

  • accounts, on Solana, 112
  • Accumulate network, 14–15
  • Acolyte service (Factom), 214
  • Active Directory (AD), Azure, 144
  • ADA cryptocurrency
    • buying and selling, 86–87
    • incentive mechanism, 89
    • Ouroboros PoS protocol features, 86
    • overview, 86
    • pledging, 87
    • setting up system for staking, 89–92
    • stake pools, 87–89
    • wallets for, 89–92
  • Ancun Zhengxin Co., 210
  • anti-money laundering (AML) regulations, 58, 79, 165, 167, 195
  • artificial intelligence (AI), 149, 156–158
  • artist use of blockchain, 213–215
  • Asia, smart cities of, 195–199
  • assets, digital, 37–39, 58
  • audit trails, 166–167
  • auditing blockchain technology, 171–172
  • Augur, 214
  • authentication, Cryptlets for, 138–140
  • authorship, trusted, 213–214
  • Axie Infinity, 235
  • AZA Finance, 170, 181
  • Azure. See Microsoft Azure
  • Azure Quickstart Templates (Microsoft), 142
  • Azure Resource Manager (Microsoft), 142
  • Azure Stack program (Microsoft), 142


  • backing up private keys, 227–228
  • backup seeds, 31–32, 34–36, 91
  • bank transfers, 166
  • banking trends, future, 163–167
  • Behlendorf, Brian, 126
  • Besu (Hyperledger), 133–136
  • big data, 189, 198–199
  • biographical identity, 205
  • BitAddress paper wallet generator, 53–54
  • Bitcoin
    • adoption by governments, 194
    • BitGo wallet, 228
    • block size limit debate, 46–47
    • border-free payroll, 169
    • consensus, 16
    • controversy related to, 48
    • Ethereum development and, 56
    • history of, 14, 44
    • HiveMind, 222
    • limitations of, 47
    • mining for, 51–52
    • misconceptions about, 48–49
    • overview, 43
    • paper wallet, making, 52–54
    • purchasing, 32
    • scams related to, 49–51
    • structure of, 9, 12–13, 44–46
    • trading for Ether, 36
    • transferring to Jaxx, 36
  • Bitcoin bloat, 47, 56
  • Bitcoin Cash, 46–47
  • Bitcoin Civil War, 46–47
  • Bitcoin Core, 220
  • Bitcoin protocol, 45
  • Bitcoin-QT client, 51
  • BitGo wallet, 228
  • Bitlicense, 202–203
  • BitPay, 169
  • Bitwage, 169
  • block, defined, 12
  • block size limit debate (Bitcoin), 46–47
  • BlockApps tool (Microsoft Azure), 143
  • Blockchain Alliance, 221
  • blockchain middleware, 138, 139
  • blockchain protocols, 10, 45
  • Blockchain University, 220
  • blockchains
    • applications, 13, 16–18
    • change in terminology, 48
    • choosing between types, 22–25
    • consensus, 15–16
    • current uses, 17–18
    • defined, 8–9
    • diving into world of, 27–28
    • finding opportunity for, 19–22
    • forecasting regional trends, 178–181
    • free resources, 219–223
    • function of, 9–10
    • future applications, 18
    • importance of, 10–11
    • integration of artificial intelligence and, 149, 156–158
    • life cycle, 14–15
    • overview, 1–3, 7
    • project road map, building, 25–26
    • rules for use, 225–232
    • structure, 12–13
    • trust and, 10, 11, 44
    • types, 8
    • in use, 16–18
  • Blockstack Core v14 (Project Bletchley), 138, 139
  • Bloktopia Metaverse, 237
  • Bluemix (IBM), 153–155, 159
  • border-free payroll, 169
  • borders, securing, 205–206
  • Brave browser, 29, 35, 101–102
  • breeding CryptoKitties, 38–39
  • browser extensions, 30–32, 101–102, 107
  • browsers, secure, 28, 29
  • bugs, in DAOs, 60–61, 72–73
  • burning, 236
  • business blockchain on IBM Bluemix, 153–155
  • business registration, 202
  • Buterin, Vitalik, 56, 57
  • Byzantine general’s problem, 16, 44


