
accountability, 38, 119, 124

action(s), 16, 123–124

for change, 168–169

commitment to, 182

formulas for, 10, 28

activism, scale of, 13

advocacy, 83, 108

agreement, creating, 10

Alinksy, Saul, Rules for Radicals, 62

ambivalence, 138, 140, 151

Anderson, Ray, 12


coming clean, 117

effects of, 113, 127

elements of effective, 114, 115–116

example, 117–121

vulnerability in, 120

aspirations. See future/future aspirations

assumptions, 38, 60, 142, 170


in conversations, 29

definitions/descriptions, 30

dynamic (see dynamic authenticity) static, 33, 39

your notions of, 34–35 See also inauthenticity

background conversations

bait in the trap in, 78, 79

identifying your, 79

patterns in, 67

pitfalls in, 68–73

transforming, 51–53

ways of being in, 64

baggage of conversations, 41–43, 60, 127. See also conversations; ways of being

bait/bait in the trap acknowledging our, 127

examples, 61–62, 68–73

forms of bait, 75, 76–78, 81

“How to Catch Monkeys” story, 74

identifying the, 74, 78, 79, 175

letting go of the, 80, 108, 164, 170

locating the collective, 169170

as metaphor, 62, 64–65

your relationship to, 162–163 See also pitfalls

Baldwin, Molly, 176–177

barriers to conversations, 125

Bashir, Nadia, 49–50

becoming, 45

being certain, 76, 167–168, 170

being/getting stuck apologizing and, 116

approaches to issues of, 28

collateral damage as cost of, 66

consistency with the past and, 30–31

in conversations, 16, 18–20, 47–48

being/getting stuck costs of, 67, 79

definition, 15

example, 56

getting unstuck, 60, 91–92, 112, 185

pitfalls and bait in, 68–73

pitfalls and pathways of, 62–64

reasons for staying stuck in conversations, 62

responsibility for, 65–66

strategies for unsticking conversations, 21–22

being right, 71, 73, 76, 77, 81, 85, 92, 165–166, 169, 171

being righteous, 75, 76, 77–78, 85, 86, 102, 149, 166–167, 169, 171

being safe, 76–77, 165, 168–169, 170

both-and goals, 146, 149

brainstorming ideas, 149, 151

buddies/coaches, 39

accountability through, 124

benefits of, 113

checking in with, 55

choosing, 37–38

drawing out others’ motivations, 91–92

getting unstuck, 91–92

identifying core tensions, 163

sharing pitfalls in conversations, 127

sharing reflections with, 54

care, spheres of. See spheres-of-care model

certainty/being certain, 76, 170

letting go of, 167–168


in approach in conversations, 64

through conversation, 50–51

incremental, 160

shared inquiry for, 156–157

social/environmental, 27

strategies for, 159

taking action for, 168–169 See also movements/causes

change agents, 168–169

Chavez, Cesar, 10–11, 153

choices, influencing others’, 111

clarity, 100–101

climate change examples, 11, 25, 64, 76, 90, 92–93, 117–121, 131, 132, 154–155, 165

coaching buddies. See buddies/coaches collective bait, 169–170

collective conversations, 156–157, 164

collective pitfalls, 164–165, 184

coming clean, 117

commitments, 75, 123–124

compromise/compromising, 136–137, 148, 150

conflict(s), 131, 148, 167. See also tension(s)

connecting/engaging with others, 11, 14, 26, 32, 86–87, 88. See also relationships

consensus, lack of, 10, 28

consistency with the past, 30–31, 33, 39

content of conversations, 131


of conflict, 134, 167

considering your, 36, 88, 125, 142, 149

creating new, 84

for engaging in conversations, 175

inspiration and, 93

of internal motivations, 95

of pitfalls and pathways, 123

polarized, 151

shared, 49

tensions in your, 129–130

way of being in, 75


acknowledging baggage and bait in, 127

approaching polarized, 130

authentic, 20–21, 26

avoiding/avoided, 4, 14, 19–20, 52, 76–77, 117

background (see background conversations)

being stuck in (see being/getting stuck)

building new, 112

collective, 156–157, 164

commitment to, 124

contexts for engaging in, 175 (see also contexts)

