
  1. Abraham, Max
  2. Access levels (Focuswise)
    1. assigning areas in your life a level
    2. Level A: total block
    3. Level B: filtered access
    4. Level C: open access
  3. Accountability
    1. Big Brother technology approach to
    2. monitoring technology and individual
  4. Achor, Shawn
  5. Addiction
    1. compulsive users of Facebook
    2. intermittent reinforcement concept of
    3. to technology
    4. See also Behavior
  6. The aggrandizer mindset
  7. Airplane mode
  8. Alice in Wonderland
  9. Alter, Adam
  10. Altucher, James
  11. America’s Funniest Home Videos
  12. Analog leadership
  13. Anderson, Dean
  14. Anderson, Linda Ackerman
  15. The Art of Choosing
  16. The Art of War (Sun Tzu)
  17. Asana
  18. Attention
    1. how emotion drives
    2. the marshmallow test winners as having greater
    3. modern life stressors on our
    4. Murphy’s Law applied to
    5. the science of
    6. understanding the currency value of
    7. See also Distraction; Focus
  19. The Attention Economy (Davenport)
  20. Attention restoration theory
  21. Attention science
    1. attention restoration theory
    2. bottom-up attention system 1
    3. multitasking
    4. top-down attention system 2
  22. Automation debate
  23. Autopilot multitasking
  25. Baby boomers
  26. Bain & Company
  27. Balanced life. See Work–life balance
  28. Baldwin, Alec
  29. Bank of America
  30. “Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street,”
  31. Basecamp
  32. Bear (word processing program)
  33. Behavior
    1. culture as shaping expectations and workplace
    2. Hawthorne effect on
    3. how oxytocin and dopmaine impact
    4. marshmallow test findings on
    5. meetings and issue of tech
    6. modeling your hero
    7. Pygmalion effect on
    8. See also Addiction
  34. Being in the zone (or flow)
  35. Bel Fuse Inc.
  36. Bezos, Jeff
  37. Bieber, Justin
  38. Big Brother technology
  39. Bleed-through
  40. Bloomberg
  41. Bored employees
    1. increase your expectations of
    2. offering more challenging work solution to
  42. Bottom-up attention system 1
  43. Bourdain, Anthony
  44. The brain
    1. glucose and sleep required for focus by
    2. how oxytocin and dopamine impact the
    3. take five 5-minute technology breaks each day to rest
    4. training it to focus on tasks for longer periods
  45. Brooks, David
  46. Brushfire Interactive
  47. Buffett, Warren
  48. Businesses. See Organizations
  49. Business Insider
  50. “Butts in seats” mindset
  52. Camelback Mountain hike
  53. Catmull, Ed
  54. Celebrations and recognition
  55. Cell phones. See Smart phones
  56. Center for Generational Kinetics
  57. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  58. Challenger, Andrew
  59. Change
    1. command-and-control leadership resistance to
    2. equip your people with the tools to successfully
    3. importance of having a culture that values
    4. incentivize the right behaviors for
    5. include your people in decision-making for
    6. introduce the motivation and need for
    7. reinforce again and again
    8. the “two-worlds approach” to introducing
    9. See also Habits
  60. Chapman, Sandra Bond
  61. “Charlie Bit My Finger,”
  62. Cheshire Cat
  63. Choices
    1. cutting the bad expenses of poor
    2. number of our daily
    3. See also Decision making
  64. CIO Insight
  65. The Circle (Eggers)
  66. Cisco survey on social media ban
  67. CNET
  68. The Coca-Cola Company
  69. Coconut water industry
  70. Cognitive empathy
  71. Colgate University
  72. Collaborative software
  73. Command-and-control change leadership
  74. Communication
    1. benefits of using one platform for company
    2. challenges for digital natives
    3. distraction problem affecting your
    4. face-to-face
    5. meeting creep and lose of the message
    6. relic of organizational hierarchy used in
    7. role of empathy in
    8. See also Digital communication; Messages
  75. Communication Compact
    1. for both work and personal life
    2. description and functions of
    3. having annual face-to-face discussions on the
    4. total block accessibility permitted by the
  76. Community
    1. buy in to vault habit by your workplace
    2. creating a sense of
    3. shared mission as key to building
  77. Company retreats
  78. Conflict
    1. face-to-face communication best for handling
    2. the toddler mindset creating
    3. See also Undercurrents for power
  79. Contemplation
    1. to end a project, meeting, and workday
    2. isolation before collaboration practice for
    3. journaling for
    4. Mark Rampolla’s thought time and
    5. mindfulness practice for
    6. mind the gap element of
    7. to prepare your workday
    8. studies on mental and physical benefits of
  80. Cooper, Gabe
  81. Copernicus
  82. Creativity
    1. how distraction impacts
    2. study on ambient noise and increased
  83. Csikszentmihályi, Mihály
  84. Cubicle office design
    1. origins and modern applications of
    2. pros and cons of
  85. Culture. See Organizational culture
  2. Dan’s story
  3. Davenport, Tom
  4. “David After Dentist,”
