
  • A
  • Accountability, 57
  • Action planning
    • evaluation of, 90–91
    • implementation of, 90–91
    • options for, 126–127
    • roles in, 89–90
  • Agreements
    • action plans, 126
    • behavioral change, 136
    • negotiation of, 136–137
    • role‐clarification, 144
    • trust, 59
  • Alliance teams. See Interorganizational alliance teams
  • Amazon
    • culture at, 29
    • decision‐making at, 56
    • reward system at, 24–25
    • team size at, 13
    • technical talent at, 39
    • two‐pizza teams at, 40
  • Amnesty guidelines, 59
  • Anderson, Sterling, 38
  • Appreciative inquiry (AI)
    • assumptions in, 147
    • benefits of, 148–149
    • questions used in, 148
    • for top management, 202
  • Assignment summaries, 126
  • Audio conferences, 178
  • Authoritarian leaders, 96
  • Autonomous work teams. See Self-directed work teams
  • B
  • Bain & Company, 129
    • collaborative leadership at, 94
    • employee satisfaction at, 95
    • feedback system at, 25–26
    • leadership mantra at, 96–97
    • recruitment at, 43–45
    • senior management role at, 23
    • team building process at, 81–82
  • Benefit Everyone, 217
  • Best Team study
    • objectives of, 215–216, 220
    • questions in, 219
    • values articulated in, 216
  • Bezos, Jeff, 29
  • Blanchard, Ken, 1
  • Blast teams, 217
  • Board of directors
    • compensation for, 199–200
    • creation of, example, 203–204
    • election of, 198–199
    • meetings, 200–202
    • types of, 195–196
  • Bodecker, Sandy, 54
  • Bosack, Leonard, 214
  • Boss, Wayne, 127
  • Breaking2 project, 54
  • Buckingham, Marcus, 215, 221
  • Bushe, Gervase, 148
  • C
  • Campbell, John, 2–3
  • Change management
    • attitudes and, 116–117
    • at Cisco, 225–226
    • cross-cultural teams, 171–173
    • entrepreneurial teams, 202
    • family teams, 208–209
    • high-performance teams, 14–15
    • skills for, 14–15
    • temporary teams, 164
    • virtual teams, 181–182
  • Chatter, 176–177
  • Chrysler, 27–28
  • Cisco
    • benefits at, 217
    • best team study at, 219–221
    • change management at, 225–226
    • collaboration at, 216
    • collaborative leadership at, 223, 226
    • competencies at, 225
    • composition of, 217–218, 224–225
    • context at, 215–217, 224
    • “People Deal” at, 216–217
    • “Power of Teams” workshop, 220–223
    • profile of, 214
    • recruitment at, 218
    • strategies, application of, 226–227
    • transformation of, 214–215, 222
    • values at, 216
  • Close-ended surveys, 86
  • Coaching, 100–101
  • Collaboration. See Teamwork
  • Collaborative leadership
    • actions by, 93–94
    • at Cisco, 223, 226
    • coaching role, 102
    • in cross-cultural teams, 173–174
    • definition of, 93
    • educational role, 98–100
    • entrepreneurial teams, 202–203
    • facilitator roles
      • decision-making, 172
      • meeting design, 142–143
      • primary, 101–102
    • on top management teams, 200
    • by high-performance teams, 15–16
    • in self-directed teams, 102–103
    • survey for, 104–106
    • in virtual teams, 182–183
  • Collectivism, 166
  • Communication
    • at cross-cultural teams, 172
    • open channels for, 61–62
    • virtual team methods of, 178–179
  • Competence trust, 60
  • Competencies
    • Cisco, 226
    • cross-cultural teams, 170–171
    • development of
      • assignment making, 55
      • collaboration, 63–64
      • communication channels, 61–62
      • conflict management, 62–63
      • decision-making process, 56
      • goal setting, 53–54
      • guidelines/metrics, 52–53
      • innovation, 64
      • mutual respect, 63–64
      • performance accountability, 57
      • relationship/tasks, 65–66
      • risk taking, 64
      • running meetings, 57–58
      • trust, 58–60
    • family teams, 207
    • high-performing teams, 13–14
    • surveys, 98
    • temporary teams, 162–165
  • Composition
    • characteristics of, 12–13
    • assessment of, 47–49
