
A note on the digital index

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% (percent sign), Additional Best Practices
' (single quotation), Anatomy of a SQL Script Injection Attack
-- (double dash), Anatomy of a SQL Script Injection Attack
.NET Framework security, Authentication, More Information, Gatekeepers and Gates, Gatekeepers and Gates, Evidence and Security Policy, Evidence and Security Policy, WindowsPrincipal and WindowsIdentity, ASP.NET and HttpContext.User, ASP.NET and HttpContext.User, More Information, Hosting Multiple Web Applications, Options for Storing Secrets in ASP.NET, More Information, How To: Implement IPrincipal, Tips, Technical Choices
(see also )
.NET Framework versions, Evidence and Security Policy, More Information, Hosting Multiple Web Applications, More Information
.NET remoting and Web services, ASP.NET and HttpContext.User
ASP.NET and security contexts, ASP.NET and HttpContext.User
authentication classes, WindowsPrincipal and WindowsIdentity
authentication options, Authentication
(see also )
authorization options, More Information
(see also )
Code Access Security (CAS), Gatekeepers and Gates
cryptography support, Options for Storing Secrets in ASP.NET, Technical Choices
implementing IPrincipal interface, How To: Implement IPrincipal
principals and identities, Evidence and Security Policy
(see also , )
reference information, Tips
.NET remoting, Implementation Technologies, .NET Remoting Security, How Tos
as implementation technology, Implementation Technologies
reference information, How Tos
security., .NET Remoting Security (see )
.NET remoting security, Security Across the Tiers, Gatekeepers and Gates, ASP.NET and HttpContext.User, Web Server to Remote Application Server, Related Scenarios, Using .NET Remoting, .NET Remoting Security, .NET Remoting Security, .NET Remoting Architecture, Formatter Sinks, Anatomy of a Request When Hosting in ASP.NET, ASP.NET and the HTTP Channel, .NET Remoting Gatekeepers, Authorization, Using File Authorization, Authentication and Authorization Strategies, Accessing Network Resources, Accessing Network Resources, Using the connectiongroupname Property, Configuring the Web Server, Configuring the Web Server, Configuring the Application Server, Configuring the Web Server, Using a Windows Service Host, Choosing a Host Process, Disadvantages, .NET Remoting, How To: Call a Web Service Using Client Certificates from ASP.NET, How To: Host a Remote Object in a Windows Service, Configuration Stores and Tools, .NET Web Application Security
(see also )
accessing network resources, Accessing Network Resources
accessing system resources, Authentication and Authorization Strategies
architecture, .NET Remoting Security
ASP.NET and HTTP channel, Anatomy of a Request When Hosting in ASP.NET
ASP.NET hosting and requests, Formatter Sinks
authentication, .NET Remoting Gatekeepers
authentication and authorization strategies, Using File Authorization
authorization, Authorization
choosing host processes, Choosing a Host Process
client certificates and, How To: Call a Web Service Using Client Certificates from ASP.NET
(see also )
configuration stores and tools, Configuration Stores and Tools
configuring client-side proxy, Configuring the Web Server, Configuring the Web Server, Configuring the Web Server
flowing original callers, Using the connectiongroupname Property
gatekeepers and gates, Gatekeepers and Gates, ASP.NET and the HTTP Channel
hosting remote objects in Windows services, How To: Host a Remote Object in a Windows Service
Internet scenario, Using .NET Remoting
intranet scenario, Related Scenarios
options, Security Across the Tiers, ASP.NET and HttpContext.User, .NET Web Application Security
passing credentials for authentication to remote objects, Accessing Network Resources
remoting sinks, .NET Remoting Architecture
secure communication, Web Server to Remote Application Server, Using a Windows Service Host
troubleshooting, .NET Remoting
trusted subsystem model and, Configuring the Application Server
Web services security vs., Disadvantages
.NET roles., The Foundations, The Foundations, More Information, Delegation, .NET Roles with Windows Authentication, .NET Roles versus Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, Using .NET Roles, Analysis, Create an IPrincipal Object, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles and .NET Roles
(see also )
ASP.NET security, More Information
checking., The Foundations (see )
Enterprise Services (COM+) roles vs., .NET Roles versus Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles and .NET Roles
Internet authorization and, Analysis
IPrincipal objects and, Delegation
role checking, Using .NET Roles, Create an IPrincipal Object
Windows authentication and, .NET Roles with Windows Authentication
3 Data Encryption Standard (3DES), Securing Session and View State, The decryptionKey Attribute, How To: Create an Encryption Library
; (semicolon), Anatomy of a SQL Script Injection Attack
<authorization> element, Configure ASP.NET Settings, Check Identity
<identity> element, More Information, Configure ASP.NET Settings
<machineKey> element, Web Farm Considerations
<processModel> element, Using RPC Encryption, Intranet Security, Extranet Security, Internet Security, Avoid Running as SYSTEM, Process for Troubleshooting
<wellknown> element, Using File Authorization
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