
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


access time, Don’t Forget Unix mtime, atime, and ctime
access to backup volumes, limiting, 12,000 gold pieces
ACID compliance, ACID Compliance
ease of, Ease of Administration
multiple backups, problems with, Backing up only selected drives or filesystems
Advanced Maryland Automated Network Disk Archiver (see Amanda)
Advanced Metal Evaporative (AME) media, AIT drive
afio utility, Conclusions
AIX bare-metal recovery, AIX Bare-Metal RecoveryAIX 5.x Operating System
backing up to disk, Backing Up to Disk
bootable DVD/CD, Making a Bootable DVD/CD from an Existing mksysb
mksysb utility, IBM’s mksysb and savevg UtilitiesSetting a mksysb Definition for a Client
Network Install Manager (NIM), setting up, Setting Up NIM
savevg utility, mksysb and savevg Format, savevg Operations
system cloning, System Cloning
verifying mksysb or savevg backup, Verifying a mksysb or savevg Backup
AIX operating system
4.x operating system, AIX 4.x Operating System
5.x operating system, AIX 5.x Operating System
backup and recovery, AIX Bare-Metal Recovery
block size, hardcoding, AIX and Its 512-Byte Block Size
tape devices, ways to access, Backing Up rootvg to Locally Attached Tape
Amanda, AmandaFuture Plans
.amandahosts files, Amanda Security
backing up via the Network File System (NFS) or Samba, Backing Up Clients via NFS or Samba
backup scheduling, Backup Scheduling
configuring, Configuring Amanda
device management, Device Management
documentation, Community and Support Options
enterprise support, Community and Support Options
holding disk, Holding Disk
open source and, Client/Server Architecture Using Nonproprietary Tools
OpenSSH, Amanda Security
recovery, Amanda Recovery
scalability, Client/Server Architecture Using Nonproprietary Tools
security, Amanda Security
tape host, Client/Server Architecture Using Nonproprietary Tools
tape management, Tape Management
amrecover, Amanda Recovery
amrestore, Amanda Recovery
asr (Apple System Restore), asr
atime, Don’t Forget Unix mtime, atime, and ctime
atomicity, Atomicity and partial transfers
attributes, Attribute
files, ctime value and, Don’t Forget Unix mtime, atime, and ctime
autoloader, Automated Backup Hardware
backups, Backing up the entire system, Automate Your Backup, Keep It Simple, SA
bare-metal recovery with G4L, Automate Bare-Metal Recovery with G4L
off-site storage process, Electronic vaulting


backing up databases, Backing Up DatabasesUnique Database Requirements
filesystem backups versus, Can It Be Done?
backup and recovery utilities, Basic Backup and Recovery UtilitiesUsing ssh or rsh as a Conduit Between Systems
asr (Apple System Restore), asr
comparison table, Comparing tar, cpio, and dump
cpio utility, Backing Up and Restoring with the cpio UtilityUsing cpio’s Directory Copy Feature
dd utility, Backing Up and Restoring with the dd Utility
ditto utility, Backing Up and Restoring with the ditto Utility
dump utility, Backing Up with the dump UtilityUsing the index to create a table of contents
Mac OS X, how they differ, How Mac OS Filesystems Are Different
ntbackup, Backing Up and Restoring with ntbackup
overview, An Overviewpsync, rsyncx, hfstar, xtar, and hfspax
pax (portable archive exchange), pax
psync, rsyncx, hfstar, xtar, and hfspax, psync, rsyncx, hfstar, xtar, and hfspax
restore utility, Restoring with the restore UtilitySpecifying no query during restore (y)
rsync, Using rsync
System Restore (Windows), Using System Restore in Windows
tar utility, Backing Up and Restoring with the tar UtilityRestoring to an alternate location
backup device, different drives, problems with, Wrong Media Type
backup hardware, Backup HardwareDisk-As-Tape: Virtual Tape Cartridges
autoloader, Automated Backup Hardware
automated, Automated Backup Hardware
capacity, Capacity
cartridge care, Cartridge Care
cartridge versus cassette tape drives, Cartridges Versus Cassettes
compression, Compression
content-awareness, Content-awareness
cost, Cost
de-duplication and, De-duplication
decision factors, Decision FactorsSummary
density versus compression, Density Versus Compression
disk drives versus tape media, Reliability
disk-as-disk targets, Disk-As-Disk Targets
drive care, Drive Care
duty cycle, Duty Cycle
flexibility, Flexibility
helical versus linear tape drives, Helical and Linear Tape Drives Are Different
jukebox, Automated Backup Hardware
library, Automated Backup Hardware
midrange tape drive types, Midrange Tape Drive Types
multiplexing, Disk drives: Very flexible
NAS disk-as-disk targets, NAS disk-as-disk targets
nearline and offline storage, Nearline and Offline Storage
notification, Notification
number of passes, and media life, How Often Should I Change My Media?
optical drives, Optical DrivesUDO recording format
packaging, Packaging
re-presentation, Content-awareness
reliability, Reliability
removability, Removability
replication and, Replication
SAN disk-as-disk targets, SAN disk-as-disk targets
silo, Automated Backup Hardware
stacking, Stacking
streaming tape drives, Tape Drives Must Be Streamed
tape drives, Tape DrivesVXA
time left powered off, Re-presentation
time-to-data, Time-to-Data
transfer speed, Transfer Speed
using, Using Backup HardwareNearline and Offline Storage
variable-speed tape drives, Variable Speed Tape Drives
virtual tape cartridges (VTCs), Disk-As-Tape: Virtual Tape Cartridges
virtual tape libraries (see VTL)
VTL, Disk-As-Tape: Virtual Tape Libraries
backup servers
recovering, Take an Inventory
backup utilities
native, Torture-Testing Backup Programs
versions, problems with, Other warnings
backup volumes
cpio format, cpio’s Restore Options
damaged, reading problems, Damaged Volume
different formats, reading, Different Backup Format
inventorying, 12,000 gold pieces
long-term archives, ensuring readability, Following Proper Development Procedures
multiple backups, dividing among, Backing up only selected drives or filesystems
reading, How Do I Read This Volume?
storing, Storing Your Backups
tapes, Block Size (Tape Volumes Only), Reading a “Flaky” Tape, Multiple Partitions on a Tape
unknown format, Unknown Backup Format, Why the Word “Volume” Instead of “Tape”?
BackupPC, BackupPC FeaturesThe Future of BackupPC
community, The BackupPC Community
configuration files, Configuration Files
installation, Installation How-ToInstallation packages
overview, How BackupPC Works
per client configuring, Per-Client Configuration
web site, The BackupPC Community
backups, Backing It All Up
atime, changing, Backups change atime
automating, Automate Your Backup
choosing methods, Choosing Backup Methods
commercial database backup products, Calling a Professional
cost, weighing, Get the Coverage That You Need
creating your own database backup utility, Do It Yourself: Creating Your Own Backup Utility
databases, Backing Up DatabasesUnique Database Requirements
deciding what data to include, Deciding What to Back Up
distributing backup devices to the subnet level, Keep Backup Traffic at the Subnet Level
dump utility, Summary of dump steps
Exchange, ExchangePerforming a basic restore
Exchange Server, BackupVerifying the Backup
excluding files, Preparing to Use mksysb and savevg
formats, Unknown Backup Format, Different Backup Format
how to do, deciding, Deciding How to Back Up
importance of, The Impossible Job That No One Wants
iPod, using for, Preparing for a Bare-Metal Recovery
levels, Backup Levels
metadata, Step 1: Back Up Important Metadata
mksysb, mksysb and savevg Format
mksysb utility, mksysb and savevg Format, Verifying a mksysb or savevg Backup
monitoring, Monitoring Your Backups
MySQL, MySQLRestoring a MySQL cluster
operating system, backing up with a native utility, Step 2: Back Up the OS with a Native Utility
options, Four backup options
alt-boot filesystem, Four backup options
alt-boot full image, Four backup options
alt-boot partition image, Four backup options
live, Four backup options
Oracle, Oracle Backup and RecoveryA Broken Record
personnel, The Impossible Job That No One Wants
PostgreSQL, PostgreSQLRestoring from a Point-in-Time Backup
protection of the backup index, Protection of the Backup Index
reasons for, rsync with Snapshots
recoverability requirements, defining, Don’t Go Overboard
restoring from, Restoring from the Backup
savevg, mksysb and savevg Format
scheduling, Deciding When to Back Up, Which Levels Do You Run and When?, “In the Middle of the Night...”
simplicity, retaining, Keep It Simple, SA
size, considering, How large is each backup?
SQL Server, SQL ServerMaster Database Restore
storing, Storing Your Backups
Sybase, Sybase Backup and RecoveryBring the database online
systems, Back Up All or Part of the System?
tape versus volume (CDs or magneto-optical disks), Why the Word “Volume” Instead of “Tape”?
testing, Testing Your Backups
torture-testing, Torture-Testing Backup Programs
VMware, VMware and MiscellaneaUsing Bare-Metal Recovery to Migrate to VMware
volatile filesystems, Corrupted or Unreadable Backup, Torture-Testing Backup Programs, Using Snapshots to Back Up a Volatile Filesystem
Bacula, BaculaPlug-in Support for File Daemons
ANSI and IBM tape labels, ANSI and IBM Tape Labels
architecture, Bacula Architecture
authentication, Authentication
autochanger support, Autochanger Support
backup traffic and storage encryption, Backup Traffic and Storage Encryption
bare-metal recovery, Bare-Metal Recovery
BartPE rescue CD, Bare-Metal Recovery
base job support, Base Job Support
client script support, Client Script Support
client-initiated backups, Client-Initiated Backups
components, Bacula Components
configuration, Configuration
example, An Example Configuration
documentation, Advanced Features
features, Bacula Features
intrusion detection, File-Based Intrusion Detection
Mac OS X backup, Mac OS X Backup
plug-in support for file daemons, Plug-in Support for File Daemons
pool migration, Pool Migration
project homepage, Bacula
Python script support, Python Script Support
Python-based GUI tool, Python-Based GUI Tool
server setup, Setting Up the Server
tracking deleted or renamed files, Tracking Deleted/Renamed Files
bar codes (backup volumes), 12,000 gold pieces, Choosing a media vaulting vendor
bare-metal recovery, Solaris Bare-Metal RecoveryFinal Thoughts
AIX, AIX Bare-Metal RecoveryAIX 5.x Operating System
automated with G4L, Automate Bare-Metal Recovery with G4L
commercial solutions, Commercial Solutions
HP-UX, HP-UX Bare-Metal RecoverySystem Recovery and Disk Mirroring
IBM tools, AIX Bare-Metal Recovery
Linux and Windows, Linux and WindowsCommercial Solutions
live method, Live Method
live versus alternative boot, Live or alternate boot?
Mac OS X, Mac OS X Bare-Metal RecoveryRecover the System
Solaris, Solaris Bare-Metal RecoveryFinal Thoughts
big-endian platforms, The Little Endian That Couldn’t
BLOB (see large object (LOB) data)
block, Blocks
block size
backups, mksysb utility, mksysb and savevg Format
hardcoding on operating systems, AIX and Its 512-Byte Block Size
tape backups, differences in, Block Size (Tape Volumes Only)
tape, determining with the dd utility, Using dd to Determine the Block Size of a Tape
blocking factor, determining (tar), Determine the Blocking Factor
booting from alternative media, How It Works file, Preparing for the restore
byte-order problems, swapping bytes, incompatibility problems, The Little Endian That Couldn’t