  • California bill AB 1326, 203
  • Car Lease (IBM), 155
  • Cardano blockchain. See also ADA cryptocurrency
    • decentralization parameter, 88
    • features, 84–85
    • history, 84
    • incentive mechanism, 89
    • Ouroboros, 85–86
    • overview, 83
    • smart contracts, building, 93–94
  • Cardano Foundation, 85
  • centralized trust paradigm, 190
  • CGminer software, 51
  • chain, defined, 12–13
  • Chain Cloud Services, 145, 147
  • Chain Core Developer Edition, 145–147
  • Chain Token (XCN) cryptocurrency, 145, 146–147
  • Chaincode (Hyperledger), 127, 156, 184
  • Cheat Sheet, explained, 3
  • China, 180, 198–199, 210
  • Circle, 203
  • citizenship models, changing, 208
  • CityDAO, 64
  • clearing agencies, 18
  • client
    • DAOhaus app, 74
    • initializing in Solana Playground, 118–119
  • closing representatives, 175
  • cloud mining, for Bitcoin, 52
  • cloud platform (Microsoft Azure), 141
  • Cloud Services (Chain), 145, 147
  • Cloudera, 198
  • clubs, DAO, 74–76
  • clusters, Solana, 114
  • CME Group, 200
  • cognitive computing, 156
  • Cognizant, 191
  • cold storage, 228
  • collators, in Polkadot, 99
  • Commercial Paper (IBM), 155
  • congress, in DAOs, 70
  • consensus
    • Cardano blockchain, 85–86
    • Ethereum blockchain, 57
    • Hyperledger Besu, 134
    • overview, 15–16
    • Polkadot blockchain, 99–100
    • Sawtooth Lake project, 133
    • Solana blockchain, 110–112
    • Sumeragi, for Iroha project, 131
  • ConsenSys, 143
  • consortium blockchain ecosystem, 137
  • Contract Cryptlets, 140–141
  • contracts, simplicity of, 226–227. See also smart contracts
  • Corda blockchain, 167
  • Cortana, 143–144
  • crates (Rust), 116
  • creatives, use of blockchain by, 213–215
  • credit card companies, 170–171
  • cross-border trade, 151–152
  • Cross-Consensus Messaging Format (XCM), 99
  • crowdfunding insurance, 190–191
  • Cryptlets (Project Bletchley), 138–141
  • cryptocurrencies. See also ADA cryptocurrency; Bitcoin; DOT cryptocurrency; Ether cryptocurrency; wallets
    • backing up private keys, 227–228
    • banking industry reactions to, 163–165
    • border-free payroll, 169
    • Chain Token, 145, 146–147
    • change in terminology, 48
    • countries, interest in, 164
    • Dai, 65
    • defined, 8
    • 51 percent attacks, 8–9
    • forecasting regional trends, 178–181
    • fraud, squeezing out, 171
    • global regulatory action, 193–195
    • guaranteed payments, 170
    • legal concerns, 225–226
    • overview, 44
    • Petro, 164
    • and proof-of-stake blockchains, 99–100
    • purchasing, 32
    • as reward for full node operation, 13
    • role in blockchain networks, 9–10
    • scams related to, 49–51
    • securing, 33–34
    • sending, rules for, 229
    • SOL, 112, 118, 121–122
    • trade finance, 151–152, 169–170
    • trading, rules for, 231–232
    • transactions, 12
  • cryptocurrency exchanges, 16–17, 86, 87, 229–230
  • CryptoDelegates (Project Bletchley), 141
  • cryptography, 44, 129
  • CryptoKitties, 37–39
  • custom Ethereum tokens, creating
    • build process, 78–82
    • GitHub account, opening, 76–77
    • overview, 76
    • requesting KETH, 77–78


