
Absentee-ballot programs, 206–207

Action alerts, 183

Advisers for kitchen cabinets, 112

American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), 3

Appearance for public events, 162–163

Arab American Institute, 192

Audio releases, 172

Bachmann, Michelle, 57, 59

Bad news, handling, 110–111

Ballots, understanding, 214–215

Bash, Alec, 193

Bay Area Democrats, 140

Big Daddy’s Rules of the Road, 32–33

Billboards, 175

Binah, Rachel, 137, 139–140

Blogs for communication plans, 172–173

Bloomberg, Michael, 142

Blue Dog Coalition, 89

Blumenthal, Richard, 59

Boggs, Lindy, 38

Boot camp model, 2–3. See also Campaign boot camps

Boxer, Barbara, 116–117, 139

Braley, Bruce, 88

Brazile, Donna, 126, 127, 212

Broadcast television, 169

Brown, Charlie, 45

Brown, Jan, 45

Brown, Jerry, 65

Brown, Scott, 122

Brown, Willie L., Jr., 105

“Brown Brigade,” 122

Bus Project, 92

Cable television, 169–170

Cain, Herman, 58

Call sheets, 148–149

Call to service, 11–12. See also Public service

articulating vision for future and, 13

assembling policy act for, 35–40

and building networks, 20–21

personal, 11–12

skeletons and, 40

strengthening friendships and networks for, 18–20

What You Say about You and, 51–53

Campaign boot camps, 2–3

convening, 205

Get Real exercise for, 216–217

Campaign calendar, example of, 194

Campaign counsel, job description for, 106

Campaign kickoff events, 168

Campaign manager, 101–102

budgets and, 123

job description for, 106

Campaign pledges and questionnaires, 57

Campaign skills, 124–125

Campaign staff

job descriptions for, 106–107

managing, 103–111

nimbleness and, 105, 108

recruiting, 109–110

strategic thinking and, 105

Campaign staff and volunteer leadership teams, 103–104

Campaigning, negative, 57–58

Campaigns, 2, 96

e-mails for announcing, 193

home stretch of, 211

issues bonds for, 61–62

surprises/setbacks and, 110–111

throwing and taking punches in, 191

values bonds for, 61–62

winning, 2

Campus networks, 91

Canvassing operations

checklist for launching, 199–200

setting up, 198

for voter contact, 203

Chandler, Ben, 196

Chávez, César, 116

Christensen, Clayton M., 36–37

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 60–61

Cleland, Max, 70–71, 152, 154

Clemens, Alex, 96–97

Clinton, Bill, 108, 211

Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 116

Coalition networks, 90

Coalitions, including primary foes in, 93

Colbert, Stephen, 54–55

Cold prospecting, 150

College Democrats, 91

College Republicans, 91

Collegiate Network, 91

Communication plans. See Message communications plans

Communications director, job description for, 107

Communities, 79

geography of, 80–81

having visceral understanding of, 96, 100

identifying networks in, 90–93

identifying opinion leaders in, 82

identifying traditions of, 80–81

targeting supporters in, 94–96

understanding people living in, 80

Community Inventory, 117, 138, 144

preparing a, 79–85, 97–100

Community outreach, 114

Community service leaders

connecting with, 100

Get Real exercise, 100

networking with, 85–89

Community weeklies, 174

Constitution, Preamble to, 11

Corporate personhood. See Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

Crider, Jennifer, 142–143

Criticism and effectiveness, 39–40

Crowd-source ideas, 147

Cuomo, Andrew, 73

Daily Kos, 84–85

D’Alesandro, Nancy, 92

D’Alesandro, Thomas, Jr., 70

Database manager, job description for, 107

Debates, preparing for, 182–183

DemocracyAction network, 193

Dialing for dollars, 148–149. See also Phone banks

Direct mail, 175

for fund-raising, 150–151

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) policy, 15–17

Drinan, Robert F., 38–39

Drivers for Election Day operations, 213–214

Durst, Will, 165, 184

Dyer, Jeff, 37


for announcing campaigns, 193

as fund-raising tools, 151–154

netiquette for, 74

Economy, knowing the, 80

Edwards, John, 116

Elderly. See Seniors networks

Election Day operations, 212

documenting, 215

drivers for, 213–214

field directors and, 212

passers and, 213

phoners for, 214

pollwatchers and, 213

precinct captains and, 212–213

protecting your vote and, 214–215

solving problems and, 215

