Appendix I

258 Journals in which B&NE research was published between 1975–2010


  • Non-Specialized: ACCA Research Report; Accounting and Business Research; Accounting Forum; Accounting Horizons; Accounting Review; Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal; Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management; Advances in Public Interest Accounting; Australian Accounting Review; British Accounting Review; Chartered Accountants Journal of New Zealand; Contemporary Accounting Research; Critical Perspectives on Accounting; European Accounting Review; International Journal of Accounting; International Journal of Accounting Information Systems; Irish Accounting Review; Journal of Accounting and Economics; Journal of Accounting and Public Policy; Journal of Accounting Literature; Journal of Accounting Research; Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance; Pacific Accounting Review; Research on Accounting Ethics; Review of Accounting Studies
  • Specialized: Accounting, Organizations and Society; Attitudes and Environmentally-Sensitive Accounting; Social and Environmental Accountability Journal

Behavior: psychology, sociology, organizational behavior

  • Non-Specialized: American Behavioral Scientist; American Journal of Sociology; American Sociological Review; Annual Review of Sociology; Basic and Applied Social Psychology; British Journal of Sociology; Cultural Anthropology; Human Resource Management; Journal of Applied Behavioral Science; Journal of Applied Psychology; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology; Journal of Organizational Change Management; Journal of Organizational Excellence; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Organization; Organization Science; Organization Studies; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes; Psychological Science; Research in Organizational Behavior; Rural Sociology; Sociologia Ruralis; Sociological Inquiry; Sociological Perspectives; Sociological Theory
  • Specialized: Journal of Environmental Psychology; Organization & Environment


  • Non-Specialized: American Economic Review; Comparative Economic Studies; Contemporary Economic Policy; Contributions to Economic Analysis and Policy; Development; Economic Geography; Economic Inquiry; Empirical Economics; Energy Journal; Energy Policy; Forest Policy and Economics; Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization; Journal of Development Economics; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; Journal of Economic Literature; Journal of Economic Perspectives; Journal of Economics and Management Strategy; Land Economics; Major Themes in Economics; RAND Journal of Economics; Review of Economics and Statistics; Small Business Economics; Socio-Economic Review; Southern Economic Journal; The BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy; Topics in Economic Analysis
  • Specialized: Ecological Economics; Environmental and Resource Economics; Frontiers of Environmental Economics; International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics; Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics; Journal of Environmental Economics and Management; Resource and Energy Economics


  • Non-Specialized: Building Research and Information; Computers and Industrial Engineering; Issues in Science and Technology; Nature; Science; Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers; FINANCE; European Financial Management; Financial Analysts Journal; Financial Management; Financial Services Review; Journal of Banking and Finance; Journal of Behavioral Finance; Journal of Corporate Finance; Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis; Journal of Financial Economics; Journal of Investing
  • Specialized: Annual Review of Energy and the Environment; Annual Review of Environment and Resources; Annual Review of Environmental Resources; Climatic Change; Environmental Pollution; Environmental Science and Technology; Journal of Industrial Ecology

Information systems

  • Non-Specialized: MIS Quarterly


  • Non-Specialized: Administrative Law Review; American Business Law Journal; Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum; Harvard Environmental Law Review; Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology; Journal of Law and Economics; Journal of Law, Economics and Organization; Law and Policy; University of Pennsylvania Law Review; Yale Law Journal
  • Specialized: Ecology Law Quarterly; Environmental Law Reporter; Stanford Environmental Law Journal; UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy


  • Non-Specialized: Academy of Management Journal; Academy of Management Learning and Education; Academy of Management Review; Administrative Science Quarterly; Benchmarking: An International Journal; British Journal of Management; British Management Journal; Business History Review; Business Horizons; Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences-Revue Canadienne Des Sciences De L Administration; Columbia Journal of World Business; Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly; Corporate Governance; Corporate Reputation Review; Decision Sciences; Decision Support Systems; Emergence: Complexity and Organization; European Management Journal; Family Business Review; Global Business and Organizational Excellence; Growth and Change; Interfaces; International Business Review; International Entrepreneurship Management Journal; International Journal of Management Reviews; International Studies of Management and Organization; Journal of American Academy of Business; Journal of Business Research; Journal of Business Strategy; Journal of Business Venturing; Journal of International Business Studies; Journal of International Management; Journal of Management; Journal of Management Studies; Journal of Managerial Issues; Journal of Risk and Uncertainty; Long Range Planning; Management Decision; Management Research News; Management Science; Strategic Management Journal; Strategic Organization; Technology Analysis and Strategic Management; Transnational Corporations
  • Specialized: Business and Society; Business and Politics; Business Ethics Quarterly; Business Strategy & the Environment; Corporate Environmental Strategy; Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management; Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Rights; Environment and Planning; Environmental Education Research; Environmental Management; Environmental Performance; Global Environmental Change; Greener Management International; Industrial and Environmental Crisis Quarterly; International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development; International Journal of Sustainable Development; Journal of Business Ethics; Journal of Corporate Citizenship; Journal of Environmental Management; Journal of Environmental Planning and Management; Research in Corporate Social Performance and Policy; Resources, Conservation, and Recycling; Society and Natural Resources; Sustainable Development; Journal of Cleaner Production


  • Non-Specialized: Advances in Consumer Research; European Journal of Marketing; Industrial Marketing Management; Journal of Academy of Marketing Science; Journal of Advertising; Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing; Journal of Communication Management; Journal of Consumer Affairs; Journal of Consumer Marketing; Journal of Consumer Policy; Journal of Consumer Psychology; Journal of Consumer Research; Journal of Macromarketing; Journal of Marketing; Journal of Marketing Management; Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice; Journal of Strategic Marketing; Marketing Intelligence and Planning; Marketing Review; Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal


  • Non-Specialized: Business Process Management Journal; European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management; Industrial Management and Data Systems; International Journal of Operations and Production Management; International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management; International Journal of Production and Operations Management; International Journal of Production Economics; International Journal of Production Research; International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management; Journal of Operations Management; Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management; Journal of Supply Chain Management; Operations Research; Production and Operations Management; Supply Chain Management; Systems Dynamics Review; Transportation Research Part E, Logistics and Transportation Review

Political science

  • Non-Specialized: American Journal of Political Science; British Journal of Political Science; International Journal of Public Administration; International Studies Quarterly; Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice; Journal of Policy Analysis and Management; Journal of Political Economy; Journal of Politics; Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory; Journal of Public Economics; Journal of Public Policy and Marketing; New Political Economy; Oxford Review of Economic Policy; Policy Sciences; Policy Studies Journal; Public Administration Review; Regional Studies; Regulation and Governance; Research Policy; Social Forces; Social Problems; World Politics; Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik
  • Specialized: Environmental Politics; Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management


  • Non-Specialized: Academy of Management Executive; California Management Review; Harvard Business Review; New York Times; New York Times Magazine; Sloan Management Review; Stanford Social Innovation Review; Technology Review; Technovation
  • Specialized: Total Quality Environmental Management; EPA Journal; Waste Management
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