  • Daedalus wallet, 89
  • Dai cryptocurrency, 65
  • Dalian Wanda, 198
  • The DAO, 60–61
  • DAOhaus platform, 73–76
  • DAOs. See decentralized autonomous organizations
  • DappRadar, 58
  • dApps. See decentralized applications
  • data control, 8–9, 10, 12, 20
  • data shards, 14, 96, 97
  • data sharing, 172
  • data sovereignty, 166–167
  • data visualization with Power BI, 144
  • database, defined, 20. See also blockchains
  • de Soto Polar, Hernando, 168, 181
  • dead capital, 168, 181
  • Decentraland, 234
  • decentralization
    • Bitcoin, 47
    • Cardano federated nodes, 88
  • decentralized applications (dApps)
    • Cardano, 84–85
    • defined, 28
    • Polkadot, 97–98
    • Solana, 112, 116–120
  • decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs)
    • building first, 69–71
    • The DAO, 60–61
    • defined, 74
    • Ethereum, 62–66
    • future of, 71–76
    • governance, 62–64
    • in insurance, 184, 191
    • investing in, 72, 168
    • legality of, 64
    • membership, 64–66
    • power of, 58–61
    • on Solana, building, 120–122
  • decentralized finance (DeFi), 235. See also financial technology
  • decentralized identifiers (DIDs), 212–213
  • decentralized insurance, 185–186
  • decentralized security, 190
  • decentralized structure of blockchains, 20
  • decision trees, 24–25
  • decision-making process in DAOs, 75
  • delegation
    • of ADA in stake pool, 88–89
    • in DAOs, 62–63
  • Department of Homeland Security, 205
  • deploying Solana programs, 117–118
  • developers, blockchain, 230
  • developing world, forecasting trends in, 180–181
  • development sandbox, 200
  • Device Gateway, 159
  • Di Iorio, Anthony, 33
  • diamond trade, 202
  • DIDs (decentralized identifiers), 212–213
  • digital assets, 37–39, 58
  • digital currency. See cryptocurrencies
  • digital identity. See sovereign identity
  • digital privacy, 166–167
  • digital wallets. See wallets
  • distributed databases, 20. See also blockchains
  • distributed ledger, Azure Chain approach to, 145–146
  • distributed ledger technology (DLT). See blockchains; private blockchains
  • distributed networks, 12. See also blockchains
  • distributed workforce, 151
  • dLoc (Smartrac), 206
  • DOT cryptocurrency
    • browser extension for, 101–102
    • claiming rewards, 103–104
    • and governance on Polkadot, 105–106
    • joining nomination pool, 102–103
    • minimum balance for Polkadot accounts, 98
    • overview, 95–96
    • purchasing, 101
    • Substrate framework and, 98
    • transferring with browser extension, 102
    • and validator nomination, 107
  • Dubai, 201–202, 208
  • dust accounts, 98
  • DXdao, 66


  • ECOS cloud mining platform, 52
  • Eich, Brendan, 29
  • EIPs (Ethereum Improvement Proposals), 57
  • El Salvador, 194
  • email, Web 3.0, 211–212
  • EMURGO, 85
  • encryption
    • Cryptlets for, 138–140
    • quantum-proofing LACChain, 129
    • of wallets, 228
    • Web 3.0 email, 211–212
  • end-state globalization, 18, 151, 193
  • Enjin Coin, 236
  • ENS (Ethereum Name Service), 63
  • enterprise blockchain platforms, 149–150
  • entries. See transactions
  • entrypoint function (Rust), 116–117
  • ephemeral transport layer, 211
  • ERC20 tokens, creating
    • build process, 78–82
    • GitHub account, opening, 76–77
    • overview, 76
    • requesting KETH, 77–78
  • Estonia e-Residency, 208, 209–210
  • Ether cryptocurrency
    • loading up MetaMask account, 37
    • mining for, 67–68
    • overview, 28, 66–67
    • purchasing, 32
    • trading Bitcoin for, 36
  • Ether.Camp tool (Microsoft Azure), 143
  • Ethereum 101 website, 219
  • Ethereum blockchain. See also Ether cryptocurrency
    • CryptoKitties account, setting up, 37–39
    • decentralized applications, 58
    • decentralized autonomous organizations
      • building first, 69–71
      • future of, 71–76
      • power of, 58–61
      • unearthing, 62–66
    • ERC20 tokens, creating
      • build process, 78–82
      • GitHub account, opening, 76–77
      • overview, 76
      • requesting KETH, 77–78
    • features, 57–61
    • free resources, 219
    • getting up and running on, 67–68
    • hacking, 61–62
    • history of, 56–57
    • Hyperledger Besu client, 133–136
    • Microsoft Azure service, 142, 143
    • overview, 14, 28, 55
    • smart contracts, 66
  • Ethereum Classic, 61
  • Ethereum Frontier, 56–57
  • Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs), 57
  • Ethereum Name Service (ENS), 63
  • Etheria dApp, 58, 59
  • Europe, blockchain trends in, 179–180
  • exchanges, cryptocurrency, 16–17, 86, 87, 229–230
  • exchanging Bitcoin for Ether, 36
  • ExpressRoute service (Microsoft Azure), 141


