• action methods, in Neo4j AuraDB, 405–409, 419–423
  • actors, in use cases, 102
  • address constraints, 305–306
  • algorithms, 56
  • ALTER command, 496
  • alternate key, 36, 671
  • alternative flow, in use cases, 102
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS), 435
  • American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 492
  • Anaconda, 329
  • Apache Ignite
    • about, 328
    • in C#
      • about, 477, 483–484
      • building class, 480
      • creating programs, 477–483
      • demonstrating persistent data, 483
      • demonstrating volatile data, 483
      • exercise solutions, 633–635
      • exercises, 484–485
      • installing Ignite database adapter, 478–479
      • main program, 479–480
      • ReadData method, 482–483
      • WriteData method, 480–481
    • defined, 671
    • in Python
      • about, 467–468, 474
      • creating programs, 470–474
      • defining Building class, 471
      • demonstrating persistent data, 474
      • demonstrating volatile data, 473–474
      • exercise solutions, 631–633
      • exercises, 474–475
      • installing Apache Ignite, 468
      • installing pyignite database adapter, 471
      • with persistence, 470
      • reading data, 473
      • saving data, 471–472
      • starting nodes, 468–470
      • without persistence, 469
  • Apache Subversion, 521
  • application programming interface (API), 43
  • applications
    • multi-tier, 154–158
    • social media, 55
  • architecture, multi-tier, 205
  • as a service (aaS), 23
  • association objects, 126–128
  • associations
    • about, 216
    • many-to-many, 216
    • multiple many-to-many, 216–218
    • multiple-object, 218–221
    • reflexive, 222–231
    • repeated attribute, 221–222
  • atom, 671
  • atomic objects, 124
  • atomic transactions
    • defined, 8, 671
    • as a desirable feature of databases, 12–13, 25
  • atomicity
    • defined, 671
    • lack of, in NoSQL databases, 198
  • Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, ad Durability (ACID)
    • about, 561
    • defined, 671
    • as a desirable feature of databases, 13–16
  • attributes
    • defined, 671
    • entity-relationship models (ER diagram/ERD) and, 131–132
    • in relational databases, 34
  • audit trails, 236
  • availability, in CAP theorem, 22
  • AVERAGE function, 511


  • background, of Structured Query Language (SQL), 491
  • backups
    • for database maintenance, 533–537
    • as a desirable feature of databases, 17–18, 25
  • basic initialization scripts, 520
  • basic syntax, for Structured Query Language (SQL), 495
  • Basically Available, Soft state, and Eventually consistent (BASE)
    • about, 561–562
    • as a desirable feature of databases, 16
  • BEGIN command, 498
  • Beginning Software Engineering, Second Edition (Stephens), 99, 204
  • Binary JavaScript Object Notation (BSON), in MongoDB Atlas, 432–434
  • Binary Large Object (BLOB) data type, 52, 499, 672
  • Boeing, 554
  • books, database design for, 650–652
  • Boolean data type, 499
  • Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF), 181–185, 672
  • brainstorming
    • about, 94–95
    • with customers, 265–275
  • Brewer, Eric (computer scientist), 22
  • Brewer's theorem, 22
  • b-tree, 672
  • b+tree, 672
  • bugs, 249
  • building
    • combined ER diagrams, 291–292
    • data models, 283–301
    • databases with SQL scripts, 519–532
    • ER diagrams, 289–290
    • initial semantic object models, 283–286
    • multiple-object associations, 220–221
    • tables, 500–503
  • Building class, in Apache Ignite, 471, 480
  • Building the Data Warehouse 4th Edition (Inmon), 538
  • build_org_chart method, 410
  • BuildOrgChart method, 424
  • business rules
    • about, 145–147, 158–159, 303, 310–311
    • defined, 672
    • drawing relational models, 310
    • exercise solutions, 581–587, 608–610
    • exercises, 159–161, 311
    • extracting, 152–154, 303–311
    • identifying, 147–152, 303–309
    • multi-tier applications, 154–158
  • business tier/layer, 154