  5. Decision making
    1. include your people in change
    2. limiting daily decisions to bank energy
    3. parole judges study on energy levels and
    4. risks of poor
    5. See also Choices
  6. Delegation
  7. Delineation
    1. description and function of
    2. of diamond tasks
    3. of dimes tasks
    4. of dirt tasks
    5. of dollars tasks
  8. Diamond tasks
  9. Digital communication
    1. benefits of synced
    2. benefits of using one platform for
    3. cognitive empathy required for
    4. losing the message due to volume of
    5. the noise of too much
    6. relic of organizational hierarchy used in
    7. skills required for effective
    8. staying connected but disconnected
    9. tips for improving quality of
    10. tips for reducing interruptions
    11. why we prefer it over face-to-face communications
    12. See also E-mail
  10. Digital competency
  11. Digital disconnect
  12. Digital learners
  13. Digital natives
  14. Digital skills
    1. digital competency as
    2. effective communication as
    3. identifying the gap in
    4. training for these
  15. Digital skills training
    1. be a curator rather than a creator for
    2. change the setting for more effective
    3. keep the sessions short
    4. usual approaches to
  16. Digital teachers
  17. Digital technology
    1. avoid late-night use of
    2. businesses actively investing in
    3. competency with
    4. digital disconnect and distortion created by
    5. meeting tech rules on use of
    6. tips on creating focus-wise
    7. See also E-mail; Smart phones; Social media
  18. Dilbert cartoons
  19. Dimes tasks
  20. Dime tasks
  21. Direct link to motivation
    1. See also Motivators
  22. Dirt tasks
  23. Distraction
    1. bleed-through
    2. bored employees are easily swayed by
    3. building barriers to
    4. definition of
    5. The Matrix (film) on the ultimate
    6. real life consequences of
    7. social media
    8. technology is not the problem
    9. the truth about productivity and
    10. Wilson’s study on mental space and
    11. See also Attention; Focus; Interruptions
  24. Distraction problem
    1. the diverse causes and actual costs of
    2. millennials are not the
    3. poor productivity is not the
    4. technology is not the
  25. Distraction reactions
    1. the raft
    2. the sailboat
  26. Distraction solution
    1. rethinking the following areas for
    2. self-assessing if you are part of the
  27. Djokovic, Novak
  28. Dollars tasks
  29. Do not disturb
    2. restricting access to digital technology
  30. The Don Quixote mindset
  31. Dopamine
  32. Duarte, Nancy
  33. Dude Perfect
  34. Dweck, Carol
  35. Dynamite weekly goals
  2. Eggers, Dave
  3. Ego depletion
  4. Ego is the Enemy and The Obstacle Is The Way (Holiday)
  5. Einstein, Albert
  6. Elliot, Jim
  7. E-mail
    1. analyzing “safe” data in
    2. assessing if it saps or saves attention resources
    3. assessing search and share abilities of your
    4. barriers to access to limit interruptions
    5. as ceding control of your day to others
    6. e-mail cleanup programs
    7. feeling overwhelmed by
    8. losing the message due to volume of
    9. the noise of
    10. social reciprocity drive to answer
    11. statistics on daily sent
    12. staying connected but being disconnected
    13. tips for improving quality of
    14. visual representation of
    15. See also Digital communication; Digital technology
  8. E-mail tips
    1. avoid late-night use
    2. be economical
    3. don’t expect immediate responses
    4. keywords used in subject lines
    5. limit announcements
    6. move communication to the platform where the work belongs
    7. put the important stuff first
    8. reply in chunks
    9. schedule or save drafts to send later
    10. send fewer e-mails
    11. syncs
    12. use BBC instead of CC
  9. Emotions
    1. ability to focus tied to
    2. focus-wise work and engaging in humor for positive
    3. how it drives attention
    4. making connection during face-to-face communication
    5. our innate dislike for negative feelings and
    6. shifting the undercurrents by controlling reactions to
  10. Empathy