capacity, Capacity
cartridge care, Cartridge Care
cartridge versus cassette tape drives, Cartridges Versus Cassettes
cascading, Replication
cat command, reading corrupted tapes with, Damaged Volume
CD recording formats, CD recording formats
CD-ROMs, as backup medium, Why the Word “Volume” Instead of “Tape”?
certificate authority (CA), Backup Traffic and Storage Encryption
champagne backup on a beer budget, Champagne Backup on a Beer Budget
change time, Don’t Forget Unix mtime, atime, and ctime
choosing backup methods, Choosing Backup Methods
client-side compression, Use Client-Side Compression
cloning, system, System Cloning, System Cloning
cold backups, Information Stored in Databases
commercial backup utilities, Commercial Backup UtilitiesFinal Thoughts
automation, Automation
cost, Cost
custom backup formats, Support of a Standard or Custom Backup Format
data requiring special treatment, Data Requiring Special Treatment
custom user scripts, Custom User Scripts
databases, Databases
network-mounted filesystems, Network-Mounted Filesystems
disk-to-disk-to-tape backup, Disk-to-Disk-to-Tape Backup
ease of administration, Ease of Administration
ease of recovery, Ease of Recovery
network traffic, reducing, Reduction in Network Traffic
platform support, Full Support of Your Platforms
protection of backup index, Protection of the Backup Index
raw partitions, Backup of Raw Partitions
requirements, aggressive, Aggressive Requirements
requirements, extremely aggressive
continuous data protection (CDP), Continuous Data Protection Systems
de-duplication backup systems, De-Duplication Backup Systems
LAN-free, LAN-Free Backup
near-CDP, Near-Continuous Data Protection Systems
recovery point objective (RPO), Aggressive Requirements
recovery time objective (RTO), Aggressive Requirements
remote office backup, Aggressive Requirements, Remote Office Backup
replication, Replication
server-free (serverless) backup, Server-Free (or Serverless) Backup
snapshots, Snapshots
storage area network (SAN), LAN-Free Backup
very critical applications, Aggressive Requirements
very large applications, Aggressive Requirements
restores, testing, Aggressive Requirements
robustness, Robustness
security, Security
simultaneous backup of many clients to one drive, Simultaneous Backup of Many Clients to One Drive
simultaneous backup of one client to many drives, Simultaneous Backup of One Client to Many Drives
special files, Should You Back Up Special Files?
standard backup formats, Standard Backup Formats
storage area network (SAN), Storage Area Networks
storage management, Storage Management FeaturesInformation Lifecycle Management
archives, Archives
electronic discovery requests, Satisfy electronic discovery requests
Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM), Hierarchical Storage Management
Information Lifecycle Management (ILM), Information Lifecycle Management
switching products, Backup of Very Large Filesystems and Files
throttling and, Incorporate Throttling
vendors, Vendor
very large filesystems and files, Backup of Very Large Filesystems and Files
volume verification, Volume Verification
what to look for, What to Look For
compatibility problems (different media types), Wrong Media Type
complete disk versus separate partitions, Complete disk or separate partitions?
compression, Compression
content-awareness, Content-awareness
continuous data protection (CDP), Continuous Data Protection Systems
copy procedure (backup volumes), checking, Testing your chosen vendor
backups, Get the Coverage That You Need, Be ready, Prepare for Cost Justification
data losses, determining, What Will Lost Data Cost You?
downtime, determining, What Will Downtime Cost You?
cost of backup hardware, Cost
cpio utility, Backing Up and Restoring with the cpio UtilityUsing cpio’s Directory Copy Feature
atime, changing, Backups change atime
Directory Copy feature, Using cpio’s Directory Copy Feature
filesystem-based, Demystifying dump
GNU, The Options to the cpio Command
options, The Options to the cpio Command
restoring with, Restoring with cpio
syntax, The Syntax of cpio When Backing Up
volatile filesystem backups, Torture-Testing Backup Programs
ctime, Don’t Forget Unix mtime, atime, and ctime
backup utilities, changing, The atime can be reset—with a penalty
custom backup formats, Support of a Standard or Custom Backup Format, Custom Backup Formats
customers, losing through data loss, What Will Lost Data Cost You?
customization, or files, Preparing for the restore