  • C#
    • about, 327
    • Apache Ignite in
      • about, 477, 483–484
      • building class, 480
      • creating programs, 477–483
      • demonstrating persistent data, 483
      • demonstrating volatile data, 483
      • exercises, 484–485
      • installing Ignite database adapter, 478–479
      • main program, 479–480
      • ReadData method, 482–483
      • WriteData method, 480–481
    • MariaDB in
      • about, 355, 366
      • creating data, 360–363
      • creating databases, 356–358
      • creating programs, 355–365
      • defining tables, 358–360
      • exercises, 366–367
      • fetching data, 364–365
      • installing MySqlConnector, 356
    • MongoDB Atlas in
      • about, 453–454, 465
      • creating programs, 454–465
      • exercises, 466
      • helper methods, 454–462
      • installing MongoDb database adapter, 454
      • main program, 462–465
    • Neo4j AuraDB in
      • about, 417–418, 428
      • action methods, 419–423
      • creating programs, 418–427
      • exercises, 428–429
      • installing Neo4j driver, 418–419
      • main program, 426–427
      • org chart methods, 423–425
    • PostgreSQL in
      • about, 389, 399
      • connecting to database, 390
      • creating customer data, 392–393
      • creating order data, 393–395
      • creating order item data, 395–396
      • creating programs, 389–399
      • deleting old data, 391–392
      • displaying orders, 396–399
      • exercises, 399–400
      • installing Npgsql, 389–390
  • C++, 327
  • calculation parameters, business rules for, 148
  • camel case, 131
  • candidate key, 35, 36, 181, 672
  • CAP theorem
    • about, 562
    • as a desirable feature of databases, 22
  • cardinality
    • defined, 672
    • entity-relationship models (ER diagram/ERD) and, 133–134
    • semantic object models (SOMs) and, 120
  • Cartesian product, as a database operation, 40
  • case sensitivity
    • in entity-relationship models (ER diagram/ERD), 131
    • in PostgreSQL, 376
    • in SQL, 495
  • catalog, 672
  • categories, of SQL scripts, 520–522
  • cd command, 469, 470
  • changeable data models, 198
  • CHAR data type, 499
  • check constraints, 37–38, 672
  • CIH virus, 535
  • classes, semantic object models (SOMs) and, 119–120, 124–129
  • cleanup scripts, 521
  • CLOSE command, 497
  • closing connections, in PostgreSQL, 384
  • cloud
    • considerations, as a desirable feature of databases, 22–23
    • defined, 672
    • NoSQL databases and, 47–49
  • Codd, Edgar (researcher), 675
  • column family databases. See column-oriented databases
  • column-oriented databases
    • about, 53
    • defined, 672
    • uses for, 75
  • columns, in relational databases, 32–34
  • commands, in Structured Query Language (SQL), 495–498
  • commas, in tuples, 346
  • comma-separated value (CSV) files, 673
  • comments
    • entity-relationship models (ER diagram/ERD) and, 137
    • semantic object models (SOMs) and, 129–130
  • commit, 672
  • COMMIT command, 498
  • Commit method, 363
  • communication networks, 55
  • compacting databases, 538
  • complex calculations, ability to perform, as a desirable feature of databases, 21–22, 26
  • complex object, 124
  • complicated checks, business rules for, 148–149
  • composite index. See concatenated index
  • composite key, 35, 36, 672, 673
  • composite objects, 124–125, 673
  • compound index. See concatenated index
  • compound key. See composite key
  • compound objects, 125, 673
  • concatenated index, 672, 673
  • concatenated key. See composite key
  • Concurrent Versions System (CVS), 521, 655
  • configuration, initial, privileges and, 553
  • connections
    • closing in PostgreSQL, 384
    • to databases in PostgreSQL, 379–380, 390
    • finding in MongoDB Atlas, 436–439
  • connect_to_db method, 440, 441–442
  • consistency
    • in CAP theorem, 22
    • defined, 673
    • as a desirable feature of databases, 10, 25
    • importance of, 48–49
    • in NoSQL databases, 198
  • constraints
    • about, 37
    • address, 305–306
    • check, 37–38
    • domain, 37
    • foreign key, 38–39
    • not enforcing, as a design pitfall, 253
    • primary key, 38
    • unique, 38
  • contacts, database design for, 665–666
  • continuous shadowing, 16
  • conventions, entity-relationship models (ER diagram/ERD) and, 136–137
  • Convert, 90
  • converting
    • domains into tables, 205–206
    • entity-relationship models, 140–141
    • semantic object models, 138–140
  • Coordinated Universal Time (UCT), 68
  • cost, as a desirable feature of databases, 18–19, 26
  • Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD)
    • about, 497
    • defined, 673
    • as a desirable feature of databases, 9, 25
  • CREATE command, 407, 408, 420, 421, 496
  • CREATE DATABASE statement, 519
  • CREATE INDEX statement, in Structured Query Language (SQL), 503–504
  • CREATE TABLE statement
    • about, 348, 360, 500–503
    • in Structured Query Language (SQL), 498–503
  • CreateCustomerRecords method, 392, 396
  • create_data method, 440, 442–444, 448
  • CreateData method, 360–362, 455, 457–458, 464
  • CreateDatabase method, 356–357
  • CreateOrderItemRecords method, 395–396
  • CreateOrderRecords method, 393–394, 396
  • CreateTables method, 358–359
  • creating
    • backup plans, 536–537
    • customer data in PostgreSQL, 380–381, 392–393
    • data in MariaDB, 348–350, 360–363
    • databases
      • in MariaDB, 356–358
      • in PostgreSQL, 373–374
    • MariaDB databases, 344–346
    • order data in PostgreSQL, 382–383, 393–395
    • order item data in PostgreSQL, 383–384, 395–396
    • programs
      • in Apache Ignite, 470–474, 477–483
      • in MariaDB, 343–352, 355–365
      • in MongoDB Atlas, 439–450, 454–465
      • in Neo4j AuraDB, 405–413, 418–427
      • in PostgreSQL, 378–386, 389–399
    • requirements document, 101
    • use cases, 102–105
    • users in PostgreSQL, 371–372
  • Crockford, Douglas, 433
  • cross-record checks, business rules for, 148
  • cross-table checks, business rules for, 148
  • crow's foot symbol, 133
  • current operations, studying, 94
  • cursor, 673
  • Customer Champion, 89
  • customer data, creating in PostgreSQL, 380–381, 392–393
  • customer orders, database design for, 656
  • Customer Representative, 89
  • customers
    • brainstorming with, 265–275
    • meeting, 88–89, 263–265
    • picking the brains of, 93
    • understanding reasoning of, 96–97
  • cyclic dependency, 673
  • Cypher, in Neo4j AuraDB, 404–405


