
ability and learning 43


and behaviour 66

concerns 127

types and signs 1556

see also safeguarding


accident report form 1489

informing parents 148

active listening 100


extension activities 4950

monitoring and modifying 4950

adult education services 1689

after-school clubs 1612

age and maturity of learners 43, 44

allergic reactions 14950, 165

applications for jobs 1869

dos and don’ts 189

interviews 1889

writing CV 187

appraisals 17783

dos and don’ts 1812

format for recording 183

Assessment for Learning 28, 513

benefits of 52

G&T pupils 111, 11921

assessments and observations 513

Assessment for Learning 512

formative assessment 51

peer assessment 52

summative assessment 51

asthma 150, 165

‘at risk’ register 151

auditory learners 39

autism advisory teacher 87, 89

case study 2012

Autistic Spectrum Disorder 801


factors impacting on 647

and home background 645, 66

inappropriate 59, 601

and inappropriate tasks 67

influences on 647

parental expectations 65

and physical development 67

behaviour management 48, 5771, 82, 180

acknowledging effort 62

boundaries 180

case study 199200

challenging behaviour 701

dos and don’ts 64

following up issues 623

giving responsibility 62

intervention strategies 83

modelling behaviour 62

positive recognition 62

behaviour management (continued )

promoting positive behaviour 614

rewards and sanctions 5961

seeking help 701

showing pupils respect 62

behaviour policy 15, 57, 601, 71, 200

Behaviour Support Plans (BSPs) 69, 82

behaviour support teachers 68

bilingual assistant 4, 93, 101, 103, 1046

communicating with families 1045, 106

giving feedback 1056

working with pupils 105

bilingual pupils 93, 945

assessing ability 105

culture of 93, 978

home background of 967

home visits 96

information about 967

learning vocabulary 101

liaising with support teachers 1034

reading/writing skills 103

songs and rhymes 101

speaking/listening skills 1001

supporting language skills 99104

thinking time 101

Bloom’s Taxonomy 11719

breakfast clubs 1613

bullying 134, 136, 156

case study 2056

cyber-bullying 156

careers teachers 131

case study solutions 193210

challenging behaviour 701

child protection policy 15

see also safeguarding

Children Act (1989) 147

Children Act (2004) 141, 161

Children (Scotland) Act (1995) 147

children’s centres 169

Citizenship activities 1335

classroom assistants 3, 4, 185

classroom and social language 1023

cluster groups: mentoring 132, 133

code of conduct 579

cognition and learning needs 813

colleagues, working with 181

communication and interaction needs 801

community cohesion 134, 135, 168

case study 205

concentration spans 44

confidentiality 1314, 69

case study 194

talking to parents 12

conflict, managing

restorative justice 1356

with other adults 1213

continuing professional development 33

and appraisal process 17783

areas of development 179

supporting learning 17980

up-to-date career knowledge 1846

COSHH Regulations 143

covering whole classes 37, 489

creativity of learners 43

cultural diversity 93, 978

culture of bilingual pupils 93, 978

curriculum 15

Early Years 225

416 national curriculum 1922

planning 24, 2631

subject specialisms 313

timetables 25, 26

CV (curriculum vitae) 187

cyber-bullying 156

DCSF induction training 185

DFES Standards Site 21, 22, 111

disabled pupils 834

safe environment for 144


between pupils 66

with other adults 1213

discrimination, gender 43

disruptive pupils 59

e-safety 151

early learning goals 23

Early Years Action 76, 778

Early Years Action Plus 76, 789

Early Years Foundation Stage 225

lesson plan 30

supporting learning in 234

timetables 25

Education Reform Act (1988) 1920

educational psychologist 68, 87

emotional abuse 155

emotional factors and learning 45

encouragement 40

English/Welsh as additional language 93107

and behaviour 67

case study 202

see also bilingual

epipens 149, 150

equal opportunities policy 15

Gifted and Talented pupils 114


extended school provision 165

health and safety 1423

safe storage 165

using safety equipment 147

evacuation procedures 142

Every Child Matters framework 141, 161

outcomes 167

Excellence in Cities (2001) 131

expectations of G&T pupils 11617, 120, 121

extended school provision
11516, 161, 163

adult education services 1689

case studies 2089

children’s centres 169

collection arrangements 165, 1667

equipment 165

further provision 16770

health and safety 1645