difficult, 48–49, 155

failed, 58

focusing on real/live, 17

hidden baggage of, 41–43, 60

inauthentic, 26

objectivity in, 83

observing, 106

one-dimensional, 143, 147–148

overall tone of, 131

politically charged, 139–141

possibilities for, 183

power of, 10–15

questions to ponder for, 9–10

recycling of, 31

spoken, 57

steps in transforming, 27, 57, 60

transforming background, 51–53, 175–176

two-dimensional, 160

unlocking, 156

with yourself, 45–46, 51

core tension, 157–160

creative tension, 162

criminal justice reform, 159

crisis-based strategies, 72

cultural polarization, 137

Cuomo, Chris, 155

default strategies, 15

discomfort, 34

divisiveness, 160

dreams/aspirations, 59. See also future/future aspirations

dynamic authenticity, 31–37, 39

Ecology of Commerce, The (Hawken), 12

Effective Apology (Kador), 113

effectiveness, 16, 159

Efficient IT, 24

Ehrenfield, John, 174

either-or mental model, 146

empathy, 45

empty vessel (possibility), 171–172

endeavors, importance of your, 87

engaging with others, 151

barriers to, 21–22

for commitment to action, 182

through conversations, 156

inspiring, 160

speaking the language of others for, 23–24 See also relationships

environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria (example), 143–145

