
AAVE, 122

academic connection, 90

accounting, 33–34

active learning, 27

Amazon, 26, 72–74

anomaly detection, 22–23

area bias, 41

artificial intelligence (AI), 4, 12–15

agile for, 60, 61

classic, 12, 15, 18

to COVID-19, 45–46

forecast, 59

maturity, 150–153

product management, 56–57

progress, 60

artificial neural networks, 17

association mining, 23

asymmetric encryption cryptography, 111–112

Axie Infinity, 123

bartering, 104

Big Data, 4

Big Five Personality Inventory, 23

Bitcoin, 106–108, 118

blockchain, 5–6, 103, 106–109

applications of, 5–6, 126, 137–139

capabilities and potential, 154–156

in capital markets, 128–130

cryptography and, 110–112

in cybersecurity, 140–141

and file sharing, 141–143

in finance, 125–128

history of, 104

implementations, 117–124

IoT and, 135–137

in KYC, notarization, and certificates, 133–135

and metaverse, 143–148

in shipping, 135–139

in supply chains, 130–133

types of, 112–117

working, 109–112

Bloktopia, 145–146

Bored Ape Yacht Club, 146–147

business strategy, 51–53

business understanding, 63–64, 68

Buterin, V., 107

CargoX, 138

charts, 36–38

classification models, 20

clearing, 129

ClearWay, 132

clustering, 22

coins, 104

collateral management, 129

compensation, 88–89

compliance, 6

computational intelligence, 17

computer scientists, 92–93

computer vision and algorithmic bias, 80–81

consortium/federated blockchain, 116–117

convergence point, 95–96

Corda, 119–120

COVID-19, 31, 32, 45–46

credit card, 105

Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM), 62–67, 76–78

cryptography, 110–112

Cryptopunks, 147–148

cultural resistance to change, 100

culture, 151–152

currency, 105

Curve Finance, 121

customer insights, 48–49

cybernetics, 17

cybersecurity, 140–141

DARPA, 14–15

data, 150–151, 153

architecture, 54–55

driven, 98, 153

governance, 55–56

informed, 98, 101

management, 71, 82

mining, 17

preparation, 64–65

privacy, 82

understanding, 64

use case, 53–54


culture, 97–98

organization, 99

data science, 4

core fields of, 12–18

to COVID-19, 45–46

culture, 100–102

hierarchy of needs, 62

history of, 11–12

life cycle, 67

process, 60, 62–72

subfields of, 17–18

data scientist, 70

challenge, 89

hiring, 88–90

mindset, 90–91

motivations, 87–88

skills, 85–87

teams, 89

tribes, 91–97

data strategy, 48–51

definition, 47

situations, 50

Decentraland, 122, 145

decentralization, 140

decentralized finance, 121–122

deep learning, 25–26

deployment, 66

descriptive statistics, 30–31, 38–40

deterioration of models, 58–59

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, 141

distributed ledger technology (DLT), 106

divorce rate, 36

DNV, 134

domain expert, 70–72

Domain Name System (DNS), 141

economics, 35

emerging technologies, 1–2

employee level, 98

encryption key, 111

ERC-721, 120

Ethereum, 107, 108, 118

evaluation, 65

exchanges, 129

file sharing, 141–143

financial analysis, 34

First Industrial Revolution, 2

5G technology, 7–8

forecasting demand, 76

Fourth Industrial Revolution, 1, 3–10

Fr8, 139

fraud prevention, 6

fund managers, 126–127

Future of Analysis, The (Tukey), 11

gene therapy, 1

gold, 105

governance, 144–145

GPT-3, 26

Haber, S., 106

hacking skills, 85–86

Hanseaticsoft, 134–135

hashing, 112

hybrid blockchain, 115–116

Hyperledger Foundation, 118–119

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 141–142

hypothesis testing, 32

IBM, 132–133

IMMLA, 138–139

inaccurate supervision, 27

incomplete supervision, 27

Industry 4.0, 5, 9

inexact supervision, 27

inferential statistics, 31–32, 42–43

information systems, 35

information technology (IT), 6–7

intellectual resistance to change, 100–101

Internet of Things (IoT), 6–7, 135–136, 140

interoperability, 144

InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), 119

investors, 127

issuance, 128

issuers, 125–126

iXledger, 139

IXT token, 139

journey to change, 101

Kaggle, 45, 93–96

knowledge, 150, 152

latent variable models, 23–24

leading questions bias, 41–42

Lighthill, J., 14

logical reasoning, 13

machine learning (ML), 4, 15–16

algorithm, 4

reinforcement, 18, 24–25

statistics and, 17, 29–30

supervised, 18, 19–21

types of, 18–27

unsupervised, 18, 21–24

use of, 27–28

Maersk, 132–133

major tribes, 92–96

management level, 97

marketing, 34

math and statistics knowledge, 86

maturity curve, 149

metaverse, 122, 143–148

metrology, 8–9

Microsoft Team Data Science Process, 66–69

Minsky, M., 12–14

mobile payments, 106

modeling, 65

money and payment systems, 103–106

MYCIN, 13, 14

Nakamoto, S., 103, 106

natural language processing, 27, 78–80

Netflix, 27, 48, 73

nodes, 110

nonfungible token (NFT), 120, 122–123, 145–148

online payment systems, 106

operational improvements, 48

operational technology (OT), 6–7

organizational level, 98

ownership, proof of, 144

paper-based process, 136

paper money, 105

peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing system, 142

personal resistance to change, 100

predictive maintenance, 44

preventive maintenance, 43

private blockchain, 114–115

problem definition, 70–71, 73–83

production, 34–35

public blockchain, 112–114

quality control, 5, 34

quantitative specialists, 94–95

quantum computing, 8–9

recommender system, 72–73

regression models, 20–21

regulators, 127–128

reinforcement learning, 18, 24–25

resistance to change, 100–101

robotics, 9, 10

sales and trading, 128–129

sampling biases, 40

Samuel, A., 15

Sandbox, 123, 146

Second Industrial Revolution, 2

selection bias, 40–41

self-selection bias, 41

semisupervised learning, 27

sentiment analysis, 79–80

settlement, 130

ShipChain, 138, 139

SHIP token, 139

small/minor tribes, 96–97

social desirability bias, 42

Speech Understanding Research program, 14

Spotify, 27, 48–49, 72, 74

Star Atlas, 123–124

statisticians, 93–94

statistics, 17, 28–29

applications of, 33–35

benefits of, 32–33

descriptive, 30–31, 38–40

history about, 29–30

inferential, 31–32, 42–43

pitfalls of, 35–43

Stornetta, W. S., 106

substantive expertise, 86

supervised learning, 18, 19–21

supply chains, 130–133

symmetric encryption cryptography, 111

talent, 152, 153

Team Data Science Process (TDSP), 66, 78–79

technological disruption, 1–3

technology stack, 89–90

Tesseract Academy’s 2-actor process, 69–73, 81–83

Third Industrial Revolution, 3

3D printing

tokenization, 137

traceability, 5

TradeLens, 132–133

Tukey, J., 11

uniqueness, 145

Uniswap, 121

unpredictability, 57–58

unsupervised learning, 18, 21–24

U.S. dollar, 105–106

User Interface/User Experience (UI/UX), 74

value transfer, 144

Vitess, 54

Wald, A., 41

weak supervision/weakly supervised learning, 27

Yearn Finance, 121

Zappo, 78–79

Zookla, 73

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