  • Aaron, case study in compound growth 152
  • ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics), Australian National Health Survey (2017–2018) on mental illness x–xi
  • accountants, finding 132
  • accounting studies, author's 16
  • accounts, opening at two banks 65
  • adult, cost of being 52
  • affordability of property in COVID-19 pandemic 149–150
  • annual bills, paying 58–59
  • anxiety
    • – about money 40
    • – as biggest mental health challenge xi
  • ANZ Bank, loan to study at Bond University from 18
  • Apple, as example of compound growth 117
  • Atomic Habits, James Clear 142
  • Australian Financial Review, picking three numbers from 26
  • Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, report on people not seeking help for mental illness (2014) xi
  • author's father
    • – business dealings of 44–46
    • – indebtedness as employee 47–48
  • author's first property 77, 99–103
  • author's parents, values of land and property purchased by 87–88
  • automatic funds transfers 65–68
  • average vs median house prices 79
  • bad debt vs good debt 52–53, 91–92
  • bank accounts, opening at different banks 65
  • bank fees 93
  • bankers, finding 131
  • bankruptcy
    • – of author's father 48
    • – of author's mother 46–47
  • banks, lending limits of 163–164
  • The Barefoot Investor, Scott Pape 53–54, 78–79
  • Behind the Arches, John F. Love 85–86
  • Ben, case study in cash flow 120
  • Berkshire Hathaway, as example of compound growth 117
  • betting, by author's father 44
  • Big Kev 45
  • The Biggest Bluff, Maria Konnikova xii
  • Black Monday stock-market crash (1987) 144–145
  • block of land, cost of 83–84
  • body corporate fees 165
  • Bond University, loan from ANZ Bank to study at 18
  • brand new properties, buying 111
  • Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Dr Joe Dispenza 39–40, 142
  • budgets, reverse-engineering 57–61
  • cardiovascular exercise, daily habit of 137–138
  • cash flow
    • – case study in 120
    • – defining 105–107
    • – managing 107–111
    • – protecting 111
    • – risk in 130
  • CBA (Commonwealth Bank of Australia), report on Australian spending (2018) x, 53
  • Clason, George, The Richest Man in Babylon (1926) 53–54, 57, 68, 140–141
  • Clear, James, Atomic Habits 142
  • ‘climbing a mountain’ analogy 129–130
  • compound growth
    • – case study in 152
    • – importance of 73, 117
  • compound growth (interest) 116–118
    • – over time 124–126
    • – and property 118–120
  • contactless payments, traps with 59
  • control of finances, getting vs keeping 66
  • conveyancing costs 93
  • corporate law, as career 15
  • Covey, Stephen R., The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 142
  • COVID-19 pandemic 143–144
  • credit card debt 17, 46
  • crises
    • – lessons from 150–151
    • – prior to 2020 144–146
  • cyclical nature of property markets 88
  • deadlines, need for 39
  • debt, servicing 163
  • depreciating cost of new home 112
  • depreciation, as tax deduction 112–113
  • depression, link with indebtedness xi
  • direct debits 64
  • discretionary spending, curbing 60
  • Dispenza, Dr Joe, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself 39–40, 142
  • dwelling prices vs house prices 79–80
  • EBM (insurer) 162
  • education debts, repaying 51–53
  • 80 per cent borrowing, effect on equity of 124
  • equity
    • – case studies in power of 114, 127
    • – effect of borrowing 80 per cent on 124
    • – effect of borrowing 90 per cent on 122–123
  • everday bank accounts 65
  • Farmer, Ron and Suwanti, and Toogoolawa School 22, 36
  • father's business dealings 44–46
  • father's indebtedness, as employee 47–48
  • FEAR acronym 100
  • FEE-HELP debt 16, 51–53
  • finance clause, in property contract 101
  • financial independence, investing for 69–72
  • financially successful people, meeting 27–28
  • first home buyers, case study 103–104
  • First Home Owners Grant (FHOG) 98
  • first hour of the day, habit of 137
  • first property, author's 77, 99–103
  • first step, taking 152, 153
  • Fitzgerald, John L.