health and social care services 169

healthy schools status 169

parental involvement 170

register of names 165

types of activities 163

see also extra-curricular

extension activities 4950, 121

extra-curricular activities 1636

dos and don’ts 166

setting ground rules 165

see also extended school


of bilingual pupils 1045, 106

extended provision for 168

of pupils with SEN 845, 90

family support worker 4, 85

role of 1712


making notes 41

to G&T pupils 121

to teachers 412, 1801

feedback forms 11, 412, 211

fine motor skills 44, 86

fire drills 142

first aiders 142, 1478

food intolerancies/allergies 14950

formative assessment 51

games and language development 101

Gardner, Howard 389

gender and learning 43

gestures: bilingual pupils 1012

Gifted and Talented co-ordinator 11516

Gifted and Talented pupils 11122

Assessment for Learning 11921

case studies 2034

challenging questions 11719

characteristics of 11314

defined 11112

dos and don’ts 121

extended provision 11516

high expectations of 11617, 120, 121

and learning objectives 11920

learning through mistakes 119

motivating and challenging 11519

your role 11617

governing body 34, 56

grievance policy 13

gross motor skills 44

groups, working with 11, 478

hazards 143

reporting 144, 1456, 147

headteacher 5, 6

health and safety 141

adult awareness 143

case study 2067

dos and don’ts 146

of environment 1435

first aiders 1478

policies 15, 146, 151, 164

pupil awareness 1445

Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) 141, 1457

healthy schools status 169

HLTA (Higher Level Teaching Assistant) 3, 4, 185

home background

and behaviour 645, 66

bilingual pupils 93

knowledge of 180

and learning ability 45

home visits 96

illnesses 1501

inappropriate behaviour 59, 601

inclusion 15

independent learning 23, 37

Individual Education Plan (IEP) 47, 69, 778, 82

targets 78

Individual Support Assistant (ISA) 3, 4

individuals, supporting 11, 47

with behavioural issues 689

induction training 146, 185

infection control 151

INSET days 8

internet safety 151

cyber-bullying 156

intervention work 59

social and emotional needs 83

Key Stages 201

kinaesthetic learners 40


classroom and social 1023

difficulties 81

modelling correct 102

multilingual pupils 99104

language development 935

stages of 94


and concentration spans 44

and emotional factors 45

factors affecting 436

and gender 43

and home background 45

and linguistic factors 45

motivation 46

physical environment 44

social/cultural/ethnic factors 456

supporting 17980

learning mentors 4, 126, 1313

cluster groups 132, 133

link learning mentor 132

other services involved 133

role of 131, 132

learning objectives 28, 29, 38, 180

G&T pupils 11920

learning styles 3840

case study 198

Learning Support Assistant (LSA) 3, 4, 75

lesson plans 38

examples 29, 30

line manager 4

linguistic stage 94

listening skills 1001

local safeguarding children board 152

long-term planning 27

marking policy 15

medical conditions 14950

extended provision 1645

medication 150

school trips 173

medium-term planning 27

mentoring 1313

see also learning mentors

motivation of pupils 46

Gifted and Talented 11519

and learning mentors 131

through praise 61

multilingual pupils 93, 95

supporting language skills 99104

see also bilingual

names, correct pronunciation of 98

national curriculum 1922

Key Stages 201

subjects 21

neglect 156

newly qualified teachers (NQTs) 8, 31

case study 1967

non-verbal communication

autistic pupils 81

bilingual pupils 1012

number skills 81

observations 53

occupational therapist (OT) 86

off-site visits 144, 151, 1724


breakfast/after-school club 162

Gifted and Talented pupils 112

outdoor areas 142


discipline and behaviour 65

and extended provision 170

involvement of 97, 170

of SEN pupils 845, 90

working with 12, 181

pastoral support 12537

child protection issues 127

Citizenship activities 1335

mentoring 1313

supporting transition 12831

types of problems 1256

pay scales 185

peer assessment 52, 120, 121

peer pressure and behaviour 66

performance management 179, 1813

personal hygiene 142

Personal, Social and Health Education 20, 97, 1334

restorative justice 136

Personal Support Plans (PSPs) 47, 69

physical abuse 155

physical contact 1534

physical development and behaviour 67

physical environment and learning 44

physiotherapist 867

place value 198

planning 24, 2631

dos and don’ts 29, 31

emailing plans 11, 28

stages 27