  • data. See also temporal data
    • arranging
      • in BCNF, 184–185
      • in domain/key normal form (DKNF), 194–195
      • in fifth normal form, 192–193
      • in first normal form (1NF), 167–172
      • in fourth normal form, 188–189
      • in second normal form (2NF), 175–177
      • in third normal form (3NF), 179–181
    • creating in MariaDB, 348–350, 360–363
    • deleting in PostgreSQL, 380, 391–392
    • determining
      • how pieces of data are related, 269–271
      • needs for user interface, 268–269
      • origin of, 269
    • fetching in MariaDB, 350–352, 364–365
    • reading in Apache Ignite, 473
    • redundant, 210–211
    • saving in Apache Ignite, 471–472
  • data anomalies, in NoSQL databases, 198
  • Data Control Language (DCL), 495, 497–498, 673
  • Data Definition Language (DDL), 495–496, 673
  • data dictionary, 673
  • data disasters, 20
  • data elements. See attributes
  • data initialization scripts, 520–521
  • data integrity
    • determining needs for, 273–275
    • user needs and, 86–87
  • Data Manipulation Language (DML), 495, 497, 673
  • data mart, 673
  • data mining, 673
  • data models/modeling
    • about, 111–114, 142, 283, 298–300
    • building, 283–301
    • entity-relationship modeling, 130–137, 289–294
    • exercise solutions, 573–580, 605–607
    • exercises, 142–143, 300–301
    • relational modeling, 137–141, 294–298
    • semantic object modeling, 118–130, 283–288
    • translating user needs into, 111–143
    • user interface models, 114–118
  • data needs, user needs and, 86
  • data normalization
    • about, 163–164, 199, 311, 323–324
    • best level of, 197
    • Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF), 181–185
    • defined, 678
    • domain/key normal form (DKNF), 193–195
    • essential redundancy, 195–197
    • exercise solutions, 587–592, 610–613
    • exercises, 199–201, 324
    • fifth normal form (5NF), 190–193
    • first normal form (1NF), 164–172
    • fourth normal form (4NF), 185–189
    • improving flexibility, 311–315
    • insufficient, as a design pitfall, 248–249
    • normal vs. abnormal, 432
    • NoSQL, 197–198
    • second normal form (2NF), 173–177
    • stopping at third normal form, 181
    • third normal form (3NF), 177–181
    • too much, as a design pitfall, 248
    • verifying
      • first normal form, 315–318
      • second normal form, 318–321
      • third normal form, 321–323
  • data residency, 19
  • data scrubbing, 674
  • data sovereignty, 19
  • data tier, 154
  • data types
    • about, 499
    • business rules for, 149
    • of columns, 32–33
    • defined, 674
  • data warehouse
    • for database maintenance, 537–538
    • defined, 674
  • database adapters, 332–333
  • database administrator (DBA), 30, 674
  • database connector. See database adapters
  • database creation scripts, 520
  • database design
    • about, 26–27, 212–213, 241, 257
    • allowing redundant data, 210–211
    • avoiding pitfalls of, 241–259
    • consequences of good and bad, 24–26
    • converting domains into tables, 205–206
    • of databases for software support, 203–214
    • desirable features, 9–26
    • documenting everything, 204–205
    • exercise solutions, 557–562, 592–593, 598–600
    • exercises, 27–28, 213–214, 257–259
    • focused tables, 206–207
    • goals for, 3–28
    • importance of, 4–5
    • information containers, 6–8
    • insufficient normalization for, 248–249
    • insufficient testing for, 249
    • lack of preparation for, 241–242
    • mishmash tables for, 250–252
    • multi-tier architecture, 205
    • naming conventions, 209–210
    • not defining natural keys with, 256–257
    • not enforcing constraints for, 253
    • not planning for change with, 245–247
    • not squeezing in everything, 211–212
    • obsession with IDs for, 253–256
    • performance anxiety for, 249–250
    • planning ahead, 204
    • poor documentation for, 242
    • poor naming standards for, 242–244
    • in PostgreSQL, 371
    • samples, 649–669
    • strengths and weaknesses of information containers, 8–9
    • thinking too small for, 244–245
    • too much normalization with, 248
    • types of tables, 207–209
  • database design patterns
    • about, 215, 238
    • associations, 216–231
    • exercise solutions, 594–597
    • exercises, 238–240
    • locking, 236–238
    • logging, 236–238
    • temporal data, 232–236
  • database engine, 332
  • database maintenance
    • about, 533, 542
    • backups, 533–537
    • compacting databases, 538
    • data warehousing, 537–538
    • exercise solutions, 640–641
    • exercises, 542–543
    • performance tuning, 538–542
    • repairing databases, 538
  • database management systems (DBMSs), 30
  • database operations, 40–41
  • database security
    • about, 545, 555–556
    • exercise solutions, 642–648
    • exercises, 556
    • initial configuration and privileges, 553
    • levels of, 545
    • passwords, 546–548
    • physical security, 554–555
    • privileges, 548–553
    • too much, 553–554
  • database tier/layer, 154
  • database transaction units (DTUs), 18–19
  • databases
    • building with SQL scripts, 519–532
    • compacting, 538
    • connecting to, in PostgreSQL, 379–380, 390
    • creating
      • in MariaDB, 356–358
      • in PostgreSQL, 373–374
    • deductive, 70
    • defined, 6, 674
    • designing
      • in PostgreSQL, 371
      • for software support, 203–214
    • desirable features of, 9–26
    • dimensional, 70–71
    • exercise solutions, 563–564
    • MariaDB, creating, 344–346
    • object, 70
    • object-oriented, 70
    • repairing, 538
    • semi-structured, 64
    • temporal, 71–72
  • DATE data type, 499
  • DATETIME data type, 499
  • DECIMAL data type, 499
  • DECLARE command, 497
  • dedicated service, 434
  • deductive database, 70
  • defining
    • Building class in Apache Ignite, 471
    • tables
      • about, 346–348
      • in MariaDB, 358–360
      • in PostgreSQL, 374–378
  • The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling, 3rd Edition (Kimball), 538
  • DELETE command, 380, 497
  • DELETE FROM statement, 350, 380, 392
  • DELETE statement
    • about, 391, 392
    • in Structured Query Language (SQL), 514–515
  • delete_all_nodes method, 406–407, 412
  • DeleteAllNodes method, 419–420
  • deleted objects, temporal data and, 233–234
  • DeleteMany method, 456
  • delete_old_data method, 440, 442
  • DeleteOldData method, 455, 456
  • DeleteRecords method, 391
  • deleting
    • data in PostgreSQL, 380
    • defined, 674
    • old data in PostgreSQL, 391–392
  • deletion anomaly, 174, 674
  • deliverables, 101
  • demanding feedback, 280–281
  • demonstrating
    • persistent data in Apache Ignite, 474, 483
    • volatile data in Apache Ignite, 473–474, 483
  • determinant, 182, 674
  • development, methodologies for, 99
  • Devil's Advocate, 90
  • difference, as a database operation, 40
  • differential backup, 534
  • dimensional database, 70–71, 674
  • directed relationships, 404
  • displaying orders, in PostgreSQL, 396–399
  • DisplayOrders method, 396–397
  • Dispose method, 357, 363
  • distinct object rental, database design for, 660–661
  • distributed database, 674
  • divide, as a database operation, 40
  • document databases
  • document management, database design for, 655–656
  • document stores. See document databases
  • documentation
    • of everything, 204–205
    • poor, as a design pitfall, 242
  • document-oriented databases. See document databases
  • domain constraints, 37
  • domain/key normal form (DKNF), 193–195, 674
  • domains
    • of columns, 32
    • converting into tables, 205–206
    • defined, 674
  • double quotes, 505
  • drawing relational models, 310
  • DROP DATABASE statement, 519
  • DROP statement, 496, 504
  • DROP TABLE statement, 347, 357, 359–360, 494, 504
  • durability, 15, 674


