Epilogue: Let's Eat!

As time goes on during requirements elicitation, we detect a thawing of the ice we encountered in our early conversations with Paul. He sees that we're making real progress in understanding both his needs and the needs of other CTS stakeholders. Paul observes that the new techniques we're using do a better job of eliciting the right requirements than did the approach the earlier teams had taken. The result is that Paul believes the final set of requirements really will, if properly implemented, let him comply with the government reporting mandates, as well as providing many other valuable services for a wide variety of users.

We also experience a clear sign of a culture change as a result of our team approach to requirements on the CTS. Shortly after baselining the SRS, Paul throws a lunch bash for the analyst team, the product champions, and other key project participants. It's quite a spread. A good time is had by all and nobody goes home hungry. Paul's mood is much improved compared to that of four months earlier.

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