damaged backup volumes, reading problems, Damaged Volume
backups, Deciding What to Back Up
losing, unacceptability of, You Never Want to Say These Words
losses, cost of, What Will Lost Data Cost You?
data fork, Don’t Forget Mac OS Resource Forks
data protection, It’s All About Data ProtectionConclusion
backup and archive, Backup and ArchiveExamples of Backup and Archive
business continuance volumes (BCVs), Create Consistency Groups
business issues, Business Reasons for Data ProtectionPrepare for Cost Justification, Everything Starts with the Business
cold backups, Information Stored in Databases
cost justification, Prepare for Cost Justification
database backup agents, Information Stored in Databases
device issues, Device Issues
disaster recovery (DR), Disaster Recovery
email, Networked storage risks
external threats, External Threats
improving service, Improving Service Levels
mitigating risk, Mitigating Risk
open-source, Can Open-Source Backup Do the Job?
outage costs, Determine the Costs of an Outage
poor authentication and authorization, Poor Authentication and Authorization Systems
recovery point objective (RPO), Define RPO and RTO for Each Critical System
recovery time objective (RTO), Define RPO and RTO for Each Critical System
reducing costs, Reducing Costs
regulatory compliance, Regulatory compliance
scripted hot backups, Information Stored in Databases
shared storage, Information Stored on Shared Storage
soft versus hard zoning, Poor Authentication and Authorization Systems
storage security, Storage Security
synchronization requirements, Create Consistency Groups
systemic flaws, Backup Flaws
very active filesystems, Very Active Filesystems
very large filesystems, Very Large Filesystems
databases, Backing Up DatabasesUnique Database Requirements
ACID compliance, ACID Compliance
architecture, mysteries of, Confusion: The Mysteries of Database Architecture
attribute, Attribute
backing up, Backing Up an RDBMSSQL Server
backing up every instance, Get Every Instance
backup volumes, 12,000 gold pieces
backups, Schadenfreude, Don’t Go Overboard, Strategy: Make backups an integral part of the installation process
checkpoint, Checkpoint
cold backup, Physical and Logical Backups
commercial backup products, Calling a Professional
DB2, DB2
Exchange, Exchange
Informix, Informix
Oracle, Oracle
PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL
SQL Server, SQL Server
Sybase, Sybase
control file, Master database
creating your own backup utility, Do It Yourself: Creating Your Own Backup Utility
datafile, Datafile
defined, Database
Exchange versus, Database Structure
extent, Extents
hot backups, Physical and Logical Backups
incremental backups versus transaction log dumps, Transaction Log Dumps Are Not Incremental Backups
index, Index
instances, Instance
instances on server, listing, Are You Backing Up What You Think You’re Backing Up?
large object (LOB) data, LOBs
logical backup, Physical and Logical Backups
logical elements, The Power User’s View: Logical Elements of a DatabaseCheckpoint
master database, Master database
object, Object
page (block), Page
page change, overview, An Overview of a Page Change
partition, Partition
physical backup, Physical and Logical Backups
physical elements, The DBA’s View: Physical Elements of a Database EnvironmentCheckpoint
raw devices versus cooked files, Physical and Logical Backups
RDBMS, overview, The Muck Stops Here: Databases in Plain EnglishWhat Can Happen to an RDBMS?
restores, Test Everything!
restoring, Restoring an RDBMS
documentation and testing, Documentation and Testing
loss of a data disk, Loss of a Data Disk
loss of a nondata disk, Loss of Any Nondata Disk
loss of the master database, Loss of a Data Disk
online partial restores, Online Partial Restores
rollback log, Rollback log
row (tuple), Row
segments, Tablespace
set up information, recording, Take an Inventory
tables, Table
tablespace, Extents
transaction, Transaction
transaction log, Transaction log
transaction logs, importance of, Don’t Go Overboard
view, Table
what can go wrong, What Can Happen to an RDBMS?
architecture, DB2 ArchitectureManaging archive logs
archive logging, Managing archive logs
circular logging, Managing archive logs
container, Containers
database, Databases
database managed spaces (DMS), Tablespaces
engine dispatch units (EDUs), DB2 engine dispatch units
index, Indexes
instance, Instance
large (or long) tablespace, Large objects (LOBs)
large objects (LOBs), Large objects (LOBs)
partition, Database partition
partition group, Database partition
schema, Schemas
system catalog tables, System catalog tables
system managed spaces (SMS), Tablespaces
tables, Tables
tablespaces, Tablespaces
transaction logs, Transaction logs
view, Views
write ahead logging, Transaction logs
automated backup utilities, Automatic maintenance
backup command, The backup Command
delta backup, Backup levels
full backup, Backup levels
incremental backup, Backup levels
pathname and filename, Backup path and filenaming convention
recovery history file, Discovering the history of your backup operations
crash recovery, Crash recovery
health monitor, Automatic maintenance
in-place version recovery, Performing an In-Place Version Recovery
offline backup, Managing archive logs
partial backups, Backup path and filenaming convention
recover command, The recover Command
redirected version recovery, Performing a Redirected Version Recovery
restore command, The restore Command
rollforward command, The rollforward Command
rollforward recovery, Rollforward recovery, Performing a Rollforward Recovery
point in time (PIT), Performing a Rollforward Recovery
statistics, gathering, Reorganizing Data and Collecting Statistics
version recovery, Version recovery
DB2 UDB, IBM DB2 Backup and RecoveryReorganizing Data and Collecting Statistics
dd utility, Backing Up and Restoring with the dd Utility
atime, changing, Backups change atime
backup format, Using dd to Figure out the Backup Format
convert data with, Using dd to Convert Data
copy a file or raw device with, Using dd to Copy a File or Raw Device
determine block size of a tape with, Using dd to Determine the Block Size of a Tape
options, Basic dd Options
de-duplication, De-duplication
backup systems, De-Duplication Backup Systems
density versus compression, Density Versus Compression
development procedures (backups), following proper, Following Proper Development Procedures
differential backups, Backup Levels
digital audio tape (DAT), DDS drive
Digital Data Storage (DDS), DDS drive
Digital Linear Tape (DLT), DLT drives (end-of-lifed)
cpio restore, making needed, cpio’s Restore Options
data, writing (dump utility), Pass III
dump utility, evaluating for backup, Pass I
files, becoming (volatile filesystem backups), Torture-Testing Backup Programs
disasters, types of, Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of DisastersBe Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters
disk drives
failure, losing data from, Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters
versus tape media, Reliability
disk mirroring, System Recovery and Disk Mirroring
disk staging, Disk Targets
disk-as-disk targets, Disk-As-Disk Targets
disk-as-tape units (virtual tape libraries), Disk-As-Tape: Virtual Tape Libraries
disk-based backup, You Want to Learn About Disk-Based Backup
disk-to-disk-to-tape (D2D2T) backup, You Want to Learn About Disk-Based Backup
disks left powered off, Re-presentation
ditto utility, Backing Up and Restoring with the ditto Utility
options, The Options to the ditto Command
restoring with, Syntax of ditto when Restoring
syntax, Syntax of ditto When Backing Up
backups, 12,000 gold pieces
importance in backup plan, Take an Inventory
restore program, importance of, Self-preservation: Document, document, document
downtime, cost of, What Will Downtime Cost You?
drive care, Drive Care
drives, backups, Bad or Dirty Drive or Tape
dump cycle, Backup Scheduling
dump utility, Backing Up with the dump UtilityUsing the index to create a table of contents, The dump utility
backup data, writing, Pre-Pass III
blocking factor, Determine the Blocking Factor
demystifying, Demystifying dump
differing versions, Different Versions of dump
directories, writing data blocks, Pass III
file data, dumping, Pass IV
filesystems and, Demystifying dump
how not to use, An Overview
inconsistencies in backups, A Final Analysis of dump
inodes, scanning filesystem for, Pass I
limitations, Limitations of dump and restore
Mac OS versus Linux, Backing Up with the dump Utility
multiple volumes, avoiding, Specifying density and size (d and s)
options, The Options to the dump CommandInteresting options for Solaris’s ufsdump utility
steps, summary of, Summary of dump steps
syntax, Syntax of the dump Command
Unix platforms, differences, Dumpster Diving
volatile filesystem backups, Torture-Testing Backup Programs
dump, ditto, tar, and cpio utilities, The tar, ditto, and cpio utilities
duty cycle, Duty Cycle
DVD recording formats, DVD recording formats
dye polymer recording method, Dye polymer recording method