    • Cisco, 217–218, 224–225
    • creation, example, 45–47
    • cross-cultural teams, 170
    • entrepreneurial teams, 199–200
    • personality tests for, 40–41
    • problem members, dealing with, 41–43
    • right combination, Bain example, 43–45
    • size, 39–40
    • talent, 37–38
    • temporary teams, 161–162
    • virtual teams, 178
  • Conflict management, 62–63, 173
  • Confirmation-disconfirmation process, 125
  • Consequence symptoms, 78
  • Consultants
    • for leadership investigations, 107, 108
    • process function of, 89–90
    • team leader as, 101–102
    • time needed by, 82
    • use of, 82–83
  • Content analysis, 86–87
  • Context
    • assessment of, 30–34
    • Cisco example, 215–217, 224
    • cross-cultural teams, 168–169
    • definition of, 11
    • entrepreneurial teams, 198–199
    • family teams, 205–206
    • feedback systems, 25–26
    • importance of, 18–19
    • management role in, 23
    • organizational factors in
      • culture, 28–29
      • physical space, 29–30
      • structure, 27–28
    • overview of, 17–18
    • personality and, 40
    • reward systems, 24–25
    • temporary team issues, 160–161
    • understanding, 11–12
    • virtual teams, 175–178
  • Contract negotiations, 126
  • Coons, Tom, 176–177
  • Cross-cultural teams
    • change management at, 171–173
    • collaborative leadership at, 173–174
    • competencies of, 170–171
    • composition of, 170
    • context of, 168–169
    • creation of, 165
    • variables influencing, 166–167
  • Culture
    • alliance team, 187–188
    • assessment of, 187–188
    • differences, clarifying, 169
    • teamwork and, 28–29
    • values in, 192
    • variables, 166–167
  • D
  • Data analysis, 119–122
  • Data gathering. See also Interviews; Surveys
    • action planning based on, 89–90
    • categories, 88–89
    • interviews, 86–87
    • for leadership investigations, 107–108
    • in team setting, 88
    • for team-building preparations, 115–119
  • Decision making
    • at cross-cultural teams, 172–173
    • processes, 56
    • strategic, template for, 189–191
    • team-based, 96
  • Deloitte, 215
  • Descriptive feedback, 124
  • Development
    • assignment making, 55
    • collaboration, 63–64
    • communication channels, 61–62
    • conflict management, 62–63
    • decision-making, 56
    • goal setting, 53–54
    • guidelines/metrics, 52–53
    • initiating, 81–82
    • innovation, 64
    • model for, 97–98
    • mutual respect, 63–64
    • performance accountability, 57
    • relationship/tasks, 65–66
    • risk taking, 64
    • running meetings, 57–58
    • trust, 58–60
  • Direct feedback, 108
  • Disagreements, 191, 193
  • Dunnette, Marvin, 2–3
  • Dyer, Bill, 3–4
  • Dyer, Jeff, 15
  • Dynamic teams, 217
  • E
  • Einstein, Albert, 7
  • Eli Lilly
    • alliance management at, 186–187
    • decision-making at, 189–191
    • due diligence at, 187–188
    • health checks at, 192–195
    • strategic futures exercise at, 188–189
  • Entrepreneurial teams
    • change management at, 202
    • characteristics of, 197–198
    • collaborative leadership, 202–203
    • competencies, 200–202
    • composition, 199–200
    • context of, 198–199
    • leadership styles in, 196–198, 201–202
    • types of, 195–196
  • Envelope exchange, 124–125
  • Expectations
    • clarifying, 174, 199
    • conflict resolution, 63
    • diversity, 175
    • establishment of, 172–173
    • mismatched, 165
    • performance, 146
    • role clarification, 142
    • stereotypical, 165
    • violated, 171
  • F
  • Facebook, 176
  • Facilitator. See Consultants
  • Family teams
    • change management at, 208–209
    • competencies, 207
    • complexities of, 204
    • context of, 205–206
    • leadership at, 209–210
  • Feedback
    • goals, 123
    • guidelines for, 61–62
    • on leadership performance, 108
    • open sessions, 125
    • role-clarification, 144
    • system for, 25–26
    • types of, 124–125
  • 5C model. See specific components
