 208

tools for, 77, 80–81, 206–208, 434–436

sample, 220, 489–538

source and content of, 193

unit, 200

walkthrough of, 218

WBS for, 159–160

Test procedure(s), 167–168

configuration management, 305–306

constants in, 333

context-independent, 331

design and development standards for, 544–545

development/execution schedule, 287, 292–295, 296–297

inspection of, 126

maintainable, 268, 309, 317–333

branching constructs, 329–331

constants, 333

context independence, 331–332

cosmetic coding standards, 317–319

error handling, 324–325

global files, 332–333

headers, 321–322

index, 324

looping constructs, 328–329

modularity of scripts, 327–328

naming standards for scripts, 325–327

synchronization, 323

test script comments, 319–320

test script documentation, 320–321

manual execution of, 304

peer reviews of, 304–305

reusable, 287, 301, 309, 310–317

application navigation, 312–313

automation wildcards, 315–316

bitmap image recording, 310, 313–315

capture/playback, 310, 316–317

data, 310–312

sequence and dependencies in, 293

standards for, 287

automated designs, 257, 266–271

manual designs, 272–274

synchronization with application execution, 323

template of, 321

walkthrough of, 126

Test procedure (case) generators, 77, 82–83, 282, 441–442

Test procedure definition, 224

documentation of, 196

Test procedure design, 256–282

documentation of

automated test design standards, 257, 266–271

automated versus manual test analysis of, 257, 262–266

detailed test design, 257, 274–277

manual test design standards, 272–274

naming convention, 261, 269–271, 272

procedure definition, 256, 257–261

test data requirements, 257, 277–282

Test procedure development, 50

guidelines for, 197

schedule for, 196

standards for, 287

Test Procedure Environment, 451

Test procedure execution metric, 373

Test procedure script, 305–306

Test process

adherence to, 131

corrective actions for problems in, 384–385

WBS for improving, 162–163

Test process analysis, 12, 110–133

documentation of, 111, 112, 113, 118

goals and objectives of, 116–120

organization’s quality and process improvement standards and, 110–111

process review, 112–116

purpose of, 111

strategies, 120–133

defect detection, 121, 126–133

defect prevention, 120–126

test planning and, 194

Test process stage of career development, 480–483

Test program

corrective actions for problems in, 384–385

development life cycle of, 223–224

risks in, 201–202

sizing, 483

unstructured, 108

Test program boundary, 201

Test program design, 224, 233–256

documentation of, 255–256

effective, 236–237

models of, 233–254

black-box, 234, 244–254

design-based, 234–236

technique-based, 236

white-box, 234, 237–244

process of, 224–225

Test/programming lead, 25

Test program review and assessment, 11, 14, 379–402

analysis, 382–392

corrective actions and improvement activity, 381–392

for environment-related problems, 391

for schedule-related problems, 384–385

for test program/process-related problems, 386–388

for tool-related problems, 388–390

return on investment, 392–401

Test/project management stage of career development, 485–487

Test/QA/development (project) manager, 25

Test readiness reviews (TRR), 212

Test result analysis, 51

Test shell. See Wrapper function

Test strategies, 9

Test success index, 375

Test team

best practices in assignments, 547–548

communication with other teams, 545–546

involvement in defect prevention, 122–123

involvement in requirements phase, 122–123

involvement in test process analysis, 113

organizational structure of, 149–157

centralized, 150, 151–153, 155–156, 178

independent verification and validation (IV&V), 150–151, 153–154, 156

stovepipe, 150, 151, 155, 178

systems methodology and test (SMT), 150, 151, 154–155, 156, 178

test effort sizing estimates and, 171

roles and responsibilities of, 182–186, 195

Test team management, 147–188

engineer recruiting, 172–182

activities for, 178

distinguishing best candidate, 181–182

interviews, 179–181

job requisition, 176–177

locating test engineers, 178–179

qualities and skills desired, 172–174

target composition of team and, 174–176

ingredients for success, 157

test effort sizing, 163–172

development ratio method, 165–166

factors in, 170–172

maturity levels and, 163–164

percentage method, 166–167