ease of administration, Ease of Administration
electronic break-ins, losing data from, Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters
electronic discovery requests, Satisfy electronic discovery requests
end-of-media (EOM) mark, Damaged Volume
endian-independent format, The Little Endian That Couldn’t
environments, protection levels, picking appropriate, Get the Coverage That You Need
Exchange, ExchangePerforming a basic restore
architecture, Exchange Architecture
automatic database maintenance, Automatic Database Maintenance
checkpoint files, Checkpoint Files
circular logging, Circular Logging
Data Manipulation Language (DML), Extensible Storage Engine
database structure, Database Structure
ESE98, Database Structure
Extensible Storage Engine (ESE), Database Structure
Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI), Stores
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), Stores
reserve logfiles, Reserve Logfiles
single instance storage, Single Instance Storage
storage groups, Storage Groups
storage limits, Storage Limits
stores, Database Structure, Stores
temporary files, Other Files
transaction logfiles, Transaction Logfiles
transactions, Extensible Storage Engine
version store, Extensible Storage Engine
backups, BackupVerifying the Backup
clone, Shadow copy backups
copy, Copy
copy-on-write method, Shadow copy backups
daily, Daily
differential, Differential
Exchange-specific, Exchange-specific
incremental, Incremental
methods, Backup Methods
normal (full), Normal
ntbackup, Using ntbackup to Back UpVerifying the Backup
offline (cold), Offline backups
online (hot), Online backups
strategy, Backup Strategy
streaming, Streaming backups
types, Backup Types
verifying, Verifying backups
Volume Shadow Copy Service, Shadow copy backups
Windows-specific, Windows-specific
repair, Exchange Repair
restore, RestorePerforming a basic restore
deleted items, Restoring deleted items
deleted mailboxes, Restoring deleted mailboxes
hard recovery, Hard recovery versus soft recovery
mailbox or public folder stores, Restoring Exchange Mailbox or Public Folder Stores
ntbackup, Using ntbackup to Restore
offline restore, Offline Database Restore
online database restore, Online database restore
overview, Overview
Recovery Storage Groups (RSGs), Recovery Storage Group
repair versus, Repair or Restore?
soft recovery, Hard recovery versus soft recovery
verifying, Performing a basic restore
versus other databases, Database Structure
exclude lists, Are You Backing Up What You Think You’re Backing Up?
expansion, planning for, Plan for Expansion


backups, Preparing to Use mksysb and savevg
deleting, creating, shrinking (volatile filesystem backups), Torture-Testing Backup Programs
directories, becoming (volatile filesystem backups), Torture-Testing Backup Programs
dump utility, evaluating for backup, Pass I
time, Unix system recording for, Don’t Forget Unix mtime, atime, and ctime
filesystems, Test Everything!
backups, deciding what to include, Are You Backing Up What You Think You’re Backing Up?
backups, testing, Test Everything!
changing during backup (dump), Question 1
snapshot backups, Don’t Go Overboard
volatile (see volatile filesystems)
financial resources for backups, getting, Get the Money Your Backups Need
losses caused by, Plan for the Worst
media storage cabinets (fireproof), On-Site Storage
flash archive, Solaris Bare-Metal RecoveryFinal Thoughts
backup and recovery overview, Backup and Recovery Overview
bare-metal recovery using Solaris, Solaris Bare-Metal RecoveryFinal Thoughts
creating, Creating Flash Archive Images
disk or tape, Back up to disk or tape?
environmental constraints, Other environmental constraints
flash image server, Back up to disk or tape?
frequency, Frequency of backup
interactive restore, Preparing for an Interactive Restore
interactive versus noninteractive restore, Interactive or noninteractive restore?
noninteractive disk image, Creating a Noninteractive Disk Image
noninteractive restore, Setup of a Noninteractive Restore
noninteractive tape image, Creating a Noninteractive Tape Image
post-recovery procedures, Post-Recovery Procedures
restore from tape or disk, Restore from tape or disk?
flash recovery area, Flash recovery area
flashback, Flashback
flexible restores, mksysb utility not supporting, IBM’s mksysb and savevg Utilities
format (backup volumes), finding, How Do I Read This Volume?
full backups, Backup Levels
daily, Weekly schedule: All full/level 0 backups


bare-metal recovery automated, Automate Bare-Metal Recovery with G4L
customizing, Customizing G4L
setting up, Setting Up G4L
Ghost 4 Linux (see G4L)
Gigabit Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet
GNU cpio, The Options to the cpio Command
GNU dump, format inconsistencies (native dump), handling, Different Backup Format
GNU tar, The Options to the tar Command
format inconsistencies (native tar), handling, Different Backup Format
volatile file system backups, Conclusions


hackers, tracking with ctime, Don’t Forget Unix mtime, atime, and ctime
hard disks, recovery companies, Disk Recovery Companies
hard links, Understanding Hard Links
copies, Hard-Link Copies
compatibility problems, reading backup volumes, How Do I Read This Volume?
failure, losing data from, Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters
recovering system onto new, System Cloning
headers, dumps, Pre-Pass III
Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM), Hierarchical Storage Management
holding disk, Holding Disk
hosts, complete list, maintaining, Are You Backing Up What You Think You’re Backing Up?
hot backups, Physical and Logical Backups
hot site, Get the Coverage That You Need
HP Integrity versus HP9000 clients, Differences Between HP Integrity and HP9000 Clients
HP-UX bare-metal recovery, HP-UX Bare-Metal RecoverySystem Recovery and Disk Mirroring