  • Fabric project (Hyperledger)
    • IBM Bluemix and, 154
    • integrating IBM Watson IoT Platform with, 157, 158–159
    • Inter-American Development Bank work on, 128–130
    • overview, 127
  • Factom
    • Accumulate hard fork, 14–15
    • Acolyte service, 214
    • IoT device security, 205
  • fake websites, 50
  • Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association), 176
  • federated nodes, in Cardano blockchain, 88
  • feeder documents, 206
  • 51 percent attacks, 8–9
  • files, blockchain, 172
  • Financial Action Task Force (FATF), 33, 194–195
  • financial capital of the world, battle for, 199–204
  • financial services, using on Azure Chain, 145
  • financial technology (fintech)
    • fraud, squeezing out, 171–172
    • future banking trends, 163–167
    • global financial products, 167–171
    • overview, 163
    • in Singapore, 201
    • smart cities and, 197
  • financial transactions, blockchains used to record, 16
  • Fitzgerald, Greg, 111
  • fork choice rule (Ethereum), 14
  • fraud, 50, 171–172
  • free blockchain resources, 219–223
  • full nodes, 9, 12, 13, 15
  • fully permissionless DAOs, 65
  • funding rules, in DAOs, 75
  • Future House Studios, 174


  • game, creating, 39
  • gas, in Ethereum, 66
  • Gas Distribution Protocol (LACChain), 129–130
  • get-rich-quick schemes, 50–51
  • GitHub, 76–77, 126
  • Gitter Faucet, requesting KETH on, 77–78
  • global financial products
    • border-free payroll, 169
    • faster and better trade, 169–170
    • guaranteed payments, 170
    • micropayments, 170–171
    • overview, 167–168
  • global regulatory action, 193–195
  • Global Travel Assessment System (GTAS), 205
  • global travel rule, 32, 33, 195
  • globalization, end-state, 18, 151, 193
  • goals, for blockchain projects, 22
  • gold, trading, 200
  • Got Minted, 220
  • governance
    • DAOs, 62–64, 70–71
    • LACChain network, 130
    • Polkadot blockchain, 104–106
  • governments
    • China's big data problem, 198–199
    • financial capital of the world, battle for, 199–204
    • fraud in, squeezing out, 172
    • global regulatory action, 193–195
    • lean, 207–210
    • overview, 193
    • securing world’s borders, 205–206
    • smart cities of Asia, 195–199
  • The Graph, 73
  • gray zone, 195
  • GTAS (Global Travel Assessment System), 205
  • guaranteed payments, 170


  • hacking
    • Bitcoin, 48
    • and border-free payroll, 169
    • decentralized autonomous organizations, 168
    • Ethereum, 60–62, 71, 72
  • hard forking, 61–62
  • Harpie, 185
  • hashing, 12–13, 45, 110
  • healthcare, 152–153, 202
  • Hercules project, 198
  • HERO token, 236
  • HIGH tokens, 238
  • Highstreet, 237–238
  • HiveMind, 222
  • home inspectors, 175
  • Homebrew, 135
  • Hoskinson, Charles, 84
  • Hyperledger
    • Besu, 133–136
    • Fabric project, 127–130
    • history of, 126
    • IBM Bluemix and, 153–155
    • integrating IBM Watson IoT Platform with, 157, 158–159
    • Iroha project, 130–132
    • overview, 125–126
    • Sawtooth Lake project, 132–133