  • Follow-up
    • for inter-team interventions, 154–155
    • methods for, 127–129, 131
    • PMI in, 127–129
    • purpose of, 127
    • questions for, 132
    • sessions for, 129–132
  • Forbes, 15
  • Force field analysis, 137–139
  • Founding documents, 198
  • G
  • Gallup, 215
  • Genogram, 205–206
  • Glassdoor, 43
  • Globalization, 159
  • Goals
    • clear, 53
    • commitment to, 53–55
    • meaningful, 37
    • meeting, 57–58
    • role clarification, 141, 143
    • stretch, setting, 54–55
    • for team-building preparations
      • action planning phase, 126
      • data gathering phase, 115–119
      • feedback use in, 122–123
      • initial phase, 113–114
      • problem solving phase, 122–123
  • Goodall, Ashley, 215
  • Great Place to Work Institute, 217
  • H
  • Health checks
    • application of, 194
    • benefits of, 194–195
    • concept of, 192
    • dimension of, 193
  • High-performance teams
    • accountability at, 57
    • change management at, 14–15
    • characteristics of, 51–52
    • collaborative leadership of, 15–16
    • competencies of
      • accountability, 57
      • assignment making, 55
      • communication channels, 61–62
      • conflict management, 62–63
      • decision-making, 56
      • goal setting, 53–55
      • innovation/risk taking, 64
      • measurement of, 66–74
      • at meetings, 57–58
      • metrics for, 52–53
      • mutual respect, 63–64
      • overview, 13–14
      • task/relationships, 65–66
      • trust building, 58–60
    • composition of, 12–13
    • context of, 11–12
    • meetings for, 130–131
    • skills and motivation of, 36–37
  • History, 2–4
  • How to Compete—and Win—Like the World's Most Innovative Leaders (Dyer), 15
  • Howorth, Mark, 44
  • Hyundai, 38
  • I
  • The Ideal Team Player (Lencioni), 220
  • Individualism, 166
  • Innovation, 64
  • Innovation Capital (Dyer, Furr, Lefrandt), 37–38
  • Institutional trust, 60
  • Inter-team interventions, 149
    • follow-up for, 154–155
    • problem diagnosis in, 150
    • solution design in, 150–155
      • approach A, 151–152
      • approach B, 152–153
      • approach C, 153
      • approach D, 153–154
      • approach E, 154
      • ElectriCorp example, 156–157
      • selection of, 155–157
  • Interorganizational alliance teams
    • annual health check for, 192–195
    • cultural assessment at, 187–188
    • decision-making template for, 189–191
    • managing, 186–187
    • overview of, 185–186
    • strategic futures exercise at, 188–189
  • Interpersonal trust, 60
  • Interventions
    • force field analysis for, 137–139
    • inter-team, 149–157
      • appropriate model for, 155
      • ElectriCorp example, 156–157
      • follow-up for, 154–155
      • problem diagnosis in, 150
      • solution design in, 150–155
    • role-clarification exercise
      • agreements made in, 144
      • clarification steps for, 143–144
      • conditions for, 139–140
      • feedback for, 144
      • meetings in, 142–143
      • memo, example of, 145
      • preparation for, 142
      • program design goals for, 141
      • resource personnel for, 141
      • team-building sessions in, 146–147
      • time needed for, 140–141
    • start-stop-continue exercise for, 135–137
  • Interviews, 86–87, 131
  • J
  • Jordan, Michael, 227
  • K
  • Kaizen, 14, 81
  • Katsoudasi, Francine, 215
  • Kipchoge, Eliud, 54–55
  • Krzyewski, Mike, 1
  • L
  • Leadership. See also Top management
    • action planning, 89–90
    • bed, responding to, 106–108
    • cross-cultural teams, 174
    • decision-making by, 56, 96
    • entrepreneurial teams, 196–198, 201–202
    • family teams, 209–210
    • innovation by, 64
    • profile, 125
    • risk taking by, 64
    • servant-based, 223
    • situation-based, 95–96
    • styles of, 95–98
    • temporary team, 164–165
  • Leadership Cycle, 37–38
  • Lencioni, Patrick, 220
  • Lerner, Sandy, 214
  • Lewin, Kurt, 137
  • “Listen, Execute, Add Value,” 96–97