    1. cognitive
    2. cultivating
    3. facial cues relationship to feeling
    4. how digital communication challenges
  11. Employee engagement
    1. assessing if technology encourages or erodes
    2. Gallup poll findings on
    3. Hawthorne effect on
    4. need to understand significance of work for
    5. offering more challenging work to increase
  12. Employees
    1. distractions and productivity of
    2. filling the digital skills gaps in
    3. first filter to identify wants and needs of
    4. hierarchical communication system forced on
    5. HiPPO (highest paid person’s opinion) among
    6. honeymoon period of newly hired
    7. incentivize the right behaviors of
    8. include them in decision-making for change
    9. overwhelmed versus overworked
    10. providing more challenging work to overwhelmed
    11. spending time on social media at work
    12. survey on feeling deprived of latest technology
    13. technology that helps form good habits by
    14. telecommuter
    15. See also Productivity; Team members; Work-life balance
  13. Employee satisfaction
    1. cubicle office design and declining
    2. open office design and declining
    3. Oregon State University study on sex life and
    4. See also Work–life balance
  14. Energy
    1. ability to focus tied to
    2. ego depletion concept applied to focus and
    3. glucose and sleep required for maintaining
    4. limiting daily decisions to maintain
    5. parole judges study on decision making and
    6. self-assessing time of day and your
  15. The Energy Project
  16. Environment
    1. ability to focus tied to
    2. investing in your workplace
    3. office space design
    4. suggestions for changing your sightline
    5. taking nature walks
  17. Epicenter (Sweden)
  18. Ericsson, Anders
  19. ESPN
  20. Execute To Win reporting tool (Infusionsoft)
  21. Experience
    1. building ability to manage multiple inputs
    2. creating the habits that drive our focus
    3. how our past experience influences us
  22. Expertise. See Mastery/expertise
  2. Facebook
    1. communication through
    2. competing with the image of
    3. compulsive users of
    4. notifications from
    5. open office design of
  3. Face-to-face communication
    1. challenges for digital natives
    2. Communication Compact discussions
    3. emotional connection made during
    4. handling conflict through
    5. meetings
    6. motivational talks
    7. role of empathy in
    8. save critical conversations for
    9. team-building events
    10. why we prefer digital over
  4. A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix (Friedman)
  5. Fallon, Jimmy
  6. Fast Company (magazine)
  7. FedEx
  8. 50 hours workweek study
  9. Filtered access (Level B)
  10. First filter
    1. applying the
    2. description and function of
    3. Question 1: What do we want?
    4. Question 2: What do they need?
    5. Question 3: What can we do?
    6. Question 4: What’s keeping what I want, what they need, and what to do about it?
  11. Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt (Lewis)
  12. Flow (being in the zone)
  13. Focus
    1. assessing your technology on providing freedom to
    2. broken or misguided models on
    3. building bridges to
    4. empathy required for cultivating employee
    5. expertise/mastery connection to
    6. four elements of
    7. full-focus tasks
    8. “in the zone,”
    9. light-focus tasks
    10. medium-focus tasks
    11. trying to understand how to harness power of
    12. See also Attention; Distraction
  14. Focus elements
    1. emotion
    2. energy levels
    3. environments
    4. experience
  15. Focus gym
  16. Focus savant mistake
  17. Focus-wise
    1. choices and consequences of being
    2. as dependent of the role
    3. the marshmallow test implications for being
    4. the sailboat reaction as
    5. scale as factor in being
    6. where and when to allocate focus as
  18. Focuswise access systems
    1. assigning areas in your life a level
    2. Level A: total block
    3. Level B: filtered access
    4. Level C: open access
  19. Focus-wise communication
    1. Communication Compact
    2. digital/e-mail tips for