I/O operations, Block Size (Tape Volumes Only)
3480, 3480 (end-of-lifed)
3570, 3570 drive (a.k.a. Magstar MP)
3590, 3590
3592, 3592
AIX operating system, AIX Bare-Metal Recovery
bare-metal recovery tools, AIX Bare-Metal Recovery
mksysb utility, IBM’s mksysb and savevg Utilities
T1120, TS1120
IBM DB2 Universal Database (see DB2)
Ignite-UX recovery tool, HP-UX Bare-Metal RecoveryTroubleshooting Recovery Operations
archive contents, verifying, Verifying Archive Contents
archive management, Recovery Archive Management
disk mirroring, System Recovery and Disk Mirroring
HP Integrity versus HP9000 clients, Differences Between HP Integrity and HP9000 Clients
network server, configuring, Configuring an Ignite-UX Network Server
network services and remote boot protocols, Network Services and Remote Boot Protocols
overview, Ignite-UX Overview
planning for archive storage and recovery, Planning for Ignite-UX Archive Storage and RecoveryRecovery Archive Management
recovery archive, sizing, Sizing the Recovery Archive
remote booting, Considerations for the Remote Booting of Clients
security issues, Security
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Recovery Operations
image versus filesystem level, Image level or filesystem level? file (AIX system backup), Preparing for the restore
include lists, backups, Are You Backing Up What You Think You’re Backing Up?
incremental backups, Backup Levels
AIX mksysb utility, not supporting, IBM’s mksysb and savevg Utilities
index, Index
Information Lifecycle Management (ILM), Information Lifecycle Management
Informix, Informix
initialization parameters, Initialization parameters
inode number, Understanding Hard Links
inodes, dump utility handling, Pass I
input mode, informing cpio about, cpio’s Restore Options
installation, systems (new), backups as integral part, Strategy: Make backups an integral part of the installation process
defined, Instance
versus server, Instance
integrated VTL, How do you eject virtual tapes?
Intel systems, bare-metal recovery of, Linux and WindowsCommercial Solutions
Intel-based Mac, Preparing for a Bare-Metal Recovery
interactive restore, flash archive, Preparing for an Interactive Restore
interleaving, Simultaneous Backup of Many Clients to One Drive
inventory, backup volumes, Take an Inventory
checks and spot checks, 12,000 gold pieces
storage vendor, cross-checking locations, Choosing a media vaulting vendor
iPod, using for backup, Preparing for a Bare-Metal Recovery


journaling filesystems, Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters
jukebox, Automated Backup Hardware
justifying financial needs (backups), Be ready


Knoppix, using to perform bare-metal recovery of Intel systems, Four backup options


LAN-free backup, LAN-Free Backup
large object (LOB) data, LOBs, Large object datatypes
Laser Magnetic Storage (LMS) NCTP drive, LMS NCTP drive
levels (backups), Backup Levels“In the Middle of the Night...”
scheduling, Which Levels Do You Run and When?
linear serpentine recording method, Helical and Linear Tape Drives Are Different
Linear Tape Open (LTO), LTO drives
Linux bare-metal recovery, Linux and WindowsCommercial Solutions
alt-boot filesystem method, Alt-Boot Filesystem Method
alt-boot full image method, Alt-Boot Full Image Method
alt-boot method, Live or alternate boot?
complete disk versus separate partitions, Complete disk or separate partitions?
image versus filesystem level, Image level or filesystem level?
alt-boot partition image method, Alt-Boot Partition Image Method
with G4L, Automate Bare-Metal Recovery with G4L
little-endian platforms, The Little Endian That Couldn’t
live method, Live Method
live method for backups and restores, Live Method
live versus alternative boot, Live or alternate boot?, Live or alternate boot?
LiveCD Linux distribution, Live or alternate boot?
logical elements of databases, The Power User’s View: Logical Elements of a DatabaseCheckpoint
logical logs, Transaction log
logical volumes, map file, creating for each, Preparing for the restore
losses (data)
cost, determining, What Will Lost Data Cost You?
unacceptability of, You Never Want to Say These Words
LVM, backing up configuration information, Take an Inventory


Mac OS X backups, How Mac OS Filesystems Are Different
Mac OS X bare-metal recovery, Mac OS X Bare-Metal RecoveryRecover the System
Mac, Intel-based, Preparing for a Bare-Metal Recovery
Macintosh Hierarchical File System, How Mac OS Filesystems Are Different
magneto-optical (MO)
media, disks, as backup medium, Why the Word “Volume” Instead of “Tape”?
recording format, Magneto-optical recording format
recording method, Magneto-optical recording method
mail storage formats, A brief word about mail formats
Mammoth drives, Mammoth drive (end-of-lifed)
managing the intelligence behind the backup system, Cost
map file, creating for each logical volume, Preparing for the restore
master boot record (MBR), Complete disk or separate partitions?
master database, Master database
mean-time-between-failure (MTBF), Reliability
backup volumes, Storage in General
booting from alternative, How It Works
inventorying, Take an Inventory
types (different), problems reading backups, Wrong Media Type
media life, passes, How Often Should I Change My Media?
Media Recognition System (MRS), Wrong Media Type
metadata, backing up, Step 1: Back Up Important Metadata
Microsoft Exchange (see Exchange)
Microsoft Windows (see Windows)
midrange tape drive types, Midrange Tape Drive Types
disk drive failure, protecting against, Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters
multiple-site of database servers, Get the Coverage That You Need
mksysb utility, IBM’s mksysb and savevg Utilities, IBM’s mksysb and savevg Utilities, IBM’s mksysb and savevg UtilitiesSetting a mksysb Definition for a Client
mksysb utility AIX, AIX Bare-Metal Recovery
image, checking and restoring data from, Verifying a mksysb or savevg Backup
limitations of, IBM’s mksysb and savevg Utilities
using, Backing Up rootvg to Locally Attached Tape
mkszfile utility
client, running on, Backing Up rootvg to a Remote Tape Drive
generating file, Preparing for the restore
MLR drives, MLR 1-3 drives
modification time, Don’t Forget Unix mtime, atime, and ctime
money for backups, getting, Get the Money Your Backups Need
monitoring backups, Monitoring Your Backups
morale, backup and, What Will Lost Data Cost You?
mounted filesystems (idle), dumping, Question 4
movement-tracking, backup volumes, 12,000 gold pieces
MRS (Media Recognition System), Wrong Media Type
mtime, Don’t Forget Unix mtime, atime, and ctime
cpio restores, restoring original, cpio’s Restore Options
multiplexing (mirroring), Disk drives: Very flexible, Control file
multistreaming, Simultaneous Backup of One Client to Many Drives
MySQL, MySQLRestoring a MySQL cluster
architecture, MySQL Architecture
binary log, Binary log
databases, Databases and tablespaces
instance, Instances
large objects (LOBs), Large objects
startup scripts, Startup scripts
tablespaces, Databases and tablespaces
backup and recovery methodologies, MySQL Backup and Recovery Methodologies
file-level, File-Level Backup and Recovery
InnoDB tables, Backing up InnoDB tables
MyISAM tables, Backing up MyISAM tables
mysqlhotcopy, File-level backup with mysqlhotcopy
point-in-time, Using Point-in-Time Recovery
SQL-level, SQL-Level Backup and Recovery
pluggable storage engine architecture, MySQL
storage engines, MySQL
datafiles, Datafile
Falcon, Other Storage Engines
InnoDB, InnoDB Storage Engine
log group, Rollback segment or log group
MyISAM, MyISAM Storage Engine
NDB, Other Storage Engines
PBXT, Other Storage Engines
rollback segment, Rollback segment or log group
SolidDB, Other Storage Engines
tablespaces, Tablespace
transaction logs, Transaction log
transactions, Transactions