  • ease of use, as a desirable feature of databases, 19, 26
  • Easter egg, 675
  • e-commerce programs, 55
  • edges, 54, 675
    • broken, 293–294
    • defined, 680
    • entity-relationship models (ER diagram/ERD) and, 132
    • in Neo4j AuraDB, 404
  • effective dates, temporal data and, 232–233
  • employee shifts and timesheets, database design for, 656
  • employee skills and qualifications, database design for, 657–658
  • employees, projects, and departments, database design for, 657
  • enrollment use cases, 104–105
  • entities
    • defined, 675
    • entity-relationship models (ER diagram/ERD) and, 131–132
  • entity classes, 131
  • entity integrity, 675
  • entity sets, 131
  • entity-relationship diagram (ER diagram), 675
  • entity-relationship models (ER diagram/ERD)
    • about, 289
    • additional conventions, 136–137
    • attributes, 131–132
    • building combined ER diagrams, 291–292
    • building ER diagrams, 289–290
    • cardinality, 133–134
    • case, 131
    • comments, 137
    • converting, 140–141
    • defined, 113
    • entities, 131–132
    • identifiers, 131–132
    • improving entity-relationship diagrams, 293–294
    • inheritance, 134–136
    • notes, 137
    • relationships, 132
    • translating user needs into, 130–137
  • enumerated values, business rules for, 148, 149
  • environment, user needs and, 88
  • Error Between Chair and Keyboard (EBCAK) problems, 535
  • error correction, as a desirable feature of databases, 11, 25
  • Essential Algorithms: A Practical Approach to Computer Algorithms Using Python and C# (Stephens), 525
  • essential redundancy, 195–197
  • eventual consistency, 49
  • example programs
    • about, 336–337
    • database adapters, 332–336
    • exercise solutions, 613–615
    • exercises, 337
    • Jupyter Notebook, 329–331
    • program passwords, 336
    • tool choices, 327–328
    • Visual Studio, 331–332
  • EXECUTE statement, 382–384
  • execute_node_query method, 406, 408, 411
  • ExecuteNodeQuery method, 419, 422, 425
  • ExecuteNonQuery method, 357
  • ExecuteScalar method, 393, 394
  • Executive Champion, 89
  • executive summary, 280
  • exercise solutions
    • Apache Ignite
      • in C#, 633–635
      • in Python, 631–633
    • business rules, 581–587, 608–610
    • data models, 573–580, 605–607
    • data normalization, 587–592, 610–613
    • database design, 557–562, 592–593, 594–597, 598–600
    • database maintenance, 640–641
    • database security, 642–648
    • databases, 563–564
    • examples, 613–615
    • MariaDB
      • in C#, 617–619
      • in Python, 615–617
    • MongoDB Atlas
      • in C#, 630–631
      • in Python, 629–630
    • Neo4j AuraDB
      • in C#, 627–628
      • in Python, 627
    • NoSQL, 564–568
    • PostgreSQL
      • in C#, 622–626
      • in Python, 619–622
    • Structured Query Language (SQL), 635–640
    • user needs, 568–573, 600–605
  • exercises
    • Apache Ignite
      • in C#, 484–485
      • in Python, 474–475
    • business rules, 159–161, 311
    • data models, 142–143, 300–301
    • data normalization, 199–201, 324
    • database design, 27–28, 213–214, 257–259
    • database maintenance, 542–543
    • database security, 556
    • design patterns, 238–240
    • example programs, 337
    • MariaDB, 366–367
    • MongoDB Atlas
      • in C#, 466
      • in Python, 450–451
    • Neo4j AuraDB
      • in C#, 428–429
      • in Python, 414–415
    • NoSQL databases, 78–79
    • PostgreSQL, 399–400
    • relational databases (RDBs), 44–46
    • Structured Query Language (SQL), 515–517
    • user needs, 107–109, 281–282
  • extending the partial ordering, 525
  • extensibility, as a desirable feature of databases, 18–19, 26
  • Extensible Markup Language (XML)
    • defined, 675
    • in document databases, 51
    • hierarchical nature of, 229
    • in MongoDB Atlas, 432–434
  • extracting business rules, 152–154, 303–311


  • feasibility, 106
  • feedback, demanding, 280–281
  • FETCH command, 497
  • fetchall method, 351, 385, 494
  • FetchData method, 364–365
  • fetching data, in MariaDB, 350–352, 364–365
  • field, 675
  • field-level check constraint, 38
  • fifth normal form (5NF), 190–193, 675
  • files
    • flat, 59–60
    • JSON, 67–69
    • schema, 64
  • final deliverables, 101
  • Find method, 459–460
  • find statement, 449
  • finding
    • connection code in MongoDB Atlas, 436–439
    • more information for SQL, 491–492
  • find_path method, 406, 409, 411
  • FindPath method, 419, 422–423
  • first normal form (1NF)
  • fixed values, business rules for, 149
  • flat files
    • about, 59–60
    • defined, 675
    • uses for, 75
  • flexibility, improving, 311–315
  • flexible data models, 198
  • focusing tables, 206–207
  • foreign key, 675
  • foreign key constraints, 38–39
  • fourth normal form (4NF), 185–189, 675
  • FROM clause, in Structured Query Language (SQL), 507–511
  • full backup, 534
  • functionality, user needs and, 85


  • garbage-in, garbage-out (GIGO) principle, 28
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 20
  • generalizable constraints, business rules for, 148
  • Generic Villain, 90
  • GetInt32 method, 398
  • get_or_create_cache method, 472, 473
  • GetOrCreateCache method, 481
  • Git, 521, 655
  • GitHub, 521
  • global statement, 442
  • globally unique identifier (GUID), 254
  • goals, in use cases, 102
  • Google Cloud, 235
  • Google Sheets, 43
  • GRANT command, 497
  • graph databases
  • Graph Query Language (GQL), 675
  • Gravina Island Bridge, 538
  • group attribute, 119
  • GROUP BY clause, in Structured Query Language (SQL), 511


  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 23
  • HeidiSQL, running, 340–343
  • helper methods, in MongoDB Atlas, 440–449, 454–462
  • hierarchical data
    • about, 225–226
    • with NoSQL, 228–229
    • working with, 226–228
  • hierarchical databases, 56–59
  • hybrid objects, 125–126, 676
  • hybrid online analytical processing (HOLAP), 676
  • hypercube, 676


  • IBM Db2, 42–43
  • identical object rental, database design for, 659
  • identifiers
    • defined, 676
    • entity-relationship models (ER diagram/ERD) and, 131–132
    • semantic object models (SOMs) and, 120–121
  • identifying
    • business rules, 303–309
    • IDs, 297–298
  • IDs
    • identifying, 297–298
    • obsession with, as a design pitfall, 253–256
  • Ignite database adapter, installing, 478–479
  • implicit relationships, 404
  • import statement, 406, 472
  • improving
    • entity-relationship diagrams, 293–294
    • flexibility, 311–315
    • semantic object models, 286–288
  • incremental backup, 534
  • indexes, 36–37, 676
  • individual passwords, 546–547
  • individual sports, database design for, 663
  • information containers
    • about, 6–8
    • strengths and weaknesses of, 8–9
  • inheritance, entity-relationship models (ER diagram/ERD) and, 134–136
  • inherited objects, 128–129
  • Inmon, W. H. (author)
    • Building the Data Warehouse 4th Edition, 538
  • INNER JOIN clause, 508
  • insert, 676
  • INSERT command, 497
  • INSERT INTO statement, 350
  • INSERT statement, 363, 381, 382, 383, 392, 394, 494, 504–506
  • insertion anomaly, 174, 676
  • installing
    • Apache Ignite, 468
    • Ignite database adapter, 478–479
    • MariaDB, 340
    • MongoDB Atlas, 434–436
    • MongoDB database adapter, 454
    • MySqlConnector, 356
    • Neo4j AuraDB, 402–403
    • Neo4j database adapter, 405
    • Neo4j driver, 418–419
    • Npgsql in PostgreSQL, 389–390
    • PostgreSQL, 370–371
    • Psycopg, 379
    • pyignite database adapter, 471
    • PyMongo database adapter, 439–440
    • pymysql, 344
  • instance, 676
  • INT data type, 499
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 492
  • intersection, as a database operation, 40
  • isolation, 15, 676
  • IssonArray function, 456