task planning method, 168–170, 194

test procedure method, 167–168

test program tasks, 157–163

Test tool(s). See also Evaluation and selection; specific test phases

acquisition of, 11, 12, 14

calibration of, 302

capabilities of, 265

compatibility checks, 35, 541–542

corrective actions for problems related to, 388–390

ease of use of, 34–35

as enhancements of manual testing, 33

evaluation domain, 63–64

expectations of. See Expectations

expertise in, 61–62

improvement suggestions, 548

load-testing, 39

one-size-fits-all, 33

presentations and demonstrations of, 64

proposal for, 56–64

components of, 56–57

cost estimate, 60–61

estimated improvement opportunities and, 57–58, 59

evaluation domain, 63–64

rollout process, 64

selection criteria, 58–60

time required for introduction, 61

tool expertise, 61–62

training cost, 62–63

research on, 89–95

GUI testing (record/playback) tool, 90–95

return on investment of, 58, 392–401

rollout process, 64

test effort and, 33–34

test effort sizing estimates and proficiency in, 171

test planning and, 199–200

training cost for, 62–63

upgrades, 542–543

Test tool consideration, 12–13, 133–143

application-under-test overview, 134, 136, 137

compatibility check, 134–135, 136, 139–140

demonstration to project team, 134, 140–141

project schedule review, 134, 138–139

support profile, 141–143

system requirements review, 133–134, 135–137

training requirements, 134, 135, 143

Test tool database, 269

TestTrack, 428–430

Timed message boxes function, 344

TMON (Landmark), 137

Toastmasters, 483

Tools. See Test tool(s)

Traceability links, 205

Training costs, 62–63

Training courses, technical, 478, 479

Training organizations, 62

Training requirements, 134, 135, 143

Unconscious requirements, 410

Undreamed-of requirements, 410

Unified Modeling Language (UML), 79

Unit (module) development, development-test relationship in, 286

Unit phase of execution, 351–354

Unit stress tests, 249

Unit testing, 131, 240

execution and evaluation, 351–354

tools for, 447–449

Unit test plan, 200

Universal Testing Architecture, 470

University programs, 24–26

UNIX shell script test utilities, 137

UNIX Test Tools and Benchmarks (Wilson), 472

Upgrade(s), 102

database version, 120

test tool, 542–543

Usability measurement tools, 456–457

Usability test engineer, roles and responsibilities of, 184

Usability testing, 250, 251

UseCase, 436–437

Use case analysis, 230

Use case generators, 436–437

Use cases, 80–81, 209

grouping requirements using, 414

test requirements from, 204

User acceptance test (UAT), 211, 253, 359–360

User-defined verification methods, 309, 334–335

User password, verification of, 36–37


involvement of, 548

in black-box testing, 245

in defect detection, 132–133

license agreement for, 101

test requirement prioritization and requirements of, 209

tool evaluation and selection and, 71–72

Validator/Req, 441–442

Variable names, 326

VBXs, 35


build, 43–45

data, 71

defect detection through, 132

of GUI standards, 342

methods of, 202–203, 224, 234

user-defined, 309, 334–335

of user password, 36–37

Verification points, 309, 334

Verifiers, requirements, 77, 81–82, 436

Video resolution, 330–331

Visual modeling tools, 82, 437–440

Visual Test Tool (McCabe), 85

WaitState method, 323


defect detection through, 126–127

defect prevention through, 124–125

of test plan, 218

Web, cost information from, 60

Web environment, automated testing in, 4

Web testing tools, 470–471

WHILE loop, 328

White-box testing, 118, 234, 237–244, 371–372

aim of, 239

automated tools supporting, 243–244

condition coverage, 243

coverage analysis, 242

decision coverage, 47, 227, 242–243

error handling testing, 240

fault insertion, 239–240

integration testing, 241

memory leak testing, 240–241

overview of, 238

string testing, 241–242

test data definition for, 277–278

unit testing, 240

Widgets, compatibility issues with, 129–130

Wildcards, automation, 315–316

Wilson, Rodney C., 472

WinRunner scripts, reusable functions of, 343–344

Work breakdown structure (WBS), 157–163

for test activities, 212

World Wide Web, 60

Wrapper function, 45–46

Year 2000 (Y2K) testing tools, 421, 446, 471–472

evaluation and selection of, 77, 88

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