    • – 7 Steps to Wealth xii, 23, 82
    • – author's uncle 19–22
    • – working with 25–30
  • funds, automatic transfers of 65–66
  • future bank account 65
  • gambling, by author's father 44
  • Global Financial Crisis (GFC) (2009) 145–146, 147
  • good debt
    • – using 92–93
    • – vs bad debt 52–53, 91–92
  • government grants 97–99
  • gratitude and humility, habit of 138–139
  • growth, interrelationship with cash flow 105–107
  • habits 135–142
    • – building positive 142
  • Hershon, Michael (mentor to John Fitzgerald) 35–36
  • holding costs, of property 106, 164–165
  • HomeBuilder grant 98–99
  • house, buying first 77
  • house prices
    • – average vs median 79
    • – not correlated with unemployment rates 146
    • – vs dwelling prices 79–80
  • housing affordability, in COVID-19 pandemic 149–150
  • Housing Expenditure Measure 163
  • housing supply, in COVID-19 pandemic 149
  • humility, practising 36
  • humility and gratitude, habit of 138–139
  • ICE (in case of emergency) bank account 65
  • income insurance 158
  • income vs rent ratio 159
  • inflation, effect on interest rates and rents 159–160
  • inflation rate 81
  • insurance costs 165
  • insuring income 158
  • interest rates
    • – in COVID-19 pandemic 150
    • – increase with inflation 159–160
  • investing
    • – for financial independence 69–72
    • – savings 54–55
    • – as team sport 133
    • – three principles of 73
  • investment property, case study on buying 61–62
  • Jake and Lucy, case study in power of equity 114
  • JLF Corporation Pty Ltd, launch of 21, 23
  • job stability, risks in 157–158
  • Jobs, Steve 39
  • Kiyosaki, Robert, Rich Dad, Poor Dad (1997) 52
  • Konnikova, Maria, The Biggest Bluff xii
  • land
    • – buying 85
    • – cost of block of 83–84
  • landlord protection insurance policies 162
  • later life, buying investment properties in 133
  • leading, habit of 140–141
  • legal aid lawyer, Leon as 33
  • legal studies at Bond University 15
  • lender's mortgage insurance (LMI) 61, 94–97
  • Leon (friend of John Fitzgerald) 33
  • leverage 91, 95
  • like-minded people, spending time with 140
  • liquidity in COVID-19 pandemic 147–148
  • loans, principal and interest 160
  • location of properties, effect on price of 81–82
  • logistics, in COVID-19 pandemic 146–147
  • Love, John F., Behind the Arches 85–86
  • LVR (loan-to-value ratio) 94
  • maintenance costs 165
  • median house prices in capital cities over 40 years 80, 84–85
  • median vs average house prices 79
  • Melbourne property returns over 114 years 79
  • mentors, finding 74, 131
  • mind mapping 40–41
  • mindset, importance of 28–29
  • MLC National Australia Bank, 2016 data on living payday to payday x, 53
  • money, anxiety about 40
  • mortgage brokers, finding 131
  • mortgage insurance, lender's 61, 94–97
  • national debt 152
  • ‘need’ versus ‘want’ 35, 55–56
  • negative gearing 112–114, 164
  • new properties, buying 111
  • 90 per cent borrowing, effect on equity of 122–123
  • offset accounts 163–164
  • older people, case study in investment by 133
  • one-off bills 58–59
  • other people's money
    • – cost of using 92–93
    • – using 91–92
  • pain killers, father's addiction to 48–49
  • Pape, Scott, The Barefoot Investor 53–54, 78–79
  • parents, values of land and property purchased by 87–88
  • paying yourself first 54
  • pets, and tenants/renters 159
  • Phil and Tenielle, case study on increasing savings 103–104
  • population growth
    • – in Australia 83
    • – in COVID-19 pandemic 149
  • positive habits, building 142
  • principal and interest loans 160
  • principal place of residence (PPR) 98
  • principles of investing 73
  • properties, buying new 111
  • property
    • – affordability in COVID-19 pandemic 149–150
    • – and compound growth 118–120
    • – damage to 162
    • – holding costs of 106, 164–165
    • – tenants leaving suddenly 162
  • property investing, case study 152
  • property management fees 165
  • property managers
    • – duties 162
    • – finding 131–132
  • property markets
    • – in COVID-19 pandemic 148–149
    • – cyclical nature of 88
  • property values, past as guide to future 160–161
  • Property Weekly Update magazine 21
  • purchase costs 92–93
  • purpose, having a 39
  • Rachel, case study in using equity 127
  • rates, council and other 165
  • reading, habit of 140–141
  • real estate, as property 78
  • ‘recession we had to have’ (1990) 145
  • rent vs income ratio 159
  • rental guarantees 159
  • rental income protection insurance policies 162
  • rental increases 110
  • rental property buying, case study 114
  • rental returns, factoring in 82
  • renters, finding 158–159
  • rents, increase with inflation 159–160
  • return on investment (ROI) 95–97
    • – house and land 109–111
    • – land only 107–108
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki (1997) 52
  • The Richest Man in Babylon, George S. Clason (1926) 53–54, 57, 70, 140–141
  • risk, managing 28
  • ‘Rule of 7281
  • Ryan and Nadine, case study in property investment later in life 133
  • Salt, Bernard, on population growth (2020) 83
  • Sarah, case study in starting early 61–62
  • savings
    • – case study on increasing 103–105
    • – investing 54–55
  • self, paying first 54
  • September 11 terrorist attacks (2001) 145
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey 142
  • 7 Steps to Wealth, John L. Fitzgerald xii, 23, 82
  • share market, in COVID-19 pandemic 148
  • size of properties, effect on price of 81–82
  • sleep, habit of 138
  • sleeping pills, father's addiction to 48–49
  • Sportsco franchise 11, 44
  • stamp duty 93
  • starting early, case study in 61–62
  • stress, personal finance as biggest cause of x
  • subscription businesses, and direct debit 64
  • tap and go payments, traps with 59, 63
  • tax refunds, case studies in 120, 127
  • tenants, finding 158–159
  • Terri Scheer (insurer) 162
  • time, compound growth over 124–126
  • time frame
    • – for financial independence 71
    • – need for 39
  • timing, in COVID-19 pandemic 147
  • Toogoolawa School 22, 36, 139
  • townhouses, as property 79–80
  • truth in numbers 78–84
  • turning off, habit of 141
  • Uncle John see Fitzgerald, John L.
  • unemployment rates, not correlated with house prices 146
  • units, as property 79–80
  • University of Southampton, study linking depression with debt (2013) xi
  • visualising, habit of 139–140
  • waking up early, habit of 136
  • ‘want’ versus ‘need’ 35, 55–56
  • ‘What do you want?’ question 31–33, 35
  • ‘why’
    • – author's definition of 36–40
    • – defining your xiii, 38
    • – John Fitzgerald's 34–36
  • work experience 22
  • working smart, not hard 69–74
  • working smart 109
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