  • Java, 327
  • Java Online Analytical Processing (JOLAP), 676
  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
    • defined, 676
    • in document databases, 51
    • files, 67–69
    • hierarchical nature of, 229
    • in MongoDB Atlas, 432–434
    • uses for files, 76
  • join
    • as a database operation, 40
    • defined, 676
  • Jupyter Notebook
    • about, 329–331
    • packages in, 333–334


  • Kanban manufacturing, 152
  • kebab case, 131
  • key constraint, 136, 677
  • keys
    • defined, 676
    • in relational databases, 34–36
  • key-value databases
    • about, 52
    • defined, 677
    • uses for, 75
  • Kimball, Ralph (author)
    • The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling, 3rd Edition, 538


  • LEFT JOIN clause, 509
  • legal considerations, as a desirable feature of databases, 23–24
  • line symbol, 133
  • links. See edges
  • LINQ queries, 459
  • Linux, 370
  • locking. See logging and locking
  • logging and locking
    • audit trails, 236
    • defined, 677
    • turnkey records, 237–238
  • lookup tables, 206


  • main method, 355, 479
  • main program
    • in Apache Ignite, 479–480
    • in MongoDB Atlas, 449–450, 462–465
    • in Neo4j AuraDB, 412–413, 426–427
  • maintenance, of databases. See database maintenance
  • make_link method, 406, 407–408, 410
  • MakeLink method, 419, 421, 424
  • make_node method, 406, 407, 410
  • MakeNode method, 419, 420–421, 424
  • many-to-many associations, 216–218
  • many-to-many relationship, 677
  • MariaDB
    • about, 42–43, 328
    • in C#
      • about, 355, 366
      • creating data, 360–363
      • creating databases, 356–358
      • creating programs, 355–365
      • defining tables, 358–360
      • exercise solutions, 617–619
      • exercises, 366–367
      • fetching data, 364–365
      • installing MySqlConnector, 356
    • defined, 677
    • in Python
      • about, 339–340
      • creating data, 348–350
      • creating databases, 344–346
      • creating programs, 343–352
      • defining tables, 346–348
      • exercise solutions, 615–617
      • fetching data, 350–352
      • installing, 340
      • installing pymysql, 344
      • running HeidiSQL, 340–343
    • website, 491
  • MATCH command, 420
  • MATCH statement, 408, 421, 422
  • MaxDB, 677
  • meeting customers, 263–265
  • memo, 677
  • metabase, 677
  • metadata, 677
  • methodologies, for development, 99
  • Microsoft Access, 42–43
  • Microsoft Azure SQL Database, 42–43
  • Microsoft Excel, 43
  • Microsoft SQL Server, 42–43
  • Microsoft Transact-SQL (website), 491
  • milestones. See deliverables
  • Minnesota Department of Transportation, 267
  • mishmash tables, as a design pitfall, 250–252
  • mission statement, 279
  • MongoDB Atlas
    • about, 328
    • in C#
      • about, 453–454, 465
      • creating programs, 454–465
      • exercise solutions, 630–631
      • exercises, 466
      • helper methods, 454–462
      • installing MongoDb database adapter, 454
      • main program, 462–465
    • defined, 677
    • in Python
      • about, 431, 450
      • Binary JavaScript Object Notation (BSON), 432–434
      • creating programs, 439–450
      • exercise solutions, 629–630
      • exercises, 450–451
      • Extensible Markup Language (XML), 432–434
      • finding connection code, 436–439
      • helper methods, 440–449
      • installing MongoDB Atlas, 434–436
      • installing PyMongo database adapter, 439–440
      • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 432–434
      • main program, 449–450
      • normal vs. abnormal, 432
  • MongoDB database adapter, installing, 454
  • movies, database design for, 653–654
  • Mueller, John (tech editor), 370
  • multidimensional analytical processing (MOLAP), 677
  • multidimensional array, 677
  • multidimensional database. See dimensional database
  • multiple many-to-many associations, 216–218
  • multiple-object associations, 218–221
  • multistatement commands, in Structured Query Language (SQL), 493–494
  • multi-tier applications, 154–158
  • multi-tier architecture, 205
  • multivalued dependency, 678
  • music, database design for, 654–655
  • Must, Should, Could, Won't (MOSCOW), 98
  • MySQL
    • about, 42–43
    • defined, 678
    • website, 491
  • MySqlConnector, installing, 356


  • naming conventions
    • about, 209–210
    • as a design pitfall, 242–244
  • natural keys, not defining, as a design pitfall, 256–257
  • nearline, 235
  • Neo4j AuraDB
    • about, 328
    • in C#
      • about, 417–418, 428
      • action methods, 419–423
      • creating programs, 418–427
      • exercise solutions, 627–628
      • exercises, 428–429
      • installing Neo4j driver, 418–419
      • main program, 426–427
      • org chart methods, 423–425
    • defined, 678
    • installing, 402–403
    • in Python
      • about, 401, 414
      • action methods, 405–409
      • creating programs, 405–413
      • Cypher, 404–405
      • exercise solutions, 627
      • exercises, 414–415
      • installing Neo4j AuraDB, 402–403
      • installing Neo4j database adapter, 405
      • main program, 412–413
      • nodes, 404
      • org chart methods, 410–412
      • relationships, 404
  • Neo4j database adapter, installing, 405
  • Neo4j driver, installing, 418–419
  • network data
    • about, 229–231
    • with NoSQL, 231
  • networks
    • communication, 55
    • street, 54–55
  • NewSQL, as a desirable feature of databases, 17
  • nodes
    • defined, 53, 678
    • in Neo4j AuraDB, 404
    • starting in Apache Ignite, 468–470
  • normal flow, in use cases, 102
  • normalization. See data normalization
  • NoSQL databases
    • about, 47, 76–77, 114
    • cloud, 47–49
    • column-oriented databases, 53
    • deductive databases, 70
    • defined, 678
    • dimensional databases, 70–71
    • document databases, 51–52
    • exercise solutions, 564–568
    • exercises, 78–79
    • flat files, 59–60
    • graph databases, 53–56
    • hierarchical data with, 228–229
    • hierarchical databases, 56–59
    • JSON files, 67–68
    • key-value databases, 52
    • network data with, 231
    • object databases, 70
    • philosophy, 50
    • pros and cons of, 72–76
    • selecting, 50
    • spreadsheets, 69
    • SQL and, 489
    • temporal databases, 71–72
    • XML files, 60–67
  • NoSQL normalization, 197–198
  • notes
    • entity-relationship models (ER diagram/ERD) and, 137
    • semantic object models (SOMs) and, 129–130
    • in use cases, 102
  • Npgsql, installing in PostgreSQL, 389–390
  • NuGet package, 335
  • null, 678
  • NUMBER data type, 499