teams for, 212

Election protection teams, 104, 212–214

Get Real exercise for enlisting, 130

mobilizing, 125–128

Emerge America, 166

EMILY’s List, 27

Eshoo, Anna, 119


following your personal code of conduct, 28–29

research and, 56

Etiquette. See also Netiquette at public events, 163

Events for fund-raising, 149–150

Facebook, 44, 173

Family, 42–43, 112

Federal Election Commission (FEC), 144

Feinstein, Dianne, 65

Field director

Election Day operations and, 212

job description for, 106

Field offices, opening, 201–202

Field operations

goals for, 201

hiring organizers for, 201

objectives of, 201

planning, 201–202

tools for, 202

Field organizers, hiring, 201

Fighting Dems (military veterans), 71

Finance chairs, 120

Finance council, 104, 120–123

Get Real exercise for developing, 129–130

recruiting members of, 121

Finance director, 120

job description for, 107

Finance reports, filing, 154–156

Finnie, Chris, 189

Foley, Mark, 75


importance of, 205

letters, 185–186

Fowler, Donnie, 95–96, 196

Friend-raising, 87

Friends, first-name vs. last-name, 111

Friendships, strengthening for call to service, 18–20

Fund-raising, 135–137. See also Fund-raising tools

asking for money, 139–140

borrowing money and, 144

elements of plans for, 141–146

establishing control mechanisms for, 142–143

filing finance reports and, 154–156

forecasting needs and, 141–142

Get Real exercise for, 156–158

identifying prospective donors for, 144

identifying tools for, 145

kits for, 146

matching donors with tools and target dollars, 145–146, 158

online, 151–154

understanding why people give, 135–138

Fund-raising opportunities, offering a variety of, 140

Fund-raising tools. See also Fund-raising

dialing for dollars, 148–149

direct mail solicitation for, 150–151

e-mails as, 151–154

meetings and events, 149–150

phone banks, 150

varying, 148–154


of communities, understanding, 80–81

Get Real exercise for mapping political, 97–100

Gergersen, Hal, 37

Get-out-the-vote rallies, 207, 211

Get-out-the-vote strategies

absentee-ballot programs, 206–207

early voting, 206

schedule for, 208–210

vote-by-mail programs, 206–207

Get Real exercises

for building kitchen cabinets, 129

for campaign boot camps, 216–217

for developing finance councils, 129–130

for enlisting election protection teams, 130

mapping political geography, 97–100

for message box, 75–76

for message communications plans, 186–188

public service fitness test, 46–47

for recruiting house meeting hosts, 129

Giffords, Gabrielle, 34, 178

Gillibrand, Kirsten, 52

Gladwell, Malcolm, 82

Gonzalez, Jim, 105

Google searching your name, 51

Gore, Al, 211

Guadalupe Organization (GO), 164

Hackett, Paul, 152

Harris, Kamala D., 31, 34

Help, asking strangers for, 30–31

Henderson, Wade, 128

Heritage Foundation, 91

High-intensity voter contact, 203–204

canvassing for, 203

open feedback loop for, 205

phoning for, 204

Honda, Mike, 190

Horse race numbers, 66

House calls, best practices for, 196–198

House meeting hosts, 104, 113, 116–117, 120

Get Real exercise for, 129

House meetings, components of successful, 114–115

Hughes, Mary, 35, 53, 80–81

Human networks, 20, 90

Hurricane Katrina, 5


communicating, for realizing your vision, 13–14

testing, 15–17

Incumbents, running against, 83

Innovative thinking, 36–37

Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI), 91

Internet. See also specific topics searching one’s name on the, 51

Internet research, 60

Iraq war of 2003, 5

Issues bonds, for campaigns, 61–62

Job descriptions for campaign staff, 106–107

Johnson, Hank, 118

Kantor, Mickey, 110

Katz, Leslie, 124

Kennedy, Kerry, 29

Kickoff events, campaign, 168

King, Martin Luther, III, 116

Kitchen cabinet, 104, 111, 117

advisers for, 112

considerations for building, 111–112

Get Real exercise for, 129

Kleinfeld, Rachel, 71

Knocking on doors, 23

best practices for, 196–198

Kumar, Maria Teresa, 127

Kyl, Jon, 54–55

Lakoff, George, 64

Language, use of

in messages, 62–66

LaRocco, Larry, 118

Latinos, 126–127

Leadership Institute, 91

Leadership qualities, 104–105, 108–111

defining oneself vs. being defined, 48–49

Leadership role, choosing a