    3. face-to-face
    4. meetings
  20. Focus-wise digital communication tips
    1. be economical
    2. don’t expect immediate responses
    3. keywords used in subject lines
    4. limit announcements
    5. move communication to the platform where the work belongs
    6. put the important stuff first
    7. reply in chunks
    8. schedule or save drafts to send later
    9. send fewer e-mails
    10. syncs
    11. use BBC instead of CC
  21. Focus-wise digital interruption tips
    1. do not disturb smart phone features
    2. establishing barriers to access
    3. limiting excessive switching
    4. programs and apps that block users
    5. smart phone airplane model
    6. using utility and simple design
  22. Focus-wise leadership
    1. analog leadership
    2. being a direct link to an effective motivator
    3. creating organization and individual change
    4. filling the digital skills gaps
    5. the first filter for
    6. handling undercurrents for power
    7. providing challenging work to bored employees
    8. See also Leadership
  23. Focus-wise office space
    1. creating a sense of place
    2. matching the space to the task
    3. reducing the noise consideration for
    4. tackle the barriers to entry for a
  24. Focus-wise space
    1. building barriers to distraction and bridges to
    2. contemplation as a
    3. mental space as a
    4. office design that is
    5. praise of walls vs. constant connectivity
    6. your personal vault
  25. Focus-wise technology
    1. assessing if it saps or saves attention resources
    2. Big Brother versus Helpful Buddy
    3. does it encourage or erode engagement?
    4. establishing barriers to access for
    5. limiting excessive switching for
    6. our complicated relationship with technology
    7. three guiding principles for using
  26. Focus-wise work
    1. cutting out the bad expenses of poor choices
    2. delegation of tasks
    3. delineation of tasks
    4. get enough sleep and rest
    5. humor as part of
    6. take five daily 5-minute breaks for
    7. taking nature walks for
    8. wise management of your energy for
    9. work–life balance as part of
  27. FOMO (fear of missing out)
  28. Four E’s
    1. Emotion
    2. Energy
    3. Environment
    4. Experience
  29. Framing problem and solution
  30. Freedom to focus
  31. Friedman, Edwin
  32. Full-focus tasks
  2. Gamification apps
  3. Gates, Bill
  4. Gehry, Frank
  5. Gender differences in distraction study
  6. Generation Xers
  7. Gensler
  8. Gensler survey (2013)
  9. Girl Scout Cookies
  10. Glengarry Glen Ross (film)
  11. Global Accelerator Network
  12. Goleman, Daniel
  13. GoMo Health Bedside Concierge
  14. Google
    1. collaboration using Google Docs
    2. competing with the image of
    3. “don’t be evil” mantra of
    4. Project M&M of
  15. Google Docs
  16. Gratitude
  17. The Guardian (Alter)
  2. Habits
    1. how experience forms our
    2. how they drive our focus
    3. technology that helps employees form good
    4. See also Change
  3. Hackensack Meridian Health Pascack Valley Medical Center (New Jersey)
  4. Hanks, Tom
  5. The Happiness Advantage (Achor)
  6. Harris, Tristan
  7. Harvard Business Review
    1. on communication challenges of digital natives
    2. on contemplation benefits
    3. on costs of organizational drag
    4. sleep–deprivation survey by
  8. Harvard MBAs productivity study
  9. Hawthorne effect
  10. Headspace app
  11. Heavy lifting
  12. Heidegger, Martin
  13. Helpful Buddy technology
    1. analyzing “safe” data benefit of
    2. comparing Big Brother to
    3. helping people self-manage and create good habits
    4. individual accountability benefit of
    5. one platform benefit
  14. Herman Miller
  15. Hero modeling
  16. HiPPO (highest paid person’s opinion)
  17. Holiday, Ryan
  18. Holmes, Sherlock
  19. Honesty
  20. “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” (Sinek TED talk)
  21. Humor
  22. Hussein, Saddam
  2. iA Writer (word processing program)
  3. IFTTT software
  4. Inc. magazine
  5. Information
    1. debate over automation of
    2. does your technology makes it easy to capture
    3. is it easy to organize and recall?