  • object attribute, 120
  • object database management system (ODBMS), 70, 678
  • object databases, 70, 76
  • object identifier, 120–121
  • object-oriented databases, 70, 678
  • object-relational database (ORD), 30, 678
  • object-relational database management system (ORDBMS), 30
  • object-relational mapping, 678
  • objects
    • defined, 678
    • semantic object models (SOMs) and, 119–120
  • one-to-many relationship, 224–225, 679
  • one-to-one relationship, 223–224, 679
  • online analytical processing (OLAP), 679
  • online transaction processing (OLTP) systems, 17
  • openCypher, 404–405
  • operating system passwords, 547
  • operations, database, 40–41
  • Oracle, 42–43, 679
  • Oracle SQL (website), 491
  • ORDER BY clause
    • about, 397
    • in Structured Query Language (SQL), 512–513
  • order data, creating in PostgreSQL, 382–383, 393–395
  • order item data, creating in PostgreSQL, 383–384, 395–396
  • ordering
    • SQL commands, 522–531
    • tables, 524–531
  • orders, displaying in PostgreSQL, 396–399
  • org chart methods, in Neo4j AuraDB, 410–412, 423–425
  • outer joins, 510


  • packages
    • in Jupyter Notebook, 333–334
    • in Visual Studio, 334–336
  • participation constraint, 136, 679
  • partition tolerance, in CAP theorem, 22
  • Pascal case, 131
  • passengers, database design for, 667–668
  • passwords
    • about, 546
    • individual, 546–547
    • operating system, 547
    • for programs, 336
    • quality of, 547–548
    • single-password databases, 546
  • pause command, 469
  • performance
    • determining needs for, 271–272
    • performance anxiety as a design pitfall, 249–250
    • tuning for database maintenance, 538–542
  • performing queries, in PostgreSQL, 384–386
  • persistence
    • Apache Ignite and, 469, 470
    • as a desirable feature of databases, 17–18, 25
  • persistent data, demonstrating in Apache Ignite, 474, 483
  • personally identifiable information (PII), 23–24
  • person_string method, 440–441
  • PersonString method, 455–456, 465
  • pgAdmin, running, 371
  • philosophy, NoSQL, 50
  • physical security, 554–555
  • Pip, 333
  • pip commands, 333
  • planning
    • for change (not), as a design pitfall, 245–247
    • for user needs, 84–85
  • plus sign (+), 377
  • points of view, relational, 31–32
  • portability, as a desirable feature of databases, 19–20, 26
  • post-conditions, in use cases, 102
  • PostgreSQL
    • about, 42–43, 328
    • in C#
      • about, 389, 399
      • connecting to database, 390
      • creating customer data, 392–393
      • creating order data, 393–395
      • creating order item data, 395–396
      • creating programs, 389–399
      • deleting old data, 391–392
      • displaying orders, 396–399
      • exercise solutions, 622–626
      • exercises, 399–400
      • installing Npgsql, 389–390
    • case sensitivity in, 376
    • defined, 679
    • installing, 370–371
    • in Python
      • about, 369–370
      • closing connections, 384
      • connecting to databases, 379–380
      • creating customer data, 380–381
      • creating databases, 373–374
      • creating order data, 382–383
      • creating order item data, 383–384
      • creating programs, 378–386
      • creating users, 371–372
      • defining tables, 374–378
      • deleting old data, 380
      • designing databases, 371
      • exercise solutions, 619–622
      • installing PostgreSQL, 370–371
      • installing Psycopg, 379
      • performing queries, 384–386
      • running pgAdmin, 371
    • website, 491
  • practices, XML, 64–66
  • pre-conditions, in use cases, 102
  • predecessor list, 525
  • preparation, lack of, as a design pitfall, 241–242
  • Prepare method, 394, 396
  • PREPARE statement, 382, 383
  • primary key
  • primary key constraints, 38, 679
  • PrintReader method, 364–365
  • prioritizing, 98–99
  • privileges
    • about, 548–553
    • initial configuration and, 553
  • Procedural Language/Structured Query Language (PL/SQL), 679
  • product requirements document (PRD), 101
  • programs
    • creating
      • in Apache Ignite, 470–474, 477–483
      • in MariaDB, 343–352, 355–365
      • in MongoDB Atlas, 439–450, 454–465
      • in Neo4j AuraDB, 405–413, 418–427
      • in PostgreSQL, 378–386, 389–399
    • passwords for, 336
  • projection, as a database operation, 40
  • project-join normal form. See fifth normal form (5NF)
  • projects, determining how they should look, 267–268
  • property, 54
  • Psycopg, installing, 379
  • pyignite database adapter, installing, 471
  • pyinstall, 333
  • PyMongo database adapter, installing, 439–440
  • pymysql, installing, 344
  • Python
    • about, 327
    • Apache Ignite in
      • about, 467–468, 474
      • creating programs, 470–474
      • defining Building class, 471
      • demonstrating persistent data, 474
      • demonstrating volatile data, 473–474
      • exercises, 474–475
      • installing Apache Ignite, 468
      • installing pyignite database adapter, 471
      • with persistence, 470
      • reading data, 473
      • saving data, 471–472
      • starting nodes, 468–470
      • without persistence, 469
    • MariaDB in
      • about, 339–340
      • creating data, 348–350
      • creating databases, 344–346
      • creating programs, 343–352
      • defining tables, 346–348
      • fetching data, 350–352
      • installing, 340
      • installing pymysql, 344
      • running HeidiSQL, 340–343
    • MongoDB Atlas in
      • about, 431, 450
      • Binary JavaScript Object Notation (BSON), 432–434
      • creating programs, 439–450
      • exercises, 450–451
      • Extensible Markup Language (XML), 432–434
      • finding connection code, 436–439
      • helper methods, 440–449
      • installing MongoDB Atlas, 434–436
      • installing PyMongo database adapter, 439–440
      • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 432–434
      • main program, 449–450
      • normal vs. abnormal, 432
    • Neo4j AuraDB in
      • about, 401, 414
      • action methods, 405–409
      • creating programs, 405–413
      • Cypher, 404–405
      • exercises, 414–415
      • installing Neo4j AuraDB, 402–403
      • installing Neo4j database adapter, 405
      • main program, 412–413
      • nodes, 404
      • org chart methods, 410–412
      • relationships, 404
    • PostgreSQL in
      • about, 369–370
      • closing connections, 384
      • connecting to databases, 379–380
      • creating customer data, 380–381
      • creating databases, 373–374
      • creating order data, 382–383
      • creating order item data, 383–384
      • creating programs, 378–386
      • creating users, 371–372
      • defining tables, 374–378
      • deleting old data, 380
      • designing databases, 371
      • installing PostgreSQL, 370–371
      • installing Psycopg, 379
      • performing queries, 384–386
      • running pgAdmin, 371