environmental change, 27


about, 4–6

brainstorming ideas, 149

breaking through gridlock, 3–4

building new conversations, 112

choosing a buddy, 37–38

commitment to action, 182

commitment to conversations, 124

considering others’ values, 142

core tensions in your movement, 163

cost of being stuck, 67

creating a new way of being, 99–100

creating pathways, 180–181

envisioning the future, 172–173

envisioning what you want, 97–98

going beyond one-dimensional conversations, 147–148

identifying stuck conversations, 18–20

identifying the bait, 78

identifying your ways of being, 54

importance of your endeavors, 87

locating the bait, 169–170

locating values in spheres of care, 134

mapping the pitfall, 78–80

meaning of authenticity, 29, 34–35

reframing the problem, 106

spoken conversation, 57

transforming conversations of your movement, 175–176

writing a letter, 121, 162

external motivations, 88, 90–93, 95–96, 108, 115

focus on facts/content of conversations, 131

on future, 149

on impact versus performance, 145

past-centered, 110

shifts in, 105–106

football test, 89, 92, 98

forward pathways, 178–181, 184

framing (translation) strategy, 22–26, 44

Frey, John, 23–24, 44

frustration, 25

future/future aspirations

alignment of, 31–34, 35, 121

alignment of way of being with, 59

changing the, 168

envisioning your, 97–98, 105, 114

expressing what you want for, 96–97

focus on, 149

forward pathways, 178–180

internal barriers to, 125

positive ways of being for, 173

values and, 131–132

vision for, 172–173

Gandhi, Mahatma, 76

getting stuck. See being/getting stuck

Gildersleeve, Melissa, 11–13


both-and, 146, 149

breaking tradeoffs between, 149

competing, 147

complementary/common, 159

effectiveness in reaching, 65–66

of others, 25

in sustainability example, 157

group safety, 170

guided meditation, 100–101, 102

Haidt, Jonathan, 139

Hawken, Paul, The Ecology of Commerce, 12

healthcare reform example, 158

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), 23–24

hidden baggage of conversations, 41–43, 60

hidden competing commitments, 75

honor/integrity, 30

“How to Catch Monkeys” story, 74

HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise), 23–24

human trafficking example, 87, 90, 117

imaginary conversations, 113, 121

impact, 145, 153


bait as creator of, 77

in conversations, 26

identifying, 36

sharing/not sharing and, 88–89

way of being and, 59

your responses to, 34 See also authenticity

inconsistency, 32, 36

influence strategy, 95

Infowars, 161–162

innovation, 148, 149

inquiry, 153, 156–157, 180–181

inspiration, 93, 98, 108

inspiring others, 13, 59

integrity/honor, 30

internal barriers, 125

internal (self-determined) motivations, 86–96, 108

introspection, 45

Jefferson, Thomas, 162

Jones, Van, 139–141, 161–162


being judged, 88

judging others, 2, 32, 42, 46–47, 52, 58, 65, 102

self-, 55

justifications. See reasons/rationales/justifications

Kador, John, Effective Apology, 113

Kegan, Robert, 75

Kenney, Sean, 143–145

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 168–169

Lahey, Lisa, 75

Lakoff, George, 23

language, speaking the other person’s, 23–24

LaValle, Joyce, 11–13

letting go of the bait, 80, 108

of being right, 165–166

of being safe, 168–169

of pitfalls, 164

of righteousness, 166–167

list making

for breaking through gridlock, 3–4

for choosing a buddy, 37–38

identifying values, 142

traits of typical environmentalist example, 49–51, 77

live conversations, 52

Lockheed Martin example, 125–126

mapping the pitfall, 78–80

market performance example, 143–144

meaning/purpose, 96

meditation, 100–101, 173

mental model of a trade-off, 144–145, 146

metaphors, 23–24, 62, 64–65, 190

MFS Investment Management example, 143–145

mistrust, 25

MIT Generator series (example), 64

moral foundations model, 142, 151

moral values, 139

motivations external, 88, 90–93, 95–96, 115

hiding from yourself, 92

identifying deeper, 108

internal (self-determined), 86–96, 108

mapping out our, 108

other peoples’ internal, 91

reflecting on our, 90

sharing, 95 See also reasons/rationales/justifications

movements/causes advocating for your, 93

bait and pitfalls in, 164–165

commitments to action, 182

core tensions in your, 163

finding possibility in, 170–172, 174

giving up righteousness of, 167

pitfalls-and-tensions perspective on, 157–160

realist-visionary tensions in, 160–163

reflecting on, 184–185

Roca example, 176–177

social justice, 159

transforming conversations of, 175–176

understanding the importance of our, 87–88

negotiations, 146

objectives. See goals/objectives Olivetti, Elsa, 63

one-dimensional conversations, 143, 147–148, 160

outcomes, 130, 181

partners, choosing. See buddies/coaches parts-in-wholes in spheres of care, 133–134

past-centered focus, 110


creating, 156–157

inspiring forward, 160

as new ways of being, 185

through two-dimensional conversations, 161

understanding forward, 178–181, 184

patterns breaking, 50

of communication, 42

noticing your, 87

past, 175

Pence, Mike, 154–155

perceptions, 58, 116

performance focus, 145, 146

perspectives, shifts in, 105–106


acknowledging aspects of, 121, 127

collective, 164–165, 184

common, 81

contexts of, 123

created, 117

in creating forward pathways, 178–181

delusions, 160

divisiveness, 160

emergence of new, 111

identifying, 65, 68–73, 75, 157–160

identifying others’, 110–111

letting go of, 164

mapping, 78–80

as metaphor, 64–65

owning up to your, 122

predictable, 2

recycling through, 68

self-righteousness, 137

as traps, 47, 62 See also bait/bait in the trap

play, serious, 2, 7

poem (Rumi), 174


cultural, 137–138

effects of, 25

embracing, 151

framing and, 22–26

of issues, 14

within movements, 184

between our and others’ values, 142

owning the, 130, 135–138

polarized contexts, 151

politically charged conversations, 139–141

possibilities, finding, 170–172, 174

power of conversations, 10–15

power play strategy, 21–22, 95

prejudices, 60

presence/presencing, experience of, 98–99

problem solving, 28, 106

purpose/meaning, 96

racial bias example, 139–141

rationales. See reasons/rationales/justifications real conversations exercise, 18–20