  • Lofty visions, 37–38
  • M
  • Management. See Leadership
  • Meetings
    • agendas for, 200–201
    • Cisco Webex, 216
    • development, 82
    • for high performance, 130–131
    • PMI, 127–129
    • role-clarification, 142–143
    • running, 57–58
  • Meetings, Bloody Meetings (video), 58
  • Memo of understanding (MOU), 199
  • Modular interdependence, 19–20
  • Monty Python, 58
  • Monza auto track, 54
  • Musk, Elon, 37–38
  • Mutual respect, 63–64
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 40, 168
  • N
  • Negotiations, 136–137
  • Nike, 54–55
  • Nike Sports Research Laboratory (NSRL), 54
  • Nooyi, Says, 38
  • Norms, 175, 182
  • Nurse, Matt, 54
  • O
  • Office of Alliance Management (OAM), 186–187
  • Open-ended surveys, 85–86
  • Operating committee, 190
  • P
  • “Paper board,” 195
  • Parker, Glenn, 40
  • Parker, Mark, 55
  • “People Deal,” 216–217
  • PepsiCo, 38
  • Performance
    • accountability, 57
    • assessment survey for, 78–81
    • base-line, 138
    • challenges, 37
    • expectations for, 146
    • improved, AI for, 148–149
    • organization structure and, 27–28
    • personality and, 40
    • problems, exercise for, 135–137
    • rewards for, 24–25
    • stretch goals for, 54–55
  • performance “Performance with Purpose,” 38
  • Personal improvement plan (PMI)
    • definition of, 126
    • meetings for, 128–129
    • stages of, 127–128
  • Personality Characteristics Inventory (PCI), 40
  • Personality tests, 40–41, 168
  • Peter Principle, 94
  • PMI. See Personal improvement plan (PMI)
  • Pooled interdependence. See Modular interdependence
  • “Power of Teams” workshop
    • change management through, 221–222
    • design of, 220–221
    • principles taught at, 225
    • results of, 222–223
  • Power distance, 166
  • Preparations
    • action planning phase, 126–127
    • evaluation phase, 127–129
    • follow-ups in
      • methods for, 127–129
      • sessions for, 129–132
    • goals for
      • data analysis phase, 119–122
      • data gathering phase, 115–119
      • feedback use in, 123–125
      • problem solving phase, 122–123
  • Prescription writing, 125
  • Process consulting, 89–90
  • Product development teams, 22
  • Program design
    • data analysis phase, 119–122
    • data gathering phase, 115–119
    • overview, 111–112
    • preparation phase, 113–114
    • problem solving process, 122–123
  • R
  • RACI model, 161, 191
  • Reciprocal interdependence, 21–22, 24
  • “Regression effect,” 127
  • Relationships
    • collapse of, 194
    • cultural influences in, 167
    • development of, 65–66
    • family, 205–206, 209
    • program design and, 141
  • Reviews, scheduling, 126–127
  • Reward systems, 24–25
  • Ridgeway, Krista, 26
  • Risk taking, 64
  • Robbins, Chuck, 214, 224
  • Role-clarification exercise
    • agreements made in, 144
    • clarification steps for, 143–144
    • conditions for, 139–140
    • for cross-cultural teams, 171
    • at family team, 209
    • feedback for, 144
    • goals for, 141
    • meetings in, 142–143
    • memo, example of, 145
    • preparation for, 142
    • resource personnel for, 141
    • team-building sessions in, 146–147
    • time needed for, 140–141
  • Role-clarification sessions, 108
  • “Rubberstamp” board, 196
  • S
  •, 176–177
  • Schein, Edgar, 89
  • Self-directed work teams, 102–103
  • Semiautonomous work teams. See Self-directed work teams
  • Senior managers. See Leadership
  • Sequential interdependence, 20–21, 24
  • Servant-based leadership, 223
  • Shell Chemicals, 176–177
  • Simon Fraser University, 148
  • Skills, 9
  • Skype, 178, 218
  • Socratic method, 100–101
  • SpaceX, 38
  • Stanford University, 214
  • Start-stop-continue exercise
    • agreements reached by, 136–137
    • description of, 124
    • family teams use of, 208
    • information generated in, 135–136
    • purpose of, 135
  • Steering committee, 190
  • Strategic futures exercise, 188–189