  6. Information Age
  7. Infusionsoft
  8. Inhibitory spillover multitasking
  9. Instagram
  10. Intel
  11. Intermittent reinforcement
  12. Internet blocking
  13. Interruptions
    1. cultural problem versus electronic
    2. e-mail
    3. social reciprocity behavior creating
    4. tips for limiting digital
    5. we want to focus but need to be accessible to urgent
    6. See also Distraction
  14. “In the zone” focus
  15. Isolation before collaboration practice
  17. James Webb Space Telescope
  18. James, Williams
  19. The jealous mindset
  20. Jessica’s story
  21. Job recognition
  22. Job satisfaction. See Employee satisfaction
  23. Jobs, Steve
  24. John Hopkins University
  25. Journaling
    1. contemplation through
    2. writing daily gratitudes as part of your
  27. Keywords (e-mail subject lines)
  28. Kim, John
  29. Kim, Thomas
  30. Konnikova, Maria
  32. Lansbury, Angela
  33. Leaders
    1. captaining toward or away from work–life balance
    2. demanding the overworked work ethic
    3. handling undercurrents for power
    4. HiPPO (highest paid person’s opinion) among
    5. as motivators
    6. scheduling or saving e-mail drafts to send later
  34. Leadership
    1. analog
    2. command-and-control change
    3. See also Focus-wise leadership
  35. Leadership development
    1. distraction problem affecting
    2. filling the digital skills gaps
    3. helping employees to change
  36. A League of Their Own (film)
  37. Lewis, Michael
  38. Light-focus tasks
  39. LinkedIn
  40. Loneliness studies
  41. Lorentz, Hendrik
  43. Maddock, Mike
  44. Maddox, Eric
  45. Mankins, Michael
  46. Marshmallow test
  47. Mary Poppins (film)
  48. Marz, Leigh
  49. Mastery/expertise
    1. autopilot multitasking and
    2. connection between focus and
    3. impact on ability to multitask by
    4. inhibitory spillover multitasking
    5. the 10,000–hour rule of
  50. Matlock (TV show)
  51. The Matrix (film)
  52. Maxwell, Brendon
  53. McKeown, Mike
  54. Medium-focus tasks
  55. Meeting agendas
  56. Meetings
    1. becoming overwhelmed with
    2. emotional benefits of
    3. in-person communication effectiveness for groups
    4. tips on holding awesome
    5. See also Team members
  57. Mehta, Ravi
  58. Melville, Herman
  59. Men in Black (film)
  60. Mental space
    1. for clearing your head
    2. contemplation practice for
    3. mental and health importance of
    4. the vault concept to support your
    5. walls to help build our
  61. Messages
    1. lost in the volume of e-mail
    2. meeting creep that overwhelms the
  62. Microsoft
    1. “5-minute downloads” shared work at
    2. MS Office/Word product of
  63. Military interrogations story
  64. Millennials (generation Z)
  65. Mindfulness practice
  66. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Dweck)
  67. Mind the gaps (pausing)
  68. Mirror neurons
  69. Mischel, Walter
  70. “Mission statements,”