  • IBM Blockchain Platform
    • healthcare, 152–153
    • overview, 149–150
    • supply chain, 150–151
    • trade finance, 151–152
  • IBM Bluemix, 153–155, 159
  • IBM Watson IoT Platform, 156–159
  • icons, explained, 2
  • ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), 17–18
  • IDB (Inter-American Development Bank), 128–130
  • IDB Lab, 128–130
  • identity
    • biographical, 205
    • double-checking on LACChain, 128
    • fraud, squeezing out, 171
    • owning, 212–213
    • ShoCard, 206
    • Smartrac technology, 206
    • sovereign, 11, 128, 194, 212–213
  • indexes of data, 12
  • India, 196–198
  • informal economy, 181
  • infrastructure congestion, 179–180
  • Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), 17–18
  • initializing client in Solana Playground, 118–119
  • Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Contracts (3CI), 145
  • InsurAce, 185
  • insurance
    • big data implications, 189
    • IoT projects, 188–189
    • overview, 183
    • precisely tailoring coverage, 183–187
    • third party, taking out of, 189–191
  • Intel, 132–133
  • intellectual property rights, 214–215
  • Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 128–130
  • interbank settlement, 166, 201
  • international payments, 200
  • Internet, trust layer for, 210–213
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
    • border security and, 205
    • current blockchain uses, 17
    • IBM Watson IoT Platform, 156–159
    • insurance and, 188–189
    • smart cities, 195
  • IOHK, 85, 90
  • iOS system, setting up for Hyperledger Besu, 135–136
  • Iroha project (Hyperledger), 130–132


  • Java, installing, 135
  • Jaxx wallet
    • custom Ethereum tokens, creating, 78
    • downloading, 34
    • overview, 33
    • securing, 34–35
    • transferring Bitcoin to, 36
  • JumpNet, 236


  • Kalinin, Mikhail, 57
  • Kimberly certificates, 202
  • Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations
    • enforced on cryptocurrencies, 195
    • future banking trends, 165, 167
    • IBM blockchain integration to address, 155
    • power of DAOs, 58
    • Singapore efforts related to, 201
    • token creation and, 79
  • Kovan Test Ether (KETH), 76, 77–78
  • Kusama testnet, 96
  • KYCK!, 155


  • LACChain network, 128–130
  • LACNet nonprofit, 130
  • lamports, 112
  • last-known document, knowing, 177–178
  • layer-0 protocol, 95
  • leader, in Iroha project, 131
  • lean governments, 207–210
  • leasing CryptoKitties, 39
  • ledgers
    • Azure Chain approach to, 145–146
    • building with Sequence, 146
    • of Solana clusters, 114
  • legal concerns, 64, 225–226
  • life cycle, blockchain, 14–15
  • Linux Foundation, 126
  • loan officers, 175
  • loan processors, 175
  • logic, writing Solana program, 116–117
  • London, 199–200


  • Mailchain, 211–212
  • main chain (Polkadot), 97
  • MakerDAO, 65
  • Malta, 204
  • Marbles application (IBM), 155
  • Marlowe suite, building smart contracts with, 93–94
  • membership, in DAOs, 64–66, 75
  • Merkle trees, 45
  • messaging key (Mailchain email), 211
  • Metahero, 236
  • MetaMask
    • custom Ethereum tokens, creating, 79–80
    • custom tokens, getting from Polymath, 81
    • DAO setup with DAOhaus app, 75
    • downloading, installing, and securing, 30–32
    • ENS, claiming name on, 63
    • requesting KETH on Gitter Faucet, 77
    • sending Ether to, 37
  • MetaStreet, 235
  • metaverse projects
    • Axie Infinity, 235
    • Bloktopia, 237
    • Decentraland, 234
    • Enjin Coin, 236
    • Highstreet, 237–238
    • Metahero, 236
    • MetaStreet, 235
    • overview, 233
    • The Sandbox, 234–235
    • Star Atlas, 236–237
    • Voxels, 238
  • micro insurance, 186–187
  • micro-investments, 168
  • Microsoft Azure
    • building in, 141–142
    • Chain, 145–147
    • deploying blockchain tools on, 143–144
    • overview, 137
    • Project Bletchley, 137–141
  • Microsoft Azure Quickstart Templates, 142
  • Microsoft Azure Resource Manager, 142
  • Microsoft Azure Stack program, 142
  • middleware, blockchain, 138, 139
  • mining
    • for Bitcoin, 46, 49, 51–52
    • for Ether, 67–68
    • proof-of-stake versus proof-of-work, 100
  • mobile app development with Iroha, 131–132
  • MolochDAO, 65, 73
  • money. See also financial technology
    • forecasting trends related to, 179–180
    • moving faster with blockchain, 165–166
  • money laundering, combating, 33
  • Moonpay, 92
  • mortgage lenders and servicers, 175
  • mortgage underwriters, 176
  • mortgages in blockchain world, 176–178
  • Move programming language, 110
  • Multichain blog, 221
  • multichain networks, 97
  • Multiminerapp client, 51
  • multisig governance of DAOs, 63–64
  • music industry, 214–215


