
  • 7 percent rule, usage, 121
  • 360‐degree feedback sessions, practice, 120
  • A
  • ABN AMRO Bank, 90
  • accelerators, 21
  • accountability, usage, 47–8
  • achievement, indicators, 103–4
  • active listening, usage, 120
  • adaptability, 47
  • advisory boards, creation, 89
  • American Society for Talent Development mentor survey, 106
  • annual performance review, usage, 124–5
  • anxiety, feeling, 73–4
  • A‐plus talent, 28, 101–5
  • application‐only programs, 21
  • APPTIO, 56
  • authenticity, 119
  • Azzopardi, Simon, 76–7, 86, 114–15
  • B
  • Ballmer, Steve, 9
  • “Big Company or Bust” graduates, success, 4
  • Bindview, 9
  • Blakely, Sara, 128
  • blog posts, examination, 27–8
  • BMC Software, 17
  • Book of Beautiful Questions, The, 58
  • Brandenburger, Adam, 41
  • Branson, Richard, 53, 144
  • breakthrough revenue growth, operation, 34
  • Brown, Luke, 90
  • Buffett, Warren, 44, 134
  • Burning Glass Technologies, labor survey, 4
  • buzzwords, avoidance, 97
  • C
  • calendar, 133–40
  • Camarote, Robin, 98
  • career, 12, 60
    • focus, 103
    • growth, 64
    • path, trust, 113–15
  • Carnegie, Dale, 126
  • CEOs, questions (usage), 56–9
  • chaos, 51, 77–9
  • clarity, absence (impact), 83
  • C‐level positions, 8
  • Colbert, Stephen, 28
  • common ground, discovery, 120
  • communication, 118
    • 7 percent rule, 121
    • professionalism, 79
    • skills, 44–7, 55
    • technology knowledge, combination, 46
  • communicators, speaking habits, 45–6
  • company, 54–5, 82
    • failure, 26
    • leaders, interviews/blog posts (examination), 27–8
    • selection, care, 101
    • seminars, attendance, 89
    • success, commitment, 64–5
  • compensation, examination, 113
  • competition, 29, 40–1
  • competitive attention, 71
  • competitive energy, channeling, 41
  • competitive impulse, 40
  • Computer Associates, 17
  • Conant, Doug, 126
  • confidence, 37, 52
  • control freak, avoidance, 93–5
  • co‐opetition, usage, 40–1
  • corporate environment, work, 13
  • corporate job, instability, 8–9
  • corporate red tape, 10
  • Costolo, Dick, 143
  • Covey, Stephen, 133
  • co‐worker, 118, 120
    • negative talk, avoidance, 129
    • success, celebration, 40–1
  • creative thinking, jumpstarting, 67
  • creativity, 67, 127
  • credit, taking, 49
  • cross‐cultural communication, 118
  • cross‐functional simplicity task force, starting, 96–7
  • cross‐selling, problems, 61
  • C‐suite, 16–17, 32, 35, 106
    • attainment, 131
    • material, 138
    • presence, 101–2
  • culture (tech start‐ups), 14–16
  • customers, 88–91
    • success, support, 59
    • support, change, 96
    • surveys, supply, 89
  • cybersecurity, 21–2, 25
    • cloud‐based solutions, 80
  • D
  • Daane, Marcel, 145
  • Da Vinci, Leonardo, 96
  • decision‐maker, becoming, 81
  • decision making, 63–5
    • facts, impact, 80–2
  • Dell, 96
  • destination, focus, 79
  • details, attention, 93–5
  • distributed denial of service (DDoS), impact, 78–9
  • Durant, Will
  • dynamics, change, 129
  • E
  • efficiency, improvement, 94
  • elevator pitch, 33–4, 53, 61
  • elite inner circle, cultivation, 102–3
  • email, avoidance, 87
  • empathy, 118–26
  • employees, 109–15
    • happiness, 127
    • hiring rate, 7
    • State of the American Workplace report, 15–16
    • understanding, summary, 120
    • weight gain, 143–4
    • work‐life balance study, 154
  • employment, 9–18, 110
  • energy, 128–31
  • entrepreneurs, 11, 112
  • errors, risk (minimization), 94
  • Erwin, Doug, 27, 33, 72–3, 88–9, 95, 109, 112
  • excellence, importance, 94
  • exercise, priority, 143–4
  • expectations, management, 79
  • expert, becoming, 41–4
  • eye contact, making, 120
  • F
  • face‐to‐face tactics, 64, 125
  • fact‐informed gut decisions, 80
  • facts, impact, 80–2
  • family, importance, 140–2
  • fear, feeling, 73–4
  • Feder, Zachary, 49
  • feedback, 54, 89–90, 94
    • 360‐degree feedback sessions, practice, 120