  • quality, of passwords, 547–548
  • queries
    • defined, 679
    • performing in PostgreSQL, 384–386
  • query results, 41
  • query_data method, 440, 444–449
  • QueryData method, 455, 458–462
  • query_org_chart method, 411–412
  • QueryOrgChart method, 424–425
  • quotes, 505


  • Read method, 398
  • ReadData method, in Apache Ignite, 482–483
  • reading data, in Apache Ignite, 473
  • read_transaction method, 405, 412
  • recipes, database design for, 668–669
  • records, 33, 679
  • recursive associations. See reflexive associations
  • redundant data, 210–211
  • referential integrity, 680
  • referential integrity constraint, 38
  • refining. See data normalization
  • reflexive associations
    • about, 222–223
    • hierarchical, 225–229
    • hierarchical data with NoSQL, 228–229
    • network data, 229–231
    • network data with NoSQL, 231
    • one-to-many, 224–225
    • one-to-one, 223–224
  • regret, 680
  • relational database management system (RDBMS), 30, 680
  • relational databases (RDBs)
    • about, 29–30, 44
    • attributes, 34
    • columns, 32–34
    • constraints, 37–39
    • database operations, 40–41
    • defined, 680
    • exercises, 44–46
    • indexes, 36–37
    • keys, 34–36
    • points of view, 31–32
    • popular, 41–43
    • pros and cons of, 71–72
    • relations, 34
    • rows, 32–34
    • selecting, 30–31
    • spreadsheets, 43
    • tables, 32–34
    • tuples, 34
    • uses for, 74
  • relational models/modeling
    • about, 294–298
    • defined, 112
    • drawing, 310
    • identifying IDs, 297–298
    • translating user needs into, 137–141
  • relational online analytical processing (ROLAP), 680
  • relations
    • defined, 680
    • in relational databases, 34
  • relationships. See edges
  • repairing databases, 538
  • repeated attribute associations, 221–222
  • replication, 680
  • report, 680
  • required values, business rules for, 149
  • requirements documents
    • creating, 101
    • writing, 279–280
  • retrieval, as a desirable feature of databases, 9–10, 25
  • return merchandise authorization (RMA), 100
  • REVOKE command, 497
  • RIGHT JOIN clause, 509
  • ring symbol, 133
  • roles and responsibilities, user needs and, 89–92
  • roll back, 680
  • ROLLBACK command, 498
  • rows
    • defined, 680
    • in relational databases, 32–34
  • running
    • HeidiSQL, 340–343
    • pgAdmin, 371


  • samples, of database design, 649–669
  • sanity check constraints, 303
  • sanity checks, business rules for, 149
  • SAVE command, 498
  • savepoint, 680
  • saving
    • data in Apache Ignite, 471–472
    • scripts, 521–522
  • scalable data models, 198
  • scalar, 393
  • schema files, 64
  • schemas, 73
  • scripts, SQL. See Structured Query Language (SQL), scripts
  • second normal form (2NF)
    • about, 173–177
    • defined, 680
    • verifying, 318–321
  • security
    • considerations, as a desirable feature of databases, 23–24
    • database (See database security)
    • as a desirable feature of databases, 20–21, 26
    • determining needs for, 272–273
    • user needs and, 87–88
  • SELECT clause, 41, 506–507, 511, 512–513
  • SELECT command, 497, 506
  • SELECT statement, 491, 494, 512–513
  • selecting
    • as a database operation, 40
    • defined, 680
    • NoSQL databases, 50
    • relational databases, 30–31
  • semantic attribute, 680
  • semantic class, 680
  • semantic object (SO), 681
  • semantic object models/modeling (SOMs)
    • about, 121–122, 283
    • building initial semantic object models, 283–286
    • cardinality, 120
    • class types, 124–129
    • classes, 119–120
    • comments, 129–130
    • converting, 138–140
    • defined, 113, 681
    • identifiers, 120–121
    • improving semantic object models, 286–288
    • notes, 129–130
    • objects, 119–120
    • semantic views, 122–124
    • translating user needs into, 118–130
  • semantic views, semantic object models (SOMs) and, 122–124
  • semi-structured database, 64
  • serverless service, 434
  • shadowing, 16
  • shared service, 434
  • sharing, as a desirable feature of databases, 21, 26
  • shortestPath method, 409, 423
  • Short-Timer, 90
  • SHOW DATABASES command, 358
  • Sidekick/Gopher, 90
  • simple attribute, 119
  • simple objects, 124, 681
  • single method, 409
  • single quotes, 505
  • single-password databases, 546
  • snake case, 131
  • Snowflake, 42–43
  • social media apps, 55
  • software as a service (SaaS), 23
  • software support, designing databases for, 203–214
  • speed, as a desirable feature of databases, 12, 25
  • spilled soda, 535
  • splay tree, 681
  • spreadsheets
  • SQL server, 681
  • SQLite, 42–43
  • Stakeholder, 89–90
  • standardization, in NoSQL databases, 198
  • standards, in Structured Query Language (SQL), 492–493
  • starting nodes, in Apache Ignite, 468–470
  • Stephens, Rod (author)
    • Beginning Software Engineering, Second Edition, 99, 204
    • Essential Algorithms: A Practical Approach to Computer Algorithms Using Python and C#, 525
  • stopping, at third normal form (3NF), 181
  • stored efficiencies, 153
  • stored procedure, 681
  • street networks, 54–55
  • strong consistency, 49
  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
    • about, 41, 489–490, 515
    • background, 491
    • basic syntax, 495
    • case sensitivity of, 495
    • FROM clause, 507–511
    • commands, 495–498
    • CREATE INDEX statement, 503–504
    • CREATE TABLE statement, 498–503
    • defined, 681
    • DELETE statement, 514–515
    • DROP statement, 504
    • exercise solutions, 635–637
    • exercises, 515–517
    • finding more information, 491–492
    • GROUP BY clause, 511
    • INSERT statement, 504–506
    • multistatement commands, 493–494
    • ORDER BY clause, 512–513
    • scripts
      • about, 519, 531–532
      • building databases with, 519–532
      • categories of scripts, 520–522
      • exercise solutions, 637–640
      • exercises, 532
      • importance of, 519–520
      • ordering SQL commands, 522–531
    • SELECT clause, 506–507
    • SELECT command, 506
    • standards, 492–493
    • tutorials, 42, 491
    • UPDATE statement, 513–514
    • versions, 491–492
    • WHERE clause, 511
  • students, courses, and grades, database design for, 661–662
  • studying current operations, 94
  • subclass object, 681
  • SUM function, 511
  • summary, in use cases, 102
  • superkey, 35, 36, 181, 681
  • systems, determining requirements for, 265–267


