

Accountability, 22

Adamo, Christopher, 56

AIRS International, 31–33

Amaral, Jim, 62, 179

Apple Computer, 15

Assumptions, 115–116

Awareness, 62–63, 112


Baker, Dawn Rivers, 162

Balance in living, 195

Banonis, Barb, 56, 90, 131

Bay, Kath’ren, 79

Beckwith, Michael, 73

Big-vision small business

awareness/personal responsibility, 62–63

business norms and, 66–67

community service, 58–59

conscious-business practices, 63–64

ethics, 59–60

health and wellness, 62

livelihood decisions, 56–57

mutual benefits, 55–56

priorities of, 55–67

quality standards, 64–65

relationship decisions, 57–58

respectful environment, 60–61

revenue generation, 61–62

spiritual practice and, 65, 198–208

values and challenges, 67

Brainstorming, 97

Bridging, 98–99

Buell, Linda Manassee, 194–195

Business planning, 85–87

approaches to, 95

creativity and, 88–90

exercise for, 100–103

lack of planning, 88–94

personal standards and, 103–104

strategic planning, 86

time constraints and, 90–94

visioning and, 95–104

Business principles, 55–56


Campbell, Joseph, 51

Canaletich, Tony, 31, 33–36

Chew, Dagmer, 64–65

Client relationships

deterioration of, 159–160

troubled, action to take, 160–161

See also Customers

Client surveys, 155–157

Collins, Sandy, 25, 158

Communication, 21, 113–114, 154

with customers, 146, 160

dialogue, 96–97

with employees, 136–139

listening, 113–114

skillfulness in, 199–200

tips for, 114

Community service, 15, 58–59, 202–203

Competition, 181–186

Conscious-business practices, 63–64

Conway, Carol, 135


large, advantages of, 23

small business vs., 16–17


business planning and, 88–90

innovation and, 20, 28

Crisis management, 192


attention to detail, 152–153

audience knowledge, 145–146

benefits vs. features for, 146–147

common expectations, 147–149

dialogues with, 160

impact of services on, 154–155

listening to, 146

primary issues/needs/goals of, 146

prior to sale, 144–147

product/service knowledge, 145

as “prosumers,” 56, 151

relationship turnover, 157–158

relationship with, 143–149, 151–162

surveys of, 155–157


Dahlkoetter, JoAnn, 52

Danielson, Deborah, 87

Decision making, 76–77

Distribution capacity limits, 23


Economic diversity, 14

Ellis, Lawrence, 141


communication with, 136–139

company benefits, 16

employee satisfaction, 133

full-timers, alternatives to, 129–131

job responsibilities/roles for, 135–136

needs assessment for, 124–125

orientation for, 134–135

performance evaluation and recognition, 139–140

pre-interview, 124

relationship with, 133–142

staffing crisis, 37–39

termination of, 141–142

See also Groups

Enneagram practice, 112

Enron Corporation, 16, 59, 66

Erickson, Jill, 144

Ethernet, 53

Ethics, 59–60, 66

Ethics Resource Center, 66

European Baha’i Business Forum (EBBF), 167–168

“Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow” (Greiner), 28

Expectations, 116–117


Faith and business, 167–170

Fellers, Jackie, 91

Feurestein, Aaron, 172

Filters, 115–116

Flexibility, 21–22

Follow-up, 99–100

Fox, Matthew, 166

Framing, 113–114

Full-time employees, 129–131

Funding, 23


Galati, Craig, 125

Geroski, Paul, 28

Gilbert, Paul, 188

Gilbert, Wendi, 188

Goals of company, 136–139

Gratitude, 200–201

Greiner, Larry, 28


accountability, 22

creativity and, 20

efficiency and, 20

flexibility, 21–22

optimal size of, 20

personalization and, 20–21

resiliency and, 22

specialization and, 21

Growing a Business (Hawken), 178

Growth, 27–30

AIRS International (case), 31–33

grow or die myth, 6

personal definition for, 46–47

profiles in, 31–47

San Francisco Renaissance (case), 33–36

Shelby Designs & Illustrates (case), 36–40

theory of random growth, 28

Ummelina International Day Spa (case), 40–46

“The Growth Imperative” (Tichy), 27


Harrell, Iris, 57, 152

Hawken, Paul, 16, 178

Hayes, Bill, 59–60, 193

Health, organizational, 34

Health and wellness, 62

Heffernan, Pat, 93, 124

Hempstead, Helen, 58, 130

Herrsche, Debra and Ron, 62

Hetrick, Bruce, 59, 152

Hiemstra, Doug, 125, 130

Hierarchy, corporate, 20

Higdon, Alexis, 79


interviews, 125–126

organizational value, 126

Home office. See Small office/home office (SOHO) enterprise


Ideals, 53

Independent contractors, 130–131

Innovation, 20, 28

Interviews, 124–125

tips for, 127–129

Intuition, 88


J. Peterman Company, 28–29

Job creation, 13

Journaling, 205–206

Judgments, 115–116


Kalb, Marvin, 182

Kasser, Tim, 180

Kmart, 23

Korten, David, 6, 16–17

Kruskie, Ellen, 57, 63, 82

Kübler Ross, Elisabeth, 187


Leadership, 25

Lerner, Michael, 197

Lesser, Marc, 65

Lincoln, Abraham, 166

Listening, 113–114

Lovata, Al, 89, 137


Maggiani, Rich, 92

Managed growth, myth of, 43–45

Marcus Aurelius, 166–167

Marcus, Stephen, 31–33

