15.3. Preventing Silent Thread Termination


An exception thrown in a spawned worker thread will cause this thread to be silently terminated if the exception is unhandled. You need to make sure all exceptions are handled in all threads. If an exception happens in this new thread, you want to handle it and be notified of its occurrence.


You must add exception handling to the method that you pass to the ThreadStart delegate with a try/catch, try/finally, or try/catch/finally block. The code to do this is shown here in bold:

using System;
using System.Threading;

public class MainThread
    public void CreateNewThread( )
        // Spawn new thread to do concurrent work
        Thread newWorkerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Worker.DoWork));
        newWorkerThread.Start( );

public class Worker
    // Method called by ThreadStart delegate to do concurrent work
    public static void DoWork ( )
            // Do thread work here
            // Handle thread exception here
            // Do not re-throw exception
            // Do thread cleanup here


If an unhandled exception occurs in the main thread of an application, the main thread terminates, along with your entire application. An unhandled exception in a spawned worker thread, however, will terminate only that thread. This will happen without any visible warnings, and your application will continue to run as if nothing happened.

Simply wrapping an exception handler around the Start method of the Thread class will not catch the exception on the newly created thread. The Start method is called within the context of the current thread, not the newly created thread. It also returns immediately once the thread is launched, so it isn’t going to wait around for the thread to finish. Therefore, the exception thrown on the new thread will not be caught since it is not visible to any other threads.

If the exception is rethrown from the catch block, the finally block of this structured exception handler will still execute. However, after the finally block is finished, the rethrown exception is, at that point, rethrown. The rethrown exception cannot be handled and the thread terminates. If there is any code after the finally block, it will not be executed, since an unhandled exception occurred.


Never rethrow an exception at the highest point in the exception handling hierarchy within a thread. Since no exception handlers can catch this rethrown exception, it will be considered unhandled and the thread will terminate after all finally blocks have been executed.

What if you were using the ThreadPool and QueueUserWorkItem? This method would still help you because you added the handling code that will execute inside the thread. Just make sure you have the finally block set up so that you can notify yourself of exceptions in other threads as shown earlier.

In order to provide a last chance exception handler for your WinForms application, you would need to hook up for two separate events. The first event is the System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException event, which will catch all unhandled exceptions in the current AppDomain on worker threads; it will not catch exceptions that occur on the main UI thread of a WinForms application. In order to catch those, you also need to hook up to the System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadException, which will catch unhandled exceptions in the main UI thread.

See Also

See the “Thread Class” and “Exception Class” topics in the MSDN documentation.

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