    • value, 125
  • financial expertise, development, 44
  • financial rewards, 13–14
  • first‐wave hiring, second‐wave hiring (contrast), 20–1
  • fitness, priority, 142–7
  • focus groups, creation, 89
  • Fredrickson, Barbara, 130
  • friend‐tor, friend/mentor combination, 109
  • fun, creation, 126–7
  • G
  • Gates, Bill, 9, 102, 134
  • General Electric, 80
  • genius, zone (finding), 11
  • Gerzema, John, 1167
  • GFI Software, 114
  • goals, 70–5, 87
  • Golden Rule, 113
  • Gourguechon, Prudy, 121
  • gratitude, 123–6, 130
  • gut check, execution, 68
  • gut decisions, facts (impact), 80–2
  • H
  • habits, focus, 87
  • hand, shaking (gratitude), 126
  • hard work, 85–8
  • health, 110, 142–7
  • high‐achiever, approach, 104
  • higher‐ups, rapport, 12
  • hiring, 20–4, 33–4
  • Houston, Drew, 19
  • Human Firewall Council, 56
  • humility, 40, 49–50
  • I
  • Ibarra, Herminia, 69
  • idea person, identity, 66–8
  • ideas, testing, 68
  • illegal behavior, fostering, 110
  • in‐demand soft skill, importance, 45
  • initiative, 54, 65–6
  • in‐person entrepreneur events, 21–3
  • inquisitiveness, 103
  • internships, 24–5
  • interviews, 27–8, 34, 103
  • intimidation factor, reduction, 104–5
  • intuition, improvement, 81
  • I person, interaction, 119
  • issues, tackling, 131
  • J
  • jobs, 111–12
    • application, preparation, 27
    • websites, checking, 21
  • Jobs, Steve, 8, 43, 80
  • John Templeton Foundation gratitude study, 123
  • joy, creation, 126–7
  • K
  • Kane, Chris, 3
  • kickoff meeting, 83
  • kindness, 98, 117
  • Klausmeyer, Kevin, 30, 43, 129
  • knowledge, 47, 56–7
  • KnowledgeWare, 12, 106
  • L
  • labor, providing, 24
  • Last Lecture, The (Pausch), 66
  • leaders, 11–13, 23, 39, 62, 69
    • characteristics, 98
    • interviews/blog posts, examination, 27–8
    • Navalent study, 63
    • persistence, 98
  • leadership, 40–52
    • empathy, 118–26
    • executive leadership opportunities, 16
    • fast‐track, 124
    • model, 79, 95
    • qualities, demonstration, 10
    • questions, usage, 56–9
    • reliance, 118
    • skills, development, 37
    • style, problems, 92
  • learner, continuation, 41–4
  • learning, acceleration, 104
  • learning plan, creation, 44
  • Legg, James, 17, 102, 111
  • life, living (fullness), 147–8
  • LinkedIn, 21, 23, 102–3
  • lip service, 89
  • listening, importance, 58
  • love, display, 55
  • M
  • Management by Objectives (MBO), 76
  • management team, VC investment, 27
  • marketing, 42, 62, 75–6
  • McAleer, Steve, 122
  • meetings, 72, 83, 135–7
    • gratitude, public expression, 126
  • MeetUp, 30, 107
  • mentees, 25, 108–9
  • mentors, 25–6, 106–9, 131
  • millennials, workforce entry, 123–4
  • mind‐set, 75, 105
  • mistakes, responsibility (taking), 48
  • mobility (tech start‐ups), 5, 16–18
  • money, making (increase), 112
  • Morris, Rhett, 106
  • multitasking, problem, 140
  • must‐dos, 134
  • must‐haves, focus, 79
  • N
  • Nalebuff, Barry, 41
  • narrative, writing, 38
  • Navalent leader study, 63
  • need‐to‐haves, expenditure, 28
  • negative thoughts, cessation, 52
  • nepotism, 116
  • nice‐to‐have technology, 28
  • notebook, usage, 57
  • notes, writing, 125
  • Nussbaum, Barbara, 38
  • nutrition, priority, 145
  • O
  • Ockham's Razor, 96
  • online jobs, research, 21
  • opportunities, 5–9, 16–17, 31, 59–62
    • acceptance, 114
    • exhausting, 110
  • optimism, 128–31
  • order, creation, 77–9
  • outside consultant, relationship (development), 106–7
  • overanalysis, avoidance, 79
  • overwork, avoidance, 85–8
  • P
  • parties, usage/advantages, 122, 127
  • passion, 98
  • patience, 97–9
  • Pausch, Randy, 66
  • PentaSafe, 23–4, 41, 78, 88, 109, 122–3
  • perfection, striving (avoidance), 131
  • performance, 95, 125, 145
  • persistence, 97–9
  • personal achievement, 42
  • personal goals, focus, 72
  • personal plan, 42
  • personal time, protection, 139