Mary Kay Cosmetics, 65

Mastery and business, 166–167

Matson, Jim, 87

Meditation, 202

Metcalf, Bob, 53

Microenterprises, 11

Mindfulness, 203–205

Mission, 72–75

mission statements, 51

personal mission, 108

vision vs., 72–74

Moulton, Melinda, 64

Mutual benefit, 55–56

Myers, Bill, 142


Nature, 200

Needleman, Jacob, 191

New Economy myth, 3

Newsletters, electronic, 156

Norms, business, 66


Objectivity, 23

Orientation program, 134–135

Overfamiliarity, 117–118

Owens, Kevin, 30, 91, 136


Part-time employees, 129

Partnering, 129

Paul Harris Stores, 29

Performance evaluation, 139–140

Personal responsibility, 62–63

Peterman, John, 28–29

Planning. See Business planning

Prayer, 202

Pro bono work, 58–59

Prosuming, 56, 151

Puritan work ethic, 169


Qualitative factors

excellence, 19

growth, 27

Quality of life, 14–15

Quality standards, 64–65

Quantitative factors, growth, 27–28


The Rabbi’s Gift fable, 108

Random growth theory, 28

Reflection, 96

The Reinvention of Work (Fox), 166

Relationships, 57–58, 64, 107–110

assumptions, judgments, filters, 115–116

calmness and centering, 120

common understanding/expectations, 116–117

customers and, 143–149, 151–162

employees and, 123–131, 133–142

frame and listen, 113–114

golden rules for, 111–121

overfamiliarity, 117–118

rules into practice, 120–121

self-knowledge and, 111–113

service and generosity of spirit, 118–119

Religion and business, 170–173

Reorganization plan, 35

Resiliency, 22

Respect, business environment, 60–61

Revenue generation, 61–62

Right livelihood concept, 56

Risk, 177–180

Robbins, Anthony, 167

Rogers, Brian, 89

Rollins, Keith, 24, 64, 93

Ryan, Richard, 180


Salespersons, 144–149

audience knowledge of, 145–146

benefits vs. features, 146–147

client communication, 146

client needs, 146

product knowledge and, 145

purpose and limits, 147

tips for, 148–149

See also Customers

San Francisco Renaissance, 33–36

business strategy, 36

contraction mode, 35–36

expansion strategy, 34–35

Savoye, Craig, 17

Schumacher, E. F., 9

Select Design, Ltd., 30

Self-employment, 12

Self-knowledge, relationships and, 111–113

Senior management, 32

Service Master, 65

Shelby Designs & Illustrates, 36–40

staffing crisis, 37–39

Sheldrake, Mike, 61, 63, 184–185

Small business

challenges of, 3

contributions of, 10, 12–13

defined, 11–12

disadvantages of, 23–25

economic diversity of, 14

home office/small office, 10–12, 13, 24

job creation and, 13

large corporations vs., 16–17

local communities and, 17

owner’s role, 34

power of, 9–17

quality of life, 14–15

quality vs. quantitative measures, 5–7

SBA definition of, 5

single-person enterprises, 11–12

size, pros and cons of, 19–22

statistical measures of, 11, 13

transformative journeys of, 30

uniqueness of, 14

See also Big-vision

small business Small Business Administration (SBA), 5, 11

Small Is Beautiful (Schumacher), 9

Small office/home office (SOHO) enterprise, 10-12

job creation and, 13

personal connections of, 24

Smith, Adam, 175

Social responsibility, 60, 66

Specialization, 21

Spirit Matters (Lerner), 197


prayer and meditation, 202

spiritual practice, 65

workplace and, 173–174

Spitalny, Eileen, 56

Staffing crisis, 37–39

Stanford, Cec, 60, 90

Starcher, George, 168

Straight, Karen, 62

Strategic planning, 86

Support network, 207–208

Surveys, client surveys, 155–157


Team work

partnering, 129

See also Groups

Termination of employees, 141–142

3Com, 53

Tichy, Noel, 27

Time constraints, business planning and, 90–94

Time management, 191–195

Time and the Soul (Needleman), 191

Tupper, Shelby Putnam, 31, 36–40, 64, 127


Ummel, Nina, 31, 40–46, 60

Ummelina International Day Spa, 40–46

expansion challenges, 41–42

expansion choice, 46

growth spurt support, 45

managed growth myth, 43–45


Values, 63–64

core values, 74–75

Visibility, 24

Vision, 27, 51–52, 72, 194

business decisions and, 76–77

business planning and, 82–83, 95, 95–104

case study (Cat Doctor), 79–82

core vision vs., 74–75

defined, 73

guiding vision, 69–77

mission vs., 72–74

organizational vision, 119

reflection/articulation of, 75–76

vision statement, 52

visioning, approaches to, 95

See also Big-vision small business

Volunteer work, 15, 58–59, 202–203


Wellness and rejuvenation, 206–207

Wisdom in business, 165–176, 197–197

allowing vs. forcing, 198–199

communication skills, 199–200

gratitude, 200–201

journaling, 205–206

mindfulness, 203–205

nature, 200

prayer and meditation, 202

service to others, 202–203

support network, 207–208

wellness and rejuvenation, 206–207


Yes! A Journal of Positive Futures (Korten), 16

Your Performing Edge (Dahlkoetter), 52


Zapffe, Jessie, 60, 62, 188

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