What this book covers

Chapter 1, Working with Arrays, explains how to do some complex but essential operations with arrays. You will learn how to insert an element in an array, multiply two matrices, find the common elements in two arrays, and also find the difference between two sets or arrays. Also, you will learn how to find the unique elements in an array, how to know whether a matrix is a sparse matrix or not, and how to merge two sorted arrays into one array.

Chapter 2, Managing Strings, covers manipulating strings at the character level. You will learn how to work out whether the given string is a palindrome or not, how to find the first repetitive character in a string, and how to count each character in a string. You will also learn how to count the number of vowels and consonants in a string and the procedure of converting the vowels in a sentence into uppercase.

Chapter 3, Exploring Functions, covers functions, which play a major role in breaking down a big application into small, independent, manageable modules. In this chapter, you will learn how to make a function that finds whether the supplied argument is an Armstrong number. You will also learn how a function returns an array, and we make a function that finds the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers using recursion. You will also learn how to make a function that converts a binary number into hexadecimal and how to make a function that determines whether the supplied number is a palindrome or not.

Chapter 4, Deep Dive into Pointers, explains how to use pointers to access content from specific memory locations. You will learn how to reverse a string using pointers, how to find the largest value in an array using pointers, and how to sort a singly linked list. Besides this, the chapter also explains how to find the transpose of a matrix and how to access a structure using pointers.

Chapter 5, File Handling, explains that file handling is very important for storing data for later use. In this chapter, you will learn how to read a text file and convert all the characters after full stops into uppercase. You will also learn how to display the content of a random file in reverse order and how to count the number of vowels in a file. This chapter will also explain how to replace a word in a file with another word and how to keep your file secure from unauthorized access. You will also learn how a file is encrypted.

Chapter 6, Implementing Concurrency, covers concurrency, which is implemented to increase the efficiency of the CPU. In this chapter, you will learn how to do a task using a single thread. Also, you will learn how to do multiple tasks with multiple threads and the technique of sharing data on two threads using a mutex. Besides this, you will learn how to recognize situations in which a deadlock can arise and how it can be avoided.

Chapter 7, Networking and Interprocess Communication, focuses on explaining how to establish communication between processes. You will learn how to communicate between processes using pipes, establish communication between processes using FIFO, and how communication is established between the client and server using socket programming. You will also learn how to do interprocess communication using the UDP socket, how a message is passed from one process to another using the message queue, and how two processes communicate using shared memory.

Chapter 8, Using MySQL Database, explains that no real-time application is possible without storing information in a database. The information in a database needs to be managed. In this chapter, you will learn how to display all the built-in tables in a default MySQL database. You will learn how to store information in a MySQL database and how to search for information in database tables. You will also learn how to update information in database tables and how to delete data from the database when it's no longer required.

Appendix A, explains how to create sequential and random files step by step. Most of the recipes in Chapter 5File Handling, are about reading content from a file, and those recipes assume that the file already exists. This chapter explains how to create a sequential file and enter some text in it. You will also learn how to read content from a sequential file. Besides this, you will learn how to create a random file and enter some content in it, and how to read content from a random file and display it on the screen. Finally, you will also learn how to decrypt the content of an encrypted file.

Appendix B, explains how to install Cygwin.

Appendix C, explains how to install MySQL Community Server.

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