  • Nakamoto, Satoshi, 44
  • network, in blockchain, 13, 14
  • New York City, 202–203
  • NFTs. See nonfungible tokens
  • nodes
    • Bitcoin, 45–46
    • Ethereum, 67
    • full, 9, 12, 13, 15
    • Iroha project, 131
    • LACChain network, 128
    • Ouroboros PoS protocol features, 86
    • Polkadot, 100
  • nominated proof of stake (NPoS), 99–100
  • nomination pool, joining DOT, 102–103
  • nominators (Polkadot), 100, 107, 108
  • nonfungible tokens (NFTs)
  • nonprofits, squeezing out fraud in, 172
  • notarization, 210
  • Nouns DAO, 63
  • NPoS (nominated proof of stake), 99–100


  • OCBC, 201
  • online indexes of data, 12
  • OpenSea, 214
  • oracles, 139, 140, 219, 227
  • origination costs, 177
  • Ouroboros PoS protocol, 85–86


  • paper wallets, 52–54, 228
  • parachains (parallelized chains), 97, 99
  • passenger resolution, 205
  • passports, 206
  • passwords, 31–32, 34–36, 91, 228, 230
  • payment, merged with cryptography, 44
  • payroll, border-free, 169
  • Peernova, 198
  • Peertracks, 215
  • Pegasus spyware, 212
  • permanent history, financial technology related to, 166–167
  • permissioned blockchains, 8, 23–24, 127, 128, 167
  • permissionless blockchains, 167
  • Petro cryptocurrency (Venezuela), 164
  • Phantom wallet, 121–122
  • Playground. See Solana Playground IDE
  • pledging ADA cryptocurrency, 87
  • POA (proof of authority) consensus algorithm, 134
  • PoET (proof of elapsed time) consensus algorithm, 133
  • PoH (proof of history) consensus algorithm, 110–112
  • Polkadot blockchain
    • as developer-centric, 97–98
    • features, 97–100
    • getting up and running, 101–104
    • governance, 104–106
    • history of, 96
    • nominated proof of stake, 99–100
    • overview, 95–96
    • parachains, 99
    • staking dashboard, 107, 108
    • Substrate framework, 98
    • validators, 106–108
  • Polkadot{.js} browser extension, 101–102, 107
  • Polymath
    • account, setting up, 78
    • creating tokens, 79–81
    • getting tokens, 81–82
    • overview, 76
    • token symbol, reserving, 78–79
  • pools, staking DOT in, 102–103
  • POS. See proof of stake consensus algorithm
  • post-quantum cryptography algorithms, 129
  • POW. See proof of work consensus algorithm
  • Power BI, 144
  • prediction markets, 214
  • privacy, digital, 166–167
  • private blockchains, 8, 23, 24, 132
  • private keys, 211, 227–228
  • private stake pools (ADA cryptocurrency), 87
  • private window with Tor (Brave browser), 29
  • process_instruction function (Rust), 117
  • program ID (Solana), 118
  • programming languages, in Ethereum, 57
  • Project Bletchley
    • Cryptlets, 138–141
    • CryptoDelegates, 141
    • overview, 137–138, 142
  • Project Hercules, 198
  • proof of authority (POA) consensus algorithm, 134
  • proof of elapsed time (PoET) consensus algorithm, 133
  • proof of history (PoH) consensus algorithm, 110–112
  • proof of stake (POS) consensus algorithm
    • Cardano, 84, 85–86
    • Ethereum, 57
    • nominated proof of stake, 100
    • overview, 10, 14
    • versus proof of work, 99–100
  • proof of work (POW) consensus algorithm
    • Bitcoin, 16
    • Ethereum, 57, 67
    • Hyperledger Besu, 134
    • overview, 10
    • versus proof of history, 111
    • versus proof of stake, 99–100
  • protocols, blockchain, 10, 45
  • ProtonVPN, 30
  • proving the negative, 172
  • public blockchains, 8, 16, 23–24
  • public keys, 113–114, 129
  • public stake pools (ADA cryptocurrency), 87
  • publishing with caution, 227