  • table-level check constraint, 38
  • tables
    • building, 500–503
    • converting domains into, 205–206
    • defined, 681
    • defining
      • about, 346–348
      • in MariaDB, 358–360
      • in PostgreSQL, 374–378
    • focusing, 206–207
    • lookup, 206
    • ordering, 524–531
    • in relational databases, 32–34
    • types of, 207–209
  • teams, database design for, 662–663
  • Temp directory, 56
  • temporal data
    • about, 232
    • deleted objects, 233–234
    • determining what to temporalize, 234–236
    • effective dates, 232–233
  • temporal database, 71–72, 681
  • testing, insufficient, as a design pitfall, 249
  • thinking small, as a design pitfall, 244–245, 250
  • third normal form (3NF)
    • about, 177–181
    • defined, 681
    • stopping at, 181
    • verifying, 321–323
  • 3-2-1 backup strategy, 535
  • TIME data type, 499
  • TIMESTAMP data type, 499
  • tools, choices for, 327–328
  • transaction, 681
  • Transaction Control Language (TCL), 495, 498, 681
  • Transact-SQL (TSQL), 681
  • transitive dependency, 177, 681–682
  • transitory transactions, 393
  • trigger, 682
  • TRUNCATE command, 497
  • tuples
    • commas in, 346
    • defined, 682
    • in relational databases, 34
  • turnkey records, 237–238


  • understanding, verifying, 99–100
  • Unified Modeling Language (UML), 103
  • uniform resource identifier (URI), 412, 426
  • union, as a database operation, 40
  • unique constraints, 38, 682
  • unique key, 35, 36
  • universally unique identifier (UUID), 254
  • unrelated multivalued dependency, 186
  • update, 682
  • update anomaly, 173–174, 682
  • UPDATE statement, 497, 513–514
  • UPDATE STATISTICS statement, 539
  • use cases
    • creating, 102–105
    • enrollment, 104–105
    • writing, 275–278
  • user interface models
    • defined, 113
    • determining what data is needed for, 268–269
    • translating user needs into, 114–118
  • user interface tier/layer, 154
  • user needs
    • about, 83–84, 97–98, 106–107, 263, 281
    • brainstorming
      • about, 94–95
      • with customers, 265–275
    • creating requirements document, 101
    • customer reasoning, 96–97
    • customers, 88–89
    • data integrity questions, 86–87
    • data needs questions, 86
    • deciding on feasibility, 106
    • defining, 263–282
    • demanding feedback, 280–281
    • environment questions, 88
    • exercise solutions, 568–573, 600–605
    • exercises, 107–109, 281–282
    • following customers, 93–94
    • functionality questions, 85
    • future predictions, 95–96
    • making use cases, 102–105
    • meeting customers, 263–265
    • planning for, 84–85
    • prioritizing, 98–99
    • roles and responsibilities, 89–92
    • security questions, 87–88
    • studying current operations, 94
    • talking to customers, 93
    • translating into data models, 111–143
    • verifying understanding, 99–100
    • writing
      • requirements document, 279–280
      • use cases, 275–278
  • user requirements, defining, 263–282
  • users, creating in PostgreSQL, 371–372


  • valid time, 71, 682
  • validity
    • business rules for, 148
    • as a desirable feature of databases, 10–11, 25
  • VARCHAR data type, 499
  • vehicle fleets, database design for, 664–665
  • verifying
    • first normal form (1nf), 315–318
    • second normal form (2NF), 318–321
    • third normal form (3NF), 321–323
    • understanding, 99–100
  • view, 682
  • view maps, 123–124
  • virtual machines (VMs), 22–23
  • virtual tables, 41
  • Visual Basic, 266
  • Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), 43
  • Visual Studio
    • about, 331–332
    • packages in, 334–336
  • volatile data, demonstrating in Apache Ignite, 473–474, 483


  • W3School (website), 67
  • weak entity, 137, 682
  • websites
    • Apache Ignite, 468
    • Apache Subversion, 521
    • AuraDB, 402
    • CIH virus, 535
    • Concurrent Versions System (CVS), 521, 655
    • Cypher, 404
    • database naming conventions, 243
    • Git, 521, 655
    • globally unique identifier (GUID), 254
    • Google Cloud, 235
    • Gravina Island Bridge, 538
    • Jupyter Notebook, 329
    • MariaDB, 491
    • Microsoft Transact-SQL, 491
    • MongoDB Atlas, 434
    • MySQL, 491
    • openCypher, 404
    • Oracle SQL, 491
    • PostgreSQL, 370, 491
    • SQL tutorials, 491
    • SQL versions, 491–492
    • Visual Basic, 264
    • Visual Studio, 331
    • W3School, 67
  • WHERE clause, 350, 363, 397, 511, 513
  • wide-column databases. See column-oriented databases
  • Widenius, Michael (author), 677
  • Windows directory, 57
  • WriteData method, 480–481, 482–483
  • write_transaction method, 405, 412
  • writing
    • requirements documents, 279–280
    • use cases, 275–278


  • XML files
    • about, 60–61, 66
    • basics of, 61–64
    • practices, 64–66
    • uses for, 75–76
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