
WRITING A BOOK is a lot like creating a business. Both are more marathons than they are sprints, and both are intensely rewarding and soul-expanding endeavors. And while both seem like solitary efforts, they are often completed thanks to the participation and support of others.

I’m grateful to many people, not the least of whom are my fellow business owners, who, in a spirit of trust and generosity, shared their experiences and insights with me in a host of formal interviews and less formal conversations. I’m also grateful to the many big-vision small-enterprise owners and spiritual leaders whose work and dedication has inspired me along the way. Their wisdom personalizes and enriches these pages, to the benefit of others who will read this book. Many of the people with whom I spoke are not featured specifically by name or company, though the spirit of each is present in the contents of this book.

I’ve enjoyed working with the dedicated team at Berrett-Koehler—itself a big-vision small business. I particularly appreciate fellow B-K author David Korten’s referral and Steven Piersanti’s very keen and insightful questions, which challenged me to sharpen my focus and better develop the book’s core strengths. To all of the B-K team: it’s a genuine pleasure to work with you.

Thanks to Sarah Fenson, my Ivy Sea, Inc., colleague, whose reliability helped me create the time to write both editions of this book; to Karla Toland, who, in addition to reading the manuscript, created the incredible resin piece for the cover art; to Misha Bruk for photographing the cover art; to Shelby Putnam Tupper for designing the jacket; to Claude Whitmyer, Judith Kautz, and Terri Lonier for their time and thought in reviewing the original manuscript; and to Lawrence Ellis, Lylie Fisher, Adam Leonard, Kathleen Epperson, Sara Jane Hope, Jean Ortega, and Jeffrey Kulick for providing thoughtful suggestions for improving the manuscript for the paperback edition.

Special thanks to my sister, Teri Walters, for lending her keen eye in the editing and proof stages; and to my sister Mandi Walters for her encouragement. To my mom and dad: it’s always fortifying to know that you’re proud of me no matter what I do, so long as I keep my integrity, strive to be decent and kind to others, and follow my vision of what’s possible. And to my ancestors who watch over me, I feel your strength and presence every day.

Thanks, too, to Jo Madrid and Marie Seger, from whom I get invaluable guidance in managing my energy and mindset, minding my intuition, and staying on my spiritual as well as my business path. There are many other people to whom I am grateful for their example or advice along the way. Though I can’t name them all here, I send them thanks and blessings in my prayers.

Last, but certainly not least, much appreciation goes to my husband and business partner, Tom Tshontikidis, for reminding me to be patient, talking through my ideas for the book, providing never ending support and encouragement, reading through drafts, and working side-by-side with me as we got our “real world” experience that informs each section of the book. Tom, it’s always fun.

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