  • quantum-proofing LACChain, 129
  • Quickstart Templates (Microsoft Azure), 142
  • quorum, in DAOs, 63


  • R3, 165, 167, 201
  • ransomware attacks, 48
  • real estate
    • Fannie Mae, 176
    • forecasting regional trends, 178–181
    • mortgages in blockchain world, 176–178
    • overview, 173
    • protected industries, 174–176
    • title insurance, 174
  • real estate agents, 175
  • real estate appraisers, 175
  • Realms platform, 120, 122
  • record keeping, 13
  • referenda, on Polkadot, 104–106
  • regional blockchain trends, forecasting, 178–181
  • regulatory action, global, 193–195
  • regulatory sandbox of Singapore, 195, 200–201
  • relay chain (Polkadot), 97
  • rent, on Solana, 112–113
  • reputation-based DAO membership, 65–66
  • resources, free, 219–223
  • rewards, claiming on Polkadot, 103–104
  • “right to be forgotten” rules, 167
  • Ripple, 165, 203
  • RocksDB database, 134
  • router security, 230
  • run command, in Solana Playground, 118, 119–120
  • Rust programming language, 116–117
  • Ryan, Danny, 57


    • The Sandbox, 234–235
    • Santander Bank, 200
    • saturation of ADA stake pools, 88
    • Sawtooth Lake project (Hyperledger), 132–133
    • scaling blockchain technology, 14–15
    • scams, 49–51, 61–62, 231
    • SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission), 164
    • Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), 13
    • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 10
    • securities, trading, 17–18
    • security
      • backing up private keys, 227–228
      • Bitcoin network, 48, 49
      • blockchain uses, 17
      • blockchains, importance of, 10, 11
      • border-free payroll, 169
      • of borders, 205–206
      • centralized trust paradigm, 190
      • cryptocurrency, 33–35
      • decentralized, 190
      • Ethereum, 61–62, 66, 71–72
      • 51 percent attacks, 8–9
      • Internet of Things, 158
      • Jaxx wallet, 34–35
      • Ouroboros PoS protocol, 85–86
      • paper wallets, 52–53
      • secure environment, creating, 28–32
      • SSL certificates, 10
      • Web 3.0 email, 211–212
    • Security Token Offering (STO), 80
    • security tokens, 80–82
    • seed phrases, 31–32, 34–36, 91
    • self-driving cars, 188, 190
    • self-sovereign identity. See sovereign identity
    • Sequence tool (Chain), 145, 146
    • SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm), 13
    • ShapeShift, 32
    • sharding, 14, 96, 97
    • share-based DAO membership, 65
    • sharing data with blockchain, 172
    • Shin, Laura, 222
    • shipping, 202
    • ShoCard, 206
    • signature levels (LACChain), 128
    • signing transactions, in Solana, 119
    • Singapore, 195–198, 200–201, 208
    • single-window principle, 209
    • Slack, 126
    • slashing, in Polkadot, 98, 100, 107
    • smart cities of Asia, 195–199
    • smart contracts
    • Smart Nation project (Singapore), 195–196, 208
    • Smartrac, 206
    • Smith + Crown, 222
    • SOL cryptocurrency, 112, 118, 121–122
    • Solana blockchain. See also Solana Playground IDE
      • building DAO on, 120–122
      • features, 109–114
      • overview, 109
    • Solana clusters, 114
    • Solana Playground IDE
      • creating program, 116–117
      • deploying program, 117–118
      • initializing client, 118–119
      • overview, 114
      • running application, 119–120
      • wallet, creating, 114–115
    • Solana wallet, creating, 121–122
    • solana-program crate, 116
    • Solidity project, 143
    • soul-bound tokens, 65
    • sovereign identity, 11, 128, 194, 212–213
    • SPL Governance standard, 120
    • spyware, 212
    • Squirrel Finance, 190
    • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 10
    • staking ADA cryptocurrency
      • delegation, 88–89
      • incentive mechanism, 89
      • overview, 86
      • picking pool, 87
      • pledging ADA, 87
      • saturation of, 88
      • setting up system for, 89–92
    • staking dashboard (Polkadot), 107, 108
    • staking DOT in nomination pools, 102–103
    • Star Atlas, 236–237
    • state transition function (STF), 97
    • STO (Security Token Offering), 80
    • structure, blockchain, 12–13
    • structured data, defined, 20
    • subgraphs (DAOhaus), 73–74
    • Substrate framework, 97, 98
    • Sumeragi consensus algorithm, 131
    • superposition, 129
    • supply chains, 150–151