with teacher 278

your role 180

playwork 162

policies see school policies

positive behaviour, promoting 614

praise 40, 61

and bilingual pupils 100

pre-linguistic stage 934

professional review meeting 183

programmes of study 21, 22

propriety and behaviour 1545

Pygmalion effect 117

qualifications for support staff xvi-xvii, 185

case study 20910

reading and writing skills 103

referring back to teacher 50

reflective practice 1779

benefits of 178

resources 46

advance knowledge of 38

G&T pupils 116

sensory/physical needs 83

restorative justice 1356

case study 2056

rewards and sanctions 5961

case studies 199200

reward systems 401

risk assessments 141, 144, 1456, 147

school trips 1723

role model, adult as 13

for appropriate behaviour 62, 1545

for health and safety 1445

for personal hygiene 142

role of teaching assistant xvii

breakfast/after-school club 162

and confidentiality 12, 1314

dos and don’ts 14

managing conflict 1213

pastoral support 1323

professionalised 177

reflecting on 1779

and SEN Code of Practice 76

supporting groups 478

supporting individuals 47

working with others 914

working with parents 12

working with teachers 11

routine changes and behaviour 67

rules, school 589

case study 199200

safeguarding 141, 1516

case study 2078

concerns 127

dos and don’ts 127

physical contact 1534

policy 127

propriety and behaviour 1545

relevant agencies 1523

safe working 153

sharing concerns 154

see also abuse

safety equipment 147

sanctions 5961

schemes of work 21, 22

School Action 76, 778

School Action Plus 68, 76, 789, 201

school councils 61, 135

school policies 15

rewards and sanctions 5961

school trips 144, 151, 1724

dos and don’ts 1734

risk assessments 1723

Scotland: curriculum framework 22

security of school 142

self-assessment skills 52, 120, 121

self-esteem of pupils 61, 63, 65, 66

and communication development 989

and learning mentors 131

SEN Code of Practice 756

behaviour, social and emotional needs 82

cognition and learning 812

communication and interaction 801

and parents 845

sensory/physical impairments 834

Statement 76, 79

SEN, pupils with 1011, 47, 7590

and behaviour 67, 689

dos and don’ts 84

and outside agencies 857

and praise 63

safe environment for 144

training courses 184

working with other professionals 181

working with parents 845

SENCO 4, 5, 6, 7, 78

and behavioural issues 69

and bilingual pupils 99100

role of 889

and SLT 86

SENCO assistant 889

senior management team (SMT) 34, 5, 6

sensory support teacher 87

sensory/physical impairments 834

sequencing and organisational skills 81

sexual abuse 155

short-term planning 27

SMART targets 1823

social and emotional needs 823

intervention strategies 83

social factors and learning 456

social skills 134

songs and rhymes 101

speaking and listening skills 100

special schools 8990

speech and language delay/disorder 45, 801

case study 2001

speech and language therapist (SLT) 86

stereotyping pupils 63

stickers 40, 41

case study 199

subject leaders 78

subject specialisms 313

case study 197

summative assessment 51

summer schools 116

support staff 4, 5, 89

working with other 1011

Support Work in Schools (SWIS) 185

talented pupils see Gifted and Talented pupils

talk partner 100

targets 47

behavioural 69

targets (continued )

bilingual pupils 99

IEP 78

knowledge of 180

SEN pupils 82

your own CPD 1823


feedback to 412, 1801

and planning 278

referring back to 50

working with 11

teaching assistants 4

number of xiii, xvi

reasons for becoming xv-xvi

see also role model; role of

teaching and learning

dos and don’ts 501

evaluating practice 17980

learning styles 3840

supporting 11, 3753

whole class cover 37, 489

see also learning

thinking: Bloom’s Taxonomy 11719

thinking time 101

timetables 25, 26

training 1846

CPD 1846

passing on to others 10

training and development agency 185

transition, supporting 12831

case study 2045

handover meeting 129

leaving school 1301

reception to Year 1 1289

starting school 234, 128

Year 2 to Year 3 129

Year 6 to Year 7 130

unions 192

visitor security 142

visual learners 39

Wales: curriculum framework 22

whole class cover 37, 489

ground rules for 49

work/life balance 177, 18991

enlisting help 190

workforce remodelling (2003) xiii, 57

working with others 914

wrap around childcare 161

writing skills: bilingual pupils 103

year group leaders 7

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