Chapter 5. Conclusion

Thank you for taking the time to read Building Web Apps for Everyone. I hope that through reading this report you see value in using progressive enhancement, considering accessibility, and building inclusive web forms. These encompass a small portion of the work we can do as web developers to ensure that the Web is an open and inclusive space for all users. My hope is that you now feel empowered and excited to build applications in this way.

If throughout your reading you have come across things that are missing or could be improved, I would encourage you to contribute back to the book. This title is available as open source and contributions can be made by:

Twenty percent of the proceeds from each Ethical Web Development title will be donated to an organization whose work has a positive impact on the issues described. For this title, I will be donating to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The W3C works to ensure “that the Web remains open, accessible and interoperable for everyone around the world” and authored much of the content that was used to research this title.

If you are interested in supporting the W3C’s work, consider making a donation at

This is the first in a series of digital reports I am authoring on the subject of ethical web development. Future titles in the series will cover building web applications that work everywhere, building web applications that respect a user’s privacy and security, and working with development peers. You can learn more about the series at the Ethical Web Development website.

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