    • TEE (trusted execution environment), 133
    • Teku Ethereum consensus client, 135, 136
    • terrorism financing, combating, 33
    • test ether, 68. See also Kovan Test Ether
    • Test Net option (Ethereum wallet), 70
    • 3CI (Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Contracts), 145
    • Tidal, 186
    • timestamps, 110, 133
    • title insurance, 174
    • title transfers, 202
    • token-based DAO membership, 65
    • tokens. See also cryptocurrencies
      • Cardano, creating on, 84
      • custom Ethereum, creating, 76–82
      • in DAOs, 75, 120
      • in micro insurance, 187
      • rules for trading, 231–232
      • Solana, 112
      • tools for safety of, 229
    • Tor software, 29
    • tourism, 202
    • trade finance, 151–152, 169–170
    • trading Bitcoin for Ether, 36
    • trading tokens, rules for, 231–232
    • transaction family, in Sawtooth Lake, 133
    • transactions
      • automatic governance on DAOs, 63
      • Bitcoin, 46–47
      • defined, 12
      • Fabric project, 127
      • LACChain network, 129–130
      • overview, 8–9
      • for Solana program, 119, 120
    • treasury, 120
    • TruMint, 174
    • trust
      • blockchain as Internet layer for, 210–213
      • centralized trust paradigm, 190
      • and consensus algorithm, 16
      • importance of blockchains for, 10, 11, 44
    • trusted authorship, 213–214
    • trusted execution environment (TEE), 133
    • trusted nodes, 14–15
    • trustless systems, 28, 171
    • Truthcoin, 222
    • Turing-complete programming languages, 57
    • two-factor authentication, 230


    • UjoMusic, 215
    • unbonding period (Polkadot), 103
    • Unchained podcast, 222–223
    • Unconfirmed podcast, 222
    • United Arab Emirates (UAE), 201–202, 208
    • United Kingdom (UK), 199–200, 205
    • United States (US), 179, 205
    • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 164
    • Utility Cryptlets, 140–141


    • validators, 100, 106–108, 111
    • vaults, in decentralized finance, 235
    • Venezuelan cryptocurrency, 164
    • verifiable delay function (VDF), 111
    • virtual asset service providers (VASPs), 32, 33
    • virtual private network (VPN), 28, 30
    • visualizing data with Power BI, 144
    • voting
      • in DAOs, 70–71, 75
      • on Polkadot, 104, 105–106
    • Voxels, 238


    • W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), 212
    • W3F (Web3 Foundation), 96
    • wallets
      • backing up private keys, 227–228
      • BitGo, 228
      • Cardano, 86, 87, 89–92
      • Daedalus, 89
      • Ethereum, 67, 68, 69–70
      • hacking of, 48
      • Jaxx, 33–36, 78
      • paper, 52–54, 228
      • Solana, 121–122
      • Solana Playground, 114–115, 118
      • Yoroi, 89, 90–92
    • Wanxiang, 155
    • Watson IoT Platform (IBM), 156–159
    • Web 1.0, 11
    • Web 2.0, 11
    • Web 3.0 (Web3), 8, 11, 147, 211–212
    • Web3 Foundation (W3F), 96
    • weighted decision matrixes, 21–22
    • welfare distribution (UK), 200
    • Wi-Fi networks, 230
    • Wood, Gavin, 96
    • Wood, Jeremy, 84
    • WordProof, 210
    • workforce, distributed, 151
    • world trade, 151–152, 169–170
    • World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 212
    • Wyoming, laws recognizing DAOs in, 64


    • XCM (Cross-Consensus Messaging Format), 99
    • XCN (Chain Token) cryptocurrency, 145, 146–147


    • Yakovenko, Anatoly, 111
    • Yas Microinsurance, 187
    • Yoroi wallet, 89, 90–92


    • zero-click attacks, 212
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