
A, B, C

  • accessibility
  • architecture of the semantic web
  • assist decisionmaking
  • association
  • automatic classification
  • autonomy
  • big challenge
  • Big Data
    • 4v
    • 7v
  • Bootstrap
  • business intelligence
  • Canal-U
  • cloud
    • computing
  • collaboration
  • collective intelligence
  • competitiveness

D, E, F

  • data
    • analysis
    • analyst
    • governance
    • journalism
    • management
    • marketplace
    • mining
    • public
    • quality
    • reuse
    • science
    • science
    • scientist
    • scientists
    • statistica
    • visualization
    • warehouse
    • web
  • dataset
  • DataViz
  • decisions trees
  • defensive
  • description
  • descriptive techniques
  • development of information and communication technologies (ICTS)
  • discriminate analysis
  • discrimination
  • e-prospects
  • economy
  • ecosystem
  • enterprise
  • estimation
  • etalab
  • evaluation of a model
  • exchange office
  • exploitation of data
  • freedom Act
  • FUN

G, H, I

  • geolocalization data
  • Google Car
  • government data
  • hadoop
  • handimap
  • harvesting phasec
  • heterogeneity
  • hurst
  • hyperlink
  • identifying sets
  • improvement
  • input
  • internet of things
  • interoperability

K, L, M

  • knowledge pyramid
  • linear regression
  • linked data
  • lobbying
  • LOD
  • log analysis
  • logistic regression
  • machine learning
  • managerial approaches
  • MapReduce
  • Martre
  • mash-ups
  • mass data
  • mediation
  • metadata
  • model general linear

N, O, P

  • Neuronal method
  • new economic value
  • offensive
  • open
    • innovation
    • knowledge foundation network
  • page rank
  • piloting activity
  • power of data
  • powerset
  • predictive techniques
  • preparation of data
  • product lifecycle analysis
  • productivity
  • public actors

Q, R, S

  • quantified self
  • raw data
  • RDF
  • reporting
  • scientific research
  • segmentation
  • semantic
    • approach
    • web
  • smart city
  • Smart Data
  • social innovation
  • stage
    • deployment
    • modeling
  • startups
  • statistical approach
  • stock

T, U, V, W

  • Text mining
  • Tim Berners-Lee
  • top management
  • TRIS laboratory
  • trust rank
  • unstructured data
  • variability
  • W3C
  • Web 3.0
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