  • personnel decisions, 54
  • pessimism, interruption, 131
  • Picasso, Pablo, 43–4
  • Pick, Chris, 56
  • positive attitudes, 103, 130
  • positive people, presence, 131
  • positives, recording, 131
  • presentation, preparation, 93
  • Preston, Camille, 125
  • priorities, 74–9, 87, 139–40
  • prioritization, 75, 86–7
  • problems, 47, 65–6, 91–3
  • products, usage/creation, 30, 54, 62
  • promotion, 47–8, 82–4
  • public speaking, development, 45
  • Q
  • quality people, values (sharing), 27–8
  • questions, 48, 56–9, 65–6
  • Quest Software, 61, 96, 112–13
  • R
  • relationships, 54, 57, 95, 104, 119
  • relentlessness, 103
  • relevance, 70–1
  • remote work, challenges, 87
  • reply to all process, danger, 120
  • reputation, importance, 57
  • response, sharing, 120
  • responsibility, taking, 47
  • results, quality, 94
  • revenues, increase, 97, 139
  • risks, payout potential, 112
  • risks, taking, 59–62
  • Rohn, Jim, 101
  • roles, 11, 31
  • S
  • Sahibzada, Khatera, 49
  • salary, increase, 112
  • sales team, 19, 34, 91–2
  • Schroeder, Christopher, 48
  • Schwab, Charles, 123
  • second‐wave hiring, first‐wave hiring (contrast), 20–1
  • seed accelerators, 21
  • self‐belief, 50–2
  • self‐care, 133
  • self‐confidence, development, 37
  • Self‐differentiation, 53–6
  • self‐doubt, impact, 50
  • self‐esteem, 51–2
  • self‐funding, 32
  • serial entrepreneurship, value, 112
  • services, creation, 54
  • sexual harassment, impact, 110
  • should‐dos, trap, 134, 137–9
  • should‐haves, ignoring, 79
  • simplicity, 96–7
  • skills, building, 55
  • sleep, priority, 145–7
  • Small Business Administration (SBA), start‐up definition, 5
  • social media, usage, 90, 126
  • solution, search/impact, 91–3
  • Southwest Airlines, 343
  • speaking engagements/habits, 23, 45–6
  • specificity, 70
  • start‐ups, 5–6
    • ambitiousness, 29
    • entrepreneurs, creator role, 11
    • executive leadership opportunities, 16
    • ideas, 8
  • State of the American Workplace employee report, 15–16
  • status quo, challenge, 59–62
  • Sternfeld, Josiah, 3
  • stock options, 13–14, 32
  • strengths, focus, 131
  • stress, 128
  • success, 38–41, 130–1
  • surroundings, positive atmosphere, 129
  • T
  • talent, 6–7, 126–7
  • teams, 121–2, 139
  • tech businesses, operation (Cyberstates report), 6
  • technology, impact, 21, 46
  • tech start‐ups, 99–1, 23–34
    • employment, 88
    • growth potential, 109
    • initiative, display, 54
    • online jobs, research, 21
    • opportunities, 5–9, 20–6, 31
    • quick‐change nature, 91
    • relationships, building, 54
  • text, sending, 126
  • thank yous, usage, 123–6
  • The Planet, 24, 50, 112–3
  • time, management/waste, 133–4, 136, 139–40
  • time‐sucks, 86–7
  • Transparency, importance, 51
  • True North sessions, holding, 76–7
  • trust, increase, 119
  • Tucker, Todd, 56
  • Tumbler, success, 30
  • Type A personality, 40
  • U
  • understanding, summary, 120
  • unfair advantage, 98
  • V
  • value, display, 77
  • Value (addition), simplicity (usage), 96–7
  • values, sharing, 27–8
  • venture‐backed start‐ups, failure, 26
  • venture capitalists, involvement, 32
  • Vessyl, 28
  • Vincent, John, 90–1
  • Virgin Group, 144
  • vision board, creation, 38
  • vision, description, 98
  • visual goal, creation, 73
  • visualization, 38–9
  • W
  • Walrath, Mike, 128
  • weight gain, problem, 143–4
  • Welch, Jack, 80
  • winning, remorse (absence), 40
  • work, 85–8
    • attendance, dread, 110
    • complaints, 127
    • environment, enjoyment, 127
    • family, priorities (conflict), 140
    • home life, boundary (establishment), 142
    • unhappiness, 222
    • work/life balance, 141
  • workload, inertia (impact), 70
  • workout time, creation (difficulty), 144
  • workplace, goals/differences, 72, 110
  • worth, display, 82–4
  • Wozniak, Steve, 8
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