IT IS COMMON FOR AUTHORS to thank their spouses or partners for their understanding and support during the book-writing process. In our case, this was a project by a husband-and-wife team, which meant that the late nights, deadlines, and missed holidays were spent together, side by side, for better or worse. Of course, we would have it no other way.

We would like to thank our families for their love, support, and encouragement throughout this book and all the other challenges and surprises that life can bring.

We are excited to have Jennifer Mason and Laura Derbes Rogers join us on this book. It is an honor and a pleasure to share a title with such talented individuals. We are so happy to have you each onboard with us for this book and look forward to any future opportunities to work together again.

As always, we would like to thank Jim Minatel for introducing us to the Wrox team so many years ago. Thank you to Paul Reese for spearheading this project and for always keeping things moving along. Thank you to Adaobi Obi Tulton for your constant grace under pressure and excellent editing skills. It was an extreme pleasure to work with you on this project and we hope our paths cross again. Thank you to Martin Reid and Jeri Freedman for your diligence and attention to detail throughout the editing process. Each of your talents contributed significantly to this project and we are so very grateful to each of you.

Finally, to Dylan. Thank you for constantly being that light at the end of the tunnel and helping to always keep life in perspective.

Amanda and Shane Perran

WRITING A TECHNICAL BOOK has been a longtime dream of mine. It is one of the things that I have always had on my "list" of things I had wanted to accomplish throughout my career. Along the way, so many different people have invested in my future and I wouldn't be who I am without their influences.

First, I would like to thank my family for investing so much into my education and supporting me through many different changes and moves. Mom and Dad—I wouldn't be what I am today without you and I am blessed to have you in my life. Bob and Jane—thanks so much for being my "other parents"; your support means more than I could ever thank you for!

Dr. Metzgar, thanks so much for all the encouragement, knowledge, wisdom, and friendship you gave me while I was at Liberty. You taught me so many things that I can honestly say I still apply on a daily basis. I definitely wouldn't be here without your support and investment.

Shane and Nicola—you two might be the best people in the world to work for! Thanks so much for all you have done for me. I don't think it would be possible to work with a better group of people than the ones I work with at SharePoint911. I thank each of them for all the support they give me.

Laura, Shane, and Amanda, this is has been a great experience and I am honored to have written alongside you. I am looking forward to working together again on future projects.

Finally, I would like to thank the team at Wrox that helped bring this project together. Paul Reese for inviting me to join this project and Adaobi Obi Tulton for all the hard work you have done to get this book ready to go. You have shown great patience and understanding, which has been appreciated! Thanks also to Martin Reid and Jeri Freedman for all your efforts throughout the editing process. I hope that we will all be able to work together again in the future.

Jennifer Mason

WORKING ON THIS BOOK has been quite an experience, and there are several people who I would like to thank. The major influencers in my life exist on both the personal and the professional sides.

First of all, my husband, Chris, has been amazing and supportive. His sarcasm and wit have always kept me laughing despite any book-deadline stresses. Speaking of family, I thank my daughters for always been so loving, smart, delightful, and happy. I love my sweeties! Thanks to my parents, Greg and Caroline, who have always been encouraging and supportive, and to my artist brother, Clark, and his family.

Thank you so much to Jennifer Mason for being a brilliant and driven businesswoman and friend, and thanks to Shane and Amanda Perran for being so inspiring to work with. Thanks for including me in this endeavor; it has been amazing. You three are such outstanding SharePoint gurus, and I sincerely look forward to spending more time with you and joining you in any future endeavors that may arise.

Of course, I would also like to extend my thanks to the Wrox team, especially Paul Reese and Adaobi Obi Tulton. It has been a pleasure working with all of you on this adventure of a book. I think you all have been wonderful and professional, and I hope that we cross paths again soon.

Lastly, I would like to thank those of you in my life who have been part of the path that I have taken to become a SharePoint professional, in chronological order. Thanks, Susan Cargile, for assigning me the task of first installing SharePoint in 2004. Who knew, right? Bill English, Brett Lonsdale, and Mark Miller, you have been major influences on me and the direction that my career has gone. Last, but certainly not least, I'd like to thank Shane Young and all of my colleagues at SharePoint911. You all are family to me, and I truly enjoy working with you. The personalities in this company are awesome, and we always have so much fun together.

Laura Derbes Rogers

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