named pipes, cat contents to tapeserver tape drive, Backing Up rootvg to a Remote Tape Drive
NAS disk-as-disk targets, NAS disk-as-disk targets
native backup utilities
incompatible versions, Different Backup Format
testing, Torture-Testing Backup Programs
native transfer speed, Transfer Speed
near-CDP, Open-Source Near-CDPWindows, Mac OS X, and the Future, Near-Continuous Data Protection Systems
near-continuous data protection (see near-CDP)
nearline storage, Nearline and Offline Storage
network traffic, Reduction in Network Traffic
NFS filesystems, scripts for installation, Take an Inventory
NIM (Network Install Manager), Setting Up NIM
NIS+, Basic Sizing
NIS, scripts for installation, Take an Inventory
noninteractive disk image, flash archive, Creating a Noninteractive Disk Image
noninteractive restore, flash archive, Setup of a Noninteractive Restore
noninteractive tape image, flash archive, Creating a Noninteractive Tape Image
notification, Notification
ntbackup, Backing Up and Restoring with ntbackup
creating a simple backup, Creating a Simple Backup Configuration
Exchange and, Using ntbackup to Back Up
executing, Executing Your Simple Backup
restoring from, Restoring with ntbackup
number of passes, and media life, How Often Should I Change My Media?


off-site storage
methods, Off-Site Storage
natural disasters, preparedness for, Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters
offline storage, Nearline and Offline Storage
on-site storage, On-Site Storage
ones complement platforms, The Little Endian That Couldn’t
open-source backup, You’re Curious About Open-Source Backup Products
operating systems
AIX system, AIX Bare-Metal Recovery
backup tools, including, Don’t Go Overboard
block size, hardcoding, AIX and Its 512-Byte Block Size
cloning to different system, System Cloning
new versions, affect on backups, Strategy: Make backups an integral part of the installation process
optical drives, Optical drives: A little more flexible, Optical DrivesUDO recording format
recording format, Optical Drives
recording method, Optical Drives
Oracle architecture, Oracle ArchitectureFinding All Instances
attribute, Attribute
block, Blocks
checkpoint, Checkpoint
control file, Control file
database, Database
datafile, Datafile
extent, Extents
flash recovery area, Flash recovery area
index, Index
initialization parameters, Initialization parameters
instance, Instance
large object (LOB) data, Large object datatypes
log group, Redo log
multiplexing (mirroring), Control file
object, Object
partitions, Partition
redo log, Redo log
restore versus recovery, Restore versus recover
row, Row
segment, Segment
server parameter file (spfile), Initialization parameters
system change number (SCN), Datafile
table, Table
tablespace, Tablespace
transaction, Transaction
undo tablespace, Undo tablespace
Oracle backup and recovery, Oracle Backup and RecoveryA Broken Record
archived redo logs, managing, Managing the Archived Redo Logs
cold backup, Cold Backup
flashback, Flashback
hot backup, Hot BackupDebunking Hot-Backup Myths
instances, finding all, Finding All Instances
logical backups, Logical Backups
Oracle databases
backing up, Don’t Go Overboard
instances, listing for backups, Are You Backing Up What You Think You’re Backing Up?
recovery guide, Recovering OracleYou’re Done!
rman, Physical Backups with rmanThe command file (level 1 backups)
SQL Backtrack, Other Commercial Backup Methods
user-managed backups, Physical Backups Without rmanDebunking Hot-Backup Myths
ownership, changing with ctime, Don’t Forget Unix mtime, atime, and ctime


page, logical versus physical log, Transaction log
paper copies, media inventory, importance of, Take an Inventory
parallelism, Simultaneous Backup of Many Clients to One Drive
partition, Partition
partitioning your OS drive, Choosing Backup Methods
recording information on, Take an Inventory
partitions, Partition
backup tape with multiple, Multiple Partitions on a Tape
pax (portable archive exchange), pax
PEBuilder web site, Bare-Metal Recovery
peripherals, inventorying devices, Take an Inventory
permissions, changing with ctime, Don’t Forget Unix mtime, atime, and ctime
personnel, backups and, The Impossible Job That No One Wants
phase change recording method, Phase change recording method
Phillips LMS NCTP, LMS NCTP drive
philosophy of backup, the, The Philosophy of BackupWhy the Word “Volume” Instead of “Tape”?
physical log, Transaction log
planning for worst-case scenarios, Plan for the Worst
backup volumes, reading from different, Prepare in Advance
little- or big-endian, The Little Endian That Couldn’t
PostgreSQL, PostgreSQLRestoring from a Point-in-Time Backup
architecture, PostgreSQL ArchitectureWrite Ahead Log
clusters, Clusters
large objects (LOBs), Large Objects
pagefiles (datafiles), Tablespace
rollback process, Rollback Process
startup scripts, Startup Scripts
system tables, System Tables
tablespace, Tablespace
write ahead log (WAL), Write Ahead Log
backup and recovery, Backup and RecoveryRestoring from a Point-in-Time Backup
pg_dump, Backing up with pg_dump
pg_dump with psql, Using pg_dump with psql
pg_dumpall with psql, Using pg_dumpall with psql
pg_restore, Restoring with pg_restore
point-in-time (PIT), Point-in-Time Recovery
profile file, flash archive, profile
psync, rsyncx, hfstar, xtar, and hfspax, psync, rsyncx, hfstar, xtar, and hfspax