  71. MIT Sloan Management Review
  72. Moby Dick (Melville)
  73. Mona Lisa example
  74. Monitoring employees
    1. Big Brother technology approach to
    2. Helpful Buddy technology approach to
  75. Motivational talks
  76. Motivators
    1. for change
    2. job recognition as
    3. leader role as a
    4. a shared mission as
    5. true sense of community as
    6. what we create as
    7. See also Direct link to motivation
  77. Mullen, John K.
  78. Multitasking
    1. full-focus tasks
    2. light-focus tasks
    3. medium-focus tasks
    4. misguided one-man band
    5. misguided rejection of any
    6. study findings on the productivity costs of
    7. University of Michigan study on
    8. See also Tasks
  79. Multitasking science
    1. autopilot multitasking
    2. inhibitory spillover multitasking
    3. on mastery and ability to multitask
    4. on multiple activities within single sphere
    5. on task switching between spheres
  80. Munger, Charlies
  81. Murder She Wrote (TV show)
  82. Murphy’s Law
  2. The narcissist mindset
  3. Nass, Clifford
  4. National Institute on Drug Abuse
  5. Nature walks
  6. Neophilia (seductiveness of novelty)
  7. Netflix
  8. Neurochemicals
  9. New ideas allure
  10. The New Yorker
  11. Nineteen Eighty–Four (Orwell)
  12. Noise
    1. of e-mail
    2. focus stimulated by background
    3. focus-wise space considers reduction of
    4. invest in noise-canceling headphones
  14. Obama, Barack
  15. Odysseus
  16. Office space design
    1. cubicles
    2. distraction problem affecting your
    3. the focus-wise
    4. investing in the environment of your
    5. open design
    6. study findings on productivity in
    7. working remotely
    8. See also Tech design
  17. Office Space (film)
  18. One-man band multitasking
  19. Open access (Level C)
  20. Open offices
    1. origins and modern applications of
    2. pros and cons of
  21. Oregon State University job satisfaction study
  22. Organizational culture
    1. command-and-control change leadership in
    2. importance of change as a value in
    3. leader contributions to undercurrents for power in
    4. leader role in shifting undercurrents for power in
    5. process of introducing successful change into the
    6. as shaping behaviors and expectations
  23. Organizations
    1. actively investing in digital workplaces
    2. attention as the currency of
    3. Big Brother versus Helpful Buddy technology used by
    4. company retreats taken by
    5. first filter applications to
    6. leader role in handling undercurrents for power in
    7. office space design used by
  24. Orwell, George
  25. Overwhelmed employees
    1. giving them more challenging work as solution to
    2. overworked versus
  26. Overworked employees
    1. feeling overwhelmed versus
    2. modern work ethic driving the
    3. reality of ineffectiveness of
    4. See also 24/7 availability
  27. Oxford Economics study
  28. Oxytocin
  2. Parkinson’s disease study
  3. Parole judges study
  4. Pascack Valley Medical Center (New Jersey)
  5. Pascal Blaise
  6. Pashler, Harold
  7. Patterson, Ben
  8. Pausing (mind the gaps)
  9. People development
    1. distraction problem affecting employee
    2. filling the digital skills gaps
    3. helping them to change and form good habits
  10. The pessimist mindset
  11. Pickens, T. Boone
  12. Pinterest
  13. PKC Security
  14. Planning strategy
  15. Pochepan, Jeff
  16. Power
    1. identifying better undercurrents for
    2. Jessica’s story on undercurrent for
    3. the raft mindset reactions to undercurrents for
    4. strategies for shifting undercurrents for
  17. Priming
  18. Pringles/TV watching study
  19. Productivity
    1. “butts in seats” mindset of poor quality
    2. costs of organizational drag on
    3. the distraction problem is not poor
    4. the right way to measure
    5. Stanford study on negative impact of 50 hour workweek
    6. study findings on cost of multitasking to
    7. study findings on office space and
    8. task completion and time spent working measures of
    9. the truth about distraction and
    10. truth about overworked employees and their
    11. See also Employees; Work
  20. Project M&M (Google)
  21. Psychology Reports (journal)
  22. The puppet master mindset
  23. Purpose
  24. Pygmalion effect
  26. “Radical candor,”
  27. The Radicati Group
  28. The raft mindsets
    1. description of the
    2. perspectives of
    3. reactions to power by
  29. Rampolla, Mark
  30. Recognition
  31. Reinhardt, Peter
  32. Retreats
  33. Riley, Patrick
  34. Robbins, Tony
  35. Rosania, JR
  37. The sailboat mindset
  38. Schwartz, Tony
  39. Scott, Kim
  40. Sense of community
  41. Sense of place
  42. Sense of purpose
  43. Shared mission
  44. Sightline
  45. Simon, Herbert
  46. Simplified word processing
  47. Sinek, Simon
  48. 60 Minutes (TV news show)