  • Subunit analysis, 125
  • Subunit plans, 126
  • Suggestions, 124
  • Surveys
    • on attitudes, 116–117
    • competencies, 98–99
    • date gathering, 85–86
    • leadership, 104–106
    • performance, 78–81
    • types of, 85–86
  • T
  • T-group movement, 2–4, 213
  • Talent, 37–38
  • Tasks
    • development, 65–66, 167
    • interdependent, 21
    • modular interdependent, 19–20
    • reciprocal interdependent, 21–22
    • sequential interdependent, 20–21
    • teams, 190
    • virtual team, 178
  • Team-building cycle
    • action planning in, 89–90
    • data analysis in, 88–89
    • data gathering in, 85–88
    • evaluation in, 90–91
    • implementation in, 90
    • overview of, 84–85
  • Teams. See also High-performance teams
    • attitudes toward, 8–9
    • blast, 217
    • common problems in, 77–78
    • cross-cultural
      • change management at, 171–173
      • collaborative leadership at, 173–174
      • competencies of, 170–171
      • composition of, 170
      • context of, 168–169
      • creation of, 165
      • variables influencing, 166–167
    • data gathering, 88
    • educating, 99–100
    • entrepreneurial
      • change management at, 202
      • collaborative leadership, 202–203
      • competencies of, 200–202
      • composition of, 199–200
      • context of, 198–199
      • leadership style at, 196–198, 201–202
      • types of, 195–196
    • family
      • change management at, 208–209
      • competencies of, 207
      • complexities of, 204
      • context of, 205–206
      • leadership at, 209–210
    • individual behavior in, 135–136
    • Interorganizational alliance
      • annual health check for, 192–195
      • cultural assessment at, 187–188
      • decision-making template for, 189–191
      • managing, 186–187
      • overview of, 185–186
      • strategic futures exercise at, 188–189
    • major problems in, 106–108
    • previous experience with, 7–8
    • product development, 22
    • self-directed, 102–103
    • skills for, 9
    • temporary
      • definition of, 160
      • leadership of, 164–165
      • managing, 159–160
    • top management, 196
    • two-pizza, 40
    • types of, 185
    • virtual
      • building, 174–175
      • change management at, 181–182
      • collaborative leadership at, 182–183
      • communication methods in, 178–179
      • competencies of, 181
      • composition of, 178
      • context of, 175–178
      • uniqueness of, 174–175
  • Teamwork
    • at Cisco, 216
    • collaboration in, 63–64
    • organizational context
      • assessment of, 30–34
      • culture, 28–29
      • feedback systems, 25–26
      • physical space, 29–30
      • respect in, 63–64
      • reward system, 24–25
      • structure, 27–28
  • Temporary teams
    • competency issues in, 162–164
    • composition issues in, 161–162
    • context issues for, 160–161
    • definition of, 160
    • leadership of, 164–165
    • managing, 159–160
  • Tesla, 37
  • Tesla Model X, 38
  • Top management
    • appreciative inquiry exercise for, 202
    • competencies of, 201
    • composition of, 196
    • development of, 198
    • MOU for, 199
    • role of, 23
  • Toyota, 14–15
  • Training programs, 108
  • Trust
    • building, 58–60
    • cross-cultural, 169
    • importance of, 58
    • types of, 60
  • Twitter, 176
  • Two-pizza teams, 40
  • U
  • Uncertainty avoidance, 167
  • Unit analysis, 125
  • V
  • Values
  • Violated expectations, 171–173
  • Virtual teams
    • building, 174–175
    • change management at, 181–182
    • collaborative leadership at, 182–183
    • communication methods in, 178–179
    • competencies of, 181
    • composition of, 178
    • context of, 175–178
    • uniqueness of, 174–175
  • Volkswagen, 38
  • Vulnerability trust, 220
  • The Wisdom of Teams (Katzenbach, Smith), 39
  • Y
  • Young Presidents Organization (YPO), 202–203
  • Z
  • Zoom conferencing, 178
  • Zoom Vaporfly, 55
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