consider what others say about you, 40–41

consider what others will say about you, 43–45

consult your family, 42–43

Leadership teams

campaign staff and volunteer teams, 103–111

confident leaders pick competent, 102–103

election protection teams, 104, 125–128

finance council, 104, 120–123

Get Real exercise for, 128–131

house meeting hosts, 104, 113, 116–117, 120

kitchen cabinets, 104, 111–112

volunteer corps, 104, 123–125

Lee, Barbara, 118

Legal counsel, job description for, 106

LeMieux, Dotty, 60, 70, 90, 101

Letters to editors, 184

Listening, 167

“Lit drops,” 203


for field operations, 202

leafleting, 203

“lit drops” for, 203

Live airtime, for communication plans, 172

Low-intensity activities, for voter contact, 203–205

Low-intensity voter contact, 203

Luntz, Frank, 64

Macaca moment, 166

Maffei, Dan, 97

Malcolm, Ellen, 27

Mark, David, 57, 58

Martin, Brad, 62, 93

McEntee, Gerald W., 85–87

McMahon, Linda, 59

McNerny, Jerry, 52

McNerny, Michael, 52


engaging supporters to interact with, 183–185

monitoring bias in, 184–185

strengths of, 169

working with, 177–182

Media Matters of America, 185

Media plan, developing a, 168–177

arc of the narrative, 168

Meir, Golda, 112

Mentoring, 23–24, 112

Message box, 198

exercises for, 50–51, 75–76

integrating research and polling into, 69–70

Message communications plans, 168

audio releases for, 172

balancing media mix for, 176–177

billboards for, 175

blogs for, 172–173

broadcast television for, 169

cable television for, 169–170

community weeklies for, 174

direct mail for, 175

Get Real exercise for, 186–188

live airtime and, 172

newspapers for, 173–174

phone banks for, 176

radio ads for, 171–172

radio for, 171

texting for, 176

Messages. See also Message box

aggressive scheduling for advancing, 71–73

cultivating experts and allies to

help deliver, 53–56

defining, 49

delivery, 163

refining, 49–50, 66–68

research for developing, 59–60

schedulers and, 72–73

throwing/taking punches and, 70–71

use of language and, 62–66

walking your talk and, 29–30

Microtargeting, 95

Miller, George, 118–119

Mobile devices, videos that play on, 170

Money, asking for, 139–140. See also Fund-raising

elements of, 147

Moulitsas, Markos, 84, 87

Murphy, Chris, 149–150, 154

Nana Brigade, 95

Netiquette, 74–75

for online fund-raising, 151–154

Networking, 24–25

with community service leaders, 85–89


for call to service, 18–21

campus, 91

coalition, 90

human, 20, 90

technology, 18–20

for volunteer corps, activating, 189–191

youth, 92

Newmark, Craig, 122

Newsom, Gavin, 31, 34

Newspapers, for message communications plans, 173–174

9/11 terrorist attacks, 13

NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) test, 16

Obama, Barack, 13, 90, 116, 140, 179

Office of Personnel Management (OPM), 103

One, Rule of, 44

Online communities, virtual tours of. See Networking

Online fund-raising, 151–154

Online operations director, job description for, 107

Open feedback loop, 198

for good/bad news, 167–168

for voter feedback, 205

Opinion leaders, identifying in communities, 82

Opponents, rematches and. See Incumbents, running against

O’Shaughnessy, Thom, 195

Paradigms, changings, 68–69

Passers, for Election Day operations, 213

Pawlenty, Tim, 59

Pelosi, Nancy, 17, 19, 33, 37, 54, 118

Perlmutter, Ed, 23

Perriello, Mark, 128

Phone banks, 176

for fund-raising, 150

for voter contact, 204

Phoners, for Election Day operations, 214

Planned Parenthood, 54–55, 68–69


balancing purist vs. pragmatic, 37

knowing the consequences of, 36

mastering, 36

teamwork and, 24–25

Policy challenges, mastering the, 36

Policy director, job description for, 107

Polis, Jared, 43

Political campaigns. See Campaigns

Political geography, Get Real exercise for mapping, 97–100

Political risks, taking, 31, 34

POLITICO, 58, 178

Politics, 1

in communities, understanding, 83–84

shoe leather, 196–200

teamwork and, 24–25

Poll watchers, Election Day operations and, 213


integrating, into message box, 69–70

for refining messages, 66–68

Polls, 66–68

benefits of good, 66

early, 66

media coverage of, 66

tracking, 66

Pope, Carl, 61–63