  49. Skinner, B. F.
  50. Slack
  51. Sleep
    1. benefits of
    2. deprivation of
    3. glucose production and
  52. Smart phones
    1. airplane mode
    2. avoid late-night phone use of your
    3. limiting excessive switching
    4. meeting tech rules on use of
    5. tips on reducing accessibility
    6. See also Digital technology
  53. Smith, Will
  54. The Social Animal (Brooks)
  55. Social media
    1. being addicted to
    2. Cisco survey on employee response to ban on
    3. generational differences in time spent on
    4. social reciprocity behavior and the
    5. work distraction due to
    6. See also Digital technology
  56. Social reciprocity behavior
  57. Sparbet, Chad
  58. Speaker fee story
  59. Spotify
  60. Stanford University
  61. Starbucks
  62. Streaks app
  63. Sun Tzu
  64. Sweldens, Steven
  65. Synced communication
  67. Talbot-Zorn, Justin
  68. The talented underachiever mindset
  69. Task delineation
    1. diamonds
    2. dimes
    3. dirt
    4. dollars
    5. dynamite (this week’s goals)
  70. Task Pairing Chart
  71. Tasks
    1. CEO’s average of 139 daily
    2. delegation of
    3. delineation of
    4. facing our daily
    5. focus-wise office space matched to the
    6. full-focus
    7. light-focus
    8. medium-focus
    9. satisfaction of getting them done
    10. See also Multitasking; Work
  72. Task switching
    1. limiting excessive switching on technological
    2. study findings on
  73. Team-building events
  74. Team members
    1. benefits of syncs when communicating with
    2. filling the digital skills gaps in
    3. first filter to identify wants and needs of
    4. holding team-building events for
    5. incentivize the right behaviors of
    6. telecommuter
    7. See also Employees; Meetings
  75. Tech behavior
  76. TechCrunch
  77. Tech design
    1. benefit of utility and simple
    2. the kitchen sink app mistake
    3. too much of a bad thing mistake
    4. See also Office space design
  78. Technology
    1. assessing how it saps or saves attention resources
    2. being addicted to
    3. Big Brother vs. Helpful Buddy
    4. competency with digital
    5. digital disconnect and distortion created by
    6. distraction problem affecting use of
    7. establishing barriers to access
    8. interruptions that are cultural problems and not
    9. as not the distraction problem
    10. our love-hate relationship with
    11. rest the brain with five daily 5-minute breaks from
    12. three guiding principles on using
  79. Technology assessment
    1. automation debate
    2. does it encourage or erode engagement?
    3. e-mail capture and share features
    4. is information easy to capture?
    5. is information easy to organize and recall?