realist-visionary tensions, 160–163


changing, 95

external, 92, 108

secondary, 97

writing down your, 90 See also motivations

rebranding the movement/cause, 171

recycling bin example, 84–86, 86–87, 91–92, 95, 103–104, 105, 113, 153–154


influencing others’, 111

shared, 184

as starting point, 27

using exercises for, 54

on your work/progress, 109–110

reflective work example, 5–6


barriers to strengthening, 21–22

cause-and-effect, 170 212

relationships connecting/engaging with others, 11, 14, 26, 32, 86–87, 88

effects of ways of being on, 119

improving, 27

sharing vision in, 172–173

spheres of care in, 134

tension in, 93

representativeness, 159

resignation, 16

responsibility, for your way of being, 58

retelling stories, 56–57

rewards (bait), what they are not, 74–75

rhetorical strategies, 146

righteousness acknowledging, 149

as bait, 70, 75, 76–78, 81, 131, 171

context of, 165

examples, 56, 58, 85, 86, 102

letting go of, 166–167, 184

as pitfall, 137

reconsidering, 169, 170

self-, 42–43, 49, 50, 63, 110, 136, 137

rightness/being right, 71, 73, 76, 77, 81, 85, 92, 169, 171

letting go of, 165–166

risk taking, 168–169, 170

Roca, 176–177

Rules for Radicals (Alinksy), 62

Rumi, 174

safety/being safe, 76–77

contexts for, 165

letting go of, 168–169

reconsidering, 169, 170

Scharmer, Otto, 98–99

Schumann, Karina, 113

self-determined (internal) motivations, 86–96, 92

self-interests, 166–167

self-observation, 47

self-reflection. See reflection/self-reflection self-righteousness, 42–43, 49, 50, 63, 110, 136, 137

senior trip example, 117–121

serious play, 2, 7

shared contexts, 49

sharing/not sharing how to share, 89

motivations, 93–94, 95

ourselves versus facts, 88

sharing for inspiration, 98

Shroyer, Owen, 139–141, 161–162

social change, 27

social justice movements, 159, 176–177

spheres-of-care model broadening perspective through, 138

considering others’ values with, 142, 151

organization of values around, 132–134

in politically charged conversations, 139–141

rade-offs model for, 136

spoken conversations, 57

static authenticity, 31, 33, 39

storytelling, recounting our stories, 56–57


for change, 159

compromise, 148

creating new way of being, 105

crisis-based, 72

default, 15


framing, 22–26

impact of your, 170

influence, 95

pathways as, 185

persisting with our, 81

power play, 21–22, 95

rhetorical, 146

tension due to others’, 151

your stance on your, 78, 79

stuck, being/getting. See being/getting stuck subgroups, 14, 140–141

subtext in conversations, 131

success, keys to, 96

sustainability movement, 157–160, 165, 174


articulating/reflecting on, 173

competing, 33

core, 157–160, 163

creative, 33

embracing, 91, 150, 151, 156–157

identifying, 134, 147–148, 185

inner, 32

at movement level, 164

realist-visionary, 160–163

reflecting on core, 169

in relationships, 93

between representativeness and effectiveness, 159

between us and them, 129–131 See also conflict(s)

thought experiments, 113, 121

togetherness, value of, 2

trade-offs breaking, through negotiation, 146

mental model of, 144–145

between needs of individuals and collectives, 136

between our and others’ values, 142

between values or objectives, 130, 136–137, 149

translation (framing) strategy, 22–26, 44

traps. See bait/bait in the trap; pitfalls Trump, Donald, 29, 139–140, 154–155

two-dimensional conversations, 160

typical environmentalist traits example, 50

uncertainty, 168

unlocking conversations, 156

unspoken background conversations, 51–53, 52


acknowledging polarization of, 135–141

breaking trade-offs between, 130

clarifying, 131–135, 151

competing, 149

considering others’, 142

as core tensions, 163

diversity of, 140

identifying others’, 134, 135

trade-offs between, 130, 136–137, 149


articulating your, 174–175

clarifying your, 185

of future, 172–173

sharing the, 172

visionary tensions, 160–163

vulnerability, 83, 111, 113, 115–116, 120, 154

ways of being, 36, 42

avoiding conversations (examples), 55–57

awareness of our, 43–46

connecting, 45

contexts for, 75

in conversations, 42

conversations with yourself about, 45–46

creating new, 99–100, 102, 108, 112

effects of background conversations on, 54–55

effects of new, on others, 122–123

embodying your new, 104–105

expressions of, 173

identifying your, 54, 79

impact of our, 46

inauthenticity and, 59

influencing others’, 111

inquiring, 45

intentionalism in, 121

Lockheed Martin example, 125–126

persisting in, 81

recognizing effects of, 118

responses to your new, 107

sharing our, 46–51, 60

transforming your, 50–51

truth in our, 58 See also background conversations; being certain; being/getting stuck; being right; being safe; being righteous

Wilson, Rob, 143–145

writing letters, 117–122

Yates, Laura, 117

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