RAID, levels of, Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters
raw partitions, dump utility, accessing files through, Demystifying dump
RDBMS (see databases)
rdiff-backup utility, rdiff-backupWindows, Mac OS X, and the Future
diffs or deltas, rdiff-backup
metadata and, rdiff-backup
platforms, Windows, Mac OS X, and the Future
quick-start example, Quick Start
re-presentation, Content-awareness script, reading bad tape with, Reading a “Flaky” Tape
reading backup volumes, How Do I Read This Volume?
recording format, Optical Drives, Optical Recording Formats
recording method, Optical Drives
records, gaps between (tape backups), Block Size (Tape Volumes Only), Block Size (Tape Volumes Only)
ease, Ease of Recovery
requirements, Don’t Go Overboard
redo log, Redo log
Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes (RAIT), Device Management
referential integrity problems, Referential Integrity Problems
regulatory bodies, backups and, 12,000 gold pieces
remote devices, mksysb backup, performing to, Backing Up rootvg to a Remote Tape Drive
remote office backup, Aggressive Requirements, Remote Office Backup
remote restores, mksysb utility, not supporting, IBM’s mksysb and savevg Utilities
removability, Removability
replication, Replication, Replication
repositioning, Simultaneous Backup of Many Clients to One Drive
tape drives, Tape Drives Must Be Streamed
resource fork, Don’t Forget Mac OS Resource Forks
restore utility, Restoring with the restore UtilitySpecifying no query during restore (y)
blocking factor workaround, Blocking Factor
limitations, Limitations of dump and restore
options, The Options to the restore CommandSpecifying no query during restore (y)
syntax, Syntax of the restore Command
restores, disk recovery companies, Disk Recovery Companies
restoring to larger hard drives, Step 4: Restore the Boot Block Information
rman, Physical Backups with rmanThe command file (level 1 backups)
automating, Automating rman
features, new, Important New rman Features
rollback logs, Rollback log
transaction log versus, Transaction log
root volume group
filesystems, backing up with mksysb, Backing Up rootvg to Locally Attached Tape
preparing for mksysb utility builds of multiple systems, Preparing to Use mksysb and savevg
row, Row
RPO (recovery point objective), Aggressive Requirements
rsh utility, mksysb, performing to remote device, Backing Up rootvg to a Remote Tape Drive
rsnapshot utility, rsnapshot
community, The rsnapshot Community
platform support, Platform Support
setting up, Setting Up rsnapshot
when not to use, When Not to Use rsnapshot
rsync utility, Using rsync, Beyond the Example
restoring with, Restoring with rsync
syntax, Basic rsync Syntax
with snapshots, rsync with SnapshotsAtomicity and partial transfers
RTO (recovery time objective), Aggressive Requirements
rules file, flash archive, The rules file


SAN disk-as-disk targets, SAN disk-as-disk targets
savevg utility, IBM’s mksysb and savevg Utilities, mksysb and savevg Format, savevg Operations
schadenfreude, Schadenfreude
scripts, expansion, planning for, Plan for Expansion
security, Security
breaches of, Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters
segment, Segment
segments, Tablespace
server parameter file (spfile), Initialization parameters
server-free (serverless) backup, Server-Free (or Serverless) Backup
servers, automating installation of new, Take an Inventory
shoe-shining, of tape drives, How Often Should I Change My Media?
silo versus library, Automated Backup Hardware
simplicity in backups, preserving, Keep It Simple, SA
smit menus, mksysb, using through, Backing Up rootvg to Locally Attached Tape
using as backups, Don’t Go Overboard
volatile filesystem backups, Using Snapshots to Back Up a Volatile Filesystem
software failure, losing data from, Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters
Solaris bare-metal recovery, Solaris Bare-Metal RecoveryFinal Thoughts
flash archive, Solaris Bare-Metal RecoveryFinal Thoughts
Sony AIT, AIT drive
Sony DTF, DTF drive
speed of recovery, options affecting, What Will Downtime Cost You?
SQL Backtrack, Other Commercial Backup Methods
SQL Server, SQL ServerMaster Database Restore
administering, Connecting to and Administering SQL Server
database, defined, Databases
datafiles, Database Files
extents, Extents
filegroup, Filegroups
heap data, Partitions
indexes, Index, Table and Index Specifics
instance, Instance
master databases, Databases
memory management, Memory Management
overview, Overview of SQL Server
pages, Pages
partitioned indexes, Partitioned indexes
partitioned tables, Partitioned tables
partitions, Partitions
authentication, SQL Server Authentication
backups, BackupsLogical (Table-Level) Backups
backup devices, Backup Devices
copy-only, Copy-only backup
differential, Differential
differential partial, Partial backups
expiration date, Backup Expiration Date
files or filegroups, File and filegroup
full (procedure), How to Back Up
full database, Full
log truncation, Log truncation
logical (table-level), Logical (Table-Level) Backups
logical name, Logical and physical devices
master database, Master Database Backups
partial, Partial backups
physical name, Logical and physical devices
recovery models, Recovery Models
scheduled, Scheduling a Backup
system databases, Backup/Restore of System Databases
Transact-SQL, command-line backup, Command-line backup with Transact-SQL
transaction logs, Transaction log, Transaction Log Backups
verifying, Verify Backups
cluster data, Partitions
restore and recovery, Restore and RecoveryMaster Database Restore
backup recovery, Components of a Restore
components of, Components of a Restore
data copy, Components of a Restore
full backup restore, Database Restore
master database restore, Master Database Restore
recovery, Restore and Recovery
restore, Restore and Recovery
restore sequence, Components of a Restore
roadmap, Recovery Roadmap
roll forward set, Components of a Restore
Transact-SQL, command-line restore, Command-line restore with Transact-SQL
snapshot backups, Snapshot Backups (2005)
stored procedures, Stored Procedures
system databases, System databases
tables, Tables, Table and Index Specifics
dedicated administrator connect (DAC), System tables
system, System tables
temporary, Temporary tables
transaction logs, Transaction Log
user databases, User databases
ssh or rsh as a conduit between systems, Using ssh or rsh as a Conduit Between Systems
stacker, Automated Backup Hardware
stacking, Stacking
storage area network (SAN), LAN-Free Backup, Storage Area Networks
storage containers for media, On-Site Storage
storage management, Storage Management FeaturesInformation Lifecycle Management
storage vendors, testing quality of procedures, Testing your chosen vendor
storing backups, Storing Your Backups
streaming tape drives, Simultaneous Backup of Many Clients to One Drive
Super DLT, DLT-S drives (aka Super DLT)
swapping bytes, incompatibility problems, The Little Endian That Couldn’t
Sybase, Sybase Backup and Recovery
architecture, Sybase Architecture
backup server, Backup Server
Data Manipulation Language (DML), System Table
database, Database
database index, Index
datafiles (devices), Datafiles and Devices
dataserver process, Server
engine, Engine
environment files, The and SYBASE.csh Files
interfaces file, The interfaces File
logical dump devices, Dump Device
page, Page
segment, Segment
stored procedure, Stored Procedures
system table, System Table
table, Table
transaction log, Transaction Log
transaction log sizing, Transaction log sizing
transactions, Transaction
auditing, Auditing using bcp
backup and recovery, Sybase Backup and RecoveryBring the database online
backup automation through scripting, Backup Automation Through ScriptingAuditing using bcp
backupserver process, Server
bcp utility, Performing a logical restore
command-line utilities, Sybase Command-Line Utilities
bcp command, bcp
dsedit utility, dsedit
isql command, isql
configuration file, Configuration File
disaster recovery, Recovering from a Disaster
dsync devices, Datafiles and Devices
dump command, Logical Backups
environment variables, Required Environment Variables
extent, Extent
hot and cold backups, Hot and Cold Backups
interfaces file, dsedit
logical backups, Logical Backups
logical restore, Performing a logical restore
maintenance scripts, Sybase Backup and Recovery
physical backups with storage manager, Physical Backups with a Storage Manager
protecting, Protecting Your DatabaseHave a Run Book
backing up servers, How to Back Up Your Servers
configuration audit, Configuration Audits
dbcc (Database Consistency Checker), dbcc: The Database Consistency Checker
disk striping, Implement Mirroring and Disk Striping
dump command, Backup striping and compression
file compression, Backup striping and compression
mirroring, Implement Mirroring and Disk Striping
reorganizing table data, Reorgs
run book, Have a Run Book
striping, Backup striping and compression
update statistics, Update Statistics
recovery procedures, Common Sybase ProceduresReload your database
checking available free space, Check your available free space
configuration options, setting, Procedure 4: How to Set Server Configuration Options
database-level options, setting, Procedure 5: How to Set Database-Level Options
diagnosing, Sybase Recovery Procedure
query, running, Procedure 6: How to Run a Query
shutting down server, Procedure 3: How to Shut Down Your Server
starting, Procedure 1: How to Start Sybase
restoring from backups, Restoring from Backups
server, Server
server documentation, Sybase Backup and Recovery
Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (see Sybase)
Sysback utility, AIX Bare-Metal Recovery
sysidcfg file, flash archive, The sysidcfg file
system change number (SCN), Datafile
system cloning, System Cloning, System Cloning
System Independent Data Format (SIDF), What happened to SIDF?
system recovery with Ignite-UX tool, System Recovery with Ignite-UX
System Restore (Windows), Using System Restore in Windows
creating restore points, Creating Restore Points
recovering using a restore point, Recovering Windows Using a Restore Point
administrators, unfamiliar with backups, Don’t Skip This Chapter!
backing up whole or part, Back Up All or Part of the System?
familiarity with, importance in backup/recovery, Take an Inventory
new, adding to backup list, Strategy: Make backups an integral part of the installation process
reading backup volumes from different, Prepare in Advance
staff error, losing data from, Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters
systemwide failure, losing data from, Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters


table, Table
table of contents, listing for mksysb tape, Verifying a mksysb or savevg Backup
tablespace, Extents
tape devices, drives, different (problems with reading backups), Wrong Media Type
tape drives, Duty Cycle, Tape DrivesVXA
9840, 9840 drives
9940, 9940 drives
cartridge versus cassette, Cartridges Versus Cassettes
helical versus linear, Helical and Linear Tape Drives Are Different
linear serpentine recording method, Helical and Linear Tape Drives Are Different
midrange types, Midrange Tape Drive Types
mksysb backup, performing to, Backing Up rootvg to a Remote Tape Drive
repositioning, Tape Drives Must Be Streamed
shoe-shining, How Often Should I Change My Media?
streaming, Tape Drives Must Be Streamed
T10000, T10000 drives
T1120, TS1120
variable-speed, Variable Speed Tape Drives
tape host, Client/Server Architecture Using Nonproprietary Tools
tapes, backups, Why the Word “Volume” Instead of “Tape”?, mksysb and savevg Format
tar utility, Backing Up and Restoring with the tar UtilityRestoring to an alternate location
atime, changing, Backups change atime
blocking factor, determining, Determine the Blocking Factor
filesystem-based, Demystifying dump
syntax, The Syntax of tar When Backing Up
volatile filesystem backups, Torture-Testing Backup Programs, Torture-Testing Backup Programs
target throughput rate, streaming, Compression Makes It Harder to Stream Drives
testing backup utilities, Torture-Testing Backup Programs
volatile filesystems, Torture-Testing Backup Programs
testing backups, Testing Your Backups
testing development procedures (backups), Following Proper Development Procedures
theft, losing data from, Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters
throttling, Incorporate Throttling
losing through data loss, What Will Lost Data Cost You?
losing through downtime, What Will Downtime Cost You?
Unix, recording for files, Don’t Forget Unix mtime, atime, and ctime
time-to-data, Time-to-Data
toolkit, creating for new servers, Take an Inventory
torture-testing backup utilities, Torture-Testing Backup Programs, Torture-Testing Backup Programs, Torture-Testing Backup Programs
transaction, Transaction
transaction logs, Transaction log
database, importance of, Don’t Go Overboard
transfer speed, Transfer Speed
tuple, Row
twos complement platforms, The Little Endian That Couldn’t


ufsdump utility
filesystem backup, Dumpster Diving
filesystems, inactivity for backups, Demystifying dump
Ultra Density Optical (UDO) recording format, UDO recording format
Unix systems
dump utility, Dumpster Diving
filesystem, Demystifying dump
user error causing data loss, Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters
user-managed backups, User-Managed Backups, Physical Backups Without rmanDebunking Hot-Backup Myths
utime, using to reset atime, The atime can be reset—with a penalty


validated systems, Plan for the Worst
vandalism, losing data from, Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters
very critical applications, Aggressive Requirements
very large applications, Aggressive Requirements
very large database (VLDB), Simultaneous Backup of One Client to Many Drives
very large system (VLS), Simultaneous Backup of One Client to Many Drives
virtual tape cartridges (VTCs), Disk-As-Tape: Virtual Tape Cartridges
virtual tape libraries (see VTL)
virtual tape library (see VTL)
VMware, VMware and MiscellaneaUsing Bare-Metal Recovery to Migrate to VMware
architecture, VMware Architecture
backups, VMware Backups
backups, suspended virtual machine files, Back up suspended virtual machine files
bare-metal recovery, Using Bare-Metal Recovery to Migrate to VMware
ESX Server, VMware Architecture
volatile filesystem backups, Volatile Filesystems
backup utilities, Torture-Testing Backup Programs
missing/corrupted files, Missing or Corrupted Files
referential integrity problems, Referential Integrity Problems
snapshots, Using Snapshots to Back Up a Volatile Filesystem
unreadable backups, Corrupted or Unreadable Backup
volatile filesystems, Volatile Filesystems
backing up with snapshots, Using Snapshots to Back Up a Volatile Filesystem
corrupted or unreadable backups, Corrupted or Unreadable Backup
missing or corrupted files, Missing or Corrupted Files
referential integrity problems, Referential Integrity Problems
volume groups, backing up all on system, IBM’s mksysb and savevg Utilities
volume managers, configuration information, recording, Take an Inventory
Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS), Client/Server Architecture Using Nonproprietary Tools
volume verification, Volume Verification
volumes, tapes versus (backups), Why the Word “Volume” Instead of “Tape”?
VTL, Disk drives: Very flexible, Disk-As-Tape: Virtual Tape Libraries
ejecting, How do you eject virtual tapes?
integrated, How do you eject virtual tapes?
versus disk-as-disk targets, Advantages of VTLs


Walker, John, Bacula
Weichinger, Stefan G., Amanda
BackupPC and, BackupPC FeaturesThe BackupPC Community
Bacula open-source backup, BaculaPlug-in Support for File Daemons
dump utility, Backing Up with the dump Utility
ntbackup and, An Overview, ntbackup
System Restore and, Using System Restore in Windows
VSS support, Bacula Features
Windows bare-metal recovery, Linux and WindowsCommercial Solutions
alt-boot filesystem method, Alt-Boot Filesystem Method
alt-boot full image method, Alt-Boot Full Image Method
alt-boot method, Live or alternate boot?
complete disk versus separate partitions, Complete disk or separate partitions?
image versus filesystem level, Image level or filesystem level?
alt-boot partition image method, Alt-Boot Partition Image Method
with G4L, Automate Bare-Metal Recovery with G4L
WinZip, tar
WORM recording methods, WORM recording methods
write-once-read-many (WORM), Cost
writes, committed and partially committed (tracking), Be Ready for Anything: 10 Types of Disasters


xfsdump utility, incompatiblity with dump (native versions), Different Backup Format


Zmanda enterprise support, Community and Support Options
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