    6. is it easy to use
    7. utility and design
    8. what type of information will it manage
  80. Technology paradoxes
    1. 1: we want to be accessible but need boundaries
    2. 2: we want to focus but need to be interrupted by what matters
    3. 3: we want to disconnect but fear we will miss out (FOMO)
  81. TED Talks
    1. assign someone to research
    2. competing with the entertainment of
    3. “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” by Simon Sinek
  82. Telecommuters
    1. accountability and disconnection issues of
    2. working remotely office space of
  83. 10,000–hour rule
  84. Theory of relativity
  85. Thoreau, Henry David
  86. The toddler mindset
  87. To Explain the World: The Discovery of Modern Science (Weinberg)
  88. Top-down attention system 2
  89. Total block accessibility (Level A)
  90. To–do lists
    1. delegation to manage our
    2. delineation to manage our
    3. our daily
    4. satisfaction of getting tasks done from your
  91. Trello
  92. Tuk, Mirjam
  93. 24/7 availability
    1. Focuswise system for managing levels of access
    2. popular belief versus truth and hidden costs of
    3. pros and cons of accessibility
    4. See also Overworked employees; Work-life balance
  94. Twitter
  95. “Two-worlds change approach,”
  97. Uber driver story
  98. Undercurrents for power
    1. identifying better undercurrents to replace
    2. Jessica’s story on
    3. the raft mindset reactions to
    4. strategies for shifting
    5. See also Conflict
  99. Undercurrents shifting strategies
    1. controlling your emotional reactions
    2. exercise gratitude
    3. know thyself
    4. managing your inputs
    5. modeling your hero
  100. University of Calgary open design survy
  101. University of California at San Diego productivity study
  102. University of Florida Parkinson’s disease study
  103. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign creativity study
  104. University of Michigan multitasking study
  105. University of Sydney office space survey
  106. University of Virginia distraction study
  107. Unsolved Mysteries (TV show)
  108. U.S. military interrogations story
  109. Utopian Coffee
  111. Van Dyke, Dick
  112. Vault habit
    1. get your community to buy in tip
    2. if you can’t leave the vault then transform it tip
    3. leave it when your vault session is done tip
    4. remember it is only for work tip
    5. same place every day tip
    6. training your mind to form the
  113. Vaults
    1. are wherever you go to concentrate
    2. description of a focus gym or
    3. disconnect to protect your
    4. DO NOT DISTRUB–IN MY VAULT sign to protect your
    5. forming the vault habit
    6. how modern life disregards need for quiet time in a
    7. invest in noise-canceling headphones to protect your
    8. “keep the door closed” to your
  114. The victim mindset
  115. Virtual offices
  116. Virtuous Software
  118. Walls
    1. decline of physical and virtual
    2. to provide mental spaces
    3. purposes of the common
  119. Warhol, Andy
  120. Weinberg, Steven
  121. Westwood Holdings
  122. The wheel of Time (high fantasy novel)
  123. Willie Wonka’s golden ticket
  124. Willpower
    1. inhibitory spillover multitasking and
    2. the marshmallow test on
  125. Wilson, Tim
  126. Work
    1. a balanced life sacrificed in modern “work ethic” culture
    2. employee need to understand significance of
    3. facing our daily tasks
    4. Microsoft’s “5-minute downloads” for shared
    5. rest the brain with five daily 5-minute breaks from
    6. solving overwhelmed problem by providing more challenging
    7. what to do when there isn’t enough available
    8. See also Productivity; Tasks
  127. Work ethic culture
  128. Working remotely office space
    1. origins and development of
    2. photograph of author’s son in
    3. pros and cons of
  129. Workiva Wdesk
  130. Workplace
    1. active investment in digital
    2. constant connectivity with the
    3. investing in the environment of your
    4. office space design
    5. using your own personal vault in the
  131. Work–life balance
    1. blurred lines of the modern
    2. Focuswise access levels
    3. Focuswise system for managing levels of access
    4. how modern “work ethic” is sacrificing
    5. how to assign the areas in your life a level
    6. leadership captaining the ship toward or away from
    7. not either/or but if/then approach to
    8. Oxford Economics study on
    9. separating work and life for
    10. See also Employees; Employee satisfaction; 24/7 availability
  132. Wright, Frank Lloyd
  134. YouTube
  136. ZICO Beverages
  137. Zuckerberg, Mark
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