Posters, personalized, 119

Pragmatists, policy and, 37

Preamble to U.S. Constitution, 11

Precinct captains, 198–200

Election Day operations and, 212–213

Press conferences, checklist for, 181

Primary foes, including in coalitions, 93

Public events

dressing for, 162

etiquette and, 163

Public Interest Research Group, 91

Public service. See Call to service

Public Service Fitness Test, 46–47

Public speaking, 165–166

advance work for, 165

staying on message and, 165–166

Punches, throwing and taking, 70–71

Purists, policy and, 37

Radio, 171

live airtime, 172

talk shows, calling to, 184

Radio ads, 171–172

Rallies, get-out-the-vote, 207, 211

Randlett, Wade, 140

Reagan, Ronald, 93

Republicans, Tea Party, 5, 6


checklist for opposition, 61

documenting, 59–60

ethics and, 56

integrating into message box, 69–70

on Internet, 60

updating, 59–60

Research director, job description for, 107

Research tactics, dirty, 59

Résumés, 40, 59

Richards, Ann, 135

Risk taking, political, 31, 34, 91

Rodriguez, Arturo, 116

Roemer, Tim, 38

Romney, Mitt, 60

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 31

Ross, Fred, Jr., 113

Rule of One, 44

Sacred cows, challenging, 34–35, 91

Scaife, Richard Mellon, 55

Scanlon, Larry, 104, 105

Scheduler, job description for, 106

Schedulers as message managers, 72–73

Scheduling for advancing messages, 71–73

Schultz, Debbie, 88–89

Seniors networks, connecting with, 92–93

September 11, 2001 attacks, 13

Service, building a culture of, 20. See also Call to service

Service Employees International Union (SEIU), 164, 96

Shoe leather politics, 196–200

Showing up

appearance and, 162

etiquette and, 163

Sierra Club, 62

Signs, for field operations, 202

Simmons, Jamal, 52, 110

SoCall Grassroots network, 195

Social networks, knowing the, 84–85

Social Security, 93

Strategic thinking

campaign staffs and, 105

elements of, 105

Strider, Burns, 32–33

Success, keys to, 219–220

Supporters, targeting, 94–96

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, 70

Tagaris, Tim, 87

Talk radio shows, calling to, 184, 171

Talking to people

Big Daddy’s Rules of the Road for, 32–33

knocking on doors, 23

Tea Party, 5, 6


policy and, 24–25

politics and, 24–25

Technology networks, 18–20


broadcast, 169

cable, 169–170

Texting, 176

Thank-you letters, 185–186

fundraising and, 149

for volunteers, 195

“Think Outside Your Bubble” ad, 69

Thompson, Mike, 89

Tierney, John, 89

Torres, Art, 103

Tracking polls, 66

Traditions, identifying in communities, 80–81

Training, 22–23

Treasurer, 120

job description for, 107

Truman National Security Project, 71

Trust, 89

United Farm Workers (UFW), 116

Usual Suspects Web site, 96

Valenti, Jack, 36


following your personal code of conduct, 28–29

testing, 15–17

vision for future and, 14

Values bonds, for campaigns, 61–62

Veterans for Kerry, 174

Videos, 119, 170

Visibility activities, for voter contact, 203

Vision for future

acts of courage for achieving, 30–31, 34–35

articulating, 13

communication ideas for realizing, 13–14

testing, 15–17

values and, 14

ways of achieving, 17–18

Volunteer coordinator, job description for, 107

Volunteer corps, 104, 123–125

activating networks for, 189–191

keeping, 191–196

recruiting, 189–191

tracking, 196

Volunteer corps coordinators, 123–125

Volunteering, 12, 17–18

Vote-by-mail programs, 206–207

Voter contact

creative examples of, 203

high-intensity, 203–204

low-intensity, 203

mixing low- and high-intensity activities for, 203–205

Voter files, 94–96

Voter-identification programs, 204–205


early, 206

registering to vote, 21–22

Voting rights, 126, 214

Voting systems, understanding, 215

Walking your talk, messages and, 29–30

Walz, Tim, 190

Wellstone, Paul, 50, 69

Westine, Lezlee, 17–18, 20, 110, 123

Whitman, Meg, 120

Will, George F., 13, 104

Winning, keys to, 219–220

Wolff, Brian, 147, 148

Women candidates

tips for, 26

voter attitudes toward, 28

Women leaders, 24–28

taking on sacred cows, 34–35

Wyman, Rosalind “Roz,” 24, 119

Yearly Kos, 84–85

Young America’s Foundation, 91

Youth networks, 92

Zogby, James, 191, 192

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